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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 2

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PAGE TWO Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the town of Bowmnanville and surrounding country, lssued at King Street, Bowmnanvile. every Thursday, by M. A.' James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesrnan is a mnember of the Canadian Weekly Ne-sp.a.p.crs. Association. also the Class "A" Weeklies ofCad. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, Se. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 Plan Offers A Double Purpose Il. .~ il1 I 4 i i. i i THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Thi~is'cek Bîîniîîaîville' îfficiallv ilaug(- uratc's titi'Fedcî'aI IHomne 1ipi'ovcnucîtf Plaît. livwlieic i is liop'd fo pî'uvidc work for' seoî'es of artisan s. anditl ttthei saniv finie pr)iite an opporfiiiiity f0 hîomîe owîicrs f0 bornîiw nîecessarY fîîîîtls for iinprox'emieîts at veri' v low ecîst. Iint'sscîmcc tht' plan niiakcs if puossiblet'for people f0lise' fliec ei' tcti. wlîere foi' a ntiitbt'i of reasoiis flat pnivi- lege lias beeri imipssiblle in flic pasf If R tii licsiîiet'î'ly lopedt ttit man iiy l iitaku' advaîitage of flic plat. By fltecîi.upei'af in of flic Fedeî'ai Governîîient flie baîiks aînd oflier leiiig intstitutfions arc profecfcd agaiîîsf loss up f0 lW; of $50,00000. Tii ftise xvlo have itftflicready cash f0 make îîccded iîttpruveîiîenfs to thein boites coines an opportiiiity fo secure the ieces- sany ffinals at flic lowesf discountî rate ever given by leîîdiîîg institutions,. Tîte plaîn is faf pi'itarily ami effuî't to get people f0 bon- row îîniey. buit is î'aflcr ant effort f0 gef them tfi>speîid uioîucy on flîcir' homîes. There are fen' homes tîtat do it t equtine sonie iti- provemients. or alferatioiis. the inîstallationî of a iten' lîeafimîg plantf. lardw'ood floors., paiîîtiîîg. dccorafiîîg, or flic fixinîg up of an affie tir spat'e rutila. >FhR plaîtniaies tItis possible fiir ftose wh'o nighftifthcrwise fimtd it difficultfIt fiînance aîiy iniproveinnts. The local Home Iipoveîiîent Cominiftec isgiiî its finie gratis imn the iîîîerests of puffiîîg mn i o w'ork. Citizeîs inay ca.op- erafe by eîifhusiastically eîdoî'siîîg the plani and puffiîîg it info operafioti. Youir batik- er. huilden, or naîy memberoftifelicI-ome Imi- provemîetemîf(inmiffee iill he -lad f0 cx- plain tfli plaît in defail, and lit naftre is available f0 otflimie if gcmerally. The plaîn meri'.s serions considerafioîî. iTe exfeîît of ifs lit'ieficial effeef on employaient iin Can- ada caiînob as ycf be estimafedhbuit bbc more men if pîîsfi;buw'onk. the sinaller will gnon' ecd iiitiicipalify 's and flic 1ominiitii's cosf of kccping people oit relief. St. Andrew's Church Celebrates Centenary The cleliratioit last. Sunday ufflie Ccii- feiiary of flic cuiiregaftiî i îfsf. Aitdt'ew 's Pnesbyteniami Cîtitcît oîee agaiîî hîiîîgs for- ard a tlîîuglîf for'thflimîportantî part ftat a clîuîrcli platYs Iniconimuîîitv I ife. -\t' nevcî' have believeti that a 'buircli iiiakcs people î)trfect. amnd we sunttiîutcs iarn ion- ehuroligoers nîakiîg flic statt'iieîît tîtat ftîosi' wliti1gotiiclîtîcli areîno lîttteri'thlait those' iho tît aï axvay. That sfabcneît is opei t fi>questionmîanîd w~e wviuld add tîtat w'hi 1< tti<he eliv does itot îiuake peole per. feet. lîecaust' t'e cli rclitisel f is iii i peî'- fecf, il chies niake peopîle bettî'r iaîtd doli- Mnitieîs lut fer. TItis ctiiiiî îîy woîtlclle ilnfiîi itely liooreî' witholit.if f 'ltiî't'-eltes. andi the îî'îplî'whui attend ithîî'îîî xviid b l ie îîîlî less fittî'd tii figlît the tlailY liattlt' îf hfe' if f li'x liati no elitîrchi i wlieiîîtii g'tqi- spiratiiîîfinîîîwci'k f0week fîîr tti' ,stritî- gle of livinig. St. Atrew 's ciiîigi'egafionit as lîî"îîtiti chuncli Itoîtti' tf stîit' of Bîviaiil" mnost resîit'c: l cit iz(iti ,ittt'ehast tjfuîv Titis ec'h ni, Ii kt' au y ciga itiza tiîîîîiir gnilit. lias bncI ifs ijîs and dîwîts, luit ils av ' sities hatvte lueeniliki thlit'plagîis tiof'j 1)i, a trial of fait h. A ctr~ is a loîtiîîî iiien te bisto'v tif C ajntda, ai fit'efait t lînýt thuis chureli liais ived lin iliirouigîti iiv litîîîdri'u years of strange and drastiv îliangi's is proof euoutglm fiat it lias, playcd ifs role in the coîIliîniifvtý life whicli lias sîîsfaiîîî'îIif. The coîîgral uîafioîîs of the coîiiun i llxv go omt to St. Aîîdnexv's congrregatitiîi à this oc casionii. The ecitfciaî¶y brnîgs fa îiîîd atiother importanît matter. It is <ifficimît tii fiîît maîiy records of the eanly days of tItis and sevenal obhten chitreles ini Bowniaîiviile. Tlîe early tuciners apparently cid nof know tlic trucxaine of mrecords witb flic resulftuîhat possibly îîx'ir willh)c fotmîîd the iinportant records oif calien days in titis coagrega- tioîî. If is fo lie loped tît records of pre- sent happeiiiings are beiîîg kcpf so tiîat fii- turue geîratioîîsxiii know aîîd appreciafe whaf part the-m clîuînî'hî as played iin tue pnog-ress aimd lift' oflie convntuutify. Support Campaign For The Blind AIl ihis w'cîk tIi' ('aîîaiiaiî Nationual In- sfibu*e for the' BIniîîli .tutiî itis ait- tlue wrld 's fiîest -frinithelit' fandpoiliiîof i ts cd iforial anîd nî'pîrttmnial wîîik dcvoted oivii' 40 )palges f0 thle Bnrth 'ori'iîat iîî. wiî h a speccallY l)rclare'tl eoloî'eii st'ttioiî onî parc h mcii . flicMon i toii'aIwa ys a strni beîlicvcm' iniBrit ishî 1 '. fricîidship atteilits 1)- titis mneaîîs to brnîg about fîîrthcr un- dî'rsfaîiding hc theui fi vo grcat En- gI isli speakiîîg petîpits. people iin jolis andi concession.s $249.'200. Money does îlot ini aîîy' ay' denote wliat woi'k is acecoiplislie<l 1hY titis organizafion. If is the opportunnty bu sec again. or the opputtiity to sectire gain fui eniiplo%.îneiif. tlthoucîh binid, thaf mieans so much 10 t these afflicted people. It is tu bc hopeti thercfore tat Bownian- ville ivilli make a neal effort ta be generous in fuis ceaîupaigîî. Last year the local cain- îîaiîgn netted a very fair suin. Ib is expeet- cd thaf wjth improved ecpnioîýic conditions the caînpaign fuis year xiii surpass last yea's -mark. If for any- reason you are flot approachced anîd arceîîot taggcrd on Saturday donations, nîay bc forwardcd to Miss Helen (?rdernian, secrefanv of flhc local commit- tee. at the Registrar Office. Now That The Strike Is Over 'l'lie sefîlenent of the strike xvhielî kpt Gt'iîcmal 'Mofors workers oui of e,.mplloymcîîit foir more titan two xecks w~ill bc eeeccivt'i n îth iirouiiiin thaîîk flîîess in Bow'miau- ville. Wifh a nuniber of local people work- îng- at Genenal Mutons, andti vft sontie Bow- nauville industries dependent 111)011the' Mîtors fur a big share of local prtoduction,. a sigli of î'elief is îîafurally ijuite ini order iii tins tow'n. Alitliougýli we have ried f0 understand hoth sides tif thli dispîute wlîieh brouglîf ablotthie stî'ike, ive do not feei tîtat ive eau sJ)eak ivitlî atthoi'ity on the iatbcn. We maturall ' feel that Gencral Mofors lias 1aid hiîglier ivages in flic skilled trades tlîayi an-, otheridut' in Canada, anîd at the sainie finie we eau sec flic pointf raiscd by cmi- lloyccs fliat part finie work docs not pro- vide a ycan round livinig. As bo lhc part pla.d by thc C.I.O. in tflicmazc of contra- dictory stabenemts ib is difficuit for flic la.y- men f0 express an op)iniont that w'ould bellp the situiabionî. To oui-' iiid tfl i osf reniankable fliing about flic stnike ivas flic defernrjuafion of flic stnikers to obey thc laws of the countfry. Througli flic pcniod of flic strike. ('bief of Policc Ow'en D). Friend and his officens did nof have fo arnest oie mant. Tlîe omly mîan ini bhc lockup durnîg tîtaftue ivas a vag- raîît w'lo asked f0 bc locked up. If is ne- frcshing f0 realize fliaf Canadians arcemof caîîghf up ini flcexxavc of liysferia thaf eveny now' and agaiîî aftacks aur neiglibors f0 bbc souf.h. Sitdow'n stnikes w'ere deelan- cd illegal ii Ontfario by Premier Hepburn riglîf froin flic oubsef and the Oshiawa sfrik- ci-, neyer suggcsfed a sifdowiî. Pickefinig. anîd the nianncn iii whielîicew'holc strike ivas condiefcd ivas wifhinî flic ounds of flic law. aîd flic grcabcst credif is due flic Ocu- eral Mutons wonkcrs, wlio set an examiple to the wvlole count ry ini sliwimig tlîat Caîi- adian labor disputes eau be sefflcd witlioît aîiy resonttobu iotiîig, bloodslicd or illegal aets. Gemiral Motors executives. f00, ex- liiîied flirouigliout kafie spirit iii fhe ex- pres',ed dcsi 'c to diseîiSS Ai COnMimoi gruid the eumplaiîît of i lie workers. Even if ftic sfnikc lias lost hotu workers aîd flie Geuî- cî'lal Mofons mian ' vthiuaiîds. of dollars, if lias shown thaI ('aîadiaîs (eau and xiii o vonl'oie t hein isutsiiia coinntion seuse Bi'it isît inian er. City Dailies Make Face About Onec of flic iiost reiniakaie outeuiies of thie Osliawa sf îike situation wsflhe amiaz- liii t uritalout of the' Torontfoî iewsliapcrs oni flic îiatfcî' The 'Torontfo Star.,IPremieirî Ilî'lîî'î ' iost artdent support er, t iiiiict fa' aluît anid rau a h itft'er aîipaigii a'2iiist iiiii. lice jilypoiftically log- fi cdEviii Tolegraiii. ho ttidlieant anîd souîl to)tlic Tories for '<cars aîîd withoîit a g1o niword fi> sii abîouît Mitcelcl F. I lej- tîîîrn, akso t îîî'îs about face anîd filîts jîist as lit terna catupai gu ifor Prciie i ùî leîuni agliiist thetin îroiids of thliC (.1.0. in Onitario. ,riî".î farts slioîld lînîvk to bbcelptople of Tlori'oio at lcîsftta thfîîir tienspapers. liowtv'r tîvniav li'aîi owitrîjonie jitiitical lla't. i>' of tt ideb iitl wliciiil cones fi) VitaIi~iîS.I t Na goodti lîîg bcts wliafcvcî' Side of 1>01if ies oneit,'iaxY ispotise. iliat .ilî'taiiiot alwa s lic iglîf. t is xw'tll flîcrefore fo fintît th flies'itwspapt'ts ivil IlW îîî'îîaaîîst tlt'ir politiea lel~ader, or will flînit o thlîi r ut terîst pol itiea i î'îîmiii an isstie of tlîis fypi'. If provesJhîat wlîile fhev îiiav tiiffî'r.!Anid nt utl t t i nos.t le ie 1I . Say.. 1 The editar o! the Smiths Fali-s News-Reocord has his own remedy for sit-down strikes. "Too bad," le says, "lIe agi.tatons oould nlot be Igiven the saine punishînent that we received in the wcods-hed when a boy, for m-isbehaviour. A!ter being punished in sud ha manner our desire ta, sit-don was poszitively in the negative.'" There's stili a certain amount of discussion is some papers as ta, whether it is permissible ta print the lists o! flowers sent ta a f un- eral. Most o! the editors agTee tŽ' at it's in rather bad tastle, and o.esuggest that the f lowers would be better sent ta the hbs- pital while the "deceas,ýed" (O horw we dislike that word> was still alive. Maybe It would halp if the papers printed the namnes o! those who sent f lowers -ta the las- pitals!-Fergus News-Record. Nothing fimer in the way o! Cîhristian brotherhood lias ever been exibited in Ontario tban tle genenous offer o! the Presby- terian aid Umted Churdli people o! Viorona Harbor to the Catho- lics whose dhurch was destnoyed by fine to allow them ta conduct mass alternately in their churcli buildings until a new Roman Catholic edifice shail have been erected. Victoria Harbor lias de- monstrat-ed ta the wo>rld that Pro- testants and Catholics are wor- slippcrs o! the saine God and followers o! the same Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. - Midland FYee Press. Did you ever see a tent over a gardien? After a mnan lias pi-e- pared the soil and plant.ed Uis garden with goad seed it would not appear quite right 10 erect a tent over it. And ye't. fIat ap- pears tG be what some !olkrs do with their professions and busi- nesses. They invest a lot of tiine in ýworry and preparation and seed sowing. They then pull a shroud o! secrecy bver their a!- f airs and expect -a wholesome growtlý. Businesses and profes- sions, like f arm and gardens, need the sunlight o! good public- ity.-Plcton Turnes. REVENUE STATEM REVENUE - --- Domestic Ligît Commiercial Liglit Commnercial Power Street Lighting, Menchandi-se - Net Profit Stores - Net Profit Truck Operation Building- OPERATION AND MAITENANCE'. Power Purchased Distrihution Maintenance- Distribution -Depreciation Meter Maintenance Lino Transforiner - Maintenance Debenture Principal Due and Paid in 1936 - --- - Debenture Inbterest and Sundry Billing and Collecting- - General Office - Salaries & Expense Undistributed Expense ....-------- Street Lighting Operation aid Mtce. Consumers' Premises Expense.- - Promotion of Bù.siness ------- Meter Maintenance WENT Hydranît Maintenance $ 9.14.48 Pump Hlouse Maintenance $ 2,35.14 $ 9.14.48 Pump House Operation $ 27,36 Meter Reading, BiUling and Collecting 9D1"6.91 General Office Salaries & Expense 3,158.81 Debenture Principal and Interest 346.23Utility Equipinent Operation & Mtce. 346.23 Undisturbed Expense 70.28 $ 91,144.48 59,641.53 2,527.96 1,960.00 929.77 76.73 2,654.26 1,875.46 2,085.64 2,230.36 954.47 401.83 4:55 3 46.26 75,688.82 Hydro-Electric Power Comxnission Intenest 194.39 559.55 $ 75,129.27 OPERATINO PROFIT FOR 1936 SUREPLUS ACCOUJNT OPERATING SURPLUS. 1 Jan. 1936 - Debenture Principal paid to 1 Jan. 11936 Debenture Principal due in 1948 and 1949 redeeined in 1936- ------- 9,054.42 Rebate ta Power and Lighting Custoan- ers ne 1935 ..5,901.28 Rebate Public Liability and Propenty Damage Rebate ta Town re Street Liglfing re 1935- ---- 1,012.41 Operating Profit for 1936 Debentures paid in 1935-1936-1948-1949 Operating Surplus, 1 Jan. 1932 ta 31 December, 1936- 61,081.11 Debentures paid in excess, 1948 to 1952 inclusive -.1- 24,313.61 36,767.50 Debentures Paid f0 Date - --36,434.64 $ 89,170.25 Less - Inferest Ea.nned - Bank. $75,129.27 OPERATING PROFIT FOR YEAR 330.34 164.83 18.13 31.20 115.23 776.76 989.95 11.716.8D 19.90 44.10 14,207.24 50.22 14,157.02 $ 2,187.26 $ 16,344.28. SURPLUS ACCOUNT OPERATING SURPLUS. 1 Jan. 1936 DEBENTURES PAID to 1 Jan. 1936 Openating Profit for year ended 31 December, 1936 Debentures Paid in 1936 Re!und ta Town ... Openating Surplus as at 31 Dec. 1936 Debentunes paid to date- 1,220.00 4,413.75 10D,402.10 $106,035.85 $ 3,446.49 92,640.65 2,187.26 7,761.45 $106,035.85 $ 16.015.21 $ 91,144.48 $36,623.21 24,725.96 h 97.19 16,015.21 11,7U8.68 Atidited 1w Oscar Hîidsoîi & Co., (Ibar'tred Accoutitaiits $89.170.25 A NO HE SHAIL LEAD in Paris, France, wrOte to the late This 15 the stuff Uit Banjamnin BnarnFranklin implorifg himn Franklif's correEPondent referre<1 The Ottawa SpotIlight THEM to publishlus autobiograPhY .. to oehnre n Franklin ha.d wflten prtf at., I is not f ar f rom the truth ta ByWILFRID EGOLESTON ySrbG and for the good of posterity, say tba.t the worldi has always By Y Srib GVaughan was urgiflg him t<?> Sm- been run by its ablest m. .. ________________________________________ If a man is good enough li. e plete it.. In lus letter Vaughian and Uikely as flot it always wiUl be. will become a leader ... no mat- says: 'School anld other education tialomsurnt efc, Ottawa, April 27. - H-on. Ian be heid late this autumn, there ter what the line. çonstantly proceed upon false I 5as ea~rn arfet Mackenzie, Minister or National > lbanternvldbtep-on a cm vrfro rnils and shwcumY p i opeful to ponider that from Defence, goes tatLeflndval debate1-Atheung Satscanne a rfrew pratuls poand atoa f ais mrkthe* womb or a common wornan Deenegos oLodo aco-The Combhines Act dashe irdSuaes and0 isnsafew a t ur pparedats 1 s mand;springs tihe genius . .. let us e pani, by the heads of the miii- f tyi p ausi ipe n tary, naval and air services, and, rdMGeo, eita o city called Oshawa ta forsake the mark a true one; and wUle wail n oe other senior officers of hUs depart- many years of the Combines in- their leaders . . . their employer paet and young persons are ________ ComercTe Mis terong a and ivestigations Acti, bas been named . .. whoseecolors many of thm lef t destitute of other jius t ieans trade experts wijil be conspicuous cemssoe of the rjuvritedh worn for years. At the new !etmrgadbcolgPX OhTheBide!Eii by her bsece i ai g t ix~ a~ r~ Uileader's masthead appear three pared for a reasonable cors i Gardeners by teirabsnce Itallgoe tobod, wichhasa fw nw tethletters which represent a group or life, your discovery that the thingý confirin the impression which hlas, in it, although not so rnany as movmnt . . . the broad support i i many a man's private pow- Signs of spring are ywhere been reached from other sources. the Minister f Labor wouldi haveo! which as little understood by er, wilî be invaluable." these days esPecialYO T, lawns that imperial defence wiil be the like. Orne work with the for- most of those concernied. The As a spur ta native borniCa-ndgresiSt rywhe maont>i fdsu.inat~ cp was done in the banking and, same people who marvel at the .adians Whio aedîy* n adn nS ay h commerce commîRnttee of the Sen- 'biblical st.ory of Moses .. . witness îost opportunities orbeanai the hako ntt ens the neghbedhood- There appears ta be little doubt: ate ini the dying days of last ses- this modem ' crossing of the any ... please consider Hon. Da- cent of t.he dogs and cats are con- that the British delegates ta the sion. There is probably enough, streain" without giving *much vid A. Groil, late Minister o! Pub-- gregated about the stiUl dormant imperial confer ence which begis le! t o! the Act, however, ta en- thouglit to it. Is there any chance lic Welfare for the Province Of rose bushes and the sprouting on May l4th will stress certain! able Fred McGregor a.nd'hUs col- 0f it suggesting ta you the latent Ontario. He was born in MosCOW. snowdrops, crocus and tuiip beds. considerations. For instance, that league ta keep a watchful eye on: possibilities that may reside in Russia . . . le.amed our language The hiens are looking for their Britain is spending a billion dol- the exploters who see in Mn. Av-',Your own son1 Joe . . . if he is ... is a graduate of the Universityt greens and natunra3ly they will lars a year on defence. and a good erage Man a f air mark for their able enougli he may becom.e a of Toronto . . . a K.ng'1s Counsel scratch while the non-hen-keep- deal of it is defence on the Coin- operations. There is nothing il- 'moVer of men"? That lie may and graduate o! QEgoode HaUl ing portion of the populace swears monwealth. That, as a re.su.It, the'legal about associating with cother ýsome day exert. more power and Law School. Did hie get te be a1 and threa.tens ta use a shotgun Or British tax-payer is bencing 10w business men, or the oombinig influence than men with a nul- Minister in this Govemrment be-t axe uiaon the unf ortunate fowls under the yoke o! taxation. That l of on corporation with other, lionudollars whD have been regu- cause Uis parents had pull?. . or and quadrupeds. Constable Dan Canada is the f ourth largcst ex-1 providing that whait is done is flot1 lar "citizens o! Athens" for a lif e-1 because people of lis nationality Ross has had many calls and he porter o! goods in the world, and, injurious to the public. But if tiMe? get the pluins in this country . . las walked miles trYing to bring hma a trEmendaus stake in keep-' manufactun'ers or wholesaiens 'got Native born Canadians w 0lO because the Liberals loved peace and quietness to the wards ing open the sh.ipping channels O! 'i together' and agreed not ta seUl stand aroundi the four corners or ýhim? o" the town by having the irres- thle world. That if Canada f eels t soks or aspirin tablets or coa.l or talk amnong therrselves at home1 We have neyer met Mn. Crol in ponsible livestock penned up in secure about using the Atlantic, il 1,thehing machines or woden about "the lack cf opportuniity" our life s0 our guess is as goodl accordance with the lawes o! the is largely so because of the Brit- :legs, at less than an agreed-upon ... how they are the helpless vc-as aMybody's. We think lie be- ý land. It is probable that a suna- ish f leet. That if an Imperial! figure, thus elinlinating competi- tinis of this, that, and tU thercamea'I isebeaeofismnwilfoow nyubeet fleet is ta be created for the Pa- I l ion batween f irins, they would thing. Doesn't lt inake you sick? ability ta exert his private power instances of neglect by hen and cific, of simiar proportions ta the corne within the scope of the new Over one hundred and fif ty in such a way that people had ta t dog owners in this town.- St. Atlantic f leet (and this sugges- Act. years ago a gent named Vaughian, pay attention ta hlm . .. and do. 1 Marys Jouriia-AI'gus. tion is beiag seriously conisidered) it will have as one of its main chortes the protec.-tion o! the mer- chant shipping o! Canada, Aus- tralia, New Zealand and India. Sounded Out on Defenc# Te rth e word"s pne" a BOWMANVILLE PUBLICUTILITIES COMMISSION wnTe Brthe deats probablyt descnibe Canada's attitude on de-1 fence, affthough 'certain outspoken parliamcntarians at Ottawa did. last session. But in a polite way Eetïa e at e tW trD p r m n Mackenzie King and Uis col- Elcr alD p tm tW te Deat et leagues will probably be asked if ElecrclDprmnBlnehet eebr3,13BaneSetastDcme 1,96 they feel disposed to co>-operale crclDprm ,BlneSet eebr3,13 aac he sa eebr3,13 with the British authanities inASESSES strengthening, say. the Pacific de- ACTIVE 2,384.3 fence-, o! the Commonwealth. ATV --- ----.... ........ ......... ACTIVE1,3325 Bak ------2,075.883 The Canaclian delegates wilî Cash on Hand ----------------- --$ .100.00 16,33c5nts--------c--ei--able - 3- 20588 thereupon be placed in a rather Accounts Receivable ------- ------- 6,156.17 Accuns ecivale30.4 delicate position. The represent- Inventories. 31 December. 1936 ----- 3,498-25 ,343 atives of the Canadian, people qs Hydro-Electric Power Connsstion cf$o!843 sembled at Ottawa lat ssso Ontario --------------------- 6,378.82 FIXED ------ - $176,476.80 made it pretty clear that theyPlt- $67783 were not keen about going in for $ 16,133.25 Meatr167,86.38 armainents. They swallowed the FXD-- ------------- --TOOLS 134.34 $35.000,000 program wth sanie XD$107.083,95 Y_1___ dlimfculty. after the explanation Land and Buildings----------- $ 27,907.21J $176,476.80 that it really wasn't an increase Distribution System ----- 47,465.12 ____ in armamnents at aIl, that what Transformers ------.----- 8,535.70O was being d1onc was solely the ne- Meters ----- . --------------------- 17,649.96 storation and repair o! Canadas Street Lightiag Equpmnent--------- 2,921.51 existing war machine, which lad OfiÏoc Fuiture and Eqmipment, - been allowed to rndowfl. Depreciated Value --------- ---- 1,474.02 Mr. Mackenzie King wil be able Tools - Depreciated Value _----- - 501.35LAILTE to say to the British, w,'th s'ome Trucks - Depreciated Value -------- 629.00 IBLTE justification. that it 15 ail very$07839 CURRENT$ 4192 weil to talk about increases o! 1708.5Custoriners' Depdsîts $ 17 9.0 armnaments at London, but that -. 2219.98 the last word is witl thIc Canag- ECuity in Hydro-Electric Power Comsis'n Systeins $ 29,851.04 Accounits Payable--- -- ----- 294 dian people in Parliamient azsisa- incorporation Expenses re Purcbase o! plant.. $ 397.45 $ 490 bled. and that if they want agree $ ABILITIE t9 increaÉes, il cannot be donc. CURRET $ 7669.6 DEBENTURiLS OUTSTA.NDING$675.2 What Is On the Cards CRET-- --- ,f96 RESERVES$675.2 Ii3not difficult, perhaps. to Bank Ovendraf t ------------ $ 6,765.76 DEPRECIATION - mITERS $660 seIn dc ht is gigt Consumers' Deposits ------- 903.89 SURPLUS$60.0 bc done at the Imperial Confer- $7696 Operating Surplus $ ,13.75 enc. Te Bitsh iiltrytagct________Debentures Paid f0 Date 100,402.10 the Dominions ta go in for en- DEBENTURES OUTSTANDING ----- $ 34,565.36 s14858 largeýd defences; thle Dominions$14855 il plead that it 15 political-ly RESERVES very difficult. A compromise2l RESERVE FOR DEPRECIATION $ 8,177.,50 $178,861.15 be reacled. and Hon. Ian Mc RESERVE FOR EQUITY IN HYDRO-ELECTRIC ke na vl came back tf alanaaPOWER COMMISSION SYSTEMS $ 29,851.04 wîthn afalcrpsrsogrmehllaSURPLUS AND DEBENTURES PAID doze f st cuisrsor rmeting Operating Surplus, 1 January 1932 ta of the kind. to be built at once~ to 31 December, 1936 -- ------------- $ 61,081.11 add ta the defences of thc Pacific. 105Dbnue 9895-- EEU TTMN The Canadian Public will be care- esDbnue198-512-RE NU ST EM T fully prepared for this prograin. Redeemnec in Advance out o! Surplus 24,313.61 REVENUE$16442 and at the next session o! parlia- $osu e16Reenu4$11.9.2 met.- h.chmigto!cors, Debentures paid ta date- Due and in $3.6.0Hy'drant Revenue 4,650.00 Adva.ne - - - 36,434.64 $ 16,344.28 W h tO h r$ 73,202.14 OPERATINO AN'D MIUNTENANCE $ 14,157.02 ----- -----

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