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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 5

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b. .G~ n 'iTIr r A A rITA \' TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937-1H:5 - You. May Easily Borrow $50 to $2,000 to Fix Up Your Hiome -ýl Act enables yots to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly payment plan over a period not exceeding three vears. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. For Sale By IBert Parker Plumber Bowmanville Duro-Speciet EPR RS 1G OLD 8 Alio supplied for Gasaline EMIEBSSMGCO LD Engine operation London Hamilton Toronto Winnpeg Vancouve,1 r H IMPOEE. We have a complete stock of fine Walipapers and at very reasonabie prices too. TRY STICK - FAST The cold water paste that Is cheaper to use than fiour, and far more effective. 1 lb. Package 20e You can modernize your Batbroom, Kitchen andi Laundry just as you want it - now is the time to have these re- pairs done. Don't Wait Until Next Fali To Take Care of Your HEATING NEEDS Clean Up - Repair and Improve Now! W. LEN ELLIOTT Plumbing and Heating Phone 348 i~I lbIwè UNDER THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT PLAN-MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON SIX MONI IS I 1> 11K1tYFIAHi 1 tIIMVI gredients, mix them and finish up n m a Now Over Hundred 1 bycooking. MODERN KITCHENS FOLLOW by Sed rgea I HM MRVMN LN'CHEAP PLUMBING Grand OId Lady Was The straght line principle, the A H A T A A DFo o m nil fundamental of afl. kitchen, MrAEsuSEKN NOR AIN H A T A A Andrew Timmins, Win- S R I H U N R N I L means thiat the food shall proceed E YUSEIGIFR AIN STRAIGHT uNE PRINCIPLE Do o Sh do p t ne. A"rand celeb ladyher on _____ _________________through its various funetions 0f TE EDTI RIL Mc sCneldS eets chese's "rn l ayO treatment in as straight a lUne as HNRA THSATCED oShwU AtOce Api22delbadhr10s You May Instail Mo-, mary experts got together in an the confines of the kitchen will' ______noo haJhsh demn Kitchen At Low 'effîciency drive on the kitchen.permit. That is, the f ood star- tee iumlang whcff is ch e - sildossm ok. wnhu age centre hrith its refrigerator Canada is becoming home im- And bette'r stihi. $1,500,000.000 o! Tee - i a v-st ifc e be C- stilioessmeo ie w hue Cost Through Homeiwith the resuit that if one's kit- should be near the service en- provement conscious. Prom coasti private money was spent by those and inefficiently installed and Born near Prescott, Mrs. Tim- ____ chen bas flot this principle in- trance of the house. A working to coast the idea of modernizingi who had the f unds but had been good quality plumbing. put in by nùins îived at Bowýmanvtifle a.nd How many women know what corporated, sometimes called "pro-1 surface at this point on which and repairiflg homes, anid thus: holding back because of lack Of an expert in accordance VdNth Inikermian before coming to Win- deliveries can be temporarilY stirnulating the trend towards confidence. Spent by people who, Sound principles of santary en- cetri 86 at ero it theens *'trait- fle princîple re-1 gressive *functing." o n d se iplaed bforae peing trbtdaprpety sakgho.Tewenhesa otesutngn gineering, says the Canadian n '- 0flr1thbtda a pesents.It si sadedtha eypatcîytkn akadses hi oae points is desirable. Home improvemnent Plan. spon- a new baths-oom, a garage, a ce- stitute of Pluxbing and Heating. ocso fhr10hbrha fewdo.It a-sanvdedthecui like the plumber who forgot his The storage centre should be part sore<j by the National EMInpOY- ment sidewalk, electric wiring. Du~e to the fact that so much - ___________ ary department o! the home, ai. tools. Strange sounding techni- o! or near the food preparation ment Commission, is impressing etc.. decided to do the saine them-- o! the plumbing is concealed be- I_______________ department becoming increasingly 1cal tersaeue el hs ete inewtri eddbt tefo h public minds as a 1 selves. Loans for such work are , ndte ls and under thei imporetan. itobea day-s as science takes in the cook- for food preparation and cook- constructive co-operative ef fomrt still continuing to be made every floors, defects in a system may Teae h c fe quesin sdto e a e ing department of the home in its ing, the sink may well be placed Iwhich has in it the elements o! day in large numbers. . not shiow up until af ter the walls tese hih afld utea le ever-embracing stride, f aculties of! next to the preparing centre, withI sucess and is worthy of support. And the lossýes to the U.SA are plastered and the systemlias if flot nearly ail young aspirants household science turn out ex- the stove beyond. What is the Home Improve- Government, on these lbans, have been put into operation.' At this for office positions with large perts and even bureaus are estab- o h e companies on "intelligence" tests. i ished to wretle with individual A working surface between the ment Plan? Here is a brie! ex- been negligible. Claims amount stage, the correction o U e The civil service used to ask this problems. Domestic life so far as sink and stove is an advaritage planation: The Dominion Goverri- to but one per cent o! the bans 1fcsawy rvst eepn question. The answer is simple: the kitchen is concerned is f ast for the cook ta allow "secondary" ment has arranged with the and hall o! these claims Ai s es- sive and inconvenienit. mation in offices is the "straight button is presseci and the thing i vide clear space on which to place institutions whicli can lend at the recoverable. may be contemplating building or Uine principle." oe oedy ahn a hot dishes f rom the range. low interest rate may also comne In Canada proport.ionate iprovgpumigf cltisi TUekichn paner an cl-evne vove dao pormotin - aY AIl utensils and suppiies should in) to, lend to home owners for gress may be made. Over a rea- their homes to beware f the The itcen lanersandcul eve beevovedto ouroutin-be canveniently stored at the improvemen>ts, $50,000,000. t hi~s onable period it shoId be pos- "handyfli8f." aelvn nhue point, o!f irst use, experts point money to be oaned by the batks. sible to bring the îoan total Up to Mn h r iigihue out. For example, a f rying pan is the Governimeflt guara nl t e le i nl g say $50,000,000 and total expendi- luilt several years ago. would do f irst used at the range, for it is them Up to 15 per cent of the tures including private outlays up well to safeguard their health by usually heated before f ood is aggregate value of! bans made by to, a total Of $2)0,000,0S. What havmng their plumbing thoroughly placed in it for cooking. It should, each. will ýthat mean for the construc- lexamined. Inferior fixtures, im- therefore, be stored at or very Temnyi ob ondo inidsr n o mly properly enameled and inade- nerth anehbtaacea d on ra to ber aed ntta tiomenut Indfr mlo quate in size, pipes of smailldia- nea th ragebuta sucean iscuntrat of3"2perent tht mntmeter, and faucets flot carefully sl1used for cooking vegetables, such is, if you borrowed $100, yo*u p______xe_____________t. i ii as potat.ae& is filled with the wouîd give Your note for that p&td r aarst elh p u < li tot. vegetables at the sink, hence it aro= ad eciv $9675 incs It is very easy for a sys-temT to e opPc>VI~~eà~çC~ ~should be stored near this point. i and y<> would pay back $834 each ILIlRb mrprydsge ota 'N Tablean&. chinaýJs such as dinner l ft rg the year, if borrow- JU IO UIIETIE. the pipes are incorrectly pitched ~ ~ ~tOU~ tc u4i pates, usually warmed before1ed forone year. Th-s would com admybcm aron.Vn % e VIU I I. -- b ie fl serving, should be stored near the1 pletely paythe debt. I O U A pipes for equalhzing air pressutre elO nyWi warming oe rplate warmer, hsisteofy ot oother I O P P R tUat obnoxious odors f rom .se% -J IL 0W' t%%l C aSwhl slvran gaswrImy echarge cari be made by the ban. eir may find free entry into the w ~ hcJCýea Ilt~ ocated as near ta tUe dini'ng-i o "ngesî t5ng ço I;es'n raom as possible bcause it is first TUL-e discount rate vaies with tUe 'l'le bekatno !dy house, causing nausea to the c-N os saM WlaeBUail V u-.ed at that point. Serving <sh- termi o! tUe lan whichi may ex-hsbeoe uo un-dpants. A "handyman," withoutNo oueiaM ( afig. set ,%o.an sr8-ingcnr iia osdr-bttert sf xdb oiinet nmn oe prmnsful knowledge o! modern sanitary wtý.sa-es belong near tUe range or serv- letdtovria termupmtoernee yearsgone byIt Fits the Nee< I ,~s tCtOtinsappy"o'ohcutnslsnCqveum', cturin.TUe dis- and house. The desire for a large egneigmyvr aiy' Ib 1 'i*die SI tcouernt ta 34r ent na vgromadteneest fstala cross connection between And no home is modern unies in, , -'ujiand. supplies. on yran fist4 erui centton an srn pc h- rqetythe supply and waste pipes, thus tertainment for every member AItrgVpnr ncsa~ average interest rate o! 6.32 per done aw ay wîýth a dintng-roox asn ouino!tedik'g i or oemyesl ei eculeae efoSI~~. only for a large bouse with two or cent on the average unpaid bal- but the housewife feels that tUe çVater ;with t.he sewage. . or an extra guest room, thereb ~~te ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ance of .e or evns adsoaetele an. On a two yeari usual dining-nook with built-ifl Wehr U oseodr of your home. ptimarily.d Dice es a serving anefetiv merst at i table and benches is not sufficient planning to build a new ilome or Our work also includes ban islmdesirous o! makinghwi:nprovf--dAors, sereens, general Wood, 1861 ~$ cnr nwih ihaUn f-62 e eado tre fearfr tUe needs o! Uer family. , ments under the Home Improve- oigli opeead fii cilities should also be incorporat- ba6.2 per cent.T nd th cnfsina0 m- eu Pln.tU Istiut rco- ed. lTe cileaning centre in the on62pecet oaodtecnuino eninPlnth nttt eoForngadcmlt n kitchen may tUen be established LOanis ae ade to persons up arranging the entire living-room miencis dealing only with a re- REMODEL NOW WITH A IH forwasin pos, an an kt o $2,O00 and can be repaid over o vr~fml el ir pu&able master plumber. He ha-s ceuenils. a termi to be arranged Up to tliree 1dnette ts ideal. Four people a aealftiesuy0 U Phone us fo Adequate wall space is consid- years. b evdcnfral ee n plumbing and heating and n1atur- ered te most essential part o! a This money can be loaned tU e living-room two-purpose table ally understands te materials wel-planned kitchen. T he re house-owners only and to be usedý brouglit into play only when there and tUe installation o! plumbing W.I should be as few doors as possible for improvements. The term im- -s aty equ±pment as no one else does.Shpoedrea in tUe kitchen and none o! them provement. of course. will include Fund= for the purpose o! add -_____one__________ should be placed eithem in tUe almost any needed repairs or ad- ing an extra raom te your home Avriei h aainReiec:Cre h middle 0f tUe wall or at the ex- ditions equired, the loan ntot to or for redecoratiflg your t-oims Adert n Te CnaanRieceCrerii treme corners. In a well-planned exceed in all $2,000. may be obtained from any bank 0aemn 7N, kitchen, doors should be placed Of course, the underlying mo- under tUe generous ;ternis of the approximately two feet f our in- tive from tUe point of view of the Dominion Government's H o mi e cUes froin the corner, allowing National Ernployment Commis- Improvement Plan. r'~ space for work surfaces. Window sion, is to put people te work. An attractive dinette may be - silîs sbould be about three feet It is not a plan forinulated for created wdth panielled walls, which ten inches from the floor and tUe tUe purpose o! borrowing or lend- geve a more formal air than isf topabutseenfet six inches in money; it 's a plan to facili- generaily found in the egulation !rom the floor. tate the improvement oflhoemes. breakfast nook. It is not a plan formuiated te A distinctive compositilon floor I.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ ~ - ~put upon the Governinent the covering and unique lighting fix- financial burden o! the improve- ture continue the schemne. Vene- i ENFIELDment o! these homes; it is a plan tian blinds give priva.cy but allow to provide home-owners with the a proper amounit o! light and vet- ï Mm.Ear Boman Ki.chner ~means te Uelp themselves in e- tilation. visiting Messrs. Thos. and Go'd-1 storing and improving the at -_______ ilft f ty Boman.tractiveness o! their sur-ounidings E Miss Z. McKee, CadImu.s, and ebigtem edotewk Former Citizen Dies in Gait IYLU Mrs. Ired Days, have been visit- aot a x.eey 0 iacn Friends in Bowmanville wil e- ingai r. altr Fr ~ It ts. not a plan formulated to gret te read o! the death o! Mrs. Mr. and Mi-s. Edwin Ormiston, d neeaywm o h aePtrLmm. tGI.eryii Mr. and lin. L. C. Pascoe and d neesx okfrtesk ee abo tGleryti ~~ Wl. ~Miss Bes&e- ttne sxoc ofo giving employnrient; it is a plan week. Mr. Lambros was for sev- Td u u fdinne at tehoe so! Mm. tri provide much eimpoyment erai years proprietor of the Olym- "A W o m au.u W o rk wbile f illing a eal need, probablY pia Cafe here. TUe following McGiUl Wednesday night when an one o! the greatest needs now in obituary is taken from itihe Belle- enjoabl evnin wa spnt. question for the community at. ville Ontario-Intelligencer: 'Mrs. o! Enfiou "' T e md ere e themtY.ned U.large. Peter Laxnbros, wife of Peter Lamn- ofEa d w tU e P U asi Mon Lastly, it is flot a plan appl),ing bros, proprietor o! the Guild es- This old saving may or may not be true, liut cetil ay eve ninm n em noal much application te the f arm. Hem demise was quite sudden al_ time was spent. if your home lacks running water, and a kitchen sink, the Mr. Mervin Pereman, Coumbu Tesln, ee n U om .ouhselidbenJi11hat bas rented the late Wallace Sct modernizat ion and repais- schenle for some week.s. Mm. Lambros. o! the United States Fedemal who wa.s caUled te Gat over the~ jo o huskepig s retl icrasd.~Housing Administration. weekend received a hurmied calI W'ih unin wter sppie b a ur Pmpng Some men marry fom money. What evidence is tbere that it on Uts arrival back in the clty on î Sytnand piped to any part of your home, it w~ill be and somte others are married for ' practical and will be succes.s- Monday and retumned immediate- System,. fuI? ly te Gaît. Teddie lambros left readv for an Enico sink in the kitchen and an Ec t U ntdSae ntefrtewsenct ta al equipped bathroomn. It'.s suprising liow easy it is t(1 Insttwoheasnfitedatsino!the boumheet ery. T Guîan restau iSomegr t wom n t l et yoe- ecuivaîent plan 1,100,0 bans tot- ant is closed until interment is Ail Enico Fixtures and Fittings are carefully made, aSome women00,neyer getde.home-. sick because they are not homealig $0.000wremd. ae" subject to the closest inspection and will giv'e years of long enough. unexcelled service. ________________________________ Emco prices are mnoderate. For example, Snow-white In order to live a man must Enamelled Sink, as illustrated, 20" x 42", including Faucet work - leven if he only work.s REPAIR AND anbd Trap, ready for installation for as lowv as ...$34.0 And many a man treats a st.raligem bettes- in a barroom tUan The Duro Special Pump, illustrated below, ha-s a capa- he trea.ts bis wife at home. O E N Z city of 250 gallons per boum, is supplied with a 30 gallon with - Galvanized Tank and 110 volt, 25 or 60 cycle, motor, and h r N oin costs only...................................................... 89M o0e rn'P i m b i n SnîalI Menthly Paynaen@ts I - OR TEand demn Home Unless Is of the Family ess it contains comnfort, and en- r of the f amily. Waste spae nade over into a den, play roomn Lby lxnproving the attractivefless skitchen cabinets, combination Lwork, Acme Brand Har*-wood iished. EOMIE IMPROVEMENT LOAN rr particulars. de Allin et D. Aildread's Shop tirch and Ontario Streets Girows.a .iar telephone Éole. In three widely separated, climatically different parts of the continent, laboratory tests are made by planting varions types of telephone poles-exposing them to the weather for long periods and observing the effeet. Thus chemisns and engineers have devised means of using less costly pine, treated with creosote, instead of cedar, Chestnut and Douglas fir. The saving is substantial-one of the many savinge that science makes possible and which lceep the cost of telephone service within the reach of the huniblest user. Recent rate reductions saving telephone zsers $600,000 yearly mean wider use and greater- value to each subscriber. FRANK WILLIAMS, Mamager tablet was unveiled in te local United Church. Three o! hem il childmen axe Istill living. TUey are Stanley I Tirtimrnins of Calgary, Henrmy o! Toron-to. and Chester O! Win- chiester, a tewn 25 miles south o! Ottawa. Somebody says that it is a go0d thing people don't bve their pri- vate lives publicly. Every married woman is satis- !ied that sUe could tiame the crankiest mati in tUe world if calied. upon to doO so.

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