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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1937, p. 8

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THURSDAV, JULY 15, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesinan Fromn The Canadian Statesman,v JuIy 11, 1912 Juiy 13, 1887t Alterations ta South Park ta Maple Grave: A giaom was castL niake it ready for use as Bow- orver this neighborhood by the1 manville's hospital are ta start sudden death of Me. W. Coates.r shortly. Plans bave been receiv- He was taken sick on Juiy 3rd and1 ed from Langiey & Hawland, Ta- buried on Juiy 1bih. His remaifs( ranto architects. - were followed by a large crawd< Mr. Willard Stevens, Toronto.,1.0 Bowmanvilie Cemetery. bas beconie the aYwner of the W. Cartwright: The namne of aur B. Pinch fruit farm. "Nursery post office has been changed ta Corners-~ at Liberty and Conces- Blaekstock. Mr. Nelsan Mar- sion streets, at $8200. Mr. Ste- 10w bas gane ta Dakata ta bring yens is a son of Mr. Fenton Ste- his daughter. the wife af the late yens, Bawmanville. and is a build- H. Hooey. who was kiiled by lighi-t ing contracior. ning, with him. . . . The garden About thirty members and fri- party given by Mrs. S. T. Fergu-t ends of the Sorasis Club gathered son and Mrs. Jas. Sanderson un- ai the home of Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl. der the auspices of the Presbyter- Bowmanvileo-the-Lake. in hon- ian Church was very successfui. or o Mis Avila Cx. ad gve fnikilef: nuber0f ase br afMisilv span sower n an-eof fractured iiAbinbih.is disrict tcipation of a happ~y event wich -Mr. Stewart had a sniall bone takes place shortiy. broken in bis rigbt leg: a son o! Goron oxthe9 y aI d son Mr. John Brown, age 6, was of Mr. Albert F. Cox, Oshawa, who trw rm wn n a i is bolidaying -with bis uncie, Mr. ieg badiy broken; Mr. F. Rabbins G. H. -Richards, while deiivering Jr.. lraciured a liinb in a football bernies at Mr. J. C. Eiott's Fri- game; Mrs. James Dant feul and day was attacked by the dog and broke a bone in ber ankie; a two bad his ear torn nearly fram hi year aid child of Mr, Frank Brad- head. he litleUlow wiii be ley feli off a stone and f ra.tured haead Theliite the lefi eibow. mainid forlife.These afficers bave been instai-l Mrs. W. 0. LalBelle and uitile ed for the ensuing termi ai Flor- daughter Laura, Peterbora, have ence Nightingale Lodge I.O.O.: been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 0- N. G-R. B. Andrew; V.OG.-W. LaBelle before leaving for iheir McCulougb; R. S.-,J. Maynard; home in Edmiontan, Alta.. wbere P. 5.-_O. Smith; Treasurer-M. they will reside. Mayer; Warden, A. Mitchell; Con- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Virtue. En- ductor. Gea. Maynard; 'RS.N.G.. niskilien, announce the engage- F. Wright; L.S.N.G., T. Downing; ment of their eldest daughter, IR.VG. C. .Burden; L.S.V.G., R. Edith Mabel, ta Dr. Cyrus Wil- Mass _ SS.1 R. Dumas; L.S.S., Lam Siemon. The marriage will E. Moses; Chaplain, R. Allen; take place tbe latter part of July. Reps. ta Grand Lodge, C. Jewell Durham Caunty Liberal Assac- and J. Bryant. iation met in Orona with W. J. Married: Gay - McRoeYnolds - Bragg, presideni, presidinig. Offi- By Rev. H. S. Matthews at Churcb cers elected were, President-Alf. Street Methodisi parsonage, Bow- George, Port Hape; Vice President manvilie. on July 4ih, Mr. Wil- -East Durhamn, Fred E. White, liami Hemry Gay ta Miss Annie Elizabethville; West Du r hamn, MoReynolds, bath af Bowman- Thomas Baker, Sauina; Secretary ville. -John Stewart, Kendal; Treas- Birth: Deviti - In Cartwright, urer-Jobn McClelian, Bowna- an June 30, ta the wife of J. H. Fred Haskin, Carst.airs, Alberta, presented them with a beautiful occasionai chair. In a f ew weii chosen wards the groom thanked ail for their kindness. The children took great delight in the peanut. and candy scramble and races. Abes.tce9reaan dwt ermaen tabes.e seretanil. Tseonat tende were rom .Toon tA- tentaceOkiahfomaTBarckost ock,- burkta, Tlome, Clumbukst on- nisklen. Bowmnle,luKuEdrn, Ebsienr, BPickeri, ronon,n Oshawa. 'SCHOOL REPORTS ENNISKILLEN COULO HARDLY RISE FROM HER CHAIR Rheumatiifl Relieved by Kriizchen firmed sufferer f rorn rheumatism8 that she thaught she wauld neyer9 get relief. But bel are she had1 f inished one battle of Kruschen her rheumatism was leaving her. Here is ber letter:- I had rheutnatistn sa badly that once I got into a chair I f aund great difficulty in rising again. A f riend told mue ta try Kruschen Salis, but I thaught it was a faolisb idea, as there seem- ed ta me ta be nothinq thatwould relieve the rheumnatismx. My fni- ends gave me twodases to try. I The foliowing schooi report is took o(ne dose an Manday andana-- the record of promotion on the other on Tuesday, and by ihen 7 three terni examinatians for En- my pain had moved ta another P niskillen Public Schoal S. S. No. part a! my body. Well, that was 16, arranged in order of menit, a good start, so I bougbt a battle Pass 50 % cta 75%;: Honours 75% and it gave me great jay ta findE to 10017. The class number de- my rheufiatism disavPpearing, and 8 notes ciass for wbicb pupil has now f or a long tume I bave beenL tried examinations. free.'-(Miss) A. R.8 Higb Scbooi Enirance - Alan The pains and siiffness of Ferguson (han), Dora Shantz rbeuniatism are frequently due ta thon), Blanche Preston (pass), deposits of uric acid in the mus-j Harold Ashton granted certificate cles and joints. Kruschen Salts,7 under reguiaion 10 (5). Not re- b elping ta stimulate the ex-1 connended: Olga Sanderson, Ai- cretory argans ta healtby, reguiar leen Bradley. activity, enables theni ta expeld Jr. WV-D on al1d Ferguson 75 ibis uric acid from the system. thon), Kennetb Buison 63, Lloyd 1 Preston 62, Ralph Virtue 51. Doris Stevens 75, Stewart Jarvie Sr. II-Merle Oke 80 <hon), 68. Eveiyn Virtue 68, Murray Sander- Ta Sr. II-Doreen Jeffery 71,1 son 50, Allan 'Preston (on trial). James Colliss 71, John Marton 67. Jr. mI-Lamna Rahm 88 thon), To Jr. II-Ellen Abernethy 89,c Ross Sharp 80 (hon). June Ash- Belford Panke 85, Lloyd Wînacott ion 67, Jean Werry 63, June But- 72,1Beri Snowden 71, May Wright son 55. 69, Ray Munday 62, Loryne Whiter Sr. II-Lorraine 'Page, O1i ve 61.1 Strong (equal) 64, Stuart Preston Ta Sr. I-Harry Snowden 84,1 63. Marjarie Rundie 82, Jack Munday Jr. II-Ivan Sharp (bon). Bob- 76, Harold Stevens 74, Bob Sykes1 bie Burr (hon). Donald Lamb 73.1 thon), Ray Smith (hon). To Jr. I--Joyce Abernethy 85,1 Sr. I-Isabelle Rahm, Georgina Christena Campbell (P), B i li i ei Strong. Knnetb Rahm. . Skelding 76, Barbara Panke 72. 9 Sr. Pr.-Margaret Smiith (hon), To Sr. Pr.-Lewis Rundle, Ev-i Wallace Griffin thon), Ruth Pres- ereti, Finney. Raymond Rundie,i ion. Roy Werry. Edward Colliss. Prizes - General Proficiency, Beginners-Howard Brown, Kay Lamna Rabni; Courtesy - Health Lyceti, Joy Sykes, Eileen Twist,i Rules, lst Lamna Rabni , 2nd Yvonne Wood. Blanche Preston, Dora Shaniz 75 and over, Hanours; (P) pass; tequai). 60 and over, pass; below 60, fail- Room 2 8 I I E I c I Sr. I ta Jr. I, on years work- EHugb Aiken 94, Vonnie VanDusen 86, Veinia Roogerson 82, Bailfaur LeGresley 82, Barbara Bonaihan 82, John Aldread 81, Buddy Bon- athan 80. Sr. I ta Jr. I, by examninatiaf- 78, Betty Gray 73, Evel.yn Mc- Manus 71, Arthur Clark 66. S. I Writing Prize-Johfl AI- dread. Higbesi standing in Sr. I- Hugh Aiken. Sr. Pr. ta Jr. 1, by exarninatian -Mary Tomns 93, Neil Britton 87, Hazel Rawe 76, Mary Dewdney 72. Jr. Pr. ta Sr. Pr.--Chrisine AI- dread, John Hallubenko. Sr. Boom Prize Winners The Masanic Prize for highest marks on the ieacher's exams. in Newcaste Public Scbooi-Haward Rawe. The Canadia.n Histary prize winners donated by the Bowman- ville Wonien's Canadian. Club ta the boy and girl of Newcastle Public School in the Enirance Class standing highest in ibis subjet-Howard Rawe and Grace Powell. Generai Proficiency Prize in Sr. lI Clams, won by Farncomb Le- Gresley. Prize Winners - Boom 2 The S. Jase Memorial Prize- Paul Wise 82.8%. IThe General Prof iciency Prie ville. j D 'i" a'uu" il* «Uat., re -e . u Saiurday's Oshawa-Bowmanville BitoVcey-A EfedO ibt take this opportuniiy Wm. L. Lyceit, teacher. in Sr. II Class, donated by Mrs. football game was abruptly terni- July 4ih, ta the wif e of Mr. M. ta publicly ihank the pupils and H. Britton, and won by Francis iýnated 10 minutes bef are full tinie Vickery, a son. parents for the hearty co-aPera- NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Jase 87 %. by Referee "'Dac" Morris, calling Birth: Sproule - At Long Sault, tion during my ten years af ser- Promotion Exanunation Report Nate Book Prizes: Jr. M-Girl, the ganie off on accounit of inter- on July 8, ta the wife of Willuam vice in S. S. No. 16 and xnay the Senior Boom Ruth Banathan; Boy, Paul Wise. ference by spectatars. Sprarule, a sof. best o! success attend my suc- Passed f rom Jr. WV ta Sr. IV on Il-Girl, Edna Kirkpatrick;, Boy, cessor. Margaret H. Dalton. year's work - Gracie Cotter 76 none. MgePie ta m îiy MAPLE (Hon), Frank Hoar 73, Pauline MscPie 111111M F m l e-unions MAL GOEDeline 70. Wm. H-ooper Memarial Prise for Passed f rom Jr. IV ta Sr. WV on the besi original Mêedy in Rooni Promotion list: final examinatins-Jean Robin- 3-Claud Flood. tsanign Hooper - McFeeters Reunion Mrs. H. A. Fessant, Qu'Appelle, Enirance-Phyllis Trimble (P), son 68.9, Rass Embly 56.5 (rec- Prizes for bighest tnigi The annual picnic o! the Hoop- Sask., and Mr. Luther Hooper. Ty- George Wright (P).- ommended). Music Tests for the year: er-McFeeters families was held ai rane; Mrs. Whittinghaxn, Edgeley, To Sr. IW-Margaret Camnpbell passed froni Sr. mIIta, Jr. WV on Roon 3--Ginl, June Allin 88; the Elliti Memarual Park, Hamnp- Sask., being the absent one. 77, Lillian Snowden 62. year's work-Farflcomb LeGreslley Boy, Farncoiub LeGresaey 94. ton. This gathering bas been A sumptuous supper was served To Jr. IV-Doroihy Snowden 80, 184,(Han),_ June Aluin 83 (Hon). Raom 2--Girl, Yvonne Aldread heid for several years by relatives and a special treat of ice creani Marion Foley 73, Pearl Collacut Passed lromn Sr. III to Jr. WV on 89; Boy, Glenn Allin 96.6, Fran- and f riends af these f amilies and and watermnelon was enjoyed due 70. final examinations-CYrl M e a- cis Jose 96. this was indeed a happy one and tiekndness of Mr. J. A. Mc- To Sr. IIl-Audrey Greenbam daws 69.2, Grace McKellar 68.8, Rooni 1-0rl, Barbara Bona- well atiended. 1Feethers and his son-in-law, Mr. 79, Lenore Colacuti 78, Rgi en.ry6.,MbeGa~6.,tai7;By afu erse It would take up too mucb Wni. Scott, Toronto. Evans 66, Reva Sykes 48. Betty VaniDusen 61.1, lailure in 91. space ta enunierate ail who ai- President A. W. Annis took To Jr. mI--Stanley Snowden 78, Spelling, recommended. H. A. Mason, Mus. SuP. tended, however, Mrs. G. A. San- charge and ihese officers were el- densan, Arcola, Sask., and Mr. ected: Pres.-D. G. Hoo.per; Vice- and Mrs. Hl. A. Fessant o! Qu'AP- Pres.-F. A. Werry; Sec.-Trea.- pelle, Sask., bad the banar a! Miss Marion Werry. caniing the greatest distance. Among others wba came froni Ferg-uson Reunion outside the lôcal bounds were The Ferguson clan l-eld an en- Mrs. C. p. May, Windsor, Mm. and joyable picnic lst July in Mrs. D.w Mrs. J. A. McFeeters. and s0f C Ferguson's woods. Lotus, with Ronald. Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. over fifty present fram Toronto, Wm. Scott and children, M. and Oshawa, Orono and Newcaste. OD ATD Mrs. Luther Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Dundas, Pickering, Wingham, Ro- Jack Heard and famiuly, Oshawa, chester, Ilinois, and Las Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Heard and Ail weme sorry noita be present. in Miss Florence, Whltby. Tyrane, persan.1 À& Àa Bowmanville, Orona, PontYPOol, a r w tà antd.Mlbokwr elrpe down ta the weli filled tables W sented.which had been piaced in a shady One af the most interesiing corner of the woods. A bail gaine features was the presence o! the was played between the iaws and eighi children o! the laie Mr. and ir-laws, the in-iaws winning. Mms. Chas. Hooper, Tyrone. They rsdn L.F Moagl, included, Mrs. C. F. Awde, Orona Pesia lden thL.f.lksMoagbln,..... Mrs. G. A. Sanderson, Arcola,Osaacaedheflktgte. Mrs. E. J. Silver. Bawmanville, and after recalling niany inci- Mrs. c. p. May, Windsor, Mrs. F'. dents o! bygane days, nientioned f A. errBwmaviueMr. W. that nat a single deatb had came HJ. Hloper, Pontypool, Mr. D. G. ta any o! aur homes in the pasi Hooper, Orona, and Mm. V. A. y aail having enjayed reason- Hooper, Toronto. abiy good health. Mrs. D. C. Fer- Tbre aI he fur mmber afguson came as a bride froni Huron ibelat Mm an Mm. S.nielcouniy 47 years ago ta ihis farm. the lae Mr.Mrs. Ferguson spoke a! syrup- HoaerTyrnewer aia pe-making and berry picking. Mr.- sent: Mms. Wni. Caff, w. F. Rickand. M.P., spake on Do-, _______________________mnnion Day. Mrs. Fligg and Mrs. Staples, Newcastle, recalled many interesting stonies, telling how ...- their father walked ta Toronto ta pay his payments. Mrs. Henry, et.- Mrs. Bereton and Mrs. MaCDOfl- aid spoke; Mrs. MacDonald teil- . ing o! a proposal on a certain, . atone in the orchard. Many thanks ta Harvey Rase,.... dren's prizes and toaail others wbo so kindly helped ta niake ibis pic- nic a Success. L. F. MaLaughlin was re-eiecied * presiden t. It was decided ta hold the picnic isi JulY. Wilidns Reunion About forty menibers and f i- ends o! the Wilkins fam.liy gaih- ered at the Creani a! Barley Camp Juiy 7th ta enjoy their annual picnlc. Ater ail had partaken o!f a heavy laden tableoa! goad things sports were enjoyed including races and a ball game of whidh . many took part. . Duing the business perlad these - --. -- officers were elected: President, Mrs. Nelson Wilkns; SecretaliY, Mns. Len Richards; Treasurer, MASTER 2.PASSENGER BUSINESS COUPE We Invite You To Enjoy Miss Helen Wilkins; Business .. doliveredat aas . Govem en axe, rice Tlhe Sktisfation 0f Clean Ms.r Co iwellte , Mrs. rank James and freigh'c additional. (Prices Subject to change Odor-Free IeLatsIc enniea l ore nchoe is. asily 'ake cars of the down paymnent-and you can LacemaailreIcenedComte e is-tebaa noceon motly er youiret cr p ill PLUS Our~ Dependahie De- 1 saîisfied they îîad had a very en- 1a tebaane o or nhyrs ta sit Plan. rse oybetm.under the GeneraI oosIsamn ln livery Service! .uyal ime. en phone 448-798 The. annual Hoskin picnlc was held on Satunday, Juiy 1bib, ai Eastbourne Park, Whitby-on-the- Knight Slake. One of the features a! the af- taig ittioonLn thercofnt breand CourticeR ON I ttrn o the recin t bime0fna prOsen- FPUEL suPPLY goomn. Mr. and Mrs. Frankiun Ho.sktr.. Mn. Leslie Hoskin. presi- Bowmalv3ile dùnt, çalied the peope to order j arnd Mr. Wallace Bragg, Oka- ______________________homa, reaci the address, and Mn. CADMUS ROmMe a Ya'sW2 k Jr. III ta Sr. II-Paul W ise 82.8, Ted Hoar 81.6, Raymond AUken 81, Glenn Allun 79, Sami Brereton 78, Bob Bird 76, Ruth Bonathan 74, Lionel Rogersan 71, Y'vonne Megit 70. Sr. Il ta Jr. mI-Francis Jose 87, Kathleen Wise 83, Harold R.o- gerson 79, Jacqueline Smiith 75, Eileen Aldread 72. Passe<i on Final Exams: Jr. III ta Sr. III-Yvonne A- Iread. 76, Douglas VaflDu.seri72, [une Gray 69, Olive MeManus 64. Recommended because of age- Bah Gray, 59, age 12, Lyness Spry 59, age 13; Douglas Walton 56, age 14. Il ta Jr. mI-Marie Wise 73, T'racy Embly 71, Bill Kirkpatrick 69, Harold Smnith 66. Jr. II ta Sr. Il--June VanDusen [7, Viola Cotter 62, Edna Kirk- patrick 61. Mr. Pbilip Bigelow, Port Hope, is 1 1 ESCRIDE IT, DUT& do Dif4vsewe for economical Step into the new Chevrolet - drive it - and leain the transportation difference it malces to own The Only Complete Car ini the lowest price field! ONLY CHEVROLET gives you *Knee-Action -greatest comfort advance since the closed body-for the true gliding ride! .. ONLY CHEVROLET bas a Valve-in-Head .. Engine-same kind as used in record-break- --- aiplanes and racing cars-for thrilling performance with peak economy! ONLY CHEVROLET surrounds you with the safety and luxury of new Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher-trongest, quietest, finest-quality bodies known. * : O NLY CHEVROLET gives you perfected Hy- draulic Brakes, with Safety glass in every :7- dow and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation. Drive a Chevrolet today and you'Il know what a difference these fine features make! __________________________One thing certain-you'l neyer accept lees for your money. *On Master De Luxe Models. C-287 y p If' CHOLS Phone 2510 iî 9",Oeàà ý W-W-w linlidayiing at bis father's, M,\r. J. FINSI Bigeiow. ýig - h r r o getr mrce N.r. Sidnecy Rutherford is takig Thrae a ratrmace ,j siiniincr cource at Kinigtonl. known ta, earth than perfection Nir. -lovd Triuli ani sister Edith and an unbrokenflfriendsip."- -ire attenliflg Qlceni's University, aryBkr d Kingston. «'That is a choice friend who anr. ami rs. W. 3onny aid daigbiter Gwern. Oakwood. set conceals ur f aults fram the view Sunayat r.C. L. Powcr's. of others and discavers them to Sti bi tca'.o\Iro.orstr ar wn."'--Secker. . onrb Monall tenlng Kio rstry "Twa persans cannot long be on .\onavevniig10-5. Ganie Na friends if they cannat fargive orie full of eroson iy* part. The bov% ist bc working too ard ec te' iteflns" at te 'hay. Howevr thev are stili Bruyere. ini f irst place. ,it is one af the sevrest tests of friendshlp ta tell your f riend NMiss Pearli M\orrow is visiting re- lus faults. - S ve a man latives iii thc citv. that yau canrit. ta see a No service ere on Stnday on ac- stain upon iim, a-nd ta speak counit of Leskard anniiversarY-. Next painful truth thrugb l1 *ng Snnidav comlmuniorn service. wards, that is friendship."~4 . The count\ grader is grading the Beecher. T - road whicb as again gettiig verv -The ight f friendship s like rogh. the light f phsphors, seen Farniers are bisy aing. crop is painest when al arund is dark.1' Svery fair. --Crowel. Catharines, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brawn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vincent and Miss Margaret Vincent. Taronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wilsan and f am- iiy spent the weekend at their cottage. Mrs. Wilson and Biily, and Mrs. R. Wilson and Jaan are staying for a week. Mrs. C. Fergusan and Mr. Sid- ney Jîerguson are holidaYing at Williams Point at ber brathers cattage. KIRBY v #**et i

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