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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARJO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Congratulations to Mis. John bis mot.her, Mis.Lllie Anderson, Hianlyn on heving celeb>rated ber Ryistone. 86Vh blrthday on April 26. Soda Fountain Special at tbe Mr%. S.W. Mason, Centre St. Carter Famiuly store 4his week- , ebatd er 83rd birthday on end is Banana Splts, 2 for 25c. April 25tb. Congratulations. Your favorite is the Special ai Mr. Byron Vanstone is home, Caîter's this weekend. Banana havOl lcompleted bis studies at Splts, 2 for 25c. Meet your fri- QutIL,'fUniversity for this year. ends at Carter's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purvis. To- Miss Helen Arkeil and Miss Xronto, were weekend guests of Mr. Margaret Hutchinson, Toronto, and Mis. James Maxr. were weekend guests of Mis. M. J. 1&r. Tom Dustan, Jr., Trinity Hutchinson. College, Toronto, spent the ýweek- Mis. W. J. Hall and son Barrie. end at home. 1 Minilco, and Mr. James Devitt. Mr. John Jeffery, Prince Abert. 1 Toronto. visited with their par- bas been visiting relatives in thisl ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, viinity. over the weekend. Mr. Clarencé Anderson visited Mr. an*d Mis. Geo. Webster and TH-E PERFECT REMEMBRANCE Flowers For your M OTH ER MOTHER'S DAY Bunday, May 9 Wliat woffid Mother 's Day lw x ithiott florvers ? For flowers are thie perfect way ot' cxpressing vour feelings on this special oceasîoîr. LONG-STEMMED ROSES Selected for Their Quality. Doz. 2.50 up CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS SPRING FLOWERS, a beautiful bouquet of mixed eut flowers Per Box.......... $1.00 up Tulips - Daffodils - -Snapdragons Sweet Ilydrangea Peas - . Calcelarias Pansies - Geraniums q KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Phone 772 Bowmanville -AKR--TRS U(WA$HGODS Ginghams Percales Voiles Batistes BEDORA PLAID VOILES SEERSUCKERS 390 39c yd. We have good selection Of 36 in. Novelty Plain Seer- these popular Dress Voiles,'4 inohes wide, in navy and white suekers that will wash and black and white, assorted perfectly, tub-fast, lovely designs. Specially priced at 39e yard. assorted colors. JASPER PIQUE 36 inch Dress Piques ,narrow wale, in d navy with white spot, copen and c d white, white with red or blue spots.- L AIl fast colors. Also faney plaids and stripes. 3 LEASIDE DIMITY Fine quality Dimities, suitable for C 'yd. C hil'a dresses, 36 inches wide, in - pret ~sebud designs on white . grou:'.Sun and tubfast 5 "LYSTAV" The New Crease Resisting Fabrie Direct f r o mn England cornes this erease-proof fabrie, washes perfectly, like silk, 36 inohes wide, guaranteed 100 per cent rayon, in plain colors or large flowing liglit slimnery floral patterns on light «rounds.4 79QCyd. Mis. J. McQuarrie visited thei . simple tastes, and an acquamnt- Ion and Bill fons answere.d niother at Lindsay on Sunday ance with Qod was necessary. questions put to them by severai who recently celebyrated ler 9lst The rules for living, and not of the boys. Gord Diilion assist- birthday. FOR TH-E .... merely exist.ing. were ail to b , eI Alex McGregor in leading the Mac and George. spent the week- r n ount, and in the Golden R.ule, Lions Bert Birks, Bill BagnelI T E end with bis mother. Mrs. Geo. C ronaLiUII Mi. Banister said in conclusion. and Everett Hoaî were remember- Ingbarn, Peterboro. The choir. under the direction ed on recently cele.brated birth- You save on every il Mi. Oliver Bîadt lef t iast week Evertigyu'lne o f AleX McQregor. rendered an days. It being Coronation yeai stone 's. Try it this for Vineland EXPerimental Sta- eyhn o'lne o anthem. with H. J. Knigh*t Helen anid also a hockey banquet, snall etion where be will spend the suni- th BiCeerto Williams and <Jeo. L. Davidge tak- hockey sticks vrere presented. with farther your housekei mer t hrticltual ork.theBigCelerato n ing t.be solo parts. Mr. Knigbt the idea in mmmd that they Were merat ortcul.url wrk.also sang a solo. Miss Leta L. representative of the sport and Mr. and Mis. A. W. Pickard FLAGS - 5c-$1.25 Bragg presided at the oi-gan. could also be used for 'ciowning' PEAMEAL COTTAGE R( setSunday witb ber brother,_________ Mr. S. J. Beacock. Toronto. TRAI1IRS 25o-50o-75c ifSpesia gustsincude MaorBREAKFAST________ MisMrae Dnesad BUNTING yard 20c C R O NS Ross Strike, President Len Elhiot.t ---- Miss Mat rgesDnieOshanad '0OIS S f the Rotary Club. Priincipal L. Home Made Sausag SsW.Rutb FergusonnstOsofath were Sunday guests of Misses BANNERS -- 25c-50c DURHAM NATIVE W.roDippel rMi. F utn ofit- Lorraine and Evelyn Pickard. SHIELDS - - 25c-45o Çnne rm aeOToo elga. Deptys-n PORK SAUSAGE .......... tor and Mrs. FerDnak Mr.ne Port Hope, and numerous guests BLADE ROAST 0F BEE] tyreanddaubte, Dndak, i. LAG HOLDERS 10lc Lavergne wth a cartoon the Que- of pivate inembers. About 125 ___________ and Mns. Robt. Bravner, Witby, Sovnbsoeilkns c iPolitician cailed "bold-brutal I at down to dinner an<- enjoyed Thc Ri Ro t . were in town Saturday. Sovnr falkns -tupid." the prograin. T ikI o Mi. T. W. Stanley, port Hop. Slim and scboiaîiy. H u n t e r Following the meeting a busi- wvas in Montreal Monday and at- _____________ worked unpretentiousiy a.t bis ness session was helId when t.be SHOULDER ROAST 0F1 leddth uerlo hsbote-home. There be digested the news Club decided to put Up a car as _____________ teddefn erl ! isbrthr- FIREWORKS Of the Dliminion and the woîld. tbe main prize for its carnival on M.and Mrs. Cifr itn rapidly creating cartoons that Jul y tb. A nominating commit- Orange Marmalade, Tornt. wr Cl o iffr ilon. For the Kiddies found tbeir way te editorial esks tee was also appointed to bring in _____________ Toronto. adereussf Hwirdcou- with cock-work regulaiity. They a slate of officers for the next AMCr suais r n iHwr . le to loc were drawn at reproduction sîze. meeting. Plans were aiso made 1I ANE PEAS Chhu.Early in his career Hunter of ten to entertain the Zone Convention PORK AND BEANS Cavan Women's Institute aie visited legisiative chambers to hr nMy3swe oeae ofleingprizs fr te exermna-sketch his subjects at fiist lhafd, from Wbitby, Port- Hope. Kings- tion o! starlîngs and collecting «»MI but later be drew f rom photo- tn eebr n omnil andSlo . ther egs J~8E 13I~IP E3~Pbvill meet to select a new Deputy- -- Mi. and Mis. J. H. H. Jury. who S Hunteîr le! b is dra-,ng board !District Governor. TbenwdphRSHSOLES0 have been spending a few weeks whekn the fishing season carne and uty will likeîy be a member of the RNFAE basking in the warmtb and su-o e lure to tbe woods. His ap- Boxnan-kille Club.CONFAE shine o! St. Petersburg, Fiorida, NetAcd oiavlepreciation of nature was reflected _________ reundt onthi week. etAcd Bwnnil in many a cartoon.I ire Goon e ar town n Th Or-TRINITY CHURCH SERVICES Dr. Jackson's Ilf onoa News page shows a picture tha.t will be a familiar scene e A LELE FST R The subject chosen for bis many a Durham County orchard Lord's Prayer was sung. Wor- M P EL FS A S morning sermon by Rer. Sidney next month. hpso bMisE ckrwa GUESTS AT LIONS Davison in Trinity United Church If you are inteîested in miaing enjoyed. after which a hymn was o udymrigv ALv d o d t n Your bard earned dollar do doub- sung. Ofiering was taken wbile (continued from page 1) ing Dog is better than a dead le duty then sit right down now the Band sang "Give O Give." no iink as a result of the f ire las Lion." and proved to be a very Phones 375 and 376 and mark the items you need in Minutes were read and approved. summner. The only way you il netion Hregave ngthese two' Kersiake's Drug Store Nyal 2 for The fees wer taken. The study get a rink, be said, is for you feî acnmaiond red by illsetra ___ i Sae. tor wasrea byMissA. laîe. loVJs to show enougir interesti tion that the poor Hindu wlro Mayor Ross Strike, Principal L. Games were enjoyed at the close. ithe game and enough apprecia- taesmlso i ad n W. Dippeil. M. A. Neal anid Char While sittng beside l"s ra i on of wbat is done for you. 'Otoknes tmiapesenis hgods ad lie Carter were among those f rom at his summer cottage at Pheasant warraflt the people of Bowman- ing a greater act than a man wbo Bowmanville wbo saw the Perry- Point. Sturgeon Lake. w. S. ville building another rink. Vines tennis classic at Mapie Les.! Braund o! Toronto died f rom a Returning to the subject of possesses Christian enligbtenment D o Gardens on Friday niglit. heait attck. He was alone. The1 hockey, Mr. cchestone stated that thendtruve Chstan hi! e t s a M. ewo HakyClgeradio kept on playing and thre eh- thre boys who make the profes- tetu hita i .I a M.Nwo akeClecti ibt brigfrtw rsoa insaete osworery practicai and tinrely mes- Aydco ilt 1o! Phaxmacy, Toronto, bas coin- etic ghs uni H. r C. o o ae ns rethe doywha sage. Mis. S. R. James sang a ydotrwlte Pleted his studies for the term and thredays utlH .Braund o aelearned inaditondeo.b anhen y dpedslarel o will agi ewt c:gi~Toronto, a son, airived at the Coach tells thein. You imust ah- 1 s o dir. Cthorbhm y ett s lspeciaonze ruminer cotage on Suday Aprilways remember, he added, 1bt the cor Digere. hogottesm 25, ai noon te visit bis ahr He tire man on the sidelines can see'iTh evening service was given eral types to suit t: mer. forcd t break inthe d oerYui mistakes better tîan you can over tO tbe Young People wbo Date o! annuai Rotary Club and found bis fatirer dead in hi on the ice. If you refuse te take pressented their play, "The Clotb loaf of Hovi.s, Wh< Carnivai bas been announced for chair. Many friend.s in Bomn notice wben be tells you o! your of Sendony." The young people or any of the health Wed.nesday. Augu.st i lth, wben a ville wll rememiber Mr. Ban uaks o'lnee tn deserve great credit for tis pie- idte'1iprv auto will be among tr chie! as be f requently visited bere, be- Chance at makîng good at hce sentation depicting a scene in the health. prizs gien aay. ng abroher f Mr. El Wilonor an other sport. The y hsa ast few days o! the life o! Christ. Mrs. Hariy Cole, Centre Street, LibertY Place. and ber sister, Mis. tedency. be said. for boys to pla37 ay rDvsn odce h p bas just returned fromn visiting Abbott wbo is with ber now. Mr. a rough and tough game. but the1 ening exercises. Miss Belle Allen ai, the Rosyln Biaund spent oonsideabie time thinglk i nnhoav i t g on-M N VE T ikofHE S INGeAND Hotel, Bloor St., Toronto. here eaîly this year aftei Mis. ahicbs, lan the miiengbostMon O IGEV N l rick ofe Crem o A new lunch room te be known Wilson su.ffered a stroke. arh ie.are the oene who wiy n as Stanley's Lunch will be opened W. C. T. U. met at Mis. Wash- tbrougb. Goup3.hSt Paul' Cburb, ar in Harry Allins store opposite ington's on Tuesday a! ternoon . Eceson tl *îify ! prese t. an enteitainni ei e sbfr o the~~~~~~~~~~ BamrîHtlsbrl.Ti is .Catntoktr eo is trip te Enghand, France and1 St. Paul's Cburcb, Friday, May 7,Se s Weoe are store was formeily occupied by tional period and gave a beait- ýGermany with Qood.years hast at 8.30 D.S.T., consisting of lec- W r Foster's Ladies Wear searcbing talk on thre present-age iyear. He also spoke o! ýtie work ture "Blackfoot Trails" by Rv Rev. C. R. Spencer is attendurg danger in not putting f irst things o! Jerry Bracld, former Bowman- .F aitr n oa n n thesesios o th Snodo! ef irst. Severa.l led in prayer. Mrs. ville boy. wbo was a Goodyear strumental music. Admission 25c. Diocese o! Toronto at St. James' J. A. Tait, local representative o! star. He closed Iis addres by W.CT.UCuty oneinRB T Cathedral. Toronto. The lay del- the National Improvement Coin- otngSecaer o h W . w C.lT.eUIreldt ron vntiorsRdayT egte fro S. ob'sChrci isioacldressed the members Maple Leaf stars wbo we0pes a 2t.Loa upispes Ph e89 are Mi. R. M. Cotton, Mi.W. on the 'Home Impiovenrent Plan.' ent. sed ourprtteteC ny FFred Depew and Mi. B. H. M~ort- Tbe clip sheet "Methods of be trt hehdese rdnD i sedupi orig ts way. Co - ock. Tlrafflc" was taken and discussed. _________the______________Gordon________________________________ Mi. and Mis. Edward Gartley, Cor. Sec'y. was iequested te send! b, Belevile, nnouce te en aaletter o! sympathy te ýtwo mein- Bemetifle annoue terengage- bers, Mis. W. H. and Miss V. B.- Evelyn. to Way Allun, son of Rev. Saou indethmembers, Mis.oJ.of S. J. and Mis. Allin, Toronto: the ou lestmme. Ms .D niarriage to take place eariy in For ie wesSaesa e May.îorne we10s o! beadma leabx Mr. George E. Chase. munager trshe ubain vdrin w ha Te In d e p e n d e n t tesDha beent wonerng bTe 0f thre Bowmianville Public Utili- secret is now out. Il is a delic-I ties Commission, bas been elected iu evla fbt aeb Municipal Electric Association. goes nCae fr ti.e fnidstih D ruggists' A lliance a Drecor i lrg o!tir Onaio Te nCate fr tFami ad icht Col. Lorne T. McLaughin o! day. Every 10sf iS rrapped, and * ...i rgesv raiaino needn rgit Bowmanville, delegate to the Cor- you nrav buy it siiced if you wisirIDA saporsieogniaino needn rgit onation o! tIre Midlanal Regiment. Tire new loaf is placed on tire, has been placed in com.mand o! maiket af toi several weeks o! ex- Lowest who have joined together ini co-operation to offer you lowest tire In! antry unit o! the Canadian perimenting in tbe Carter bakery. competitive prices through the benefits attained from combined Contingent, it is announIced f rom Experts in tire biead industry Prices buying power and large scale merchandising economies. Ottawa. bave co-operated in providing a Mr. and Mis. Fred Goodman loaf. buiht to tire standards o! a entertained at a cup and saucer survey among Carter customers M sbower aitirheir home in Port The size, texture. shape. and Your I.D.A. Store Serves You Best and Saves You Money Hope in honour o! Miss Marjorie ciuaity o! the breas! were aUl tak- u Rowe and Mi. Clarenrce Goodmran en into consideration in tire pie- wbose marriage will take place in paration o!fVIre recipe. Tbe car- May. ter Family invite you te try the B R AN Adolpir Koldofsky and Gwen- Durhamn Dauty Loaf.Ili PX dolyn Williams wilh give a pro-P aM »gram o! conteinporary music for violin anrd piano ait tre Ait Gail UBPY-<I ceîdfrAvriilgb h mrcnMdciAscain lery o! Toronto next Friday night, L BP Y iSA cetd o dete N I yTArY PROTEdCe eoaTION.WR byCms9 playing Hector Gratten and Hea- ST. PAULS CHURCH AINTRLY.OECIN DNBo odds s 27c 1ley Wilhan, Bloch, de Falla, Medt N-_______d'sPils 27 ner, Doirnanyi. Ravel, ans! Ben- (ContInued from Page 1) Now you can experience jamin Dale.!,Mi. Koldofsky aP- humour, patience, Irumihîty snd a comfort, convenience Peaied with Gertrude Huntly in couiage. an aeyyo'envr eoie 4 oz. 9c Barrie lasi Monday iglit, wîren Oemk t~bh ns! safeto e neyer tIre two artists joined in playing Oerousti Ir iste ae a sense t j asy to use. No belts. No Elcaya Creams 2- 49c Buclr's concerto for two violins, o! humour. He musti bain pins. No pads. Eliminates -Glob and ail.low anrd see bis point o! view if Mr. A. G. Wrigbt o! Dominion ire is to bave patience. He must Putnam's Corn FonnesQ4-1teel 1...ami-'nqbere&yt re1-z t+t1e _is not---e-n---er12no offciZîai anadian Party 1à attànd1.Fil 1L0 -------- the Coronation in London nexi montir. Mi. Hiockley sailes! on the T ESSE Montcalmn, April 28th. Following UNITED CIGAR the coronation lie will visit rela-1 tives in Englanti ains!on bis ie- RC* IN IAM I STORE AGENCY turn wihl visit bis parents in Bow- * PO E72Ae cr manville. He is a miember o! the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. PH NAe -r TIre Alice Jackson MissionON 79 Bans! of Trlnity United OburchIr NE D I SI met in the priimaa'y ass*rooer on We Deliver PRESCRIPTIONS A SPE9 Monday afiernoon. Meeting op- iAT j * IUGIS ened wth a Irymn; Miss A. Clar'ke rread thbe sculpture readIng; the ZE YOU SAVE item you buy at Edmond- week and see how mueli eeping money will go 1OLLS ................ lb. 20o ýACON -................ lb. 25c ge......ib. Î12C ............. ..... ...... lb . 2 0 c ?F . ..... lb. 15o .l..... b. 16C BEEF lb. 12e ...... Ige. jar 25e .... -tin 10e .....large 10e .large lOc FPORK -ý lb. 16c 3 packages 23e Sub Try it 's Meat Market Bownranville rfant Health? ill you that your health the kind of food you eat. in Health Breads of sev- the several tastes. Try a 1e Wheat or 'Graumeal, hbreads we make. You'll r your appetite and your D SUMMER DESSERT >od's20 0 buy your wedding Cake -specialists r'S BAKERY Bowrnanville $25 Reward $25 Rew rd w,, *CORN SALVE for an) THEV cannot irmove derful new scientific CORNS OR CALLOI *sitises and relieves application. PRICE PARKE s TOMEi r Burdock Biood Biti Blood Purifier, lED $3.00 SPECIAI for Three $1 LLOYD' $2.00 STOMAC for $200. FormulaL acrIption, prescribec physicians. with exct over 40 years. Posil to relieve ail forma tress, Dyspepsia. i Stomach, Nausea. V, Sickness, Car. Train, and every kind of Si il be paid by the fgs. of LLOYD'S 'IYMOL A T EDI iy corn or callous e with this wonl. , pepratonfor SES. t de sen- pain with firat 40e PARKE 'S IVERTONE c - .$ .0 TONEKA $1.00 ESKEEKEE $1.0 tters - - 98c ).A. - - 89e ýL OFFER 1.00 boxes S CH SAVERS used in this pre. d by s uccessful .lient resuits.,'or tiveiy guaranteed of dto ma ch Dis. ndigestion, Sour lomtngMorning , r Ses Sickness M ýtomach Upset. CASHMERE T 1TS S U E £~U 1000 Shoots .-- 2for25 ègor rg VIALTY ti *e PAGE Si,ýVl-IN THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1937 THE CANADIAN"STATESNIAN, BOWINIANVILLE, ONTARIO

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