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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1937, p. 5

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THURSD.-Y, JULY IST, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Jim Devitt, Toronto, spent spent the weekend wth Mrs. John Simday at home. Spencer at "Dundurn." \MISS Helen MeGregor, B.A., Rev. and Mrs. Robert Emimett, Petc-.Lboro, is holidayxng with lier Sorel, P. Q., are visiting t.heir son, moVlher, Mrs. D. S. McGregor. Mr. A. A. Emmett, Beecli Avenue. Mi~. Jack Collis, Peterboro, is Rev. C. H. Ferguson, Bethany. 'Visiting lier father, Mr. J. E. Wor- ironducted annversary services at reil. Pontypool, Sunday week. Mr. Leighton, Toronto, Miss Eileen Clark, nurse in IIappy Days Healtih eans Ihappînes. Brtghiten tlue faîil's dax s wîth more \Iîik Ilk. caris and late. \Iilk, for vouing and 1 for old l. at anv and al times. But flot just ans kind of "\lîlk! \Iaîke sure of tl- purits rtcline-ss and fias our et thie \Ilik %ou (Io serve.\e I h m-tke sure of these essentials. jOur .\Itlk tupbiuîlds healti Bowmanville Dairy Dominion Day These Holiday Specials on Sale Wednesday, June 3th, also on Friday and Saturday, Juiy 2nd - 3rd Aylmer-Large Tins TOM MT ES ................. 2 for 23e RED & WHITE TEA ....... . ... 1-2's pkg. 30C SALMON, Red Seal 's ...... ...... tali tins 24c P. & G. SOAP ........ ................. 5 bars 21c i Libby's No. 1 Tail Tins PORK & BEANS.............. 3 for 21c CALAY SOAP.. 3 cakes 17c HAWES LEMON OIL .................... per 'bott le 24c FLY TOX, 8-oz. tins or bottle ...............- ea<ch 33e Devon Cream BI1SCUITS.................. 2 Ibs. 29ec I PICKLES,: BEEHIVE1 VI-TONE Falcon Sweet Mdixed ............ large jar SYRUP, 2'Is . ... ...... . per tin .sniall 27c - med. 47c - Ige. CERTO ................. per bottle 27e GILLETS' OUSTARD STUFFEDý L Y E ......... ......................... per tin POWDER, Red & White ........... 16-oz. OLIVES ... .. ........3 oz. 15c - 6oz. Apple Blossom BIS UITS ................. per lb. 18c FAL I< PEACHES ......-.................. 2 tins 29c .ELT SALTS, Gold Medal ............. bottle 25c PITTED DATES - -...........-............. . 2 lbs. 23C SARDINES, Gold Modal ............... ....................2 tins 27c F. W. Nelles Phone 596 Bowmanville IYOU CAN BUY SLIPSI A T ONE -DOLLAR BUT NOT SLIPS LIKE THESE Again we present a rare opportu.nity to save..... SLIPS REGULARLY PRICED At $1.50 and $2.00 SPECIAL $1300 EACII To make this value possible, our organization purchased an entire MMI Clearing Stock of these numbers. Al First Quality Fa »on approved Slips, Prîncess and bias styles. TÏd, Embroidered, Lace, Trimmed. Adjustable Shoulder Straps. Orepe Celeste, Satin, Artic Cloth (novelty weave), Satona and Siltona Clotho. White and NuRose - Sises 32 to 42. 1 r -l IWLE STRS fIMITED Rownianville Phone 451 training in Belleville Hospital, is Bowmanville, when Mr. and Mn home on vacation. A. S. Hall, 11r. and Mrs. C. Ht: Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and andi daughter Glenna, Mr. an daughter DurelI, Seagrave, visiteci Mrs. W. S. Hall, of Millbrook, ani relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R.obertsor Mrs. Eci. Souch. Oshawa, visited of Berisfort, were present. her sister. Mrs. R. H. Warder, on Miss M. G. B. Warder, B.A Tuesclay. Tamworth, is holidaying with he Mr. Luther T. Courtice,' Cal- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. War gary, Alta.. is visiting. his sister, der. Mrs. T. G. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scotlarý Miss Gladys Chapman, Toronto, (nee Eleanor Stuart, Napiervill B. Que,), Cohoes, N. Y., called a is visiting lier aunt, Miss W. . Bowmanville friencis whileo. Morris. terhnyon Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells terhnyon left on Wednesday to visit rela- On Tuesday, June 22, the staf tivesin Enland.of Bowmanville Public Schoe tîvesin Enland.gathereci at Hampt.on Park fo Mr. Jack Cully. Sudbury, spent their annuai picnic. The teacu the weekend with lis parents, Mr. ers, wishing to honor Miss Mar andi Mrs. W. J. Cully. jorie Collacutt andi Mr. Bruc Mrs. Neil Macdonald, Ponoka, Clark on their retiremient !ror Alta., is visiting lier cousin. Mrs. the staff, presenteci Mr. and Mr, J. N. Lawrie. Clark with a re!lector table laxn Mr. and Mrs. R. Branton andi and Miss Collacutt with a snar son Blake, andi Miss Mamie Kel- linen finished overniglit bag. 'lew Oshawa, vtstted lits sster. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. McTavis :vrs. R. Patterson, Westmount. and Ian. Toronto, spent the wee: Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Tudor, To- end witli ler mother, Mrs. F.' ronto, spent the weekend wvitli Mr. Manning, andi left Tuesday morn and Mrs. E. C. Evans, Carlisle iflg motoring for Quebec wher Avenue. Ian sails on the Enipress of Aus Mr-. and Mrs. Morton Miller, tralia for a t.wo months' educ. Winnipeg, Man., who are on a tional tour of England, Scotlan, motor trip to Ontario, calleci on andi Germany with a partyc Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. !ifty boys. Mr. and Mns. R. G. Dickinson, Due to a misunderstanding o Culver City, Cal. and Mrs. Ettie1 our part it was announceoi in Cor Parrett, Seattle, Wash., are visit- bett's acivertîsement last wee ingnuerusrelatives hre that an extra charge o! lc woul R.ev. J. F. Chapman will supefr lce rad I plytheUnieciChrcl pupîta~was incorrect. Customers who re ply te Unted hurchpulpt atcuire sliced bread for special o Port Perry during Rev. SmythS casions may have it sIieed witu holiday in the Oki Land. 'out change. The installationo Miss May Vanstone andi Miss this modern slicing machine wa Lewis, Toronto, attendeci the gar- made as a service to customers. den party at Mr. F. C. Vanstone's Recent service records in th on Fiday. Wingfoot Clan, Goodyear f actor Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp organ, incude William Shotte visited the f ormer's parents, Mr. Who completeci ten years ini th and Mrs. Gilbert Clapp, Tliurlow, machuine sliop; Ted Joint, 15 year near Belleville. in the engineering departmni Masters Alan Taniblyn andi and Tommy Qould, 15 years, mcs Douglas Jackman are enjoying ofwh.ucl i tme lielias been a fire life at Ontario Atliletic Commis- man . The Clan also reports tli sion Camp near Orillia on Lake se far this yeax tlie-e lias been n Couchiching. accidents in the plant. 1933 wa Miss E. E. Rayera! t spent the the last Year in whîch no acci weekend witli ler niece, Mrs. dents were recorclec. Haroldi A. Greene, at lier cottage Springbrook Ladies, Aid pre at Heydensliore Park, Port Whit- sented Mrs. H. W. Foley witli by. kindly worded address andi a lii Col. andi Mes. L. T. Mclaughlin table cloth as a slight tokeno have returneci fromi their trip to appreciation o!flier work therx England and the Continent wliere Rev. H. W. Foley is retiring fr0r tbey attended the Coronation and active dutY this month anc i w other funictions. nove to Bowrnanville where thu Mrs. A. V. Acosta, B.R.E., anci have Purchaseel a lot and axe pre dauhte Ala Vctoiaof.PuetoParing to builci a new home o daugterAimaVicori, o! PurtoL,ety St. directly opposite Lov Rico, are visiting lier parents, ers Lane. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Buniner, Lib- Ci~nfo h hlesa erty lace.orplianages of Cobourg, Port Hoî Kniglit's Ice lias passed every anci Bowmanville, will be givei test for purity. We have an arn- free dresses and overalls at th ple supply for the summen, so annuai Travellers picmic whic plione Knight's Fuels for Ice- will be stzgedi at Cobourg, July, Phone 448. The chulciren will receive thet 1Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morrison clothing in the morning anda andi Raymond, Toronto, were noon will be given a dinner by th weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. women of Cobourng Kinsmen clut G. A. Edmondstone anci Miss Prom 5,000 t.o 6,000 People are ex Dngman. Pected to take part in the gia: Mr. Lorne Plummen lias ne- picnic and an elaborate prograr turneci lilme f rom Sannia, bring- lias been drawn Up. ing with him Uis wife andi fami.ly One of the smnartest installa who have been visiting in that tions o! recent date is the nei city.-Port Hope Guide. Neon sign in th.ree colours erecte Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linten, by the Coronation Cafe. Iti who have been spending the past about the last Word in electi few months in Bowmanville, re- aigus as f ar as Bowmanville, turneci to Marmora. - Belleville main street is concerned. T] Ontario. diminutive, genial anci smilix, Miss NeIl Brown, A.T.C.M., o! proprietor Htiey, wliose correc Lindsay, Rev. C. W. and MI. r ame ta Seto Yui, is a gradua Banrrett, f ormerly of Brighiton and of Bowmanville Public Sehool. H} now f Wodbrige, isitd t i as been veny successful and ag anw o! WooT.idge isitn. thirgressive since entering the caf aunt Mrs T. . Maon.business. Wonder how many cal Mns. Roy W. Warnica and son recaîl lis father who openated, Kenneth, wlio have been visiting laundry whene Infantine's Prui in Smitfield. have joineci ler hua- Store is now located. band, and son James and are vis- iting Mrs. W. C. Washin.gton and Wr \ill MedianI, former Bow Mrs.B. M Warica.manvulle boy. andl Mrs. Medlanduo Mrs.B. M Warica.Gardena, California, are v~ i s i t i ilî Bll Hutchinson anci Trevor their Iauughîîcr in Honoluilu. Mr Davison starteci out Monday with 'Mediauil bas forwarded us copieso bicycles. tent anci other camping tue dl newspaper published ahoat( parapliernalia to see the world. tue S.q S. Malolo, en rouite to Hono They expect to go at least as far 'ult.\Im. andl'Mes. M\edlanI au( as Orillia for a week's outing. spending three montits in Honoillt The ELyý1n Sliop shoulci have îvith their Iatigbter, Mrs. Ras' Ken been includeci in the list o! stores ncdy. W~e are lioping to sce Wl7i recently neceiving a new coat.o! and tome of his brothers back i paint. Clarence Oke, who la e-m- B3osenaiville for the 011 Boys' R. Ployeci at the store carrieci out uion iii August 28-30. raiikls, thie work in artistic style, made our moutbs water to real ti While working on a press at the shiphoard mentu on tbe S. S. Mjalol Bowmanville Foundry plant on and also to read the Iailv prograît ruesday, J. A. Living accidentally aleard tliip îvhiicb incl-uie hors,. eut the cord in one of the fingers racing. motion Pictuires, dancing of lis left liand. It requireci seven Keno and otiier attractions. stitches andi le will be off work or a couple o! weeks.______________ Mr. Arthur Beacock andi daugh- ter Marion, Regina, Sask., have been visiting his sisters, Mrs.W C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. Pýick-- ANN OUNCEMENT ac[~. M.wîut £V1usonaccomlul.iedC him to Ottawa where lie is at- tending the Dominion Orange Locige Convention. Billy Humby. Hamilton, is holi- caying with Mn. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. He made the trip by bi- cycle leaving the ambitious city 9 arn. andi arriving here 6 p.n with a stop-over at Sunnyside for dinner. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Cannington. ývas presenteci with an address andi a book by the young people previous to ieaving for Uis new pastonate at Thornhlll. R ev. Cooke was a former pastor of the United Cliurch, Newcastle. . Mr. anci Mrs. Freci Batett, David andi Rosenuary, Toronto, spent Wedinesday .wit.h the forin- er's uncle andi aunt, Mn. John and Miss Eva H-ellyan. enroute to Mt. Allison CoUege, Sackville, N. B., whene Mr. Bartlett is engageci as lectuier in a f ive weeks' course. Rev. A. B. Jones, pastor o! the Quoen St. United C'hunch, Lindi- say, is retiring after 42 yeans in the ministry and will reside in London. Before leaving Lindsay Rev. and Mes. Jones were pre- senteci with an address andi a beautiful ohesterfield nea ciin g lantp. Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles H. Rob- ison, Kenilworth, Ont., announce the engagement o! their daugh- ter, Mabel Melinda, to Edward London Hallowell son o! Mn. andi Mrs. Richard H-aliowell. of Otono; the marniage to take place quietly the endi o! June. To celebrate four blrthdays in the Hall famlly, o! Mlllbrook, a Plenie party wma helci recently at the Cneam of EBarley CUmp at ON AND AFTER JUIy 1, 1ý937 Prices of MiIk and Cream WiII Be Increased For Special Delivery le Per Bottle Above Regular Prie MILK 1lc per Quart 7c per Pînt CREAM 9c per 1-4 Pint 16c per 1-2 Pint NO CHANIGE FOR R!CGULAR DELIVERY Order yeur f ull supply for reguiar delivery and save extra costs. Bowmanville Diiry Gien Rae Dairy rs. PORTSitjh, Ncewcastlc: John Ta aslS OR Orono'; Alan Osborne, Bowmn- nd Jack Honevnman, Bowmanvillc I Pie the gaine the Caý in Bics n B uqet L1egien Band h d a parade fr( Bricks Bouquets ui~ > c Selînol to the grouinds. A. ers rodie the donkevs, aind wer Ler ___________________ lowed bs Street Cleaiter John Lr- James, decked out as a "white By Nelson E. Osborne wiîose reguîar occupation isç i'd After julst an average display the Oronlo News page in The5 le. againsit te Cobourg Ponies on \\'ed- mati: a First Aid parts' consisi On nesday, the Royais piaved ,oundl and Bud Living. Bill James arnd Onl steads' balloit Saturdav in hanging Living.,sith (Dr.) Bill Huteý UP tlitir sixtli vct of the year. and fUndertaker) Bert John5 victorvattendance. ol1 Whatever is or may be the trouhle There were no serious casi ,or with thi prescrnt e(ition of the iîowcver, aithough wiîen Satan r- Royal:., the pitching department is ed JohnTaillaes at one point Lr- causing no worry. Both Piper and the game (Dr.) Hutchinson [ce "Porkv' Osborne have pitched con- part of a bottie of castor oul )m sistent ball, and whiie Dave Osbornie, is throat hefore lie reaiizcd v rs. lias ois workcd in onc game. bie sas all about and hegan to si) np turned' ii a good performance andi Hosvsur l)onkev Pasebail Irt apparentix bhis arin bas recoveres! coulte aiid gotie. It' is oe eof from its înjuîry ot ia..t faii. l spite frcak sports iike iiiature gol ,h of thue hod tbat tbe Ositawa entrv ivili îrobably (lie a taturai ýk- sceems tc basve <ver te local., if thins ..on. it svas reai gool fun w~ j. trio o f tii qi.ctî cati kcep upit) eir i asteui aîd the piavers sceeiied n- good ss rk. îtw Roval.. ..beuld ag.uin tbe biggest kick of al]. ýre bc tiR re ai tbe finish. ýa 13otb Piper- and Clarenîce Osbhorne euiulTw ici gaiiied tlieur third sviu duritîg tue past B atflT w of week. Oti Wediiesdav "Situib" granlt- Cniudfo Pae1 ed the Poius 10 lits. aîd five ruis (cnnudfmPae1 on but a uitile îigbiter fieidiîîg ini the .\ vettu.i Tbev aisn visited tbe tîtird and fifth frames wouid have I ratiin 1g School svbere tlîev-aé cli off trecofthevistor nus.the lavout of bothb iuilding ekEacbl ime, the Ponies liad lit into a gardens. ld double îuiav before getting their Before leaving for home lsscores. Oshorne lias been bothered \Wbvtock expressed himself as e- by a sore armi since bis Cobourg vtc-i than iîieased with the bosr. tory w ek ago, but "Scott\." bown tbem. He stated that h-Wrighît took mucli of the ptain out mativilie was as beautiful a ofof the souphone during tbe game andaste soctin ad vr as 'Porkv' feit no iii effects after for its picnlic. President Wf S.the imiie -innings (if w'ork. bis armn is Superintendent of Toronto's rie should be ready for regular tluty. ly Higb Park. >ry- ________ ,er Speed. as evervotie knows- is a val rie uable asset to bail players and iies N rrwy ise Lrs as his oreclearly demonstrated itt than on Saturdas'. Don WVilliams, )t wbo is bittiîîg in the cleaiî-up spo (Continued from Page 1) le- and plaving a grand game of bail in sO that it could tiot bc moved Lat tbe sliortfjcld, liaI three hits and out a repair job. noevery oee ias an infield tapA Injured iîîcluded Wiseman M 85slower mati would bave beeti bell itl a long gaslîi in bis back anc t- itless but WVilliams collected tbree Higlev witb head cuts. They bits. Now iii bis third season of treated by an Oshawa doctor -a -e- bail. Williams bas vet to lut into a iowed to'go tbeir wav. en obe ly Wben Traffic Officer Harrv rn well arrived on the scenle a fes' of The Juniors showed to better aI- utes after tbe accident, be imsi e. vantage on Fridav as thev came witb- skid marks on the bigbwaî tn in one run of s'ictory, and we hiope caglM. icel w rill tbev contitnue to improve. In our Iriving and reheased him on .y book, itiexperience lost that game. boild ýe- Carter allowed teîî bits in five andl on a fraction inîîings but only five svere A furtiier accident took pha y- out of the infieid. \Tanstone's bîill before the earli( was settieul when Hughies Tra: nd on McIvee woe te ctchngand a car Iriven bv Wm. H. pe pads for the first time and turned . . , Orono, made contact en in a creditable showing. He neels passîîîg on the iîcnd. The tra he to pep up bis tlirow to the bases but a large white and black truck, e b as a iice arm and al lie ne witli gasolune, ivas proceeling 7. is ractic. He hd t ees and 'Mr. Neal's car west. Asc jrfour trips, one a double and everv advl vsuibetyi atone ivas a uine drive, marks, the case is stili being ii at gatel. Neither car no trucl ib. Pot pourri-Dave Osborne wsiii baîlv damaged and no onle w ýx likelv do the serving agaiîîst Oshawa jureul. nt on Tlîhursdax' . . . If right, the G-men M wilh have trouble gettîtîg manv bits f -off bis offerings. . . Saturday w as Pco e at à- the first Itîtermediate game this year _____ ewin svbich not a bail bas travelled over (Continued from Page 1) that left field ivali . . . Elloît',Mac- Bandi and vaudeville show is Fas'Iei, rolY-poiv seconîd baseman 't Grounds; Back-to-School al rie Cobourg, hidtiot endear lîimself t. legiate. 's the local fans witlî lus fits of terr- Eeig ep ait he peranient oit \,edInesclay . .. The Evnng Pep Vaet r kids gave lim quite a ride wi hec at Fair Grounds; Dance and et made tlîree errors . . . The LargeShow; Night Shirt and te Bagnel. Colville outfield gives the àhPade je Rosais tue best gardeti crew in tue Saturday, JuIy 3 9-league . . . Tbev are good etiougli Morning: Siglit seeing tr le to keep Cameron. wlîo lias a .381 historic and scenic interest. an batting average, on the lencli . Afternoon: At Fair Gro a -- icget Car races; dare-dev. lit Ba ebal, demonstration: races by olc Donkey B sbl tor cars; parachîute ju.np; vi W_ ville show. of (Contlnued from Page 1) Even.ing: Variety show al g staved on old Satan loqger than anv- r. bodlv cisc, wliicliîia de Satan j ust ____________________ ni aà enougl to, really lay him ott ____________ rd vben he did throw bim. E. W. ---- Crawford, retiring iîresideiîî of tihe -e Lionîs Club, was the oîîhv castiaity li svben bc suiffered a bump wluen SatanI threw Ilini but hc was on dutv tiext c- The editor of this paper. wlîoplIa\j icda strenuiotîs gaine at tiiiruh ha.e aie and who iîîcideîutiv scoreul a lionme uscredit than ]lis owvii. crawl-ed iîîto tli o_()ffice Fridav morîîing. svitiî aching~ -g muscles anidi sas credited svith cat- in iîls meais stanîding up for severai Lowest (lays. Butd Roilivas the oiiis otiier Pi piaver to bit a fouir hagger. P ie IL .\laîî Kiiigliî. wbo lias driveîî cars andt trucks siîîce lie svas iii short 1Iý I paîtts. found thoikey riîiitg quite tlîriiliîg andl sautet to go on to Coourg aîîd play oit lrida" . Fred Powalit. eX-.P.. lîad otie sweet timle trs iîg to get to first base bt ret:ce i Iya ina turattal r s kin. Yonr eves hecome iîright andi yoîîr Balli h,îc ies sapitear. icacli package A splendid tonie for wo of No, Kidney Ftushers contini a fuit from chlldhood t.o ld sîtontîts qtreatneiî. There la oui y ILhsbe uedwt one Nox Kisdney Fluslier -they lm- Ithsbe Edwt irove your entre generni ttealth. . effect for forty yfears. YorKdesandl Liver wili funtiton 12 iterfecti>'. Why not atart today oni the road to good heaith, let Nox Kýid- ne lsesbring you good hea.Ith ie igrS FOR SALE AT Uie ia t ALEX McGREGOR'S Ag«ency Pýhono 792 DrUgs We Deliver 1mblivu, Fair Groundis; band concert b5y Scenie interest leaves Centennial 1îIuviihe; famed Flint tMich.) band;:-Miss i Office, e. Prince Edward County' popular- Afternoon: 1Irogram o! Horse utadian Races at Pair Grounds - three -oun tlue ity contest. st-ake races and one class race for ;Plnv- Sunday, JuJy 4 $ 1,500 in purses. Earl Rowe to re fol- Morning: Special churcli ser- drive! Local bands in atendance; Mfasoti vices in various churches. Lacrosse match. wîilg,' Afternoon: Concerz by Flint Evening: Ten leading bands of editiuug Bandi at Sandbanks. Bay o! Quinte District parade States- Evening: Sacnea concert by f rom. Armouries to, Fair Grounds; ting of Flint Band. Masseci Comntunity band tattoo at Faix Grounds; fire- d johut Singing. works dlsplay; Mardi Gras Cele- cliinsout Monday, July 5 bration as grand finale anci street isou ni Mornrng: Trip of Historic and' dance. talties, il loil Specials For This Wfeekend fluitter. 23-PIECE TEA SET i lias Regular $3.00 - Selling At ..............$2.29 ftiiose Ilf anti BERRY SETS 1 ieati Regular 75e - Selling At 59e blile it ROSE PATTERN CUT GLASS TUIvIBLERS tc< get Large Size each 6c - Smaller Size each 5c - PICNIC SUPPLIES Cups, plates, serviettes, waxed paper, paper towels. LIBRARY DISCARDS 0f best fiction by most popular authors. Your choice 15e each. Bovs ~ Agents for New Service Cleaners, Oshawa. JUMNSTUN'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bownmanville Dominion Day Specials At Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's HATS ... LADIES' DARK STRAWS On Sale -....... Each 59e Just Recei'ved A shipment of Ladies' Swim Suits ini Priced from $1.00 to $3.95 the latest styles. investi- Kiddies' Swim Suits ck was 'as in- A complete range of sizes up to 34. - Pricedl from 69c to $ 1.00 Sockees...................... 19e A few boxes of Kiddies' Sockees, white or colored .t PairRegular 25c ?t Col- Sale Price ..................... 19c Show1 SPECIALS FOR MEN Floor Ga n White Flannels, White Duck and Stripes Torcli G-a n Upwards from $1 .50 ip o! Newest ini swîm trunks for men and boys d .o Couch, Johoston & Cryderman vaude- Phone 836 LTD. Bowmanville at the BEATON'S COUNTRY9 ICE CRE Bricks -:- Eskimo Pies BuIk -- Prompt Delivery at any hour of the night or BARGAI NS Kotex--- -- Dodd 's Pis--- Kleenex ---lie. Pinkham's Comp. Fellow's Syrup-- 25c Noxzema -- FILMS Compkote Fresh Stoci Developing - Print Prompt Service 18e 27c .29c 89C 890 15C k âmg I R@Ij al by the for SPECIAL OFFER LLOYD'S 32.00 Three $1.00 boxes $3.T0E O 33.00 SAVERS casI or callous Nis won. for $2.00. Formula used In this 10 prescription, prescrtbed by stc. atln for cessful physiciens, wlth excel. 1de-sen. ient resuits, for over 40 years. lui firet Positiveiy guaranteed to relleve all forma of Stomach Distresu, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Mornlng Sickness, Car, Train, a or Seas 5ickness, and every kind 9 of Stomnach LJpset. PRESCRIPTIONS A S - ALEX McOI Phone 792 DRUGS CLUB AM' Cones Revels rday - Phone 792 STOP Ach~In Burnlng Smeily Prespirxg Wlth Nu-Feet (medicated Insoles) 25c Pr. lestieni Pains 5 e 5c PECIALT IEDOR We Doliver PAGE FIVE t, * i v b f t r b a b il p p t: E si fi c .P«

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