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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1937, p. 1

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Circulation 3000 This Issue VOLUME 83 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST l9th, 1937NMER3 PHsD THUOS RODBifLEEPINO MOTORISIS ON HIOHWA Goodyear Building Program Got Under Way On Monday Sales ManagerTurns Sod R. W. Richards Officia- 32%c over the saine period a year ofago. tes in Presence of We will continue to grow," Mr. Largecrow as tartHardy said, "if we satisf y the big Largecrow as tartboss, and the big boss is our cus- is Made on Quarterj tomers. I 'want ta leave this Million dollar Expan-ý thought with you, that uts Sion there will be plenty of work at _________the local factory." lW. F. Rickard, M.P., told the Goodyears quarter million dol-i gathering that this wa.s a red let- lai expansion program officially ter day in Bowmanville history. got under way at 5 p.m. on Mon-1 We had neyer hesitated, lie said, day, when R. W. Richards, Gen- ta give Goodyear products the eral Sales Manager of the Good- highest recommendation t.o gov- year Tire & Rubber Company, ernment purchasing agents, and turned the first sod of the new hsý knew that the government buildings ta be erected on the would continue ta use Goodyear local site. A large crowd wtness- produets just sa long as this high ed the event. quality was maintained. Mr. Richards, who 24 years ago Fred W. Bowen recalled that was an employee of the Bawman- 1dtiring the many years he served ville plant, in an address prior to Durham at Ottawa, the namne of the turning of the sod. reported 'Goodyear was held in high re- that on a recent trip ta the west gard. It had always been a pleas- hie f ound that BowmanviUle made ure ta him, as with Mr. Rickard, Goodyear praducts had earned an ta recommend Goodyear made enviable neputation, and' that 'products. prospects, there were exceptionally Mn. K. C. Bartan, Asst. Mechan- goad. 'ical Sales Manager, cangratulat- A. M. Hardy, superîntendent afi e t.he employees on the quality the local plant, had charge af the of their wonk and suggested that proceedings. the commencement as long as they continued ta put of which was heralded by the the best ia the jobs, the sales sounding of the Goodyear fine departmnent wauld find no difficul- s«ren. On the platin with Mn. t,. in disposing af the manufac- Hardy were membens of the local tured gaads. iactory counicil. officiaIs ai Good- Geo. L. Mcçrea, sales manager year, and W. F. Rickand, M-.,..oa Mechanical Goads, told the ga- and F. W. Bowen, ex-M.P. thering that in England he faund In a brief address Mr. Hardy na town so well known as Bw- recalled that when Goodyear pur- manville, because af the products chased the Durham Rtlbber Com- manufactuned in the Goodyear pany in 1910 thene were 52,000 plant. Mn. Hardy nead a letter f nom feet of floor space. Seven years Mayor Ross Strike, expressing re- later 66,000 feet wene added, and gret at his unavoidable absence n the next 20 years 41 % more and congratulating and sending space. "We are about ta add a best wishes of the citizens ta furthen 54,000 feet," Mr. Hardy Gaodyear in their expansion pro- said, "making an increase of 87% ga since the tire departmnent wasgrm As cameras clicked, Mr. Rich- moved ta New Toronto." ardis then turned the fîrst sod Mr. Hardy also recalled that with a spade painted gald and *he campany was emplaying 436 decorated in Goodyear calors. -in the loci--lant, an increase of This act brought the ceremony ta 20% over àar ago. While Pro- a close. duction * sharply curtailed _________ during the depression, the super- intendent related, by 1M3 it had 1 Mies Kate McLaurin, af Bow- returned ta the level ai 1929. The manvifle, for many years a mis- present average manthly produc- sionany in India, was guest speak- tian was 1,070,000 lbs., and in the er at the marning service at First past seven months period, pro- Baptist Church in Oshawa on ductian showed an increase ai Sunday. Engineers Making Survey To Find Adequate Water Supply In Town Utiities Commission Plans ta Provide Booster Service for Summer Shortages. Cost Will be Much Less than An- ticipated, Chairnian States Citizens wha have been wabch- ing the well digger at work at tbe corner ai Scugag Street and Jackman's Lane, bave been won- dering what was the purpose be- hind the work. We are iniormed by the Public Utilities Commission that unden the direction ai James Proctor and Rediern Ltd., con- sultlng engîneers of Toronto, a Brantford firin is making test drilla in several sections ai the tawn ta, determine where an ar- tesian well may be sunk ta secure ai'. adequate supply af watem ta bolster the present supply. It will be recalled that James Proctan and Redfern wene the engineers wha some tine ago ex- amined the local system and ad- vised the commission on methads ta increase the supply. At that time it was expected that it would be quite a costly undertak- ing, but Chaimman Fred Nelles informed us Wednesday that the job will nat be nearly as costly as f irst expected. .1! water can be found neasonably close ta the pre- sent system it will be pumped ln- tqo the system wlth a small pump. "dthe erectian of an expensive *àdter bower will not be necessamy. The ehairman alsa explained that the cost ai the added sulpply wauld nat mean higher rates, but would easily be absorbed by pre- sent revenues. The added suPPly would be used only in the sum- mer turne when the supply is not adequate, and the cast ai opera- FIRST OL) BOYS ARRIVE IN TOWN Saine ai the aId boys e- turning ta Bawmanville fan the Old Boys' Reunian are making sure they are gaing ta be on time. The first ta ar- rive was Rev. S. Gorley Brown af Richmond, Que., wbo an- rived last Saturday and is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Enocb Stevens, H a mn p tao n. .Mr. Brown, an aId Tyrone boy, is enthusiastic about the Re- union. He la a former news- papemman, and bas been a frequent contnibutor ta The Statesman. The second ta ar- rive is Dm. Charles T. Paul o! Hartford, Coknn., who is sbay- ing wth bis sisten, Mrs. F. C. Pethlck, Bowmanville. Dr. Paul is ane a! the distinguish- ed visitons wha will speak ai the Reunion Rally on Sunday evening, August 2tb. tion wlll be quite smaU. It is un- derstood that the engineers are confident that a well can be sunk ta provide a SUPPly sufficient to give the town adequate fan aIl purposes even when ail iactories are nunnîng ta capacity in the sunner time. Ini the past citi- zens bave patiently watcbed their lawns burn up, nefalning frani using water because o! the short- age. With the new supply lb is anticipated that Plenty will be available for this purpose. No definite site fan digging bas yet been determined. but samples af the sali througb whlch the tests are made will be studied with a view ta determining when an adequate underground supply is located. Rol*' Harcistone Killed By Boit Robent Hardstane. aged 21, a fariner student at Bowmanville Higb Scbool, and son o! Mn. and the late Mms. Robent Handsbone, 'ças insbantly killed by llghtning whlle walking acrass the street in Cbeyenne, Wyo., on Monday. Word ai his deatb reacbedis father, wha now lives In Bunllg- tan. Robent was born in Hamil- ton, and lved in Bowmanvile when' bis father was cannected with the ormer Kingsway Nurs- ery, and later wibh the Dowrmharn Nursery. The yaubh atbended schaol heme witb bis aIder brother Don. A sîster at one Urne bad charge ai the Kingsway Flawer Shop. The boy had also livbd in Guelph, and at one time worked at the Mountain Sanîtarluni at Hamilton. His mather dled short- ly aften they le! t Bawmanvllle. The body was retunned ta Bun- ington for bunlal. TO PREACH SUNDAY IWanted Have you any roams in your home where you could accOmino- date Old Boys and Girls return- ing to Bowmanville for the Re- union? Hatel accomnmo<Iatian will nat be sufficient ta take care af thein all, sa a Housing Committee has been formed under Mr. Fred Fattinson ta, look aften this end of it. If you have such a room available, and if you care ta serve Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming. D.D. Lord Bishap ai the Diocese oi the Arctic, largest Anglican dia- cese in the warld, and summer resident oi Bowmanville for 30 yeans, who will be guest preachen ar L. o n Ag cn nu no With a strnng committee at Sunday mamning, when he will be the clebrant at a holy commun- wonk, the success ai the huge ion service, panade which will feature the first day af the Old Boys' Reunian REV. R. A. DELVE next Satunday, seemis assured. Under the chainmanship ai Wes. DIES IN OSHAWA Cawker, the committee met on COURTIE AST R Tuesday and completed arrange- COM M PAS OR ýments. Mn. Cawkem and mem- On Aug. l3th, at hiz, naine. 92 bers af the committee invite the Albert St., Oshawa, there passed hearty ca-operation o! manufac- quietly ta bis newand, Rev. R. A. tuners, merchants, organizations Delve, fan aven 40 yeans a mme and citizens in making this par- of the Bay a! Quinte mnemene ade an outstanding anCk memor- Conerece.able part ai the reunian activities. Born in Bideford, England, on Close ta $100 is aff ened in prises Sept. 3md. 1869, son ai John H. in the il classes. Several bands and S. L. Tremeer Delve. In n- will take part, and the parade will fancy he came ta Canada with take a slightly different route bis parents settling in Lindsay. fram Rotary and Lions Club par- He eceived his education in ades. Port Penny high school and Vic- It will form Up for organization toria University. He was ardained as usual at Central Public School at Port Hope in 1900. ln 1901 he and will pmoceed sauth on Silver was marnied ta, Miss Aberta Street ta King, and straight east Buckley af Orana. Mr. Delve serv- on King Street ta, Liberty, north ed the church at Dairymple, on Liberty ta Wellington, west on Blackstock, Seagrave, Woaîler, Wellington ta Temperance, and Courtice, Smithfield, Brooklin and sôuth on Temperance, crassîng Lyn, from where he retired in the main street ta Rotary Park 1934 awing ta ill health. He was vwhere it will end. The parade will secretany ai conference in 1914 bp followed immediately by the and also served as examiner n cpening ceremanies ai the Re- the former Methodist church. union at the high schoal grounds. Mn. Delve was a faithful pastar 'h anPrd and a dtstinctly spiritual pneach- Thel Mang Pare rcassesfth en.. A Christian gentleman, neyer Floigaetécassi h sparing himself in the wark ai main section ai the parade, ta- the Master. He leaves ta mourn gether with the pnizes and the bis loss, his wiie, thnee sans, John membens of the Paraaie Commit- W. A. Delve of he Customns staff, tee wha have been asked ta take Oshawa: Rev. W. T. R. Delve. cane ai that section. B.B.,B.D.. Sexsmith, Alberta, and Class 1, Best Manuiacturer'sý Rev. S. A. R. Delve, B.A., Monven Float-lst, $10; 2nd, $5; 3rd, $2;, Ontario: and It.hree istrsMrs Committee, A. M. Hardy, E . J 'David BarIl and Mrs. Wm. Root ai Saskatoon, Sask., and Miss M. M. Delve of Barnstaple, England. '*He nests from his labours but bis works do iollaw hum." The f uneral service was con- ducted at the United Church, Or- ana, by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D.. ai Oshawa, assisted by Revs. A. R. Sandersari, M.A., ai Whitby. Rev. H. W. Faley, B.A., B.D.. of R owmanville. Rev. A. E. Honey, B.A., Myrtle. Rev. W. A. Bunnen *and Rev. W. F. Banister, B. A., of Bowmanville, Rev. C. Allin ai Chicago, U.S. Other ministers woattended were Rev. J. W. Bunner o! Bowmanville, Rev. T. H. P. Anderson ai Oshawa, Rev. J. Bannes. B.A., B.D., o! Oshawa, and Rev. F. Cryderman, B.A., BD., a! New York. At the graveside in Orano Cem- etery the committal service was canducted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson and Rev. W. A. Bunner, iollowed by an impressive service conduct- ed by the Masonic order. Many beautiful floral tnibutes expressed the sympathy o! a large circle of relatives and f iends, and many telegramis were received framn former charges. Paîl beaners were membens ai A. F. & A. M.: John Cornish, Roy Cornish, Calvin Hamm, James Tamblyn, Alex McDonald, Joseph sHall. Mn. Delve was past master of A. F. & A. M. r The interment took place in 1Orono Cemetery. IHoming Pigeon Club Bowmanville Racing P i g e o n Club flew their second young bird race on Saturday, August 14, irom Guelph Jct., Ont., 72 miles air line. with the following results: I. Piper - - 2 hrs, 25 miin, 5 sec. L. Richards 2 hrs, 25 min, 15 sec. F Bottrell - 2 hns, 25 min. 35 sec. F. Bottreli - 2 hrs, 26 min, il sec. I. Piper - - 2hxA,27min, 8--ec. L. Richards 2 hrs, 32 min, 43 sec. Under unusual freaks or nature, we saw this week stalks ai corn 13 fret hlgh. grown on a f ield owned by Orville Osborne. The corn was brought ta aour attention by L. R. Wood, implement dealer, who on Saturday questloned Mr. Osborne's statement that he had four acres of corn averaging over 10 feet in helght. Mr. Osborne certalnly backed up his statement and made Mr. Wood give ground. Officiai Reur Durham Old Boys' E August 28tlh .Stubject to Minior Cliangcesi -Rooms To Let r.eals alsa, please let Mr. Pattin- son know right away. The com- mittee is not asking you ta billett these people. They are payang guests. SQ just help, the com- nimittee by notifying them right awaY of what you have to offer, and when visitors ask for homes they will be alloted in the order 1in which they are listed and of icourse according to the available accommodation. C.W.N.A. PRESI]DENT Travellers Are Trussed And Robbed Near Newtonville And West 0f Bowmanville LADIES' CLASS AT Police are Searching ENNISKILLEN ARE for two men in mar- CONCERT SPONSORS oon Sedan who Bru- - - talft' Reat Un London OnWednesday evening, August - -ý. o 4ta very intenesting and en- Man .. Steal Money jayable prograin was given in En- Clothing and. Radio niskillen Unit.ed Chunch shed un- den the auspices af the Young Ladies' Sunday School Class. The Totus ne ihahm teacher ai the class, Mrs. Russel mr takdsepn aoit Gilbert, took the chair. The fol- mean No. 2 Hihweypiat sots ets lowing pnognam was given: Selec- and west af Bowmanville early' ___________________ tonsfrom Wroe Orhesra;Wednesday monning, brutally as- -violin, guitan and piano tria by saulting one, and nabbing bath of Geo. W. James Miss Muriel Moore, Wallace and money and clothing in the cars. Editon and publisher ai The Clifford Stainton; reading, Mis Police believe the thugs ta be the Canadian Statesman, wha on Sat- Velma Gilbert; quartette, Messrs. same in bath instances, the same unday at Halifax, N. S., was el- John Siemon, Edgar Wright, Gar- n'ethods being adopted, and the ected President of the Canadian don Stevens and Clifford Stain- robberies being more than twa Weekly Newspapers Associatian, ton; Mr. Alfred Scadding, To- haurs apant. nepresenting saine 600 weekly ironta, told in a veny intenesting Tefntocre e~Nw newspapers published in Canada. way his dangerous and thrilling Tn frtocurdnerNw Mn. James has senved ion the past adventures in the Nova Scatia toville, whene John Campbell, year as lst Vice-President and mine; Mn. Sam Castle, Maple aged 40, Toronto optical gooda Cha'rmnan af the Advertising Grave. nendered vocal salas, Mn. salesman, was sleeping In his car Ca;mmitee ai the Association. ýGardon Stevens and Mr. Clifford parked at the side ai the b.igh- -ýPhoto by Humphries. 1jStainton sang vocal duets, ac- waY. About 2.30 a.m. Campbell _______________ companyin theiselves on 'their w~as awakened by a flashllght guitars; Mn. Jack Smith, Black- shining through the car windows, BOWMANVILLE stock. played and sang camnical adulcigtedo a t sangs in his usual pîeasing man- tacked by the twa thugs, who tare UPPE SCH OL nr. ,a blanket ta shreds and securely UPER SCHOOLN n Ie r .ckeadleoa trussed the man. Tlmey then drove EXAMIATION r Ieremcakeutand0leoplde.his car toa asideroad east of New- ta abot 25peop. tonville where they robbed Camp- Evelyn AUlin-FC, 2. Poed beU a!f $25, bis hat, club bag and Roy Ashton-EL, c. car radio. They then cut the ig- JoanAylng-L, c FA 2; ot. FIREAT UMP nition wires an bis car and left JaAi-Lc; FA.2oBo..IRcA.D MP him bound. One man was armed Zoo. _______-H, 2 with a common claw haminer. Ian Bell-EL, c; Mech. 2; Chem. A fine which might have result- Campbell was able ta loosen the 2. i ed in serious damage to timber bondls on bis feet and walking to Mary Birks-Bot. 2.1 was checked Monday at the dump the higlmway, with bis hands stili Dorothy Bradt-EC, 2; EL, 1. north a! Bowmanville by' the local tied beh.ind bis back. he hailed a Charles Buckley-Mech. 2. fine brigade. passing motorist and was driven Lamna Clark-Geom. 2-, Tnig. 3.1 Whemi firemen and truck arriv- to Bowmanville where he repart- Manjonie Couch-MH. c; Mlg. c; ed on the scene, the fine was ed ta local police. Trig. 3; LA, 1; LC, 1: FA, 2; PC, 1. burning aven an area ai hre Two houns later, at 4.45 a.m., Florence Courtice-LA, c; LC, c. acres and was gradually creepîng Einer Neilson a! R. R. 1, Gien- Betty Edger-EC, 2; EL, 2. toward timber land to the north. worth, 8 miles from Londan, was Audrey Ellitt-Bot. 1; Zoo. 1. As na water was easily avaflable, rudely awakened in bis car east Alice Fall-EC, c; EL, c; Chem. the fighters used rubber coats to af Courtice. Here again one man c; Bot. 2; Zoo, c. beat out the blaze. carried a hammer. îNeilson was Thela FremanEC, ; EL 2,trussed up and thrown in the back Thema remanEC,2;EL,2; A lange crawd o! citizens gath- seat of the car. One o! the thugs Alg. 1; Trig. 1, LA, c; LC, 3; FC, ered ta watch the scene, afferfngdovahdinabgmrns- c.advice as ta the best method Of dan, and the second thug fallow- Morse Goodmnan-MH, 2; Geoin. contraI. The smoke could be seen ed with Neilson~s car. Thev pass- 3: Tnig. 2; LA, c; LC, 3; Bot 2; fan several mniles, although flames Zoo. 2. did nat neach a great height. (Turn ta Page 7, Please> Merchants Give Handsome Prizes For Community Picnic Programi CORONATION MEDAL IS RECE1VED HERE BY MAYOR STRIKE Distribution o! Coranation medals is being made through- out the British Empire, and one was received in Bawman- ville last week fain Ottawa for His Warship, Mayor W. Ross Stnike. The letter which accampanied it. carnied the crest ai Buckingham Palace, and read% as f ollows: "By Command ai 'His Majesty the King, the accômpanying me- dal is farwarded ta W. Ros Stnike, Esq., ta be warnn commemoration a! Their Ma- jesties Cononatian. l2tb May, 1937." The medal, which is attached ta calorful nibbon, bears the inscription, "George VI - Queen Elizabeth - Cnown- ed 12 May, 1937" together with pictures ai Thei.r Ma- jesties. Mayor Strike la taking a well earned rest main bis municipal duties and also fain his duties as president of the Rotary Club, and ,with Mrs. Stnike and Alan are holidaying for ten days at Wight- Kagama Camp, in the Laurentian Mountains in Quebec. Reeve R. O. Jones is acting mayar in Mn. Strike's absence. Ris Worsbip will return ta the exceptlonally heavy duties attendant upon the OId Boys' Reunion on Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Street, To- ronto, announce the engagement af them.r daugbter, Winifred, ta Mr. Wm. John Cully, Sudbury, Ontario, oldest son a! Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Cully, Bowmianville, the wedding ta take place Septem- ber lSth at 7 o'clack in Km- boumne Park United Chumch, To- ronta. Softball Tournament to Feat- ure Four Local Girls' Teams .AU Shrubb and Earl Cun- ningham ta be Official Star- ters on August 3Oth At a meeting held on Monday night, the prograin of sparts fan the Reunian Community Plcnlc o11 Manday aiternoan, August 30, was completed. The commlttee was told that merchants were ne- spanding sPlendîdly ta the appeal f on pnizes, and many merchants bave already notified the coin- mittee of the prizes they wîll donate. Othen merchants bave yet ta be seen, and a complete list of events together with the prizes and their donors wIll ap- Pear next week. Included ln the prises already affered are, bains. sides o! bacon, cameras, shooe, elocks, chocolates, lingerie, furni- ture, tallet sets, table cloths, wlndbreakers, meat. cases of vege- tables, sets o! china, flash.llgbts, harmonicas, and many other items. Eveny prize wlll be wefl wortb tnylng for. The R. M. Hollingshead Comn- pany, thraugh the countesy a! Mn. J. F. Gorman; bhas donated a bandsome silver cup ta the wln- ring team in the Saccer cantest on Saturday night. A silver cup is also belng secured for competi- tian ln the girls' softball tourna- ment wbicb wlll feattire teains from Courtice, Maple Grave, En- niskillen and Hampton. Extra Prizes for every Indîvidual an these teais Is belng arranged fan. Mr. David Morrison is taking cane a! the Old Time Flddlers Contest and will accept entnies. Mn. Jesse Amnes is ln charge o! the Horsesboe Pltchlng contest and entries should be made witb <Trurri ta Page 7, Please) Oshawa Wins First Playoff Game Oshawa Intermediates took a one gaine lead in their piayoff se nies with Bowmuanville when they necelved witb thanks the present a! a 4 ta 3 victony handed ta thein by the Rayais In the first gaine a! the Lakeshare Lea- gue finals here last night. Every nun tbey scored was taiuted wlth the Rayais glvlng thein tbree tai- lles and Umpire Hoot Gibsan ai Cobourg one; (and this tale o! woe isn't sour grapes). Dave Osborne was the vlctim af this generoslty as be twirled fine bail, allowlng only eight bits and whi.ffing six while walking two. Anderson, on the mound for Osh- awa, was reached for ten safeties and danated seven passes but fanned elgbt and was strang in the pluches. Great wonk in the lnfleld by Hall and Bannes also helped hlm aut. Bert ColwelI was the leading bitter witb three bîngies, and it was bis flrst inn- (Turn ta Page 7, Pleate) turers, Merchaxits and Or- ganizations asked ta Co-op- erate.Prizes Listed Returning ta Bowmianville f rom the Canadian Weekly Newspapens Association at Halifax, N. S., Edi- ter Oea. W. James was about ta retire on the train one evening when othen editans insisted he was in the wnong pullman, and insist- ed there was a special pullman for him funther back in the train. Believing it ta be a practical joke, Mr. James decided ta see what it was, but surely enough there a a pullman on the train named "Bowmanvifle." Whether the car was placed an the train because a Bowmanville editor was the new president ai the Association, or whether it was just a caincidence we have not learned. Haweven. the naine "Bowmanville" is get- ting some coast ta coast adver- tising. Wood, S. Roy Jackman. B. H. Mortlock. Class 2, Best Merchant's Float i-lst, $5; 2nd. $3;- 3rd, $2 ; Com- 1mittee: T. W. Cawker, W. L. El- rliatt, T. A. Dustan. L Class 3. Best Float put, on by Service Club, Women's Instituteý or other Durham organizatian- lst, $10, 2nd, $5; 3rd, $2; Com- mittee, Ray Dilling, R. R. Stevens, Mrs. J. Thickson. Class 4, Decorated Car-lst, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd. $2; Committee, J. Abennethy. G. Jones. B. B. Fur- ber, W. J. Challis, Roy NichaIs. Alan Knight. Class 5, Best Farmer's Float- Ielreen Hlman-EC, c; EL, . lst, $10; Znd, $5; 3*rd, $2; Com- Jack Hare-Tig. 2; Cbem. 1; mittee, R. R. Stevens, W. H. Car- Zoo. 2. ruthers. Lucy Hearl-LA. 2; LC, 1; FA. Children's Parade 1; PC, 2. Ib will be noted that pnizes inj Ruth Honey-MH. 2; LA, 3; LC, this section are considenably bigb- 12; FA, 2; FC, 2; Bot. 2; Zoo, c. Ruth Ives--EC, 2; EL, 2. (Turn ta pago 7, please> I Ted Johns-FA, c; PC, c. Betty Knax.-MH, 1- Geoin 1 Trig. 1; LA, 1: LC, 1; 'FA, 1; FC, nion Program 1:G r.A. ; G mC. 1; Bot. 1: William McFeeters-EC, c. Reunion, Bowmamville Robent Mcllveen-Ag. c; Geomi. h, 29th, 3Oth 2; Trig. 2; Mech. 3; FA, 2; PC, c; as Ivittios ar Aceptd) Chein. 3. as Ivitaionsare cceped) Frank McMullen-EC, c; Chein. SATITRDAY, AITGUST 28th: 9 a.mt.-Registration of Old Boys and Girls at the Hanse' of Friendship. (Badminton Club). 2.30 p.m.-Parade featuingii Bands. Histonical ammd Mer- chants' and Manufacturers' Floats, and Kiddies. 3 p.m.-Officia] Welcoene by His Worship Mayor Stnike. Officiai Opening of Reunion. 3.30 p.m.-Baseball Gamne, Hîgh School Grounds. 6.30 pjm.-Soccer Football Gaine, Highi Sehiool Grouimds. 8 p.ri.-Motioîm Pictures of i}urhaim County, Townl Hall, by Dr. L. B. Williams. Reserved section for Old Boys and Girls. Public Cordially invited. SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th: il a.m.-Moniing Services ini the Ciurches. Former mini- isters and oId boys will occupy the pulpits: St. Paîml's United . . . Rev. Dr. D. W. Best St. John's Anglican . .. Rev. T. A. Nind Trniîty United . .. Rev. C. C. Washington St. Andrew's Pres. Rev. Dr. Humgli Munroe Salvation Army . . . Col. Edwy White St. Joseph 's R. C. Ch., Rev. Fatmer Coffey 4 p.m.-Cotîeert at (irean of l3arley Camp by East Toronto Salvatiomi Amny Band. Afternoon free for visiting and trips ta the country. 7.30 P. in .-Conmm tit t Sing at Iligrh Seliool Gounds. 8 p.m.-Reunion Rallu chelarge of Mimisterial Ass'mm. Speakers: Prof. Cbarles T. Paul, Ilartford, Conu. (Col. Edwy White, ('oral Gables, Flonida. Rev. Dr. Hugli Mimuroe, Moderator ofthtle General Assembly of the Preshyteran Churcli. Music by Band of tîme Canadiam Legion. MONDAY. ATIGUST 3th:- 9 aAnm.-Back to School wîtm former teachers. 10 a.mi.-Trip to the Boys' Traiiîîg -School. Il a.nmi.-Toiir of Inspection, Goodyear Factory. 2.30 p.iii.-Creamn of Barley Cattpl. Progm'am of Sports - Softball Touruament. 4 1).iii.-OIdl Time Fiddlers' Contest. 6.30 pini.-Softball Touruanient Finals. 8 p.m.-Closing Reunion Rally, Creain of Barley Park. Speakers: His Worship, Mayor W. D. Rabbins of Toron ta. Dr. Jabez Elliott, Toronto. J. A. Osborne, Editor of America's oldest newspaper. And many other distinguished aid boys. Plan ta Join in Every Part of the Celebration. Dorathy Mitchell-LA, c; LC,' c; Bot. c. Madge Moses-Tig. c; LA. 2; LC, 2; FA, 1; PC, 1; Bot. 3; Zoo' 2. Edward Nickerson-EC, 2. j Viola Naden-Alg. 2; Geain. 2; Trig. 1. Violet Osborne-EC, c; EL, c; LA, c; LC, c. Doreen Perrett-EC, 1, EL, 1. Laura Pbilp-EC, c; EL, 2. Lawrence Rehder - Trig. c; Mech. 2; Chein. 2. Gladys Reyrolds-MH, 2; Alg. 2: Trlg. 1; LA., 1; LC, 2; FA, 1; PC, 1. Dorotby RicbarLs-EC, c; MH. 2. Marion Scott-EC. c; EL, 2. James Slason-Alg. 1; Geoin. 1. Boyd Slemon - eoin. c; Trig. 1; Mech. c; Chem. 2. Charles Spencer-EC, D; EL. c. Muriel Stocker-Ml!, 1; Geain. 2; Trig. 2. Grace Trull-MHI, c. John VanDusen-EC, 2; EL, 2. Gertrude Wagar-EC, 2; EL, 2. Manie White--EC, 2; EL, 1. Aileen Wght-EL, c. Margaret Waad-EC, 2: EL, 2. A cheenful man can aiways get attention when be bas a tale a! woe ta tell. Cartwright Preceptary, R oy alI Blacké Chapter, turned out in goodly numbers on Saturday for1 tbe Derry Day marcb ini Oshawa, when several thausand paraded tbnough the streets, accampanied by a score or more bands. The Bowmanville Druin and Fife Band was in the parade, and also the Pantypool band, bath playing in Bawmanvllle pnior ta their de- panture froin Oshawa. M an y Bowmanville people saw the par- ade wbich was wltnessed by thou.sands. LIBERAL CONVENTION Durham Liberal Convention ta select candidate for the ap- pnoacblng Provincial Election wlll be beid at Orono an September 1. Dr. Fauflkner, Miniteroa!Health, will be the speaker. With Which Is lncorporated The Bowunanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News .tan Plan Spectacular Parade In Town Part,,Of Big Reunion Celebration Nearly $100 Offered ini Pr,*Ees, NAME PULLMAN in 11 Classes. Manufac- FOR BOWMANVILLE ha 1 ~tate~mrnt More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham County Newspaper

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