j Circulation 3100 This Issue s' With Which Is Incorporatcd The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 83 I3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL,29th, 1937NUER1 LOCAL HYDRO SY$TEM PROFITS ARE S1O9O1 5 1H103 ST. ANDREW'S KIRK UTILITIES MANAGER The Hud dEnrsae 13TH POWER BILL IN U iiis F n n e MARKSCENTENARY DI fr~ L~TW 615CEIT ViiigPecesadVo-' 4 " fcCCved for ouny MuiSc Bowmnanvile's l3th PowerS calhsas reeiGroet$61844L.rge' plendid Shape calits Ae Grete by arge . ~ r'. o EN ~1 Bill, provig the town with Lanrg conreatins y.attne ___ p ni g£Ve isio n ,8.4an, s __FestivUaV l Op ni g a y 11 thLI received by the Public Utili- Lag Sogervticeon s t.ed sum has now been paedt A udited Re pori drew's Presbyterian Church on S' EnAYRtrSSies E tem. Te1ofthe Pocal Bt sy Sunda3..Two special preachers. N m e it AY RR T IE tem.cTe3t 0f t ll ss -_________ and special vocalists jondt Greater Than A Year PRESIDENT ELECT t.he equalizing statement is- ...F E B RWaewrsD p tm n make the services memorable. g ert y Re O R TA YcLB se by the Hydro Eeti At the morning service the prt Fsivl il i e omnilion c <>g- A TN E IIE$2,000 in 1936 - E]g youthful ininistew of St. Paul's SERyCu es IyDpcig ec ttditei aef ~VICE SUNDAYl Than Haif Paid For Ir Presbyterian Church, Port Hope, Be HeId in PortH p A Day in the [Mfe of the its poiwer hici Vi wiUl be re- Rev. J. W. Foite B.A., preached.M 1-34. Public Health Nurse - Bo- membered was re'duced last Florence Nightingale Lodge Ma.rch m i ihD sieI Mrend otedwl haîf trths aenex tary Carnival August il year. At the end of the year, 100 Strong Behind Legion tedttelhf rtsade-following Hydre practice, the Band to St. John's Anglican >etigrft $1C aggerations, in hàs address which ï With entries greater by 60 than 1 Mayor W. Ross Sirike was elec- cost of producng that power Church An oeati-prftof $60 was based on "Buy Truih and sell lait ea, heDuhamCont I>d reident of Bowmnville Ro is wvorked out, and the differ- trie systern and an operating- pro it not." It is difficut, he said, in Music Festival promises to be an- tary Club for the year 1937-38, ai ence between cost of piWr Members of Florence Nightingale works systeni is reported In tll( these times to tel the real truth Other outsianding success this the mçeting Friday, with duties and what t.he municipaiy Iidge I.O.O.F., over one hundredth Pulc titis omsio fie ro gheae. he ritiathe e-a j 1year. Ih opens in Port Hope Un- 1 tecommence July lst. He will h rtpaid tastan iniip al- sîrong, attendecldivine ser-vice on ve.Dsi rdc atthi adcled gave ih key tOthe ei ited Church on Tuesday, May 11, sucoeed W. L. Elhiott. i eundt h ui~I Sunday morning ai St. Johin's vk.Dsterdcdaeth truth. and hie urged the congre- George E. Chase and continues on Thursday andi Miss E. R. Graham,. Public iiy. This sim therefore re Anglican Church. Parading from rate. anid ereet ion of thie Utilities gation to ever hold fast toe Mgro thePblc tiiiesFday, May 13 and 14. Corona-; Health Nurse. provided the pr esnso-8.4 eundt the lodge roorns the members to provte one oif thie finest inivestm Ai this ervie is McDonCommission io whom the major tion Day provides a f ree dayfin. gram inthe formMrftafour-aci il marched behind the Canaa of Bowmanville. Thie waterwvor ald and Magistrale W. E. Mi- credit is due for the healthy con-'the middle of the festival. play whichi porirayed the acîiv- pad o r pTecoof r oer on ego Bn ote hrcahe-reful management of tlie Comi Mci- on of both electric and water1 Miss Helen G. Morris. Associa- ities of a healih nurse in her Of - cst hecato poucin, go Bad Vothe church sherel veen of Knox Church, Oakville, ,utiîities. as revealeci in tue an- lion Secretary, reportied. ths we c.a h col nc-operatdon of course. carinot be comnput- section of pews. The service was %va>- but butilding uJ a reserve agi sang.MissMacDnaldwas eardituaIaudiedtsatemnt. eai hereias aple nthuaasniwitompaclesandiith he pr-teduntiytheyeatis.cmple-Scoduveil] ev. . R.Spener. vill e indequte a(l aditi fcIsie in a oadethen wii Mx-. this year te niake the festival tîje ents in the home. Miss Grahamn ed. and for that reason a safe rector of St. John's, and the ls Mcfvee ina det.Magstrtebest to date. Total entries no was assisted by Miss Greta Wic- interim raie is charged. and sons wexe i-ea.d by Ex-Reeve T. Hl. _______________ Mellveen is a brother of Mr. F. O. GRANDMOTHERSI uier30>n aeecpin- keti. Mrs. Ross Stevens, and Schee any overcharge s returned. Lokria5-eammbrf McII.me 30 ndae xeti vkhr, 0yermnbro AieIl even rn evc e..' N TT T E E ally heavy in somne classes. pupils including Helen Jones. It sometimes occurs. although the lodge. The altar was decorat- IN NEW UNIT B..auin D..nùnstn f he PREEN ED RO ES Thepinoclsss hveaofatthe'3-ClrkThett Sevnsann-oeyrcilasseavsle tataveit lvey tanars f al fashorbbleRosdal Prebytria: P ESE TED OSE : e th lagestenty lstandald Gilhooley and BobyStevn. the interim raie is not enough white snapdragons. a memoriai fahirh onn t RoeaPesbteianthe lsoarg s e nt lin-:The play opened with a school i to meel the cost of power, to the laite Dr. John Spencer. Thec Chuch Tronoprachd.Re. ter i alo sbsintaiin room scene and Miss Wicketl con- and thic mumicipaiy receives aitar was draped with the U*nion W. G. Blake, who onducted the Interesting Program Provided At coc rease in rural school choirs, and ducting a drill in which pu1l a131h fpower bill înstead of Jack. and before the flag nl an l moi service in Port :Hope, Meeting Held at the Home of1 children's solos. Oddly enuh eeipesdwt h essuity a e1t 1:.F tnar a lae h presidecl for the evening service., Ms .Ban nFia there will be no town choirs Comn- of having their hands, nails. arms., wreatli in memory of f allen mem-: Music was again provided by Miss petdng. This is due, as f ar as f aces, cars and necks dlean. In es MacDonld andMr. Mclveen A happy gathering of members, Bowmianville is concemnied, te the the second aci Miss Graham wa~sM LE TX IE bes Dr. Paulin preacned from the and visitors attended thc Wom- lf act that the retirement of Mr. rciigrtesa e fiei Rev. Mx-. Spencer selected bis i. text. Luke 10:1. "The Lord ap- Isiuemeigwomtby Francis Suiton ai Trinity United ensIsiut etn pomi eesn alfpuers h ofic in BUILDING IS SOLD texi from Peter 2:17. 'Honour ail pointed other sevcnty also and sent, eesrpd.nssbedng ho BY TOWN COUNCIL men, love the Bxothrhood, fear invitationof Mr. . BraMutnd ainihu rch h pevente proper eesrpd ossbed .'God. honour the Klng.' The them ~ ~ ~ nn Streiw eoe i ~ h oetofir. W B. tton, traiing for steevent.she an te sfee rm alet foe aae fDra e-principles in t etl . tespaer mbt every city and place whither An tet nF dyatron hn pie obns n h kind and aniother. and one who Former Maae'fDra e-said, were the pinieshchf lie would corne." The speaker. Mrs. J. Thickson, Priesdent. was Legion Band. due to the resigna- was not feeling well because she tiles Buys Nort.h Building and . aredoi inle wldmeai ikened the average congregation'in the chair. rei te ieno f Mr. R.. Fountain, bas been ha ure fc oewihu et LreFeor o flillioutail ie ideal fr weca\ i to the scventy un-named men Ms .P alual opti h rcienc breakfast.I Start Work SoonOdflostod Heugeth ' fN who were sent out ho do a dty ur.tete'.esreot c-esr oprvd esnbecm The third act was a discussion àebr ormmbrta h for the Lord. Every member of a trsof acknowlcdgmeni fo r f low- petition. b we isGaaiadte A pca etn fie meratndancethrc hne' congregation is like ibese seventy ers xc hescan eoS Instrumental classes are also1 teacher. Miss Wickett. concerming ITown Concl n usdy igt 'aednoV ean hathney un-named mnen, commisioned te communicaticns, the most import- lower, ther being no entries ex- 'certain puiswowr o o tw. gedbsi he small lere ear idnetodore- nga their go out before the Lord to do his a-eengtlcannounicement 0f cepi in thc violin classes whichig ':tedficlyi ban etiless buildng'o tenor wedtes easristians. ourare cx- bidding. No church. Dr. Puî the Cooking Scbool in St. Paul's are quite hiavy. Two harmonica in prmission from parents te corner of Church and Divsonpc*d Jbnurte e ia said. could be successful o h eolRoim on Friday. April 30,' bands, one fxom Oshawa and one amnsepihhratxi ndsrsst m akr r erlY 'lime y su heKing oursl o efforts of a niere handful of woxk- Vo which ail ladies of the comn- f rom the Boys' Training Soioo1. scarlet fever toxin; and a fuxther -1itanager of the Durhaný Textiles, 'elascrpeetsadyu exs, but must have the enithusias- munity are nvited. will compete. 'dsuson wihiclddoean lo10laehnitelr e areikws eepret hod your tic support of every member. The following were appointed a With the record number of en-: pupil who had corne Vo school building at a nominal rentai for' dut'etoward 'o <30fe eroda' Thie choix- was direc.te-d by Mr. nominating comimittee 10 select tries and ivith the enthusiasm ai-;wt emnn ae hnth n em h ucaep i due 0f 3d yur GdeeY da F. 0. M.-"c--en. while Miss Louise new officers for nexi meeting ready displayed, the 1937 County monha ermaou nt haveen sent the n myall be uildng as $1000 f fyour lives. Osborn.xsided athe oga. hich wil be held at Mrs. Chas. Music Festival should prove olit- much better advantage in hav-, wblch muni be paid in cash. For iCuing the offertory Owen Muihon's on Fiday. May 28. The standing. Dr. Charles Peaker of ing ber teet.h f ixed. the nominal ental Mr. Walker i Nicholas, a member of the loig, 0nulmetn f West Dra Toronto, who will be the adjudi- Ms.Seesprrydiem-aes oa fraleais1th sang a solo. and foui- Oddfeli.ows, CLUB PAYS VISIT Institutewill be held9 ai Soie'c cator. is one of Canada's out-i ther in the final aci. Miss Gra-1 old building. He intends operat- 1W. J. E. Ox-mston. J. A. Living, ciWednesday, June 9 standing musicians and has been l'am the visitor who passed on in1 ing a textile plant. and bopes1 L Roi and J. L. Cryderman,! Major Day Warnica1 ST. PAULS CHURCH iRl alwsrsod t Yajdctrasoteoth ag te assdse.Bfr hlSno MmB. .Wria !h rail wahes resen vndedeVo tyfadjuialor ism the oiioarg- a diplomatic manner the teachex's soon to be in operation providing ice ssdsen eoete So fMsBM W M-c 'teGditheplcofters prese n giv. etfsiasnthDonoadprblenis with her children and 1work for severai men and girls in, pronounicemeni of the benediction 1 Bowmianville, who heads a com Members of Lions Club Hear Rev.thplc fherirhnmbrs well qualified te handie a fies- as xlanPm"yhai po-Bwmnil.Mr. Spencer dedicated the wreath! pany in the new Tank Regiment W. F. Banister. a Member 0of of grandchildren they lhad, and t'val of Ibis kind. 'lsenis wibe buy hmthepr did Mmwnavlkme a asedby coun- 1which was laVer te be placed on organidby lte Federal Govern- the Club, on Sunday Night ote neetn nomto tnot understand. cil wheiher or not Mr. J. J. Gray the Cenotaph. ment in Windsor. ______the conclusion te presideni pre- C. T. Ros. in moving v ifhad anything to do wiih this of- Following the service lte ment- Too many People just exisi, le-sied each with a pretty mcd MORNING PROGRAM hak bMis Gaha votderfer .db i.e hth a cenotapit wher'e a brief service 1 OR E cause they do not know how to'rose and the one great grand- F R O ONTIN as,M iszGdahite ndo r fe . n dt. enlytaie the oni ecidd -as held. His Worship, Mayor F RM RSTUDENT live. Rev. Franklin Banister told nithel wthto ossa'ile pari the public healtit nurse was lto do no business with Mr. Gray RosSrk inabefaes HERE I5 OFFICER mebes f bcLin Cubwh Tre.s Amiong the Gold" was IS NOW COMPLETE 1hyn ntewlae0 heudraycruitne. Jusi urged the members Vo practîsei bebr fteLosCu h eartily sung by the members. paignth wefrofheue nyccmsne.,o-i their ideals in these times of un- IN NEW TANK UNIT attended St. Paul's United Chiurrich ope fcoueswr gcom.muniiy. R. R. Stevens minro- ihow soion te plant will be inp i a body on Sunday ngbt. Mm. by the Home and Schito sextcvte. Ministerial Association To Have duced the artists to the club. ýeration is not known. 'lrisna uncertanty te IryOu0 i Major__ Banister. who is a m,:rr f the MsaeGo.EPrtard. A. Charge of Service - MayorbaagetduyVcryoi fMarDy Warnica To Commnand club. preached an loquent ser- Lesdarcsh J. . ait . aa,W Strike te Speak-Huge Par- Sas te community. and the commun- One Company of New Cana- j mon froni the text, John 10:190.DRobex-Js And Maxitue. accom-W. ade to be a Feature Tily loMa l '~ Ho k y okstoyou to carry outte; dian Defense Unit Formed 1 "I amn conethat ye might havepaniertsbyndMax. S. rokigr. aLU lUTronoILU eLea H ck y trs pTh es for which 3'ou stand. a insrOt mife andntiye igtthae . Coîville asosang "Wonderfuî Arrangements for Boi.-manville's x-at yCiit l lo cd LiatWidsrent more abundanilyo" Mine" and 'Deax- Ohd Coronation Day celebration are of 'Lionsenotph byCoTacnkorSid Ltile Whnfeu wssnîrtMr Guests of onor atLin Banqueta past Noble Grand of thse lodge. Caa'sfstTn Whn ess asoncabh M.Girl." Miss Haycraf t rcad "The slwly taking fox-m. Laat Thurs- Noble Grand Ivan H-obbs liad was f ormed in Windsor hast week, pineohe adbee bmought t e Good Times ai Home." Mms. j. 1day the comnniittee in charge ofag f the paae tVthie f irsi of five units plai by peopls a but notbhoaive. theod Thickson gave an interesting and lte morning program met and cai fteprd.A h eea oenetne t Hebrew leaders iaught that one itumorous paper on "Middhe Age" decided thohohd a parade starting Gro rlo n i hm ubrs on Vitei-acodo. lode rootnis votes 0fhapRection iee de foeneln.tOunde l nrut sendiher h ewhicit mvealed a wornan's ihought frumr the public scisool and f in- Present When Lions Enter- v'hch likewiseweeeed wereeinddi itthtoen eaetmedfne ln faspe mutped hi i epari 10 i1i ie al er n shn itehg cho rud anO...Jnosadthe enthusiiasT. Wardens of Si. John's Churcit and ciah inierest locally is tt e omparfeditheem atlatyerars.ndjvihexe at geimegco serounds taions H.Ju iorLeaunTd us sekrwsBbEc h aaInLegion Band for, tiat Major Day C. Warnica. son for the belier lif e to foi fer- for-g. st speaker f Mrs. B. M.thearn.ica 0fofow- getting thai there was a fultness Thte sexiette sang "Ail Thru the be conducted by te Ministeriai ___ hsoelaae fteTrnt hi evcs manvilie. is the cotnmanding of - Todyiber are gea .anNglt. Mm. J. A. Tait gave ani Association. His Worship Mayor . h hsinte ecatleLa ficex- of "C" Company of te new iToda r are acxsig tan h informative address on the Home Ross~ Strike will speak. Public Bowm ie Lions Club played gue, and a coach wo has Pro- A T O IT0 nt eahohlsVt fie0 Improvement Plan. scbool children will sing, and sev- host on Monday nighlto a group duccd many professional hockey director of publicity for ttc regi- don't know anything about life. Rcfxeshments were scrved and eral. tableaux wvilh be staged by the of sixiy youihful hockey enthus- players. WIDE RENOWN IS ment which is to be known as tte be said. Tooa many are .iist put- a' had a social time together. A boys of the Ontario Training iasts wben the four teams com-' Too many boys take ýthix-oodWrncwabon erBri. tmng n tinte waiting for te good h.ryvt ftak.moe ySiol h-uh idpriso rsn the Lions Hockey Liaue tintes fox- granted, te saeg DURHAM NATIVE Es'sex Regiment (Tank). Major Lordt voe f htakeovedbyl them. Thci in erisio p sneseaerWonýc at ded Béowmanvilhearige. ford tet sak fale. idýeaso MrTs. E. R. Bounsali and seconded'0f Superintendeni A. R. Virgin. and the Juniox- O.H.A. teain. weî'c said, a.nd foiget tat the opera- atten onavleHg Soie tinkýtht heyshold etby Mx-s. E. J. Wood. was endered Tite Mayor and Town Council witl guests of lte club ai a bana' baIt.:Jon of a teani or a league means S. Hunter, Veteran Caritoonist of Sirool. and is a graduate of Pet- So9e hin ltaitiey hold otMrs. Braund and te Misses mut ntarcit in te parade. together St. Paul's United Citurcit. Among 1, great deal m in e andi effort to Toronto Star, Has détlred - erboro Normai School. He was en.uoy if e until titey retire. Others touo pnn terhm n itl, Boy Scouts andi Cubs, f ire- te special guesis of honox- werc Ihose wlio handie i. Iti nay seeni Was Born la Millbrook foimxl with lte isi Battaticn of appear to ihink taI God frowns ahinwforonngtriuei lite poandlctirnCnda o-otDrlo n iIcxpaatvlr mterV whcn menwhsmiles. Somete fee pro-men, sho hlrn aainGro rlo n ilTitomst, a naaîieyeasy mtliothe DurhtamiRegiment and te renaniz ' sti ood Itealtailae grami.: Legion, and any other organiza- stars of te Maple Leaf. hockey operate a league like your Lions Appearing almnosi da.tly are ae- enlistedi n 1915 at the age of 15. essiy fr a tapy hie. nd wiletien thai cames Vo ake part . The tai oot.Legu.hctdti u m ~oui sof te lives of natives of He returnedtto Canada as a cor- esity frauhay libave thei as Chlrn' i SceLegion Band andite Drun andi A splnid dinner was pxovid- htVowox-k bard ho malice tlings DuritamiCounty Who bave lefi poral i Qohober 1919. haig overtauled tbey neyer t.hink of Thte Annuel Meeting of the P ife Band will be ami eoProv'ide cd by te ladies Of St. Paul's rmn smoothly. The only way you titeir native hestit and have mnade served vrwilhtVlle 38tit battalion i itavng their body overitauled. Citildxen's Aid Society of Norlt-ImuiSc, wiih the' former Proiding Citurcit, et the oonclusion Of cari show youir apprecitin < good elsewitere. Recienty in To- France andi Belgium f rom April Ottrs uifr frompoo- siriualumbx-lntiandDuram ihlbethe ntusic for teservice at it e whlcitPresîi E. W. Grawford lhe efforts oftese nmen t te put ronte we reai the story of a man 1917 to June 1919. Ttc ful Oheltis bue they aresprouaol meld nd ui ramyPot igt oho. vey itid 1Vlre- extended a welcome toebite boys. youx-ieari inho te gamne.anti whose career we have foULowe for steiitof lte regim'ent witen hearoywbloi Hope, on Thtursy.My1ia ceive a souvenir medal of te oc- Entertairneni was provided bY play te gante to the fiish , ie years, andi it vas not until bis î'ecruiting is COMPleted Wil be hist. yhis ownstte 3p.. aiig M ayn Tte. casion, mwb.îoit wilh probably be the Vickers Sisters, taienteti young advisecjte boys. retireient that we learnot he was 489, madie UiP0f 33 officers. 3 ai- Ouet peke whlbeMx. alitpresentet lte day previous e apdnesfro st.a b itwa.s a greatuty.M Ok-a native of titis famet oounty. taci offiiers, one chaplain and came tal we m'gltt have 1f e. H ubstsakerPioto. nteretRax sltol gve four num'bers which were stone saiti. thet Bowmanville ha Samt Hunier. 79-year-old dean two nedical. 8 warrant officers, came tic insure that. andi everyvoe Hu bentiusmaslicnt..ly receiveti. Cyril si hdhave e Christian casuhyAsilo fChlinsAdS- Tite aflernoon andi evening pro entus shewia, eneleti four (Turn ta Page Seven, Please) of Canadian cairtoonists. and a 41 sergeents, anti 404 otier ranks. sat scaino llrnsAdSi-Sawyer, naivs0hMawrakDu ha Tc eae stbtshtetfosucrl policy witlte four provisions of cieties of lte Province of Ontario. grans have net yel been coM.- n fMlbok h ec salsmn loCu A cordial invitation is exlentied to Pleted. hti s almost ceti how- Coity has laid down the pen for 66 tanks. Turn ta Page Seven, Please) ail interested in chàl~d lare. ever, tha a lhuge flreworks dis- ltai for more titan b.alf a century play wihl be a feature of te even- C a f I i L 1. caricatured leaders Of C.na.da'5 "A man of integrily wifl never igperformance. Boy Scouts areie ,Isu ii rc politicai, life. H1e tas retireti as lis'ien te any plea against con- now selling tickets ho finance titis cartoonisi of te Toronto Daily scienoe."l-Home. Bo m n ilet a eIn e m n arc asklng the co-operation---- Star, but remains on te staff as 0da e f ttc public n providing ibis "cartooonitenîeritus.Y secial treet for lte ciiltiren of Ttc growing populi yOf jverlhsin The Statesntan in Vise Huntir.witse stoop-sitouldere AndeJunior eams in Bal League gailY Staiesman classified ladvts. 'bas past 2 years. In faot. w've hdgagleslanked:ad citinn h1tîk-Local ,Nursery Re An J nir ea s n________________frheocasona___,reuls lwys"exed "Olti Man Ontario" was one b0 Offcer Ar Eectd a Met--W Banei.st ic -Pi..- oe adaragmnt r Iso- ues hcn ite£laei rchaied Wc texiphon10M0s1Chal f 1CA.1.a'sfines crtoo.n char-, Brs1k- Sxt*M Ilveen. M. G . Gouli; Presidenti Steants wi.ibien n e icague. £,uUgnin, Manage it la Do. kre *in Aànnua1 t Reveals it Shows Profit of Over lectrie Systemn is More In 5 Years - Profits 'Re- Reduced Rates. 015.'21 for the local hydmo edec- ofit of $2,187.26 for the water- ie audited statement of x- eleased for publication this reduehion in the interini power sBuilding the systeni continues aeîmts ever made by the citizens ,s syýstein lîkewise, under the Miiissiont is noV only paying its ainst the tinte when the system nis or replacements will be ý"Ttc report for bte year ending December 31st, 1936. is anobter in a line of exceedingly fine re- Ports issueti by te Comniission. Of particular intex-est is ttc fact ,thet aul debentures to date have Sbeen paiti, anti in addition lthe de- bentures due in 1948-49-50-51 ;and 52 have ail been paiti in ad- ivance. Debentures paidti o date V otal $36,434.64, or more titan half 0 f te purchase price in five years. 1Titere Vs now $34,565.36 in out- ,standing debentures. 1Ttc -actual operaling profit, iess te 131h power bRl. was $9.- 830.78. As thc 13th bill is a a'e- baie on Power paiti for over cost. it can righlly be atidet<)V te op- erating pr'ofits to make $16,015.2-1. Ib is intex-esiing Vo note ais» that the Waterworks tiebenilures are Smore tian half paii for. Tiis is- sue was te largest debenture Vs- sue ever untiertaken by te Town of Bowmanville. Officiai Statement AccompanYing te Audcli teti Statement. witichit s publishei on page 2. ttc Commission. tItrougit ils citairman, Fred W. Neiles, is- suci lthe f ollowing staleent on ttc f inanciel condition of te SUlililies enterprise: Cilizens of Bowntanville: We herewiih. subntit the finan- cial statentent 0f lthe Bowman- ville Public Uti3iities Commnission as prepareti by Messrs. Oscar Hud- son anti Company, auditôi'5 for Uic Vown. Titis s.Vatement, discloses Vta oua' Public Utilities have bati an- oter vemy successful year. We are prouti of our new building ani believe btai it will give f ull value f or tte expenditures matie it conitection with it and te in- stalleti modemn equlpmntit of ev- ex-y kinti. You will notice tat titere was an operating profit for tJre e]ec- tricai sYSiem of $16,015.21. LIn titis conneclion te new rates were in force for only Vwo nionbbs and te drastie CUIt iarelieS 1S titerefGre not refleote ini these 1profits to any appreclable extent. The f ull force of titese reduceti 1rates will be felt in 1937. Tite salaries anti Wages are car- rieti tirough in itseveral of te itemus of expendibures cacit besar- ing their own proportion of tinte expendeti by tcemeployees. .Titrougitout lthe year we bhave glv- .en cOnsitiereble studY andi effort Vo, ttc encouragement of inocas- ed use of clectrcity by oua' ous- V omers anti ourad oicontinues tb increase vcry so>iisfaotox-iy. Wle wish Vo agaan express our .appreciation for thec loYaJtY anti' 1 o-operation 0of our staff of cm- ployees anti cspecial1ly for -te very [efficient anti capable service of 1Our manager. Mx'. G. E. Chasse. R'esPcbfully aubanÉbteti P. W. Ndlles, Obalmion. 1 "Give us tee -men of in'Ieghty. .On 'w<M we know we oSn de- .pend; Wito will stand firxaitmo ;others f ail; te friemnd, faAitul andti S tha-e advser, honeslt anti feaa'les; te ativersaxy, just ani ob civairous. Sudit a one is a frag- Sment of te Rock of Ages."-j. p. Stanley. eports B9siness en Now ýn PayroII titional staffs a wklng f ' rcompaity in Toi'onV ntie ' boro. Fiîve truckcs have bec, busy for several weeksti"ing nursery stock titrougit - Vax-ho. On Tuesi.ey te 00 yloadeti anti shippet a ci scarloati cf stock for NoveS sMx-. Wood aisci reporletid~t ~,~ cently the B-K Nursery was 9 en te êontxact of supptygant esupervising te pianiing of 1010 acres of fruit trees near Newc as- r tle for a Toronto f irm. Business *is particular]y gooti, Mx-. Woodi Lsaiti. andi te expecteti that 1937à L-woulti be a record yeax for Brook- L- daie-Kingsway Lintiteti. - £Iit><i I i we-ve soie everyuuiw we-ve au- Mau More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham County Newspaper