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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1937, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 22ND, 1937 Î COURMIE Courtice United Cliurchi Sundav School will be closcd (luring Jul' and August. Maple Grove girls' softball teain played Courtice girls on Fridav wvth the local team wiîîning. Annual picnic of Courtice Sunday Scluool ivas heid on July l7tlî, at tlhe 'Crean. of Barlex' Camp. Around 65 inembers and friends were present. Trulcks seere supplied to elininate any possible congestion ini travelling to anîd froin tue canmp, and aiso cars. Thîe sports began wiîli races. and the youîigest camne f irsi. M 1i s s Cati- ernie Losve's class of Beginners started proceedings witli Joyce Lowe colning Isi, Jolhn Slirtcliff 21ld, and Kerslake's M When we test eyes or fit trusses you are assured absolute satisfaction ini quality, style and price. FREE - MUG White Shoe With a large tin of Cleaners OvltnePaini Beach - -25ec 98c Nyal ---- -----25c (paste or liquid) Tampax Kotex Cinderella - - - - 50c ?.Sc -47 19C Shu-Milk - - - - 25ec Buy Kersiake 's Sweet Pickle Mixture for beets and 0 cucunibers to be assured of good pickles. t Necca Oint. - 17-35-69 'Vacuui Thermos Botties Bottles 100 S. A . tabs. - - 2 3cc - 3 c 8 c t Bile Beans - - - - 47c 69e 2.75 aý Flashlights-- 69e - 2.25 Motor Jugs - - - 1.69 e( Sun IGoggles-- 19-29-39 Bathing Caps - 19-29-39 w h( When we finish your film we supply Art Border prints f( ce at no extra cost ne Phone 695 P. R. COWLING, Phni. B. We Deliver r PIES Madle fresh from fruits fresh Raspberry Cherry Gooseberry -Also - Apple - Peach - Pineapple Apricot - Lemon Raisin 25e THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations FINAL CLEARING 0F White Polo and Fancy Flannel COATS Sizes 14 to 20 in the lot and these are this season's coats. Regular prices to $15.00 - and ont they go for $7.95 and $5.95 Figured Chiffon Dresses In dark background with bright colored flower designs. Regular to $1.5.00. Clearing for $8.95 Navy and Brown Drill Shorts In three different styles. Regular 79c for 59c Pair Navy and Brown Drill Slacks In smart styles. Regular to $1.50 for 98c Pair One-Piece Play Suits Assorted colors and styles. Regular $1.50 For 98c Balance of Summer Dresses On sale at greatly reduced prices Two-Piece String Suits Sizes 14 -20 -$4.95 The EVLYN Shop Shirley Antil 3rd ; Mtrs. Joseph 0 Gearig's Primary Class came nex t17 with Jean Antil lst. Douiglas WVilson BLA K T C 2nid. Elsie Vctzal 3rd ; Mrs. Harold .A K T C ScOrgie*s Junior Girls followed wvith Recenit Visitors: Pauline Antil lst. Audrev Phair 2nd Mrs. V. Archer with Mrs. W. and Winniie W'alter 3rd MNiss Nora Real, Port Perrý Adarns' Junior Bov s' race resulted Nlr. Bob Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. ini Donald Jackson Ist, Ross Wilson Vincent, Toronto, wvitl M r. and 2nd and Russel McKa v 3r(l; Mrs. Mrs. C. Smith. Lloyd Courtice's Seniior Boys' class Nliss Grace Willaii is withi lier par- finihied the dlistance rac es with ents, at Toronto. Ernest Gearing Ist. Gordon Balson A number fromn here attended the 211d andi Thomas Barber 3rd; Adults Bradburn and Van Camp picnic on participated in a thread andI needle Saturdav at the Creamn of Barley. race wvithi Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams Rev. C. C. Harcourt held a bap- the most profîcient couple. Rev. and tizmal service ini St. John's Anglican Mrs. W. C. Smith 2nd andI Mr. and Chuirch oni Sundav when Frederick Mrs. George Barber 3rd; three- John, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, leggctl race attracted the oldest and and '%arlene Ani, daughîter of Mr. alinost the youingest andI Ernest and _Mrs. L. Coates, were baptized. Gearingt and Thloînas Barber camne lst Patsy Mollv. daughter of Mr. and Audrey Phair and Hilda Scorgie 2nd M1rs. C. Hydie was baptized a week and jean and Joan Antil 3rd; in the ago at the St. John's Chutrchi. wheelbarrow race Thomias Barber The Rahin picnic was held at and Ernestî Gearing again canie lst, Creamn of Barley Park on Suindav. %viti Gordon Baison andI Douglas Mr. and Mrs. L. Coates and dauigh- Wilson 2nd andl Cecil .-danis an-d ter M.\ariene, Mr. E. Wanland and Rex Toociv 3rd; the teachers par- Mr. Frank Woodward, Toronto, with took of a b)ail-tlirowýing contest with Nlr. and 'Mrs. J. Carter. Miiss Catherine Lowve succeeding in Miss Nancv Marlow, Toronto, mutdistaricing the otiiers. A fter the with her grandifiother, Mrs. J. Mar- races peantt srambles were given, low. one for the voung ciîildren, and one Miss 'Nornia Hooev, wlîo lias been for the older classes. A hall gaine taking a course at Q)ueen's Univer- vas played. Thonias Barhcr's . side sitv, Kingston, spent the weekend winning. Lenionade. tea. watermnel- with lier parents, '.\r. ani Mrs. H. on, andi ail kinds of dainiites were Hooey. erved. \Vhile ail relaxeti after sup- Misses Audrey Moinîtjoy and Dor- per, a beau guessing contest ensuied otliv Hoskin with Mr. and Mrs. F. with Ernest Gearing winner. The Hoskin, Oshiawa. distribution of prizes by Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. William Swain and Courtice lîrouglit to an end an eni- Mr. and M.\rs. Herb Swain, Grand joyable afternoon. The attractions of V' iew, Manitoba, and Miss Rtta the camp, animais, swings, slides, etc. Swain, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A. nd t1he new swimming pool, ail add- Van Camp's. cd to the enjoyment of the children. Miss Susie Van Camp with Mr. Friday evening Miss Elsie Pliair and Mrs. A. Van Camp. was pleasantly surprised when, at the Mr. and Mrs. H. Strong and Marie ome of 'Miss Effie Baldwin. she Of Manchester, with Mr. and Mrs. fouind herseif, as bride-elect. the J. Strong. -entre of a group of friends and Mr. and Mrs. R. Flett, Oakwood,i latives. The rnoms, beautifullv Mr. and Mrs. T. Graham, Peter- ecorated wvith lovely flowers and boro, witi \Mr. and Mrs. M. Gra- -ink andi white streamers, made a hamn. itting background for the many Miss .Audrey Grahamn and Mr. R. ovelv gifts of eut-glass, liner, fancy Graham, Oshawa, at Mr. O. Gra- *ork. etc. A mock wedding enter- ham's. uned the guests, Miss Ella Baldwinî W. A. of the United Church will icting as bride, MIrs. \fargaýret meet Tuesda:v at Mrs. Clarence Mar- ,t(lams as groom. anti Mrs. Lloyd lOws.- ourtice as the nîinister. Contests Miss Ella Hoskini with Miss Reta id games were enjoyed. with f ancy Swaiu. Draments given as prizes. By draw- Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson, Mea- ng the luckv number M.\rs. Robert ford, wvith frieîîds here. dams becaine the possessor of a Cliurch services wvill be with- ;t and pepper set. 'Miss Phair ianked ail her friends for their zifts arn( good wvishes and initd IT R N iemi to lier future home. Refresh-_4 lents were servcd andi brou1glît to a Recent Visitors: ose a happy occasion. Nlr, al!d Mrs. Stanley Mahoney, Congratulations to these puils Belle Haven, at Mr. WV.«F. Park's.' xho passed the entrance exams: Miss Eva Yorke has returned from Pauline Antil, Valeria Rombanvi, Dixie. ari Adamns; to pupilK attending the Mr. Fred Moore, Bownianville, at )shawa Collegiate anti Vocational M.RselVrus Institute from this district; Mary Mr. and Mrs. N. J. XVoodley and Riznek, 'Marie Sait . Annie Husband, M i ss Ldrna Hooper with Mr. and Rex Toolev, George Pidduck and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Harriston. Wallace Wilson. Mr. R. J. Hodgson and Mr. John«' Our sympathy is extended to Mr. Noble sviti Mn. David Hooper. Albert Rundie in the sudden loss of Oroné, who is suffering from blond- is wife. poisoning. X\Ve congratulate Mr. XVî. Stacey Mr. and Mrs. Edfar Rosevear, Mr. poli reaching his 85th birthday on and Mrs. Oscar Lytie, Mr. Freeman uly 12th. Mr. Stacey is in gond White, Ponrt Hope, Mr. and Mrs. J. heaith, is the proud possessor nf a B. Frost and Kay. Oshawa, ai Mr. splendid litile garden which boasis a Gussie Rosevear's. patchi of sweet corn almost six feet Mr. C. XW. Xoodlev who lias been igh. He wieids the scythe and hoe suffering from blood-poisoning is with equal ability. and is able to do lmprirng. ill his own gardening. Little Miss Doris Park eîîtertained Mr. Win. Walter has heen carpen- lier littie frieîids on Fridav afternoon tering ai the building wvlich Mr. Fric iii honour nf her birtliday. Forde is turning into a store. Miss Cathierine MacDonald xvith iLate residents of tlîis part of Dar- friends ini Cobourg. ingion who are indisposed are: Mrs. '%r. and Mrs. Robt. McCulloughi, Charles XVelsh. Oshawa, and 'Mrs. G. M.\rs. XW. Hughison, 'Mr. Brexîton M.\c. Cook, Newcastle, the latter liaving Culough, Mr. and Mrs. Donald tati a ba ai l hicli necessitates her Davey anti famiiv at 10r. J. Bris- ernaining in lied a couple of mîordils. bances. Burnt River. Miss Fratîces Reynoids has been Master Glen Hodgson returned to visiting Mn. anîd Mr s. Henry Prufer, Bowmranvilie after visitiîig Mr. anti \Veston. MNfs. Robt. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. Schubert. Oshawa. Mrs. Laura Vintue, Mr. and M.\rs. visiteti wiîh '.\Ir. and NIrs. XVnî. .Xrchie X'irtue, Mfr. W'm. Hamblv, Romhanvi. Miss Doreen Bvam. Mr. XValter Messrs A. and V. Pliair motored Park,, Miss Xlnîa XWoodwvard, 'Mn. o Caesarea for a fisiiing trip. Jick Trirnrnwith Mr. 'Milton Virtuc MNiss Gladvs Reynolds left for at Graveniiurst. Geongianl Bay on Saturdav._______________ Mr. and Nirs. Ilonier J. Sibhitt anid sous, Toronto, visited l ir. and LONG SAULT 'r.. George Reynolds. ýNlaster Bobbie Jolitison, Oshiawa, Mr. and Xi rs. Fred Smitîhiss ivisitinit Nfaster Biliv Gcaring. Grae*Siiiti-x iaze Woodwar SOLINAI anut Ni n. Freti Smithî, Jr. suelt Suin- day w ith Ni . anîd Ni s. Joliîistoii 1<d jtd t Gouîtssood. .Nin. andMi Nn. Cliarlie Joluis ndît î'amilv. Osliwa. sl)eit SîidaY ssitli NMiss Kate Hontîîîî. Toronito, is MnaudNs.Joe NIcRobents. visiting ai NMr. Hl. E. Tiiik's. NMr. Bill Kincaul is homuîe f rom Mrs. Wtalter Panrimîder anuol'lii B'arniefielti Campîî. suent tue \sekenduti iCaesanca. M r.Joe Kiuucaiul j.,iinlarriefield NIiss Agnes Oliver, Br iglut. '. sited HosutIital siufferng fnîrom î i sied hier cousin, NMiss Famuuv Suiaies. amis. Niissus Luis antd Iernvl Lar uicr, of NIr. anditiNIs. F neul 1 l bbs andt BIickstock, anres isitiuug ai Nilr. E. R. famuilv, 0siaxea, visited Ni r. andt Nirns. Tavlor's. Fncd itartuier. - Miss Nianjtnie Cotuclu. Betluesda, is ______________________ %-isitiiîg at Nir. Jack laker*s. Mn. Gce. Hogarthu, B.A., Toronito, is visitiuîg lus sistens, NMiss Nianv Holgarthu andt Mrs. R. Pasene. Friday & Nins. Ed. Riindie, Mcadville, Pennu., Saturday Ni ns ..cv lPenfoumd andmuiNs. Nlel- ville Sta;ules, Orono. visiteti ai Nir. ffat iuee J. T. Ritiitle's. 'Sat urdav PORT HOPE~ Mn. anti Nrs. Sain Howsam,'Nr anîd Nns. .Xrthurn Tiutunsouî, To- lis I ai tstfland reatest rouuto, visited ti iiNr. Chas. Hnss Mp stery sanu s. Mn. Sulas Thiomas, Toronuto, Mnir Lmmi Blake \Ni irtny., Bosemanville, visit- ed ai nr. Tho,. Baker's. Miiss Adu Alliu, Bowmanville, visut- cd Miiss Ruuth NicKessock. C. NI. Carnuuthens, NMessrs T. HI. _ C olor Featurette Richards anud J. D). Hogarth were at A the Hligluway I)eît. at tue Parliament " Day A Bunilhdings "ouindaY ouimunuiciphai businiess anud daim tliev savedtihteSa t An a tusviishiii con si derih Iy user a ilion-SatAna sanutldollars. Wit luil asoti Sîunta vse srvices wc're seu-il attendi- cd. .\t tue S. S. session Ni is.. Glatiss Velselees gave huer repiort fth(îl Next Mon. - Tues. - Wed C.G.f.'l. camip t iSiuîev .akc. :Xl thie clîturclu service Ni.. Peaurl i .aclu sanug a soit andt Re'. XX'. Rackhami a licat preaciued an excelt'i ernl . N ext - H A NG O NTO Siiui Re. .A. R. Siuuuîiersojil of OU.A S X %vib ,sil] occlupslt' îîculit lucre. . Jtulv mîeetinîg of the X\'. i. sas lield c1ie8 ai Ni s. Hanses Crossunanus Thîîrs- tiy ay tfernoonluse tl miarniy scvcmuty puseîut. Ni n... S. E. XXenry ouielied the mueetiulg andtiaften the blsiuîe.'s seelcoine thelite m bîiers of Iiuic v- dale X\'. 1. svh gave a verý' inuter- ~Mut0,n DOUGLAS es't ii n tg ra linssii hwiî s 1ti iiih en u- P>... YOUN j os tI ..Ac ntesissas lut ou aften wxhidi a ditit \Imuichi of sandidchues, 3ek n oot ctake, ire eream iandl tetu ss'asserveti 3 Wesidoot bv Nîns. Crossunaut amnilien grnuup.1 drawn froni the St. John's Anglican Churcb on Stinday. .Miss Ethel Snmith and '.\r. Roger Woodward. XXiidsor, svith \Mr. and Mns. A. L. Bailey. Mrs. J. Fvrder anîd 'Miss Vera Forder in Peterboro. M Nr. Lorne Bradburîî witli Mr. and Mrs. J. XW. Bratlburî. Nrs. P. Frayer, St. Louis, Mr. and MNls. F. XVillati with M.\r. anti Mrs. T. Snmith. 1Mrs. Hill, Riclhmond Hill, svitli lier sister, Nfrs. S. A. Deviti. Miss Heleni Xaldoîî, Toronto, antI Mlr. Douglas Lambe, Lindsay, ai M rs. T. Sinitlî's. Mfrs. XW. Marlosv and famnily are iîoiidaying at View Lake. Mr. Daltoni MeBrien. Toronto, is holidla3iîîg xviti Mr. and Nirs I. Argue. MNr. anti Mrs. J. Haniltoîî and fanils' andt lier aurît frouîî Euglaîîd. MNr. anîd Mrs. XX. Taylor speiit Sun- (la v ai Lake Simncoe anîd Feuîelou Falls. W.X'.M. S. lîeid a silven tea on W'ed- îîcsday%-ai Mns. H-. J. Be1l's svitii about forîy ladies lîresent. Mns. Satd- 1cr sang a solo; Mrs. Forbes, pres- idtie of the Doininioîi Board of the XW. M. S. gave ani iîterestiîîg talk of lier trip to Britishî Colunmbia, also to Chinîa, Japauî and Konea. A daiuuty, lunîch xvas served consistiîîg of ice creanu. cake and cookies. ,Mn, and Mi\rs. C. Hill anîd Miss Marioni Hill anîd Mn. job went to Norwood on ui nday. Mrs. job ne- tumcd home with thenu. I7 Services next Sundav as usual: Burketon Il a.m.; Enfield 3 S . Enniskillen 7 p.m. Minister's subjeci 'Launch out into the Deep." Ail are invited. Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Bal- timore, visited Mr. H. Stevens and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. F. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Thiomas Robbins, M.r. XXm. Pierce, Pickering, 'Mrs. David M.\ime, Cherrywood, Mr. and tirs. Frank Rogers, XVhitby, Mr. and tifrs. Stanlev Turner, Oshawa, 'Mr. and Mfrs. Frank Dorlaîîd visited ai tNir, anti Mrs. XVesley' Oke's. Miss XVinnifred Crane, Toronto, visited M.\iss Myrtle Page. Miss Irene BraY, Toronto, 'Mrs. Sain Bray, Enficld, visited Mr. and t\irs. J. A. Werrv. Mr. T. M. Siemon. Dr. H. Fergu- son enjoyed a fishing trip ai Jacks Lake. XW. M. S. meeting ivas held at tie home of 'Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson with lie Mhission Band as guests. 'M1r s. L. Ashiton and Mirs. XVhithanie, 'Mis- sion Baud leaders, had charge of tue follosvîng prograim: recitation, Mar- io Mlackay, Allan Werry and Roy WVerniy vocal solo, Jeanî Xerry;- vocal duet. Ruth Ashiton and Kath- arine Stewart ; chorus, Marion tlackay, Lorna Rahmn, Lorraine Page anîd jean XVerny; a very ini- teresting story svas given by' Mrs. Wuhithame f rom the Stutly Book. A glaintv lunch was served. MNiss Marie Ashiton underwent an operation for appendicitus ini To- ronto hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gregory. Str'atford, visited at MnIr . V.\Monre's. tMiss Elsie Moore returned home witli tîemn. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Jas. Bradley on the death of lus wife, tIrs. Jas. Bradley who passed to resi on Julv lStli. Misses Ethel Ward, Miss Irene Ward, Miss Marguerite Pyke. Mir. Floyd Pethick, Mr. Oswald Pethick. Toronto, visited M.\r. and MNrs. S. Pethick. Mr. andt Mrs. E. C. Ashton anti [une visited Mr. Stuart Rodman's, Port Perry, June remaining for a few davs. Mrs. E. J. XVard. Toronto, M.\rs. C. Stelîhens, Hampton, Mr. anîd Mrs. LJpton Stepliens' and faniily, Bosv- nanvilie. visited at Ni\rs. D. Burg- master's. i KENDAL Recent X'isitors: .flIrs. 5,Uoliouse, 1LUI to, V.iL! Mn. and NIrs. NMilton Robinîson. -Nliss :Xîitlev Pattonî visited Niis-s Beatrice Thonpsn.Ncsvtoîiville. NIiss Anînie Thioîipstîi with lier aut. N irs. Chias. Taiiiblynî, XWuood- bridge. Nins. Miltonî Piîkell. Toronto. svitli Nr. anti Nrs. Geo. Quaiitrii. NMiss Niany Bostock, Tumnto, witli NMr. aîîd Nlr.,\rthuîr fBostock. Miss \l rnde Falls visited NMis, J ean Perrn, Neswcastle. 1\i n. IHaroldirBvsoii toouk iiithe Brx sou piciîic ati Bowuiualiville. Ni r. Fred Briinacoiub. Kinbx .at- tended clîmunci service hunre Ssuita v. Frieiids oni'Nir. Bert h)arlington. Toronito, who bas been serîously iii liope for a speedy recovery. Senîior boys S. S. class aire plani- nuing a picniic tu Oshawa Park. on August Sili. Work is stilI goiuîg on ai Elliottîs cemetery aud sve are hileasedti t sec any improvemieuts to our commn- itv. The trustees of NlcLeaii's sciuool are also planninig to have a weil dig iii the schotîl yard durng the hohi- days. Mn. Freti Xinîi svho bas lîeeuîbusy witlî bis strawbcnnies is now pick- ing nasphernies. Some farmers are thnoîigili a'iuig and on somte farms the lias' bas bieeuî a good crnp while on others it bas beeiu iigbter. Mnr. Harper Cars- cadticî lias stored oven 100 ioads iii luis barils. Mn. anti Mns. Hamnilton Boyd uîar- rowiy escaped a serionîs accident Sunday eveniîig wiien tlue liglits of the car svliclu tlîev sere driviuîg weuît ouut andti iey svcuîinto the tiitcii sotiiti f Jacksu',, Bnitige. Oiulv tbat tue car lotiget in tiile ceunent gumard on the sitie of the britdge the%- would ]lave ts'trtune< ulusei the b'uîk iuîto the creck. Sonie tharage s'as tdonc to the car but tue occii- paulis escalîcti sithiuiiiuor cuits aud a gond sliakinil up. Good attenîtauîce tut cliirclh Sitiitav rnorniuug. Rex'. E. Beecli iuistead if the uusu.uai sern ugaveu ls tîhe listorv of severailu svel y o Itiiyuiui.s whi chu svas quite interestîiig. Let every one incinire of himseif what he loveth and he shall know in his heart what sort of a man he is. TNEWTONVILLE Recetît Visitons N. J. Elîîîen, Mn. aîd Mns. L. Bellamy nîntoreti to Bneclîiî to bring hionie'Miss' Evelyn Bellëmy and calleti on Rev. Tiios. XWallace, Green- bank. Rev. Robt. XXragg accompaîîied by MnI. Jas. Robinsoni, Newcastle,' vilsit - cd Rex'. Thns. XVallace, Greenbank. Mn. XWallace bas been nunsiîîg a paini- fi ankie having been struck by a baIl wliile watching a gamne. Mrs. Gen. Stapleton, Jr. and Launrie witli Miss Aima Bell, Kendal. Mn. anîd Mrs. Bnock Peîlîick wvcne guests of 'ir. aînd NIrs. XV. J. Tren- onîli, Napance. Mn. Treuîouth inoton- cdi tlimhome. Miss Miuriel Thomuison. Kinîgston,. Jaîîîaica, witlu lier aulît, Nirs. XVni. Cole. Misses XViniîie Lancaster, Leali Bell anîd Greta Muntiiday. Bosvm1ati- ville, svitîhMn. anîd Ms. J.X' Lanîcaster. Mns. H. Peacock, Oshawva, guest of Mns. Chas. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell anti fain- iiy, Keîîdial. Mn. Arthiur Bell. Les- kard, with Mns. Tlios. Stapletou. Mn. Jas. Nesbitt, Jr., lias rcîunuîied home t0 Chicago. Mn. anti Mrs. XW. Chester. Oshawva, wvitii MnI. and Mrs. A. Redknapp. Meýsssrs Tupper Johuistoî, Bert Sanîi s anîd Dave Denauili went on the boat excusionu 10 Kaseartha Lakes. Mn. Arthur Hainîes, who bas jutîs retunneti from England oxvîng to the deatb of lus motiier, calied on friends 'mene. Mr. Ahf. Graham, Mt. Forest, vas n the village. Mrs. John XVade and Mrs. Bruce uX'litnes' with Miss Mary Neshiti, Port Bnitain. Mn. and Mrs Mitchell and familv, Toronto, witli Mn. and Mrs. Darch. Mns. Mitchell and f amily reinained for a visit. Mn. and Nirs. XVilbulr Barrie and tir. Thos. Barrie, Canton,. and Miss Keuînedls' Hamiltonu, witiiNMn. aînd tins. J. Bannie. Mn. Alfred Redknapp holidayiîig .î Mrn. Slueldoîî Pcthick's, Enîuiskil- leu _Nirs. Jas. Buînley, Cowanville. svitli tirs. T. Laîîgstaff. Mn. and Nirs. H. Osbonîe, Nior- rish. guests of N.irs. J. T. Peance. Mn. and Mns. D. Niernili, Wark- wortiî. wîtlî their daughiter. Nirs. ,X'illis Joues. Their grauidson, Bsîd jouies neturîîed witîh them. .Nir. anîd Mrs. XX. Hancock. Peter.- boro, svitlu Nrs. Joinstoîî. Thsîrsday afterîîoon the girls svho took part iii the girls' work tînider lie leadershîip of Nirs. Faîl. gave an xhibitionî of tlie articles wonked viz. The uip-to-dtiae wandnobe." The 3 giris. Hilda Rowland,. Bernicce Nuil- igan and Beatrice Thompson, who omprise the teanu going to M-\iii- nrook, gave the demoîistnatioîi thev wilI give at 'Millbnook. The girls îresented Mrs. Faîl witb a lovely bouquect of flowens. Lunch svas enved. SCOWANVILLE Recent Visitons' Mr. T. J. Simpsoni and familiv in Toronto. MNr. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow at W. Striîiger's. Mr. anîd Mrs. W. A. Reid at Geo. Heîidcrson's. Mr. and MIrs. Ketîneili Thomipson, Montreai. antiMd H. Lord at Mrs. Beeciier Millson's. Mr. anîd Mrs. B. Crossiev at WV. Hend(ersoi's. Mr. anid Mrs. Brooks Cowaiî be- carne the proud parents of a daughi- ter on .Mondav. Mothier and baby are in Port Hope Hosiial, anti art doing well. Youing Peuple have been nîcetin 9 at tie home of R. Hallingswortli to play basebail twice a week. Rev. Waugh of Toronto, spoke on "Temperance" Suîidav~ to a small congregatin. It is hopcd there w iii he a larger turnout next Sundav svhen tue Newcastle WV.'M. S. wvill have charge of the service. HOT WEATH ER BA RG A IN S SUA, eivrd....100 Is 56 RUBBER AND ZINC RINGS GLASS TOPS FOR JEM JARS ....... .2 . doz. 25c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ...........................- 2 for 25 PALMOLIVE SOAP........5S cakes 25c TOMATO JUICE ..... ...-.... 5c - 10c -40e Golden AreasS PEACH ES, Sliced or Whole......... itc Maple Brand SWEET PICKLES .......... 26-oz 23c CERTO KUNTZ GINGER ALE Concentrated PUNCH, Orai .........bottie 27b 2 large botties 25c ,nge, Lemon, Lime - 25c Hereford CORN BEEF............... 2 tins 25e JELLO FREEZUI1G 10E CREAM MIX tin 1o WONDER SOAP ,. .. ..... ... 8 bars 25c RED ROSE TEA............ 1-2 lb. 28e 4 CAKES SURPRISE - 1 INFANTS DELIGHT 21c HAWES WAX 1 lb-tin 43c Rose Brand Spiced SWEET WAFER PICKLES .. 28-oz. Sliced Corn Beef - 15e Dutch Loaf M l. 25e Mazola Salad Oul - - - 28c - 49e Spratt's Ovals and Weetmeats - lb. 15c Spratt's Dog Biscuits - 2 lbs. 25c 25c 2 Ilbs.1- 28c TODDY.......... lb. 25c - 1-2 lb. 15e WAX PAPER, '10O's roll 25e Harry Allun GROCER Phones 367 - 368 Bownianville PAGE SIX -~~1~ Corne Right To Headquarters 1 For Your Summer Time Dessert marshmallow Layer Cake 30C Special On ICE CREAM Freshà Rspberry Brick 200 Monarch OPEN~ FORMULA FEEDO EGG PRICES ARE ADVANCING Be sure and feed O.A.C. Cafeteria Laying Mash for Better resuits. High production and Cafeteria Lay- ing Mash go hand in hand. BINDER TWINE - At The Right Prices - Monarch I Pastry Flour Cream of the West Bread Flour Se STIEWART Poe577 Formeriy J. B. Martyn Bowmianville Phone 594 M»wmanvlile

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