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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 15, 19.37 - - '.-.'..*'*~~~- ..~bALJ.JLA1AN, DJUVWMiN VILLE' ONTARIO AG SVE g il e s e y---- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - in :L liettl'V, i'.UId- conditio n._ No tai days' care at 11 7 Public- Hos- pan-ry and linen closet,- with- ful jll ialeaoaDesrC.H. Fenrýguson, "Rev. lDr. R. P. Molle getting 111 at night.-no more pit.als in Ontar-io lasi year averag- size divided basernent, a irme O D RS.................6 o 5 A elBaonlDsetBewles, the latter having officiaI-l>kai. That Ballon, complexion is ae O D ed t he edin ofhi e lacc1l y a naitrai clear elr d less iban twe-ihirds ai wbat barn, 20 x48, and thaxýe frame Wbiz cd a the wedd ng a bi nie e, V ur e es eco mie briglit andî yo ir it actually cesi the bspital ta sheds, 12x32, 20xl5 and 12x2 0.F Y F M . . . z.2,- 1 z 9 TROPICAL FRUIT Ice Cream Brick. .......... 20e Mrs. Hannab, and by Mi-. A. B. >eal1ii"1.49 atiar Each packag' e ibiscaFeUMErns...Sal - Sle.wl29c ___________________________Sisson. They were prescnted with of Nox Kidîey Flshers coritain a fl Ouietaide ai epre n sub ci Sa e S al e i ndcn-1 wbeSo miontha 9treatment. "here lii only usd fdpeiain e ujc oa eev i.adcn a lovely cabinet ai silver flat- one' No, KIîlney Flusher - îev lin- buildings. plant and equipment or ditions af sale ta be read at the 1 Vrete o ooked et wane, also extra pleces of silven Prove your entitre genernl liealth. nsre o a n obfla-sl.Trsadcniin isl rs et ne ergrto fi-rn distant relatives. Among vour Kldneys an(nd Lver wlll function rsre o a n obfla-sl.Trn n odtoso aeFehMasUdrRfi perfectly. Why not etai-t loday ' caunta, the bopsitals speni $11,- may be had on application ta the the guesta were Mr. and Mi-5. Wil- the' road to gooti healtlî, let Nox KhInI 176,158.,56 In carlng for these ps- auctioneci-, Elmer Wilbur, Harnp- emm . TH E CA RTER FA M ILY fiid Bowles, Rev. ani Mi-s. RP. neiy Flushers brlng you good lîeîuth. tientsor an average of $3.33 per ton, Ontario, and toMalone, Ma- L fl no r n ' e t M r e Phione 855 Bakers for Two Generations J. C. Dcviiisln Dr. and Mrs.FO SAETpain.leadMotmry25By m n s o e' M , _______________J._C._________andDr._and_______B. ALEX McGREGOR'S lnainst this cost of $3.3a, the Si-cet, Torante, Solicitors far the Bowinanvle Poe 7 7 W. Sisson, (Bownianville. Dris- coerccelved from patients Executors of the Estate of Joseph 1 son is s brother of the bride. Phone 792 Drugs W. Deliver amounted to $6,697,368.49, or ap- Brittain, deceased. 26-3 Tordiff won the huge cake 'n a CHILDREN FEATURE_______ guessmng competition. Members SOCAL ND ERS NALreport -a splendid afternoon. COLORFUL PARADE Several groups of Bowmanville (Continued fromn Page 1) Boy Scouts are camping at Or- J Bragg, M.L.A., F. 0. McflveenD Miss Mary Jewell is visiting re-, field, and uncle, Mr. H. A. Flet-onanLaecug.ndRL.Mthl.A. latives at Niaga.ra Falls. cher. Mrs. C. R. Spencer and family Besides the jazz bands entered, 0O Mrs.Jams Mrr s vsitng er .Mrs A.J. arkr, orozo, are holidaying at their summer four other :bands provided music Mrs. am es irw.. visiting r M ss J. ats~on o, Is cottage at Big Bay Point, Lake for the parade. The Oshawa Sea te~os.s.e moteratRefrw.Viitng is Mlle aton Hr- Samncoe. Cadets led the parade in their When you entrixst your photo work to us you are assured ofth Mrs. Frank Addison, Toronto, se Sre.Miss Irene Casburn and Mis art umformsArtWhehaa oyse hissuting Mr.sA.iseHm Bowmanville boy, a the scn celled elsewhere. Work left with us before 9 a.m. is finished at So sP rpr Ul> Maste,î Hilliard Gale has been burg, N. Y. with Mrs. C. R. Spencer and farn- band- the Bowmianville Canladian 6pm h aedy visiting !riends in Toronto.Mr. .V.Cisom Badn ily at their summer cottage at Legion Band in the mniddle of the Lowest 6pm h aedy MsM.V hsonBae-Big Bay Point, Lake Simcoe. Naae odteBwmnil Mr. D. Richeil was in Lindsay ton, Florida, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Prics Dng or mesaincei NLA GIN Consneso Tusay e n r.,G.cA.Gllespier. Ms.GiA- tye DtoiPurPle Guards Drum and Fife PI TNG 1îngt r Mi-. and .rwWiead Mr. and Mi-s. J. B. Millward, Mich., called on friends here en- Band bringing Up the rear of the ---------_______AND_____IN Rosm nt idfndshiee.ad rotetien, w oui, is .paae Rsmu, t finshr.lespie and Mrs. Fee. Laing, Newtonville. TrafcOffic er Han-y Caldwell Phone 792 and Jet us eall for Your Filfotmsya e Kreith Campbell visitedM. i.ad MrsDuls .Br Let Gus do it - or in other led the parade on his motor cycle,A.u umm EderonToono. . ar.W oglas sDn.ouwn gB obtk u an, Chai-li e ddylof Aodach; bt Ltoyd' Mr.R. W. Philp, Nestleton. ton and family, Enniskillen, Mi-s. woi-ds if your shoes need repair- and he was followed by thatve-$100Ju . ~LIe tI..Joe Egro, ootvis W H 10 Ohaawere ge îs ng ad o aa o jbtk eran cM . - maoach SaverEddylo ited his sister, Mrs. J. A. Living. of Mrs. L. J. Baiton. them te Gus Black, expert shoe Newcastle, on his horse, the Lions i.'tivelygarted areev thesumer ~thMr. vas ues Mis E.itcwrka don fo tepind, thand Ppy NSFILMS el yur lkene. as Miïss Stella Libby, Toronto, is Mr. Ed. F. Weekes, Ottawa, rpie n h wutrolc.cr, a ons flotheicin g the ROYStomach asa Oiig spendinggus o MssEdt Weekes Installation of Port Hope Lions Nichoils' car carrying Pi-esident LxSa, 3fr1cKdk gaadCar, TranMrin Scke, Geo. Weekes at Kalmar Villa. and Mrs. Geo. WeekeL, Kalmar Clubs officers wu. made by J. J. Everett Hoar and Past President Formulaprsredbdotr Mr hrhl ubt ootVilla. Brown of Bowmanville, recently E. W. Crawford. Chief of Police . Selochrome far aver40yasSecaofr Mi. huchllCubitTaono, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fiitchett, elected Lions district deputy gov- Sidney Venton, Provincial Con- L .actogen 71lc three $100bxsfr$.O visited his sister-in-law, Miss B. Montreal, spent the weekend with ernor, on Friday. He was accom- stable Piice Morris and Constable Copefrsstk Farar.her father, Mr. Wm. Painiton, panied to Port Hope by Past Pi-es- Walter Hall made a splendid job Mecca 19c-37c Mi-s. A. Hyman, Huntington, "Westmount." icaent, E. W. Crawford and Allan of handling bath the parade and Th DIONNE QUINS"" use West Virginia, visited the Misses Mr. T. H. McCready, Harold. Knight. the huge crowd that thronged the ToothBruses 9 Brimacombe. Margaret and Wilma, Lethbridge, Mrs. R. G. Dickinson, Las An- business section to witness it. Net COMGTES DENTAL CREAM Ersm s Mrs. A. E. Wrenn is visiting Alta., are visiting his mother, Mrs. geles, Cal., Mrs. Ettie Parrett at any time was there any con-CA E S Mrs. H. Ashlee and other friends A. E. McCready. Seattle, Wash., Mrs A. E. Devitt, gesioneftrafic ad te wol in Toronto. Mr. H. L. Creeper, Manager of Mrs. B. M. Warnica and Miss E' event, through police help, moved LAG A oas$t,$1 Mi. ouls eA-tu, orntBell Telephone, Chatham, Mrs. E. Haycraf t visited Miss L . M:. UcinIyfrmstrttefnih.334 sz Kotex 19e oas$ o$5HNYSZ was in tawn calling on aId frn- Creeper and -son Tom, have been Washington Bethany, and friends ends. helidaying with his parents, Mr'. in Cobourg on Thursday. OPEN VERDICT IS Lifebuoy Soap 6c Univex 69c to $1.98 Mi~. and Mrs. R. W. Conklin, and Mrs. H. B. Creeper. Mi-. Han-y Amey, student at Kingsville, visited Mr-. and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Brust, Ro- Tiinity College, preached at the R ETURNED BY JURY SHOE-TEX one$45 T. H. Knight. chester, N. Y., were guests of ber services in St. John's Anglican IN LOCAL INQUEST THE BEST CLEÂNER Infants Coroet 4.5 Misses Ruth and Mildred Pet- sisters, Mrs. G. A. Edrnondstone Church on Sunday in the absence fo____hie___s 25 Sz ers, Port Hope, are visiting their and Miss Dingman. of Rev. C. R. Spencer who was at- for ail white shoesg251) Delight Soap 2 for 9 cousin, Miss Doris Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart, tending camp at Barriefield with (otne rmPg >_______________ Tyrone, attended the decoration the Midland Regiment of which declared they were on thei.r own _____________ Miss M~ary and Master Russell and memorial service at Centen- he is cha.plain. side of the highway when the im- 1 ..7 Alldread are visiting their aunt, r rý oeet.M.adMs inyNspc curd Mrs. Harvey Strong, Oshawa. aiy huchoRseeah.ii-oan rs Sdny NshLocttcuond Dot miss the gieat values at Mavis, Reta and John, Detroit, DavdH IFr Mrhl' I ET Mi-. Day C. Warnica, Windsor, Dingm an & Edmondstone's sel- have been visiting Mi-. and Mrs. office, Toronto, who was du-ectly spent Sunday with bis moteotf summer hats. Pinest quai- Wm. Chapman, Hamipten, Mi-. behind the Pennsylvania car. de- Arlal ramn o Mrs. B. M Warnica.ity firn $1.00 up. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs and Mi-. and scribed the accident in detail and IuuIigestij IL S pisniv n Misses Betty and Mary Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cale and Mrs. Richard Gibbs, Tyrone, Mi- coi-ioboiated the Hetz bi-others poison oke a25~c Toronto, ai-e visiting Misses Mai-- daugtrBt lvead hoadMi-s. B.H. Mortl~ ok 3w_- evidence. Mi-. Ci-aig's car sti-uck ca an ion and Helen Werry, Bethesda. wee bt oty, uCîeean, Mr. W.'anile the ti-ailer of the Hetz auto. He 319C__________ guests of his uncleloMi. W.dmanvole. aiso desci-ibed the condition of the Mrs WiburOke GlriaandC Cle.Pleading guilty te a charge of injured and dead and their posi- Eric, Montreal, are visiting rela- Mi-s. H. Connors, Mrs. C. W. reckless diiving before Magistrate tions in the cars when he found tives in Bowmanville. Jacobs and Launence have been W. A. F. Campbell in court in tbem. e Mi-. and Mrs. H. M. Cale and visiting Mrs. P. Maynai-d, Peter- Port Hope, William Cayle, Bow- Traffic Off1cer Harry Caldwell C S MR Miss Louise ai-e holidaying at bora. manville, wus fined $1000 and wbo was on the scene within fif- Indin Wo ang Ferne Cottage, Atherley. Mrs. N. S. B. James, Mi-. and costs. The charge was an after- teen minutes of the accident, 1 0iue 1SSU E Mr. E. J. R. Mason,, Burk's Fals Mrs. S. R. James and Mi-. P. R. mah01n;ciet ertewhc5cu5-daCut4pm, amTk is holidaying with bis mother, Cowling are holidaying at Nor- aance pavilion a week ago. stated that there was a drop of 3 1000 Shoot. Tal e xe.dda.,iigt., Mm. T.G. Maon. lnA.sThlepdidt tonofcRefor. .omenes-frW the avemet te te A ,lesdo t-niefor wmentWleer. Master Eddie Naish, Bi-ampton, Mi-. and Mrs. Will Locke and Seaborn, son of a former rector of shoulder on the right side of the from childhood to old age. techtheCRoll it Uer. is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Clifferd family were guests of ber par- St. John's Anglican Cburcb, Bow- road and that the pavement was lbepibyte Ihabenudwt go STOMACH ...t..FP.dr MacNair awîl in Hp) ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Rober-t Sharp, manville, as curate of St. 'James dry There were na tire marks on $2fRwad . of LD 'S he I hbe n usedfo with g<><><ic POWDE R -I .~810 mt the hsaid. nLLon te'Sholderc$25for fd'6M.y for25 Mr. . Csel in(oeMaunt Pleasant, near Stirling, on Cathedral, Toi-ente, bas been an- tehgwynro h hudr THYMOL A T E D $1.25. _______________birthday. fice. Rev. K. D. Whatmough, the hl nhu epeaetevr THEY cannat remove with this won- Mrs. Hazel Gray and daughters present curate, and formerly ditClcFu.BsKCC- derful new scientif c preparation forPR CR TONS E IA r iJune and Erie, Long Branch, have ate at St. Peter's, Cobourg, las dcb ou.r F the.rown, .C. o-ePRESCRIRTAIONSE er.-A S bee hoidaingwit be paent, ben pponte retercf hewitnesses included Dr. C. W. SIe- sitises and relieves pain wlth firat Permanent Wavin g Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Osborne, Wel- Perrytawn - Gares Landing cir- mon and Di-. W. H. Birks, wba application. lntnStreet. cuit. attended tbe injured; Joseph PRICE 40e AT BOWMAN HOUSE Mn. W. P. Corbett, Bowman- Mayor Ross Strike was guest Taube, Toronto, wbo identified A ville, Dr-. H. Ferguson, Enniskil- speaker at the service at the the Silverstein bodies; and Photo-i le MG rg o Monday, JuIy 19 len, and some fiiends have ie- Boys' Training Sehool on Sunday grapher Harry Humphr-ies, Bow- United Cigar Storee cr turned firn a fishing trip at rnorning*wben he spoke an "Chai- manvillle, who teok official pic- Prices $3.50 up Jack Lake. acter Building." Mns. F. V. Ott turcs ai the cars and the scene. Âgency Magistrate Ebbs of Oshawa fin- rendered a solo, with Mrs. D.R. T. J. Agar, K.C., Toronto, was I PHONE 7 2D R G WE Make yeur appointment early. ed four Indians, the Marsden bro- Morrison at the piano. On Sun-J present on behaîf of M-. Silver- Al Work Guaranteed thers and the Edger brothers of day evening at Camp Scholfield, stein. Scugog Island, $10 and costa each Mrs. Acosta spoke te the camp- R. MeArthur for catching bass aut af season. ers on "Porto Rico," and Mi-s. Ott 0 ae 20 e ain e nevushsdvlpd o- A The chrges were laid by Overseer sang. The service was in charge SNOWVDEN PICNIC 'piamaey$.0eratnteredaorsh evopd do- A ouco!nutonmye W.J.Mhte !Bchvll. fM' o.d ay. In other worcis, the patients toi-s, nurses and dietitians wha Worth i-eta on ~t± Toroto urt1naMn o BSCHOOLle oREP.OtR as a whole i-eceivcij $1.3Worth of have spent ycars in training; the tion. __________________________ Burton Mc~~~Bride, son of Mr. and Some apprehension was felt at The Snewden picnic was held -- eptl-evc<Îrdy>rti ei od ndmdcne ban Mrs. Charlton MeBride, Peterboro, Bawmanville Beach on Sunday on Tuesday, July 6tb, at Hiamp- optlsrieerdygau-btfosan mdinsoti- B t and ,grandson of Mi-. and Mrs. whlen Bill Durno and a friend took ton Park, wben the afteinoon was 'S. S. 12, DARLINGTON teusly. able; every modemn conti-ivance Ba i-miueiig erbi-bdy _____________________ ea. White, Solina, bas passed a dinghy out an the lake and did spent witb a game of bail by the____ HOW was this $1.33 mnade Up? for- cemfart and cure - ail Ofawmna bl afre e The Municipelities conti- i b u t e d $2,- these ai-e placed ai the disposai age. witb first-class honors, obtaining nlot return for many heurs. It yeung membens of -the clan. Te Sehool report of S. S. No. 12, 825,676.23, or 84e per patient per of sick and suffcring patients dur- A mashri epcbec-a 89 per cent, in the Grade I theory was very foggy on. the lakte, and aider ones sat around in the shade Darlington; honons 75; pus5 60. day; the Ontario Government ing those periods wben life itactf turc wbogt ratda fel examination of the Toronto Con- some concern was felt when the and enjoyed a social chit-chat, Jr. IV te Si-. IV'- C a mernon granted--$,271,555.78, or 38e per L- aI stake - fer fees avcraging cauragenent A T T E N I O N Mi-ato ofMusic. Dck o peheaynstoi-m tuk t hen distri lA e te ws atheewig Stainton 74, Steve Sobil 73, Vel- patient per day, and the balance $2.00 a day. Can you get more Lots o epetikmieo - Las Angeles, Cal., with bis me- However, tbey were able to land were elected: President, Mi-. Chas. n'a IaIson J. I-oee a-wa& received frem donations, be- value for your moey any othei- theu-erlom 4 hy oo ther, Ms .W Dickinson, and the boat further Up the shore and Snowden; Seei-etary', M i d r-e d sn 79, Dora Lyon 75, Alvin War- qes ratn sources. no _ ____lace?____________________________ sister, Mrs. A. E. Devitt and dau- i-tui-ncd late in the evening aftcr Snawden; Ti-casurer, R o n a 1 dre 73, BilyNems7,Silyeaigsucs Rural School ghter 'Helen, have retui-ned from the storni hâd subsided. Snowdcn; Provision Cemmittee, i-en 70nixs 72, Srley 5, In iw o ths saitc, Washngto, Behanyand riens Keth A Cambell recJamesp- Killamenow53. Mw. TcbJaai-eileco3. iled refi-arnd f the te0f- Trus tees WsingtoelatBehany abon frind Kith A.ocampgetlforecStydap- Foley, Miss lys Foley; Sports Jr.I-IIte Sr. Im- Ka t h î1e n ficial records of the Depsrtment vitinr eatespintCo.borne and o ntdlclCoagen fan SanardCommittee, Maiion Snawden, Vers Cameron 78, Gordon Pascoe 75,0f Healtb foi- Ontario, the cry for TUt othr.asdtern ns. .Faeradvlle, Isth uranc ea er wan-theTimble, Howaid Cryderman. Helen Cameron 71, Do ug las lower hospital rates which is n w EK NL .EX R SP C A Mi. ndMs.Wm raeran ilews hegus seae a te Sporis were won as follows: Shackelten 58, Ella Nernis 52. heard fi-rn time ta time becomes THSW E N Y . 7 sons, Kennetb and Robert, De- vesper service ai B. T. S. 'Camp Girls, 6 yrs. and unden, Mary II te Jr. Im-&etty Balon84, rather reinaikable. Net only does If you are contemplating troit, Mich., Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Scholfield on July 4th. This was Srowden, Edna Snowden; Boys, 9 Adam Lyson 71, Hans Geisberger the income fi-rn pi-esent bospital Cambridge Kid Finish OxodLenFis you. sehols Mrs. Wm. Frayer and Mi-s. Shep- the first service ai the camp, the yrs. and under, Stanley Bcst, Han-71 Kit tanrnat ebe -es fa11 far short af meeting op- W IIG P D rede ora ingard Ca sar a, ere guets f M-. oys hav ng ave do n o)5~~ y Snowden; Girls, 10> and undei, Stuart 64, George K illen 49, Billy eiating costs, but it does n t con- this summer see J. H. Aber- John Wataon and Miss Wataon, few days before. Gco. L. Davidgc Helen Snowden, Rutb Snowdcn; Welsh 48. tibute anc cent towards capital Note Size, Reg. 1O nethy. We specialize in Haisey St. presided at the piano, P. V. Ott Girls, 14 and under, Phyllis Trirn- I ta II-Lawrence Martin 83, cost or- upkcep of plant or equip- Special Sale - 2 Pads o 5 this ype o wor at mst o W. Higgs, s fermer pastor was in charge of the service, S~p- hie, Margaret Snowden; Mai-ried Ruth Robbin81MayOib- ment. Even in the more expen- thi tpeofwor a Mst ofTyrone circuit, baving comn- erîntendent A. R. Vu-gin led the rnen's race, Howard Cryderman, g 9 la Lso 81, rank eller sive wards, the wealt.hicr patienta, FOR PICNICS' attractive prices. Be sure pleted 40 yeai-s in ibis ministi-y of snging, and Alex McGncgor rend- Edward Foley; Young ladies' race, gier79aul SiLys49, AFaran - el under to-day's rates, ai-e barely Pprpaecpsritewxdppr the Methodist and United Church, ei-ed a vocal number. The boys Phyllis Trimble, Helen Snowden; sky (absent). payang for the cost of the service ~sple you get an estiniate from on leaving Foi-estei's Falls, wus will be in camp for the montb of Klcking the shoe the farthcst, iPire- lieNmsAi- they are receiving. intsple Abernethy. prescnted with an addi-ess and July, will then spend two weeks at Thelma Freeman, Betty Flintoif; thur Bishop. Jack Camreon. Buildings and equipment cosi- SUM MER CLEANING OURI PCA T clectric lamp. Mi-. Higgs was or- their homes, before ieturning for Laudest dinner caîl, Mrs. Ebe Jr. Primei-Jean C arinecro0 n, ing millions of dollars; evcrythingPh eJono'strefricu addeveyb ____daaned ai Napanee on June 21, school opening the third week in Snowden;, Ladies' nail driving Ruth Balson, Jimmie Stainton, science througuh anduons ycars of Phoe Jo SERVICECstAr e r S, OSHAW 1897, and is anc of a class ai Augu5t. contest, Thel.ma Freeman. Delmen Kilien. NEW__SERVICE_____________ th eleven, the only one remaining in Tiity W. M. S. met Tuesday EaM oktahr okGaate yl active work. aftei-ncon in the scbool roorn. The Mrs. Han-y Rice, Joan and -Eva M. CookEOteacher. J. H Ab rneThe Men's Club of St. John's devotional peniad was in charge o>f John. anc holidaying ai Wasaga bhurch jained with men's clubs Mns. C. A. Wight and ber group, Beach. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTYJ HN T N S B OS OR af the Deanei-y af Durham and and deali wiib the theme "The Dirigman & Edrnondstone ai-e S. S. 8, MANVERS A Sale by public auction of the O N TS 80 Phone 431 BowmanviUle Nor-thumnberland fer the annual Friends of Jesus in Canada." staging. a big sale of ail their, Repert of Drurn, S. S. No. 8, property described bclow, owncd Phone 651Bwmnle picnic ai Cobourg on Saturday. Quest.ions on ithe tapic werc ask- summen bats at greatly reduced Manvers: by the Estate of the laIe Joseph U umm @W Mi-. Tom Cartwright and Mi-s. ed by the leader, answers te which praces-fi-rn $1.00 up. V-Helen Youngman. Biittaýin. will 1- helA 1- En--- THE CANADIAN ';TATF.-,?tfAý,J n(-IWXfÀW17TTTW nXT'rADTn

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