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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1937, p. 3

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.1 amenities of life. She can c lIP rea on, YOUR WORLD AND MINE quire fine manners, if shenîaclcsCUO HK L l~ te ttebeginning. And if CHAIR she arris, se maAfin hereNf: FROM IILICHwIR tie 1JOHNC. KIKWOODworking twice as hard. for no____ by thei By JH .KR W O wages at ail. and probably in a Rheumatism.Relieved by miii Pol (Copyright) 'very humble home. Irsce evening _____________________________________________ It is when one contrast.s lier self an( lot and life as a domestic servant This woman was such a con- people A ricli woman in Toronto was But perhaps it is work in offices ir a good home with the lot 0f firmed sufferer f rom rheumatism numbe., trying to find a man and his wif e and stores that is most attractive many of lier married f riends and that she thought she wouId never te seet ta akewih hr a hr ummr o grl wh g towok. nof- acciuaintances that one begins to get relief. But before she bac! cently. cottage on Lake Simcoe. One fices and stores one lias compan-se the attractions of beig a f inislied one bottie o! Krusclien doused Couple wantec! $95 a month for ionship and there are opparturù- wage-paid domestic servant. lier rheumatism was leaving her. the o1< t-:ae two months - July and Aug- ties for gossip. Also, one can b * Here is ber letter:- the f ir.- ust. Other couples wanted about attractively dressed ail day long. " airenaims al n sh- t"had rhceumt is O bcarYI new the saine. There was, in each in- One's hands do flot become dish Here and There and thoun eaIt dinto ahin r Iin ow stance, an inquiry concerning pan hands and wash-tub liands. . a an re d tl e t r ad L launC!Il work, how many after- Always there is a measure of di- Everywhere agaicn. AfrIend btolImthogtry yard, i. noonm 0f free time, and if there version - meeting executives in 1Krscafihen Saît, utsIthouglit it ady wl were children. But no couple offices and the public in stores. By Dave Morrison, Sr. wsafoihiea hr em aya seemed t,be very keen: ail 0f Those who work in offices and ed to me to be nothing that would set wh' tlîem w- Bro disposed ta bargain. stores feel that their grade of________________ relieve the rlieumatism. My fri- grounds~ An Eng2ýîriÇ1Jerson to wliom 1 teid work is higher than is the grade ed aem w oe otY aae of this incident seemed aghast at 0f work done by domestic ser- The people o! to-day in aur took one dose on Monday and an- was seo Ziae higli wages askec!. vants - and understan<jably a girl small towns and villages do not other on Tuesday, and by then the wag, '% A social worker in Toronto says prizes social status very highly: know much about one 0f the aid my pain had nioved ta another hs that the organzatian to whicli she imagines that she wiîî "marry turne circus days. There was a part of my body. Weil, that was isre she is attacîîec is repeatedly ask- better" if she has an office job or circus in Toronto the past month, a gaod start, 50 I bouglit a bottie tacto ed by women about maids. Tlisa a job in a store - which niay lie but it was one of the most macd- and it gave me great joy ta find t in organization deals with girls up te true. ern shows, having their own my rheumatism disappeaning, and muclio 16 years of age. Women are wll- J c K trains and equipment; and a! naow for a long time 1 have leeî chameo ing to pay froin $20 to $25 for a School teachers f eel themselves course the usuai 3-ringed circus free."-(Miss) A. R. camr .,green" girl; but this institution ta lie very much above office which almost makes one cross- 'The pains and stif!ness of men f roi i.s unwiiing ta let any green girl workers and saleswomen in the eyed ta watcli. Years ago, circus rheumnatism are frequently due ta and ail go into domestic service at a wage inatter of status. Theirs is a sup day in titis town was an event dexiosita 0f uric acid in the mus- the ra.n higlier than $15 a montli - to a posedly "inteilectuai' occupation which was an event and caus3ed cles and joints. Kruschen Saits pecr live-in job; At says that it spoils - which, aia.s, it seldom is. Thei1r consîderabie commotion, not only by helping to stimulate thte ex- Howr a Young girl when site is over- wonk is nerve-strain.îng. and de among the kidiets but thte grown- cretory organs ta iteaitliy, regular wiii remE paid. Well-trainec! domnestic ser- flot end at 4 o'clock as is imagin- ups as weli, and especially arnong activity, enables them ta expel great nt vants can get in Toronto from ed by s0 many. The reading o! the hiotel proprietors wlio wouid this uric acid from the system. came an $35 ta $40 a montit; and ane ex- examination papers c o n s u mnes8lie called upon te cater not onliy -That vil ceptionally gooc! maid o! wlîoIn many o! their hours after 4 ta tite public but often ta, the weea lîeard was paid $50 - until she a'clock. Many scitool teachers are show people also. As in lte early jcauncil in their wisdom put suciher returned ta Engiand. aiways "tired te death.' and tliey days they did nat carry titeir kit- a higli license on te pnivilege o! was flot Domestic servants have griev- lose their healtit. Many school chen and dining noom staff as showinglin this town that titey even the a'1ces - some a! them quite legi- teacitens are rather obscure per- they did in later years. have given the place the go-by ai- show dre tiùnate. For one thing their houns sens in their own community, be- The adjacent !arming commun- together. Thte reason being they those da: are very long - up te 9 p.m. and ir.g known ta a very smaîî section ity wouid do quite a trade in hay canried away more money tlin centre w- Som etimes laten - this when meals o! their community. Their hai- and oats for the many horses use they le! t. but tliey, in those days, arage are served laie and wlien the days - which may amount ta 100 ta haul the many wagons and gol- left quite a sum with carniage- h.oes hostess is entertaining. Then, too, or more days in a year - are not den Chait in the parade and maes lcsih adloes ircus SIh many wamen are unpîeasant per- sO "wonderful" as many non- alsa tlhe ideê shows. To see those At any rate people were not re- '~ta saris- rude and iazy and bac!- Icaciters imagine. Ihanstes ,and wagons rambling into ciuired ta spend their money if what isi ternpered; also, children are of- J C K tow h le early morning would they did net wish ta do so. ten sore triais. One does net won- Then there is that feminine oc bring out the entire population Some o! those show people had Every der that some women are neyer cupation, nursing. It loksta be and i ate risers wauld for once fine bands, notabiy Hows Eng- ters - ti able te keep a maid for very long. attractive, but after one has been strete h a point ta see the entry lisit Circus, wl-idi gave a bal!- lie thin<ý ic K . o! tired horses and sleepy canvas hour performance before the reg- think lie ,a nurse for several years. nursing men. AU o! witicli would go ta ular prograin began. Titis was up tually ha Domestic service in some homes' regarded as an occupation seems rnak~e up a v nfl d y f r o h o m n ot f t e A gr is na hardship at ail. I know ta oeits rsy hues. The train- toeu neetu a o ntecmasnni !Vt il more than on home wlier the n ero a hv tsavn looking f orward te it. cabinet factary. Dan Rice's great a battle moretha on hom whre he e ma hae it aden- Then the great parade wliich circus, o! which lie was the clever but ther mraid ta wliat they cail a "treas- tures and always eopectancy would take place about the noon clown, sliowed on the vacant lot It's nev ure." T liis is because lier em - buoys one up; but as 1 have heard hour, w t s fi e b n , h c ou f t e h sp al g u d ,a d h s a d ployers treat lier witl i al consid- them speak, and have heardwtiitfnebnwhc sutioteloptagrnsndisan eration, and almost make lier a about tliem, nursing regarded a wouid be criticized by our local drew a great crowd. Those were Avarie member o! their !anmiy. These a oain. snta band! men as ta, the different the shows wlien the clowns were titat will a vcatonis otail that many pointa brou lit out; the admira -___________________ 'treasure" maids do noV measune fancy it te lie. Being with g ____tionof__horsetraders__and______ tlieir service; they gîve as perfect Persons ail the ime is nat n ti and o hee trad pers andi a service as they knaw how. They idea of agreeable work. m int o h tgisepr n are liappy in having a geod home iCKpanies o! the cavalcade, the ad- and kindly employers; and tlieyJCK miring looks and remarks o! the are able ta save a goad deai o! Here's what ta in my mmnd: dukie fraternity as ta thte gor- GREAT LAKES CIRCLI money in te course o! tweîve there ta a surplus o! office and geously dressed ladies in their ~ * ..~ months - fan more than can sten- store wonkers. of scitool teachers, golden coaches, and enjoyed by Caflaoiafl raciîic Steel Steami ograpliers whe have ta pay thein o! nurses, o! factory operatives; the churcli going member wlio did1 boargi and who feel themselves to but there ta not a surplus a! do- net believe in theatre or circus Gross Tonnage 2616 - Lengt bc unçier compulsion to spend a mestic servants. Looked at !rom shows, but just had ta corne n lot- on thiter clotites. te money point o! view the do- with the citildlren ta sec te par- Port MeNicoll or Owen Se Gaod maids in good homes - in mestic servant who gets !rom ade. Oh ne, noV going te the a!-Wlla an Ro homes where titere may be no $20 ta $45 ar $50 a monthit a ternoon show or thte evening. ila n et more titan 2 or 3 persans - do not jpnetty certain ta have more mon- Weil, we'li sec . - . A show like LEAVE MONDAYS RETU have ta, work sa hand as did aour ey at the end of thte year - if site titis does not corne every day. The motitens and stters in past days is thnifty - titan gis who work spirit dces not believe in5tz Duin JIyan A - witen ail washing was done in in offices and stores and f actor- but the flesh is weak . .. and any Drn uyadA the home; when ail food was ies. If site geta into a gaod home way te chldren have ta lie look- cooked in te home; witen ou site wili live as com!ortably as do ed aften. Sa that is that! FROMI FORT MCNICHOLL lamps and coal and wood stoves her emplayers. Site naY have ta The finst circus titat we remem- OWEN SOUND were used; wliere titere were fia be on lier jab until 9 or 10 o'clock ber in titis own teok place some FO vacuumn cleaners; witere tere quite of te but she ctoes not have tinte about 80 years ago, and the FO wee o atroms n eecri .o or a hghprssrefrom. ris- tent was pitched at the rear o! TORONT washing macinesfia running Ing until lied time, Site lias ew te present public school, where Westbound Via North Channel - Ea&tl water in teitouse; witen every- anxieties. Site wili have mucit was situated the aId town hall PetyoopnwerrusgonGria lh,,,dy had ta lie a goad sewer oppartunity foar cultural employ- which afterwards made one part lnYOOP wtrcuqgonGrga eý re f amilles were large; witen 1 meit. Site can hope te nemain a!fte aId grammar scitool. The Inland freslî water oceans of Huron there were , a. movies te, go ta in lien place o! employment for tawn bock-up was unden titis aid AUl outside rooms - a Croise pure evenings; v . thte com! orts o! years and years, if site wislies ta hall and that wus one cerner o! No tedfous Port layovers - Reervatle motor car Lransprtation were'do se, witheut fear a! losing lier te own where children and unknown. job. In good homes site wiilli e Young girls were a!raid ta lie seen Cnutyu rvlaeto r In te aId days - o! ounma- very wel reated, even indulged. aften nightfali. It was more e!- tl,.ers and grafidmotiters - mit- Site may lie taken witit ler em- fective titan any curfew in keep- Ç N DA A I ers had very litîle ie!sure lime. Ployers te their summer home. ing them off te street. .Q N DA A I They mended and darned even- Site wililibe suraunde<u wit thlie Ater a few Yeans te town ings until bedtirne, and ail labour was liard. By companison. maids o! tcoçay, in city homes, have an easy time o! it. and they are gel- ing wages which enable thern ta 1 save sevenai hundred dollars a year if they are that way inciin- ed. I feel very sure that Ihere are many wageiess wives wito would be glad Va change places witit many maid.s. J c K4 Many girls prefer ta wank in stores and factonies - iargely lie-w & cause o! the social factr: they are side by side ail day witht ther girls. and can gossip; and their labour ceases at 5 or 6 o'ciock. -witit their evening hours quite free: and witit Saturday afýer-A[WC ETA roons and Sundays free: and withA ECN TA ail public halidays free o! their accustemed labour. Faclery work may be physicaily liard, and m-ay be coarsening la ane's nature: M ORE THIAN and one's asseciates may lie ra- ther low-bred. Even so, factory v.ork is definitely attractive - more attractive titan is domestic service - to, many young persans. T E L WS - R V D C ýes and were vocaists of no - order. eature of one circus n towri e taking of 4 or 5 elephants ir keepers down to Souch's ýnd and given a bath in the 9. This was a show in it- d drew a crowd of towns- Sand children that out- red those who turned out the Lions Club parade re- The wàtY those big chaps ithemselves out-ri v a 1l e di [c "Deluge" fire engine of rt circus days. of the latest circus shows m was camped in the field >Pposite the Hamiley brick- LibertY Street south. That ýhen the chariot with the nd the lion on the top up- bile turning out of the is at the beginning of the ý.One of the elephants ion on the job of putting ton on its wheels again. sshows aiways carried a il show as an added at- nbut they neyer proved of a drawing card. The us side shows of snake ýrs, ,Word swallowers, wild 'm Borneo, living skeletons, such did a fair trade. but 3 show *%vas what the pea- ne to see. many of our oIc! timers nember when Van Ambing's nenagerie of wild animais )nd showed at Newcastle?I rtainly was a big day for lage. That was one show all could go and see, as it tof the 3 ringed kind. flot ýone for that matter. This rew a large crowd, but in [ys Newcastle was a busy with its Massey works, its eshops. woollen mii. and But those days have gone, ;ows and ail, and what is has taken its Place. Yes, it? Person ha.s four charac- the one he shows, the one s he has, the one athers ,has, and the one lie ac- tas. Is kisses are like pickles in - the first is hard, to get, rest corne easy. ever too late to break your 1o! a bad habit. ce is the only kind of ice l ot melt. E CRUISES ner d'Manitoba" th 303 Feet îund to Fort turn JRN SÂTURDAYS Ugust $40.00 -50 ebound via macknac Mi BaY and The GmatM M and Superber rely and simply Ion fise w open my agent [i PRICIELIESS PROTEC .TION fromn LITTIJE.SAVINOS Lb MILLIONS of Canadians are todlay finding in- creasing happmness and peace of mind in the pro- Homes are safeguarded-famiies are protected from want and privation-children are educated- and the aged are guaranteed financial independence- AUl tbrough littie savings in Life Insurance! If YOU are worried about "what might happen"' if you live too long--or don't live long enough--seek the experienced counsel of a Life Insurance man. He will tell you how Life Insurance wiil provide funds for your wife if she is ever faced with. the task of carrying on single-handed. He will also explain how your savings ini Life Insurance wili help you in times of emergency and support you ini old age. KELLOGG'S ARE SO CONVMNENT- -j "There'à no fuseanad other sround the kitchen when 1 ~reKelogg's. No pot@ and 4'n-e 1o dean. lust pour on milk or cream and they're ready to a." Every one likes the crisp, empting goodness of Kel- iogg's. Serve them at any tinte of the day. Kelogg's are soid by al grocera. One af the biggest values you can buy. Made and guarar11 by KellIogb London, Ont. w "w, o--CORN FLAKES Made Botte - Packed Botte Tait.Bnte NICHOLS, t .1 . 1- HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PG IPR 1-1

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