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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1937, p. 2

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PAGE Two THE CAN.\DI\N SIXTESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1937 Established 1854 A Weekly Newsýpape d evo ted to the foc rests of the town of Bowrr.aniville and surrounding courtry, issued at King Sreet, BowmaivIle. every Thursday. 'yM A. James & Sons, owniers and publîshers. The Canadian Statesmani s a m erber of the Canadiani Weekly Newspapers Association. also the Class ,A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single coffies. 5c. THLRSD.\Y, OCTOBE.R 141H. P>37 FIow Liberals Won the Election ed out ani thei'uje andil(hi-o lt t wtrii havi' ýetlî'd. al i îî't"îîl î'\aîlîlll ti' il provîiniai eleetjiii î'e-.îlt, liîvî.. it'r,-'t îîg iattîor for' lî'iatv' \VP %vs-with th(r! the î,'eî'ît îilouiîî'.inu 1îx î'îi-.-j\ . al C ougîi. v art rîiatiW point, î. aHi 00 l j\'itl ' thel' ti most lv eiiî' ii' j ii,î'-'. u t t' ie abs t ,a nd"îî s'i .i' ut l'Itil l .'uîiîl'li\ li Pollîîîr t ,Hî)lli l iilt t I . ileltl th',n goîîdooill ofan:.'aîîdi,'îî'î Prîniîîîl ii iîlîtheîî' oa'. tu fi2uw:. of -J F.Maî- ho . wîriei- MuCoa'ziiîi.rD --ti <t t dryTîi'îîito llîi'. athate 't >Baitiînu ino Nrtlîiiiipaîrinîl iiw-,it . il 'iii ntuti 'rt uîia obii nîi vthu e ',. w'oî' for-waieulnî'îooffer liegra ml' t s iaCorn pwelisîmiers aiid untat 11111theadtobi aofi-J.i F.gM-. fomeravandbs sisutnt haf th Torontvtoick ou ntie arinl fein sorhiibuacamaig Culif unkie1,1-aiod con The Liberal ladvetî.semeninitan under- wst hemuin 'hat 1is a -estavh thtMnManin a:.- a ospublicrvucons- advitti Jiayed ait.importan p sart it nts fa.turteoi- acsut of ourielecixn pand mor- te ning sstoamd thepuei efors if the ( oîîer-atiadvercamigu comsintntee. A Mi-. Hbebuio told Ta <'oJervi e fniend Mr. i o1r. Mas aylotdbetter noan th a hi ed tta thaedaoioratparty ioatha lot emireto ispafon îd rgao hnrt ildvcrtiee"tsofeleaseleio te (osmra- thve Cner-v ampaigitendcamte. A Mr.Hoe 1<>toot lomthisboastfullv. tihi- the capidaigu ofad eisig ohdave ddli edathee iberlartyintievekrly eiapearlo ore tul province pad a vcraninoportahe aAr ietîesccesofte y rth os.a The-eie omte 200 wehis o itlprovbutîb-. and pra tibeay et-eron te.regarlss ofa pthal iaiîofs, ivs ed ut tlcondu-edule. the Lre i nodotiottheWel e wkl rs- par ba the ueeoiofdtohe p(>f i th eu-rs titue s cno sdoserto ritte rurali 'niai ut-hai dwelier than auîy otloer m-diuini. TIho people living outside of thoe grear ichiws are' a thiîîking people. beeaîtse they have Ca.s ta distract them, and cau give thoughtfii study of thoe issues. Eleetioii addressc-s over the radio. at bwest. onîx- reeceive sporty -(-oen- age, as weil as oîîiy nakiîîc a nîoneuriy impression. Tbe addresses are soo)on fongot- *teîo and the figures are often itevet- g-asped. By use of adverising iin tbe weekly press, the Liberai party. gave the fariner and the towîo voter ait opportuîoity to study rhl facts at their leisure. Tbey iwere ini lac kle and white anîd their effect 'uas tiot goîle as ivas the case xwhen one litened toaian ad- dress over the radio. So sumnonhi1o1upour exainiioation ove-woîîld say tloat the Libet-al vietory wa-, due iiaiiily tu thIree faî-torîs:tloe persîînai it.v aid plat- form abiiitv of Pr-emier Ilepburn iin whicbî he utïiiîd tbe remiarkalil eoeîdiilof bhi,. goveî'îîîoo-r.the fin"- i'k ofthetti-LAIiiral Publiiîtv ('ormittei-riioder .1. F. MaeKay, anod t lie muiof theii'weikk -i- res<ii ivone'u- îng thle ime<ssage of tb<c- larty to rte eec- So ra t . Inferior Quality a Boomerang mîgl buii- <aI -ld î ei.îis aviigi-i'-andl elltisel li's. "iîva n- n îî- peopleî'wltui liit the ivoes of thlos- siol iiibutsinoess meniiwlto are tryig tuadhllui'b jiality luillîeîî- hisîi's.ýs. Quai lv in itsel f is a simpllle tiig, simpiy uisi-i iiel I t i'.. i esenei', tIti' <etvrini- ationtu iigi vi' itfait- fnet lafoi- t heiioiiv the r-îstoiteî- pay.s. This is theî'reigtioni tiat thl i iîei'sfîti hbusinîess qîtaît lias buiit itis buîsintess uîîîiî. But a- 'uve sav. lt- is <teut- ai lv lu-set liv thIose whio ovilîîî a- ti tlîat .. ohat iv'. ...' lit t r aik a Ou- ini titi' i-ine'. îîî'é Y. a1van îark,î'r foii. , lit iiaoiiai W" ai, i-,,'ji 0iîj,î a.. rli, î iii, f 'jî il aail tocnp. inîlr at thIr' Jr, 'e.ani sec that they are Sttix îîaî'keî i Mairy. nîweî'- ia\, le-n avou'i'Ai If f î':-ttiti Lijiality in th,, in pxpjîrt. In Sîai oay tliey have lest a vyvinl, ni,.ii iriin estHrîl Caiiada. ii a! jlila. 1k' ut aH rbinzs s~..hiîulîlho the 11-fi' -'hoix uri'weî's anîd hix tue Candidates Fight Friendly Camnpaign v. '. i- -~i-oiti io f P-ioier Miti-bell F. fiii'ti.llii-v rîiiîtiar i tii.' type tif aeit eii~e Ijî j.it oî'al c'iipaitiit. Bohi'Mir. lît,'î-iio'andiîMr.0Ei-iî ttet00'oildue. o r r ivitholi liii lit i i. i. To soiteiiese tiigs may seem unimpar- tanlt. hit io theloi' otrar-v 11ev are veyn'iin- poîrat. Peoîple ]lave tii ive to2etiter andi lieside cai-li îthîeî-iintitues 'uheio tleoe aru itoj eicct iu)s. Ini caînpaipiîs wloere personoa!- itie-. enrer iîîtiî it. and wliere tempers ruuo ltibrh teîe is ofteto emilitie., between canidi- dates anid tliocit supporters for thoe rest of tbeir ives. Durtnham tpeople seem to have thse senosible habit of beiiog able to disagî-ee iin politicis aîod yer remailoîet-fectly grood frieîods witli tlieir neighibQurs. Except ini a few scatter- ed ilstaîtees thoore 'vas little bitterness be- tween tioe rival factions ini Durhamo. There %va.s a time. not .50 mati:.'vears ago. wheul hard-boiled Liberals -would toot coiocede tbat sucbo a rhuîog existed as a zood Toi-y. The saine wuas true (if some hide-hououl Tories 'vobelievec tloat tloe fact tboat a mn aw uas Liberal macle Ioins oooe of tbe îow'est tbiîgs 010 earth. Straiu-el:.-eîooug u 'e loeid Io enitih to- w ard onoe w'bo 'ueart t a differetot chiut-h. %%-as icl ineul roward differeot lhabits. or likeu to ivear a partieular sty.le of c-otlies. There is no mare roons for baul ee in i party polities tloaîo tloe-e is in thiese otiier thiîtg-s. Both 'Mr. Eiliott andtulr. Merci-t- are ta hi- comîtocudeul oiiiaviiog comileteil aîoothr' campaigu i l)îîiîswitiiouii it- pairing iii ani* voo'ax' le, înoîal fîieîtlx- te- lationis etw'ei'n I)îi-baîiites. wo'btler 'tii.' ho Liberal-. or ('oîseî-vatives. Moving Out to Open Highways G;radîîiiv andl persîsteuotly.. savs T!' Globe aîd 'Mail. city clxwellers ai-e pusii tr w 'xa:. it o uegihouriig agi-eultura <istnicts. Ir is just bMo olci <ore of Ai iinnoauî niîtu ow' a pieî-e of land. tf plaunt hings. ti dam-e foi- Ctuir gî'omrii.ai tii f-el the satisactioîo tîat contes witis lia vest iii That is ;'erv truc. and lthee clatge iîou î'oimttu-sidr- iii thoe past fi- y"<ats aipiý îli-iiuost ates. AfHIaliîog oridghiitivays ou.ii siislittie loainsets sprnigiîig up w'itere onie woas greens fiels. Betw'i"i BoioaitvillI aundlOshîawa fo' iisani" nii u Oi I til .morîe> of uiwlhomes, bilit vitti ut te last fi" y l'ais. Moîst oîf tIi-u have nivei'aw'us aitd veger ullegat-dets. IMaut.-of bloenikeep a few chiikeits aund soîtte eveit a cov. It 1. as The Glb f e and Ma il say.s. te «id nir'tu metuî-n tu lte Iand. 'ihere are very 'fi-w îit:.' feople w-ioo hav' îtot at sdioiL'tiîîe ori-othier w'aited tiu ge aw-av fi-omidt ho uise, and te <Iirt, aithet o smoke aîd lte liiîtle of the cito'. Aftet w'oi'kig ail day iii thiat atuîoosphei'e titi': I ike tu gi-t aw'ay -iîtîî thle iquiet of the î'oîîîu trvsiîe fuor relaxationu. Tit'e ouiig .of thti auittmobile' his itadItliat ;pos-siblei. TîîîIt ir is îîîuîiig to iv-e iiaitvîilî's ,fiîiio vinî woi'k. aitîd iiiosiîi'tindiîvliv î.ur.bit or îlîiutg tiis ar i'i 'îdinig thiat titi'qieit of thte î'îîîîu':.r. the lpart'air-. andîllit eoiîliiiiof<iftlii- îîlîî '0 1îîtîyi. pIi<'Xies ail toX'hisîiis itoottxtînttIt 'thv o fori '( li-iîis wiui tîu'tt i Iiin li'ti<Iiai r " and îîl it îCar'titi î'îîîtitîîîl diiiof<if a i'ir affi.. te al le r- i. 'v e a 0' The Editor Must Decide For or Against Publication i'i'iiutiîte btui-. ooitiiui-ou intfru'- sa îîî 'v. s .stti' Ver-nitiiNews, m'uve î'ask- i-id i o p i'pai'i n'iiusaitl to ii îiîîit thteîîî quii the tu- te'iuest is mîade -w'itlit dii' Iest iof i t eîît. Iitva'iail:. ic- u'î'1dxis t uc saine. 'rutat I <autîtot bIii'uiîîî. Ri-iiitlt"-.ilwua-vs St ivi'fou- idi-itiiuî'.' utand. t'li'i- t iti's ouîîîîîîîî t vni:. ui' lloats anîxious to i-li-i-k uii)ion stati' nuitiits <if fac-t. tiîhe iii-'Iiisv of t1ti'subiiuiisioii is to -~uri or tu, allert-slutemen'uts. ori'tii soft ploailli:' portiono of ain accurate t'cpotb. Thiat is tii t'îîîîe(tioîo anod tht'e-gi of tlitei' etor. I t is fuit- Ithîn to cleuide if statebitobs iade at a ipt ubic mteeting sionul d app'1tî-ino ptiit. Tlo suîhnit a report for c-î-îsotship, is ta abldicatc- the duties of euitctrshtip and bo placet-eiin thbie Iitldis if aitiii Ietesti'd i)arby. Ait cilîtor <aitiot(lo titat and'tul itaiib his edlitorstip. If liii'piiîtiits puii iî-atio îî of haasi'd reports te f)ublic w'iî sooIOmake hîto feel bte w'eiffht of disp]i-asu-i. Evc'iiewspaper i-s up aga iîst siiîîilaî- pr'opoisitionts anodlbas 1 to opt btoc sai-e îuîîiey:. as te Vernoont News. Considered by maomists as one of the warst danger spots on the No. 2 Highway between Montreal and Toronto. the overhead C. P. R. bridge at the western limits af Bowmanville. provides an opportunity for the government tD do some construct've highway wark. This bridge has been the scene of numerous seriaus acci- dents. It is unsafe for heavy traffic and is a bugbear for motorisr.s travelling in bath direc- tions. The upper pict-ure shows the f limsy con- struction of the bridge which has been forced ta bear some af the heaviest traffc in Ontario, while the lower pictume provides a view of the iorr.y foot drap to the tracks. In the winter rime the bridge is particuiarly dangerous. while any tîmne when> wet it is a highway death trap. This might easily have been a local lec thon issue, but now the election is over it is a task for the new member for Durham to work on. 24th. to, the w'fe of James St.ark, a daughter. WHAT IS O-OP RATONTrewin - Near Haydon. on Sept. 24th, ta the wife of William Tre- By Scribe G wýn, a daughter. ________________________________________________ Edsall - In Bowmanville. Sept.; 3th, to the wife of S. S. Ed.sall. Co-ope:ation is- a Battle Cry. than to disturb. That is intelli- asn Some people re.rpcnd t:) i- wher.- gent co-operation. asn ever they hear it:. .. like they The man who is married to a1 Keyes - In Bcvmanvi.1e. Sept. reasinable woman is a f001 if he 27th, to the wife of W. L. Keyes. rush in Eýery t.mne they hear a doesnt co-operate., a daughter. dinner gong. Others go ciy when In the terrible storm of Novem- Hancock - In Tyrone. October they re hugry.ber 1912 when so0 many ships were 5th, to the wife of Mr. Thomas To intell:gent pec-p:e co-olzera- lost on the Great Lakes. We Were HaccRee fDrigo tion is a matîter o., con*ýernience out on Lake Erie in a grinboat acc ev fDrigo like moraity :s. You are no, travelling light. The Captain and moral because you are such a Ch;ef Engineer were at logger- noble ïe:-son .. .alt.ough you heads. The Engineer resentedý may be for ail we know. But You1 every signal f rom the bridge. 0f T E L E P H 0 N E T A1 are moral in your conduct because course it was an order, and from experience has taught you that the Ship's Master he hated tak- it's most conivenient . ou keep ing orders. We were very nearly out of trouble better when you are wrecked. If co-operation means moral. anything it is at a time like this. For this very reason an intelli- Bands raised more troops th.an gent person co-operates. In cer- patriotism . .. so be careful. When tain circumstances he finds it somnebody yells co-operation at convenient. By co-operating- he you dont drop your spade and T saves time . . . or energy . .. or join the parýade. Ju.st straighten money . . . or al of them. 1Up . . . take the kink out of your You have heard zhar. competi- back . . . look around to see who tion is the life of trade. And you is doing the yelling. Yeu may de- 1o have heard too) that cD-operation cide not ta co-operate. n is. Both of theýse statements are Co-operatL;on is one of those An half truths. It may be more con- 'magic words that causes certain Auod venient for you ta co-operate to- :people to do a thing %wýhen thev day than to compete. To-morrow haven't. the fogg'est notion whe- s' i î may bc more convenient to: ther they should do it or not. SoSo compete. An intelligent mn a n; co-operation is a gaod word ta use in gg knows which to do. . on others. iu Very often you are asked to co- Someone told us that Mr. Hep- operate by joining in sohoe cru- 'bum used it the day before elec- sade or other to f ight the demon! tion with amazing efiect. A Con- drink or t.he ignorance af the 'servative happened to say in M heathen Chinee. You may best Hepburn's hearing that Earl Rowe I serve the interests of ail conceru- was flot such a hot public speak e ed by minding your own business 1 er. So Mr. Hepburn with c1harac - - tha . hich is at least a saf e mid- teristic aptitude interlected. MY . dle course. Figure out for your- (good f riend Rowe is a much ~ self what action on your part is abler man than the sort 0f speech- likely ta be most convenient. es he makes would lead you ta be- That will more alLen be best. lieve. But if you have decided The King af England finds it nat to vote for hlm . ill you more convenient to be harmonious co-operate and vote for me?" IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FIFTY YEARS Ac.O to $6.00: clover xýeed. $4.90 buszh.; alsike, $4 to $6 bush. From The Canadian Statesman. Dr. Fred W. Tuuil. Orono. sold September 28, 1887 123 acres of ranch in Calîlornia which lie bought three months Hampton: Mn. John Smith. an ago. at a Profit of $3.100. old and esteemed resident, died Tyrane: Mr. Sandeî's. Uxbridge, ýmoved here with his fanoily anid Sept.ember 22. in hrs 9Orh yeaî-. takes possession af the mill fîrst Mr. Smith was one af Darling- aif nexr. montl. Our former mill- ton's pîoneeî's comîng here ox'er er, John Pettinger. leaves then for 50 years ago.. - Mr. Thos. Mc-, Toronto. Lean las a mammotto bronze tut-- From The Statesman, key which has laid upward of 100Ocbe5,18 eggs this season and is stîli lay- A large number of guests as- Cortce Rmors0fa er emb1ed at the residence of Mr. Courice:Rumurs f a earJohn Gilbert, Enniskillen, Sep-' having been seen in this vicinit3' temnber 28, to engage in the festiv- comîng to the ears ai m embers afI ities of the marriage of his eldest the Hunt Club tIe captain called ýdaughteî- Flora. to Mr. Benson i a meeting af the club. I t being.a yeaoClnn Otr. busy season only the enthushasr.ic ereanrefCtito n ntare he ones turned out. A party wýas or- Ideath of Charles Neads of Lind- ganized to ru down the bear busy son oif J. Neads of this town. alter carelul enquiries tîey faileci The body was înterred in Bowv- to locate lis "bearshhp.' manville Cemetery. Baî'glary: On Monday ntghr ' Methodist Y. P. A. elected these some parties attempted to burst officers: Hon. Pres.. Rev. H. S. open tIe safe ar. Vanstone's Moill. Matthewvs: President. J. Jablin: Thcy fhrst effected an eut rance ta 151 Vice Pres., H. C. Brittain; 2nd M.Wtiam 'bakm hshoPjeVice Pres., W. N. Tilley; Sec'y. C. where they procured a seg Windatt; Treas., H. C. Bittain; hammer and same other articles. Oganist. Miss G. Young; Editors Tley then got huta the mil and of tihe Evening Star, Miss S. Wil- stane oertions. Af 1er having son and Miss M. Grant; Executive smahed thýe combination they Committee, Mm. Banner and Mis- seem ta hav'e become alarmed and ses M.* Joness and N. Grant; Pro- lef t hurriedly without getting lu- gram committee, Messrs. Joblir< ta thes'afe. and Brittain and Misses Maynard, Prices an Bowmanvilie market: Yaýung andnN. Joness. Flour, 100 lbs. $2.10 ta $2.40; Faîl Birtls* Staples - In Darling- wheat, 75e bush.; barley, Na. i. taon Sept . 2lst, ta the wife ai 6kc bush.; rye, 45c bush.; oats Aleix Staples, a son. 25c ta 27e bush.; butter, 18ac ta Hud son - In Enniskillen, Sept. 20e lb.: lard, 10c to 12c lb.; eggs, 22, ta the wife of Alex Hudson, a l4c dozen: potatoes, 50c bush.; ýson. hay, $9 ton; di-essed hogs, $5.50 Stark - Near Enfield, on Sept. HERE IS SOMETHING FOR THE NEW GOVERNMENT TO WORK ON THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 14 -15- 16 l'Hollywood Cowboy"l with George O'Brien - And - "'Sea Raclketeers"9 with Weldlon Heyburn, Jeanne Madden MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18 - 19 - 20 "Mi'ndsunmer ND NDNight's "6You Cau't ýBeat Love"l WithaM Joan Fontaine with an Preston Foster Ail Star Cast L KS 1IN THE WATSON F A'.I 1LY c and ay Wta oet cal' onte r1a0U - Mry.SarClY aeekgem ywînte yerp ina, e stt ie for triI n !okis <n anyaftns 'wenthey re lae hanusa ettîflg~ ~ ~ t lcnttl, iahe oshi'tçory.dS ~~~lyel 'aStîltedadliee and th "en i pn t .ry. iisisst tnef or thi tatnae h phodro indinablentOthe aeWateon hanushol on n uch arn nietY and 5 nh a ot a work it ry . aT s s ..w oulnte %-taU t,;l.ueo Township. twins. a son and a dau- and Thos. Holgate were busy with ghter. their autos, too. Martyn - In Bowmanville, onl Fairview. the home of Mr. and October lst. ta the wif e 0f Mr. Mrs. Anson Taylor, Blackstock. Phillip Martyn, a son. was the scene of a pretty wedding on October 2nd. when their dau- ghter, Sara Minerva, was united TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO inl marniage with Sidney John Trewin of Enniskillen, by Rev. From The Canadian Statesman, Isaa5c SneU. October 10, 19121 Previous to her leaving Bow- manville. Miss Mary H. Manning#- By a majority of over 400. both was pleasantly surprised by the the Waterworks and Sewage by- girls of the Durham Glove Coin- law wee psse bythetaxav-pany who assembled at the home earts ofere pase by teaxlay-!of the Misses Wilmot. Churc1ý'st., The vote for the watervorks sys- tsafrel ndopeenhr :emn was 447 to 39. and for the'wjth a sterling silver jewelicase Sewage system 443 to 39. Nearly and an address. * every automobile frorn J. W. AI- Ait er having one afi 09hwto's Ex\anders. D. B. Simpson's, Mayor best cil experts examinbU.any Mitehell*s, and Fred A. Fosters properties around town, and giv- 60 horse Power touring cars. to in his opinion that oil and gas John F. Hone's dandy Ford and would be found in commercial Dr. A. S. Til:ey-s Hup were in quantities steps have been taken commission running voters to the to form the Standard Develop- PoilS. J. J. MoriartY. C. Rehder. mient Company of Bowmanville D:. B.J. Hazleooood, Gay Bros_ (Contînued oni page r» SMARKS THEATRE à OSHAWAlu The rates for residence telephone service are surprisingly Iaw-only a few cents a day. You really cannot afford ta be without a telephone. FRANK WILLIAMS, Manager 1 PAGE TWO THE CA'lý.%DIA\' STATESMAN. BO\ý'-'%IAN\'ILLE. ONTARIO

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