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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 12

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*,~,.*" PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONO The Newcastle Independent WEDDING Dean-Belir Miss Ellen Breen. aoconpanied: ers Ruby and Mabel. and an aunt A quiet and lovely wedding wvas by lier niece, Miss Breen, and ai were in Newcastl1e and had tea solemized ai the home of Mr. nurse. ret.urned home from St. with Mr. and Mrs. Couch. Mrs. and MI-S. Ben Bear. Allandale. at Joseph's hospital, Toronto, asti Wallace is not enjoyiflg good 2 o'clock. Monday. April 26. wben Thursday. Miss Mary Breen. who'health. Ellen Bessie Be-ar. daughier of fxactured her tbigh in a f all when: The Parochial Conmittee o! St. Mr. and Mî-s. Bear. becamie the visiting relatives in Toronto last Georges Churcli. of whicb Irs bride of Eldon Kennetb Edwa-rd TbanksglvIing. is sill in the city. "P. F. LeGre.-sleY. is the convener. Dean. voungest- son o! Mr. and Mr. McBurney Couch. New To- held their annîîal cafeteria tea in Mrs. Edward F. Dean. Orono. ronto. spent the weekend at his the parit:b hall on April 22nd.' Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair officiated. faîther's. M.r. Walter Couch. Receipts 0f $17.00. Each itemi on The living room was kdecoratedi Weddrtng belis are again ring- the menu w;as 2 cents and a sat- w.itb sweei. peas. lily o! the valley. ing.1 isfying« full course mneal could be sniapdragons, and pink candies. Reeve and Mrs. C. R. Carveih had for about. 25 cents. The bride, given in mnarriage by visited in Burlingion with bis Following the United Cliurch bier father. eniered the living aunt, Dr. Annie Higbee, and cou-,service on Sunday evening, wlien room to the sîrains of the Wed- sin, Mr. Jack Higbee. the Y. P. U. repeated iheir per- ding Marcb played by Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin and formance of the religious play. !Cook. a friend of the bride, and ohildren. Brighton, were Sunda3 H1-e shah corne unto bis Father' oel iwergov o pn guesis o! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rev. and Mrs. S. MacLean invitedi net over pink satin. She oarrie Martin and Mr. Robt. Martin. the cas>.. directors and. helpers to a bouquet o! pink talisman roses Miss Aresta Martin and f riend. lunch at thE parsoflage. The and lily o! valley. Toronto, were weekend guesis of group included Mr. and Mrs . Ken- Mrs. Albert West.. sister o! the ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Parn- neih Werry. Bessie Blackburn, groom. was bridesmaid, dressed in aby Martin. Chas. Glenney. Wilbur Blackburn,. brown crepe and wore a halo of Newaste Y P.U. isi.edSî Gar-net Rickard. Jean Clernence. sweei, peas and lily of the valley. iNeas Y. P. U. n Monclay . Ernesi Gilbank. Wilbur Basker- Mr. Benl Bear, brother o! the liaYPU.rr oapeni ay nd jville, Bernice Glbank. and Helen bride, wa.s besi man. an rprtaplasn adprofit-',Wlon ioMrs. Perey Cowan Followitlg the cereinony a re- able meeting of fthe two Unions. Win r. ank O'Neil who assist- cepiion wa held ai the home. United Cburcb - Rev. S. Mac- a rellFrakin padcs Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Dean le! i Lean, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, May sedterhny 2nd: il a.m.-Morni*ng- Worsbip: tuiimngý the miembe-rs o! the cast by motor osen thrho - 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Scbool; 8 p.m. sand singers. Be! ore leaving Vhe mooti in and about Toronto. -EveingSerice inplae o th guests tendered Rev. and Mis. seong Srie , i plao t.riniyMacLeati a vote o!fthanks and Cheroche Y.wmnP.iU. ofl ren yappreciation for iheir kindness ORONO US AGAIN their prize winning religious 1lay and hospitlity. UN THE LIMELIGHT "The Cloth o! Sendony." St. George's Churcli - Rev. D. Lakeshore S. S. (Port Hope Guide) R. Dewdne3', B.A.. Recior. Sun- ' nvrsr rw The clipping which appears ho- day, May 2. Rogation Sunday: l111 vesar D10 lw. was taken froru a colunin by amn-Ma)tins and Holy Commun- Large Attendance W. P. Davies, a Canadian. in the ion; 2 p.m.-Sunday Schaol; 7 P,____ Grand Forks. N. Dakota Herald, m.-Evensong and Sermon. and was sent to Mrs. D. C. White, Chie! John Garrod bas been on' Despite the rain and the xnud- Hope St.. by a niece. Mrs. James the sick list, an unusual thing for dy roads the Lake Shore school Collinson o! Min.neapolis. him, and bas been much missed ;was packed. some having Vo stand I have found out about Orono. on the streefs3 and around the throughoui the service. at ftle the Ontario village that bas no comanunuf y hall. Reeve C. R. Unii:n Sunday Scbool anniversary public debn ttggsadn lav ih as also been laid up' service on Sunday afiernoon. April crime. M. F. Swanston o! Michi- with the flu and bas been equallY 25th. Rev. E. L. Beech, Newton- gan. tells about it in the follow- missed !rom the civic and social ville. congratulaied the school on ing leVier: arenas. u is long record o! usefulness and "In your 'That Reminds Me' Little Marjorie Griffiths. six its present commendable service column cf yesterday, you asked years o! age. was bit and killed o tbe communif y and praacbed wh-ere the town o! Orono. Ontario, by a ttruck in Toronto on Monday a heart, warmtng sermon on Sal was located. I have a sister living evening. She was a niece o! Mr. vation. A ladies' quiartette from in the town o! Orono at the pres- and Mrs. H. S. Britton and bas thie Newcastle United Cburch. ent timne. a Mrs. S. M. Billings. severai urnes visit-ed -ere with her Mesdames C. A. Cowan. C. R.-'Tbe town is located in Clarke parents. Carveth. W. D. Bragg and H. R. Townshýp. Durham County. On- M. Howard Douglas. C.E.. a Pearce. with Mrs.. E. C. Fisher at Vrio. ît's a very pretty town, son o! Mr. Thos. Douglas. Indian Vbte piano. led in the singing o! welî kepi. witb beautfiul bernes Head, Sask.. spent SundaY wiib tthe bymns and rendered two spe- ail owned by a very Vrifty Eng- hàs grandmotber. Mrs. Jno. Doug-- cial numbers. MI- er the -service lish. Irish and Scotch peoples. las. He bas a position at present . Rb.Mat"TSh.Suei- ~r-e writer lived there at one at the Parliament Buildings. 'ro- tendent. thanked Mr. Beecb and t;me. f rom 1881 to 1883. although ronto. Mrs. Douglas and sitr the Newcastle ladies for the in- born ai Port Hope, Ontario. It Mrs. Ed. Britiain. are no-wv spend- spiring sermon and mu.sic. Aong migb t interesting Vo you Vo ing a week in Toronto. the many visitors present were know that I attended thbe saine Mrs. P. O'Neil received word o! Mr. A. A. Marin, I.P.S.. Brighton, achool ai Port Hope, with the the deaib o! ber sis er-in-law-u, and Mrs. Martin and family. Mi'. former publisher o! The Herald, Mra. Thos. O'Neil. in Peterboro and Mrs. F. W. Bowven, an-d Miss Norman Black, and the late Ad- General Hospital. Slie Ès survivedi Thompson and Miss Aninabel1le mniral Simis." bY hier huband and one son andi Swimm, Newcastle. fcormer teach -_________ one daughter o! Lake!ield- ers in tbe S. SchDoo. Mirs. Hiêrold Couch and son B:1- PASTOR WAS GIVEN lie spent Sunday with bier Par- Success is suGh a fiokie damne, FRGD EC T0F ents. Rev. Thos. and Mrs. Wal- Witb words you cannot- woo ber, F I D E PTO lace. Greenbank. and on Monday To win bier and ber pantner Faine Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and daugh- You've got to be a doer. Rev. Je HH Osterhout, reoeive-da '1 0. A. C. CAFETERIA BABY CHICK RATION AND- GROWING MASH HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE SEEDS We Offer No. 1 Government Standard Aisike - Ontario Red Clover - Insporteci Red Clover Grimmn Alfalfa - Ontario Variegated Alfaif a - Timothy- Sweet Clover, Yellow Blossom - Lawn Grass Mixtures _ Garden Seeds Timothy and Alsike Mixtures. Se STEWART HIGH QUALITY FEEDS - SEEDS 1i'rmerl J. B. Martyn Bowmanviile aI m - BiRTrHS CRSOFTAK BLACK - At Wellesley Hospatal. The family of the late William Toronto. on Friday. April 23. Couch wish Vo thiank their neigh- 1937. to Mr. and Mirs. Normnan bors anld friends. pariicularly Mrs. E. Black nee Thelma Gildersý. Herbert. Hancock, for the kind- a daughter. ness and sympathy extended and floral tributes sent in their re- JOHNS-In Bowmianville Hospi- cent sad bereavemenit. t-ai, on Tuesday. April 13, 1937.* to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison Johns. Hampton, a son (still- wish t-o hank Mrs. Smythe and born1. fthe nurses o! Bowmanville Hos- WOOTION - In Bow-man vi i e pitai. also Dr. Slemon. and their Hos-pital. on Monday. April 26. r any f riends and neighbours wvho to Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Wootton. sent flowers and were so, kind Vo 'ryrone. a son. tiier during their recenit bereave- ment.1j Mrs. W. H. Spargo and daugh- MARRIAGE 1 ters wish Vo th.ank ail their fr1- ends and neighbors for the kind- PALMER-THICKSON-At Trin- ness and sympathy extenided Vo, ity United Church Parsonage. Io!the uir ltve onessandfor the Bowmanville, on Wednesday. fterlvdoeadfr-h Aprii 21, 1937. by Rev. Sidney beautiful floral ýtributes. Davison, Clarence Harvey Pal- Tefml ftelV is mer, Oshawa. and Eflen Marie Charies Cox wish to thank their Dwaie, augher f Mr an many friends and neighbors for Mrsl. WaHn-iksn their kindness during the iiness ville. and death of their niother, and WRIGHT - GEN'EREAUx -- On fr the beautiful floral tributes. Wednesday, April 28, 1937. at St. Joseph's Church, by Rev. Ra sae o ae Faiher Coffey. William Rich -___Real_________ForSale ard. oldest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Thoms Wrght,. u HOUSE FOR SALE-6 ROOMED Thomas Wright. B~~~~~~Iowm.anville, rbiko aiseAepp ur and Jean Genereaux. daughter bniceon arlonisenve. aiebar- of Mir. and Mrs. G. Genereaux. gcain M. F. Hooper 24 Car-i Treto IAve.. Bowmanviile. 16-3 1FOR SALE -FRAME HOUSE, 5 DEATHS rroc>ms, ý2 acre of good garden __________land,_ small barn. Apply "1J.W."1 The Statesinan, Bown.anville. ai the residence o!flier byrother. Mr. Peter Leask. on Monday. April 26ih, 1937, Miss Jennie! Leask, in ber 77ih year. Inter- m-ent Union Cemetery. TO RENT - 3 OR. 4 ROOMS. wvith garage and garden. T. Bennett, Scugog St. 17-1* Potatces For Sale RAHME-In Darlington, on Wed- nesday, April 28. 1937. Rtobent r SEED POTATOES-No. 1 GREEN Rab-me, beloved busband o! the, Mountains, $1,75 per bag at late Martha Brown, age 75 Gibson's Fruithouse, 2 mile west years. e! Newcastle. B.ags excbanged. Funeral f rom bis late residence Deliveries Tuesdays and Fnidays Burketon. Friday, April 30, ai IP.m. or arrangement. H. Little- P. iM. Stan-dard riant. Inter- field. Newcastl-e. Tel. Clarke ment Si. John's Anglican Cern- 1213. 16- 1 etery, Blackstock. PENWARDEN - In Oshawa, on Wednesday. April 28, 1937, Em- mna Morton, beloved ixife o! the late John Penwarden. in ber 65Vb year. Funeral from. the xesidenoe o! ber son-in-law. Mr. J. A. Pen- !ound, 39 McLaugh-lin Blvd.. Oshawa, on Fniday. April 30, at 2 p.m. D.S.T. Service in New- tonville United Churcb ai 3.30 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Newton- ville Cemetery. WVERREN - In Bowinanville. on Saturday. Apnil 24. 1937. Mar- Ansi Elizabeth Denseni, beloved wife o! Samuel Werren, in ber 7lst year. UN MEMORIAM BROWN-In loving meinory o! a dean wife and unother. Jane E. Rae, late o! Scotland. who pass- ed away May 3, 1936. Sadly missed by Husband and Family. Dead; no, don'tspeak o! ber tbat way, Don'i think o! ber as dead: She's only just gene on a piece, A liVtle way ahead. She's traveing sui the sanie higbway That she. wit-b us, bas trod, Merely out-distanced us a bit Upon the road Vo God. Dead! neyer with a thought like Viat The sinalest moment spend; She's simply gone beyond oui sig'ht, Sbe's just anound tbe bend. HEARL-In loving xnenory of our dear mother, Mrs. Sainuel Heari wbo passed away May 1, 1912. If al the world belonged Vo us, We would give it. yes, and more, To clasp the hands o! ont we loved And cee bier smile once more. Heri lfe was one long sacrifice, Her heant was true and tender. She toiled se longý for those she loved, Then le! t us to rememben. -Sadly missed by Daughters and Son, Baby Chicks FOR. SALE-ROCK COOKERELS also Leghorns, sontie 6 weeks o]d. 3c0 up according Vo age. Aibiin Clemens, phone 2433. 16-tf FOR SALE - BARRED ROC hatching eggs f rom bred Vto lay. blood ýtested stock, all eggs 24 oz. and over, 30e dozen. Rich- ard Sanderson, Tyrone. Phone 2502. 16-3 Newcas île Fr-uit House. 5-0 bags o! D-ooley Seed Potatoes Ca $1,50 per bag. Ken-netb Werry, Can- adian Frit & Produce Co. 17-1* Hay For Sale FOR SALE-25 TONS 0F GOOD Alf alfa Hay. Apply Vo W. H. White, Agincouri, Ont. R. R. 1. Iý mile north o! Wexford. 16-2* ADRIENNE At Iast you ean harmonize your beauty with the de- ightful new Adrienne Scientifically Harmnzed Cosmeties. Prove it for yourself! Start today. Face Powder 60Gc Face Creams 50Sc Talcum ....... Rouge ........ Skin Tonic .. Lipsticks... 35c 60C 60C 60C Perfume . .25c - SOc PRICES THLAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Northern Toilet Tissue 3 for .. - ..... 25c Dodd's Piils I romazed Yeast,.. 27e1 Absorbine Jr. ...98c - $1.95 Colgate Soap, 6 cakes 25e Bayer 's Aspirin 22c-39c-98e K otex ... .. .... ........ 18c Princess Soap Flakes 2-27c Baby 's Owxi Tablets 23e Chases K. & L. Pis- 29e Buckley's ....... 40c - 75c Wliqthor ut liomie or at the office Phione 778 We Deliver Jury and Lovel THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly i. orning c-min aci. aa eziun re ception. Dont run away with tbe ides, however. that it was because o! bis preacb.ing or bis pemsonal- ity, for such wýas noV th.e case. The reason was - wbisper it so!tly - tbe janifor bad fongot- ten that it wa-s Sunday and bad not lit the f ires, and was found sound a.leep in bits rooni, totally oblivious o! the fact that the chu-cc f ires required bis atten- tion. We understan-d the cburch was warm enougbi at nigbt for Rev. G. R. C. McQu-ade. . We hope so, any- way. Incidentalhy, Mn. McQuade bastened dDwn !rom bis own church services ai night, attend- eci pari o! ours. and o!!ere'd sin- cere apologies f0 our paston. wbich were gnaciously acoepted. Honor Bell Employees O-perators and f oRmer operatons o! t-be Bell Telephone Co. paid tnîbute te Manager Frank Wil- liamas and Miss Mabel Jeweil. wbo nowv constitute the local staff, on Sa'urday. Miss Clio Anderson on beb ah! o! tbe group presented Mr. WilLaias witb a pen and pencil set, and Miss Jewell with a hand- rýome aeropacok. Botib recipients were taken by surprise but tbank- ed tbe group for their klnd tboug'hts and gifis. Bot-b stressed the extremeiy happy relation- ships ibat bad existed between mrembers o! tbe staff in ihe pas few years. FMIGAEMrNTS Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Camenon. Tyrone. announce the engage- ment of their eldesi daugbter, Bertha MaY, o Hanold Carveth. Toronto, the manniage Vo take place early in May. CONTfRACTOR T. E. FLAXMAN Greneral Contracton Loyers' Lane Phone 318 - Bowmranville IAUCTUON SALE Wednesday, May tb. - Th£ execuiors o!f-bhe esta.te o! the laie Wallace Miller wibl seil on Lot 7, Con. 8, Daniingtoii, ahI o! the !arm stock, implements. barness, grain, pot atoes. McLaughlin-Buick Sedan, etc. Sale ai 1.30 pi. Termns cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. Saturday, May lst.-Mr, T.tW.ý Burnneit will seli by public auction on the pi-emises. Lot 25, Conces - sion 4, Clarke, bis f arm stock, imi- pleunent.s. pouitry and hairness. Sale ai h1 oclock standard trne. Texrrcash. Elmeîr Wilbuî. auc- tioneer. 16-2 ORONO CREAMERY Send your cream to the Onono Creamnery. Higbest prices paid. This week: Spec.-28c*: lsV-26c; 2nd-24c. Prices will ho publisb- 'ed each week. 36-tf are hereby notifled that the Corn Borer Act is in force in this County this spring and that the Provincial Entomnoiogist has in- structed all Inspectors ta enforce and see that ail corn fields and plots are properiy cieaned up by May 20. J. N. McGILL Inspector for Durham County DANCE ORCHESTRA Grant Lynde and his "&ARCADIANS"I (of Oshawa) ROUND AND SQUARE DANCES Write to: G. T. Lynde. Box 505, Whitby or Frank Foreman, 101 Louisa St., Oshawa. 17-2 WESTERN CANADA Goig Dates: Daily May 11 to 31, 1937 Ret-urn Lixuiit : 45 davs APPROXIMATELY One Cent Per Mile Good in Coaches only SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES -Passage Tickets aiso on sale, good lm: (a> tourist sleeping cars at approxi- mateiy 1!/4c per mile, plus regu- lar berth lare. (b) paror andstanda,eeping cars a appro xim >eY- per ile, lu regular seat týrth are. ROUTES - Tijckets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., C icqgn, Ill., or Sait Ste. Marie, rettirnifg vi samne route and line onWl . ten erIols optionai routings. STOPOViRS-withifl limit of ticket, both going and returniflg - at Port Arthur, Ont-,Arnstroflg, Ont., and West; aso t Chicago, Ill., Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., and %%est, in~ ac- cordance w ith tariffs of United Staites lines. FîuII particlar-s fro,>: anv aget Canadian Pacific pOR SALE - GLADIOLI BULBS, lowering sizje, mixed, 25e a doz; Strawberry plants, S enilato r Dunlaps, 75c a hundired. J. H. Jose, Newcstle. Phone Clarke 1121. 17-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - LARGE MOFFAT electric stove, with top over and four burners, in good con- dition, and cheaP for quick sale. Apply Fred Crydermnan, Phone 793 or 416. 16- F'OR SALE - ONE HORSE spring deliveny wagon. and one honsec heavy wagon with hay rack. ApPly N. S. Pluinmer, Bowmanville. Phone 497. 17-1 Seed Grain For Sale FOR SALE - HOME GROWING Timothy seed, pice $4.25 a bus. also sweet (lover seed. Deliv- ered. W. J. Leask. Taunton. Phone 163r13 OshaWa. 16-3* FOR SALE -SPRING RYE. Bert Rice, Tyrone. 12 mile north o! Long SaisIt Church. 17-2 FOR SALE - LIMITED QUANT- ity O.A.C. No. 72 Seed Oats, 80c bushel. John Aldsworth, phone 2160. 17-1 Baby Chicks FOR SALE - BABY CHICK, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, sired by second genena- tion cockerels , tbree year blood tested f locks , al1s o started chicks. Phone Albin Clemens, 2433. 12-tf FOR SALE -BABY CHIOKI9 and hatching eggs, Leghorn and Baîred Rocks. AIl chický hatched fromn eggs produced o-1 our own f arm. AIl layers havE been banded and blood-teste unden governmnent supervision For prices write or phone H. J Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowmanville Ph"ine 2636. 1- Tro Let TO LET-6 ROOM APARTMEN" bath, electnic stove, and al modern improvemnents, gardez and garage. Centrally located Apply Mrs. A. Tait, Divisic Street.- 14-t TO RENT--SHOP IN WEST ENI o! Statesman Block. 10w t et Apply Statesmnan office. - For Rent FOR RENT - SUMNER CO) tage. f urnished, near Port Per ry, ideally situated on lake front, safe beach, $125 per sea son. 'W.1."1 Dnawer B. Bow mianville. 17-4w-2 LIGTHT HOUSEKEEPIN( apariments for rent. Applyt Mra. Dinniweil. Phone 784. 17- Wanted WANTED TO BUY-USED FM Cýoats. Apply Box 'M.P.' Draw er B, Bowmanville. 17-1 Help Wanted MAN WITH CAR - WATKIN Dealer <preferabiy between2 and 50) needed for nearby ru rai route supplying establishe dem.and for World Famot Spices, Extracts. Baking Powý er. Soaps. Cleansers. Medicin Fly Spray, Stock and PoultI Tonics. 69 year reputaticl 10,000 dealers. Musi be sati- fied with $30.00 weekly at star Selling expenience unnecess a Farm experience helpful. Cr4 dit f urnished rigbi partie Write immediately. J. R. Wal kins Company. Montreai, Qu( Depi. 0-B-9. 1lE WANTED-EXPERIENCED GI) for general housework. ageý f-o 25. for !amily o! fouir. Refe enoes. "B.O." Drawer B. Bov manville. 17' WANTED-WOMAN FOR TEL] phone saleswork in own l'oir Apply Box "M.P." Drawer Bownanville. 17- WANTED-WORK BY THE DA or week, 25e an heur. Mms.: Lambert, Bowmanville. Pho. 324. 17- h ,d S is Cs n ie ,d n. tf T, ll cn n t.. r- 2* G to IR W; 25 Led US Les, .ry lis-1 rt. ,ry. ies. at- le, R.L wr- W- ne. B, -lu H. one 1-1' a-- zij 1 Berry Plants For Sale FOR SALE - STRAWB E R.RY plants for sale, Mary Washing- ton, early varieiy; Senator Dun- lop; Pioneer; 75c a hundred. Raspberry bushes, Lathem and Viking. 2c a cante. Apply Ivan Farrow, 0rno Phone 3921 Clarke. 16-2 FOR SAL-VIKING AND) COL- umbia Raspberry plants ait very 10w prices. Cali and see cur plantation. J. R. Pbilp, Scugog Street, Bowmanville. 16-2* SMALL FRUIT GARDEN - 25 Viking Raspber-ries. 50 Dunlops. 50 Parson Beauiy Strawberry plants, $2 prepaid. 2 yeaî Mary Washington Asparagus roots. $1 per hundred. Viking Raspber- ries. 100 for $2.50. Laird, Ma- ple Grove. Phone 2109. 16-2* FOR SALE -GOOD COLUMBIA RaP-Lberry sets and StrawU;,lerry plants. Taylor & Hall. Phone 2402. 17-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE-YOULNG COW. DUE May ist, sound. Apply Orville Osborne, R. R. 4, Bowrnanville. Phone 2480. 17-1* FOR SALE - SHORTHORN heifer cal!, all red. H. R. Pearce Newcastle. 17-1 FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks old. Robert Hen- dry, Newcastle. Phone 1922. 17-1î Bulbs For Sale THURSDAY,- APRIL 29, 1937 Room and Board Mlortgage Sale BOARD AND ROOM - APPLY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Vo Mrs. F. Mclndoo, King St., the Powers of Sale contamned in a Bowmanville. 17-1 certain mortgage which wiU be produced ait the time of sale, Lost 'there wiUl be offered for sale by LOST-A RING 0F KEYS BE- at tween Bowmanville and Hamp- Publie Auction ton. Will f inder please retuirfl Vo Gus Bounsall, Bowmanviile. on Monday. the Third day of Ma:; Phone 762. 17-1* 1937, at the hour of two P.., (Standard Time), at the fa f Bargains In Furniture sonandh n Henr Midlton 'l Nelson, near Newcastle, Ontz I NEW FURNITURE SALE - EV- the following prope-rtLy. namelî - erything for the home. Chest- erfield, bedroom. dining, break- ALL AND SINGUI. tha-t cr fa.st suites, f loor c ov e r i n g s, tain parcel or trac :land and lamps, etc. You save 20 % Vo premises, situate, lyiiigaind being 50%. Visit the lowesi priced in the Township of Clarke, in the furniture store in Osh~awa. IV County of Durham, and Province. will pay you. Wilson's Furni- of Ontario, and being composed Vure Store, 20 Church ý>'., Osh~- of the South half of Lot Number awa.17* Twenty-sevefl (27) in the Thfrd BARGAINS IN USED FUJRNI- of Clarke. On the said f arm ture - Chesterfield suite $12; there is said to be erected 2 dwell- sewing machine $4; radio $11; ing houses with suitable f arrn dresser $4; kitchen cabinet $9; buildings. desk $5: washing machine $5; The lands will be sold subWet Axninster rug $5; tables, 8.flT to a reserve bid. chairs, wash stands. Iamps $1; TERMS 0F SALE 0F LAND: wardrobe $8; other articles real Ten per cent of the purohase cheap. Wilson's Trade-in Fuir- money Vo be paid down at the niture Store. 20 Church St., tine of sale and the balance Oshawa. Open evenings. 17-1* wiîthin thirty days. For f urther particulars and Autos For Sale conditions of sale apply to -. M. L. JAMES. FOR SALE-1929 ESSEX TOWN East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Sedan, perfect condition, good 1 Toronto, Ont.ario. tires. Apply P. Hare, C.N.R., Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Newcastle. 16-2 DATED at Toronto, Vhiis Sixth Miscellaneous day of April, 1937. 15-3 BRJCK-WORK, STONE-WORK, plastering and cernent work. Phone Breck's Store, Burketon. Phone: Bowmianville 2334, Port HA N S Perry 193r32. 15-4 A N S PAINTING-SIGNS AND POST- $2È950 and up ers, also auto trucks, wagons, general painting and ena.mel- Also ail Parts and Collars ling. J. H . Needham. Centre in stock St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. Please bring your repair work 16-tf in now B. HUFFMAN. WEL.L DRILLER. SHOE & HARNESS MAKER Apply 43 Albert Ave., Mimico, A. WOLFE Ont. 17-4* Next Len Eliiott, Plumber IF YOU HAVE A SMALL PIANO. MANAGER, JOHN LENZ in good condition, and wouid prefer a beautiful consolera- dio. telephone 492. Bowman- WARNING NOTICE Speca agi 1 EXCUIRSIONS MINIMUM REDUCED 0n Our Economny Service 1L2 Pieces Finished 59C Bundie must consst of at least haif household linen. Ail household linen may be sent if desired. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CQ. Lt. PHONE 419 Wepa lexs .s cags FREE TWOSILVER Given away by the Hudson Fur Co. Send us your fur coat for stdrage- . Your name will be entered for a C' draw to be held July 5. On that day two lucky names wifl be drawn and each will receive a gorgeous Silver Fox Scarf FREE Storage Rate is only 2% of your owxn valuation - or 21<2 % for world wide protection. Leave your Furs vt the Evlyn Shop for Storage in the Modern Hudson Fur Storage Vauits. SPECIAL THIS WEEK KNIT BUITS, better quality and jut arrived Priced at $1 8.50 and $25.00 The EVLYN Shop 1 1 rormt:riy J. ". Phone 577 1 1 Bowmanvüle Phone 594

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