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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 29, PXs7 il 's HAMPTON Miss Helen Fowler, Blackstock. spent the weekend with the Mis- ses Knox. AU. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds and two cbildren, Toronto, spent the weekend with his sister, Miss L. Reynolds. i-. and Ml-s. Raymnond Burns, Oshawa, accompaned by Mrs. Jas. Burns, Mrs. G. Adcock and Annabelle, visited friends ini Pet- erboro on Su.nday. Mr. C. H. Burrows. Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis sister. Ma-s. M. Goodman. Mms. Jno. Willis, Toronto, spent the weekend wit.h her father, Mr.! Jno. Cowill, and sister Beatrice. I Specials1! 1jl'- at Ma-. D. Adains', Oshawa. Rev. and Ma-s. Har-old Stainton. St. Thomas, visiteti at Mr. Wm. Ta-ewin's. Ma-. anti Mis. F. Ashton, Miss ýViola Bradley, Toronto, visiteti ai 'Ma-. E. Bradley's. iMa-s. C. English and babe. To- ronto, visited at Ma-. A. McNeil's. Cbua-cbservice next Sunday af- tea-neon at 3 p.m. He is ia-uly a great man who can lose bis money and stili a-e- tain bis frientis. Royal Theatre Bowmanville April Values Aylmer Infant Foods ........ 2 for.... 19c A.,; lecnlnendec hv I)o-tors OVALTINE, for sturdy bodies- - small 38c* Medium .. .n .. 58c Large 98e PEANUT BUTTER, children like it, large jar 25c HORSESHOE SALMON, 1-2 s - . per tin 20c Cream of Wheat....... pkg. 23c RAISINS, Austrahian Sultana ..-.. 2 lb. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Libby 's 1 's 2 tins 23e ALL BRAN . large pkg. 21c ROLLED OATS, fresh milled ... . 5 lb. 25e Libby's Spaghetti..... 2 tins 17c QUAKER CORN FLAKES .-... . 3 pkgs. 25e RICE, finest cooking, Alpha Japan ... 3 lb. 23c TOMATO JUICE, Gold Medal. 2 1-2 lb. tin 12c BEETS AND GARROTS, Shoestring . 2 tins 19c Red & White Jeuy owder, 3 pkgs 191C BYMO CUT WAX BEANS 2 tins 25e CHOICE TOMATOES, Gold Medal 2 tins 25c PUFFED WEBAT . per pkg. 10e PUFFED RICE ... per pkg. 13e Handy Ammonia....... pkg. 5c CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP CANADA CORN STARCH... BENSON'S CORN STARCK SIL VER GLOBO STARCK MAZOLA COOKING OIL 18c - pkg. pkg. pkg. Fe W. Nelles PHONE 596 BIOWMANVLLE jsTrARKVILLE Miss Laua-eyne Star-k, Hanove visited over the weekend wit Ma-s. I. B. Stark. Ma-. antiMa-s. Wm. Beati Elizabetbville, and f riends, visite at Mr. and Mis. Hea-b. Gilmra's Ma-. and Mis. Wm. Savea-y an Ma-. antiMa-s. Russell Save'ry viý iteti Mr. Sam Bryson, Kenda Ma-. Bryson is hom~e fa-om the ho: pitl and is doing weil. Ma-. and Mis. M. Taimble, Osh awa, wea-e ai Mr-. M. Shutka'ý They baought Ma-s. Shutka an Mass Nellie home. Miss Bertha Hallowell, Toront( spent tbe weekend with Ma-. an Ma-s. Jacob Hallowell. Ma-s. Ross Hallowell enteatair eti a few Young people Vo a meet ing ai ber borne on Monday ev ening in view of the Young pec ple prepaa-ing a play. IU. antiMa-s. Epbriamn Evam Ma-. and Ma-s. Gordon Powea-, Mi and Ma-s. Carlos Taniblyn, Oa-onc wea-e Sunday guests of Ma-s. I. B Stark. Ma-. John Stewart off Kenda delivea-eti an excellent adclress a ShiIoli on Sunday afftEanoon or "How to know who is thy Neigli bour." We cannot belp noticing th. a f falling away froin our ohurches, yet other gatherings are la.rgely and well attended. This is plain- ->ly one of the signs of the times. ci by Warnrng, better go to church wswhile it yet day. before the asnight cometh, when theTe wifl be no ohurch to go to. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay, New- ad- tonville, also Inspector A. A. Mar- on. tin of Brighton visited Mm. John )ung McKay who is flot wefl f air ner- con KIIRBY in- Mr-. Donald Adcock has accept- ed a position near Peterboro. M.r. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Dr. Wallace Horn visited Mr.J B. Horn and fan.ily at Dutton. Mr. A. B. Cryderman bas re- t.urned f rom visiting bis daugh- ter, Ma-s. Bush. Glen Miller. Mi and Ma-s. Bush and son accornp anied birn home. Mxs. G. Fa&rncomb entertained a "Reading Club" of Oshawa on Monday afternoon. The monthly meeting of Hamp- ton W. M. S. w-as held on Tues- day April 20, at the, bome of Mrs. A. E. Billeti. with tbe president in charge. A comnùttee reported on work done towarLs hospita supplies. A letter %-as read f romr Mrs. G. Honey regarding session- al rally to be held at Maple Grove on May 20. ml-s. Colwill read a letter f rom Presbyterial Temper- ance Secretary. Mrs. A. Peters %vas asked to draw a resolution assuring the waiter of otir co-op- ex-ation. Words of appreciation Ifrom members who bad been ill was expressed for letters of sYm- ýpathy. The prograrn. which was prepared by Mrs. H. Wilcox. group leader. was presented by Mrs. H. Salter. Mrs. Burns bad charge of devotional Part. Scripture les- son was read in two parts bY Ma-s. C Vivian and Mrs. H. Salter. Mrs. Colwill led i.n prayer. Ma-s. C. Johns favoured wvith a vocal eolo. Mrs. A. Peters gave a corn- :a-ehensive review off la.st chapter in study book. Mrs. H. PNetÀers concluded a profitable proga-am with an appropriate vocal solo. Mfrs. C. J. Kea-slake ivas pianist and accompanist. Next meeting Mlay 18 at Mrs. J. Curtis'. HAYDON Mr n.ri Mrz. iSr~ 11 "SATURDA'Y PORT HOPE Saturday "ie ('a îîadii Ipi>' "SIuENT BARRIERS"P F'iiîned i> n'll Rkies: <n-rt a Million. withl RICHARD ARLEN and ii(-sIt of h îîn<lî-, i Vithi Charles Btutterworthi WED. - THURS. - Ian-ing Ldy wi .1 (ail ('raxvf<rd, (lare fIable andl Fraiiot Toile : "' he îg and R1oberta-Mont gomerv. LAST SHOW 8.30 D.S.T. M -T Ld NESTLETON J.t Maple syrup social sponsorec -the W. A. on Friday evening -a decided success. On Monday eveming. May Rev. P. Joblin. Scugog, will ddress the Young People's Uni( n On Monday evening the Yoi ~People's Union met with a: attendance. Misses Ellen Enr -son and Madeleine Marlow, . -attended the Young People's c, 5vention at Blowxmaville, gave ýteresting reports. Plans are be dmade for a Coronation prograi Mrs. Peter Wright is visil Mrs. John Veale, Toronto, wh( equite ill. D,Mr. and Mrs. R. McColl -visiting in Toronto. s Mrs. K. Wilson. Singhampt ibas been visiting her parents.1 and Mrs. E. Armstrong. *Blackstock Young Peoples L ion were guest.s of Nestleton Monday evening. Presidentj 5nold Jobnston took charge ofi meeting. Call to worshipv taken by Miss Jean Wright a Miss Ferga Johnston read a pcE A hymn was sung, "Jesus Sh Reign." and Miss Lorna Treý1 took the scripture reading. Bi! study was taken by Miss Do Marloxv on "Legend of Black M' donna." Miss Jean Wright.] in prayer. Miss Rita Swain fa ored wit.b a vocal solo. "Wlý will it pay to -see Jesus." Rea ing, "When I'm a Man" was giv by Miss Jean Wright. Top "Characteristics of a Leader" w given by Miss Mabel VanCarn Mr. Frank Carter favored wvitli vocal solo. "Ah, Sweet. Mystery Life." Games were enjoyed ai a dainty lunch was served. Caesarea Home and Sceol Cli met on Thursday evening wi President Mi-s. Bowles in char, The school childien gave a thre part song. "Now the Day is Ove They also f avoured wit.h a tw part song. "A Wet Sheet and Flowing Sea." The rhythm ba: favoured with two selections. TI club is sponsoring a canpaign have music t.aught in Blacksto< Continuation Scbool. Dr. TalmE f rom the Archives, Ottawa, w- th.e guest speaker. He spoke pioneering days. When the em grants f irst came to Ont.ario t.h wea-e granted 200 acres of land: Western Ontario which they ha to clear. He spoke of Cartwrigl 100 years ago wben there was lu one herse in t.he township and1 acres of land which had )be1 cleared. He painted a very bla, picture of pioneering days but 1 said that one bight spot was th4 it had made Ontario what it w. tcday. Next meeting- May 19t. wben the men wl] present t] program. Misses Snowie and Winnie Mai law,M. Wilbert McI<n.stry, M~ and Mrs. Anthony Scott. Oshaw spent Sunday with Mr. and MT R. W. Marlow. Mr. A. Malcolrn is stili bedfa and nlot improving very quickly. Mr. Walter Veale. Toronto, vi: ited Mr. A. Malcolm. May meeting of the Women Institute will be held ai the bon of Mrs. John Prout. May 5. E ection 0f oficers. Roll cal] wi be an.swered with the f ee for t] coming year. at $ 1.-00 AT MARR'S Silver Cake Plates Bread Trays Sait and Peppers Butter Dishes Bonbon Dishes Compôrts Candlesticks (pairs) Flower Vases Relish Dishes Best Plate on Copper Amazing Values. Ideal for Gifts Double Decks of Cards 98e Single Decks of Cards 49c JAMES MARR Jeweler Phone 463 Bownxanville 's Finest Gift Store herr~ Miss FlrneHarsi vstn sufrrs. Let ibis man tell you k. at brfter's, MT. Chai-les HaI-- ho, Kruschen brought hlm re- ing ris. 1lef- o is The windy weather seems Vo be - drying the roads up so travelling 1"I had a bai attack of lumbago. are is gradually becorning botter. Whren I got into bed I had Vo stay Mr. E. Dent. Orono, has wiedin ibat position - I could not tonNi. Mackinnon's house. move for Pain. I didn't know Mr On account of thebe ac weather what Vo take or what Vo do. I M.League was p'ostponied lasi week w as advised to ia-y Kruschen Salts -Corne out this week and disjuss and I arn vea-y grateful I did so. U-the subject of sending a dIlgte After taking a few doses I feit re- onE t Summer eegaol lief, and after taking one large Ar- M.andMa-s. C. L. Powers, Jim n l, Iarn glad to say that my the and Ma-s. J. L. Powers spent Sun- lumbago bad entirely gone, and I wa ai aMr. Roy L. Pwr' ht have not had the slightest trace and by. of it coming back."-G.A.V. em Mr. George Forbes, New Zea- Kruschen is a combination of hal land, aecently wrote home and numerous minerai salis which as- vin from all reporte is in good bealth sist in stimulating your liver and ible and geiting on well. Tbey have kidneys Vo healtby. regular aciiv- ris the apples picked and the pota- ity. Tbey ensure internai dlean- Ja- tees dug. so we bad betier burry liness. and so help to keep the led up folks. bloodstream pure. av- Many fromn here atten.ded tbe hat final meeting of the Home and a-Sehool Club. Leskard, and enjoy- jS LN en ed a splendid evening. S LN vics Enterpa-ise scbool succeeded in: np reacbing the finals in sehool coni- Mr. 'Geo. H. Hogarth, B.A., To- ~-petition and will now try for fur- ronto, spent the weekend witb bis ia ther honors ai Port Hope. sisters. Miss Mary Hogarth and ndOf _________ Mrs. R. Pascoe. MrWill R.undle, Colunibus, lub MAPLE GROIVE witb bis brother, Mx. J. T. Run- tb *deMiss Pearl Leach visited ber gee iv and Ma-s. Clbarie Green- parents, Mr. ad M,.. Lech ham and daugb.ter Audrey spent Taunton.Ma.N the weekend wiih Ma-s. Sidney Mr. Alan Balson is leaving ea oeeenham., Birchclifle. Wednesday for Peeble, Sask., ,nd Mr. and Ma-s. Leslie Collacutt where be is taking charge ofa lie and Misses Pea.rl and Lenore, vis- Mission field for the surnmer. to ited wiih Ma-. and Mxs. Westlake, Mx. and Mis. Joe Awde and ck Solina. 'f arnily, Tor-onto, visited ai Mr. an Miss Lavonne Trimble, Ma-.Al- Lutber Pascoe's. ,a fred Laird, Jr., visited Ma-s. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Garwood of Pearson. Lakefield. Miss Susie and f anily, Toronto, visited at rki Laird, who bhas been visiting ber Mr. Jack Reyno:ds'. ley sister, returned home with tbern Ma-s. Jack Baker. Ma-s. H. E.r p Ma-s. D. Robb, teacber of music~ Tink and Mrs. R. J. McKessock1 adin the Public scboos, beld a con- visited Miss Lulu Reynolds, ai ýh test 0f the solos for junior girls Hampton.S iiand boys and senior girls and Mr. andiMa-s. Eaa-l Howsam and 89 boys on Wednesday evening ai famuly, StOuffvîlle, MM-s Melbea-td en Oa-eno High Sehool. Congr-atul.a- Howsamn. Shirley and Ralpb, Ot- ,ck tions to Miss Madeline Metcaîf on tawa. Ma-s. Geo. Howsam, Port i he winning 4th place in the senior Perry. visited at Ma-. Chas. How- i ka girls' claSss0of 28 contestants, a.nd 5aif5.c las Master Stanley Snowden onwn .Ma-. Luthea- Pascoe is convalesc-b b, ning 4th place in the junior boys' ing at bis home after bis opera-9 rie Cîas Wii 24 contestants. These tion in Toronto Geneaa Hospital.d ti'o will go te Port Hope Vo corn- Oua- Home and School meeting Lr- PCt in the music festival. lasi Tuesday evening was well ai- Ir Mission Band] met F'riday witb tended. Ma-. George Werry f av- vaPaesident Doaothy Snowden pa-e- oua-ed wth piano solos, Ma-s. Royc 'a,. sidingi gvea eainandda ' sdn adMargaret CampbellLnradgv araig n secretary, in ber Place. The Woa-- vocal solo was given by Mxs. Jack- Lst sbip Story was given by Ma-s. Run- Baker. Pleased Vo bave ai oua- . die: Doris Stevens a recitaîlon: meeting oua- Agaicultua-al Repre-t is foUlowed by memory verse. Pro- eentative, Ma-. E. A. Summers, whoS gram committee for next month. showed some vea-y intea-estingh n'S Pearl Colacutt and Loryne White. lantern slides wbich were much ne One verse of a new Mission Band enjoyed. Lunch was served byc ,--sn-wsleaa-ned. the ladies and a social trne spent. -isngwa Oua- sYmpathy is extendec t.o il] 1 thie family 0f the laie Miss Jennie f rie I Leask who passeti away ai tbe SALEM home 0f ber brother, Mr. Petea- 4 <~-Leask, on Monday moa-ning.a Oua- Young Peopils Union beld. i Congregation on Sunday was i.heir closing meeting Monday ev-1c i fot as large as usual owing te the ening andi entertained the mem-IV «inclemency off tbe weathea- Rev. es0 h nil n ecsl 'r. A. M. Wootton conducted the sea- - bUnios.tAheryfie nderesaing epro thvice and delivered a fine sermon. U-nns gven y ieist.or Y. P. U. meeting Apa-il 2lst was and games were played, 'afterW Lin charge of Ma-. F. Blackburn. which lunch was ser'ed. ed Citizenship Vice. Bible aeadings. The members 0f oua- Women's Ma-. Blackbur-n; comments on Institute spent a vea-y enjoyable r1 samne, Ma-. L. Squaia-; topic discus- time last Thursday afternocon as ýs Sion. Ma-. Blackbur-n: readings.gussfteEbneaW.A al. Ma-. L. Coýmbes and Miss Lela Tedafte 0f oua- W .n' Is. ý Welsh: mouthorgan solo. Master tuTe Mat eetingubas been'chngt- fi B. Darch: Piano solo,Ma-s. S.But- dte May th Almmbr h-tery; violin selection. Ma-. C. CoI- please attend this meeting. It ,ill 'S lacuit. A contest was conducted be electdon 0f officers. Plans are d bY the Mea-e.r n:Toot. aIso Vo be madie for the district were weekend visitors with ber mneeting in June. RoIl cal]: "Pay .d parents, Ma-. and Ma-s. W. Carn,. rqare. Congratulations te Rv.and Ma-s. A. M. Wootton on the arrivai -off a fine baby boy, baoiheî' to ZION -Master John. Ma-. and Ma-s. H. Gaud. Master RalPh Simpson, Ma-. and Ma-s. E. Miss Elva Pascoe badti he lien SDoidge spent Sunday in Toronto. bouse door blow shut on ber an>d rguesis off Ma-. and Ma-s. F. Hearst. crack te smnall borie in hea- leg. 0, Neaa- neighbors and relatives of . Ma-. Luther- Pascce retua-neti 3.Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall gathered at home on Satua-day froni Toronto tbe home off Ma-. andtias. R. Cale General Hospital where be has Ione evening last week Vo bid themi been for sevea-al weeks. We wish It adieu andi wish them gooti luck bim a spee.dy recovea-y. las the.V are leaving the neg1o- Mis. Robt. Killen bas tomsilitis. 1hocti wh",re tbev bave neigibor- Miss Joyce Cameron is spend- miany vears-. They were presenteti ing a week with ber aunt, Ma-s. te with an elect-ic Iamp andi a smok- Stanley Covea-ly, Ebenezer. - ýr stand, andi Miss Grace received Mr. Harvey Balson bas been ar Umbrella. Slie will be missed very ill again having suffered a ini the Salem S. S. wbea-e she at- relapse. tended quite offten. Master Alvin War-ren enteatain- <; ed sevea-al of bis boy chums Vo a *birthday paa-ty on Saturday after- Lake Shore,-Clarke* Glati to see J. W. Balson out ;, again. ReLulai- meeting off the Lake - Shore H. & S. Club met in th, schoial bou.se Apa-il 22nd. Aittii COWAN VILLE Presitient Gardon Martin in the chair-. wbo took charge off the~ a niM-.Go atnbv business part. It was decidedti te adMs.Go.Lyonhv accept the invitation to vis:t moveti to Oxono. Shaw's H. & S. Club on May 4h. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Reidi, The 4th Vice Presitient, Mrs. oa Long Baanch, spent Sunday witb HE DARE NOT MOVE IN BED Nights Were Torture Through Lumbago Only those who have suffea-et f rom lumbago know bow exceeti- ingly painful it can be. Anti when they discover a aemedy for titis cornplaint, they are ainxious 'Vto CLARKE UNION Seeding is vea-y backward on account off so much aan. Ma-s. Mamie Archer visiteti ber uncle, Dr. Archer, in Oshawa. Miss Myrtle Ruiter spent Sun- day in Port Hope. Mr. Roy Scott, who ba-oke a blood vesse] in bis foot, is able Vo be arounti again. Mr. and M.rs. Chas. Reesor andi childa-en, blarkham, visited ber mober, Ma-s. Geo. Cain, anti ber siste-, Mis. Miifa-ed Sberwin. Mr. Bevea-ly Fogg bas secureti a position on the Floaestry. The scbool is starting a pea-en- nia] border. If you bave any- tbing in ibis hne it would be ac- ceptable. Ma-. antiMa-s. Fred Hill visiteti at Ma-. Siti Hoar's, Betbesda. Mr. James Nixon was ai Port Hope on business. Ma-. James Rickaby, of Royal Bank, Toronto, bas retua-neti home afte- holidaying with bis uncle. Ma-. H. J. Souch. The social evening unde- aus- pices of the Home andi Scbool Club was a great success. A splen- did pa-ogaa was given. also a basket social. Miss Myrtle Ruiter xvas the lucky ýwinner in a da-aw for quilt. fBLACKSTroCK Wednesday evernng the &ouncil off A.Y.P.A. met in the commun- ity hall. wiib branch repa-esenta- tives f rom Port Hope, Cobourg, Pea-ytown anti Bowmna n v i11e. Lunch was sea-veti by Blackstock brancb. Thua-sday evening W. A. of St. John's Chua-cb sponsoreti lante-n slides in the cornrunity hall sbowing Aklavik, anti also older residents off Cartwright. Fa-iday eveming te young peo- 1le of St. John's Churcb present- 'c] their Popular play "Attoa-ne-y For- the Defence" in North Osb- aLWa. Tuesday evening R.ev. C. c. Hlarcourt. Messrs. FrYed Hamilton, .Arthur Bailey anti Jack Smith attendeti a social evening witb the nen's club of St. John's A.Y.P.A., Bowmanviiie. Rev. C. C. Harcourt was guest speake- at Unitedi Churcb Men's Bible Classata Port Pea-ry on Fr4- .ay evening. The roof of Mr. N. Mounijoy's house ca.ugbt fia-e Satua-day atftea- noon caused by a spark from the him-ney. *With the aid of neigh- bours the fire was soon extin- Zuisbed. Not much diamage was done excepV Vo, roof. Miss Vera Kea-slake, Hanmpton, la-. Graham Willan. Toronto, Mr. ind Ma-s. Percy Jobb andi Jean, >shawa, Ma-. A. E. Billeit, Mr. ole, Hampton, spent Suntiay wiih Ma-. antiMa-s. F. Willan. Miss Anna Thonipson enter- tineti ber Suntiay scbool clas on >unday a.ftea-noon in bonour of er l3th birtbday. Misses Wilnia and Jessie Van- 'amp visited their ga-animothe-,i la-s. M. Smith. Mr. and Mis. J. Demii anti 'mily visiteti Mr. antiMa-s. A. Rahm. Ma-s. N. Mountjoy visitec Ma-. and Ma-s. H. Graham, Toronto. BîacksVock Young People's Un- on wea-e guesit off Nesýtleton on Wonday evening anti were weIl riteataineti. Ma-. anti Mis. M. Heard anti El- in, Enniskillen. spent Sunday ith Ma-. anti Mis. W. Hoskin. Mr. antiMa-s. L. Grahamn anti [aretta visitetiMa-. antiMa-s. O. a-abham. 'Noibing more completeîy baff- les one wbo is full off tr-icks anti lplicity. than zstaaigbifoa-ward id simple integrity in another."j -Colton. ' 75 A defiinite oppoatunity for smar-t wornei who really -%vant a "BUY" in Spring Coats aid. Suits. No ineed to tell you that tailoa-ing. fit. fabric and styles are top- nioteli - andi at these Value Sensation Prices - early s1hoppt'r. et first echoice. Sizes for Misses and Wornen. NEW PRINTED CREPES Special Value................... $2.95 Better Dreses - $4,95 and up SPRING CLEANING lIME We have the finest selection of curtain nets and drapes we 've had in years - and very reasonable toc. New Nets.............. 15C - 19C yard up Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Lt. Phone 836- Bowmanville M odrn LxuryLiving Room Group At rifling Cost _____ No need to, sacrifice quality ini order to buy Economically-We specialize in giving you "MORE FOR YOUR MONEY" Suite iilustrated is one of many new styles in Spring Sale. 3 piece suite can be purchas- ed separately but we reconunend for the thrifty buver, the complete 12 piece Living Rooni Group (including 2 Iamps, 2 tables and 6x9 rug. MARSHALL MATTRESS AND SPRING SLEEP UNITS Reguar $29.50 and $42.50 combinations $22.50 Ail standard sizes, while they last $3250 SFa F. MORRIS CO.- Where quality is inex?ensive" Dm1 480 jENNISKILLEN Miss Muriel Moore ,isited Miss Bernice Gay, Courtice. Rev. and Mrs. H. Stainton. Ronald and Keith, St. Thomas, visited friends bere. Mr. and Mrs. Hambleton Col- lins, Oshawa, visited Mr. Walter Rabni. Min. Wm. Griffin is nursing Mrs. (Rev., J. W. Bunner, Bow- manville. CADMUS Young -People's Union met on Thursday evening i. a good at- tendance. Rev. H. J. Bell took the Bible study, 'How ,e got. our Bible." Program was i chargej of Miss Beth McQuade and con- sisted of: Reading by Miss Donis Muckle. "Invocation"; recitation by Mr. Orville McKee, "Che2king according te survey iii Connecticut It i r, ~. j*~ i 4* ut i tJ w?- "'r q- j4. r I ' Up",; topie by Miss Marjorie Gal- baait, Tomb in the Rock"; NMiss Birdie Gibson favoured ýwith an, isrmental "The Two Larks~-; Mr. Rolandi ThomPson favou.eci witb a vocal solo. Ma-s. C. Gibson bas returnet iaf- ter visiting ber son, Ma-. Gilbert Gibson, Oshawa. Miss Norma MeQuatie. Port Perry. spent the 'weekend at home. Miss Marjorie Galbraithvist Mis Doris Muckle. Ma-. and Ma-s. Cecil Feaguson Ma-. Sidney Ferguson speni Suni day with Ma. and Ms. R. Mount- joy. Miss Helen owlea- visiteci Jessie Knox, Hampton. Ma-s. Isaac Wbitfield. Ma-s. Br-own, Mi. Gordon Br-own spent Sunday witb Mr-. and Ma-s. Gib- son. Cobourg. Ma. Wilson anti son. Toronto. spent the weekend ai the cottage. Mr. Wolf e spent the weekend at bis cottage. Auto dr-iv'ers travel f aster in winter than in spaing or summea- S UIT S AND COATS 1 -<ý-- m m MONDAY - TUESDAY THURSDAY, APRIL 29, FROM Dial 480 1

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