THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 THE C.\NADJ ~N ST.\TESM.\N, BOWM.\NVILLE, ONT.\RIO PAGE SE\EN ---------their efforts in bringing about a United C. imore stable and harmonious con- quiet music d'tion between employees and em- was givent SOCIAL AND PERSONAL p*yr.soddt ____________________________________________________ When asked if there was any memory ve ----- ----members. 'ruth in the rumor that he has terestingly Miss Joyce Adams visited fri- er Shop has arrived in town and iýurchased the Bowman House Cwig ends in Lndsay on Saturday. viii make bis home with Mr. and oe to convertit it lo modern MarjorieE Miss Selma Bartlett is attend- Mrs. L. Rammel. «aprtmgyen. M. J. .n H. ura.ey n Paiîv igVictoria College in Toronto..i Miss L. Fuller entertained the Mr. Juy denied t also unedyr vev i ing ury~va at los t une ed with th(: Miss Audrey Elliott is attending neighibors and friends of her stand where the rumor of the Victoria University, Toronto. aunt, Mrs. EUi Wilson. Liberty Purchla-e originated. and stated Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooker, ginsale, visited 1 that lie had never considered such CIearviev relatives here. Place. in honor of her aunt's a move. ed the f if tie birthday on Fia.Dit e marriage or Mi%. S. M. Scott spent Monday freshments were served. Dr. Chester New of MeMaster ter a buffet in Lifidsay.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs. University. Hamilton. bas receiv- mal prograr M"~. W. Walker. Toronto, is Blins Sr., Orono, Mr. and Mrs. ed a co ronation medal in recogni- 'ed to the bt visit - t Mr. W. C. Ferguson's. E.Jlode aem eeSna ion of his historical book. Lord ty years ag< ~1 visted M . uest 0f MSalC.mG. Crts ndyDurham. Soon af ter its publica- uliations wi M. iýnnie Stewart vsttia.nesso Ms C .bvti n and . rs. Jack Stewart, Man-1 attended Trinity United Church .inb the Oxford Press, Dr. New in distant1 cheser.anniersry.was given a goid medal by The many preser cheste. annierTam- Hi5ýtorical Society of England. gratulat ion. Mr. Howard Jeffery visited his Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Lumb. am Th's medal is granted yeariy to gifts wvere parents. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Jef-:pa, Florida. and Mr. and Mrs. . ~the author of the ouitstandina h lt- Gregg and fery, Lemonville. McPherson, Mastika, Alberta. have erarv ccntribution to the history r;ed in the Mrs. H. Gilbert. Taironto, is vi- been visiting the f ormer's brother lof the British Empire for the year. at Gorrie o iting Mrs. J. A. Gunn and other and sister. Mr. Johin and Miss Dr. New îs a son-in-law of Mr. by Rev. J. relatives in town. Lumb.J.HH.ur.tebi.a Miss Loretta Brown, Peterboro. Miss Jean Bell, Leader, enter- J.he.H.ceJury. tssonBad hebrid is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. w. tained the girls of the Morning- met Monday aftemnoon in the is also a ni Pickard. Hour of Trinity United Church Primary cîass room of Trinity guson. Bowr Mr. and Mrs. E. Matters, To-* when they enjoyed a wiener ronto, visited their cousin, Miss at the former's home on Fridav Carrie Lathrope, on Sunday. evening. Needless ta say ail had T e v t n u r a Miss Emma M. Werry. Toronto. a happy time.Th Vo ei u a n has been bolidaying with ber Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Mrs. cousin, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle. Cecil Hill and daughter Marion. Mrs.Thos Hailto hasre-Blackstock, and Miss Vivian Mac- Cniudfo pae1 Mrs.Thos Hailto hasre-tin, Toronto, were Sunday guests(Cniudrmpae1 turned tram a visit with her bra-'0f Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard LR O ther who is Postmaster at North and attended thank-off ering ser- No 1Ton all 13O7 O 7 Bay. ývices in Trinity Church.No1TwnHl 13793 ,à Miss Darothy M. Edger is at- Mis Mroi1Pyr rc No. 2 Town Hall 121 71 70 tending the Ontario Teachers' imines, Ont., formerly of Cart- Totaîs2510 143 Convention alt the Royal York'ýrgt rie:I snels o to add that The Statesman Majority 103 Mr. and Mrs. C. Upper and seems ta bridge the gap of dis- children, Peterboro, spent the tance from Southern Ontario and weekend at Mr. Geo. Bickle's, I read with avidity every bit of it. CAVAN Liberty Street. Miss E. E. Haycraft visited her Carmel 124 53 54 Mrs. Smith Ferguson is. at- nephew and niece, Mn. and Mrs . White's 111 102 84 tending the Ontario Music Teacb- W. J. Lawrie, and Mr. W. J. Law- Gardiner's 118 83 78 ers' Convention in the Royal York rie and bride, Oshawa, on Tues- Ida 110 135 118 Hotel, Toronto. day, also Mrs. W. F. Briggs and Mount Pleasant 90 103 107 A smile and a song is good for family, at Myrtle. wbat ails you. See "The Sun Mark your calendar October 22. Totals 533 476 441 Bonnet Girl" at Opera House, must see "The Sun Bonnet Girl" Bowmanville, Friday, Oct. 22nd. a musical comedy in 2 acts. Snap- Maiority 57 8.15 p.m. py music, sangs and dances. Op- Mr. A. Luennemann of the era Hause. Bowmanville. Tickets HOPE TOWNSHIP Klngsway Greenhouses and Flowý 25c; students 15c; reserved seats Budds (Dale) 72 124 132 ______________________10e extra. Welcome 129 302 279 Mrs. Byron Taylor, Hampton. Harnesss 34 173 175 ____________________visited at Mn. Edwin Reynolds'. Campbellcrof t 87 112 99 Mr. H. J. Hooper. Detroit, Mich. Garden Hill 150 90 74 wan here this week attending the Elizabethville 70 129 87 funenal of his brother. Herschel]l- - D A N C E who passedi away suddenly early Totals 542 930 846 Wark is proceeding splendidly Maiority 388 341 Modern and on the new store to be occupied Old Tyme Dancing by P. R. Cowling. druggist. Mr. PORT HOPE Cowling will move into his new Ward 1 N. 217 274 N.W. 280 store an Thanksgiving Day, and Ward 1 S. 172 255 S.W. 157 wilb pnfrspeines rly Wr .58 110 E.W. 312 W ESTM OUNT nwiflbeen for bsia nnes e Wa 2 . 211714 27946 metin cannection witb the for- Ward 2 W. 224374 W.W746 AVI LION mal opening of the new store 1W ar 3W 15 4 PAVILION occupy large space in next week' Adance Poli24 OSHAWA Statesman. AvnePl On Monday evening Mayor W. Tatals 958 1488 1210 Every Saturday Ross Strike and Mr. J. H. H. Jury - attended a meeting of Toronto Majority 530 406 Ladies' and Gents' Board of Trade,. Guest speaker- was Mr. A. C. Ernst, President of Total Majarities 980 1609 1579 Prizes the' Chamber of Commerce. Cleve- land, Ohio, who gave an excel- Majarity for Mercer 629 265:f ADMISSION -- 25c lent address on the activities and- progress of the civic lite of Cleve- TOTAL VOTE 6549 7178 6223 land, making special reference ta <WALKER STORES, £J.,MITED W omen's Furred Coats Geor-eoiis1y. Furred Coats iii Brown, Greent, Black. Etc., sniartl.y st.vlcd i 1937 Wiiîter -Models. Wc kiiows vou wvi]1 be(lelighite(l that sucli siant models can bc pui-chascd at this low piee. SALE! Chamo Suede GLOVES Better Grades - 39c r Higlier pciced gloves in a big variety of faney cuff and pull-on- styles. Sizes 6 ta 71/2. ('alors, Brown, Greenî, Black. 4-PIy Knitting Wool 8c Bail Our special "Diaden" 4-ply Kiitting Wool ini 25 gyood shades. Save by buying Saturday. ,,Weece-Lined Sleepers 69c Suit Ublildnren's Button Back Flecce Lined Sleepers, with enclosed feet. in BNe, Pink and White. Sizes 1 to 6 vears. Bus' before the cold îîiglîts start. Buv nlow and save. 729x90" Comforter Batts 33c Each Timie f0 make warin Comforters for cool niglits, Jand here is the place to save on Batts. BoA imanville ar Dalngton Newcastle Clarke Twp. Cartwright Manvers Millbrook Cavan Hope Port Hope TOTALS 1254 789 176 746 499 799 253 533 542 958 6549 RECAPITULATION 952 1214 234 954 301 479 150 476 930 1488 7178 Moderator (Contunued from page 1) psmed the 1iîappy conditions iii tie xarious lprovinicswiiditflicdrougLît stickcn arca of Ssskatchewsan snd sîated tlîat althiigh banks, psaces ni businîess, etc., lad closcd their ulc<irs tiîe churcih oviii rcmain open wiiflthe îîîiîisters iin tic field if allich peopule xiii do tlieir part towards tiieir fulliosvmen in this strickeîî arcs. He spoke of the spirit of hope- fniness that prevaiicd flîrougiiout tuie psst six and said ive muîst not let theîîîcdown, À Airdie provinîces hiave iîtiînated that tiiey will do their part sitli food, clofhing, etc., aîîd iii this way flic great %vomk xiii te carricd on and ltlhe spirit of Iif Su- csideîît i the îîast. vsili co*.fiiute as flic cliuch is flic bro- tiîcriîoîuiniiitiîe vorld. Ounr people arc also trotibieu abouit tlic ruthlilss siaugliter ini China, if al bciîîg coiitramy f0 the guiod ofIilîi- niiiiify and ~to tfeliavo- ti od. 'l'lic hope of the worid lies inî tle chinrel' Let lis lput Sav yail sierfici:alîti and lic truie ui the Cross oîfCliIt Let uis uray, luive and wurk for Christ. Theîchcoir sanîg "Opîenî Our Es c, after whicli Rer. Dr. Bryce coiîipii- îîîeitcd flic chair ou ifs spcnUil renditioîî. Rev.. Mm. Daxison made kinuiiy reference ta fitheelpful ser- vices of the guest speakers, the choir, ta the visitors front onîside congre- gatioîîs sud 19 the fiendly spirit showiî by St. Panl's couîgregatioil whliIad witlîdraxvn flîir service for flic cveniîîg. "XV'heiîI 1Survey flic \Vondmous Cross'"lîeartilv suîîg b% the large congregatioîi coîîcluulcd onîe (of flie best annivesarv services luis coiigregatioîî lias cujoyed. "Dr. Bryce offercd fhe closîîîg prayer andthie xesjîcr by the choir colichied the service. Silver Wedding (Continued from page 1) NichaIs briefly replied on bebialf of himnself and bis wlfe. Miss Dorothy Niqbols. with Mrs. Wil- hurch. apening with c. The caîl ta warship by Helen Devitt and re- :o by ail members. The erse was repeated by the Warship Story was in- ytald by P. R. Minutes were read by Rundle. Starv af one as nicely tald by Miss kard. Pragram conclud- he closing song. Mrs. William Hl. Gregg.. Farm, Garrie. celebrat- eth anniversary of their n September 2lst. -Af- et dinner and an infar- am, a toast was propos- bride and groom of fif - go. Letters of congrat- tre read from relatives parts of Canada while ent added words of con- iMany bandsome received. William H. Mary Evans were mar- aIod Methodist Church on September 21. 1887. J. Ferguson. uncle of assisted by Revs. E. A. ci W. Ayers. The bride iece of Mr. W. C. Fer- -manville. n County 115 107 222 79 123 106 98 98 97 522 81 804 16 16 32 il 23 37 37 7 117 364 for Bragg 5958 1433 768 1172 242 875 212 314 143? 441 846 1210 6223 1156 610 153 694 474 818 222 522 505 804 5958 223 206 20 134 90 127 32 117 120 364 1433 GoodyearSup't. (Continued from page 1) and iaif of its liîbricaiîts, as weu l as îîearly îlîrce-îuarters of ils piste glass, Il uses 80 per cent. of all rubber coiîsinicd ini flce L'niteud States sud alinost 91) uer centî of its gasoline. Tlîc great cottoîî inidstry is caiieui on for 9 per cenît of its outplut fui sîîpîîiv the autoinotive indnstmy, andî 14 lier cent of the iiations freiglît toninage is iivalvcd iii the assscîîbiy of raw inaterials for the automobile sud the distributionî ai neîv cars. Aiioiigthie nîctals, 34 per cenît oiflic uatiu,î's Iead ; 12 per cent of ils zinîc 12 tuer cent of ils lin ; 30 per cenît ilf ils îickie ; 13 percrenut of ifs ai- u îiîîu îîîii andu 18 per cenît o f it s'coli- îîer guies f0 flicautomoble planits. XVhiic iîteriviwîg Nlr. Hardy 19.38 scinul slios','soinie iîîcrease over %iithrcfereccc tiieicbiiicss fore- cast, lie sveiîied qîuite optiîîîistic tiîst 1937, ashlougli îîot to flic cxtcîît Ilat 1 937 lias shi,.wiiorer 1936. He mîenî- îiiîneîitlîat 1937 productian ini Bow- iîîanriile shows an iîîcreasc of 32 pier cent oxvcr 1936, but if cou.d liard - ly be exPected that 1938 would showv sucli s large increase over 1937. Hoîvever, the iicw extenlsions, wlîicli are beiîîg built ah the Bowmanvxille Planît, xiii eîabieelrpf0 ake ail- ditional business îvhicli otherwise could nol have been handled, sriîhiîu the iîîceased flbar space. Mr. P. XW. Liîchficld, Presideîît of thie Goodyear Tire & Rîîbler Coin- paîîy, stateulfhiat flic 1938 Conîfer- eîîce wvhicli wilI be heid at Akronî the latter part of Septeinher, ilext ycsr, wili be lu the foi-n of a bomne- coiniig Conference. Goodyear sales- mencî arouîid the s',orld, as wclI as production mii srouud the worhd, wiil assembhle for two wceks' confer- cîîce. This will bc ooakcd forward to with a. great deai uof eiifhusiasni and sWs faction whcn flic Sales De- Partmeîîts as WeîR as the production mîen îwili discuss problemns ini geiî- erai. liam spry at thîe piano, sangI Somne men are born great, some Lovre You Truly," while Mrs. Spry shrink, and others neyer find out aiso played the wedding march on how small they really are. the arrivai o! the bride and If a man's lope of a futuele groom. uelf The remainder of the evening misses tire be has no khck coming. was spent in a social time, and Listen, girls. Neyer put off tili dlainty refreshments were served to-monrow the man you have a ta the large number present. chance ta accept to-day. I i1ares. Phi d lbis violin arm, vemy ma Hooev presciîîcrî MrrS. XXaik r their pastor and his iwife. ~~flI~ imnînlar wjth inîcîîîbrs of the B. 1 i wh a basket of f;ose.Nî ai l eter wr rs Irv . ..J. M U~ GIO C \l fWMrs. Waikcr ruejiii: li r , Clarke fmom Rcv. Mm\I. Grier ani (Corntinued from page 1) lotius ian ne r a' jj t,. t -ý!ii 'e wh lihtIi ci n jregat inuls hIod for preciated. NEIV PIANO SiU;DIO for vcars of co'îiîi i d-rs ice carn' £ZF'Iirtîiiiug fVic illinster and the Mr. Tanton chose for hîs sub- thc people. îpie 0ou machîng fiheunuique celc- ecet, -The Church.- basing hi-s Miss Phyllis R. M. Challis. Mr. Chî.M i in~im rlratijin of a tiventicth anîîivesrv. nm.ght present it ta h'mseîf a glor- A.T.C.M., fommerly of Church St., Chas. î *Rv . Dr.. . J.i;arr, Petemboro, ion)s churcli,' Eph. 5:27. He spoke Bowmanville, wishes ta announce tleirograinwliihilil Ii(thi'11, rlîmîglii officiai grectings front the brel fthe crîticisin of the tbe apening of ber new studio on Peowignunl Ir.Ahrs :'î a ï)letîiiMml'î 0ro Prcsbvterv, %whilc Dr. church by people and societies ýLibenty Street North. Tbhis studio Pr!onsdMm(rîîrSîîiu.î. .irkuî. l( t( riiîr, ,;a a closc frieud andshaed îthut atît tatis quipedwit tU mat mde organ solo, Mliss EvelyiSailerýoii: of Rcx. and M\rs. Vjalker, also ex- above and beyand it ail the church devices for piano and mus ical select'\is os TuilPortr: l- ofra heil deiihî u eirachivee that wvas founded on the teach- theory ta bath begiiners ano. ad-trareadig islu otral uialaiî iu rav ings of Jesus Christ was the only dacdppl.Ti qimn dresses o1fucongratulations %Veregi- .\crfiaatopecfuiid institution tbat was carying out!includes two pianos, an upnigbt cvi bv the visiting iiiiiisters, al] frieodsi.pî1 ervadcîi the assemnhly the command at the present time 'and a grande. Miss Challis is strcssinig thc finle spirif of faitlî andî ,aui il wsvitss1h lîearty wcicotnc that; He cîted many incidents in his1 prepared to teach aIl grades of fcllowship iwhiclî M.\I. Waikcr alivs ev. NMr. WValkcr ias mecccixcd af- own experience that proved the ýpiano and theory leading to the cxiîibitîs. Mr. Hildon Johinstni, Jan- ter hii.recceuî illiness. lu al] hcats truth of his words. Ail who lis- ýA.T.C.M. diploma, as well as duo- eîville: Mmr. \Vi. Gav nom. Ba](iluiff:the 'vas lle hope for renewed tenied to bis earnest message were ýpiano work. No change in price. sud M.\. mn. Hoocr. Ncestlctou. iistmuî iîîu iý( for a long life in h:ghly deiighted and inspired. Phone 2652, or caîl at studio for tlîo>ir wvords of congratulation uN- us lîich lc ie hî ,Itcîîîîîiiîiîe f gise of Mr~. Faley closed the service further information. 40-1 pr 'd nblîî«fth lrc o- îwecsealth of Cliristian ex- with the benedctian. gregatioîqs the depl love sud lovalîx fieriemice to tluiii uit,. ' charges of On Monday even:ng tPe ladies BEy. AND MRS, W'ALKER wlîich the congregatioiîs hoid foîr .Tanets-ille. hls(llfauind',cstictoui. se,: ved an excellent supper of HNRDA ETEO ich:ckcn pie and other good thin- OOE s ETEO w-hich vas cnjoyed byý a large crowd. s ver\,iiiturc-tiiiig andî iire~.s c A gaod audience greeted the e.veOit 'i l,îst î uîk s tflipru ci.îtî E IA S FO H Scýugog young people afteir the lii ' oIxes. am\rd rs. 1-. . PEIfl OR TH supper when they presented their \Valker iii eîutiilrs tia!I A humorous play "The Antics of Clîtircli (,u Friila çus ciig. OctiibcrH O U I I Andr-ew." A quartet was nicelv 1 ýt. ThelicicCa>i, uiarkciithe flicH O LID A Y W EEK EN D rendered by some of the youne nls ra of dx ir îles, tcl serv icc People between first and second to the charges of Jaucîsille, B'alîx - Harry Hornts's acta. Pastar Smith acted as the îiîff. andl Nutietoiî. CsadPwe chairman in bis usual pleasina I'Prior to flic lresentati )Ilî rver orie manner. Proceeds $212. ituîîîreclandl îifts uîcuîibers aind l. tin -- -----28C The decorations of flowers. guest. w cre cttrta .ineîî 5 a deliglit- fruit. vegetables. etc.. added very fi supper. l'le tables sverc uicorat- Horse ccnsiderably ta the attractiveness ed ith atiîatunîn c lases au fiowers. Rash---bte20 .A 0f platfonm and bail and were inig those at the hicad table werc: aih---btl20 very tastefuliy arranged. Rcv.sud \Mrs. W. H. V. W\alkersud É Acompiete History of Maple suj ack sud Roîvan, Nim. ani Mrs. New Season's BROWVN LABEL les 66c Grove Cburch will appear next sowa.Btas e.D.adMs oaos-9-b a 5 / 3 week. Rwa.Btai; e.D.adlr.e 99 12s3c A. T. Barr, Dr. ani'Nrs. W. Clarke, oaes-91bbg75 Peterboro: Rex. atiui M\rs. M\. A. YLO AE e 6 MUSICIANS MAKE GOOD Bury, janctville: Rev. Dr. R. P. Pgk. of Anonia Free with et "t l/ es 28c IMPRESSION, PORT HOPE Bowies, Rev. sud MmIs. C. C. Har- 6 Bars Pearl Soap - 27c ORANGE LABEL 1's 80e 1 court, Rev. sud Mrs. H. J. Bell, Rev. ~î," 0 At s social cvcig lheid St Port and XMrs. Holulen. Rev. C. H. Fer- 12e 0 Hop ouSep. Oîl, uîdr te as-guson, Betjiaiiv; Rev. Fred Riding. Maxwell House pices of tlic Bmothemhood of \IaiîîPii- vpoadseea te Coffee - - - - lb. 43c A Tea For Every tenauce of \Vav Enployecs of thie The peseîîîstioîî of a purse îwas Taste Cani.Nat. Blys., Lodgc ŽNo. 83, a den c.adMm.\skrl afiliste of the A.F. of L. wiîl heaul- thc auditorium <iof thc chumclb by Mm. Made in Bowmanville« quarters at Belleville. sevemai msi John Dickiç, sud the addmes- wa Cream of Barley pkg. 25e mcale rd by Mmr. J. J. Clarke. M\iss Nom- isuis fron Bowmtauviile contributcd e 10 tlhc sîfccess of the eveliug. Aeroxon, the best The Rosail.Accs nuider the insuii agenicuf of Al. Fletcher of Bow- BEAT THIS ly Catchers -- 5-10c mlausille iccre a dccided success. IF YOU CAN Ssinîg <if sqluare(dauces. fox trots; suri waltzcs aiso cnntibuting sevrý:ai w cll eccved selections, at the cou,- cerf hlii arlier inithe cvening. -Max Tilcmkand< Howard Brooîf- înig, ciaintists. accolilpaulieî hi. M rs. Sfanley Bmûokiug, tîjauist. was sIiother lîichlîglît Offlicheeufn, thI-., c(i)iliîationi of twso claiîîets and the piano as rcîicmcrd bs Ibis fi, sveiut oser big îîith fhe audienceflic soit miî".ic SuIPPled b\Y fheni St lunch ine wa an i exceptionlallîs pleasiiig feature of flic rveninc mr. (Padîl', 1Wui'li of Bowmvranville.saungfîvo songs. Illc seconi deg usisted n pou v hitie audlience with prolouged sud' col,- tintions applause. Mml. Pull Beatîirea Of \Ncwcasi came 10 the escue Of tlîc Roi ai .\es sud gave tiieni a iiiuch needcd rest wlîîle lie plavecu for one of ti'e Orville Osborne, a member of the Providence Osborne familv who have been among West Durham's outstanding farmers for many Years, has neariy two acres of mangels. Among them hec has many 24 inches long, 20 inches ln cir- cumference, and weighing 8 Pounds. This is flot a single mangel, for Mr. Osborne br-cught three samples to town just to show that they were uniformn. There may be some even larger ln the plot, but there are scores just as large. And te, make the growth more interesting, Mr. Osborne was told that he could neyer grow mangels in the spot where lie planted. However, they're pretty big mangels and we wonder if anyone can beat sieinz Pork & Beans Tin - - 10e - 13e - 20e FISH Salmon - Fresh and Smoked Fillets Feed The Best Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash And see your Flock Produce Profits HARRY ALLIN GROCER ~I.______ A Lowest Prices Prepare for Winter TAKE VITAMIN PRODUOTS NOW I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil 8 oz. 45c - 16 oz. 79e Aiphamettes -$1-$1.85-$3.50 Ayerst C.L.O.- 40c.75c-$1.OO Ayerst 10D. CLO. - 67c-1.69 Haliver OÙ Capsules 55e $1.00 - $1.80 Bynol Malt and CLO. 60c-$l CASHMERE T1S S U E JJ~ 1000 Sheeti -44 HMC to the Roll ~ 2for2,5 t 1I'<I lI il lI fot buy a $100u,00uuu sonah but Lloyd's Sto- mach Savern wIi helP make yours Ilke new. PosaItýIvy guar- anteed ta relleve Stomach Dis. tress, such as Indigestion, Dys. Pepsia., Sour Stomach, Nausea. Vomiting, Car, Train, Morniimg Sickness, or youru money will be refunided. Formula prescrib. edby1doctors forsover.40 years. SPeclaoffer thr e $1,00 boxes for $200c) United Cigar Store Agency Thanksgivlng Drug Sale IT PAYS TO BUY AT YOUR I.D.A. STORE October llth is Thanksgiving Day and at that time everyone will have cause to render thanks for better times. --------- On Our Part we wish to thank our enstoniers for the4r increased patronage and pledge ourselves to an unswervîng poliey of serviee. As in the past we will, at aIl times. coffer our goods at the lowest prices consistent with the best quality. EciqeOur special thanksgiving bargains are listed f<below: LIC ORICE ALLSORTS PLANTER 'S Imported Choeolate Peanuts lb. 23 - 2 Ibs. 45 Mb. 23 -21bs. 45 ýOXYDOL - - 19C LUX SOAP, 3 cakes - *15c VACUUM BOIRLES * - 29c DONDS PIS - * -27c BOXED CANDY CIGARETTES ?Moir's - \'eilsoiî's aud CIGARS - TOBACCOS Page & Shia% 25 - 50-$1 -$2 lQÇ to $.0 Fresh Films -Al Sizes Lifebuoy Soap - - 6c Pinkham 's Comp. - 89e Rem- -- ----49e: Branchial Cough Sy. 49e Pellow 's Svrup - - 89oi Cashmere Bouquet Soap Rot Water Botties 2 Cakes 1ie 49e - 59c - 69o - 89c, $25 Reward wfL.Y THVOLAEDCORN SALVE for any corn or callous THEY cannmot remnove with this won. derful n ew scientlfic pro, ara. tio n ,or CORNS OR CALLOUS- ES. ht de-sensitises and re- lieves pain with firat aiica%- tiebn. Gia, PILILS p lt 39e PRESCRIPtIONS A SPECIALr Alex McGregor PHONE 792 DRUGS WE DELIVER 1 1 'I -il THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 THE CAN'ADIAN STATESMAN, 1'ýOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ýi à- A Il