PAGE TEN THE CANADI.\N STATESNLAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bowmanville. were Sunday guest.s as secretary. Up till this week iof Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose. Newcastle has flot had a hardball team this season and the bal i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod roundls, wich were put into such Thé ew c stl Ind pen ent and son returned last Saturday splendid shape a few years ago fromn a visit with her parents, Mr. ado hc osdrbemnyk~ The N w caste In epend nt and Mrs. Wm. Kellar, Mountain ad on wh h niae o ena¶,-y Among relatives attending the of the droughit stricken area Mr. and Mrs. Tetley and sons, mer. Only the soltl diamond funeral of the late Mrs. Elvyn E. wliere nothing green is to be seen Gordon and Allan visited her bro- bas been in use. Middleon at Minden. on Tuesday.[ except a little grass in the dried- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. anld July 2fth, from this neighborhood Up creek bottoms. Mr. Coleman Mrs. John Garrod. - were: Mrs. Jesse Baskerville and took occasion to poinlt ot at the Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carveth Girls' Softball Notes BIRTHS son Wil.bur, Mrs. Herb Toms, Mrs I picnic that the need for relief in ard Mr.s. (Dr.) Stanley Uglow of ____-_______________ ,Geo. Law and Mr. and Mrs. Henry the west. this year will be f ar Chicago. were in Port Hope, on Reichrath. greater than ever before. M,%onday attending the funeral o Newcastle girls' softhail teamil WrL..INS--n Sh aHspa, Manager C. T. Batty of Bank Miss Jean Rickard who since their cousin. Mrs. Edgar Neal, of sustained their first defeat of! on Wnesay, JuIy 21, 193'7, to of Commerce, returned from his g-raduating as a dental nurse at Detroit. who had been viiting at the season in a league game oni Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilkins holiday at Caesarea last. weekend. the Unversity of Toronto. lias had her fathers. Capt. J. Jarrel, and Friday evening last when the (fiee Margaret Ripley), a but Mrs. Batty and Miss Lorine a temporary position in Toronto. was killed by a car on Friday, Newtonville girls edged tbem out daughter. are staying until after Cvic hol- is having a week vacation with 'July 23rd. Her companion. Misb n utesoebig76 iday and thie Lake Sciîoriegtt. er father. Mr. W. F. Rickard. Kathleen Freer. was also killed Evelyn Bellamy. pitcher and Lena Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Webber M.P. and Mrs. Rickard. at the samne time. They had been Kimbafor. cath e, arm d thebat-EA H and Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Aluin Miss, Louise Foley. Mapie Grove. s1ropping together and were walk- Bterhfrnewove and Jre eanl and Ruth visited at Mr. Ralimis. lias been visiting ber cousin. Miss ing home to Capt. Jarrell's when Bnta niMagrtPac Union, on Sunday. Bessie Blackbur'n.1 the car bait themn and hurleti for Newcastle. Newcastle won FLE'IT-In Bowmanville, on Wed- Mr. and Mis. Clarence Alun andi Mr. andi Mrs. Wilfred Hays and them against the railing of a agamnst Orono at Orono on July nesday, July 28, 1937. Jamnes1 Mr.andMr. A W.Glnne mo- iauhte~ oan Roheter N...bridge. Mrs. Edgar Neal was a 2lst by a -score of 27-9, 18 of the Edwin Flett, in bis 7th year. Mr. andMrs. A.W. Glesiy met-inughaw JofnRevcheHaeold.YB.leaders' runs being tailied up in Funeral service on Saturday, ored to Wasaga Beach'on Sunday v:sted 'lis uncle. Mr~. Win. Hay,.sitrn-a ofRvHrldB Lari Fo- Bowns, lst hurdayandal.o Neal. well known United Church the first inning. At the Newton- July 31st, at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.). and also visi the OntaiFo-Bon'.atThrdyxd ville tournanient on SatUrday. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- estry Station at Midhiurst. calledi at- the olti Steen farin clergyman of the Bay of Quinte July . l7th, Newcastle de! eated tery. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Norton andi south of the C.N.R. stationwe nrnc. Orono but were beaten by New- family.Broughm. visted be he spent his youth, to have a look United Church, Rev. S. McLean. tonvîlle, their f irst lose out o h ABAT-tbslt ei brother Mr. Alec Prout. -Kilcol-i over the old place and take some 1B-A., pastor: Sunday, August lst, season. The three will ail meet dence, Liberty St., north, Bow-1 man,,silap shots as momentos. They 10.15 a.m.--.Sundtay Scbool; il a. again in Newcastle on Civic Holi- manviUle, on Suntiay, July 25, also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. m.-Morning;8pm ay us'tZd13,DnldEiadGlci Dr.Claene Eeron ndf a- Hys Bomaviîe.Evening service. Rev. H. W. Foley, in bais 82nd year. Funeral Tues- ily, Martien. Man., spent week- MisLiin Ç.eo teCrih B.A., B.D.. Bowmanvile, will day afternoon proceeding to endwit thir ousns.Mi.andtan Mines teaching staff, bas preach both morning andi even- Trnofrceain Mrs. Alec Prout. gone ta Iowa ta visit ber brother. in.RtpaesM e Mrs. H. Cutier returneti fromn Mr. Edgar W. Smale, Sheidon, St. George's Church: Rev. D. R ateayrs ee .NEST-In Darllngton at the ber trip ta England the first o! n Mrs. Orner Cale, Pierson. Dewtiney. B-A.. rector: Sunday, Lakefront Conditions and Prob- rsam BoPoidenceofhsdute, ons th ek h rat n relaie Previous ta leaving she had been August lst, l0th Sunday after lems Are Discussed Sam uros, Prov24,e193, Wilia ber visit with friendsadltvs visiting Misses C. and E. M. Black- Trinity: il a.m.-Matins andi Haiy StraJ 4 97 ila but the return voyage was not 50 burn. Communion, 7 1Wm.-Evensong, The Ratepayers' Association o! Van Nest, beloved busband a! pleasant, it being rough and tem- Mr. Gea. C. Wright and son sermon. Newcuatle-on-t.he-Lake helti its the late Eliza Arnot, in bis 82nd pasuous most of the way. Mr. Douglas Wright, toak a mor _________ annual meeting July 17, at Harris year. Interred at Oshawa Cern- Tbe regunentai bandi f r o m trip to, Coppercliff. and visiteti Mr. Lotige, the flower andi bedge em- etery. Orono will play on the commun- andi Mrs. Donald Wright and Mr. Ne catleUntedCh h.oWalon-Bail. Thient reSHAspt nMnaJl ity hall grouncis this (ThUrSday) NJas.te WitigChtorotoWst__r_ eveng Hris.ornoi Mrs.PmryadsnM - were present a large nuntber a! 193.7, Rev. A. C. Crews, D.D., Mastr Ry Hrris Taant, ~ Poera andson, Mii- Mrs. (Rev.) Sidney Davison, niembers, who faund ample ac- inbs8tyer holidaying at Mc. W. J. S. Rick- re anti Ray and friend. OrilUia, Bowmanville. occupied the pulpit cemmodatian and carnfa r t al1e inhs8t er ard's. Shaw's.. His mother, Mrs.wr weekend guests a! Mrs. Win. a! the United Churcb, on Sunday seats in the large east guest roam Leslie Harris and f riend i al call- Atkinsan. morning and gave a stîrring anti o! the lotige.I . m m~a m ed on Mr. anti Mcs. Rickard on Rev. H. J. Gibson who bas been practical address on the subject The secretary-tree.surer. Mr. C. IN IUMEMORIAM~ S aturd ay. b olidaying witb bis mother, Mrs., of belping others. or neigbbour- S. Harrocks, reati the minutes, Those attendingý the Baker- JH.Gibson, left iast Friday on liness, taking as a text: Gai. 6: 10, anti Dr. Walton-Ball read an in- REYNOLDS-In fond anti lovîng Coleman picnic at Hampton on his return trip to ýEngland. "as we bave therefore opportunity, teresting sketch %Ihich be had memory a! a dear husband and Fritiay, July lSth, f romn Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Orvile Osborne let us do gooti unto ail men." Mrs. -'rdo odHaPr o ahr aulH enls anti vicinity were: Mc. and Mrs., and daughter Helen, P'ovidence. Davison combines a pîeasing de-pNewcastea! ond Head, Prt o! f h ather, auelsH. eads g, Norman Aluin. Mr. anti Mrs. W. ý were Sunday guests of Mr. and gree o! wit with earnestness andiat hc ehp arpoue Jl 7 91 J. S. Rickacd. Garnet anti Bren- Mrs. Carl Selby. sneiy h ai a stranig in these columlns later. Oh for the toucb o! a vanisheti ton: Mis. W. H. Pearce anti Mr. Misses Dorothy Henning anti; plea for the transient or common Th -kad ciiis o h ad anti Mcs. H. R. Pearce anti !am-I Audrey Bonathon spent their bhl-1 tramp as one class a! oui neigh- Tewr niatvte !tebni ily. This family gathering %vas day at Orcharti Beach, Lake ý boucs and asketi that more con- Association in the past and ifs Anti the sounti o! a voice that helt in moneur o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. Simcoe, antibati a wonderful turne.sitieration be given these callers objectives for the future were is stilleti. Coleman, their son. Mac ant i Dr. H. B. Runtile. Osbawa, son She also spiokfo the cropîless considereti, alsa the services rend- -Satily misseti by Wife anti daughtec Jean, who we:e here on 1o! Dr. H. C. Rundie. Brighton, was f ais anti neetiy people in West- eïeti by the Municipal Council for Famîly. a visit ta, their many relatives in a weekenti guest of Mr. andi Mrs. ern Canada while we in Ontario the gooti o! the com.munity. ~s Darlingtan Twp. anti vicinity. Percy Hare. bave aur abuntiance. The West The neeti of graveliing and ce- Mr. anti Mns. Coleman live in The cherry anti naspberry bac- wili be glati o! our help. Mrs. pairing same Of the streets. the CARDS 0F THANKS Vanguard, Sask., rigbt in beart xest have laeen in f ull swing the Norman, W.M.S. Vice-Pres. proposeti new addition ta the pe _ _____________________past two weeks anti beavy ship- conducteti the service anti intro- sent pier, a bridge ta the ves The !amily of the late Wm. ments a! fruit havai been going auceti Mis. Davison. Miss Hattie side park for vebicular traffitc, tbe Van Nest tiesire ta express thein !orwardt t Montreal anti Toronto. A. Mason, soprano, assisteti the cepairing and possible iengthen- sincene appreciation anti thanks witb smailer amounts ta, other junior choir anti rentiereti the ing o! the tennis court, tihe ques-. ta their frientis, relatives anti Thirsday markets, via C.N.R. anti C.P.R. solo "Ope the Oates o! the tion o! cheaper eiectiic liglIting reîghbaurs for thie kintinesses anti exprss.Temple." ncw that Newcastle hati purchas- sympathy extentiedti ttem dur- Friday % A large nuanber a! summer Rev. Samuel Delve, 13-A., who eti the local distribution system, ing tbe recent illness anti teath Saturday lal&&âM boartiers anti paying guests are was ortiainet iat Smitb's Falls in the erection o! a stop anti also a a! their father, anti also for the Mat. Sat. PORT ROPS~ holitiaying at homes in Newcastle June, preacheti in the evening, an curve sign at H. R. Pearce's co- beautiful floral o!ferings. aticinity anti enjoying the Infl.uence, bais text fxiYm ner, the pioperty ights a! own -______________ Oune of the RealIv Great country air anti home cooketi Romans 14:7, For noine of us liv- ens o! cottages anti land on the mreais. For same, it is their first etb ta himsel!. anti no man tieth lake shore, the further abatement For Rent Pictures visit ta the locaiity anti they are tri bimself. Gati, be saîi, reveals af the tiust nuisance, were soine entbusiastically enamoureti with hîs theag aue thruhotetiings untier considera- HOUSE FOR RENT - DESIR- the lovely walks anti drives the: the Hoiy scriptures anti through týon. csinSrevr ovnet neigh.baurboad affords anti the1 the lives anti actions o! His fol- Reeve C. R. Carveth atitresseti carsiootor, ail burinr, farmn anti creek, lake anti Woodi- lowers. Because they are keenly the meeting anti in answerîng hadwo fo ts il Aier landi scenery tbey reveal. watcbeti anti their influence is questions threw mucb light an gotansngre. py L. T. MeLaughlin, Phone 609, Dr. anti Mis. Horace Walton- i fac ceaching anti lasting, t be- municipal problims of taxation Bowmanville. 28-tf udBal. Toronto. visiteti Mis. W. H. boves aIl Goti's people ta walk anti o! receipts f nom anti expendi- Walton-Ball at Harris Latige. uprightly anti ranifest His love in tures in the interests o! this Unitedi Church Sunday SohoOl, their lives. The junior choir led scuthein section o! the village. Livestock For Sale picnicketi at the community park. in the singing anti contributeti Dating !ramn Aug. lst the H.E.P. Orano. on Tuestiay, July 27th., two antbems. C.'s rate for electnicity used in FOR SALE-HOLSTEIN COW, Lake Ontario, lasheti by an ex- the village wauld be $32.50 per Fully accrediteti, due ta renew. ceptionally strong gale fromn the h oise power. The rate bitherto Apply Stephen Jef!ery, R.R. 3, South, was in tempestuous mooti' as been $43.00. A supply o! Bowmanviile. Phone 2179 _________________ last Mondav. As f ar as one coud Basebaîl Tournament chionitie o! lime is aireatiy on 30-1* see the waters were a turbulent hanti for spreatiing on the roatis. Next Mon., Tues., Wed. mass o! white calpt waves whicb Newcastle's Annual Baseball A foot bridge bas been buîlt FOR SALE- ELEVEN PIOS, 7 iolied into shore with tremendous Tournament, inaugurateti in Aug., acioss the chap.nel te the park ta weeks aid. Apply S. Go!!, MituîeMody force, hurling themselves with 1923, when the communîty hall provide easy access ta this at- Nestieton. 30-1w Holida ae oday fuîy avec the beaches anti senti- was openeti. wifl be helti as usual tractive camping anti picnicking FOR SALE--CATLE, SITB ing spray aven the groundis o! the or Civice holiday, on August 2nd. aiea. The Municipal Counicil was fobefrn;ascwsdet lake front cottages anti aven tbe witb tbree bartibali teams anti awaiting governnmental iuling re- fo e rn;ascw det h:gher cli!fs east anti west of the thiee gis' so!tball teanis corn- gartiing beach ownership. The renew. Apply H. B. Poster, harbour. peting. A public meeting was belti council hati passeti estimiates for Bowmanviile, Phone 745.30* RuMr. anti Mrs. Flic Wicks, Mr. in the cominunity bail on Thurs- rcpaiîing the roadway sautlvwaid_______________ Te IJNCROWNED Fred Dempsey anti Miss Minnie day evening, July 22nd. when it !îomn the cernetery ta Bouton St. FOR SALE_-IroR.SES, WeILLIAM > ING h Pearce, Toronto, Mr. Kenneth was decitie t taun the tourna- The president vaiceti the senti- Ross of Kintiersiey, Sask., bas s.JckVB ,.d Pearce, Lansing, visiteti Mis. W. ment again this year. Ameng ments of ail present in expressif g a carloati a! baises caming ta SH. Pearce anti ther relatives anti those present wene: Reeve C. R. appreciatian o! the work of Mr. Pontypool first week in August. Sfientis aven the weekend. Caivetb anti sucb basebai en- C S. Hornocks as secretaiy-treas- Any information about these Masters Donald anti Francis thuslasts as Gea. Crawthen, Ross uirer o! Bond Headi Cemetery andi baises can be gotten at Mc- Jase are bolitiaying with Belle- Dickinson anti Pied Spry. Coun- the intecest he bas sbawn in bav- Maban's store at Pontypool. ville relatives. cie E. A. Waltan was in the ivg it neatly kept anti its appear- 30-1w Mc. anti Mrs. Frank Crytierman, chain anti Mn. A. E. Mellow actl ance improveti anti aiso of the______________ ________________ gi!t of the new iran fence froi C oeFrSl Mr. J. E. Atkinsan, Toronto. C neFrSl ______________________________________________________________ Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball was un- an.îmously ne-electeti president, FOR SALE- CANOE, CHEAP. Lux Gem anti Mr. Cecul S. Harnocks secre Apply Dick Anderson, Newcastle It sToilet Soap Rings taiy-treasurei. Aims. Newcastle, Phone 3324A. Refneshments of sandwiches, 31 5 for 25c 5e Pkg. cake, biscuits anti lernonatie were_______________ senveci. Mrs. Walton-Ball's lovely RfeFrSl flowecs artistically arranget inif_ Rifle____For____Sale __ Modess Lifebuoy vases anti bowls wene mucb ad- FOR SALE-AT A REASON- Vc t olieSoap miieti, anti a portrait o! Sic Fran- al rc,3-air illn v a c ti n im 2for 39C 4 for 25C cis Bond Heati, after whom this oabseoptce.d32-calbe rtien lake front community was namiei, taiwit cae. athin;p-- C ae ev Fod49c Here'srlatural eye-beauty . . . with £EYEr. Srnas ' Y P- athme, and relatives frem Pet- anti before the guests o! the day Chases Nerve Food nedscîentuiicutteîle. Sooete tures, 8 hoUu, erboco, who were at a simlai ga- had left for home. i.Gbo' ArtiCem ... 3 e dMakes aestin dul y Saiie ,sael $ 1.38 service. thering 12 yeais aga when Rev. clergyman son gathecedti tem al H. J. anti Mis. Gibsan weîe ieav- tagether for f amiy wonsh.p anti Fitch ing for their mnissionay post at cnducteti a devotional service. Ovaltine FthETE-IJENE 57 $ 2.75 Sangon, India. Shoîtly after bis arrivai borne _____________________Rev. Mr. Gibson is now curate Mis. Gibsan anti daughter Guine- 98e Shampoo at Punfleet, a busy industrial tawn vere, about 15 menths of age, are Orphan 55C JU IRY & LOVIELL an the banks of the Thames, 20 leaving for Canada. miles east o odn He leaves O Tuesday two a! Rev. H. J. AnnieHarOlWe THE REXALL STORE for home on Fciday. Gribson's fermer scouts wth their Mu li i hnWe Test Eyes It Is Done Properly A numben o!f fientis also bad %vives anti chiltiren fnom Toronto FREE FIËEE Phone 778 We Deliver the pleasure of meeting this for- came down for a tiay's visit wltb mer Newcastle boy whese beart is their olti beloveti Scoutinaster anti ln the ministry anti who is in love were entertalned by Mis. Gibson. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 !W. ILCý Treasurer's Sale of Lands For Taxes Town of Bewrnanx ille, County o! Durham: To Wit: By virtue a! a warrant issueti by the Mayor o! the Town o! Bowmanville beaîing date the ilth day o! June, A.D., 1937, sale o!' landis in arrears a! taxes in the Town o! Bowmanville Will be helti ai. the Council Roam in the saiti Town at the bour o! 2 o'ciock in the a!ternoon on the 5th day of October, 1937, unless the taxes j *and costs are sooner paiti. Notice i.3 hereby given that tbe iist o! landis for sale for anrears o! taxes is being publisheti in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day a! July. 1937, andti tat copy o! the saiti list may be hati at my office. Tceasurer's office this 26h day a! July, 1937. A. J. Lyle, Treasuren. 310-d'w 34-1W 38"1'w MWiscellaneous PAINTING--SIGNS AND POST- ers, also auto trucks, wagons, general painting anti enamel- llng. J. H. Needhazn, Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. Men Wanted MEN WANTED-STEADY WORX Gooti pay ahl yean suppiying censurners 200 guaranteeti taily necessities. Expecience unnec- essary. Pleasaint work. Home every night. Youn own boss. As low as $15 staits you. No cam- plicateti documents ta sign. Ne risk. Succeeti or retuin gootis. Higbeat comminssion. Write Palca Protiucts Company, Alex- antinia, Ont. 30-1* NOTICE Dr. C. W. Slernon's office will be closeti !ram July 27th ta Au- gust 2lst. 29-2 ~mpuoymern wan:ea Rooms Wanted rANTED-ROOMS IN PRIVATE home. Gentile anti wifeu no family. Appiy J.H., Statesman Office. 30-1V Lost >ST-DARK BROWN COLLIE tiog with four white feet, an- swecs ta name "Latidie." Owner, Gantb Percett. Hampton, Phone 2553. 30-1w Blade Roast Beef ............ lb. Boneless Pot Roast .......... lb. Breakfast Bacon, sliced Tomato Ketchup ......... bottle Classic Cleanser............. n Peach Jam ............... bottle Puffed Wheat........... 2 pkgs. Sweet léixed Pickles ...... large Corn Starch ............ package Rosebrand Baking Powder..... Whiz Floor Wax.............. tin Table Sait .... ........... 2 boxes Salmon............... large tin Pork and Beans ....... large can ilSc lac 30e loc 29e 1âc 28c loc 15C 43c 9c loc loc Edmiondstone' s Meat Market Bowmanville Phones 375 - 376 WANTED EMPLOYMENT, FARM hand, married, wishes a job, witli separate house. Available August 7th. Phone 2415. Mr. Adams. 30-1w BrickwouikAlterations BRLtCKWORK, AJLTERLAIrONS, Chimneys repaired and rebullt. John T. Allen, R.T., New- castle, Clarke 3914 30-1* Employment Wanted