THURSDAY, AUGUST 19TH, 1937 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIZIO Mrs. Charlotte Sanders, Detroit, is visiting friends here. Misses Sheila and Mildred Wil- son are visiting relatives in Paris. NMr. Joe Kelly, Mimico, is vist- ing old friends here. Mrs. H. Carpenter and Marlyn visiteô/friends at Scugog. Bathing trunks found. Enquire at Statesman office. Mr. "es Tape, Part Hope, passed -Ç Y on August 7 in his 88th yE., Mrs. Benson Pratt, Corunna. itch. is vissting her cousin, Mrs. Ir E. McCready. Miss C. B. Freeman is holiday- ing at her brother's, Mr. E. R. Freemnan, St. Cat.harines. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dunn and1 family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Owens, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleep and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Boe visited friends at Seagrave. Royal Theatre1 BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. August 19 - 20 - 21 It Happened Out West 1 Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon., .Tues., Wed. August 23- 24 - 25 Mat. Mon.& Wed. 2.30 p.m.1 Scîite Stores has just complot- cd a largo addition ta thein stare on King Street. Miss A. Dingmnan has been visit- ing hon sisten. Mt-s. Harry Brust, Rochester, N. Y. Wardcn R. O. Joncs and Mrs. Joncs visited Mn. and Mns. Percy Gooding, Woolcr. Watch noxt week's Statesmani for important announcoment by The Carter Family. Special this weckend at Carter Family Soda Fountain - Canta- loupe Sundaes, 2 for 25c. Mn. and Mus. Robt. Cotton and daughtcn Helen have retunned from holidays at Burnt River. Mrs. L. J. Batton spent the weckend at Mr. D. D. Barton's. Enniskillen. Mus. Seth Dean and nioce are halidaying with her sister, Mrs. Jewel. in Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Patricia Wilson. who spent last weck at Glon Mohn Camp. is now visiting friends in Brantfond. Miss Elea Roblin and Mr. Geo. Dawson, Hamilton. spent the weekond at Mn. T. H. Knight's. Mrs. A. E. Wrcnn and daughten Qucenie anivod in BawmanvllO an Aug. 31, 1912-25 years aga. Mn. and Mns. A. R. Bensan. Vancouver, B. C.. are visiting his sister and niece. Mrs. V. Argue and Helen, Silver Street. Misses Annie and Gertrude Fat- ~erson, Alvinston, and miss Jessie Dasn, Toronto, ane gucsts of Miss Fnankie M eel Mn. and Mrs. Pency Williams have returned af ter a very enjoy- able moton trip through Quebec and the Adifandack Mountains~. Mn. and Mns. Sam McKnight and daughter Vlma spent the weokond ini Buffalo, N. Y., with hon aunt. Mns. Jowel. Mn. and Mrs. Chat-les Edgrtof an1d danghtor Myrtlo, Detrait, Mich.. visited frionds and rela- t'Ives houe. Mrs. Silas Fostor has retuuncd !ram a pleasant three weoks' visit with hen grandson, Mn. Harold Foster. Oshawa. Mn. Spencer Wood is enjaying his vacation visiting relatives and friends ini Cleveland and Colum- bus, Ohio. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Wobben at- FIRSI SHOWING The Nw Fail Dresses Are Here Aifd foreniost stylistaftell us that Silk Jersey, Satin anîd Crepe and thee materials smart women tuýe world over iili wear this fail. We have a group in these materials, with long or short sleeves. Specially Priced .... $6.95 Chi41t les Sizes 14 to 40. Blacks. Browns. Greens, Wines B9r dresses Arriving Daily. Select Yours Today. The EVLYN Shop IPhione 7594 Have You Tried The Soya boat Made fromu Soya Bean Flour, recognized as pos- sessing outstanding qualities by the medical pro- fession. During the next few days the Soya Bean nman will be in town. Welcome him when he cornes to your home, he has some good news for you. WELL - IT'S STILL H-OT And just so long as the weather stays that way, we miglit as well save you ail the work we can, by doing your baking for you. And if you want to save time on desserts, just phono for a brick of Silverwood's Ice Cream. Only 20e and you have the choice of many flavours. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phono 890 Bowmanville SOCIAL AND PERSONAL His orsip hs ben mcb ven- worked with municipal duties, and bis responsibilities as President o! the Rotary Club, and docided on a rest te be in good shape for the Reunlon festivities at the end of the month. Reeve R. 0. Jones is acting mayor in his absence. Ho la a wse man who keeps bis good opinion o! h.lmse]1 to hlm-' self. WEDDING Coverly-Jones tended the funeral of the latter's uncle, Dr. John Moore, in Brok lin on Friiday. Mrs. L. J. Henry and son Bobby, Windsor, are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witheridge. Mr. W. H. Hellyar and son, r Chinton, are visiting Mr. John and a Miss Eva Hellyar. I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Ta- ronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman,, Hamley and Jean. Peterboro, vis- ited Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keith, To-I ronta. and Miss Alice Eckerman. Cleveland, Ohio, visited Col. and 1, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin.e Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pet-km, Pal- mierston. and Miss Muriel Perkinc Toronto, visited at Mr. Edwinc Reynalds'. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brownc ar.d daughter Viola, of Butler, Pa., are visiting his mother, Mrs. Thas. Brown. Miss Betty Spencer has return- ed to Toronta after visiting hert uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mus.r Arthur Densom.E Mrs. C. W. Jacabs attended the funeral an Tuesday of her sister- in-law. Mrs. Hillior. wha died suddenly in Toronto. Mr~. and Mrs. D. D. Barton and family and Mrs. L. J. Barton, tawn. visited at Mr. and Mrs.t Harry Bartan's. Uxbridge. N Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindellst l'.ave returned from a trip te Eng- land where they had an enjoy- able visit with relatives. Mrs. W. E. Norton, Geargiant House. Toronto, and Miss Phyllis Norton. Hospital for Sick Chil- dren. Taronto, have been visitingi with Mrs. H. C. Casbourn. 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Quackenbush and Lorraine, Toronto, Miss Mar- ian Franks and Mr. Jack Stuart,i Hamilton, visited at Mr. D. Wal- lace Dawney's.i Miss Scott and Miss Florence Trebilcock, Peterboro. an their re- turn home from Alaska, spent Sunday with the latter's grand- mother, Mrs. P'. C. Trebilcock. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mayse, Town. Mrs. Thirnbeck, Mrs. Crawe and Miss Crossland. Peterboro, visited at Mr. Cecil Colladutt's, Salem, on Sunday. Miss Houghton. who died in Oshawa and was buried on Tues- day in Paris, was a niece o! the late William Cann of Bowman- ville. Mr. Ueo. Graham o! The States- man staff and Mr. John Graham o! the I.D.A. drug store, are on a mator trip ta North Bay and other rorthern points. Friends in town o! Mrs. Stocker wha moved ta Toronto on JulY 28, will be sorry ta learn that she fell and broke hén arm in two places. Misses Marguerite and Georgina Gibson. who have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Pointen, and uncle. Rev. H. W. Pointen, Northport, returned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina, Mrs. G. A. Stephens, Bow- manville. attended the golden wedding on July 30, of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Honey. Honeydale. Mrs. J. J. Smith, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Everctt Hoar and Charles, Bowmanville. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dean, of Traer, Iowa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jas. Currie, Stirling. Mr. Angus MacDonald, cani- vasser for the Lord's Day Alliance of Canada, reports that bis can- vass in Bowmanville produced $51.25 for the work o! the AI- j hance. After serving the district as a weekly papen for the past six years. the Thornh.ill Leader has coased publication. Lack o! local support was cited as the reason for its discontinuance. A sovere h1ailstorm prompted this advrtisement in the Poplar Standard of Montana: "~Our win- dows are all busted and we need your printing business ta keep fromn going the saine way." On Saturday the annual Young People's Leadership Camp for Bay of Quinte Conference began its ton days of study and recreation at Oak Lake. About ifty are ex- pccted. The school is in charge o! Rev. R. H. Rickard, Coborne. Mr. and Mns. Bertram A. Green, Aflandale, Ontario, annouace the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Verna Mildred, te, Mr. A. Leonard Hooey, son o! Mrs. Hooey, Toronto, and the late Abert Hloocy, Blackstock, the wedding ta take place early in September. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Napaqnee, accoxupanied bY Miss R. !rom bis bonds and drove into Bowmanvilllo whore ho reored ta police and had Dr. V. -H. Stoo dross bis wounds. Ho had been Rev. S. C. Jarrett performed a marriage ceremony on Satunday afternoon, August 14th, in HolY rrinity Anglican Chut-ch, Oshawa, o unite in marriage Dorothy Km- ly Alexandra, daughter of Mr. and Mns. D. Jones o! Oshawa, and George Harold Roger, son of the ote Mr. and Mrs. H. Covcrly of London, England. Gladioli dec- orated the church. Miss May Dil- on. organist o! the church, play- ed the wedding march. The bride's gown was fashioned of white marquisette over taffeta on princess linos, with a high col- la and buttoned back. Her bat was a small open crown turban o' taff eta. She carried pink sweet- heart roses and lily o! the valloy. Miss Gertrude Jones, the bride's sisten, was maid o! honor. She ivore peach flowered chiffon over affeta and a pictune hat o! white mohair. Her bouquet was o! mix- ed garden flowers and roses. The bride's father gave her if mat-nage. Mn. Arthur Covorly of Bowmanvillo, brother o! the groom, was groomsman. A receptian was held at the home of the bride's parents. 211 Gliddon avenue. The brido's mo- ther, wearing a black gown and white accessonies, and a corsage o! tea nases, uoceived tho guosts. Gardon flowors decoratod the roamaL and the wedding cake con- tred the bride's table. Out o! town guests at the wedding in- cluded Mr. and Mus. H. Dover, Miss M. Dover, Mn. Stanley Smith, Mrs. B. Warren, Miss Vera War- ren. Mn. and Mrs. A. Covenly, Mr. and Mrs. S. Coverly. The bride and groom le! t an a wedding trip te Western Canada and United States and wili reside ini Oshawa on their rcturn. The bride's travelling costume was of blue figured sheer with white coat and accessories. The gnoom's gif t to the bride was a travelling case. Reunion Parade (Continued from Page 1) er and it is haped that parents will encourage their children ta take part in thiùs parade. Class 6, Best Chanacter Group, 2 or more ohilden-lst. $1. 2nd, 75c; 3rd, 50c. Class 7, Best Decorated Bicycle, boy or girl-lst, $1; 2nd, 75c; 3rd, 50c. Class 8, Best Decorated Doli Carriage-lst. $1; 2nd, 75c; 3nd, 50c. Class 9, Best Decorated Child's Wagoh-lst, $1; 2nd, 75c; Snd, 50C. Class 10, Best Decorated Tri- cycle-lst, $1; 2nd, 75c; 3nd, 50C. Class 11, Best Boy or Girl i Costume-1st, $1; 2nd, 75c; 3urd, 50c. No entries noed be made prion ta, the day of the parade. The comniittee Is etremely anxiaus to make this parade reminiscent af ald -times and if anyone knows where a team of axen could be procuned the committee would approclate notification. Farmens possessing old fashianed carniages are invited ta drive them in the parade. Oshawa Winis (Contlnued from Page 1) ing double that stanted a Bow- manville rally. Calvîllo !ollowod this double with a looping single into right and stele second unmalestod fram where ho cbasod Colwell home as Williams lined a bit inte centre. This lead lasted until the f ifth when Barnes was safo at second on a double ta le! t, thanks ta the umpire. Bannes stoe second and aftor Peacock walkod, Williams fumbled Andensan's bid for a bit and ail hands were safe with Barnos scaging. Bates throw ta nip Pcacock wbo was stealing third went inte bIft f ield when Moise lost it in ho sun and the nunner wont ight on home. The Rayals again took the load in their hall as Colwoll smngled and Anderson gave three succes- sive walks ta force in Colwell. Hall bit ta ight, werit te second and repoated Peacock's play, wth the bail bouncing off Moise's glove this time, ta tic the score in the sixth. The wlfning run came in the igbth after two were out whon Bagnell cut aven if front o! Large and droppod Pet- re's f ly. enabling the runner ta reach second fnom whene ho scor- ed when Young slngled. The Rayais illed the bases in the Reunion Sports (Continued fromn page 1) hîm. The bowling tournament is being cared for by Mr. C. B. Kent and Mr. J. D. Carruthers. Officiai starters for this pro- giam will be Aif Shrubb, world famaus marathon runner, and J. Earl Cunningham, physical direc- tor of the Boys' Training School. It looks as though the commun- ity picnic with its sports program and other- attractions is going ta be a gala event, so plan to pack your baskets and be at the Cream of Barley Park with the old boys and girls on Monday afternaan. August 30th. Pull details wtll ap- pear next week. MIT. DENNIS DRUGGIST TO WED IN AUTUMN Mr. John C. Inch Engaged to Pauline Watts of Stamford Many Statesman readers will be interested in the follawing an- nouncement as Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch of Weston. parents of John C. Inch, are both natives 0f Durham County: .Stam-ford, Conn., Aug. 2nd - Announcement of the engagement Lowest Prices TWO SIZES - 33c - 69e l be pald $25 Reward wÇ11h ofLLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE for anMy corn or callous TH-EY cannot remnove with this won. derful new scientiflc prepara. tion for CORNS OR CALLOUS. ES. It de-sensiIses and re. lieves pain with first applica- tion. iRelieves United Cigar Store Agency TORONTO BOY DROWNED AT BARLEY CAMP Patrick Keogh, 7, son a! George Keogh, bant-latet-, Toronto, was drowned in the now swimming pool at Cream a! Bat-loy Camp last Thunsday afternaan at 2.45 p.m. This is the fit-st dnowning in Bowmanvillc this year. Patrick, who was visiting the park with hîs siston, is thought to have gone in swinirning while his sisten was changii6g ta ber bath- ing suit in a nearby tont. When the sisten retut-ned te the pool, ho was nowhere in sight. Sho im- mediately noti!ied employees at the camp. The body was found in the pool by Irene Mitchell. Dr. W. H. Bit-ks, called ta the No COOINO WITH KIULOGG'S "Ilm glati My family likes Keilogg's Corn Flakes. They're so, easy t0 serve. No cooking. No pots and pans t0 wash. They give me more time for leisure." Every one likes crisp, deli- clous Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Serve them at any time of the day. Nourishing and whole- sonie in niilk or cream. Easy to digest too. At all grocers, oven-fresh in the patented WAXTITE inner bag. Made by a Kellogg in Lon- ICORNI don, Ontario. FA 14W,>*CORN FLAKES Made Botter * Pacloed Sotter Teste sonaer The crisp tasty biscuit everyorxe enjoys Molasses Snaps .............. 2 lbs. 19e CROW N TEA ......... .......... ..... 1-2 lb. pkg. 27c FALCON FANCY PINK SALMON, 1's . 2 tins 25C LIC ORICE ALLSORTS ......... 1-2 lb. 130 JELLY BRANS .......-............... 1-2 lb. 100 KKOVAH JELLY MAKER --............per pkg. 14e Red & White Plain or Iodized Salt ...................... 2 pkgs. 9c LIBBY'S POTTED MEATS ý ...... per jar loc OVALTINE .. . .. .................... mail tin 38C Large size tin . ..... .... .....................- 98C Mediumn size tin ....... .......... 58e KOLONA COFFEE ........... lb. bag 29C QUICK QUAKER OATS ...............smail pkg. 9c -Shirley Temnple's Favorite Cereal Quaker. Special Puffed Wheat............. 2 pkgs- 19e FALCO -- ..PEACHE.....S ....tin 15e LEBBY'l (JATSUP S.......... ...................bottie 15C C E R T O ..................-............ 25e Libby's Spaghetti, speciai ... 2 tins 17e SOAP CLEANERS, ETC. CHIPSO ....... small pkg. 1Qc large 21c SUNLIGHT SOAP ....................... 4 bars 25c HAWES' LEMON OIL --....... .arÊëe'bcttle 24c SHU MILK for white shoes .......... bottie 19e SOAP FLAKES ...... -....... ....... ...3 lbs. 25o LUX TOILET SOAF ..... .. ......... . .... 3 bars 20C Free Aeroplane Cut-outs with Keiogg's Bran Flakes ...... 2 pkgs. 23e F. W. Nelles Pho e 596 We Deliver Do -You KNow that there are 240 I.DA. DRUG STORES in Ontario? Isn't it quite Iogical that their combined purchasing power should enable them ta offer you lower prices? This they certainly do and also give you prompt personal service. Il-FE Make Your I.D.A. Store Your I-eadquar- A IDIY ters for Drug Needs Bargains Dodd 's Pulls - .ýý .ý27e Piukham's Comp....8~9c Kleenex. ....15c -33c Kotex .............. ....9... eà Tooth Brushes ..... - 9c MM11 of Magnesia, I.DA. 16 oz . ........ 29e &.B.A. Tablets, 100's ..23e Corega ..23c - 37o Child's Tooth Brushes 7c BATHING CAPS Our complet. stock HALF PRICE FILMS Complote, Fresh Stock DEVELOPING PRINTING Prompt Service KKOVAH HEALTH SALTS 18e - 50C BAYER ASPIRIN 22e - 39c - 98C Pickle - Pr.serving . WA A - SUPPLIS TIIolfMAlNIEALED Cassia Buds ........oz. 5c 0F SEflI ROUBiLES Celery Soeds ... ... OZ 50 Testlmonlh trom coaat to Whole AUlspice ..oz. 5c cOOt Praie ISCK EX s, the Alun 2 0. Semost aoothlng, quickest healing Alm ......... ... ..... o. c salve for Eczema, Puorlasis, Parowax-................. 9c Pemphlgus, Erythema, Hives, Inspegigo, Iteh, Acnt, Chaips, Certo ..................... 23o BsoUs, Athietes' Foot, Ring- Mema eas ............ 1o wrm 5e,$1 and $2 sizes. Menib Soal 15e (Medium and Strong). Ask Jem Rings . .... 5c your drtst or wvite for test- Momba Pectin 35c imonlal llterature, etc. Kicer- ex Mfg. CJo., 1254 St. Clair W., Corks - AUl Sises Toronto, or 263 Kennedy rt., Winnipeg. _____________ Heai 5km Aliments FLY KILLERS with 33c - 49o - 89c _______________R D ____________FOR SKIN DisEAkSES Indian Women's Baiml Ply Cols ....... 3 for 5 A splendid tonie for women Wilson 's Fly Pads 3-25c from ehildhood te old ago. It Sticky Fly fo Paper has beon used with good ef- 2 double shoots 10Ofct or forty years. Price $1.25 .......... . . TOILET TISSUE SALE " Universal 5 for 23c Royal .......3 for 23o Snow White .2 for 23c r.c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor PHONE 792 DRUGS WE DELI VER1 m - Im ý Ç9 Rev. R. A. Doive 'Former minlaton o! the Ebenez- et- Circuit, who passed away at his home in Oshawa on Fiday, Au- gust 13. Mn. Deivo was bat-n in England and was mannied to A- berta Bucklcy of Orona. In this district ho also sorved at Black- stock an d Brooklini. Interment was made in Orono a.nd a full abituany notice appears elsowhene. visiting his wife who is holiday- 1o! Miss Pauline Nancy Watts, so- ing at Sunberry, 18 miles north .cially prominent daughter af Mr. o! Kingston. The car was flot and Mrs. George S. Watts o! "Re- badly hurt when ditched. vonah Manor," Stamford, to John Provincial officers Price Morris Carman Inch, son o! Mr. and Mrs. and Harry Caldwell of Bowman- William John Inch of Toronto, ville are investigating. has been made. ______________Miss Watts, who is the grand- daughter of the late Judge Wil- CALLED BY DEATH liam Jasper Edwards, Lake City, Flarida. is graduate o! the Howe- IMarot School, Connecticut Callege far Wamen. Mr. Inch graduated fram Victaria College, University of Toronto, in '31, and f rom, the Ontario College of Pharmacy in '34, and is now engaged in a drug business in Mount Dennis. The marriage will take place in the faîl. à mmonnnrimm" -MWOJ Bowni:anville i scene, applied artificial respira- L. Morden. It is three feet deep tion to the lad f or hall an hour, at one end and eight f eet at the but no sign of lufe appeared. The opposite end of the tank. body is thought to have been in the water in the neighborhood of The Canadian National Exhibi- týon originally chartered "for the five minutes, encouragement of agriculture, in- Patrick and his sister have been, dustry and the arts", has neyer visiting with their grandrnother, forgotten the put-pose for which it Mrs. Thos. Veale, Duke Street. iwas organized. It has grown and He was unable to swim and his expanded in many respects but body was recovered in four feet ýthe basic plan has been carefully af water., adhered ta. The pool has been in operation _________ for only a little over a month and is the largest in Canada, accord- Faith in your own ability is two- ir.g ta the owner o! the camp, J. thirds of the battle. Warm Weather Food Suggestions On Sale Thur., Fr1., Sat., Aug. 19-20-21