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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1937, p. 6

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THURSDAY, JULY lST, 1937 PAGE SIX THE CANABIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Hints For Homebodies Written for The Statesman by Jessie Allen Brown A Day's Holiday Queer how bard we will work on a holiday. We will corne home so tired t.hat it takes a couple of Royal Theatre BOWMANVU LLE Friday - Saturday JuIy 2 - 3 Jean Harlow and Robert Taylor in "PERSONAL PROPERTY" News Comedy Color Novelty Matilnee Saturday 2.30 p.m.t MondaY - Tuesday t JuIy 5 - 6 iberonw blé Sfl Syoy Nesuly Sympho8 BIG DOUBLE BILL Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy "1WAY OUT WEST" Alo Edmund Lowe and Madge Evans in t "ESPIONAG;E" Matinee Wednesdav 2.30 days to get rested. Maybe we drive hundreds of miles and do nothing but keep going. Perbaps * we work hard at a picnic and in- suit our stomachs with the mix- ture of f oods we eat. Per- haps we play gaines. golf. bowl, or tennisl and play until WA we are in a state of ex-4 h a u s t i o ni. Worst of all is t.oo much suni. We canno.t r learn to take it in mod.eration. . The sun is so insidious that Jessie Allen we are burned Brown before we reatize it. Maybe you have guessed it - I arn stiti peel- ing as the resuit of a fishing trip a couple of weeks ago. Ail we rot was a sunburn for me. A day*s holiday is a treasure but when we are tired instead of rested. we bave spent it wrongly. Eat If You Arxe Always Tired Food is a great stimulant. If you find that you are tired througb the day, try taking somne- thing ta eat. Research workers have found that if factory work- ers have something to eat at mid- morning and mid-af ternoon. thein output is increased considerably and they do not feel so tired. The English habit of afternoon tea in offices is not just a f ooiish fad but actuaily increases efllciency. The turne between meals bas more to do with the way we feel than the quantity eaten. Either fruit or~ milk is a good choice for in- between snacks. Or yo.u may take both. A banana and a glass of milk us a good combination. You do not need to eat more because 0f these extra meals. Just take a hittle less at the next one. Try five m-eals a day to Combat that awf ut tired feeling. People witb weak digestive tracts usually do better on five or even six smailer meals a day. Vacuum Botties One of our real modern con- iveniences is the vacuum bottle. lespecially useful at this turne of year with its motor trips and its pienics. We use them very f re- quently and the upkeep because of breakage used to be consider- able. We broke s0 many that we felt it was not worth paying a big price for them. Then we de- cided we would try anotber waY and see if that would be any more satisfactory, -id instead o! buy- ing cheap bottles we bou.gbt the most expensive ones we could. gtt The resuit is that we baven't bro- ken a bottle for years and the ex- pensive onies were considerably cheaper than the cheap ones in the end. Speaking of not having broken any. I had better knock on wood. Our last purchase has been a great convenience. It us a two quart bottle with a wide mouth and we use it as a reffnig- erator. It keeps the butter, bacon, cold meat and other perishibles in perfect condition. Last year on motor trip we put in a bandful of ice cubes in Ottawa on a Sat- urday afternoon and they lasted until Wednesday and witýhout a fuither addition of ice oui food was still cold on Thu.rsday wben oui trip was over. The only fault was that the butter was too co'd to spread easily. When we do not use it as a refnigerator, we cari use ut for a quantity of coflee if we bave a car full of adults. [t carnies a bot meal of stew. o. a mixture of hambung and vege- table soup or spaghetti or beans. It was an expens:ve bot:le and I C4N T FT14Il>K? Constipation causes aIl kinda of mlsecy. Chear t Up by satinq Kellogg'& ALL-BRAN reguiarly. It supplies npttural "lbulk.11 You need t. Try it 1r----Ir ~4É'%NARc-HI OPEN FORMULA FEEDS O.A.C. CAFETERIA POULTRY FEEDS ANNOUNCEMENT We now sell the famous Maple Leaf Co. Monarch Pastry Flour Cream of the West Bread Flour Se STEWART HIGH QUALITY FEEDS - SEEDS Phone 577 BowmanvMle Pre.stonvale. popular local sum- mer camp, resounded to the roar of blasting last iveek when its4 owner. Mr. Robert Preston, had a fallen portion of the dam dyna- ited. Houses in the vicinity werei shaken by each bast.1 The store in the village operat-t ed by Mr. Cecil Robinson has be- corne one of the chain of Red & White Stores operating, through- out the province,_ A league football gaine between Enniskillen and Courtice played here Saturday evening resulted in the local boys winning. 1-0. Ont Monday. June 21. Orono Hight chool boys met Senior Courtice boys in a football game on Muir's f ield with the local lads the win- ners.t Women's Association met on Thursday at Mrs. Joseph Gear- ing's where a qu'Iting was in pro- gress.1 On Friday evening. June 25th friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Tooley to bid farewell te Mrs. Ralph Tooley and little M1iss Fay who were leaving for Scotland. Although her f riends ail wish lier a pleasant trip they are aware her fath>oer is ilI in a hospital in Glas- gow. Sunbeam Mission Band of NW. 8 held its picnic on the school grou.nds Friday afternoon,' with Mrs. Clarence Perifound, leader, in charge. and Mrs. Harold Muir assisting. Meeting opened by sing- had qualms in buying it but we have found it worth the money. If you want your tea or coffee to taste right out of a vacuum bot-« tie. neyer keep it corked whiie empty. Leave the cork in the cover of the bottle so that it. does neot get lest, but neyer cork yeur bottie. A bottle of cold water is a handy thing to take along on a drive, especialiy where there are children. Sunimer Drink Suggestions Mint makes a very pleasant ad- dition te .summer drinks. I like to have ji,,st a suggestion of mint. net enough to make it real minty. If it is iced tea you are making. try p,(ouring the hot tea over a couple of mint leaves. Add two or three leaves to a pitcher of a fruit drink. Cruzh the leaves be- tween the f ingers to release the flavour. Make a large pitcher of some variety of a fruit juice drink in the mornrng and leave in the refrigerator for family us e through the day. It is both re- freshing and good for you. There can be an infinite variety of drinks if you use the miaterial you have at hand. Add any fruit or fruit juices that are left-overs. Lemon juice is the best base and then add other fruit juices ac- ording te what is available. Turne ,s saved and a better drink is possible if you make a sugar syrup by boiling e<jual quantities of su- gar and water. LeSnon Syrup Here is an old-fashioned lenion drink which may be muade in quanti.ty and kept at hand. A le- mon drink made of fresh lemon juice and made as needed is the best but this one will nrove a great convenience. 1 oz. tartaric acid 2 oz. citric acid 'ý oz. epsom saîts juice of 10 lemons strained) r:nd of 6 lemons 5 lbs. sugar 3 pinta boiiing water Pare 6 lemons very thinly. Mix ail ingredients and let stand over- night. Remove rind and bottle. Add a spoonful or two to water as required. Chocolate Sauce This recipe might be termed a hardy perennial but some one asks for it each year. Iluse itas a sauce for ice cream in an emer- gency. 1 cup cocoa 1 cup sugar 2 cups boîling water pinch of sait Mix sugar and cocoa, add water and boil three minutes. Bottle and chili. Add 2 tablespoons to a glass of milk for iced cocoa. WULSON"S HEÂLYbalL Oekisfieil yad vr FORMER LOCAL COUPLE 58 YEARS WED ICADMUSI Open air League meeting was held Thursday night at Cadmus. Bible Study was read; topic wras taken by Helen Fowier; Roland Thompson played his guitar and sang; George Black favoured with a solo; community singing, and games were played. A dainty lunch of sandwiches and lemon- ade was served. Miss Helen Sanderson of Char- leton. is hoidaying with her grandfather, Mr. W. B. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferguson and Mr. Clif F erguson. Bowmanvilie, spent Sunday at Mr. H. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson, Cadmus. Mr. B. Ferguson. Harnp- ton, have returned from visiting Mr. W. Ferguson*s daughter, Mrs. E. Sanderson, in Northern Ont. Miss Helen MeNevin spent Fni- day night. with Mrs. H. Philp. COURTICE bird's journey Around the \Xorld, by Mfrs. Cecil XXorden. Services on Sunday mrorning were conducted by Rev. W. C. Smith. Suniday School and cvening service svere withdrawn ini favor of AMale Grove anniversarv. Next Stundav Sundav School will be hield ini the mornilîg before church service and will continu« for sumrmer months. Maniv fromn here attended Field I)av at Bethany on Saturday. The hall teamn being entered in the tournament. Mr. Will X'oung ias returned to Toronto after visiting his sister, Mrs. A. J. Oke. Mr. andlNIrs. Clarence Penfound and familv were Sundav guests with Mr. Chas.* Rundle, 'Maple Grove. Mr. and 'Mrs. Esli Oke and 'Misses Elsie Oke and Ni\arjorie Deron were Suinday visitors with MIr. Rus. cI WXorden, .\Maple Grove. Mr. and NIrs. Frank \Vordten andl Misses Doris and Cri ta iIkinis Suni- daved %vith Nlh. R. R. Stevenis', MNapfle Grove. Mîr. andl Mrs. Gus Oke, Toronto, ivere visitors on Saturdav with hi r sister, M\rsXiII Bickle. Mr. and M.\rs. Ross Pearce and familv vere with '.Ir. and Nîrs. F-os- ter Snowden. Kedlron., on Suindav. Mr. and Mrs. XiII Allini, Bowmnan- ville., vere Suinday guests îvith'M r. and Mrs. Johin Fouind. The manv friends of Mr. Cecil Oke. Oshawa, extend to him thieirj deepest sympathy ini the sudden pass- ing of his wife. on Thursday. Fiî- eral wvas held fromilite familv re- si(lence to Mouint Lawn Cemctery, 0on Saturdav afternoon. Relatives here of the Brooks- Langmaid families atlended their an- nual picnic at Creamn of Barlev Camp on Saturdav. Rev. XV. C. Smith vas ini Toronto, Sundav evening, taking the services, at FairlaNvni United Chutrch ivlile Rev. C. C. Washington officiated at Niaple Grove Anniversary. ENNISKILLEN tHetd over from last week) Sx mpathy is extended to Mrs. M. Heard on the death of hier auint, NIrs. T. XVlite, Tvrone. Mr. and M,\rs. Wesley Oke visited Mr. Thomas Robbins, Pickering. Mrs. L. Robbins, Mr. Nelson Rob- bins, Miss Thelma Robbins, Hamp- ton. visited Mr. F. L. Rabbins'. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoskin, Oshawa. visited Mr. Ni. Heard's. Mr. Oswald Pethick. Miss Mar- guerite Pjyke, Toronto, visited Mr. S. Pethick's. Mr. Floyd Pethick has retturned to Toronto after holidaving with his parents. About the hardest man in the! ioud voice that he is a gentleman world to control is the man who When a man proclaimls in a is too easily led. tsaaebt he isn't. The man who bas somethinig to 1 Lots of people stir up strife bY seil is always an optimist. 'preachiflg harmofly. 1 - - 1 SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 Here is the insulation you have been waiting for-Red Top Insu- lating WooI. Really blankets your home. Pays for itsclf in fuel savings. Easy to instali. First cost is Iow. Fireproof. Vermin proof. Perma- nent. Ask for sample and furthcri details. A produet of Canadiani Gypsum Company Ltd., your war- ranty of quality. RED TOP INSULATING WOOLI We find there 's a lot of people are not familiar with the variety of goods we have for sale s0 we list a few. Sait For Livestock Cernent St. Mary's Rogers' Hardwood Flooring Satin Finish Coail 'Blue' Coal Scotch and Welsh - Buy now at low summer prices. Paint Canada Paint DOORS LUMBER ROOFING SHINGLES WINDOWS Alpha Pinch of Bowmanville and Sarah Adelaine Peren of Lindsay, who were married at Beaverton, in the Methodist Church by Rev.i Thomas Williams, June 22, 1879. Their many friends in Bowman- ville vwill 0f fer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pinch, Iiow of 22 Gadstone Avenue, Oshawa, on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of their wedding.t ing "God Sees the Little Sparrow,ýs'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hy- Fail." Birthday donations were 'land. taken and business of the day pre- Mr. and Mrs. R. Camnpbell and ceded the choosing of sides for Miss'Evelyn Campbell in Peter- softball teais. Miss A u d r e y: boro with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walmsley and Bob Muir were1 Kennedy. chosen as captains, the latteri Sunday visitors at Mr.. and team winning. Mrs. Penfound 'Mrs. Wes. Campbell's: Mr. R. Ev- welcomed the ladies. Games were1 ans, Msrs. Mabel Rowan, Miss Ail- played, all the pupils being able 'een Rowan and Mr. R. Rowan. t.o take part. The littie girls par- Lindsay; Mr. Carston Howe. Jan- ticipated in a "copper" scramble, e tville; Mrs. James McMuliin, Mr. with Elsie Vetzal recovering the 1nnd Mrs. Howard MeMullin and largest number. A three-legged! Miss Marion MeMullin, Lotus; and race resulted in Jean Antil and Miss Jean Camnpbell, Toronto. Elsie Vetzal coming f irst, and in1 the girls' race, aged 7 to 10, Jean1. Mr. and Mis. G. Pogue. Lind-1 came f irst and ELsie second. A -ay, at Mr. W. Caznpbell's. girls' race, ail ages. gave Orma M.adMs . îkTrno Walmsley first place, and Audrey Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton and Joyce, Phair second. The ladies arrang- Orono, Mrs. Fred Bayes, Cadmus. ed tempting refreshments which, and Mrs. L. Jamnison and Jack, with pails of lemonade, was well Pontypool, guests of Mr. and Mrs. received. W. E. Armstrong. Mr. and Mis. Sidney Rice and Mr. and Mis. W. Caread. Barrie, family. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. J. Marshall and Isabel, at Mr. Wîggans and Master R.aymond. Malcolm Emerson's. visited in Orono. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wrn. Steele with Mastr Blly earng, ounestMr. Robt. Jackson. se 0f M. an Gings. . earng. tMr. and Mrs. G. Trewin and son f Mr an Mrs J.Gearngfaiy, Mrs. E. Trewin and Lorna1 was badly hurt when -hit by a bat at Mr. M. Marlow's. while standing nea.r a group of Rev. C. C. Miller, Bridgenorth, boys who were playing hall. at. Mr. W. Malcolm's. .~Mr. and is. E. Flett, Miss NESTLETONMay Lanibe, Mr. AI!. Grabam, NEST ETONBowmanville, at Mr. and Mis. C. el Wilson's. Anniversary services were held at Nestieton on Sunday. Rev. C. C. Miller gave splendid talks. EB ENEZER 1 Music was provided' by the -h-- ý dren in the morning. A chitdren's W. M.S. mt Thursdav wth an mixed quartet, Robert Sheffield,, attendance of thirty and Mýrs. Blake Jean Malcolm, Richard Bowles1 Courtice as leader of Group- - took and Ted Meyers, also sanlg. In11 rsdn Nf.F.Wde the venia Sugog Cenresiých was in the chair. Bible redding was choir provided ioveiv given bv M1\rs. F. W. Rundle. follow- Recent Vsitors: 1 d withý praver bv Mrs. Blake Cour.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forder at wil- tice: solo *Hvmin of Peace. was lianasburg. nicely given by Miqs Hazel Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jones and Mr. The e'cecutivc will be responsible Carl Carscadden of Midland, at for ..\ugust meeting. Mfrs. Affleck, Mr. Wm. Beacocks. O4hawa, as gilest speaker, gave a Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dickey witb clear and enlighitening talk, on pre- Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Dickey. sent trouble in Spain. M.\rs. XXV. C. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Flett and Smith favorcd with a piano solo. baby son, Detroit, at Mr. W. Mai- No. 4 M.\ission Band met Tucsdav colm's. afternoon. Bible reading as given Mr. and Mrs. Bave Flett, De- bv Eileen Piekell and story told by troit, at Mn. Harry Philp's. Mls. Ceci] Xorden. Birthday cere- Mr. Howard Philp, Toronto, at mony was then given. Nfusical mon- Mr. R. W. Philp's. ologue svas given by Mfiss Hazel Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Oliver have Rtindle, and story by Mfiss Ada An- returned home. nis; piano solo. Marilynl Rundlez Mr. and Mrs. G. Thonipson with Temperance reading, Eilcen Meau- ber brother, Mr. G. Johnston. champ; vocal duet, Louise Pearce Mr. Clifford Hyland with his an(l Robert Rundle; story The Grey- Phone 715 King St., E. mwmmýeA a i àM1:1 k SM m DEAN HODGSON WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Bowmanvifle PHONE 2600 1~ DON -CHRISTIA&N PU.RCHAàSES ANOTHER STOCK 0F REFRIGERATORS These CG.E. Electric Ref rigerators were Purchased at Mammoth Savings and We Pass Them On to You For Quick Sale .0 o " CAPACITY: 5 Cuble FW. " MAKE: C.G.L. " REGULAR PIR: $199.00. OUR SALE PRICE À YIAR TO PAY WIIILE THEY LYLS W. cary the account ourslve. - no finance companY obligations - your present ice box ac- ceipt.d as down payment. Shmilar to the Refrigei Show11 at the. Le& t DON.CHRISTIA&N ELECTRIC PIO4 4 Open Evenings 3 8 SIMCOE STREET M. 1'P. at ai. it4 of ar ha a ht t * th Sr i WHO WOULDN'T UIKE TO OWN ONE 0 Formerly 3. B. Martyn r THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED

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