I THE CANADIAN STATES.MAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. AUGUST 19TH, 1937 Me amlbin S-~tatt§man Estabiished 1854 A Weekiy Newspaper devoted to the interests of th e town of Bow manviiie and surounding country. Issued at King -Street, Bowmianvie, every Thursda>.- by M. A. Jamýes & Sons, owners and uubi.shCrs. The Canadian Statesmian is a menber of the Ca,, dafln Weekly Newspapers Association, aiso the CiassA Week les of Canada. SUBSCRIPT10N RATES Anlywhere in Canada, $200 a y ar; rn United States. $250 a year, payable in advance. Sngle cooes. 5c. It's Up To You Now xvcri i vxiv. 'liiiioii ,' uiuî-t11Yxii ý' It inake t litex Tî,icu~ hie t )i'l andî Ghit' roixv"'îrxîntî oin'ii iai xîuuh troilIii iiiilv Stxii,'s iii -t lie lilionîi haxve' seisfaiiijar't hc',~tt . 'lOd BoYs miltiIsui 'iithGirlsîstie. Thein'cu- iiittel- xi, 'utiîsa.ii '. Ahi thxat î'euiains is for' tIi,' itizeus "f Wi'st Di)îrhxiaiit e lt'as elithisiaxstiv iniwluii thie visitors andt sevim-uia. hxt tlitev hlave a geed tiîuxc xxhxle lîire. Hî,xwiîia îiile lias louig hiad a repîta- tiîîîîfo'e- its hiospitîl ity. We hipe thuaf that rehîlta t iin i xil net oeilà;he aintainxid hit cniiliiiverota itil- ingthe Reuiiioiu. 'hhii're îcsevei'al evelits oui the px'egraixî inii xvlihthe pubhliec ill have ait oppoutunî- i Iv te je)iîî xvth Ie OId BeYS and Girls. 'Fli ptig'uîis piilislied elscwlîcrc ifhis is- suie. antd xe suggest thal every effort be mnadîe te fîin eut te eveîfs that have hveeî fflaixiedl. Partieullarlv is the cominittec alîxicus that there be a gemi atfencdanî1e ah the Reunieîî Raliy oui Seîîdxuy nii-it anîd Ite ('oîxunwuîitY Pieu ic on MIiclxav 1afterîxeen. This latter evexîf xilx'ecailh te nid the> hig-hl.v siîcessfill Businessi's ecunniieux- îtv p icic c f a fex veyars ago. xx'ienthe w;hele toxvuu os.id siirrouundinîg ceîinhrysiîle tuî'îed outfofr an aftcrîîooîî of fun îantii fel- Iowship.. And as the Reuioin daiiy approaclies xve hope tîxat cihizexîs xil îîake certainî tii lce- orafe their homes, and stores. xilh xear that smile of xvecoe lethte <>1<1 l>îus ari've. and xiii take an eiîthusîast.ic pa rt ini the actiVihies of the three day eveuit. Careful Financing Pays lit a few' l.ears sonie cf Boxiiaiiville*s majer debentuues xxih lue î'etiî'c d îithe fixaielal positioni of the Iowiî eonxiîieu ,ily eîîhaîîced. Wlieii that turne. arrives, il xii aiso e le inue te tîslixu'ini a iew' ena cf uîxîuîi- cipal finaîxciîîg. Possibîy hecause everyclie else hias heen doiîîg it. il lias beeuî customn- ary to put ix cvery- îeeded iniil)nveunit, auud hand on the cest 10 pesteniîy-. The de- bentîîne systeni cf pay ii-ug lonneeded un- preveuncuits is al ig-ixt ini tsehf, but 1 t be- cornes a terrible burxînîiu, xheuu depressien cones. li the depressiouu new happiiy fad- ing iute historx-. xiauuv iiiicpatesors Canada defautcd oi thîir dehcuuturîe prnî- cipal anîd interest paNineuits. 'SexvenaI are stili defatuhtiuug anud xiiiotnet îienge frcon the depressien uuîît il<tixern unuiîiipalities hav'e eiij<ued pr<speuity fort soin(, tint.e. If xv>'are f0 eartx aiiythiixg ,frntîthue huxst. one cf flic iesh tlxiiugzs li toeuiate taxpay.ýers in 15 flue habit eof paviniitasyoni go. Thie mnicipality whiichi keph its eyceîon the '~trcasuury inu gced tites, sxifteu'ed less, xvlieuu bad times camue. 'F lsution î h ie prîxh- lem is the iahluxghsYsheui, xvhenehy a muiiipal ihy cnly incl udes iii ils bîudgef items xvilii it is sure h. elicît. Tiiei'e is na carl lly tise dnaxviiig tîp a budget f>flu te year xith the kncxvhedge tixat culy 75"(cf the expecteil revenue is cellectihile. AhI <iii- coliechihîe taxes aîhd te tuh' debt. and ie- cease iîterest charg-es. 'FlicBowviianxxil e Couniil lias had< execîheuit eader'shiip freon Mayor' Rossi Strike ilutîtget iuîg xand <'xxre- fui expenditure. cend if is hotped thiat f'uturue couneicls xvilax'oid. except xxheue xîselitî- ly neeessar,. thxe pilig up et' dehiet iii'> debts, anîd thie'liahit of' luidgehiiig- o iieh unie non-celleetible rceunue. MTuni>ipaities that permit fax arrears to accuuîate are only dclay ing the achuial day' cf reekoniig.lit it wilI cerne and sufferiîug xilhe juist as keen theix as it lias heen for tiiose xvhîehaxve forced thcmseîves ho pay as fhey wxeut. Explanation - Understanding We received a etter rccentiy frnm fli presitient of one of Caxada's largest iier- cantile institutionîs, aîud ju that lettex' lie coînplained cf fixe attitude of inauîy people who tifairhy ciicize institutions thiat have becone large, or individuals wluo hiav~elue- corne ealthîy. Whihe -we agree that il is quife unufair te (le this, we feci thaf in many instancees arge corporations do nothing ta preveiit 1. By luis xi'e, nean tuaI they do littie iii a pnublic w'ay- ho explain tîxeur view- point >îîu nxuheus affcching tlixmselvcs and the pîulie. Thiey observe a ueiccuee that actuixl hy jroduves thliii'<tie isinu they cî- plainu of. 'Fh<'î' is eie li'g'groiiu huivever whiclu lias gene out of its way iuî tlle hhxst fe*ui imoulus te xu' 'h uie ai hether iiiI"tui I lix the uieiihi f tits xitiouis. Weî'eeî'te I lue xxti<,îi cf th', Lit'fo Cixîu'e(iipaîii's w'ho fiive suent i iuxît <lttexul etofxiiiney inia senies o<isf)ituu ,xx hvîtiseiuuilisiiaut effort tii shoiw' î I lie h.s uuiîidîî set'uiitx' out' it'e îisiîxxxii xui<xi in a idif is great vaue in im ues -t fiiîaii'ial stress xand< strain io he> ti eptlle' of ii. ,uîîiîî ion. Thli xidxeu't iseinents, as o<<iiixîl <us xiii rh- ahly î'ecah, iwere' nef of 11w ~saxles typue. 'lhevx rmerely siuetd iiow LJi le Iusuuan >ne- duices seeuîity, savings, Irt'eees fl ihoux>', and prtuvides an estate aind assuruanice fort those who are leff when dcclix stî'ikes. Tiie Houx. Charles Dunning, Minister of Finance, points ta the insurance compauuies as "Can- il hai* ,,i ,i rr at,,t t ti'usteeshilp. ' ' This is no 1n10", arof SpeevhI, for thîce and a hit'f ~ awiiaîs ave a vital iliterest ini t bet ~,;ilI' ,iinhallieýý. Thins îhîî'eviati a t V -î. xi ('f 1*.îîîîîallit,. i, h ave ini trust 1 \ ',r1-11 I III., 't'rie'fri\, n 'xlv îîlîexio il lîexv ,î îî' ie' iid i iew fait i iii -Jnulil Illoaand itvu tf iisliranii ni Many Dangers In The Water The 11iiitirtiiiiate or vîîî. e'tii,' sînali '1, t ov inIllhe tanîîîiu. xiik a t thie tral ' ' f Hrl Camp is înîîst distr'Cssing. iai'tioilarh v ini view ofeth te sihort tiiie the tanik lia-, )he1in ii pubhlielise. As the inuuest lias -vet t,, he' hiehi. just xvhat avi al hy liiap. hfl'iit' is îlot kiîwi. Tuehe bo v ppai'eiithy% jiiped iii anîd disappeaî'ed frontî sigrlit a il waxs net seen agaîin til a gir'l stilnihleil oni ]lis hîeiv. The droxvnii shouîld serve as,-,a waxi.î r îî te take particular 'aî'e of i'hihdreîî iii the xvxteî'. even if th lî îihul1 is latlîiîîg i a phae xvhere inanv ethiers are hathinz. Th lîe ihiltren eof todlyvheeoneiee d swini- niers at se eaî'lY ai age that thîeî' is a teii- dency 1toeîîsidler tliem safe in dueep w'ateî'. t îît'citimîately eveîî god sxviimei's einte tr'ouhl e iii the' xxte' ('rani ps and seizures hiave ta kei tnait%- trciîr sxinmiers. So that heowever st1'eiî- a swinî.iner voni are, ever: t'ai'e shiîle hle exeroised xvien ini flicwater. 11 pîubihe sxiîninu.si pools seilne effort .Shiol li e imalle' toIiave ,îhei' persouis kei'p ai ihe on te:v;uti folk. Ili aet'owd. a iictieedittil il is, tee late. The accidenit at theeaîlip ast Thiîiîsda v is nostiniifort- lînati'. hut Mlenu' au hlardiv- licattaîhc'iedte aîîvoiie. 'Theie hihd ia(h eften phaved iin the tai> k. aiidIl hi., oldex' siste' hîadl guoine xi th hli ni. hIt xasjust iun fe ît un ate thiaÎt fliecliihl xveit iii wilhîh'is sister xvas doiiiiiîîg lier siii suit. iad the ittle boy wxaitvd a few min ltitis the ti'geulv ii t ilever liavxe (c- t"eure. An Amazing Bit of Legisiation [lad Mi'. Barii heeil aive today, lie wvtiuhd have sen iii Aberta the triait of luis oft repeated statenient hornxe out "A sucker is huîî'î evei'v iîîiiite. ' Whcii unue secs thec people of Alberta ;ieriiittiiîg Mr. Ahcriart 10 putt thironghi legishatioîu suhil as ie lias puIt thîrougli u diing t hie last few hay.s. thîey eau- ii luit u xoiicr vhethier the phet htople ar'e askiîîg for ia taste <f fascisi. 'IheY cer- lanyare gt'tting it. Mr. Aberlart's Batik egsiatioii cxci't>>lie lput thii'<ugli a ('auad- iatiî1Legî,siattre. Net cîîlv lias il. steppcd e)lt eof the Provini'ial tield iuîto Fedeu'al af- fairs. but it lias virtualhv cuit off the hauîk- iîîg iîîulistry tronti operat îîîg. We liold île hrief tor' hauks, but11w>' doi kîtow vtlhat uider proper governieuit supher- vision thley ate mie etf thee oiiliî' 'ratest as~t.Ti'ir st reiigt li and stabi lity is sein mlueii thîir record is uînuîpared witiî the re- cuiud ofal'uking iii the Vitci States. M r. Aberlîirt proipose's t t uni over pro vi iîeial finances te a groîip cf 111(11w'îtl a thieoruv t iat lias uc ver hen proveul Xoi'tll\iwii le-. anid a ilieîrv tiat listiiîiýiiicxd euiiiîiists tell us ('aitlead butt te disexîster. 'Ihat is -wliv xvi' wiîder thiat Ill eiieole f Alerta -on-_ titille Ioi et Mri. Aberlxaut hI<oîlxiik thleiiî. Of'euns e xve ializ tliîat there is appexil t'> a fi-et, gi ltof $25 puer îîx,îît h.luit whi aixy- one shiîîihd xaiît te hiave $25~ giveil theiî'î eveiv mut i xit hîîîut. varixii it xve fa il t>> ve,' If Pr'emîier Abi'îart is î'eaIhv aîîxiîiiis te g-iv, lihe people <f Ahhîeî'txituaI aildei iii- v'uuîîe, WIvv <ousniî't ie put thîioigliila iiiiii- îiîiîu xviagc h aw tuaI w'ilh elisune il. Tlieii;at h,'ast 1l ieiili a ve the kioxvedgethit Ilie lîloîney is iîiîgîariiid andîil îot ini'egîv erî'îu niîeicanit . A $25 per itioîttl d(ole is likoly tii pneducil \a-et-\- uidesiu'allc t ucof 0eiîi7eîîi ii the 'pi'ovilive, the type tuiat woiid î'athîivr ,iilsist oniigoveriî nent uratit.s tfiait tearl'i i vinîg iii tli(,aeeî)t<'d xav. Editoriai Notes Thiî soihy a h iîî he miore tlxani a xeek iîew to, prepare for thle Ueuiiioix. Have yo donc( everythînit hii your power tu ensure ils is vonusi<lei'etliic-sjiapu' -adhvei't isiuitis iiiinidi obiiapeî' xid oiitsieor alîuiuli'olieliîts iof iiitcrtiinxients, sp(iitiiiggaine,x'orsiî'hi,' 5 i iiltilh ut cx'foiiliof ailveit isuîg. N wxxx- hauers ane keph iand<]î'aud, Flot ltiuivi uva v ashaifiîlls deliveu'ed fî'onxlieuse tu o menus tuel ieitiare'>. WVe<k ly iuuvspapers offe r thle i)est idvrtising valune, hîcause the is- sues are kept for a week and generalhy re- ferrcd te constantly. Little Known Facts About WELL KNOWN PEOPLE A series dei ,iiecl to inake eit ze ns hi tter ao jiainted IVith peoleCevi'vone in t)isý coiiiiiiiiit luis know'ixfor, vears. No. 12 - W. Len Elliott Someone once saic off the Irish. Biid.xxg. andi Central and South -They dont know what. they Ward Schools. want bu the'llfigt un'l hy He is the immediate past presi- wan. ot te~,l fghtuntl teydent off the Rotary Club. and dur- get it." It is the exception that irg hi.s year off office earned for always proves the rule. and the himself the reputation off being a exception is W. Len Elliott, sub- ready wit. and a clever and en- ject off sketch number 12 in th'-, tertaining chairman. He gets his series, plumber. steamfitter. im- mediate Past P.-esident off the Ra- tary Club, and one off the bright- est wits in the town off Bowman- ville. His full nAme is William Leonard Elîjott, but he's about as fond off the William as one off the Statesman staff is off Benjamin. - Hes the exception to the rule i because despite his Irish forebears he knows just what he wants. andi usually fights until he gets it.. Near the village off Bôlton (pop- ulation 556) in one off the inost fertile sections off Peel County, Len El;iott was born on March 19, 1894. on a farm. Incidentally bc is the first one ln Ibis series off whom we have adequate proof off the date off birth. for we saw bis birth certificate. Hi.s father w as Samuel Elliott and bis mo- ther Sarah Ann Elliott. and Len has always been extremely proud off the olt f olks. Whenlever any- tbing off import appeared in the paper about him Len would al- ways want an extra copy to senti t,) Dati." because he knew dad W. Len Elliott vas really interested. Len was educated in the Bolton greatest kick oulside off bis busi- district and his first jaunt away ness in Rotary activities. from parentar roof and influence He is a Past Master of Jerusa- was when he went west for 15 lem Lodge A. F. & A. M.. a niera- nionths. He was in Regina at the ber off Palestine Chapter. Royal time of the cyclone and he tells Arch Masons, a former member off us il literally tore Regina to pieces. the Business Men's AsQsociati4on Returning to Bolton he learned and Treasurer off the Retail Mer- the plumbing trade. and despite chants Association. He served for the traditional belief there was no one years as a member off the special training in leaving one's town council. anti was defeated tools at th.e shop. the second year when he ran for In 1915, and very few people Reeve with Tom Lockhart as bis know this, Len jo'neti the army opponent. with the 128th Peel Battal:on. He belteves that the suni rises He served 8 months with His Ma- andi sets on Bolton, and for that jesty's forces before being. as he reason he looked to Bolton for a puts it, "kicked out" as a sufferer wfe. and found a very charming f rom T. B. However. he over- '-ne in Bertha Moore off that/vil- came this and tcday is entirely ilage. They have two chiltiren. rii off the ailment. Audrey, age 18, and Blain, age 15. He worked aI the plumbing Len bas two hobbies. the first trade in Hamilton and Coiborne antd most important is bis busi- before coming in 1917 to work in ress. Dale Carnegie says that the Bawmanville for Rice & Co. One man who doeznt get a great kick year later he entered into a part- out off his own business can neyer nership with Leo Greenaway un- bý> a success ai it. Thal probably der the name of Greenaway & El- accounts for the f act that Len bas l'ott. wth heatiquarters in the made a real success off his busi- store on Division Street, now oc- ness. Len makes it bis business cupied by Sam Stewart, seed mer- ta make satisfied custoîners. His chant. Later they moved into the other hobby is newly acquireti, store on King Street now occupieti and is f ishing. He went. fisbing by the T. Eaton Co. for the first 'time th15 year with In 1925 tbe partnership was a party. caught eight fishx in two dissolveti and Mr. Elliott started days. andi proudly relates that he iii business for himself in bis pre- caugbî, the largest one in the 'sent stand. Sitice that time he party. bas completed several important Andi that, ladies and gentlemen. contracts including the scbool,'ii the story off W. Len Elliott, an gymnasium andi carpenter sbop at, Irishman wbo was born in Can- the Boys' Training- School, the ýada of Canadian parents, but who House off Refuge at Cobourg, the 'still retains alI the Irish capacity new High School.,Ihe Jury Jubi- for wit, humour, hospitality andi lec Building. the 'Public Utililies.friendship. Somewhere in holy writ there is l.sten carefully to the words... a propflecy to the effect that the to remember them anti latex' re- firs shll e lst nd he astcite as many as we coulti recaîl. firt sah e lst nd he astYou w:ll1l:e prout off us when we shaîl be firsî. Thi.s bas puzzled tell you that we were able 10 re- millions. It looks like a mistake. miember and repeat nine. We be- Tearing it fromil is context wer gan by repeating the last word have' been able to make a mun- first andi proceedeti backwards (as dane application that proves the il were) so that the fir.st word process to be practical. It per- was last. Isn't that pretty gooti, tains to the mechanics off memory.i folks? Some years ago ve trieti every1 Well . . . the p-sychologist says old thing for what seemeti to be f1 t us, says he: 'Thal is qiuite re- a mental deficiency. We vwere, markable. People invariably re- rersuadeti to consuit a psycholo- member the first word and try 10 g:st. He would check up on Ihoser rec aIl tbemn in the order 1 recite intellecual andi physical weapons 'tlbem." From this experience andi witlh wbicb we battle our Chris- the information on the way peo- tian brothers anti sisters in an pIe manoeuvre their memories, we economis arena calleti civilization. were able to ativocate a rule for Psychologists are skilled stu- preachers. teachers. public speak- dcnts off psysic phenomena. They ers, etc. tamper with a substance known It is: Say tbe important thing as the mmnd. Their conclusions firsî. This rule has the double are usually arrived at by measure- ativantage off eîching the import- ments and tests. To these we ant point in the memory wben it were duly subjecteti. is impressionable anti of favoring I.n order to give you a piece off thoje who lie to take a nap af- information that was new to us ter _ycu haveý given them a litîle at the time, il will be necessary ta articulate anaesîbetic. expose a part of the picture wbich If you are wondering about the shows that we are brilliant. But hest way to train your memory so we won't show you the part where you can rememnber everything... we are tieplorably duIl. The psy- no malter how it is tbrown at chologist gave us a common test you ..-. il migbt be well for you (among manyl in which hie re- tr' apply for member-ship in the ptated . . . slowly but dîtinctly Scribe GI Memory Training Insti- ...ten words representing unre- tute. Every fifleen or twenty lateti things . . . like dog . . por- years someone drops off and you i ge . toothache ..f aith,. la- may bo the lucky person . . . ab- ger beer etc. We were asked 10 solutely. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, August 15, 1912 As R. F. Trewin, a student off Bowmanville Hxgh School, bas inet the conditions requireti for pmficiency standing he is awax'd- ccl the Edward Blake West Dur- hanu schalarsbip. Bowmanville Higb Scbaol bas matie a splendid record off aIl de- parîmnenlal examinations t h i s year. Amang thos;e securing their junior maticulation are, Gladys M. Cousins, Reginald H. Jolliffe, Ross S. Lang, Madeline M. Ste- phens, J. Ross Stutt, Milton S. Tuoker, Fred J. VanNest, Harolti Washington. Rev. Hugh Munroe's Sunday morning f ive minute sermons to the chlldren are lncreasingly in- leresting. Last Sunday lue spoke on 'Faitbfulness."ý Marriage: Jahixife - Scbaley- A tlie uesitience off the bride's sister, IMrs. Edunnt Taylor. Toronto. on August 81h, Ethel Olive Scholey. daugbteu off Mn. anti Mrs. George Scholey, anti Reginalti Norman Jollifie, yaungest son off Rev. anti Mu's. W. J. Jolliffe. fDeath: Cowling - In .Darling- ton, August 121h, William Cawl- ing, ageti 79 years. A serions accident occumreti aI luxe Gýootiyear Tire anti Rubber works Friday by which Mr. Wal- ter Lambert, wha muns one off the milis, hati bis hanti 50 badly crusheti as ta cause ils removal. Presence off mind caused hlm tb throw on the trip anti be with- d.rew the inJureti member hlmsehf. Medical help was immediately summoneti but 1h was Ipsil FIFTY YEARS AGO b lis lueart lie was finished. It tock pre-ence were General Alderson _______about six months fronx the ffirst arti our cwn Lt. Col. Laine T. Fromn The Canadian Statesman, symptoms ta do this. :MLah nwbose pride in the August 10, 1887 ,Sincerely, ' 2ndt needs no statement, and lie Hamton OnSaurdy m:n Mrs. Amos Bond hati gocti reason ta be prouti off .ng about 3 o'cloek thée resitience teui htcut unot2 0f M. MihaelCrydrman onyears affter, anti march with the of M. ýiche1 Cydeman on 'Dan Dl Writes of 2nd Bn. precision and swing that was so Lot 20. Con. 6, was discavereti by Reunion f vdent that laýt kilometre for the tenant, Mr. Thos. Rowe, to be mt613 10me-frn ob hnte on f ire. The fire originateti in Peterboroughu. Augus .197sme - for nordoubto wen ey the woodshed which w-as situateti Dear George: -metganiTontnetyr ta the ncrtb off the main building. 'JusI hais do YOU walk?- - tiiere will be a ffew who will not The wind blowing- from the northi the Yoîung felloxxs reatiing tha, -number ffrom the right." at the lime the entire buildings editorial will. I hope. take it 10 R.S.M. Bill Cocper agai.n led were envelopeti in flames in a bearî andi pull back their shoul- the aid battahion on parade, but zhort lime. The buildings anti ders anti step out. saying out lauti bis vaice cracketi whlen hie led the contents were parîly insureti. but 'if îhey wish 'Lip!! -Lipllr ta thuee rheers for our olti comman- both Mr. Rowe anti Mn. Cryder- thenuselves as we did in the gooc tier' aI tbe close off the parade - man will be aI considerable îos. olti days. .be olti si'sy Cartwrighl: Mn. W. VanCamp's' I w'ent ta the 2nd re-union as W. H. Cole's appreciation off barn whic was blown tiown re- iClarence HaIl will bave tld youThe Statesman as a contact wilh cenîly by the wind. was raiseti by now I expecl. anti there you the ýhome town' bas been mine azain on Saturday anti Mn. Jamessaw a demonstration off tbe very for a long lime naw'. anti is as Ee acock's new' barn was raiseti on article I openeti with. - il was a real as wben I was 'In the ine.' Friday. ..The name off our posîtbrhill ta march with the very f in- Very Sincerely, office bas been changeti fram xvii- est Battahion thal left Canatia. ('Dan Di) Dan M. Douglas. liamsbtirg ta Blackstack. ishores - nowx for the xnost par't ___________ A sati anti fatal accident occur- 1 grey haireti men. andti t see the re t at he Bowmianville Grand:swing off aven 300 men in their Thxe modemn girl is neyer satis- Trunk station on Saturday. by reti berets for mile upon mile- fieti until she gels a bal too large which Wesley Brimacambe. an: FACT - for we circleti Kingston for bier heati and sboes too small employee off the Organ factory. ta be sure anti decorale or saIntei for bier feel. was tbe viclim. The young man aIl soldier memorials. anti here is1 He who us most show in makiiug had been in attendance aI the the crawning exidence off Ihe oli a promise is the most f aithf ul in Massey picnic at Newcastle anti'spirit - the last mile - or was il the performance off il. was returnir7 home on the train. _______________________________ He wa.s warned thal the train titi nol stop in Bowmanville. As the cars Pa.ssedl thraugh here aI the > th r'ate off some lwenty miles per j i h boun, he jumpeti for the platform, lxghting on bis feet for a moment and then taking a somersault. forcéking bis head with tremendaus E WO out regaining consciousness. Our respectedti 1wnsman. Mr S. H ITMS C U don. Ont., for the benefit of bisC health. He suffers from rheuma- tism anti is being treateti at the turkish baths in Ihal city. Marriage: Hoitige - Cryderman- On August 3rti, by Rev. E. Barrass .~ > ~> ~ at the residence off the bide's par- ents, Henry John. eldest son off the late Rev. Josephu Haitge. t0 Mary Helena. eldest daughler of Marshall Cryderman. Darlinglon. Marriage: Galbraith - Knighl - ..... . On Wednesday. August 3rd. aI Scranton, Pa., by Rev. J. E. Price, IEWO Malcolm C. Galbraith off Bow- EW D manville. f0 Miss Clama Mary Chnstnam, Knight, daughter a! Anthony Knighl, Cornwall, England. cu The Editor's Mail Manitoba Subseriber Sends Particulars of Death of Wm. Bentham Roland, Man. August 2, 1937 Dear Mr. James:- Amos and I attended the fun- eral off Wm. Bentham at Thorn- li yesterday (Sunday 2 p.m.). whicli was held in the Unitedi Church in Thornhill. Your father would know him and his people whien they lived in Enfielti district over 50 years ago. Bill anti Jesse Bentham came to Manitoba inr 1882 anti got farmis in Thornhill neighborhood soon after. Bill ah- ways liveti on his farim. but Jesse went to town off Darlingford somte years before be died <over twenty Buy soft, warm, fheccy, colourful KENWOOD Blankets for Christ- mas - for yourxehf; for your friencla. Do it the eaxy way - by joining aur KENWOOD CHRISTIMAS CLUB. Each week yau make a smal weekly depôsit. Ihisi entered in your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, the bhankets you plan ta buy are PAID FOR--and youve neyer missed the money. Inquime at aur blariket department for fuil details of this simple, piratant, purchasing plan. eWALKER STORES, f£)MITED Bowmanille Ontario WINTER'S COAL SUPPLY NOW! For Prompt Delivery Phone 715 Now WHILE you 're relaxing in the comfort of warm surnmer weather, don 't forget the coider days flot so far off. You can save Yourself considerable trouble and worry by putting in your coal order right now. Prompt deiivery is assured for whenever you choose, and prices are much less costly now than they wiil be in the next two montés, r THE MOST RELIABLE COAL DEÂLER9 You're Sure With Blue Coal SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER Co., Ltd., Phono 715 Bowmanville I PAGE TWO to save it. This i.s the samne ma- I believe). Bill neyer married kilometre, they started to sing chine by which Mr. W. J. Bagnell and leaves no near relatives, be- when the bandis (three off them) had bis hanti taken off. ing the last one off the family ai-1 got tired. and aIl the oId songs Mrs. W. H. Reidi, Cobourg, las!'thoughi the oldesi. His sister w-ere reviewed in turn and witb purchaseti Mr. Jos. Pattirison's'Sarah kept bouse for him until gusto, witlh M'moselle's history re- fine î'esitience on Centre Street at she died four years ago. He was told so that it re-.echoed fromn the $3.350. .buried beside her in Thornhiil buildings l'ining the parade, and Mr.F. . Pthik, istictDe-Cemetery. His nephew, Bill Ben- on one cccas:on I saw the Iraffic Pt.Mr. F. C.mthckndistr C.e tham, and niece, Miss Millie Ben- l'xghts blush at tlie doings of that Truty Mk r.e Smtb nting r P C.tham. from Toronto, anti another fair lady. Treîlcckareaîteniin Grndrephew, Bert -Bentham. froî New' General McDonflell marched Lotige I.O.O.F. at Hamilton. re- Ontario. attended tbe funeial. acain beffore bis nmen with a spirit iDresentin.- Florence Nightingale These were the only î'elatives undimmiet by tbe years thal bave Lotge.present but a crovd off frientis pas-et. anti when he 100k the Darlington: Out of a large lis, anti neighbors filleti the churcb 'salute outside the Post Offiec, I off applications Trustees Of S. S-. b overfflowring. He was well re- saw an erecî figure at the .Te- No. 3 have appointeti Miss Greta spectet anti very mucb apprecia- spectfful salute (andi it was tbat. M. VanNest. who boltis a second, ted by all witb wbom be came in foi-'lhe is proud off bis men) with class certif icate. Her salary will contact. He paiti us bis final Visitr shininrg eyes- expr ~ the be $575. in April and was not very well piielie felt- or the * 0f a then. He hati a plugged artery in possible 'farewvell'. his leg and as soon as il, reacbeti nini-inz hi %vth their