37 )if kg id h Ls is ýSI THURSDAY, JLY 29, 1937THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO A iSElN I unn spent Suna ihfiends member of the Leaders Club by Union Services Now In ceiving specially large ones. i horsepower in the interim rate1 for theyer13of$.2471. in Toronto. being one of the threeslse this group were Mrs. Allen, MO- o oe oalmncplte The totalepne o hs tl Mrs. Julia Grieves spent Sunday te secure the highest voum 1 St. Paul*s Church ther of Mrs. (Dr.) R. T. Ruther- fohipowertm, as benciappodities fiisforthsaeeraoutd jwth her brother, Mr. Silas Tapp, *bsnssfrtheNrhAeia ford, Mrs. Geo. P. Riekardadto$18157.atr oiin _______________________________________________Toronto. Lite Assurance Co. Elmer is a The closing union services in Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick. by the Commission. This general for the cs fpwr prto son of Mr. A. E. Rundie, Ebenezer. Trinity United Church of the Mesdames Percy Brown and: reduction is in addition to other and fixed hre.Tentsr MisA iga svstjgi r.R litMiss Cora Scott. Toronto, heLginBadreust i uniterj congregations of Trinity Jno. Cunnngham contr ib ut ed redluctions to be made in somte plus obtann o htya RochserA. DnmaYs. îîî n r.R.H.Elot, Toronto. vis- Sunday guest of Mrs. W. B. P01 Durham Ogid Band whoevuerp la S.Pu' hrhsw-aigadMs da rg uiiaiiso con ffv mut Rochester, N. Y. ~ited her father, Mr. John Lyle. lard. andam St. Pauls Chuply- utres was heldradnsan Ms. dn Bag nuncalteonccntofv- muneto$129,0 ed n aban t. brng lon thir stSunday when Rv Sidney and i\ss June Allin a vocal duet ourable conditions during 1936 Mr.ArhieWod s hliayng d n abad o bin aongthirDavison Preached. Hx.s morning Mrs. Jerry Brown gave an inter- Fifty municipalities served on DE ,Miss Thora Davison is visiting Mrs. F. 0. MIliveen and sons instruments and toot 'er up again themýe w3s based on "Let the esting talk on W. A. work in AI- this system will receive thisre at Msseman Lae. sMisaMry.aliryMBiesei Doald.GiaeltandEriarBho-nihthiol hoeonanland.BeatybfetetLrdneduonre."cerareereshewaspreidenthfducioninhhemeltrimrat. Caando.Wenes Mr. dand MrCs .W eare Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham and idaying at Auburn. Lake Huron. The Legion Band bas placed an Ps. 90:17. The speaker empha- an Association. Refresh mne n t s TeComsin a iL e Ay.JN2,137Geer-l holidying t Caearea.sons, Mac and George are holi- Miss Donna Brown. Arnprior. order with A. Wolfe, local harness sized humility, f orgiveness and were served by Mrs. Percy Brown's viewed and analYzed the financial lc an.blvdhsad0 Mhss E. A. Peters visited Miss daying at Cbemong Lake. is holidaying with her aunt. Mrs. maker, to, make leather pouches goodness as the meaning of the group which a]so provided the siuaincneonetinwih h Rose Squire, Norwood. Next holiday for Bowmanville Mabel Couch, and other relatives for each member to carry their word beauty which every o ne program. istrution if ownerto with thee ay Mr. and Mrs. Lentwyne, Detroit citizens is next Monday, Auut here. music. This wiîî o Ver $8.00 ~>shouîd desire. I dievening heofpower___________ Myary lzbthHnokae6 visted W. G. Robbrn. ' n, iiHlia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattran so if any one would like to make took for bis subject the apostle, omf ciaiiePo the relsi, hchw suts yasuirl oieltr ____ Mr. E. J. Naish, Brampton. are enjoying holidays at Bigwin a donation to the band to help Peter, and delivered a v e ry Saturday Nighit upon the 1936 revenue and oper-___ .spent the weekend with bis Inn. Lake of Bays. defray this expense it will be most tboughtful message showing his ating costs, the Commission re- daughter, 'Mrs. C. C. MacNair. Miss Jean Bell bas returned acpal.wans n tegh0 hr Cnldfo age 1) I com.mended that the rates to b D.G . oncslesdna Miss Helen Poster, Camnpbell- fromn an enjoyable motor tripF Mrs. W. B. Pinch, Mr. and Mrs. e. and have done one. two or three cbarged to domestic. com.mercial office willbclsdrmMnay croft, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. through the Maritimes and New Poster Bray and family, Toronto, Teo hirune teMiec.o rTn.ydas'wrA.Te. oo ndpwe cnumrsb rdue ,ul sango'resa, ugan3d K niti gFoster. Eng]and States. are on a couple of months motor anthem at each service and in the aersigsmwee o hr nalrenme fcss Mrs G W.KethToont. s M .J. veestan so, r.trip to visit the former's daugh- eening a quartette, Mrs. W. H. are a lot of town people who keep' In addition to the 50 munici- NoticeTrdtr Mn G KitTooto ~Ms.J.Eers ad o,1n ter in San Angelo, Texas, also re- Argue, Mrs. W. Roberts, . up tbat endless Saturday night palities served on a cost basîs. IESNS hvn n I ~~~~~~~~R. Everest. Toronto. were guestso aie nLsAgls a.Miss E. Pitroute ad Mr. R. homp sîtîng Col. and Mns.L. T. Mc- t route manLochgle, a. .Prthadan rs . there are 5 municipalities served dlaim agas h saeo b 1Warder returned home witb tbem. about Sept. 1. Mrs. ich scn sang a pleasing number. EnolgteCoddrc b h omsin nalaite MARGRTMLUiIJN C r o c h etin g SamaugSeym ur i i . a d Ms R . W re. r. K te Pic il j in th prt eviesMany a townsman andi woran fixed contract buis. or a total of197da th er Sammy. Sdey ouit. o M.annrs oCommencingndte ine i anAgeo dietio r h r rcto udngin n peaio. aesaniKenebviitdMn setith ineri Sn nel. nomncn etS dath lav their shopping niSau-5 municipalities. 0f these 57omnvle IVeedlework ~~cthe ickCidernsnHospeital. To- mn.and i Mrs. Roy W. Warnia, Bowmanville has been fortun- days wîl]l be held in St. Paul's day night. Why? Becauce there nmunicpalities. 46 will receiveaOnri.reeuid oflth The ideal summer recreti. Miss Ann E. Snider. Hamnilton. and Mrs. J. F. George, Smith- ate in missing sevenal of the most Church with Rev. W. F. Banisterisomtngarebeohu n substantial reduction in the rates saewt1ro teefwt h ,pent t.he weekend with Mrs. C. fet.dangerou.s and destructive electri- in charge. St. 'Paul's Sundav narow er e ig one 0f alr e rte s e c he t oners ndunenigedneltertanAu ehae wool, silk and cotton H. Casbourn. Rev. W. R. Tanton. paston of cal stonms ever seen in this dis- Sehool meets a 10.10 a.m cow. hee s hate, olnth rte i te thr wllre matria fr ay atile OU Mn. Harry Brust. Rochester, N. Smcve St. United Church. Osh- trict. The sad part is that the Sundav School at Il a.m. niit lamo i0 c'w.an etreminuchngd ggstath.13.atr bibdt may care to make. A wide andi Y.. is visiting Mn. and Mns. G. A. awa. andi Mns. Tanton. hav gn town has also mnissed a great deal aI1 buman. Ask anybody in tovvn The operating- reports of tlie teEtt ilb itiue n a1e one h uh eddran hle1w they ou ow nStudy ..al daims 0 hc h xctr attractive range of colors. Edmiondstone. on a month's holiday to Europe. o h uhnee an hl h ou nStna municipalities on the Eastern 'have notneied otc wilb Misses sobel ad Margerite Msses DrothyEgriajresronding t.ownships have been m UT ght. If they tell 3'ou what really Ontario System show that the i barreti asagittbm Miss sbe ndMrgeit ise Drth dgr Mrorevirtually floodeti with downpouns. INEWCASTLE brTOings them out. they will informi municipal electnie utilities. s0. DATED at omnile bs ____Austin, Valentia. are holidaying Bradt and Evelyn Goddard left Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Marr are bol- SMASHED IN CRASH'yrouwd tltte no wthn h senvet. obtained a total revenue l9th day c uy 97 ai Mn. Harold Carpenter's. Sunday for Bala. in Muskoka dis- iciaying for a week in United _____codIect additional costs fromn anyi M. G .GUU Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Beckett trîct. for their vacation. States. Duning their absence the Driv'ing a new car that bad only tns hapn lots 0f innt uiipîtBowmavle Otno ind Floyd Beckett visited their Misses Rets Bennett and Win- jf,eelry store is in charge of Mn. gone 900 Miles. Mrs. Vera O'Neill, be founti. and he bas the keys of Agnrlrdcin0 30 e oiiosfrteEeuos SNAPSFIOT brother, Henry at Stratford. rie Lancaster of The Statesman T Burnell. Mrs. Marrs brother. Newcastle. accompanied by ber the car in bis pocket. So-and-So________________________________ FRAMESDr. Clarence Everson and famn- staff, are holidaying at Williams Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Bunneil baby, Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ruther- bas gone to the second show ait FR M Sily. Morden. Man.. visited friends Point. Lake Scugog. and baby are living in Mn. and ford andi her gnandmotber, met the Royal instead of the first and ' Mou.nt your favorite snapshot MssDiy ly fte oa Miss Donothy Bickell. Bowman- Mns. Marrs house on Centre St. with an accident Monday evening now they will be 'alI bours gett- Psho Mis DisyCully o th loal illk. was guest of Mn. and Mns.R. Rev. and Mrs. P. W. Pbilpott of west of Hanmony, wbicb resulted lng home." ianattractive odr lotofcstf vainng in** Bronte. celebrated their golden in two badly smasbed cars, but no Another party f inds tbat some In an hlder. pSt ffcd safury.ctonn E. Pedden at their country home wedding on July 22nd wben 22 senious injuries to occupants. mr.ember of the expedition bas Mr. anc S dbury a. in Hampton descendents were present to cele- Ms. O'Neil was proceeding in lef t something at the store. and Miss Annie McCubbin visiteti Mn. Miss Dorothy Bonnycastle at- brate the event. Some of our older an easterly direction when a west there is a rush back for it. It isn't New and Different Peter Jones, Warkwonth. tended the Mitchell-Brook weti- residents wjll recaîl that Rev. bound car stoppeti forcing two there, anti is finally discovered in' Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon are ding in St. Clements Churcb, To- Philpott bati charge of the services cars directly in the rear to slow a recess of the rear seat cushion. holidaying at Bapi.te Lake, north ronto, on Saturtiay. in Trinity Congregational Church dlown and almost stop. As the Several cases always occur of ................ of Madoc. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRey- one summer in the by-gone tiays Newcastle car appnoached the f amilies not being able to find Miss Doris Herkimer. Toronte nolds and Mr. and Mrs. W.W. and that Mrs. Pbilpott (nee Jessie three cars. the second one pulled their car wben 1t becomes time J. ~ . Je elI svaatioing ith rs.Muriel Willis, Toronto, calieti on olti fri- M1 e~a1s hre0 a- out to pass. Mrs. O'Neill swung ta move off for home. Dad or is vc-aionng wth rs.vatin Amy eef or some time. well off on the shoulder to avoid big brother tbinking they bati J. . J wei Dun. ndsher Saurdy.Col. Edwy White, Miami, F'ion- striking it but was unable to avoid dtiscovered a better parking place. Mrs. Julia Grieves visiteti with Flight Lieut. and Mrs. Roy Sle- ida, enroute to the Old Boys Re- the third car in the Uine wben it bave moved it, and tbere is a lot Libby's Pork & Beans ......2 o 5 Phone 556 Big 20 ber niece, Mrs. Lisgar Lang, Co- mon, Ottawa, spent Sunday with union wites f rom Vancouver: also tried to pass. Tbe cars met of trouble getting tbe widely scat- bourg. ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. c. W. Saw an On-angemen's Parade Orn alniost heati-on, the ONeil auto tereti family together again. Gold Medal Summer Drinks.. ot25 Mrs. Muriel Dunn and Stan Slemon. th-e l2tb, tbe first for many years contintiing down the roati. its Saturday nigbt is colorful anti __________________________________________ Mn. Jasper Smitb bas accepted which made me think back 60) steering broken. It was finally funther it is an asset to this towfl. Oxford Custard Buscuits..2 bs29 a Position with radio station CK years. I see familiar Bowman- stoppeti on the edge of the nortb As long as the crowtis flow Vo TB in St. Catharines as transmit- ville namnes bere such as Tod, ditCb. town on Saturday, we may be sure ter operator. Cawker, Manning, Higginbotbam. The Passengers of both cars that the Province anti county is rarowa . ............... 2 boe25 Lots of Japs here anti some be- were giveri first aid for cuts and on a f ainly even business keel.Chpolre ac ueIc Mn. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers wbiskereti Hindus with black turx- bruises by Dr. E. J. ýHazlewood. C is ......lrep B uy Y uI'r B kingare enjoying their vacation in bans. Scenery fine. Vancouver a Traffic Officer Harry Caldwell uy our ak nglovely Muskoka at Hotel Torpitt great city with a future. tw investigateti the cause of the HydroReductions Certo ...................b t e25 ~ th holday .. ~ î.s~W. . Carutens as r- bs hai a himey seep in the collision was P. Rowan of <Coftinued tram Page 1 Breakfast Fresh Ground Coffee b tundfrom Pasadena, California, midst. But this week George Na- onto financial results of the operation accompanied by ber fat.her, Mr. pier of Sudbury broke the spel of tbe Eastern Ontario Systemn Good Humor Cereal....p g 5 Robt. H. Riggs. by bitting into town with aIl tîhe NEWCIASE W.A. were very satisfactony Vo alI muni- Corbett 's Bakery is completely equip- Mr. anti Mns. Haroldi Carpenter paraphernalia of a real English ' ' - A cipalities supplieti on tbis System. Canned Peaches...........2 tn25 ped to furnish ail manner of appetizing and. Merlyn visiteti bis uncle anti chimney sweep. Altbough GeorgeToarenu eivdb th aunt, Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Austin, isn't an Englishmâan he does a On July 13, tbe W. A. of tbe Commission fromn all municipali- baked articles for the holiday. If you Valentia. finst class job - tbe dirt he ne- United Cbunch met at Mrs. Wal- ties. amounteti to $2.021.138. The goona ieic bscit, ie, elyrolsRe, . . asinto wo asmves fnom chiîmneys proves it. lace Holmes', Lake Shore, anti total cost of power for the yean, go o a icni, bscuis, ies, jein rocsr g ftev. C . W sb ig on w wse s W etnesday he gave the flues in specially onoeti the grand- as providedt t be paiti by them cake mae th idal esset acomat Blackstock on Sunday, with the Town Hall a real clean up anti mothens anti great grantimothers under tbe Power Commission Act,! F e * N panied by Silverwood's Ice Creani. Mns. Wasbingon, visit4d h ts cown andi bas given great satis- of wbom there were nineteen of amountedti t $1.53.980. The sur- moterMrs W.C'.Wasingon.faction ln othen jobs aroundti 4he former andti tree of the lat- plus of $167,158 arising fnom the Phn59 moter Mr. . C Wshigtn.town. ter present. Each was presenteti openation of the Commission was Phe59 Mr. anti Mrs. L. M. Keith, To- A hap.py event was quietîy cele- with a beautiful' bouquet of flow- neturnedti o 49 municipa.lities anti Let Corbett s do your baking. A wagon on every street nono, who wene bere Mond.ay at- baeia h oe0 r nies b ra rniohr e nn aewsi eesr ocl tending the funeral of ber uncle, rs.A E . Bthett.hm o r ndeon ,_the________________________nnocase_____________________col every* or cal at our store. Mn. Wm. Van Nest calleti on Ms.Aunday, Jly 2t, H wmpenDr. Edite Geo W. Jmes.anti Mrs. C. W. Siemon of Bow- ______________________Mrs. Minnie Barton anti grand- manville, manketi the 25tb ani- son Jack Dunn are spentiing two versany 0f thein marriage. Only ueeks' vacation with ber son, Mr. the membens of their own family Will H. Calven, Rochester, N.Y., with the brothers anti sisters antiI IC HL I A CO B T ' A E Yanti othen relatives thene. families of botb sides of the bouse l I I OI A CORBETT' BAKERYDr. anti Mrs. P. E. Irelanti anti wene present, 24 in ail. A buffetAG e Phone 890 Bowmanville son, John. Toronto, anti Mns. R. supper was serveti anti as a f in- A G' ~<3i H Westaway anti family have isbing course a case of commun- ia.rt soiîa _____________________________________been holidaying at "Cetiarbolme," ity silver, knives and fonks. was ' Caor wxtour useodyeoatntad Eowmanville Beach. passeti to the bride with the best bring lis natural han ute5fI Mn. anti Mrs. E. P. Bratit anti wishes of aIl present. 't he even- akbusn _______________________________________ daughters, Manjonie anti Donothy ing was pîeasantîy spent anti aîî Buy supplies for the holiday week end at your anti Mn. anti Mrs. E. R. Eyres anti are now looking fonwarti to Dr. lasgteek at W amiga , Be tachnoden WSem eetiding. thewe t .D.A. Drug Store. Lowest Prices, Quality A N E L Q lut er ane, amiltonach.entlantiMsemoin celeratin theGoodPom tPr ' aiService.A GREY HlR ETO Mr. T. H. McCready, tiruggist, Fred Spny, Newcastle, anti L. R. Po p esn1Acte through the inos o imetto of Letbbridge, Aberta, accompan- Wood, Bowmaflville, congratulat- Prices Let us deliver your order.' Phone 792 from the hair celleuwad icti by his family anti Mrs. A. E. ed themselves Monday morning ____________-u atrai c olso p o r McCreatiy, of Bowmanville, visit- after escaping injury by inches go ils os r6 yars o oe MJo ~ ~ I/1 " g faJ ~j ed Dr. anti Mrs. Annis. Lindsay. wben a large 11mb fromn a tree c i FILMS BA3A0S g o 60 dys, or y.may - ,i wa John A. McDonald, son of Mn. outside Jack Cole's resitience, On- cKODYKE SELOCHROME refunded. anti Mrs. A. MeDonalti Oshawa, tario Street, fell into the street Price $1.OOROM bas gone toi Jasper Park Lodge, brnglng electric anti telephione L P ISAN GFPrc %vhere be bas been engageti as wires with it. Mn. Spry's car wuasgass 9 9 LeaIanýI Jie 6o.ti ..3tn 5 catity for the summer montbs. mîsseti by inches wbiîe Mn. Wooti's REMOVER Take lots of films with Smîse 9 9 Tom to uic, 2 oz tn ... tis 2 C M. nd rs.Joh Mcre car was likewise lucky. The limb YOU. Returix unused films Vacuumn Bottles 27c Mn at Ms.JhnMcngon, was nearly a foot in diameer with t s XVhiz Olengarry County, Mn. Innis Mc- long heavy branches wbich titid ~'t Wash Cloths 6-25c Fly Fume, sprayer free, 16 oz. bot. 49C Gregor, Mns. Munroe anti Miss consitierable diamage Vo tbe wines. LARGER PooFnsig 2cNzm 5 L 1 ' Jamieson, Ottawa, visiteti Mn. anti Public Utilities employees spent Phoo in,,.-27.. -a 7i W Saldda Mrs. J. A. Cox, Tempenance St. sevenal hours removing the tnee osdyOTTLEY 15t0ebf cc h bW, Tea B3ags, 100 for. . $1 or 20 for 25c Mn. J. F. Gorman anti son Jack frn the roati anti replaclng the PRICE Developing, Printing, En~- Powder Pu.ffs 5c o sflw ili.sel Tender Leaf lef t Tuestiay for Gloucester, N.J., wines. !' sE~f larging and Coloring. w Te B gs.........2 fr 24C te visit frientis. Mr. Gorman wU I - rfssoa okMaclei STOMAHPWE Tb.eale M. .......gs.ea...Co.0lfor PrompSeinlreBathing Caps lSc-19c d"Wldr' - also visit tbe Camden plant of R. 35ÇPrmptSevic t. S m .60 Flowerale M.Holligshead Co. Ï 11i Messrs E. Smith Ferguson, E. A. KLUà%uwLIrcr*NIED1: i U .nislls23 Brown, Arley Nothcutt, E. E. MONDAY AT BEACH un .5 th e pald Health Salta 9 ____ .Cmsok adD. .$5Reward be mfgs.L S ER N Staples, M Comstock.and Dr. G.This fainous preparation is o f LLOYDS Fac Gssre C. onncatlenepesntei Jr- For the fînst tîme i several preferred by women every- for any corn or callous TH EY usalem Lotige at the îFnanti Mas- yeans, Bowmanville Beach will be where because of its genfle Ca nna remove with this won. Mecca 19c- 37ec The safe antisep- onic Lotige helti at Ottawa last the scene of a lange regatta on derful new.rcientific prepara. week.MntyCvcHldyTeBah and effective action. It con- tion for CORNSOR CALLOUS.__ tic; for haif a century Mody ii oia.TeBahES t de senscîlses and re. Dodd's Pills 27c ~ h aQio Robbins, Trenton, anti Mn. anti program 0of noati races anti aqua- actually beneficial to the tion. Kotex 19C Mns. M. Hutison anti baby. To- tic sports witb gooti prizes for bie cuticle.n25,4 ,79 ronto, are spending the summen in '.'.nners. On Saturday evening a < lffl lfl ot buy a Lux Soap 5c25Y4 y79 the formers cottage in Alexanti.a C<ancc '.ill be belti in Dilling's $00 000 1*1 b t odsSa Park. Wellington. Pavilion on the west side with a r<I~ mach Savers l help make Kleenex 15C Mn. A. J. Honey, 3651 West 14th gooti five-piece orchestra. Mon- ours Ilke new. Pasitively guar- Ave., Vanicouver. B. C. writes: day the Legion Bandi will be in ntedtrereesss stînmgotan, Dis. LleoySp cTO Sonry I will noV be able Vo attend attentiance anti a bon fine antid ,f* eps aS, arsintio , Nausa, euc oCS O te Ot Boys Reunion but trust community sing-sn wl e et fl5IfIc Vmns a, Tan on Elcaya Creams 2- 49c Aching it will be a veny pleasant occas- in the evening. ______________o_____ b eudd rula prescrlb. _____________Formula_________.Burnlng ion. A Winni peg baby had a terrible case ed by dactars for over 40 yeats. Snmely Spec1a1 aller three $1.00 boxes ______________ Capt. andi Mrs. Williain Green of Eczcma. Her mother used only for WoC.p pù anti Billy are enjoyîig a trip to Urie Acid Deposits $2.0'.vorth of KLEEREX and heal- » Boston anti the Maritimes, Capt. Removed Bye her quickly and permanently. If Ida o aisWt Green bas lef t the staff of the By ot or your baby lias Eczena, Boys' Training School anti will r VIilfSDPsoriasis, Pemphigus, Erythcma, CAuIVU E NIFee turri te teaching in Hamilton titis Nox inyFuhr Hives, Impetigo, Itch, Acne, Chaps, faîl. To neglect the firat symptom or Boils, Athietes' Foot, Ringworm, T1SSUE Aslni oi o o (medicated Mn. Fred Smith and Miss Hazel iidney trouble nilt lead to very gel "the wondcr-hcaling salve" at ~ .TISSUE Aslni oi o o Woodward visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. serlous resuits. your kidneys contain once. 50c, $1,00 and 2.00 sizes. (Me-100 Sh eti old ge.Itldh b eennsoles Ele HnlcGîfnt.Mr.Ho-havlng apeclal work to perform. f du n og. I} M;25c Pr. siey anti chiltiren returnet with somne oft tlese fliters become clogged, gist or Write for testimonial cir- to the Roll wlth good effeet for for- the fo a ee's isi wth r. ollon tran Ure aidenters the ruban, etc., to Klecrex Mfg. Comi yyas fle$.5 them fo a weeks visitwlth Mn netr. The resuit Ila aback- 1A H It er.Ple$.5 anti Mrs. R. Woodward. ache, a dead, heavy pain. The Uric nanq, 1254 St. Clair Ave. West., rUNTD IGRSTR Misses Marion Allin, Elleeri a'd deliosits a fine granule in the 'roronto, or 263 Kennedy St., Win-UTZ=15IGAR STOR Gib, en ih at Ga~Joints, cauising a pain known as Iipeg. AGEKCY GibJamih adGatreratism. Nox Kidney Fluahers __________________ Werny are holitiaying at Titurs- really flah the kidneyo. placing them tonia, nean Bobcaygeon. MISS In a health3', sound condition. NO P ES RITONA__CAL Y rofmore getting up at nlght-no morePR S ITON A SEC L y Audrey EUliott is taking caneo backache. That sallow complexion la r ber fathen's office turing Miss repflaced by a natural clear skin. Your eyes become bright and your F RS I IFA E Allin's absence. hea<îacîues disappear. Fach package FO aa DS A S in connection with te educ- of Nox Kidney Flushers contain a full tion of Hydro power cost i an- inonth's treatment. There Io only one Nox Kidney Fiosher -they im-GIA l xMreo nounceti elsewhere in this issue, provo your entire general health.GI local manager Geo. E. Chase, in- Y'otr KidlnêyF and Liver il fonction lxc Geo fonms us that there will be a ne- perfectly. Why not start today on the nnad to good health, let Nox Kld- vesion of local rates in the near ney Flushlers bring you good healîli. I L future. This wlll be welcomne ncws FOR SALE ATPH N 79 R G toBwale atose tht . El-ALEX McIGREGOR'S PON372eRU SWE DELI VER Vo B allle ose ns. 39A mrRundle, Toronto, is again a Phone 792 Drugs We Deliver ea uags ............... 20Tor 25e Parawax ................. 2 Ibs. 25e Magîc Coffee, fresh ground ., .... 1-2 lb. 15C Bunford Peas .................... 3 tins 2Sc A'.Inier Choice No. 4 Peas............ tin liC Medium OId Cheese .......... lb. 25c Ramsay Fresh Fruit Marmalade jar 32c Cashmere Soap .... .2 for lic Palmolive Soap ... .5 for 25e Wonderful Soap ..8 bars 25c Paper Towels....... roll 15c Northern Tissue . 3 for 25c 1 Bar Lifebuoy Free with 1 Ige. Lux. .25c HARRY rGROCER 3c98c IIho1nes 367 - 368 Bowmanviile