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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1937, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 151, 1937 ICOWANVILLE \Irs. Edwvards. Toronto, visited Mr. nd Mrs. j . \V. Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens and MNrs. L. Heard were Sundav visitors cf Mr. and Mrs . . SteelnS. Mrs. Moses Heard lias been taken to Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Jack Barnes bas returned home. Mrs. R. Reid is staving at her daughter's, Langstaf f. Mr. and Mrs. B. Crossley spent Suilday evening with Mr. and M\rs. S. Porteous. Mrs. W. A. Reid and daughter Harry Phones 367 - 368 Fine vi.itcd iii Hatilîtonl. Mîr. Stattlev l'nrtcoits j.. riîiferinîg frotît a coîtple cf craced rnus as a r. .ult cf a lanl slde iiu the gravel trutck. Miss MNary Heuidersot is ~visitiîîg .Nîr. atil Nrs. Nlarviîî at Niorrislî. MIr. H. Gletiney gav e ait tnisptring tslk, Stnday eveting at the S. S. ant- niversarv servtce. Friends f ro m Starkviile atid Sbilob came te hecar bita. Stîuday School Picuic next Satur- day. It's easy for a man tvo forgive Ilis enemies aftei getting square witb tbem. COOL AS A SHADOW Dark Sheers for Warm Days in Town Haif tlîe battle iin feelitng cou is I k ig sud sve think the svav te look il uic-t et iective1sv t- to go i for siîadowy sheer blacks fro.tcd sitb sshite. You'Ii fiîdtd hcm at the Es yin al sze Priced from $8.95 up The EVLYN Shop Phone 594 Bowmanville HARRY ALLI N SPECIALS Spaih OLIVES ................. large jar 29e Red Glory SALMON .................. lb. tin Helnz PORK AND BEANS -med. .... 2for 23e Free Running SALT .................. 2-lb. pkg. Se For Preserves CERTO .................... bottie VALL GROWN PULLETS PAY r(ive youC uleZbik rcac to develop it isu dod- the kind tixat will produce plenty af big, salable eggs for you neit Fail and Winter. iikO X2pEP Jl aRWE uiom it proDcigblaNM raaifoa rhemit rdig aLand ratikyoont itoh g 1ogpo~ Ung Ladies 2lc 27e 1 FREE Sugar 100 lb.. - $5.40 Old Dutch Cleanser 3 tins - - - 29e Sbredded Wheat 2 pkg. for - 25c. Brown Label Salada Tea lb. - - - - 63C Magie Brand Caff ee l- ----29e A 1luon Garden and Field Seeds FRESH This Morning from TH-E FARM Sipeed is esseittial to the ie tiality ant iIiirity o(f milk. Gleii Rae înilk is nto sooner cooled oni the farm than swift trtîeks slarî it towaî-d 11he>Mo,- teurizing Plant . . .. tlieii it is speeded over thle delivery route te o om honme. Gleutl Rae lu-esli- ness assuresyou ofeti l i i ls an d a ireallY finer milk flavor. GLR sDAIRY Phone 2M6 R.R. STEVECNS & SON Bowmanville HAYDON Ou r Su nlaiy Se hci \uni ve.rsa r services w erc Iarge1v atten(le(lon Sunday . Services wvcre lield lu the uîcelv <lecorated slicd. lit the after- noon Rev. \\'. F. Banister gave a spleudi(l discourse. Selectious were suing hv lIhe sebool under the direct- ion of NMr. E. E. Staples assisted by Mrs. A. Read. pianist, Mr. Arthur Beech, violinist. St. Paul's maIe q~uartettec onsisting of Messrs Alex McGregor, Donald WVilliams New- ton I-lacknev and XV'ilfred Carrutherc rendered selections both afterrîoon and evening wvhich were greatlv en- jix cd. luitbte evening Rev A. M. \\oottoui preached an excellent ser- maon tiui The Wrong Kind of Christ- In. u conînîînoration cf the lîirthdav of Canada. the evening ser- vicec iloC(l ith The National Aut .\îîîivcrýnrv Vi 'itor.. MIr. and MIr... E. E. Staîde.., Hanîp- ton. at Nîr. M. l-obhs. Mr. Tint White, Mr. RcIa nd( lb îj,ii.ol. Cadtnt,u n t '1M1r. XW. .Nir. and Nîr. A . Preseott andl fatinil.%. Enfieid. at 'Mr. R. 'iunger«s .NIr. ;nid Mrs. lF. Cowling and Fred, Blackstock. at MIr. R. MNi~ Miss NMary Westbur,-Mr. Lotuis Ashbton, Toronto. at NMr. H. Asîton's. Mrs. .A. Grant, 'Mess.rs Bill and J lui Grant. Misses Ursul and Ruth MeNeil. and Patsv Bul., Toronto; Mrs. M. 'Moore. Miss K. Moore, Bowînanville M r. and Mrs. D. -Moore. Oshiawa; Mrs. E. Brittain and Mrs. J. Douglas, Newcastle; Mrs. J. Hobbs, Mrs. C. Watson, Misses Helen and Ruth Watson, Chicago, at Mr. A. McNeil's. .Mr. and M\rs. A. H. Beech and family, Mr. Alan Stainton. Miss Margaret Virtue, Enniskillen; Mrs. H. Scott, Helen and Dorothy. Orono, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. MNiss Audrey Cowling, M a pIe Grove, Miss Kathleen, Lily and Hilda Cowling. Salem; Mrs. Thos Tabb and Lawrence. Tyrone, at Mr. T. Cowling's. Messrs Donald Williams and New- ton Hacknev, Bowmanville: Miss Velma Bradley, Oshawa; Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto. at Mr. E. Brad- ley's. Mr. Alex McGregor and 'Mr. Wil- f red Carruthers. Bowman-,ille; Mr. Ross Richards. Salem; 'Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and familv, Burke- tcn; Misses Vera and Verna Griffin, Union; Miss Alice Ashtn, Enniskil- len; Miss Hilda Richards at 'Mr. A. Beech's. Mrs. D. Hall, jack, David and Helen, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson, Taunton, at Mr. C. Cross- man's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bird and Mar- garet. Grinsb'.. at Nîr. T. Mount- loy S. Mr. andl Mrs. R. Ormiston, Enni- skillen; 'Miss Verna Ormiston. Osh- awa: Mr. and Mrs. T. .McGill, En- niskillen, at Mr. L. Ashton's. Mr. and .Mrs. H. Gay and family. MNr. and Mrs. F. Crossman, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Garrard's. Mr. anid Mrs. J. Graham, Mr. K. Graham, Oshawa; Ž4r. and Mrs. N. Coliacutt. Velma and Beta. Betbesda, at Mr. D. Gràham's. Mr. Frank Carter, Miss Viola Bradburn. Blackstcck: 'Mr. Cecil Slemon, Tvrcne. at M.\rs. S. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bow- manville : '.Ir. and Nfrs. Lorenzo Nlountjcv, NlisS. Rose Nlcuointjoy-, Nirs. J. N.Ilutjov-. Nestlcton Ni\ 1r. and Nirs. R. Gilhurt and Velma. En- niskillen. at -Mr. Mi. Slemon's. NMr. Bert A'shiton. Toronto, i.. holidav itg at home. Nîi.E. Nloutntjoyv isited iu To- NMr. and Nfrs. Fre(l .Ashton, To- ronto, areclîolida.ving with their par- ents. 1. f jLONG SAULT Recent Visitors Mr. Bvron Farrull, Mý\isses Rutht and Grace Farrell, NIr. Clarence Bradlev andINfr. ib Sini,. witlt Nr. and I.Nirs. Wmi. Sinitlî. Toronto. Mir. an(lM .. \ n. ooey . NIrs. Fred No _t\ix I r. and MIrs. R. MNcl.auigbliu witlîNMr. ami Mrs. . C. Secott, Tiverton. Mir. ani Ni rs. Ott-, Virtue with NI r. ani NI r>.. Taltiert Fýindlev., lbîirnii. r Nliss Grace Smnith andl \Irs. John Ciol iieattuidîeil th1iti i in ni-am p- toit Park.\Viît..a NIfr. and Ni rs.I letirv M 111r andI ,NI r,. R. Wiod ward,. Miss Hiazel \\-i>ilw arîl. ',\nutvii I r. Freil Smithî, NIis: MNabel \MelRobert,. andt .NI i ss Viola I ciinson ii w b NIr. ant( .\rs. George Smith. Mr. liert Rice and NMr. 'Melville TitîrelI with friqitds lun Manebtîria. 1 Last Wednesda 'v evetting a pre- si.-ntatioti ias hllt at the home of .Mr. 1). B. Farrell for Rev. and Nîfrs. A. NI. MWotton. who were presented with a set cf dishes. a luncheon cloth witb serviettes 10 match. Miss. Viola Johnson, Oshawa, wltb Mr. and Nîrs. Joe McRoberts. NîIiss Pauiline Fraser, Toronto, witb NIr. and INIrs. Harrv Fraser. IMAPLE GROVE Mis. Atkinson <nee Olive Fowl-. er). Edwin and Patay, Dinsmore, Sask., visited their cousin, Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Mis. Waltei Foley visited ber daugbter, Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and three daughters. Toronto, visited theur parents, M.r. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens on Sunday. Several from here attended Hampton anniversary on Sunday. Miss Betty Snowden spent the weekend with Miss Elinor Sykes. Ha mpton. Miss Bessie Simpson spent Sun- day ai her home in Hampton. Mrs. Mark Blackburn and Mr. Farewell Blackburn, Orono, spent the weekencj with the former's brother, Mr. Howard Feley. Congratulations to Mr. Elgin Munday on his recent mariage. Quarterly service next Sunday. Ann.tversary supper was a buge success again this year. Sports were provided for the children in the afternoon. At 4.30 a league softbalU game was played, Cour- tice and Maple 'Grove; at 6.30 a football game, Solina vs Maple Grove; the visitors were the wmn- vers in both games. An excellent supiper was served by the ladies to a large crowd. In the evening a capacity audience greeted the young people when they present- ed their play, -Aunt Abby Ans- wers an Ad," under the able lead- ership of Mis. L. G. Gale, Bow- manvilie. Cast of characters: Abby Ainsley, a clyed-in-the-wool old maid, Marion Snowden; Lu- cindy LoveJoy, a matd of all work, Jean Stevens: Horace Harter, her unwelcoxne suitor, Lloyd Metcalf; Anna Ain.sley, niece f rom the city, Helen Metcalf; Lillian Lorraine, Anna's girl chum, Mildred Snow- den; Bill Barberton, engageci to Lillian, Sam VanCamp; Bobby Barrington. Anna's boy friend. John Ayling; Mrs. Purviance, a tourist, Greta Munday; Horace Hashwell. a lonely widower, Fr7ed Miller; Elsie Ebbersole, a tattle tale, Iva Foley. Eacb one did bis or her part exceedingly well. Rev. W. C. Smith acted as chaïrn in bis usual pleasant way. Pro- ceeds nearly $315.00. The only tbing to mar a very successful anniversary was tbe accident which Mr. and Mrs. R.. R. Stevens met with that nigbt just as they were entering their own driveway, their car was bit by a big motor transport truck loaded with new cars. Their car was turned completely around and badly damaged. The truck cross- ed the road into the ditcb and in- te the field. -Mr. and Mrs. Stev- ens were badly sbaken Up and suffered f romn hock and bruises. Mis. Stevens had one rib crack- ed, but is now doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, An- son, Geralcl, Harvey and Jean vis- ited their daugbter, Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Tbornton's Corners, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre, Lloyd and Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Misses Velina and Dor- een Balson, visited at Edgar Horn's, Hamnpton, on Sunday and attended tbe annuveisary. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell visited at Geo. Aimuor's, Hamp- ton. Mi. Frank Pascoe and daugb- ters and Miss Irene Pascoe visited at Mr. Joe Cbaprnan's, Hamnpton, on Sunday. Mr. AUl. Ayre and Mr. FP. B. GlaspeIl attended tbe Sbeep1 Breeders' Field Day at Osgoode Station on Friday. Miss Norma Glaspeil spent the weekend at Mrs. M. Williamns', Port Perry. TYRONE The regulai meeting of the W. M. S. will be postponed from JuIy lst to July 8th. The meeting in charge of Mrs. James Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. Chaîlie Ireson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Down a.nd Billie spent the weekend with his father, Rev. J. W. Down, Ex- eter. Mi. M. Bogart, Qu'Appelle, Sask., v.isited at Mr. Luther Hoop- er's. Several from bere attended the Hooper-McFeeteîs picnic held at Hampton on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. I. W. Larmer. Mis. M. BaIl and fanùly, MilI- brook, receritly visited at Mr. Gus Rosevear's. A league gaine of football was PlaYed on Wednesday evenin.g be- tween Clarke and Tyrone. The score en.ded in a tie. Several frcm here attended an- n.iersaîY services ai Haydon and Hampton on Sunday. Hope is the advance agent o! resiznation. It'S easier for a man te make money if bh- isnt 'on speakiug ternis with hÎs conscience. in Flower Basket Chest 0 New dstiocti.. patrn..com. bining arnatmous ièh queity. Value $2O..ii boi.gkt poce by pi.c.. Sen...buy on the quantity. pucb.u plan. JAMES fMARR JEWELER Phone 463 - Bownianvllle JBLACKSTOCK Rucett 'ttors Nîrs. V. A\rcher antd '%Irs. E. B. Cowan aI Nfrs. C. Nl\arlow's. NMr. atnd Nrs. W. N. Hoskiîî aI- tended te fuiteral of Mrs. L. Brutt cf Eîîniskilln. MNrs. Oakley Carley, Cavan, sith liter inother, Xlrs. S. Swain. MNrs. jas. 'Malcom, Port Perry, wit itb Miss Cea Crozier. NMr. Elgin Willianison, Peterboro, at Mr. Jas. Parr's. Mr. and Mrs. NM. Heard and sou, Elgint, witb NMr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskii. MNrs. Auson Taylor with ber niece, Nirs. Fred Tetas. Mr. and NIrs. 'Wm. Heeev withî ber mtcîer, Nirs. McDonald, Head Lake. NMr. attd Irs. Jabez Wright sitb Rev. atndNIrs. F. WV. Newell, Hast- iîtgs. NMr. and M.\rs. C. Severs, OshaNva, wittiîfriends Itere. Mîr. and Nirs. WN1ta. Hooey attetnd- i.d the funeral of lier brother-itî-law', .Nîr. Wood, at Toronto. MIiss Aileeti Mounîjev. utîrse-iti- traittitng, Toretnto General Hospital, ts ltolidaying withî ber parents, Mir. atnd Ni\rs. N. Meutitjey. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dewney, Reaboro, with Mr. atîd Mrs. G. R. NîcLaugli- fitn. Miss M.\ary- Mansion, Stratford, with ber uncle, Dr. McAnîbur. .Nr. and Mrs. F. F. Xillan, Mns. J. H. Devitt motored le Meaford and sîsited relatives. MNrs;. John Banton. Bowmanville, with ber ceusins, 'NIs. 'M. Smith, MNrs. W. Barton sud Nirs. W\,m. Van Camp. iNir. and Mrs. James Parr, Beth- any, witlî old f iends here. A- lange cnowd gathered at the cenîmunity hall on the occasion of a shower fer Mr. and Mrs. Henb Swain on Friday cvening. Mr. C. Devitt acted as chairman. An inter- csting program was provided: Mis. J. Wright sud Mrs. G. Strotîg fav- onned with a piano instrumental; Rev. H. J. Bell gave a short talk; Rets Swain favoned with a solo and jean Wright with a reading. Short speeches were given and a dainty lunch svas seîved. The rest of the evening svas speitî in dancing. Special services were held on Sutt- day at St. Johns Cliurch, in charge of «Archdeacou Simipson. Iu the nieruing be spoke on, The Probleni cf Our Local Chuirches sud Parish- es. Mrs. Hayes sud Nîns. Miann of Port Perry, sang a duet "Rest," se- companied hy Nîr. NMann St the or- gan. Iu the cvenixîg he spoke on "the Chnrch and It's Achievements." Mn. A. Stapleton of Cadmus, accompanied by Nrs. NI\. Nloutjoy- sang 'I Heard tiue Voice of Jestis Sa.' Mrs. V~. Archer sud Nîrs. E. B. Cowatî satng a duiet "Sou cf My Seul." NIr. jack Stmith ;layed for tîtetu. On Tuesday Nins. L. Graliam 'vas îiresentcd with a lovely cheese sud cracker dish sud a bouquet of loveiv veliow roses from lier fellosv macta- liers cf LOB.A. .Alsu a Praver atnd Hymît Book sud a boi.qtuet (cf peon- mies from tîtembers cf XW. A. of St. J ohnt's Anglican Church it apprecia- ticît for lier valuable work lu hotu organizatieus. M r. aud Mrs. L. Grahtam aud fanîilv have mnoved to thlir farni lun!Millhrook. We wi..h thexa success itn their ttes hîotae. NMiss Luis XWright bas returîîed home from New York. She rcceived two surprises. Ott Ttesday bier auints antI oncles spent su cujoyable even- iîtg with ber. On XVduesdav eveti- ing a large number of lier girl fr1- ends camne. Dancing was muclicnt- joyed sud asEc a tlintv hunci. Mrs. Wcslev 1l-oskin visited Mrs.r F. Gilbcrt's, Ettfield, on Frida " la..t sud attended the Scliîta Instituite meeting. I SOLINA Mr. Absalom Abrahams bas moved to Bîooklin te reside with bis sister. Mrs. Jas. Garfatt, hav- ing sold bis faim te Mi. AIf Ayre. A number frora bere attend.ed Decoration services at Bowman- ville on Stunday and also Haînp- ton anniversary. Our Young people held an en- joyable picnic at Oshawa on the Lake on Saturday afternoon with nearly fi! ty present. Wom.en's Institute held a-social afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Gilbert on Friday. Mis. Charlie Naylei and Miss Ileen Balson favoured with piano solos and Miss Muriel sud Master Jack Smith with vocal duets. A dainty lunch was served by giovp eue. Much trne was apent admiring Mis. Gilberi's mauy choice flow- ers whicb are well weith seeing now. Visitois: Mr. sud Mis. Walter Parrinderý and Evelyn at Mi. Brun-ueas'. Brooklin. Mi. and Mrs. A. Whitnel, June and Loraine. Toronto, at Mi. Jack Reyniolds. Mr. and Mis. Clifford Sutcliffe, Mrs. Pearl Harrs and Ray, and Master Denny Edmondstone, To- ronto, at Mr. Thos. iBaker's. Mi. and Mis. Jack Rehder and Murray, Mrs. A. Williams aud M<ise Betty Cook, Port Perry, at Mrl. Chas. Howsam's.. Mr. and, Mis. Jack Baker and Miss Kathleen and Mi. and. Mis. C'ordon Leask: spent Friday and Baturday attending an O. A. C. reunion in Guelph. BAKERS SCHfOOL On Satttrdav afternoon, ,Iure l9th. Baker's atnd Bra(llei's Hlotae atnd SchltiClubs hltild a joitnt pluetteat Hamîttît Pak.A tîumher cf races were etifoveil with tliese. prize wtn- ners : hbo"ys attd girls îtîtder 7 %cars- lazel ('ryierittai ;hic s 7 tri 9- Geo. Gilroy; girls 7 t0o -MNar% Cryder- man; : Iovs 9 toi 12-Riiss Cri'der- mant; girls 9 tii 12 -Nlargaret 'Pres- cott; ; oys 12 tri 15-I)onald Yelluw- leces ; girls 12 te l5.-Velmaa Gilbert; thrice-lcgged race (oçi)-1hohel Yellowlees and Wesley Ycllowlees; wheel harrow race-Hlarvey Yellow- lees and Wesley Yellowlees; ladies kicking shoe-Velma Glbert; shoe bunt- Gladys Yellowlees, Donald Yellowlees; meu's race (open)- iRalpit Dasvis : ladies walkitîg race- Nîrs. R. Gilbert; Tic race-NîIrs. C. Smîith, Ralph Djavis:lîtcky serving-1 Nîrs. Gilrcy : hîtckv ra-NIrs. Fred Staith, Goîrdonît Leask. Several ganies ouf hasehall vere played. Sujiper scas served afti.r svhich ail rettrted to their homles after att etijovable after- noon. ÇJji Fridatv aftermîoon t te sebool eilîdreit beld their Red Cross meet- itng atnd at the close presented their teacher, Miss Allun. sith a little token. Mçmiel Smith made the pre- sentation and Harvev Yellowlees read Ibis address: Dear Miss Aluin, Having learned that yotî are leav- ing us at the end of the prescrnt term we wanted te express teyot our appreciatioti of aIl the heurs yotu~ bave spetît with us inti Iis sehool room dnritîg the past fcw vyears. No doubt we have oftetî tried your patientce btut ive weuld like y oute know thaI t isvas catised bx tte tbouglitlessness of youtb. Yott have always heen very~ patietnt and vour ututiring efforts have streiv heen re- warded. WVhen yotî recaîl the days spetit lu S.S. No. 19 we hiope that von will forget ail the unipleasant tbitîgs and onlv remember the briglît joyous heurs. We felt tîtat we svanted yN .o te have some littie token itn retienm- brance of vour ptîpils here anîd as yenl use it everv day sve hope that yent isilI recaîl alI l te faces voit have seen1 hefore yen eacli day. Kindlv accept 8 it artd ith it our earnest wishies that 11f e may hold muclb happincss attd stîccess -for yen dnning the cotning year. Pupils of S.S. Ne. 19. Atîniversary Visilors: 'Ir. and Mrs. Walter Cryderman, Mn. and Mns. Charlie Smith, Airs. J. J. Smithî, inniel and Jessie. Mr. and MNkls. Harold Pascoe, Don and Ray, Solina, Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshi- awa, visited at F. J. Gaud's on Sun- day and attended the atntiversary services. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Allin, Miss NI. Brown, Mr. Rae, Toonte, spent the weekcnd at Mr. A. L. Blanchard's. Mn. and Mns. P. R. Cowling, Bow- manville, '-,\r.sad Mns. C. A. Blan- chard, Miss Helen Baker, Mr. Bruce Tink. Solitta, Miss J. Ormiston, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. E. Saunders, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. M. Saunders, Toronto, visited at Mr. A. L. Blan- chard's, on Snnday. Mr. and Nirs. J. R. Reynolds, '.\Ir. aud Nîrs. A. L. Blanchard were ini Torento on Wednesday. Mr. and Mfrs. H. E. Tink, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Nirs. R. J. NMc- Kessock attd Ruth, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Moore, Enniskillen. Fratnk Pascoe and family atnd NMiss lreiie Pasce. Zion, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ellictt and NMary , Oshawa, with '.\r. and Nîrs. Joe Cbapman. NMr. and Nirs. George Gibbs, NIr. and _Mrs. Williain Gibbs atnd fsmilv, Oshawva, Mr. and Nirs. B. H. 'Mort- lock antd faimuîv. Bowmanville. with .Nir. aud M\rs. Will Chapmaîî. Now also dotb th<e charmi.ng bridel Complete ber splendid trousseau, Wbile fatheî bustles to Provide The coin tbat sbe may dousseau. Kerslakels SEVE Let our experts develop your next film and you get Art Border Prints at no extra cost Batfhing uaPs- Sun Tan Oil-- Approved for Sun Goggles --19coUc Disinfectlfg TB.stables 'Unguentifle - - - K OL T. -B. 0c Joncolia for burns -25 Dt~Nr(TA~~ Pa -70c 80 Paper Serviettes - 15o qt, » 1.10 Noxema Or. - 15-54-1-08 gala 3.20 We reserve right to limit quaittities. 1-1b. Odorono Arrid Rush Cold Cream Ice Cream Deodorant 59C 1 35c 39c 1 15c - 35c WHITE SHOE CLEANERS NyaI Cleaner- 25c Shu-MiIk - - 25c Cinderella- - 50c Palm Beach - 25e Griffin Kidine - - - - 50c WE FIT TRUSSES P.R. COWLING, Phm. B. Phone 695 .L u I- ;i u ' - 39c1 Baker y MADE AS YOU WOULD MAKE TI-EM IN YOUR HOME SPECIALS Marshmailow LAYER CAKE ............... each 30e Pumpkin PIE....................... each 30e Big Assortment of Summer Pastries Lunches put up for your picnic. Full Course Hot or Cold Lunch in our Tearoom Price .............35e SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Special Weekend Sundae ...... 2 for 25e THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations Morris Cô-. Feature Comfort With Iower prices on Mattresses and Studio Couches M ATTRESSES ed ge. decl tui ft i g h cas? t ick- ittg - Reg. $750 for $5.95 MATTRESSES Long fibre wvhtte cottotin t layer construction, 50 lbs. Da- mask ticks. - Reg. $1275 for $9.85 M ATTRESSES 4 only - Floor samples - Mar- shall, Sions, etc. Save $10 oit these Reg. $2475 te $3950 for 14.75 - 29.50. HOLIDAY SPECIAL Table Lamps and Shades Sce these mncuir ss ittovs. 1095 Assorted glass potterv bases. flttted glasstex shades. Colors, whlite, cream, green, rose. Large 16" shades, 20" higli. IMPORTED GRASS RUGS Last shi;nn.ent out lIt e no.îi S0tt î >7 \4 - 4 (ix7 ' ( i Studio Couches - New Homespun Repps Velvets - Sum mer Prices $19395 $39n50 XVitht the altos-e studio a rocta 15 casih ciiuverted tb sleeing fîttartens for two. Tuhutilan arn alre fiîti..iied itu sssltit, tche îttige liaîs shuing- filîed inattresses aud spiing-filled îîack cuisîietis, utetal hsck. XViti ardnîihe cclîiîatmcnt. - Re-giian $5250 for $39n50 F. F, MORRIS COMPANY Furnjtu.re Dealer, Funeral Director Phone 480 Bowmanville x FRESH FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fresh Fruits and Vegetables kept i special Vegetable Spray Window. b, TIIURSDAY, JULY 1ST, 1937 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO f

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