THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 lrww ,%VAniNi ÇA17CMfAý.T nnWMANVILTTPCONTARIO PAGE EIGHT iTHE. C..INJîJ.I.N .b r'.Ar'. ' iI VI...--. --- Mrs. W. Gilchrist, Toronto. weîe Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I HAMPTMNseonos Band was entertained Mis. W. H. Howden, Toronto, at the home of Mis. Hilton Peteis Miss G. Eliott and fîiend, Ed- on Tuesday afternoon by the W. montan, Alta., are visiting at Mrs. MS. Mis. Boyce, Bîaaklifl, spoke R. Ciaytan's. te tbe boys and girls on the Mis- Mi. W. A. Calder, barrusten, sion Band work, af ter wbich a Woodstock, a former pupil a! Mr. social time was enioyed by al. E. E. Staples, accompanied by hi and iefîesbments servcd. mother and sister were guests of Master Jimnhie Bradie, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Staples recently. is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Jas. Mi. and Mis. H. Stevens and Reynolds. gîandsan, Douglas Stevenis, MNi. A. Mi. and Mis. Prise, Toronto, Stevens, Toronto, Master Alan wcne Sunday guests of Mr. F. J. Taylor, Tyrone, were visitais at Groat. Mis. E. Stevens. Mis. Kate Allen. Brooklyn, N. Master Gardon Chant, Toronto, Y., visited Mrs. R. and Miss M. is visiting bis uncle, Mi. Ted Katerson. Chant. Miss Cecile Pettit visited !riends Mr. Oea. Barran and Austin at Ebenezer. visited Mis. Barion who is re- Mis. Hilda Gunn, Rochester, N. ceiving medicai treatment in Ta- Y., is at her sisteî's, Mis. Athur ronta. Allin, being called bere on accounit1 Mn. Ken Caveîly, Toronto. spent of the seriaus illness of ber1 Sunday with Mis. Caverly and mother. Mrs. J. Clarke. !amily at C. W. Souch's. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Whitby, Glad ta report Miss Katerson occupied the pulpit on Sunday« is somewbat improved and able evening guite acceptably and gave1 ta go out for a drive, a stirring message on the Tem- Mn. and Mis. Brodie. Mn.. and perance Question. Choir render- ed an apprapriate selection. Next Sunday evening the service will be in. charge of the Young Pcople'st Union.1 Montbly meeting of Hampton1 Women's Missionary Society was beld at the home of Mis. Hilton Peters on Tuesday, July 2tb witb President, Mis. Billett, iu charge.f Reports f romn supply committee weîe given by Mis. Burns. An invitation was extended ta Eben- ezer Auxiliary ta visit us on Tues-s daAugust l7tb. Mis. H. Wilcox,a prorai: panosolo was nicelyt renere byMadelyn Wilcox;1 scrptue essnMis. Hilton Pet-c ers Mr. olwlland Mis. Burns;v Mrs-ýX.Cavelyiendeied a vocal1 sol whch asmuch appieciated; Appropriate hyxmis weîe sung.1 While the meeting was in pro- giess in the bouse, an organiz- ation meeting of Mission Baud was being held an the lawn, aftei which a bountiful lunch was< served and an enjoyable social time ended a veiy happy gather-i ing.1 We Invite You To Enjoy CADMUS Thie Satisfaotion 0f Chan Odr- r ceman's Ice .. Mi. and Mis. Headly, Builing-É Odo-Feeton. spent the weekend wit Mr.i. PLUSOur epenableDe- and Mis. C. Feiguson. Mi. Fer- PLUSOui epenable guson ieturniug witb them. liver Servce 1Mr. and Mis. Patteison, Bur-f liver Serice!ford, weîe recent visitais af Mi. and Mis. C. Ferguson. Phone 448-798 Mis. Foster and Miss J. Smith, TQronto, Mi. Rickie. Ottawa, and1 W I @ lMiss E. Hubbard, Toronto, werei guests of Mis. R. C. Brown. *K hig h tI1 Mn. and Mis. C. Fegusan spent Sunday witb Mi. and Mis. R. FUEL SUPPLY Mountjay. Mis. MacDonald, Toronto, is Bowmanville visiting Mis. Wilson at ber cot- 1 Mi. Cook is holidaying at Whit- _______________________field cottage. We find there's a lot of people are not f amiiar with the variety of goods we have for sale s0 we lit a few. Salt For Livestock Cernent St. Mary's Rogers' Hlardwood Flooring Satin Finish SERVES AS A BLANKET FOR YOUR HOME 0 Bere je the insulation you bave been waiting for-Red Top Insu. Iating WooL Realy blankets yotu home. Pays for itself in fuel savings. Easy ta masta11. Firet costi if low. Ffrcproof.. VermnprooLF. erma. »ent. A" for sample and further deuails. A product of Canadian GypSum Coumpany Ltd., your war. ranty of quality. RED TOP INSULATING WOOL Coal 'B3lue' Coal Scotch and Welsh - Buy now at low summer prices. Paint Canada Paint DOORS LUMBER ROOFING SHINGLES WINDOWS SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Phone 715 King St., E. Bowmanville MINIMUM REDUCED on aur Econorny Service 12 Pieces Finished 519e Bundle muSt consist Of at least half household linen. AUl household linen may be sent if desred. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Lt. PHONE 419 I SOLINA Rev. A. R. Sandersan, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bray and Miss Ethel. Pickering, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, Ronald and Gordon, Toronto, vis- ited at Mi. Jack Reynolds'. Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth and Mi. and Mis. Everett Elliott and Mary spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mc- Kessack, Thamesford. Miss Nellie Law, Pickering, vis- ited at Mr. Oea. White's. Mrs. S. Bush is visiting ber son, Mr. Cecil Bush, Columbus. Mi. George Millsan, Dalbeau, Que., is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milison. Mi. and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Miss Kate Hortop visited Port Perry friends on Sunday. Our community picnic was held on the scboal grounds Tuesday a! ternoan witb about one bundred present. Races and basebaîl weîe enjoyed and a bountiful supper was served ta which ail did jus- tice. Oui -sympatby is extended ta the family af the late William Van Nest, a former resident bere for mnany years, wha passed away on Saturday, at the home of bis daughter. Mis. Samn Brooks. Quite a number f rom bere attended the funeral on Monday ta the Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Our services an Sunday were %vell attended. Rev. A. R. Sander- son, Whitby, occu.pied the pulpit and gave a splendid temperance address. The choir sang an an- them. Next Sunday the Young People's Union will be in charge a! the service which will open with a sang service o! requested hymus. Mrs. Walter Howsain and fam- ily, Epsom, Mrs. Oea. Hawsam,, Part Perry, visited at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. ENNISKILILEN Mrs. Osborne Orr, Naris, Glenn and Charlotte, Fraserdale, Ont., have been holidaying at Mr. Rus- sell Ormiston's. Mr. Wm. Hambleton, Mr. Leslie Rabbins, Rochester, N.Y., visited Mr. F. L. Rabbins'. Mr. and Mrs. S Turner, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mis. F. Dorland vis- ited Miss E]sie Oke, Lake Simnce. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Potter, Pick- ering, Mi. and Mis. Davidsan and f amily, Brantford, visited Mrs. D. Burgmaster. Miss Mary Knox, Mrs. Charles Knox and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orona, Masters Earl and Gerald Brown, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Russell Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright , R.dgeville, Mn. F r ed Wright, Solina, Mi. Herbert W ri ghbt, Hampton, visited Mr. E. Wright's an~d Mr. Wm. Wrigbt's. Mrs. Cecil Branton, Oshawa, visited ber mother. Mis. S. Page. Miss Bernice Buckley, Oshawa, v:sited Miss Bernice Staintan. Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, i- halidaying with her brather, Mr. Russell Ormistan. Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tinney, Cavan, spent Thursday at the paîsonage. Sunday services: Burketon il a. m.; Enfield 3 p.m.; Enniskillen 7 p.m. Special service at Burk- eton at 8 pin. The minister wili preach. i ENFIELD Mr. and Mis. Thos. Whillier, Toronto, 'bave been visiting Mrs. Haîny Stinson. Mr. and Mis. Albert Niddery, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adamts and Bill anid MIs. W. Gorman. Toranto, visited Mn. L. C. Pascae's. Recent visitais at Mr. E. Or- nmiston's: MIrs. J. Gray and Miss Helen Gray, Mi. and Mrs. A. Mc- Rae and Mis. W. Gray, Toronto; Rev. W. C. and Mis. Smith, Cour- ice; Mr. Evans, Toronto; Miss B. Smith, Hamilton; Mr. and Mis. Chas. Broughtan and family, XýVitby; Mrs. A. E. Handing, Wellston, Ohio; Mrs. McFadden and daugbter, Fleshenton. Miss Elaine Ormistan is bhl- daying in Toronto. Mis. R. W. Pascae &nd Miss Marion are visiting at Brussels. Mir. Albert Niddery, Toronto, has purcbased the property o! Mr. J. Thomas, Toronto, fornerly owned by Mrs. J. Hepburn. t TYRONE Mn. and Mis. Pete Clarke, Miami, Fionida, Mr. Dick Moyse, Rochester, N.Y., Mi. and Mis. A. Moore, Enniskillen, îecently visit- ed Mr. and Mis. Byron Moore. Miss Christina McKenzle, To-j ronto, is visiting ber nieces. Mrs.1 R. B. Scott and Mis. W. MacDon- ald. x Miss Melba BaU bhas ieturned to ber home ai Millbrook. a!ter holidaying at Mn. Gussie Rose- veai's. Mi. and Mis. T. Findley, Thorn- hilI, visited ber fathen, Mi. Ed- waid Virtue. Mr. and Mis. Floyd Dudley and family spent Sunday at Mn. W.1 J Turnei's. Mankbam. Mn. Ben Stewart. Mn. Russel Stewart, Calgary, Alta., visited at Mn. Wills Stewart's. Mis. Byron Moore spent Satur- day witb ber sister, Miss Emmer- son, Bowmanville. Rev. A. and Mis. Mclaucblin, Almnonte, are visiting ber brother, Mr. Theodore Down. Sunday scbaol at 10 a.m. and church services at lu am. for July and August. Sunday Scbool and cornmunity picnic will be held at Orono Park, Tuesday afternoon Mr. Athur Stephenso Tononto, i, visiting bis aunt, Mis. Rabt. Burgess. The ever papular Stnoiling Troubaclors,' foreign groups o! vo- calists and instrumentalists in national costumes, will again be a Canadian National Exhibition Iiighlight on Music Dkay, Thuis- rday, Sept., 2nd. IYOUR EY ES And VISION ]By C.H. Tuck Eyesight Spec:almst Disney BI. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa., Phone 1516 OPTICAL LENSES Number 16 If for no othen reasan than for the convenience af baving proper vision it is best ta bave this con- dition tempoîanily corcctedl until nature with the proper medical attention, bas properly coriected matteis ta their piapen condition ta take up their task again. The physical conditions that may attribute ta this condition anc many and vacious but it is not my intention to ie!er ta thent. I only repeat that when yau, in any way, assst nature by wearing the correction ta pioperly cont- pensate for the improper toue o! mukle hawever temporarily thîs may be, yau axe ta my mmnd, but doing wbat is being donc unden similar circunistances fan a sprained ankle and wrist wben you give it tempoiaiy rest and tîeatmeut until it becamnes pro- perly stiengtbenied ta take up its wank. When auy iniegulaity of titis nature may arise it may 'be nec- cssaiy ta, consuit youn physician, dentist or aptermetiist ta keep youiself physically fit. Glood phy- sicai. condition makes you effic- ient, happy and cautented. (to be cantinued) NEwTrONVILLEI On Satuîday, Juiy l7th, New- tonville maiked a red letten day by holding its first Field Day, lu the communîty Park. Some tinte ago the Park Commlittee (whîch is now comprised o! Messrs Lau- rence savery, Cleland Lane and Melville Jones) purchased some land fîom Mr. Fred Gibbs at the west end o! the village and since tten bave been îaising money by variaus metbads and fitting it up as a bail Park. Mi. Frank Law, wbo was on the committee at the beginning and miany others belp- cd a great deai ta get the park staîted. And so on Field Day witb good games staged, a large cnowd present and twa booths in full swing an enjoyable time was sp en t. Procaeds amounted ta about $150. Iu the boys' hardbahl gantes NcwtonviUle was first and Elizabetbville, second; lu the girls' softbail gaines Newtonville was first and Newcastle second. At night dancing was indulged lu at the community hall ta Mini! les' orchestra front Harwood. Miss June Ware, Fenelon Falls, bas been visiting ber grandpar- ents, Mi. and Mis. G. Ovenis. The syntpathy o! the commun- ity is extended to Mis. Laurence Saveiy upon the sad death a! bei mother, Mis. Weish, Salemi. Miss Isabel McIntyie, Detroit, is visiting heu cousin, Miss I. Laing. Mis. L. Baldwin and Mn. Fred Zills, New York, and Mis. A. Hamt- ilton, Port Hope, spent Tuesday witb the lattei's sister, Mis. An- derson. Miss Helen Anderson and fri ends, Hamilton, spent Sunday width ber parents. Mr. and Mis. Basil Pearce, Lan- derson en route ta Montreal. Mi. and Mis. Jas. Payne, To- routa, are visiting Mr. and Mis. Wm. Smith. BLACKSTOCK Bruce Fenguson, Hampton, at Mi. and Mis. Earl Dorrell's. Misses Annie, E! fie and Hazel Wright, Oshawa, visiting with Mr. and Mis. Wright and Mr. and Mis. John Larmer. Mi. John Taylor and Miss Mai- ion Taylor, Nestleton. at Mr. A.f Wright's. Mr. and Mis. N. Wright, St Catharines, visiting with fîiends. Mr. and Mis. R. Pbiiip, Burke-t ton, at Mr. and Mis. J. Lanmer's.1 Mr. and Mis. F. Hoskin. Osh-t awa, Mr. and Mis. L. Hoskin and1 Murray, Mi. and Mis. D. Dyeri and Helen, Columbus, Mi. and Mis. T. Slemoni and Mis. Saund- ers and Mr. and Mis. M. Heardt and Elgin. Enuiskilleii, at Mi. and Mis. W. N. Haskin's. Miss Aileen Devitt with ber par- ents, Mn. and Mis. C. Devitt. Mn. and Mis. L. Wannan witb ber parents, Mn. and «Mis. N.t Mountjoy. Miss Dorotby Stevens spent the weekend here. Mn. and Mis. A. Laimer and familY at Mn. and Mis. M. Gra- bam's. Miss Ferga Johnston, Toronto, < with ber parents, Mr and Mis. A.1 Johnst ou.3 Mis. Emma Fice, Oshawa, atc Mis. Daîcy's.r Mis. M. Burns, 'rTolXto, with ber sisten, Mis. Robt. Hailton. Mn. J. Waldon of T.T.C.*, To- ronta, with the Smithi Bras. 8 W. A. met at Mis. John Fordcr'sE on Thursdayr night with an at-1 tendance of 31. Mis. Har'court read a letter which she and Mn.V Harcourt had receivici !îom ai old Eskimo friend fioxu Akaiavik.E For the piogram Rev. C. C. Har-r court f xnsbed a series o! bibleE studies which be bas been con-r ducting through the w i n t e r3 mantbs. A dainty lunch was served.f Friends o! Mis. Ansan Taylor,j Nestleton, were pleased ta hear1 that a letter bas been îeceived1 by bei daughter, Miss Elien Tay- lor, in wbicb ber mother states she arrived sa!ely in North Da- kota, wbere she will spend somne time wltb relatives, and with ber brother, Dr. Frank Drew, Devîl's Lake, N. Dakota. Ou the weekend a family gathering was beld in honour of Mis. Taylor. The gath- ering including f ive sisteis, tbree brothers and a number o! grand- childien, nieces and nepbews. The Swaln !amiiy picnic was beld at Mr. Percy Van Camp's f aim (the old Swain bomestead) on July 24tb, with just the im- mediate families, 67 being piesent. The n.ieces and nephews presented Mn. and Mis. Wili Swain with a beautiful wollen blanket, a small rentembiance in honoun o! their 40tb wedding anniveisary last year. Iu spite o! showers alI en- jayed sports, supper and abund- ance af ice cîeamn. W. A. a! United Church met at Mn. Clarence Mailow's, July 20th with about 35 ladies being piesent. Mis. Bell taak bible ieading and part of an address by Rev. Stan- ley Jones; Mis. Stinson led lu prayer; Miss Reta Swain, Toronto, sang "Just For Ta-day." The re- mainder of the cvening was spent completing axrangements fan the cburcb jubilce. Lunch was served by Mis. W. A. Van Camp's gnoup. Gunday visitîs a! Mn. and Mis. A. W. Van Camp included: Mr. and Mis. Jas. Beacock, Myrtie; Mis. R, Spencer, Peirth; Mr. G. Houston, Toronto; Mis. Gertrude Hlenry, Mis. J MacDonald, Miss N. Hallowell, Orono; Mi. Sam Beacack, Toronto; Mi. and Mis. W. J. Swain, Grandview, Man., Miss Rata Swain, Toronto; Mn. j.nd Mis. F. Weiiy, Enniskillen; Mi. and Mis. N. Van Camp and famiiy, Elmira. Recent visitors with Mi. and Mis. J. Stroug were: Mis. Wm. Callum, Winnipeg; Mi. and Mis. D. Maddlck and daughter Marion, Detioit; Mi. and Mis. Thas. Mad- dick, Hamilton. St. John's Anglican Cbuîch will hoid Sunday evening services an the lawn o! Mis. Stanley's cottage at Scugog Point at 6.30 standard time. Rev. C. C. Har- court will conduct the service. Recent Visitons:- Mn. and Mis. H. Ginn and fam- ily. Betbany, visiting f riends. Mr. and Mis. N. Van Camp and ftIRBY faxnily, Elmira, with Mi. and Mis.(- A. Van Camp. Mr. and Mis. E. R. Bryson, Mi. and Mis. W. C. Fenguson, jack and Roy and Miss Marion Bowmanville, with !riends Byo pn usa nPr Mi. and Mis. A. Wright, Osh- BHonen. TedyinPr awa, at Mi. John Larmei's. Hope. ftal em ot h Mi. and Mis. H. Tiewin and fiaby seoftblltheam hasletothe family, Ottawa, . Foiestiy team 10-5. Jim Pawers Mi.d and Mi.Jeanwt rtensn ndeld the Foîestry boys well in Mr. nd rs. ertPergsonandcheck for thice inuings but weak- !amily, Oshawa, and Mi. and Mis. ened lu tbe-fourtb and retired in _______________________favaur of Gerald Shackleton who pitcbed tbe remainder o! the game. The first playof! game will bc* ou Frîday and these two teams promise ta put up a stif f batthe. Pure ~ . Klxbys ace pitcher, Cli!! Cooper. -ui abeli will pitch for the local boys. .o Mn. and Mis. C. L. Powers, Mis. iUnrichacI wi'1h J. L. Powers and Mis. T. H. King spent Sunday witb Mis. W. Hugh- Vtamin D son o! Tyrone. A nuntber o!f fiends and re- latives attended the funeral a! Mis. A. Welsb, on Satuîday. While woiking at Mi. Angus Watson's last week Master Gor- don Ross was attacked and sever- ely bitten by Mn. Watson's cohlie dog. Jim Powers also woiking nearby nescued the boy and he was immediately rusbed ta the doctoîs whene the tbirty or tbirty- Builds Babies Up! !ive wounds wr dressed. Later Oi Pasteurized Milk -i. f we are gla<l ta hear that be is re- fanlts' food at its Lest - safe- covering as wehl as can be expect- gua r di e (1 fnom infection Ly cd. seixie slws mens Mik, >~ Sonry ta hear that Mr. Jim seielevs bst neas. ilk ofMarrow Iost a couple o! bours' jts]f i nt noig fr o> sleep lust week when bis brother babv. -Mil k 1asteiied b3' Andy forgot, almost, ta netuin oui eareful proeess should Le a!ter escaîting a couple o! young ilnsiste<l upon. Safest Mii< ladies home. X wiis Mi. Jint Mornow's bitbday and we all wish eosts 1no) more. \XC <eliver f0 hlm many more happy years. youri loor. Sonry ta bear that Mn. A. Wat- son is in pon health. DflhA mIALU IIIr Mn. Mellar preached on Sunday DU V IMNVILLL. in the absence o! Rev. Mn. Oster- r haut and will do so during the remainder of bis vacation. The W.M.S. meeting beld at DAIRY Mis. Allhn's at Kirby, Mis. Non- man Rickard gave a special report o! the missionary wonk. Rev. J. H. Osenhaut presided. Family Reunions CLEMENCE PICNIC The Clemence Family held their farnily reunion and picnlc at the Cieam of Barley Camp, Bawman- ville, on July Zlst. At six o'clock the picnickers te the number of 140 persans sat down ta a sump- tuous supper. Duiing the suppai heur the President, Wsn. J. Clemn- ence, called the assembly ta ai- der and extended a bearty wei- came tea ah and urged tbem ta ne- tuin next yeaî and se make this neuian a success. He voiced a vate of appieciatian ta the Sec.- Treas., Mis. Kenneth Cox, for ber work. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. maved a vote o! thanks ta the ladies a! the nefiesbmient comm.ittee, con- vened by Mis. Cheve Clemence, Oshawa, for the excellent mneal which was provided. Minutes weie read by the secretary afteî which the President expressed the sincere sympathy of the gather- ing tealal who bad been bereaved during the pust yeaî. This was recognized by ntlinute's silence. Mn. Ewait Clemence, Oshawa, chairman o! the Naminating Com- mittee announced the follbwing officers elected for 1938: Houai- ary President-Wm. J. Clemence; President--Cleve Clemence, Osh- awa; Vice-Pies.-Ewart A. Clem- ence, Oshawa; Sec.-ieas.-Mis. K. E. Cox, Bawmanville. A! ter suppen an heur and a balf was spent in coxupetitive sports abiy convened by E. Clemence and Chas. Osborne when ail win- ners received pnizes kindl- donat- ed by Mis. W. C. Ashton. A peb.- nut sciamble followed in which Yaung and old engaged. Pnizes donated by the President and Mis. W. J. Clemence were given as !ollows: To oldest mexu- ber at picnic-Mrs. Jas. Poweîs, Kirby; youngest member-Can- cuce Staintan, 'Enuiskiilen; To re- lative coming the longest distance -Mis. Rebecca Gibson, Minne- wakan, 'North Dakota. Guest Book sbowed relatives ne- gistered !ram Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Pickering, Whitby, Toronto, Newcastle, Onono, Kirby, Enniskil- len, Welcome, Pont, Hope, Cobourg, Gormley, Stayneî, Uxbîidge, Bel- leville, St. Lambert's, Que., Mont- real, Buffalo, North Dakota, U. S.A. NESTLETON Women's Institute will be held on August 4th at the home of Mrs. C. Wilson. Being grand- mathers' day everyone is cordially invited. The ice cîeam social under auspices af the W. A. proved ta be a great success Friday night. Everyane enjoyed it. League was beld Sunday even- ing when Mrs. R. Dlngnian. To- ronto, gave an excellent talk an ber trip ta South AfMica. Miss Anne Griffith, Leamington, visited ber grandparents, Rev. and Mis. Bowles. Miss Florence Fowler, Mill- brook, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson's. Re-cent visitors a! Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm were: Mr. and Mis. S. Trewin and family, Enniskil- len; Mi. and Mis. W. Prouse and f amily and Mrs. B. Elliott. Osaca, Mi. and Mrs. M. Taylor, and Mr. and Mis. H. Taylor, Blackstock; JuLY SALE ICE REFRIGERATOR-Store size, double glass doors. Ice capacity 150 pounds. Cost, new $125.00 On Sale .......... $29.00 GURNEY FOUR BURNER GAS RANGE - Low Oven, nearly new. Cost $35.00. On Sale . .... 18.00 COMBINATION GOAL. AND GAO RANGE - Oven for Gas and Goal heat. Cost new $135. Full enamel finish. On Sale........ $79.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE - Latest design. Used in our Radio Studio. Sold for $189.00. Three pieces. On Sale ..........79.50 GENERAL ELECTRIC 6 - TUBE CAR RADIO - Second quality. Guaranteed. Reg. $54.75. One Only at .... 39.751 3 USED IGE BOXES From ...... .......3.00 ELECTRIC FANS - REBUILT HALl PRICE TRADE IN Electric Fixtures Wiring Material, Etc., At Low Prices - 1. I l H !~ C Is.~ Traieula Bargains The followng used home appliances, etc, have been t4aded in on General Electrie Home Appliances and are offered at Clearance Prices. Copeland Blectric Re- Hayes Electric Refri.g- frigerator-Needs new erator - 6 cubic feet. motor. Refinished. Refinished. On Sale $ 19.00 On Sale $49.50 Majestic Electric Re- 3 Only 1936 General frigerator - In IGood Electrie Refrigerators. Condition. Special Discounts. èENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, 1933 Model, 6 cubic ft. size. Guaranteed. Original cost $235.00. Looks like new. On Sale at................ $139.00 10w oven electi range guaranteed. No extra cost for installation. Price ... $ 1950 3 Annex Heaters From .... 55.00 5 Findlay Oval Quebec Goal Stoves, good con- dition - 10w prices. ... 10 Quebec Cook Stoves From .... $9.75 From .... $9.75 3 Hotpoint Electric Ranges, Demonstrators Special discounts. In- stallation Fre. 5 Colemnan Gasoline Ranges. From ......9.50 8 Moffatt Electric Ran ges - Installation free From ... $15.00 DON CHRISTIAN, ELECTI C Open Evenings We have recently been appointed agents for the New Willys. Cali or phone 2666, Garton 's Service Station, for a demonstration. TOURINO SPEED - OVER 60 M.P.H. AIl-Steel Top and Body - Safety Glass AUl Around - Oversized Brakes - Wide Seats - Large Luggage Space - Battery Under Hood - Aeroplane Type Shock Eliminators. W THE EASY RIDING ~>IL LYS Authorities acclaim the new Wiflys as the smartest appearng, most practical car ever dsined... Owners report Up to 40 miles per gallon, 20% to 30% lesa aoù, Up t. 40,000 miles per set of tires. Foilowing its 10w first cost are reduoed montbly payments, 10w taxes and insurance. The new Willys is dependable and sturdily-constiruCted for long Ufe. Salety is imbuilt by its ail-steel top and bod ver sized brakes, safety glass in ail windows, 10w cee of ty fender Ughts for wlder road vision and prevMtngsicvp- ing, also a. highly responsive performance. Garton's Service Garage King Street Bowmanville E, 1 - manville. east of Janetville near Fleetwood. Mrs. Sarah Dobson who has The sympathy of the commumity been visitîng her sister, Mrs i*s extended to Mr. Davidson and Stephen Hulbcrt, bas returned to familY. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Millard, Wbat- ONTARJO PLOWING MATCH by. were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomipson. More than 100,000 Canadian Master Allen McLaughlin is and United States agriculturists holidaying with bis aunt, Mrs. and their familles and friends are' Wm. Hooey. expected ta visit the 25th annual Sunday services at bath United International Plowlng Match and and Presbyterlan churches were Faim. Machinery Demonstraion withdrawn owing ta siecial ser- ta be held at Fergus, Ont. f ilbm vices in Blackstack Unted church. Oct. 12 ta 15, it was an.nounced M. and Mrs. L. Thompsan yesterday by J. A. Carrol, secre- spent Sunday with ber parents, tary-mafager of the dantaria M. and Mrs. Wm. Cobbledlck. Pîowmen's Associationý d e r Orono. whose ausices the famo'W'match Sunday visitors with Mr. and is held each yeaî. iollowing a Mrs. L. McGill were Mr. and MrS. meeting of the committee in H Trewin, Marie and Merlin, Ot- charge of arrangements for the tawa, and Mr. and Mis. H. Bailey, huge event. Merrili and Neil of Blackstock._________ Miss Marie Proutt is home f ram Port Perry bospital where she No matter how Young yau are, in charge while Mrs. Wbitmore yau are probably aid enough to was away. know better. it was a great shack ta the com- munity ta hear o! the sudden Impatience is the father of in- death of Mrs. Talbert Davidson effficiency. 40 Miles per gallon 1 Phone 84