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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1937, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTA RIO _________~~2=~ are lazy and poor housekeepers. à.~yynYou will find many who argue YOU OLD AND MINE that employers should give cn stant attention to the domestie JOHN . KIR WOODlife of their en1ployees. doing al By JH .KR W O that they cani to make domestic (Copyight)conditions more tolerable. Get- (Copyight)ting $2 a week extra in the pay ....,ervelope is flot a cure of work- A story iS told of two Irish im- He wanted the golden touch. His mn s cmaints. Thei xradiscon- migrants, but recenlly arrived an vwish was granted him. But when tent e min. Ths $2 etra s ap Cianadà. They chased a wild cat his beloved child turned 10 gold if applied to rent. would permit iloc a tree. Pat went up 10 shake when hie louched hier. hie quickly the workman and his family to il down, and Dennis stayed below wished to be rid of what he had lave in a much better home, and to catch it. Dennis caught it, obtaaned. living in a better home on a.bet- wherujpon Pat called to him, J c K ter street. hie would feel happier- "Dentis, shali I come down and Strikes as a means of having so il is argued. help you hold it?", and Dennis indusîrial wrongs righted and What many workienflfail to called back, "No, begorra, come conditions improved are legitim- sei httetu olo iei down an I'~p me let go of il." ate - this when ail other means soe sthaetuga of thf e ier s Th.is s occurred to me as I fail. But the present epidemic of cneîeto h etrsr Coneinplated the present maci- sîrikes is not a consequence of a n9î otentend t wint iands ness of workers an their readiness deep-seated discontent, but rather dsre n 0 iigsadrs to strike. The strikers appear 10o o agitators' activities. These for- dtonteSnt wit od liv in on j~e winning, but some day - per- eign agitators - foreign in the tions.t So manymn t binks o av haps not far off - îhey inay ish sense that tbey are nol local men lht Ibe min.hing lto have a that they hadn't won. 0f ten one - enter a community 10 ýbreed lotofaboney. Well.andle orkmen gets somnetbing by crying for il discontent. rich about tbem are happy. The Ihat later on hie will be sorry hie It is easy lor an agitator W0 lad 15 that the very rich are us- gol. King Midas is an example. rouse the passions of workmen. uaily Most unhapPy people. They _________________________Workmen in the mass always feel have quite 100 mucb money. Wives aggrieved. They are prone to ex- and children quickly become un- Isaggerate the importance of their happy. The simplicity of living is CON TIATON CD they seern 10 imagine that their of spending rnoney, socialami N RV eiýcorts re ndsry. Alsoe, tnionthei.lseisureutleny O OWN YOUR ENERG 1ycitite forgetting that there is an style" and entertain. and a good -U L A P S cnmi intt hta em- deal of naughtiness destroy ba.p- ployer can a as a wage. Em piness. DULS H PPNES ployers have to seIl their productsa One can have true happiness on in___a highly competitive market. a wageo $25 o 3 awe.As Don't let common constipation take and it is possible that tbey havea malter of fact. the great major- ail the fun out of living. This con to meet the competition of pro- ity of persons n Ibis country earn dition drains your vitality and en- ducts made in foreign countries less than $1500 a year - even pro- thusiasmi. t may also be the cause where wages are quite shockingly esoa Pop.Thsicm o! duIl headaches, poor appetite, 10w. Employees have a very de- fessonta b ou.this tincm sleelessess.You eel unk. ficient understanding of the prob- an that about $30 a mfont i sleplesnes.Youfee puk. lems of employers - wbicb is Or 10 put it another way, one Why endure half-sick days when probably the fault of employers.cantaorasenframnh you can correct constipation due to I t would be wise in employers to cmno îlorn as we'sorwage. ome meals low in "bulk" by eating a take certain elected employees in- mr hnawe' ae.Sm delicious cereal?tetercucs-emlee say that one-sixth of one's in- Millions of people have used Kel- possessing the full confidence 0 foe fthe maximum ibdca logg's ALL-BRAN with satisfactory tîheir îeîîow employees. b fig red neffo et. W Atrmid resuits. Laboratory tests prove it's The task of employers i figr is oine-fftb Wat rainsue safeandeffctie. make a net profit-an adeciuate and clothing anct many amenities Within the body, ALL-IBRAN ab- ýone-in order to keep their busi- and for a saving fund. It means. sorbs twice its weighl in -water and nesses going and to enable theiri however. living according 10 a gently cleanses the intestines. Isn't 10 grow, thus stabilizing emPioy- budget. this food b~trta tkn ek ment and increasing il.Tom e Talking about. budgets: I read ening pilîs and drugs? an adequat.e amount of net profit a story of lwo young people With Eat two tablespoonfuls daily. is a stern lask - a very much a toddler son. Thle husband bad Three times daily, in severe cases. harder task Iban is the produc- got into debt to the extent of over Serve as a cereal with milk or tion of goodis. As, a matter 0f S3000. He owed everybody. He cream or in recipes. Sold by ail fact il is the sales organisation went to a lawyer friend. Tis fri- grocers. Made and guaranteed by which has the hard job ail the end off ered 10 get him and his Kellogg in London. time. It is salesmen wbo keep al wife out of trouble - on condi- others in their employmenl. lions. One of these conditions Undoubtedly the great majority was Ihat the busband sbould hand o f strikes are due 10 a f ailure of over bo the lawyer each week bis both employees and employers le pay envelope unopened. The law- E ' understand each other's points of yer ap.portioned the contents of C £~ a r ifi view-this ah Ithe lime. Usually tb.is envelope in such a way that C le r an g exchanges of points of view do nol both busband and wife had ample E ake place unlil trouble is brew- for their bousebold and personal ing, and wben lempers are hot. needs. The resl of the money was S a 1 einjustice is nol aIl on one side. equitably ddstribuled among the When strnkes occur. neither side man's credilors, each 0f who wins. Employees may gel better agreed 10 lake so miuch a week, 0f High Grade House wages and shorter hours, but spread over a long lime, in order when the increase in wages is set to gel bis accounit paid. Also, the Paint against losses, il may be found lawyer was able 10 pay for a pol- Ibat Ibere was no real gain aI ahl. icy of life insurance. The man FOR CASH Wbal workmnen watnt - so they gave Up bis club memberships and say - is security of employment. bis car. He mowed bis own lawn. This is hard 10 guarantee in these He cul down on his spendings on Up to and including July l5th, complex days. Employees who tlies and shirts. He and bis wif e wll seil at the following prices: make it difficuit for their employ- did the bousework, and so got ers to seli their products in high- along wilhout a maid - and Most Gallons--------$2.80 ly competitive markets - this by maids were wasleful. The sum of Quats-------------80 striking and by demanding higher il was thal Ibis man and bis wif e Quars - - -- - 80 wages - are not contributing learned how tc, bye bappily and Pints-----------45 much to the security of their own comfortably wilhi.n Ibeir income. employment. On the contrary, The man's whole c ha ra cle r Act quickly as this offer wil l hey are making it very bard for changed under the discipline o! their employers 10 continue giv- this experience. only last until specified date or ing îhem employment. J c K until stock is cleared. i~ c K Workmen wbo carry a cbap on Higher wages do not always their shoulder ail the time - ever vu U I benefil greally Ihose who receive ready te quarrel witb Ibeir em- RL L~ them. Whal is a fundamental ployers - jusl breed trouble for J. H. e iiernethi cause of discontent among work- Ibeniselves - and unhappiness. me stheir very unsatisfactory Instead of being always "figblY" Phne43 Bnmavile dme ccndtos or oss in their attitudes, they would do Phon 43 Bownan ill î-kept. homes, lack o! many ofi2luch belter for themselves and :heameitis o lu, wveswhofamilies by doing -a good day's ý_h amnites f ife wies howork in a good spirit. Carrying grievances bo and f rom work de- stroys happiness and content. Af- ter strikes, even when one gets strike psy, there is usually a very bad patcb - paying up debts con- y 8 8racted during the strike period. Characler bas been impaired, and 0 perbaps permanently impaired. Sup lie ~ eed Most strikers, çwen strikes are U past, wish to heaven that they S uppli s N d bad npver struck: and I am prettY sure that the foreign agitators ______________________________________________ who persuaded them 10 strike are very tboroughly haled and are We find there 's a lot Of regarded as the enemies of work- peopl areflotfamiiar ng men rather than their f riend. with the variety of goods 1 we have for sale so we OBITUARY .~... ist afew.. Levi Brunt, Enniskillen Sait rsiecei bskl e r nJn __For Livestock 21st, Mary Jane (Polly) Han- _____________________ ccck. beloved wife o! the late Levi Brunt wbo prede'ceased lier nearly M. Hancock, Neghbors and the United Cburch, Mrs. Burgmaster; sprays, Mr. and Mrs, leslie Han- SHEPPARD & GILL ccMr.an r.E Wry ccM.and Mrs. Ed oy r. Erry, LUMBER CO. LIMITED acre, Mr. and Mrs. C. Branton, Phon 71 Kin St, Z Bowanvlle Mrs. Ted Clarke, N. Welsh, P. Phoe 75 Kng t.,E. ownanvHe Brownson Miss, Reva McGIll and Miss »ernlce Ellds, Mrs. R. Ash- ton, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton. Township CouncilI CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Council met July 5, with mem- bers all present, Reeve C. Devitt presiding. Minutes o! last meeting were read and adopted. Communica- tion from Mr. Grindley re dump- ing of garbage aI Rowan's Beach referred 10 Reeve and Clerk. Mr. HaîberI and others applied for calcium chioride for streets. On motion 3 boas 10 be purchas- ed and persons opposite where same distribuled to pay 401%, Road Superintendent and Clerk to collect. On motion large trucks draw- ing from crusher 10 be paid $1.25 per bour. On motion Road Superinten- dent 10 raise side walk opposite Mrs. Parr's, W. Marlow's and Geo. Crawford's and cause some grass north to be cul. Clerk instructed 10 purchase repairs for furnace in Hall, aise order 3 culverts. On motion Reeve and commit- tee re purchase of land f romn L. Mountjoy 10 make road at Smitb's woods more sale. On motion Counicillors Taylor and Hooey directors te attend County Plougbman's Association. Orders were signed as foilows: H.E.P. service and consumption ---- $ 17.75 T. Argue. Sec. Treas. S. S. No. 1i -- - 80.00 N. Edgerton. i sheep killed 7.00 O. McQuade. i sheep and i lamb killed -_- _---- 18.00 F. Dayes. 1 sbeep killed 7.00 O. Wrizlit. Road SupI. 779.11 Insurance, Agricult'i Bldg. 7.50 Insurance, Commnity Hall 35.00 R.eceipts, license sIot machines, etc. $224.U Council adjourned to meet Au- gust 2nd at 2 p.m. W. Beacock, Clerk. HONOUR TEACHER OF PURPLE HILL On Mondav cvening, june 28th. Betbel strawvberrv- festival and con- cert was leld with a splendid attend- ance at both supper and concert. Bethcl Dramatic Club presented tbeir play "Tell the Judge. M.\r. Durkin, Port Ferry, rendered solos between acts. After the play Rev. iH. J. Bell. in his capable manner, asked Mr. '.\erle Tbnmpson. teacber of Purple Hill Scbool for the past four vears, to take the seat of honour on the stage. WVhile Mîr. Bruce Gibson, President of Bethel Leaue, read an address. Misses Janet S Vain, Verna Gibson an(d Jean Tomis presented Mr. Mferle Thompson, on behaîf of the pupils cjf bis scbool with a gold sge ig Mr. Sandv Moore o11 behaif of the Bethel League, Sundav School and DramatieClaub presentéd 'M\erle with a gentiernans brown ebonv trav~el set. Nlr. Thornpson fittingly replied. and tbanked tbein for tbeir gi fis and the hospitaliît îthe\-had sho\\ n bini during the vear', lie bias been ibere. "The only way t.o have a friend is te be one."-Emerson. SPRAY ROS Meets ail demands -- Goodyear Spray Rose was designed to do a perfect job. It is easy to handie . . . flexible . . . kinkless. It withstands the pressure of hand or power sprayers and resists the destructive action of spray mixtures. The tough outer coating provides long wear under constant use over rough ground and around trees. Illustrated above is Goodyear Spray Hose in action on the farm of Mr. John Luxton, well- known Bo'wmanville grower, through whose. courtesy this photograph is reproduced. Inci- dentally Mr. Luxton has always used Goodyear Spray Hose. F or utmost satisfaction -- specify -. GffD~EIR2SPRAY ROSE o4at a Phone 2653 DI SOT&O W0 J. CHALLIS Dodge - DeSoto Dealer $1101 -AND Up Delivered in BOWMANVI LLE License onIV extra. *Sublect to change without notice. S U D 0ET T E R M Bowmanville See the Goodyear's New Tire This is the tire for long, low cost miles. And it costs less than any standard tire. If von needl new tires be sure to see the "R-I' now at vour Goodyear Dealer's. ioeý THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESNfAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO

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