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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1937, p. 1

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With Which la Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News _______________83_ BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1937 Àtt nda nce At Decoration D Iy Service On Sunday Is Much Smaller Than Usual Cloudy Skies and Ab- BOWMAN VILLE MAN sence of Regular Par- NARROWLY MISSES ade Likely Causes of-! CROSSING DEATH Smaller Attendance- 1 iisteriam Associa-.%.iar itDyregt'Lri tion Conducts Ser- Unhurt - Hollywood Chauf- vice feuir in Accident TIsree accidenîts occurred within 24 Probably due to cloudy skies, hours isear Bowmanville tîsis week, and the cancellation o! the regu- aire of the tlsree overflowing wîth lai- parade to the Cemetery, Bow- tIse dread possibility of a fatality, manville's Decoration Day service but evidentlv deatîs lad taken a bol- on Sunday aftei-noon atti-acted iday and ail escaped witb little or iso only about 500 people, about hall injuries. the number usually in attendance. Tefrtadms motn e Only two mermbers of the towni Tefrtadmotipratlc council were in evidence at the alIly was possibly the closest caîl Ah gathering, Counir B. B. Furi- Gilders will ever have. MIr. Gilders ber, who capably made the ai-- was drivîng to Bowmaîsville beach rangements for the service, and Tuesda3y about isoon to attend to some Deputy-R.eeve G. A. Edmoncistone. carpeîstrv work. .As lise approached Mayor R.oss Strike was unavoid- the C.' N.R tracks a truck parked on ablyabsnt.tIe road blocked hIss view. A slowv Tbhyeasent. wspeprd n nsov.irg freigbt svas approaciig The ervce w..spreprdandf rons tIhe east ansd as 'Mr. Gilder-s conducted by members of the stopped tIse engi;se struck tIhe front Ministerial Association, with the hunsper teariisg off liglîts, buîssper, President, Rev. W. G. Blake o! St. fenrs and radiator, but isot tonds- Andi-ew's Church acting as chair- issg the wses nor the rest of tise mani. Other ministers taking part car. The car was tsrned sidewavs. were Rev. Sidney Davison of Ti- but 'Nr. Gilders rensaiîsed in Iis seat. ity Church. Ftev. WN. F. Banister uniîjured, but, .%- imaginse, terrified. of St. Paul's Church. Rev. C. R. Spencer of St. John's Ch.urch. and TIse luck of Hollywood stuzît msen Capt. Baîl o! the Salvation ArmY. followed f ive Californiaxîs froiss the The music for tnse lymns was United States, and wvas preselît wheîs provided by the Canadian Legion their car and a Davisoîs Transport Band under the direction of truck collided a isaif-issile west of Bandinaster Fritz Von Gunten, Courtice, MNiy niglît. who also sounded the Lýast Post ACerltcah rvnb m and Reveille at the conclusion of K.AMicherlet oAgelesretauramt the ervce.owîser and formerly a chauffeur for In the absence of the Mayor, Loretta Young, weii known film 1Rev. C. R. Spencer dcllvercd a star, was proceeding west and the fine address, basing lus remarks truck east. Mr. Mitcbell's car was on Psalm 116 : 15, "Preclous ln occupied by four otîser people, Mr. the sight of the Lord, is the death and Mrs. Wiseman Maupin, Okla- o! his saints." The service was homa, tbe husband a magazine writer brought ta a close wth the Na- and Mr. ansd Mrs. C. Higley, Los tional Anthem, and the ýbened.ic- Angeles, Mr. Higley, an aviator. A tion by Rev. Mi-. Blake. short distance east of the sebool Dedicate Cross bouse tbey met, the car colliding with Following the service, members the side of the trailer. spiîsniîsg of the Canadian Legion attended arouisd, turîsing over possibly two or a service of dedication at the three times, f inaily settiing on its grave of the late Charles Lowens, rigbt side, crushed, broken and a where his daughter, Miss Violet mrere shadow of its former self. Lowens, unveiled a soldler's ci-osa Shattered glass, auto parts and bu- over the grave o! her father. Ma- inan blood bespattered the ligbway. jlor thepev. C. R. Spencer, padre The truck trailer was aiso damaged, of the M on, rcad the dedicatory (Turn ta Page zi, Please) prayerW 2nd the Canadian Legion______________ Band played the h.ymn.s, "Abide with Me" and "What a Fiend played with several militai-y bands We Have in Jesus." The late Mr. ard orchestras. He was return- Lowens was killed in a highway ing from the Royal Grenadiers accident on July 2lst, last year.. Camp when lie was struck, dying He was a son of the late Band- later in Christie Street Hospital. master R. J. Lowens. whese last Th.e Cemetery was in splendid resting place adjoins tlsat of his shape. the lawns were well cut, son. Mi-. Lowen.s was one of the and many graves bore tributes o! finest trombonists in Canada and beautîful flowers. Retiring President 0f Rotary Club Voices Appreciation At Last' Meet W. Len Elliott Completes Year lI Chair - Lq Succeeded by Mayor Ross Strikc - Com- mittees Are Named Bowmanville Rotary Club con- cluded its fiscal year Friday noon, the meeting consistiiig o! retii-ing President W. Len Elliottis ad- dress, the rema-ks o! incomnng President W. R. Strilce. and re- ports o! committee chairmen who summarized the Year.'s work. Mr. Elliott expressed apprecia- tion o! the co-operation wiuch had been shown him during the year by club members. At the conclusion of his addi-ess C. T. Ross, a past President. on behal! o! the club presented Mr. Ellot with a past president's pin and in a glow,ýing discourse thanked hlm for his excellent work as head o! the club. The commitie heads gave brie! reports and o!!ered suggestions for those who wiUl replace thema tîsis year. They incIuded: Dr. J. C. Devitt, Fellowship Comimittee; T. H. Knight, Membership; D. R. Morrison, Rotai-y Information; J. R. Stutt, Bulletin; M. W. Com- stock, Attendance; W. R. Strike, programme; A. R. Vu-gin. Music; A. M. Hardy. Classification; M. frA. Neal, Boys' Work; F. C. Van- stone, Intercity and Transporta- il tion; T. W. Cawker, Rural and Urban; T. E. Fiaxman, Interna- tional Service; F. C. Hoar, Crsp- pied Children; P. Williams, Ath- letics; A. K. Chitty, Vocational service; Chas. H. Mason, Com- munity Service, and Fred Cryder- man,. club Service. Secretary J. R. Stutt and Treasurer M. S. Dale also gave reports. The new comn- rmittee dýave been appointed and wll bed next week. Th+e !r.,Ports showed that much had been donc, cspecially toward the crippled childi-en's work, al- though the general feeling ap- peared ta be regret that funds had1 been too limited to warrant ad- ditional expenditure. New president Strike extolled the wonk o! Mi-. Elliott in his ie- marks. stating that he would be unable to equal the ready wlt and quick "come-backs" which have been a f cature o! meetings throughout the year, but that 4wth even more co-operation f nom club members he would carry on to the best of his ability. PROGRAMME 15 PICTON FEATURE Wednesday, June 30, until Mon- day, July 5-these are the days to visit Picton and enjoy its great Centennial Celebration - a $50,- 000 show - greatest in Eastcrn Ontario. Fîve bil days and f ive bigger nights o! mnerrymnaking! Following are some o! the head- lights o! the programmue which should attract many from this district. Wednesday, June 30 Morning: Local Band parades; welcomc home ceremony. Afternoon: Thrilling Regatta off VaniDeusen'ls Cove; Clown Band and vaudeville show at the Pair Grounds. Evening: Variety Show at Pic- ton Pair Grounds; street dance. Thursday, July 1 Regatta programme o! sail and power commences, band in at- tendance; sight seeing trip o! his- toric and scenle interest. Aftei-noon: Regatta programme continues, including the Gold Cup championship race; Clown Band and vaudeville show at the pair Grounds. Evening: Variety Show at Pair Grounds; Yacht Club Dance and1 Ploor Show. Friday, July 2 Morning: Calithumpian Parade.1 Af ternoon: Big sports field day at Pair Grounds by the district schools; Lac rosse match; Homse Shoc Pitching tournament: Clown <Turn ta Page ii, Prease, THE H. B. FOSTER FARM PURCHASED J. A. Willoughby, Torqnto real- toi-, has announccd the sale o! the f ai-m owned by the Stephens Es-1 tate, Dailington, ta Joseph Huls-1 man, a Belgian Who 16 years ago1 camne to Canada with his wife and six childtren. He now owris and1 operates 485 acres in Hastingsi County. The Stephens f an ls4 the foiner H. B. Poster farmn on1 the Manvers Roadin the town1 -limits o! Bowmanville. It includ.es 25 acres o! apple orchard, which1 is anc o! the best pi-oducers li the, district. The purchase price wasg not rported.1 LIONS CLUB PRESIDENT Everett V. Hoar Well known local business mani, who was recently elected third president o! Bowmanville Lions Club. Mi-. Hoar will assume his new office on July lst. He is a charter member of the Lions Club. LIONS CLUB HEARS OF DISTRICT SHOW BOAT CONVENTION J. J. Brown, Delegate From Bow- manviiie, Teil of Actîvities- Twelve Members R«eeve Attendance Awards Menîbers of Bowmaisville Lions Club heard a report of tIse recent District Convention at tiseir meeting on Monday nigbt, wbeis one of the delegates, Deputy District Governor J. J. Brown, described the proceed- ings. Mr. Browns outlined both the social and business events in conisect- ion with the convention, wbicb was unique in that ail sessions were held on a steamship plying the waters of Lake Erie. The steamer left Port Coîborne and called at Detroit and Cleveland wbere the delegates were entertained by the Lions Clubs of tisose cities. The speaker outlined te outstanding events and addresses ')f the session, which was also at- tended by Mrs. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks and incoming President and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. An interesting feature of tIse meet- ing was the prestntation of attend- ance pinss to twelve members wbo isad completed the past year with 100 per cent. attendance records. Tîsose rcceiviîsg pinss were Dr. W. H. Birks, M. Breslin, J. J. Brown, E. Craw- ford. E. V. Hoar, A. MeGregor, G. L. Davidge, E. L. Oliver, S. R. James. B. H. Mortlock, Ross Stevens ansd C. D. Hodgsoîs. A. M. Tsoipsoîs, Ted Chsant, NIo Breslin ansd W'. J. Dudley were re- mnbered on tise occasions of recent Crowd 0f A Thousand Sees Hilarious Donkey Bail Game Prominent Local Citi- v.itis laîrlîîr. anl after about thrce 1 iîsirs"S liai ta take a re:tt o case zens Take a Fail as 1si 'piiig.i.Soseoti mr Bucking Donkey *18 etterpiri..ing piaý crs senýinut thisîîooîl Neyer Beat - Goof- of1 tih,.tI)Orsteeds Isad bronglît n ai oîsg >e ii mdce nient s. 1B nld icat Game is Seen Ripîn) of Oronio. (laigle(l a ýrt Here for First Time alecad of ls donkey, but lis nulle, ex rdcnil a ColiscientunsousOj ector, Justabot on thusan peplerefus>ed l tlibcbril}ed. Frank Rickard. Juatabou oîc thusan peple E.,proved about tIse outstanis(iig witnessed tise siliiest game on earth Ilax ur it first base, and hlldmosre last Thursday, wheis picked teams Of Pits uts to Iis credi t thais anxv sinigle locaily prominent people played Sev- plaver. with the excption of Satans, eràl innings of Donkey Baseball at tIse-black donkey, wlho tlsrew every- the Higîs Scbool grounds. The game body overboard, irrespective of tlieir was sponsored by the Lions Club, position in li fe. Public Scisool and it attracted by far the largest puluils ansd Higîs Schooi students en- crowd of any sports attraction of j oýcd tu the full seeing Prinscipal this or any recent season. Tise game Aisdv Thompson o f the Public is just about the nuttiest thing we Scisool and Principal Lou Dippell of ever witnessed. It was one big the Higîs Sehool, go over Satan's laugb from start to finish, aisd it head, like the osais on tise fI3 iîg tra- ended with one teamn leading the peze "witli the greatest of ease.*" other bsy a score of sometbing like Bud Rolph ansd J. J. Brown 1"e re 10 to 4. We really don't know the opposing pitchers of thsueeîîn.g. wbicb team won, and it doesn't mat- ansd botis resorted to tlsrowiusgltwoý ter a great deal, because basebalhalls now and again Min lsis eir abilitv didn't enter into tbe game. It prowess xvas flot sufficieist lu get ivas more or less a matter of having their mars. Some of tIse batters Wecre the right type of personality to per- ral erbe n fe îreisse suade ais obstiiblsateddoîseeythtoedo..u.t tsae aoppsite onlsato hdobeen were giveis a paddle in place of a bat the oposie towhatithd eer- to Sw at the haIl. Art Edger couldist traîîsed, aisd was absolutely dtr for the life of lim hit a fair bail. mined to do. Runssell Osbsornse proved isot oislv 'a MNavor Ross Strike, wlso was pin5- capable batter aîsd fielder. but lie pi re,. or referee or somnethiisg, just about doubled up beisind the plate <Turn ta Page 5, Please) RETURNS PROM EUROPE1 Bowmanville A Beautiful Town Says President 0f Gardeners - Florists Assn. LisTrOWEL PEOPLE HONOUR FORMER TRINITY PASTOR Rev. J. U. Robins Leaves to, Be- corne Pastor of Kinig Street United Church, Trenton - Tribute Is Paid to, Mr. and Mrs. Robins' Work Quite informalîx' the ladies of the cousgregation of-the United Churcîs senît a beautiful silver trav, large suze, a Sheffield reproductions, to the parsonage last Fridax; a gif't to Mrs. J. U. Robins. Thsis was in apprecia- tien of Mrs. Robins' efficient un- faiîiusg services te aIl the erganiza- tiouss of tIse churcb duriusg the past six years. A pair of silver candle- sticks accomspausied tise trav. The address senit xith the gifts ex- pressed the tîsouight that wben a person leaves for xsew fields of labor tîsose xvlo reisairs begin te realize wîsat their efficiencv and kindlv as- sistansce lisas meaîst. But us the piro- cess of exchange tisere comes the joy of frieusdsîsip. We excbansge love, faitb and conifidensce. At tise close of tise eveusiug service. xvîicls was uusder auspices of tIse Tuxis aîsd Trail Ransgers, Iast Suis- day tIse boys presensted Rex'. Robins witb a beautifil floor lansp. MN1r. Elmner Beans spoke higlsly of Rev. Robins' xvork xvitis the boys in tIse past six years of bis pastorate bere, statiîsg that tise boys xvbo had conne under Isis guidance ausd instruction xvould niexer forget wbat lie had donc for tlsem. Mr. Elmer Fleming made the preseutation and Mr. Robins re- plied, expressing bis tbanks for the gif t ansd tbe thought behind the pre- sentation.-Listowel Banner. Friends of Trinitv United and other friends in Bowmanville, are pleased to bear of the recognition gix'en their former pastor ansd wif e. Benetit Basebail Game The Intermediates handed the Juniors an li to 1 trinuxning in the Bill Cole benefit garnie on Tuesday night, twice scoi-ing four i-uns In an inning. The Juniors couxited their lone. ruxi. in. the second but Slemon was i-obbed o! a homner li the sixth when his drive hit a ti-ce. Morley Lonsberry contributed four singles in five tries and Alex Colville hiad a line homner. a double, a single and a walk for a perfect evening. The winnei-s scored four i the sec- A14 two li the fourth, one in the fitand four more xi the sixth. J. F. Whytock Admires Bowmanville A f t e r Tour of Inspection - Association Picnics Here and Plants Tree in Memorial Park "Bowmanville is a beautiful town. It compares favorably with any of the prettiest towns in Ontario." Those words, coming f rom J. F. Wbytock, President of the Ontario Gardeners and Florists Association, are a tribute of which local citizens migbt weIl be proud. Tbey were spokeus bN' Mr. Wbytock on the oc- casion of the annuai picnic of the Association held in Bowmanvilie on Saturdav. The picnic came here on tIse invxitation of Mr. E. J. Wood, nmanager of BrookdaIe-Kingsway Nurseries, who played host to the grouup of 120 gardeners and f lorists for a part of tbe afternoon. Arriving hy two buses and a score of cars the visîtors first inspected the souutb property of Brookdale- Kiisgsivay. before adjouurning te the Ceusotapb Memorial plot, xvhere Pre- sideust J. F. Wbhytock, planted a Jap- anese Yew tree as a memento of the association's #visit te BowmanvilIe. NMavor Ross Strike received the tree ous bebaîf of the town ansd extended a civic welcome to tIse group. In ac- cepting tbe tree His Worsbip ex- pressed the isope that the Gardeners and FIorists Association would flour- ish along with the tree, and that the Association would return some turne ils the future te visit the tewn. Mr. E. J. Wood then presented thse gold painted spade with which the tree was planted te Presîdent Whyç tock as a memento of the occasion.' The group then adjourssed to thc Kingsway division of Brookdale- Kingsway for a tour of inspection, and later went on to the Cream of flarley Park where supper was ser- ved and a program of sports carried out. President Wbytock, with bis wif e, sois and daugbter were taken on a tour of the town. They were partic- ularîx' impressed by 'The Rosery,' A. H. Fletcher's beautifui garden on Queen Street, which was in f ull bloom, altbough affected some by tise beat. Over 100 varieties of roses xvere in bloom. TIse party ivas aIse driven tlsrough the residential section and were much pleased witîs the beautiful homes and gardens on Conscession, Centre, Lowe ansd Teisperance Streets ansd Beech (Turn ta Page 5, Please) birthdlays. M. Breslini, reporting on eprac;nott Wlign. th okvBIn the annual report recently pre- crne otht ligo; vocal solos by Mfiss Ruth James ac- atednexvs100 and that thse sented by retiring r-resinent E. cst t George n iortli Carlisle coianied b r.C .Dde Cultivation Of riowers Is Ineme atendoni<e iseblsttd00a0te, , "east t Lbet; ouhto 'Kingb;NIrs C H.Dule Lions Club share of the proceeds was Crawford we find the Lions Club ha, at, ibrvsnhtoKn:ws vocal solo, Miss Helen A\rgue- vocal $106. Cliarlie Searle, wli w o ~given valuable assistance to the Boy to Temperance and Rotarv Park. îuet, Mir. Owen Nichiolas and Mfrs. have rode a donkey, who decided at Scout Movemnent in Bowrnanville; At tIhe park the Carnival spirit will DudleN ; piano duet, Miss Hielen O o e ' n tt t u e M e the last minute that it ivas safer t took txventy boys to tihe Canadian he evident. Nearly a score of booths, A\rgue and Dr. Partrigde: vocal s olo,______ stay on1 foot, xvas presentedi with ao National Exhibition for the first featuring rnany new gaines wjll be -Nîr. 0. Nicholas. These numbers ~Ms .Bkrl hreo u rocking horse, named Satani, after lie ocal it C. T. Ross ini en- ready to take care of hundreds of wvere interspersed by communitysn-bmF.BkriChgeoI- th ukn okyof tîhe game. tertainingloa children at the Royal 1 atrons. And at the close of the ev- ing of famniliar songs led 6vD.IE E E teresting Program on Friday Pricipl . M Tomponof heTheatre at Christmas; honoured Mrs.1 ening, someone is going to buy a Partridge. The prograin closed witlih-Ir.H.C&or)sHott PbicipchlA '.thke heclubforh E. R. Bounsail as an outstanding 1937 Master Chevrolet Coach for the National Antlieni. Mission H.cle me ThU1i3d Meetin cotbtions hof thnîikbooksclubandrcitizen; supplied transportation to 0n13' $1.00. The draw for the car eMessing at he hmeto! Aurays M-eting_ contrbutins o mil, boks, nu merous groups; aided in sponsor-1will bring the Carnival to a close. vngutheomofArOs clothing for underprivileged child- ing the Dental Health Campaign; Every Committee reports its work NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC borne, with Pi-es. Evelyn Wadle ren. and also prizes donatcd. Guest backed the Junior kseball tearnfor well'in lsand. and a reall3' outstand- TPrestry" was goivnbyA da Ac Ou n- es etigte washed nidayW at the cluh was Keith Campbell. the current scason; entertained the ing Carniival should be tIhe result. Physicians of BowmanviUe have Ta.s pry ayer y MaeliyAd ne-oe; fenoon aitte sheldoFMridaH. blind; supplied mnilk for undernour- TIhe Lions Club bias dlone its share- agreed to close their offices on ni; rYeHb aelinde Tolreyad C ons, hchoStetfwitra goo Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Sligg, ished children; bouglit shoes and. it now rernains for the comrnunity to Wednesday afternoons. In case inoaolneTl udrey ho o'5<> attendance.rtJ. Thicksoord Meaford, spent part of their hon- stockings for needy school childrcn; turii out in large numbers to miake of emergency at this tim nqire Qu1 gve the stdy erod. hoasident, p. res Jn.mTisngopee eymoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney enlargedi school rink and sponsored tIhe Carnival a success and its ob- at the Hospital for the Do6*4 Miethss EIie Oerontrbueda idt serlsian mes. Mrs.e Venon.hocey eage; resnte Przesiiiices pssile.whois n dty.vocal solo at Northminster United W. P. Hall, secretary, read the min- Church. Oshawa, on Sunday utes, letters f romn the sick and shut- rnornng. s and other business was discussed. Y~~hII1it Bthe sketching club, O.C.V.I., Osh- Editor Geo. W. James ofThStes Lower Scnool AndCmmrilUxmnainResuits ig awa, in company *~ith others o!fnman for the editorial comment in Hazel Aider, Don Venton, Ernest Ward, Frances Reynolds and Sybil Mutton Win Awards the club, and chaperoned by lady last week's issue on the work of the teachers. is spending the weekend WNomeni's Institute. Mrs, Thickson ------on Georgian Bay near Honey reviewed briefly some features of Harbour on a sketching tour. thse aniual meeting at Solina. Rol Bowmnanvulle Hlgh School gebra); Trevor Davison tAlgebra) son (Latin, French, Arithmetic), Bookkeeping, Office Practice, Pen- r Hrl Obre coipn caîl was answered with the name of Thoe wth ubjcts i brckesThomias Depew; Moira Dinniwell 'Mai-ion MoDonald (Arithmetic), 'manship. Typing Problems. Arith- .M c aoudsinboyrenninompn-afvrt lwr Thoe wthsubeocs n backts(Latin, French), Hifliard Gale George Mcneeters, Edward Mil- netie. Business Law, Spellingid i osn o enigoafvrt lwr after their name.s must rpa (aiFrench); Douglas Jack- snLillian Naylor. Ja.ck Rice Business Correspondenc% R.apid MToontea. o e rp the rog rea kerichopenhred othf these subjets in a lower foi-m. man, Viola Larkin; John Living; tPhysiography), Brenton R'ckard Calculation. otel h rgan hc pndwt The namnes are arranged alha Helen Luxton; Verna mcRoberts (French, Gram.mar). E il1 e e.n Helen Moîden: Bookkeepmng. rLeskGil, . ewpaosoob is ain uly History, Geography); Douglas Thompson (Latin, French), Annie Shorthand Theory, Typing Prob- adisviitngrlaivs eror c al gaveashumros 1reit- and in comipany with L. J. Cour- ato;vclslswr p enil betically, not according to ment . Norton (Latin, French) - Archi- Tkatch (Gramimar), Jane Tkat.ch lemsa, Sîpeed Shorthand. tcvstc eaie tCm sung by Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and Fro Fom ItO olli l bld mae (eogaph);Jun Grmma).Viola Noden: Typing Speed, beilford. Miss Marion Dudley; Mrs. Baker Prize for General Proficency- Sweet (Algebra); Bernice Wight commercial Diploms-.s 'Shortiand Theory, Typing Prob Msr.DnadCutc Syd_ gave an excellent paper on "Care Ha.zel Ader, Donald Venton, tied. (Algebra); Laura Wilson; Jean Commercial Diplomias wll be lemrs, Speed Shorthand. nessr.Dn adDourtlas d are and Cultivation of Flowers," which FistFoinWrtig rie-GllWodwrd(Hstry Agera. granted to the following: Louise Nancy Shrubb: English Litera- enjoying a fisingtip i th was appreciated by ail; Mrs. J. A. France& Rowe; Boy, Carl Fisher. Recomimended to Foi-m Il-Elva Coe Gertrude Dewell, Thomas ture Penmanship. BeleMe ddtrict Tait accompanied by Mrs. S. Brook- First Class ors,75%aHonourrIsael75%msoandachPottercHoartsIebeMo Thoit: Ofic Pon.ieGatch.el.llhlsBruceWa- Hogarthd coplrofnelo d over-Hazel Aider, Shirley Camp- From Form 1[I to Form M Ior Jones, Sybil Muton, Lionel Park- PeMoniy Smt:fice Pracem.tie r s.W. H.anchls, Ms W te al- ig rnerd panouple bo stolos o bell, Donalda Ci-easer, Marlon Commercial er, Betty Pingle, Frances R PnmehpTpigPobes. - mur nchdenset h azo adpano that roghm t forh Dudley, Patsy Dustan, Gi-ace Hall, Prise for General Pi-oficiency in nolds, Ronald Richards. Muriel Stocker: Typing Speed, weekend at Lindlsay. much dand as.ciafresme nts erea Mai-on ahoo, Jan Mtcaf, Scon For-Erest ard Ci-dit wer obamedas ol-Shorthand Theory, Speed Short- Mrs. John Montgomery, Scar- ~vcoe Mrign Mod, Pean Metl, ScnBrmEer- Pli-st Clasa Honour, 75% and îcwss handboro, Mi-. and Mrs. Bei-t Hainestecoe Grig Moden Pegy Mses Ber Fist las Honurs 75 andIcw. hnd.and son, Toronto, visited Mr. and Vote of thanks moved by Mrs. F. nice Sleep, Donald Ventbn. over-Byron Crawrford,' Ev e 1 y n Derek Barnett: Office Practice. Williamn Tait: Engllsh Litera- Mrs. W. H. Nichols. Lyle and seconded by Mrs. F. Web- Second Class Honours, 66% to Harnden, William Green, Kathryn Donald Cameroný English Lit- ture, Bookkeeping. Office Practice, Miss June Marshall wlll spend ber was extended to Mrs. Connors 75 %-Philip Ayling, Betty Bettles, O'Neill, Enest Ward, Diana erature, Typing Problems, Typing Penmanship, Typing, T y pi1 n g two months at Bala, Muslcoka. for the use of ber home and to ail James Clark, Patricia Emmett, Wheeler. Speed, Aiithmetic, Rapid Calcul- Speed, Business Law, Business Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Worden who had takeni part on the program. Marion Gibâon, Lindsay Mitchell, Second Clam, Honours, 66% to ation. Correspondence, Spelling, Rapid and Mi-. and Mra. Rosa Pearce en- Next mseeting will be the annual pic- Jea Pttiso. Bi-ai- Rhdr, 5%Loi Emet, aryJuy. Edythe Carter: Engllsh Litera-Clulto.Joyd a trip in the Lindsay and ilic at the home of Mrs. F. Jackman Sidney Rundle, Keith Slemon, Donald McIlveen, Doris Moses. turc. Office Practice, Pernmanship, Ernest Taylor: Office Practice, Peterboro district on Friday. on Friday, July 3th. Margaret Storey, Kelvin Symons, Edith Raclcham, Norma Searle,1 Shorthand Theory, Typing Prob- Shorthand Thcory, Business Law, Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar, Miss_____________ George Underhill, Helen Werry, Dorothy Smalc, Kathleen Storcy, lems, Typing Spced, Speed Short- Spelling. Rosna Edgar and Mr. Hari-y Louise Wilson, Winifred Wood. Roy Swlndeils, Alan Taxublyn. hand, Business Cori-espondence. Clair Wakelin: Office Pract1ce. Worden visited on Sunday with Hancoek are quite indltsposed. Third CIass Honours, 60% to Thirdi Class Honours, 60% to Rapid Caloulation. Mai-ion Werry: English Litera- Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Wilcox, at Mrs. Annis is wlth her daughter, 66% -Florence Calver. Eil e en 66% -William Brown, John Gor- .osephine Caverly: English Lit- ture, Office Practice. Perîmanshlp, Hampton. Mrs. Arthur Bre;it, Tyrone. Couch, Geraldine Coulter, Fi-an- man, Ronald Hall, Charles Hoar, crature, Office Practice, Peximan- Shoithand Theory, Typing Prob- Mr-. W. H. Nichols, who has had Mi-. Wesley Hancock, Winnupeg, ces Crook, Jean Davey (Histoi-y), Nora Meredith, Reglnald Rack- ship. Typing Problems, Spelling, lems, Typing Speed, Business Cor- charge o! the road work for the is visitlng his mother, also bro- Maxine Demerlîng, Pcggy Finni- haum, Thomas Rehder. Business Correspondence. Rapld respondence. past 12 Yeai-s, has i-eslgned, his ther, Mr. HI-<raoe Hancock. gan, Carl Fisher, Rachael Hilder- Pass, 50% to 60% -Cauice Al- Calculation. Doris Wright: Office Practice. place being taloen by Mr. Thos. Mr. Douglas Verxnilyea spent ley, William Hutchinson, Ruth der, Harold Casbourn (Arithme- Jack Dunn: Spelllng, Office Irene Wright: Engllsh Litera- Bickle. Sunday with relatives in Toronto. lames, Oscar Jessen, James Knox, tic), Jackc Colville, Ruth Colwill Pi-actice. turc, Office Practice, Penmnanship, The store at Courtice, having Mr. and Mx.G.F nfi, i. M!ark Lambourne, Gilbert McIl- (Civics), Audrey Comstock (Ar- Jack Gibbs: Spelling, Office Shoithand Theory, Typing, Arith- ioined the Red aind White chain, and Mrs. Walter Rundle, and Mr-. veen, Ross MeRoberts, Margaret lthmnetlc), Marlon Crago, Ronald Practice. metic, Business Law, Business is taklng on quite a new app)eai-- and Mi-s. Chas. Osborne wei-e vis- Osbor-ne, Jean Prout, Jean Rice, Crago (Composition, Literature, Walter Goode: Bookkeeplng, Correspoxidence, Rapld Calcula- ance with its new coat o! paint itors at the O. A. C. at Guelph. Frances Rowe, Mary Spencer, GrammLri), H a r o 1 d C r o o k Typlng Problems, Ar 1 t h m e t ic, tion. under the supervision o! Mr. Har- Mi-. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Ber-- Helen Tlghe. (French), Leslie Darch (French, Spelling, Rapld Calculation. General Pi-oiclency Prise don- i-y Plckell. nice and Jack, Maxwell's, vlslted Pass. 50% ta 80%-Donald Ai- Latin), Blain Elltott (Latin, Fre- Han-y Jackman: Office Practice, ated by the Bank of Commerce- Miss Aninie Hoît, Toronto, vis- on Sunday with Mrs. Janie Os- lin (Latin, French); Glenn Brooks nch, Gi-anmai), John Graham Spelling. Frances Reynolds. ied in the vicinity durlng the borne. (Latin, . French, Aigebra); Vera (French), Mary Lemon (French), Marlon Jewell: Office Pi-actloe. Batnk of Montreal Prise for Past week and attended Maple Miss Lila Osborne la holidaying Clapp (Aigebra, Agic ult urie); Jean Logan, Elsie Ly'mer, Carol Robert Kent: Office Practice. S'Peed and Accuracy in Typewrit- Orove annivepsaiy. with her mother. havlng complet- Kenneth Cole (Latin, French, AI- Martyn (Arithanetic), Donald Ma- Ruth Logan: Engllsh Literature, lng-sybll Mlutton. Mrs. Levi Annis and Mrs. Ellen ed her teaching terni in Toronto. Circulation 3000 This Issue Zbe c '4;4 I f 4- enna .tan CoL L. T. McLauglilin, C.M.G. A member o! Canada's Corona- tion Contingent, and a repi-esen- tative o! the Canadian Liegion at an international gathering o! War Veterans in Gei-many following the Coronation. who this week i-e- tui-ned with Mrs. McLaughlin to Bowmanville. CEDARCLIFF WAS SCENE OF GARDEN PARTY ON FRIDAY Beautiful Grounds of M. and Mrs. F . C. ..atn.c q .xtnnv nQ... o! Group 3 of Trinity W. A. Fun And Frolic Features Annual Gre at -was an ideal evening aîsd Lions Club Carnival On July 8th -Cea"" " ts sm ______________________________F. C. Vaisstoise, ais ideal place for the Gardets Party given uînder Hugo Parade Will Inaugurate Public and Higb Sebools ansd Bovs' tIse auspices of group 3 of Trinity United Clsurcb oas Association. nna ApelNx WekTraining School; maintained a boy Tise Konswihaesron Annua Appel Nex Weekat the Scbool for the Blind at Brant- with grounds whilorabresrroned -New Automobile Will Be ford; and bave supplied glasses for shad beeautifu afloalbrdrs.boef (Given Away at Close of Pair numereus scbool children who other- S e tes ada bîdneo ______Wise would have defective eyesigbt green grass was further eîshanced through lack of funds to get proper coîore eneric f ionts jak ndh Thursday of next week, July 8th, treatment. In addition donatio n s ore elci igtsm n th Bowmnvile ion Clu wil sageweremad toardmari loal ndlawîs a lovely spot for sudsi a gather- Bowmhrdani L ions lubThew ion stge twro matestwr. mn oclading as assembled. Mr. and Mrs. its hir anoualcamvai TheLios Otari chrites.Vanstone, Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison take this method of appealing for The Club, while preud of this re- ansd Mrs. John Percy, President of public support of its activities in the cord, is not boastful of it. Its mnem- the group, received tise guests and bers realise that the club is but ts r .W eelecre themt cemmunity. When the Club was trustee for the f unds entrusted te, it sMr,. . Wtabl es orn ed themflos formed a few years ago, there were for community work. The club flow whcre a temptiîsg supper including some who believed quite sincerely asks.>'ou to support it in its Carîsîval strawberries aîsd creami, was served that one service club was enough ins Ion July 8th. The proceeds are de- hy thc youîger members of thle Bowmanville. However the Lioiis co ted entirely to welfare work, and g p.,Seating accominodation was Club bas found a new f ield that i lot one cent gees to club admsinistra- g1proi. , tIesaiustw m complementary te the xvork of the tion. this expeisse being paid ils an- evervoie was f ree to eîjoy a social other club. The Lions Club makes usual mnefssbersbip fee of the cl'îb. timne togetîser. its major activity the conservations of Big Parade D.T .Prrderîdrdais sigbtand cre oftIse ind.Tise opeîsiîg featuire of tise Caris- eijoyable msusical îrogram duriîsg tise Its Carniivai on july 8th, is iii ival will be a lisuge parade, featuriisg supper isour aind later witls Pastor reality ans appeal for public support bands, floats, decorated cars. old Davisois presidiisg a pleasiisg pro- in its consmunitv xvork. Duriîsg tise cars, clownss aîsd scores of costuied grains xas reisdcred. The opesiîsg past year înany lhundreds of dollars 'kiddies. Tise sarade is te Icave l'iimbers were selectioîss ou tIse issus- hsave been expeîsded on consmunitv Central Public Scisool slsarp at 7 p. ýical saw 1wv Mr. A. Daanst accons- welfare. \Vork for the blisd lisas of im., D.S.T., aîsd will proceeul southIS îaîied bx Dr. Partridge at tise piano; -course sîînersecic.ciall other work. lots Silver Street, east ors K igsrto 1i inosio Ni .q Hleiv,..ian ~tate~m~rn More CIrculation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham County Newspaper

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