THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE E. I'Jrl e j ~ton, were weekend guests atMr.L -- ---- - - - - I lC. Snowdens. IMAPLE UKUVE Mr. and Mrs M".H. Brown, Gormley, spent weekend witb their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Gib- son and Mr. W. H. Brown and _at- ended the chicken pie supper. Misses Annie, Florence, Ethel and Mary Wilkins,' Master Harold Wil- kins, Ebenezer, visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden on Sunday and attended tbe churcb service. Misses E. E. Haycraft, Cbrissie Freeman, Town, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Davidson, Oshawa,* Mrs. Will Bag- ley, Toronto, were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Preeman. Miss Doris Grooms and Mr. Jor- dan Sharp, Toronto, recently visited Miss Mildred Snowden. Miss Mary Clemence, Sbaws, Miss- es Helene Hynds, Betty Pingle, Town, Mr. Steve \Valling, Halibur- I FALI Painting September is, by many people, considered to be the choice nionth in which ta do outside house painting. Let us give you an es- timate on painting your property and have it put in condition ta with- stand the winter wea- ther. J. H. Abernethy Painter & Decorator Phono 431 Bownianville Congratulations% taM,\r. and Mrs. Edward (Ted) Bagnell (nec Dorotby Stevens) on their recent mnarriage. Mr. and Mirs. Ray Snowden and three daugbters,' Toronto, spent the weekend witb lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, and attended ber sister, Dorothys wedding. MNrs. Edward Power, Miss M.\aude Power, Mrs. Satn Pollard, Miss Ber- tie Pollard, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald, Oshawa, visited at J. D. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Xestlake, Mr. Will Westlake, miss Jessie Vellow- lees, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mutton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Warder, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry. Miss Thelma Werry, iSalemn, vîisited at ,,r. Les. Collacutt's. Mr. and M.\rs. B. ilowett and daugbter. Beverly, 'Misses Hilda and Amy Moore, Toronto, visited at C. H . Greenham's. Misses 'Mary WVilkins, Courtice, and M.\avis Garton. Town, visited Mîis PbhIlis Trimble. I HAYDON Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dabinsan, Toronto. at Mr. J. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton and family, Zion. at Mr. F. Adams'. Miss Gladys Martin, Hamilton, Mr. Delbert Martin, Buffalo. at Mr. Wm. Martins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, Osh-i * awa, at Mrb. E. Bradley's. *Mr. A. Hillis. Hampton, Mrs. J.I Mountjoy. Miss Rase Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. Nes- tleton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomp- son, Part Hope, Mrs. D. Hall, Messrs. Bill and John Hall, En- field, at Mr. C. Crassman's. Mr. and Mrs. H. McComb and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. M. Henry and famnily, Lindsay, at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. Miss Mary Westbury. Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. IH. Ash- ton's. Mises Etfell, and Mrs. Weir, Vic- tor Home, Toronto, at Mr. M. Sle- mon's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bird, Grimsby, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. MARKS THEATRE OSHAWA i-I HELD OVER The BY POPULAR R a DEMAND D c Breath-Taking Successor ta "All Quiet on The Western Front - Hleld Over THURS. - FR1 - SAT. ONLY OAST 0F STARS INCLUDES John King, Richard Cromwell, Slim Summerville, Andy Devine, Louise Fazenda, Barbara Read, Maurice Murphy, Noah Beery, Jr., John Emery Etienne Giardot MON.> TUE. » WÉD. - Double Feature "TALENT SCOUT"P "TAKE MY TIP" With With DONALD WOODS JEANNE MALDEN JACK HULBERT Even though you may stay on the payroll if injured you know that your ox- penses wiIl bo greater. Doctor bils will eat into your savings. Btter stop in today and ask about an Accident Insurance Policy. J. J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Bowmanville Bargain Fares Oct. 14 from BOWMANVILLE Te C. N. R. Stations ln the Maritime Provinces Province of quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia. OCTOBER 15 - 16 te OTTAWA $4.10 OCTOBER 15-16-17 to MONTREAL $5.85, te QUEBEC CITY $9.10 te Ste. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 ROUND TRIP FARES A&Sk Agents for particuIars of Canadas Maple Leaf Contest. Seven cash Prizes. You May Win $10000. Tidoees PFare. Transit L ,n u and Information t ram A&ents. CANADg A N Askfor CANADIAN NAT@I ON AL Handbll P ACI FICT427 0 - a BURKTON KNEES WENT STIFF ____________e IN HIS SLEEP Recent Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Roy and Harry, Toronto. Mr. and MNrs. W. Sanderson, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Clarke, and Mrs. Fuller, Enniskillen, witb Mrs. C. Sanderson. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss B. Pas- coe and Mrs. Bowman, Enfield, witb Al'. and Mrs. Robt. Pbilp. Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms, Misses Ruby and jean Toms, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Messrs Keith and Ho- ward Ormiston and Miss Elaine Or- miston, Misses Verna, Vera and Clara Griffin, Misses Doris and Verna Milîson, Enfield, Miss Reta Swain. Blackstack, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoskin, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. United Cburch. ai Burketon held its Harvest Homne Tbank-Offering Services ini tbe shed wbicb was beau- tif ully decorated. Large congrega- tions beard the spendid sermons ren- dered by Rev. Milton Sanderson aif Toronto. Special music was rendered by Enfield choir witb MNrs. Bowman at the organ and assisted by Mr. Jack Smitb ai Blackstock. A splen- did diiet was sung by Miss Bessie Pascoe anîd Mrs. Bowmian witb Mrs. Parr at the organ. on 'Monday cx'- ening, October 4th, a splendid play xvas put on by the young peopfle Of Ke(Iron wbich' was much enjoyed by aIl. Mrs. F. Snowden sane a solo 'The Floral Dance." Miss Elda and Miss Bessie M.\ountjoy sang a duet, ad Ms Beatrice MJountjoy rcited "Tle l\Ntustarýi Plaster," between acts. Recent visitars ai Mr. and Mr,. W. N. Hoskin were Miss Passmore ai Rockwood, and Mrs. J. White, Elizabetbville. NEWTONVILLE 1 Mrs. Walker M1ilîson. Regina, Sask., is visiting bier daugliter. 'Mrs. 'Max Stapleton, and ber son, Mr. L. E. Méilîson. Nirs. Tlios. Stapleton visited lier daugbter, Mirs. G. N. Smith, Stark- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Percy 'Morgan and iamily, Orono, and 'Mr. anîd Mrs. Al. Holdaway and Allan, Port Brit- ain, were Sunday guests ai 'Mrs. W. JadyliiS. Miss 'Marguerite M\cKav lbas ac- ceptcd a position in Mellow's Drtig Store, in Newcastle. Mr. and M.\rs. George Stalîleton, Sr., visited tbeir daugbter. MIrs. A. Jolies, Part Hope. Preshyterian Cburcli are bolding Tbanksgiving Services, Siinday. Oct. l0th. at 2.30 and 7.30 pin. Special muisic. ,NIrs. G. \V . Jones lbas sold thîe fariner Bank of Commerce Building, îvhich she bad re-modelîed into a hoiuse. ta Irs. jas. Buirîev. .Miss, Elsie Walace visited hir parents. iii Grecîîbank receiitîl . 1er înany friends - wlîI be glad st(,hear tbat NIrs. \XaIIace*s health lias mi- proved greatly.* NIr. an<l Irs. XViIi., Jolie sud t anmil v slîent thie xeekeîid ovi tIi hur parents..XMr. and Nîrs. D. NierrilI, XV'arkvsrtli. NIr. audI.NI r-. Reg. XV nîhaini, Tt- roiiîk.s , t<Irulzii\-es lierc Sunl- dlay. Mir. and NI r,. Cf()eaI avcninox cd itu the I .t e N Il . . .Tli înps i A.\ îuîîîlier ofladile- ir. i blre tt eidud a WV. I. lîlet iîg il, O rauo lrida v. ' huMIi.s as 'rexa, .cuesl speaker. NlI l',.,siiore cen- dueitel the las. hure la-t %intvr. NIrs. K. \Vare. Julie and Pat have j een x i>itiiig NIfr. \Viire. ili SOLUNA Mr. Will Tink, tPeace River Dis- trict, is visiting his cousin, Mr. H. E. Tink. Mr. Bob Smales is visting re- latives at Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. E. Wer- ry's. Miss Nellie Coleman, Darling- ford, Man., is vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. Oea. White. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Miss Ruth McKessock and Mr. H. E. Tink spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock, of Thamesf ord. Mr. George Werry lef t Tuesday ta attend Toronto University. Mr. Allan Balson has returned froni the West and has resumed his studies at Queen's University, Kingston. Mr. Chas. Shortridge is suf er- ing from two fractured ribs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor on the ar- rival of a baby boy. Several members of aur Wom- en's Institute spent an enjoyable afternoon at Hampton Thursday when there was a government speaker present. Young People's meeting Mon- day evening was well attended. Miss Ileen Balson was in charge o! the prograni. Devational story by Miss Gladys YeUaowlees; piano solo, Mrs. Isaac Hardy; Mrs. Stu- art James, Bowmanville, gave a short talk on Young People's work; piano solo, Miss Jean Leach; reading. Miss Helen Smale. Our Young People's Union are having aur Sunday school room painted. NESTLETON Mrs. Cecil Wilson visited fri- ends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson at- tended the 75th annlversacy o! Yelverton Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Philp of Arthur vislted Wednesday with Mrs. R. W. PhilP. Mc. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and family, Janetville, were Sat- urday visitors with Mr. and Mcs. Robert Dickey. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson on the ar- rival of a daughter in Port Perry Hospital on Monday, October 4. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beacaclc Agony to Nove Them When He Awoke City man, "I suffered witb pains across the lower part of my back. In tbe morning, I awoke witb knees so stif f that it was agony ta move theni. Special treatment would make the pain a little casier - but that was ail. Tben a f riend recommend- ed Kruscben, 'wbicb my doctor said 1 might take. I began with about a coffee-spoonful first thing in the marning. To* my surprise I found niy rheumatic aches and pains dis- appearing. I kept on with Kruscheîî, and altbough I ami mare than middle- aged, I bave been f ree f rom pain for two years, and able ta go ta my of- fice every day."-A.W. Rheumatic canditions are aiten the result ai an excess ai uric acid in the body. Two oi the ingredients ai Kruscben Saîts bave the power oi dissolving uric acid crystals. Other ingredients assist Nature ta expel the dissolved crystals tbrougb the natural channels. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. wm. Beacack.MaeI Mr. and Mrs. N. Marlow. ae line and Irene. were in Oshawa on Sunday visiting friends.j Mr. Robt. Phiip o! Toronto is ited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hacry Philp. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hulec visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Rahm int Oshawa an Sunday. Mis. Gavin Kirkwood. Chesley. and Mrs. Henry Gilchrist have ce- turned from a visit in Chetek, Wisconsin, where their brother. Dr. George Malcolm, is quite iM. They are visiting with their sis- ter, Miss Mary Malcolm. Mi-ss Elaine Thompson enter- tained twelve girls ta a party on Saturday afternoon, the occasion o! hec fifth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Pringle 1 and Donald spent Monday with Mrs. R. W. Philp. Raliy Day service was held on Sunday evening in Nestleton Presbyterian Church, and its im- portance was further marked by the presence o! Rev. W. H. V. Walker a!ter an illness o! some weeks. Mrs. Harry Philp and Miss Lena Dickey sang solos, ac- companied by Miss Rose Mountjoy at the organ. The superintendent o! the Sunday School. Mr. Wm. Haaey, and Mrs. Wm. Hooey, the Bible class teacher, assisted in the reading o! the scipture lessons. An address on "Peace'" was given by Miss Norma Hooey. and Mrs. Grant Thompsan described slides an Peace which were given at the close o! the service. Mr. Jack Marlaw assisted in the presenta- a! the slides. Recent visitars at Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilsons: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Fenelon Falls. Mr. Clifford Hetz. Faicview. Pennsylvania. Miss Mae Lamb. and Mr. Wm. Lamib. Enniskillen. IZION Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and. family. Toronto, visited at Mr. Thomas Martin's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron on the arrival of a fine baby boy. Miss Emma Killen, Oshawa, vis- ied her parents on Sunday, Miss Marion Balson has return- cd ta Oshawa after being home for the summer. Mrs. Fred. Harding called on Mrs. Jas. Stainton on Sunday. There will only be Sunday School next Sunday at 10.30 a.m. on account of special service at Eldad. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret were in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cruick- shanks and Isabel, Miss Sarah Hansen -visited their parents in Trenton on Sunday. Several attended the dance at Pidduck's Hall on Thursday nlght. BUINS IRE!ORY LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowianvlle W. R. STIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assitant: Dr. E. W. Simon Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Eculpment In Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipmnent, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. CaU Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. "Lest We Fora'et" Au H. BOUNSALL Designer and Deaer in monument&, Tablets, Markers, etc. in Granite and Marbie. portunity to get even. LONG S.AULT A kick aginst fate is often but ________________ - 4 an apology for laziness. Mis, \arxW odenandfrln(l When the kind and gentle man ý\Iss .\Ir ý"o(lei ad fielddoes deliver a jolt it counts. Courtice. sp)ent Siinday sxîtb M'Nr.. Trouble's shadow is frequently Wallace M.\iller. iblacker than the trouble itself. .Nr. an(l, NIrs. Roy Todghialii an'l Things worth while are more Rtutlî, '.\r. George jackson, Osliawa, apt ta come your way if you go ,NIrs. R. NWoodw-ard. \Iiss HaztI 1atr hm Wiod(ward, Bowinaniville. MIr. anid i How it mnust jolt a man whefl Mýr.. NrrelI \Woodw~ard and Son, he is Polite ta his wife in public Ronniv, Oslhaa. NIr. Fred nith,'t have her look as if she wasn't Hamton)tý. Nir.- andl Nr,;. \illialm used ta it.q DOn NEW 1 KENDAL 1 1 9 un $1049u $1098 Arcade Store FOR 'os Christian BLECTRIC RADIOS To Choose From Don Christian ELEC TRIC 38 Simcoe Street, h~. Open Evenings Oshawa Phone 84 1 RA SEE Phone 681 OVER 200 1 1 TYRONE1 and 'Miss Mabel McRoberts we 1 Sundav visitors of '.\r. and Mirs. 1 Geo. Smith. Young People's Union met Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser, 'Miss- lay evening. Af ter opening exer- es 'Marion and Jessie Fraser, Mr. Ir cises Vice-Pres., Mr. Lorne Mortson, and Mrs. Joe 'McRoberts, Mr. Wal- C ook cbarge of the program: duet, lace McRoberts, Miss Dorotby Mc-w Mrs. Tbeo. Down and Mrs. Floyd Roberts spent Sunday witb Mr. and P Dudley; topic, "Thanksgiving" by Mrs. Fred McRoberts. g Miss Susie Van Camp; readling, Mr. Mr. Fred McRoberts is under the j F rank Tbompson; solo, Mliss E. doctor's care. a Sykes; reqding, Edna Cameron. Miss Violet Fowler has returnedM Games were enjoyed at the close. to ber home in Bowmanville afterM Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson, Mr. spending a f ew days with Miss Dor- v John Noble and Mrs. James Storey othy McRoberts and Miss Grace B attended tbe funeral of Dr. McElroy penwarden.. h 0tOoo n audy Mrs. S. W ilcox, Toronto, visited Mrs. George Arnold, Toronto, vis- ber sister, Mrs. George Smith and i ted bu niother, Mrs. W. Hughison. attended the funeral of their sister, a Mrs. -Donald Davey spent the Mrs. F. Todgbam, Osbawa. weekend witb Miss Editb Saunders, Miss Ora Abbot, Burketon, bas ti Oshawa. been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. WVil-1 Mrs. A. W. Macdonald, Cobourg, liam Hooey's. visited Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- Mr. Horace Johnson, London, is donald. visiting at Mr. Joe Mc Roberts. S .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane -,is- A good attendance was at cburcb ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue. on Sunday evening wlien our pastor, Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard Osborne, Rev. A. WV. Marcb delivered a fine0 Toronto, bave been visitinig at Levi sermon. Skinnurs, M.\r. Harold Skinner's and l Home and Scbool Club meets Oct.9 Mr. Luther Goodman's. tb MNr. Lorne M.\ortson attended the funeral of bis grandmotber at Rich- xnond Hill, on %Ionday. O IU R Nfr. anid Mrs. Earl Hughison, 'Mr. George Arnold, Toronto. spent Suni- J. E. Plamondon, Montreal day with Mrs. W\. Hugbson. Miss Susie Thompson and MIr. Joseph E. Plamondon. of 3802 Geo, Il. Graham, Bowmanville, were Old Orchard avenue, Montreal. Sundav visitors of lier parents, Mr. died September 24th at the Sacred and \irs. L. Tlîompson. Heart Hospital.. Mr. Plamandon, MNr. Brenton McCullough, Toronl- who had been iii for some time, to, spent Sndav at home. was 70 years of age. MNr. and Mlrs. F. L. Bvani and Born in Montreal. he was edu- fanîilv and Mr. Walter Park peu cated and spent most of his li.fe Sunldav witli Peterboro f ritnds. here. Some years ago he was Several f rom bhere attended Ml superintendent of the Durham bro adMrkanFais Rubber Ca. at Bowmanville. He bNrookand Mrkb am ir s andwas a manufacturer's agent for fmr. Oaand Mrs.lin dannisM an paint, glass and roPe. He was a sbw. viitd t M.A degree member of the XV. Anis'.Knghts o! Columbus, Montreal Mr. Art Tbompson wlio is working Council, Doliard *Assembly, and for 'Mr. Otto Bragg, Shaw's. spelit was a past-warden of St. Augus- Sundlayý witb his parents, Mfr. and tine's Çhurch. Mrs. L. Tbompson. Surviving him are his widow, Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Little and formerly Sadie McNamee; three Dianne, Oshawa, visited at M-\r. R. daughters, Mrs. A. J. F. Monta- McCtillouigh's. bone, Eileen and Dorothea Pla- Cburch service at 10.30 a.m. and mondon, and two sons, Percy and Sunday Scbool at 2.30 p.m. Arthur. Mrs. H. T. Goodwin and datigbter. The funeral took place Tuesday ,.\Irs* Kinkle, Memphis, Tennessee, morning, service being held in St. and NMrs. Will Henderson, Bowmian- Augustine's Church. Interment ville, bave been visiting their sister, was made in the Cote des Neiges Mrs. A. W. Annis. Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. A. W.. Cleniens en-- tertained a number ai relatives last Sundav on the occasion of their Anyway the tire of a lazy rnan Nvedding anniversary. isn't easilv vunctured. suraic 13-Ar-Tr rT(--Tilr Instalaton Service in te United bhurcb, Tbursday evenling. MNeeting vastopcned with a sang service and prayer. An inspiring address %vas given by Rev. Mr. Porter of Canton. M!r. Arthur Bell sang "Into a Tent" and "The Bird Witb a Broken Wing"; violin solos were given by Mr. Reg Bolton. The instalation ser- vice was conducted by Rev. E. L. Beech and meeting was closed witb hymn and the Mizpab beniediction. Tbank-Offering Services will be held on Sunday, Oct. 31st, at Il a.. and 7.30 p.m. Good attendance at S.S. Sunday rnorning, also at the cburcb service. Mr. Beech spoke ain the subject: "The Adults and the Cburcb." Messrs Arthur Thonipsoli, James Swarbrick. Clarence Bell, Archie Hoye and Lloyd Glass attended a Men's and Boys Rally at Port erry on Saturday. Mr. Samuel Bryson as been en- gaged ta do the ceinent work on the1 well wbich lie bas conipleted digging: at M.\cLean's School. Mliss Dorotby Swarbrick, Toronto, has ben visitingli er parents, Mr. and M'%rs. Jas. Swarbrick. M rs. Wmi. Honey, Millikin, as been visiting lier mother, Mrs. A. Jackson. Miss Marjorie Patton, Bowman- ville, spent tbe weekend witb ber parent, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pat- ton. Miss Helen Darlingtof, Newton- ville, spent Siinday witb bier motber, Mrs. A. Darlingtofl. Miss Annie ToMpson, i4.-cer af PontypoOl scool, spent te (weekend witb er moter, Mfrs. Chas. Tomp- Son. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wta and family, Wesleyville,' have rnved onto te former Comstock farm wich tbey bave purcbased.4 probably Most peaple thlnk you are as foolish as you thnk they are. O)ccasionally there is a man that even his Satanic miaesty wouldn't have, but there is always a womafl who is willing to take him. 1 1 1 The New Millinery Mode is on Parade at the Arcade Large quantitx bilyng for the largest Canadian aowed Chiain Store of tlîis kiîî( coîîsistiîîg of 48 stores, enables us ta offer the ladies ai Bowinanvile aîd Viciîity, smart milliîîry at te lowest prices possible. There isn't a single important faslioiî trend tat isn't represeîted in tle show- ig. Tal towering turbans .sweepiiig pward brims ..ultra-siart shakos . higb off tlhe face effects. Triminigs reacli a "îîiew Iigb' ii ribboîs, velvets, quils, and briglit colour accents. and îlot a few have the îexv veiled allure" ai Autumn 1937. Te largest selection in town . . .... I colours and(l Iead sizes for everyone. %n