PAGE TWO THE CA NADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO TIIL'RSDA\, OCTOBER 7TH, îo~ jb enabiarn 5-it#mzt Established 1854 A Weekiy Newspaper d evo ted to the interests the town of Bowmanville and surrounding counti Issued at Kin.g Street, Bowmanvile. everY Thursda M M. ., James & Sons, owners and pubtîshers. TI CaainStatesmnan is a menîber of the Canadiz Weli e ws apers Association. also the Ciass ' Weekiîsof Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canacja. $200 a year; in United State $2.50 a year, payable in advanice. Single cooies.5 THURSD.\Y. OCTOBER 7111, 1937 Aftermath of Provincial Electioi of y, ay. .he !an ,c. Noît ut few v pe'. ir'melît'tivl' îof the n'(- suIt. tare' gitiuith' euiiit umlîuiriaIt, p ma s iii lm îî o i i t at t a î o' i r il i t r e t- lioi' ii il i ii i' l ti id i l e iti 2 il gi l it '1, il i d u t.- spe-î fltîyplu i 8m. iiii. i tiîi and iuiti,iitti'. 11 ulgî iMr. (i'Iti latî of O(shawai;. s1îwakitîý <if umiîtioiits ilIZttIlttîîil tiîtilt iî', tiîî is hl. Evemi îîme soein..tii lietve inti ii kiiownm. l'il'titî î'tit ettmîi'ttîs uit- taimi the kiid <if puii iit ivt'wo xh)ut l'e- speut antd t(Iotteit' lest to tieservu il.- I t suittolis . after' humvi mtg I isteied t ilu score oriîm îtuti'uîld,.N b lte ieadilig ~su- eahit'd speli bimders ni' stîitp speake'rs <if the 0uttttpt giiîmIljst eiised. Iliumt wu ralmu - iosî emtimeiv la ekimig iii C atda, tîtat te- spetuanttd ilgiitytmiiresume. enmîîmîîîîîî itii eiitivtîte a Spir'it îf î'eslîeuî huit' 011'1iuti- iaki-ms. imi thel tupe titit wilivl iattraet i buttî'm' andti mîîî'î'capaiblet' type tufiait iii pulie ii'lfe. We Itt'urd u ioimpie tif îîîsttl îmitumitii i'mmitk. aîîioig pissiiiy iv iiidreils lised iilte ast cimpuim.Oui' sii'uki'î spmtd'ailii- iiie aultter eumlcidiiuît' îpeil ,v called utlîviîiiuin îjîesîîoite l tliam'. Siteli tau- tics utndîillugage (Ion îît itreed autes'et for'g)u'tiins Ilii(Omtario ait elet uîîm aniatigi lias cîlmît to ieunt i tmîîîd s emgutcaiiaîi iantidithe d irtier te mîud the bletter sonttuie)peole Itiiki' it. Pei'iaps antiier îeasoit w'y govumit- tlt'îtsui'e lîeld inii itîi respect iii the l îd lantd s ta the av'er'age voi tem is iot paty hide-btuîîîitî bt am i mdpetidi'it thitiku'. Ht' dous îîîîotiioast thatIlhis; futier, and his gm'andt fathic t'vnted il certuainmi a v uand tua t lie, wolild ru itiaimi loyal 1tti' patt. evemi if it meant dilia to1 ideals or cî)îîi-itiomîs. Most Emgilit ntts listei,10 bittit sides nf tht'e î vutete tijiý-ty lîey deetit iest. Tliere is a teidumîci'yahmiong nii- Candiami voturs to listen tut ti' sie tjlie- w'auit tbagr'e'w'it. iand mîietaliv persuade theuisehi-us that the uuhier siteis wriitg. anîd flot îviirth listeniîîg ho. Otie ittler menark tof'Mi'. 1-arI 's is îvorîiiv of commîuient. H1e said : "The nid partii,'s. Lîberal and C'oîsem'atiî-e lia vu <isapl)eal'et and ini tteir place lias t'oint' a iîeîî' uationial coalition gnv'rim'ent. Ili Eîîglaiid titere i.ï govem'inîentî of exputit'iev. 1 believe it iiili have ho coi e tun our owîi sishmit.- We stili believe huaIttumre is as tîttîcit de- mocracy ini a coalition goveriiii'ulit as il, ut paty ifnîuof gni-t'mituti'it. \V't îvîid glu fummîhur andîlsa v 1ttitthetu' ki, etter gv"i tmentini a coalit ionî Itîmi inilutputrtv gie'î meut, itecalse aIl. ii'u'îsp'ît ivie of pa 't\-tir, : wmktigtiwam'd a (10111111011î u'nd. Ilimiduuit- iont it lmighîIt be atld ltuaittei' îît't hut-C routage andc graft systiuts havviiittii iaiii to ot. Oppositioni is mît killict or tutti h- 1 fied foi' tht' simple rî'utsoiuiitttI inilusoalit(îuutt t 111re o 111,t111i i inil u t Y ti'tteit tt tîVe toi votei'lus ii'es irit tuîit uit tt 1wis ilistitti hit uand putY Itv lititiitu".o Church Finances Solved A-S alîlutllcetl ittne uutuuutltago. the ï'nn- gregatim ouf St. iJnuitl's Anmgicamu li mu'î't-lu riglit ly dnie uliltii do aa vui i tiiail ukig sales. ltuzaauix sijpu'raundtipi'ttmi'slttis iii aid <f t'vhi'ruh i tus. tatudm'iplaup'titisty~pe' of giî'iuîg vitit îiiî'î'uan(tutti vnitmm' ri'igs. it.t'mst tiii'exp'iistuut. A't' ti t vm'i' îîîtliîs w'uîs mttukiug sîuii'idul tmugr'ss. tatudtti'llulue ivas lxlm'ts'sm'iititm it w id bitu iieu tu"a s Witît iI'e eaui. - iitipîust ti u'iîîuu'u'lu is ableto ttpolinit witii t'ii'ut t2"luti" umiuhl tii ils uiltievl'uui'mt Itl) tumtîl titat I illi'iti', <'titi nf Aîugmmt. Itn itief titis is wihat îII4, oun-etat'i'otif St. Jîuhuum's Atiglieitu u Chîimuh lias, actîspi isit- cd iy its aoto fteCrsiniiýii( ofgiviiug. A cumiput t'son ilias ieeinuile betwei'u t'e iî'st 8 imîottîuls oE 1936 andthetii 8 umîntutîs tf 19:37. Ilure's the resul giAn ugs ii inte Itinse u'î i t b ave tinruas- imd 205i ;giî'iugs fuitr tieî'uîrî'ît t'xpeni.e aide <f ti'eut îveiipushaveîinî'iîu"ascd 55P'i ; w'Iili' giî'iugs tnt imissiont saeinviîî"ased 30.St. Tlilm i'shas liii utl' aritige'giiî'is îvohaveu t iadeh'tiis poussile, u' litas <'hi îr'hî htendatiium iut'iut"ased Ioliatii îXte't t ttt w'îll lie't'pu t.i i. l'ut'. ut u'lîîc'k 11 lui slttii tut t tu ti'iuiuiii kuuli'fi ; u. It îî'urrti simggt"t tuntu huitt Ille îruuuiu. ai'ui.'ivilig Thue tI" roitl i i it is, thutitt ltis mmg suIoit'. utu' O i i teIui' ttand lii oftti i ' I r e i pt t t t iii i n t i ti ii ii hi N\uli ii i i il o îum ' o hltti tr' ilot . ul .t ed i) fi tliltu ii lý,'tiititito tutud ti'lyfii ivem'rîti'lfuîlii tutulrt otis itmîp. \ W1iti us evil l ti "it. ithtruttlalt i s t1t1t1 tIiili tiilit (01, t hisuuut, hauve st'iî(ltîîlltii ttsaki'ilui t eis anîd siiperiaîîd unieert e ( '1111l11P(ýe etrîgo the to% jonii i %%isli ingýSt.. john 's C linreli v ess ini the last feîv ionjIlis of its ilent. The wll to siieeeti is pre wve believe thiat sulecess wvill be attai A" iiiterestilhg fillrtherCOltilentary sitlUation is that the îlitirehi lias not., tî tie i n mil « v vears. hiad 1H lr Uiite 'v troinuthe' batik tM carrv- it t gýivings Eall off eniideraly.Otie Il tIl'(' Is titis, Iliat whio iieaîîv netbel iteeti a wa 1v forn tue siliier. their lov the experinienti k veiî h,-theu faut tili t)ire iiuitLÏu11Hfo.the sveral Siund Gag Legisiation Attemptq Big Increase in Motor Accider Soine mteamîs w ih lia ie to bu tluîised cul dow-tt ountht' cieu' iuîîruasiîîg bu fn1 tatd I iii in tt'affic uîueidet'i s. lt a mu; isstii'd bY the' Ontarito D'pam'.tinem <f Ili; va vs- eo%,eiiuth te first six mîtuttlîs tif 19 di'aîis 1b'v a utomnobile 'ai'iidenuts itterea.: ftuima 172 ini 19:36 tut 290) in'rit c't'î'st' lof 68%. The iiiiiîem' <i f iiijiueil lte satîie t'uuutpui tuîllî purit)us iuiî'ietsi'd fr( is2"4 ini1936 lu 47,S-)ini 193-4. il mî t o iTh'ne IitisI i]w' sonie ealhstttfort ntiis li htivrt'use.No doulit soie'otf il mîîuvîho l bo Jieuîî-eî' t t'ffie. aus ireport's aist ru' i-cutil tu-iv'r iii thte lisîtoii utf Onîtarîioîliatr',t ui buueit as Iietîîv tî s in 19:)7 . Aittîir <'tuti îîmtiîg fautot'.1 lia *V un mtiv tmit bIti' e titi ci ,)il tulie shieliimîiî. Fl"imkiv 'e uli't 1i ici,î tîti itjutl itîîî tii <lui iitît thiti t'tin tut iu"îl'itts amdui tlîitii's. 'TI iitî.uor i-tttse aS it' i su. itif as tth' futil tut" driver't's uobiiserveî' iti' rîies utf titi' rîud. ui îo do itist iihlt tti'eiie)ummIiet ]ttlias tskt Iti tt t Ito - ttt to tîeoittsv. 'ius'of uis wIvitt iiu' otrave~ilIldth li ht.' 'uis tof>Ont itis siiitii'i. kilow .-tuti tur1.C lias lîî.'tî a gm'tî l or of mintiiill ~i~kIl.s lin MIii (f i ut.s Itivi'sî'u'uî ltîti titi un lîtihave ail suiîli'ttv tuf îttittu' il (u' if tthe ii' uî i pal onsesi l,îî~î5 u' tîuuilleît,. \«iîIouîît pummi iu'iît' tuffi.' 11 tut ntî' isituiî 'uumut titi'stuitfi. i ilmtm-li ' t 'î' u'îIniell <e e tutu îî'î'îînîîîîtiueu'e ii"t ivi'eeui'liuts ivithit Ieil'iles tif Bwliuuîmtuilitl. uttnduttin ' rl' ivolvi'iu. (.3i'it'i'tllv speakîiig Ai-r. anus tu iXî,'I'leut t'ari' veriî'msluit thIi,- mie' ilvulve<d iin Ottitio lovuiden'ts fuît'se\- il reasolts. Fii'st the'v ar'e ut ut sed l bthe 1riwhgiiîav o<f titis pu'uuiiiue, mnthu re a-umuîmstoîîîed tii tî'îîk Iligi(, a- %'htî'î' mînst aui. spui'd is permitted. Tîtuse are )dutuiît t'on tiitîiii t.rfauiors 10lthe lieut ii Il. utl Oniott't. AXs 1u1n)uî'îiitthuis Itroubleî' v'have~i lesttggi'stiumt ti tiglutl ieî'iî. If i'îi'i'îv lit ti i'ttî'< iiitt'i uist it' 'bo'rdieîtleswa lion ti . to 'tlu . î ttheioft-' Olllit 4.1'i iîi. t- 1-4-11l ) rit .p Oirui l u lw ; *ý rulev i ha i if tutu itd ia'tIlts itil t i tiit i'iii ' > ttjtiis tuýot îis tir- i h ll nuit 114s.l ;MS- ilt'*1-;if i'i tt h m v mu Iu' vt.i' altuitu u mt tit i iuretitii nd! ii'i wlti i't i ut ii'f ert il alm lo tA .A iii tt MVur oî'aty President; J. J osit Froni The Canadian Statesmnan, rî'esîdent; W. E. Cavaah ie September 26, 1912 presitient Charles R i c h a m d s. manager; R. J. Lowens, conduc- -Mr- J. E. Atkinson, business loi-; anti Robt. Greenfielti, secre- nmanage'rîtf the Daiy Star, To- tary-treasurer. ronto, anti an olti Durham, boy. Mm. anti Mms. J. J. Mason anti propozed the toast to Canada anti r Miss 'Inez Mason left Tuesday t 10NU I A E the Emipire at tue Borden ban- niake thîeir future home in To- quel in Toronîto on Montiay. ronto, having purchiaseti a house 0UR IA F C N DA , A new banti has been formeti by aI 40 Pauline Avenue. Mr'. Mason HOARDEA thie employees of ithe Goodiyear; lias been in business in this hownCA D AN H '-"j ituthtiC hvîm'imii.ithis "l t prodiitîî Abl'm'tuîm'viia lizu' Itle pot eut ialjieu i ieuî iîî ln'is bi'gîiluui-mi. It fii'st st'iî iii a Shortî'î î'îmî70odiutIushii whii no tti (aiiuiprulviuie ivlistunti Br'it ishîtrtadutiliîtioof fî'u'î'lo mît lias: ' 1lui i li pa it o< ifltue ifi' nfe t'verî1 tuttim witttlie iîle î w t violnttoppoitionii . It k 10 ii' iîntî'ltîttI P'el'tti iur ii veto titis leg'i.slaiimtas hei veîiued soutle agn te iîuîik lu'ilaî ilumipa-.sed 1liv tlit g14)veri'mtieti'it, We admuit titat uit tutu' "o" , -. ea "s 'l abuhle as it itti-1i butt il is olîîlv exi'i'î iutt ft'e"<io tii iî't. As anit ittlividlîtum ilîsittess Iliii 'vu dlibiiuîif t iviîtsi e altetli' vmiakes Ï l'euilt' tuti tr'ibitio t b tti' ivt'eutte of ,,tilt(,te itili othtt'e t'îsîuir.' lt Itt lii -gai.t tiiemuiii titieffEirt luifoirce'il î ouf tiheîzvemtti'tt autlittl'Iîuîî <'m1-lii t'ffui't four' Britj.sitpeoeîud.tiiswuii iii. It is ut eiieerinuYig lut 10sci' lte il putpers of AIlber'ta. bittîi ai iv amniie( stanid ti)amnId (e fi- tJitu' Pietti î's st Wiiat tiii' vtaitn Io tiit'vu'm situtlilthe isiatiuuibu pm'ula itted isi.. ioiuiiinutieal. of lte uîîst amîaziiuîg of tue Alberta deu is tthit the' iiuispaper umtust supiliv friee vemtisuig sl)uiî'fuir lte mopltganuda tif gî -Jttist iiagitin v wa 1kiuiu< uantv utiît' bulsuie.s amdui ul'tamdiuiir lte uuîmtîmutii(it v ttat lte uilem'î'laît lias 10sel sio tue -.tim' ioild iave 'to ut ppiv' lte si lte goveu'm'iîiîit meqiredl titi'12"iuit' gm'Hct'ieiî5antd lte di'îgglist tti he riigs. wiliol e thlimîg seuis just tîtî utbstmmd. utnii titi vtut a situai iî'îigutî-î'm'mnutmlinutlt eut Iiglîitedtiliies is attem'tii t img (lIdo i 'aauiitii lt'uvittuu amîîuîîg fi'î'tdoutliIov British peouple. acci anîd i gaIî ani THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW11ANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, -MUR XJ)t'iSes. L'i nw FcsA otfor over 30 years and has held %vil willLtl K o nFct bu varjous positions in the gift o the ýery sue- town including two te rns a s FE WELL KNOWN .FREE .. FE exet E L K O N PEOPLE Myr. T. H. Follick. M.A., Co- FrStra ny with every 25c purchase at u ?nt. aind Asre eind om iiebourg, former science master at Fr satrye w ll iefe oesto iiied. A eiSdsge Omk iiesbetter acquainteil wlth BwavleHg col aýsoeW ilgv reoestO y1 on ie Pepl evrYeIn the cOmmunlty lias knowii for years. ben appo.nted Principal of Port2 alweMsk for fie No. 17 - TOM PEROY IPerry High Schcl. ro l':High School Athletic Societes WALLPAPER SPECIAL 'Ow* anv have been formed for the year.FrOe We Only lioigh In a little frame house on the burned to the ground, when sev- The boys' officers are: Hon. Presi- tee ald site where W. C aerysh dent, Principal John Ellilott; Pres- Dson na Caverly mewallpaper o derededuring theTee ast fea- o n C h u rch S treet n ow sta n d s, ' ' r l lo t t e r li e . T e brigad e ledeD scouBrucea i H oney w eli; Sec'y.- 1 0th e e ils have born on February 4th, 1859, the was making good time to the f ire Treas., Ross Lang; Representa- suifg week. Suese an Snwtypaes motetusatcfiea ow hnabridge over which they tives: Senior, Doug Barton; ForniTime.n semi-trimmed. New and 'iiyIi manville has ever known. Foriwere crcssing gave out and the 2, Archie Mingeaud: Forni 1. Hil- distinctive desiPýnS. ta tlie.v tifty-four years Thomas Percy has 'engine ias mired in the bed of ton Peters. The g'rls' officers are: ltv. Ebeen a member of Bowmanvile the creek. Hon. President, iss B. M. Pugs- CIA SEI L Fire Brigade, and to-day. as he In th:e picture accompanlying jley:; President,. Marjorie Kin' hINA cups andsaes near fie otagnaran tag ofa,ýtits soý- To IVice Pres.. Diana Fowler: Sec7l. English bone ciacp n aCr near th octgenr:anstae 0fa 'his to; To is seen in th.e uni- ITreas.. Kate Perey: Representa- long and active lite, lie Proudly tý orm wo: n by the ffrenîei hait a tives. Mary Galbraith, Esther Sze- Seia. .............0 ed holds the first Life Membership century ago. M-. Perc 'z r-c vents. Lerha Dloncaster. seil.............. 0 in the Fire Brigade, or lezs an author:ty crn :l-:ngz 1p'eTaSt........ 23 In deference to his great age we Bowînanville. He knows the fan,- From The Statesman,2I-iceTaSt. .......$ 9 ~iii- like to refer to the subject ot this ily histories and the hist arýc- 0' October 3, 1912 1 i- soy a r.P ry u s h iýiod b sdns as %ell as anyone n' Boiwmianville citizens w '11 vote I T f h Ite elo e asig isdorto jcni-ia npýid yhsr ous .October 8th. The pa.zsage of JOH fl TIUI S BUUKl STORE \î'i')iî school. as Tom, we shall join the iilness of a year a2c. but even to- the bylaw v xvll miake Bowinnil hoeoiBwanville rei lajority in this littie intirnacy. d3y. at ]lis advan-ced age ani in a tcwn ot 10.000 peopte in ten Phn65 if m'. Tom. wvent,10 school at the old AgnsfrNwSrie-enrOhw of file non choibuilding on the site 'isadCH.Crseeceay 'o m àt ýt easu e î' o t th e G oodyear Co..A g n s f r e w S vi e C e e s, sh a is file 9f the pre set C entral School back pred cts that the local plant iv ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in theday's when Mr. W. Oliver 1 ou- the biggest rubbeî' plant in p.fu' asprincipal. He dd not gel aad n hort tinie. ______________________________ i. Tuie along i'ery well at school. not be- it:Alea-InNwsl. mit li cus e wasn't interested. but it:Alra nNwate M e SS e p t . 2 0 h . t o M r . a n d M r s . M a t - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because hie got a great kick out tl:ew A'I2dead. a daughter. iaît ot a goodte adcnfcunl Goodyear Tire & Rubber Comi- atiaia 'he was fequently in "dutch" with1 pany is spending $75.000 on a S e Ï l N x e l the teches Aj heae f15 ew addition 10 the plant, and riii his father. John Perey. decided -ae also purchased the BlmpoiarNeale thtTom wsscoed nug Hotel and will make altemations -vteks n thogti was lime hie went t0 cost between $20.000 and $25.- 5ti' 10wrk. 0f course with the tamn-00.GyBohrhaetecn s ite ý i y b ac k roun d w h at il w as lie 0 0 G y B o h r a e t e c n ,srt could go Int oohrlie0 oktract for the Goodyear building. iit, but blacksmithing. for his father . 0B%-aiil s$4185 f W in te r C Io a t-s )111 of land his grandtather. and hli :i Bo mavles$7.153f s em- geatgradatler atibee blak- r:rl ihich $17446.90 is local improv-e- snîi-Feths b er hm. an a er ment debentures. according to J. nmt i Jo hn. O n deall w0ehie r:S. Moorcraft. town îî'easurer. ~e n e n r s e a It maîer o î nihsbohrJh r.Eizabeth Allin. Hampton, Passed away on Sept. 24th. She pi~carried n the business.retiring -as born ini Bradworthy, Devon. in13 henthie busine Ss ias Oui soid. Ineý,erment was in the B. C. Cenie- an' ii mr. Percy first joined the Fire Ennïskillen: No school here for Brigade. 0f course there was no e< thfis0fhe eedutocl modern equipment in those days weather. It. was found necessary $ 1o tu- 'hDeluge" was the pride of îthe o install heating apparatus in thie1 1 î'klv brigade. and it was a laboriously school house.$ îî~ ffctve iWen *'The Delge1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. scrapped and a steam fîreChre una.Sp.1,we Os a a au dy&D y la igCo Omit' engnrieprcaseti. Tom bcm .Ca-e una.Sp.1,we aîîdslnc tiea.anifrt e er their only daughter. Mary Amelia. a s frem n an fo w n y y a swas uniteti in m arria ge with M r. LIM ITED ie hlitat position. 0f caurie :nT.RJery engineer in the eiec- tt' later years with the acquisition cf rcldptmnofheRbn fi e t e p e e t m d r q i m n .T m P r y1Chocolate W orks. To onto. Rev. Phone 419 W e Cail and D eliver itito tire fighting has no, been the la- h:s unfcrtunately poor health hie 1 Hugh Munr-oe. Pastor of St. Paul's otilv boriaus task il once was.r takes an acttve interes, in affaîrs. i lurch, officiateti. TomTo erei n e e ey ie e n mbr a o g i rinis _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ îtt 'Chief this town lias had with the 'the wealthy anti the poor. He e x c p t i n 0 o n . J e N t î l T h ' e o v e s c h i l t r e n a n d h i s l o v e 1 0 0 f o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ titi under whomn he serVeti were Tom animais has been well known for Tiîe Hoar, N. S. Young, George Haines, over h ait a century. He lias a vet eor e D wne . Wilia Etger part'icular liking for dogs and a nd the present chief, George Jersey cows. and hie caims 10 i'si' Lyl. ave owned more dogs and Jersey mi i e wsfrtatîatd1 h cows than any man in the town. vim-, brigade because it provitied the r J. B. Fairbairn. a former Post- thmill that youth ever looks for, r aster. in his -Histomy of Bow- but atter ahl these years hie stili 'manvihle- written years ago. says gels a real thrill out of attendiný Ot Mr. Percy: "Thomas, the tri - at a ire. Today his health no long' end of evemybody and everybody's ns et' permits him 10 be in attend- r friend is ever alert to do a gooti ance aIt ires, but he is neyer far turn 10 anyone needing it. I hope ~ ho away f rom the f ire hall when the he'll remain steadily in the same life' siren sounids. When the fire bri- spot. I am sure if he were to gade was called out not so many rdrOP OUt froni any cause, hun- iti days ago Tom was at the fire hall dreds of people would miss Ils gîto see his old confreres pull out, cheerful face and hearty hand-e 7, He witnessed many spectacular shake.' sed fires and among them he recalîs Mr. Percy w-as mamried 10 Lil- as the most spectacular the burn- hian Hutclîinson of Salemi. and ing of the Furniture factory.Ithe 'has one son. Harley Percy. Deputy in Curling Rink. the Alma Hotel. Auditor aI the Citv Hall, Toronto. m Hately's Garage, and Taylor's In the recent Old Boys Reunion. SSkating Rink. ýno less than fift.y aid boys called One of the worst fires he ever 10 see Tom during one day of the attended \vas when thie Tordiff 1 î'euntion. just illusîrat:ng that t'houses on Brown Street ixeme guI- point we have outlined tliat Tom i,~ ted. It was midwinter and the has a multitude of fmiends. thermometer revealed a tempera- _And. as hie ives in -the qu'etness lit ture of 22 degrees below zero. 0f retirement, there goes o*Ut tO fiv Every fireman suffered frozen fin- him from his scores'of frientis. ýji gers, feet or faces. Mr. Percy also both young and olti, best wish-e., recalled the lime when the Old for heaith and happiness in h's Folks Home on Scugog Street was tieclining years. ofThanksgivingI h- eoleare thanktul foi' differ- this Tlîanksg:ving Series is bet r Mr ili ons@ 0 ;il ent things. . antisanie more when you lîear it told than v.-heîî of Canadiau W orkers thankful than others. H. L. Men- lv cken. late editor of ftle American you read il. In any case the s)r- '- Mercury, defîines Thanksgivino- pl*city of it is sterling.. the irony SDay as one devoteti by a person incidentai. UN I T E D with intlammatory rheurnatism AfriyotWs iei h to thanking a loving Father tha Afml u es îei n it~ ~ ~ 7 isntlyiohbaMost desolate part oftfilie praities. it A go. roup 0f enaresîtn They have had fle direst drough t lu One Great Co-operative Enterprîse ,for seven successive seasans L taroumid the stove in a country Sometimes they look out upon a groerystoe. heyare shatin- starveling hierbage but Most o mia story of scandai that has justthteilsamrg.I ;- come in. Je Deattianisia iabor Ify t e j lob the sern L E F