PA GE S EX- THE CANADIAN STATESNfAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO TT-TtIPSflAY. OCTOBER I4TH. 10.17 s-, i, 4 J ii me aunutesu54 LVO pas LS..was 'i Tliks;bgiving services. Snndia% j SARKVILE jRev. M. Mcinniis,\est Hl *the afternooii Miss Ha7cl Rei ShilihuClrit iill culebrate its1 orcd witî a solo and ii tîtee 7th anniversarv, October i7tlî. Newxcastle mîale qnartet rendert Receiît Visitons : iinters. For the first tiiîe ir MNiss Mary Mejior. iltîr-se-ihi-traii-ca("r.. no -llatks.g i v iîîg DiiR iîîg, Toronto, witlh lier îparents, Mr. Ioc and NMrs. J. J. Meijor. -Nrs. Bert Saiis spcitt tîhe MNiss Ruthi Saverv wiîi lier cou- enid iin Torontto. sit, Mrs. Stapleton. Oroiio. Nlr. Xijiaitt Stapietoit tocl Miss L\Ida Hajloweil, wlio lias se- denlv AIl oni X\tdîte.dav anc cured a position ini Newcastle, with taket by anmbulance to Toronto Mr. nd rs.XVijie allîvei. ral Hospital, Thursday wlte Mr. nd Ms. aril Barow-was operated on successfully. Mro.uan, XVesicyvlewitl Batrriotwi- Stapleton w cnt wîthIi im an clouh, eslyvile, ithlie inth-ntaiited for the iirst few days er, INrs. John McKay. iîjece, Mlis.. Marion Santis, lias Mr. W. Sîtarpe. Seattle. Xashiitg- onec of hiinurse.. toit,litas been calling on old neigît- Mrs. C. Bîîirie\vand( Miss 1. bours iii this district. attcitded a \V. M%. S. intcetii Mir. Collins, Torontto. witI lis O..lava. sîster, NIrs. Mlo.\rlar 'tir îse Iinspector A. A. MXartini.Mrfc -md i %iti -tic aold lsldelv *at thte hoitie 0f Mrs. fanijv, Brighîton. w rq. lai te. Sat"d' Mrs. E. Reid and daugliter Ha7Cel. NIi..s.EvdyIt ll a.scit, Ctai Mrs. W.XWood and faiîilv, Newtoil- retiritcd hornte. ville, at Mr. Richard Haljlowejj's. Mir. aitd Nirs..\Ibert Colont. Mr. and MXrs. Mac Garrett, Port roîtto. w itî bis jparents., NMr. anîd Hope. with lier brotiier. Mr. Fraîîk J. Colont. St one. Mr. aîîd NIrs. Xilbcrt Laztgs Miss Lorecît Stark and friend, Toronto, îîitlt lis mothler, Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. G. Po»>-ers. MNabel Laiigstafi. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taniblvin, Ororto, at radNi.Hdeai(M. their inothiers, Mrs. 1. Stark Mrs. Tate, Ottawa, with Mr. Miss Beulali Halloivell lias rettnrn- MNrs. Gordont'Martin antd calied ed to Torontto. Mr. and Mr,. G. J. Stapleton. M r. and Mrs. Victor Farrow ac- companied lis sister. 'Mn. Clysdale Mr.J . Pearce with Mn. Pcý and sons on a motor trip to God- inîKingston. erich. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Rowe, Miss Bertha Hailowejj anîd friend mouton, and 'Mr. Ed Symons with Mrs. Jacob Haljowcjl. litez, .\Morrish, îith 'Mr. and Mrs. Miss Hazel Falls visited bier sister, J. Rowe. Mrs. L. Halje)welj. Mr. and M \rs. Jas. Payne, Toroi Mr. and Mrs. M. Trimble and witlî Mr. and M.\rs. Wmn. Smith. family. M r. W. Andree, Oshawva, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Wright,1 witb 'Mrs. M. Sbutka. îiskilieîî, îith Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B Srie. t- 1I Mr. MacGregor Jones, LXarkhý JNE WTON VILLE at home. - ~ Mr. and irs. A. Rcdknapp2 MissBety Sapltonaîu MesrsAlfred and Mrs. Wbittaker with I Donldan Bett Stapleton niMsited and Nfrs. Wm. Cbester, Oshawa, Donad ad Bet Saplton isied Miss Pearce, teacher of S.S.,1 their father in Toronto Hospital. 1 with bier fniends in Markham. Congratulations te Scott Pollard 'Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell2 and bride who were married Satur- hlrnTontwhM.adM day.Jah.lDrncootoh.hMr n Recent Visitors: Jas Darch anaser.Bwm Ronald McGay, Oshawa, with MssWniLacteB m Milison.ville, at W-ore. Floyd Mlsn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanea Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wanna- Leona, Coîborne, with Mn. and '1 maker and daugbter, Consecon, with W. C. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. -Max Stapleton and Mnr. and Mrs. Harry Stone,1 Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison. otwt Ms rot Mrs. Alice Truscott Jones witb etwt Ms rot Mrs. Corntbwaite. Port Hope. Ms te Stone wt r and Mrs. a Miss Almeda Couch, Buffalo, witb Lawe ., ihM.adMs Mfr. and Mrs. Lanson Milîson. isL lvaJwson.eeroo 1irs. Milt. Kimbalbas been un- shOme. jhntn etroo der the doctor's care, but j5ui- hor. adMs ah n e preving. Mr. Bruce Whitney bas Mr.ndwit MsI. Laing.en also been jil. s Nrnt, wA iceTrscottLaines. Miss Helen Coucb bas been home Nirs. AW. e B udd, Da ones. frorn N. H. S. owing te illness. M'r.W ud ae Visitors with Mr. and Nfrs. Jas. Nin. and Mrs. Elmer Randall, O Darcb: Mns. Ed. Woolridge, Lind- awa, and Mfr. Jack Bryson, Kend sayMr. nd Ms. yronOsbonewithb Mrs. H. Randaîl. sayi, Mr. and Mrs. ye Osbarn, M iss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, Mnila, rn f s ev halborne. Seya. Nthrc el ts_\ iss Audrey Jaynes. Twveed, a Presyteian Chuch eld~ ~~ Nr. and Mfrs. Frank Haris, Ri( mond Hill, withî Mrs. Wm. Jayr 4 NMr. and Nf rs. Cittem, Chatha witb Nirs. Rutherford. Your Last Chance ENUKLN Continuation of our 1 N IKL E IVALLPAPER SALE Mir. aîd Nirs. L.E.XXWrighît siu relatives anîd fricnds i Toronr 3 More Days Ridgeville and Rochester, N.Y. di. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. ing the weckend. Xedding belîs are ringing iii o 10% DiSCOUnt on ail commuitt. WallpaperMiss Alma Page, Torontto, visil Wailpsed ad erwo y M rs. S. Page. Suntstedand unwothy Mrs. Etta Page visited relatives We invite YOU to compare Tononto and Rochester, N.Y. our prices. Mrs. D. Burgmaster visited N-fi J.Hall, Oshawa. LADIES! Miss Getrude Grieve spent ti îveekend with frieîîds in Oshawa, SAVE MONEY \fMrs . EStevents, Hampton, visitg Knit YOUr own sweaters and Mrs. D. Burgmastcr visited Ni nuits for the Pal'. For the Jane Cookrnan and Nir. R. Grif f Union. Most stYlisSl garment and Nfiss Elsie Oke, Toronto, visit( for even the smailest baud- Mn. Wesley Oke's. kniit article - it pays toUe Miss Hazel Penkins, Oshawa, MI Monarch Yarns for a 11- Howard Oke, Providence, visitc roun eC110m an genine Mn. Walter Oke's. roun ecnorn an genine Dr. and Mrs. Lew B. William knittmng satisfaction. Rev. and Mns. I. Snell, Toronto, Re, and Mrs. J. E. Wbitbame visited HALLOW EEN mr wi, Stainton,,s.h Everything you need: Mfiss Verna Pethick, Maple Grov, Messrs Oswald and Floyd Petbicl Nas, Falsefaces, 'WbistleS, Toronto, visited at Mfr. Sheldo Falseteeth, Decorations, Petlîîck's. SriteEtc. Mrs. W. C. Stainton and daugbtci SerietesToronto, visited at Nir. XW. E 1Inf1 U l C fi LI PC _1_____________ e* wh How Us Your Label? ses.InHAMPTONr d ta%-- TIhis lis the tirnc of year .veiiiii(. 1Mr. atîil Mi... F. WX ... 'IBarrie. when miany Statesman sub- -cd two î..îcl ii. tcr. -Nr-. XWilfrid soriptions corne due. Many of r toi- Our susrbr have aireaay * IMrs.tAiiihcrjiiiandçj <aigli,. ýorne in and pald their sub- iMNrs. . XiLeatu. Toronto, vi..ited ir.. îV ck- Gco. -arciii b on ot W die.asriptions for the ensuing Ml... rea Weket.Bowaii ~ year. if the label on your 1, iid- výi.itej lir ani11it. Nr. IBe.... Roh- Satesman reads prior to Oc- jd wa. bis. tober,1st,.1937, then your sub- Gen- Mns. F. A. COle and soit. Donald,. i cription lis i arrears. If you releToronto, receîîtly vi..ited at Mr. H. apeate your horne-town Mrs, . d re-E.Cj. newspaper, wlll you kindly Hlis Mr... Godkiuî, Toronto, vi.ited at co-operate by taklng care of *beî..E. Bilet'..hi littie miatter NOW? The .Nrs. Halfacre, Keîî(l. lias conie dates on the labels have been Laing to re..ide \witii Nirs. Jas. Cnirti5; for eorreeted covcring subscrip- g in tle w inter. Mr. antd Mrs. H. A. Bird and tions paid to September 30th. ais-av 1 tia ie.Margaret. lHamîilton, viit-___________________________ c\n1,l lier si.ter. Nir.. S. T. MX1îoitjov Corv. Mr.- and .rs. Artlîur Blan- XXîî w-o is .til confiiied 10 bei. c NIard apoMar r Cias .i A. innîhiler of Hampijton ladies at- l3cliard apos.'\r.Ciý tetidle(l tue Provincial W.C.T.U. Con- lniads veiltion in Osjîawa. Nfr. anîd Mrs. Ruissel Rey nolds and To- Mir. aund Nrs. Fre(j Wilson,. To- Lenore, Toronto, at Miss 'Mary Mr-.. roîtto, v-i.ited Mr. and( Mrs. S. Ker- Hogarth's. sey.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricît and f ar- taff. Misse Florenîce Simnpson, Har- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rodman, Oak- Grv.sp - -he enid wittt ' t Ilsaac Hardy's. I"' rs. L. C. Snoîîdcn spent îîeek- AVery- happy group cf small girls and parenuts. Mn. and Nirs. Johnt Naylor, Mrn. îd iith ber aunt, Nirs. D. H. Ceates gathtred at the home cf 'Miss F.lsie ail 'is H. Clayton spent the îî-eek- Charlie Naylor, Mn. anîd NIrs. Ccci, n cousins, Dr. and Nîr. L. H. Vetral oit Sept. 28tb, to preVXnt gifts 011î enîd witht lier sister iii Oshawva. Pascoe attended the funenal of Nrs.1 Coates, Brantford. aîud goo.î wishes oni tîe anniversary N.JakBgltSdbr.visited Jas. Brady at Lindsay, Sundav after- fr.L MCal îsGetfc - Icf ier ninthu birtludav. A dainty MnI. aîtij Mrs. Harry Helwel. . Cal], Torontte, Mr. anîd Nîrs. Ne.liccon anud games w~ere enjoecd. are Miss OlaCwln.Ohaa sMcCaîl and daugîtter, Rose 'Marie, NisFa Toojey is staviîîg w'itj: Olg ..,.,..~ Obaa, Mn. and Nf s. Donald Yellowlees, 'Miss Ghadys Green, Peterboro, spent ber auintFliii oronto. - îvith Nî\rs. Bessie Robbins, whlo ,v, Jean, Columnbus, Mfr. Gerny Glaspell, , Thanksgiving with their cousins, 'fr. Mn. Howardj Flinteff left for E-are pleased te repent is rnucb better Zion' M1r7,anud Nf s. Frank GilIbert, Ianud Nf s. H. G. Freernanl. Hamilton recenthy wbere bc wihj ne- an and able te be around again after be- Enfieid, Nfr. and MfAr. Stan Hodgson M iss Susie Laird, Newutuarkct, ceive funther treatments of radium. R. ing confined te lier bed for several and Gladys, Ennskillen, Miss Isobel 1pîtweeda on.Hstebei nc mrvd wekseYllowlees, Bowrnanville, at -Mr. J. ir. XVernon Trniîble, Port Hope, N.Ir. XVm. Stacey spent the helidav )nto, Mfiss Nancy Jebhns returned to ber Yeilowlees. spent thte weekend at borne. îvitli bis nieces, Nf s. S. Hall, Osît-_ duties as teachen iii Toronto, after Rev. S. McLean, Newîcastle, NMiss Nfr. jack Syrnmington, Toronte, awa, and Miss Binda Dean., fot En- spendiîîg the surnre witb b e r Olive Luke, Toronto, M r. and NMrs. visitcd Nfr. WVallace Nfundav. real. jar- mether, N.f rs. C. Johns. Will \Zountjoy and farnily and Miss Mn. and Nrs. J. L. Rook, Toronto, __________ Aritumber frorn hene attendedth Nora Xenry, Kedron, Nfr. and Nf rs. spent îveekeîud itli '.Ir. and Nf s. F. ,a, special services at Eldad on Sunday' Hugbi Annis, Enniskillen, at Mn. A. Sîvalloîv. asth olspe tKirbv, on L. Pascoe's. Mrn. .Is alHuk ig Home and School Club anNhnfgvngDv'r. and Mns. Russel Ormiston, ston Rd., east, visited Mfr. anud Nis._____ Mn. NMr. and Nirs. J. Cowling and Jack 11r. and Nîrs. Roy N.fcGilI and Keitb, J.D. Pickard, on Sundav. (Conittnued tramn page 1) 1. spent Sunday with fniends in Osît- Nrs. CItas. Langrnaid, Eîuniskillen, Miss Mildred Snewden anud Mn. mgzns r.Nbsso No. aiva.. at Mn\I. Roy Langrnaid's. Fred Miller visited the latter's sîsten, how this couid be carried out bY Mf s. Alian Parker, Monttreal. visit- Mn. Fred Wright spent tIhe îeek- jean, at Ingersoîl. having an evening devoted to folk and ed he.r mothen and sister, Nfrs. Nf. end witb bis parents at Ridgeviiîe. Nfr. and Nf s. R. R_ Stevens, spent songs, poetry, lives of poet.s and ns. Goodman and Louise. Mfiss Nlarv Clernence, Torontto, Mn. iveekendj witlî thein daughter, Nfrs. some of their work, sea chanties, Mr. and Mns. Spracklin accorn- Steve Walli'ng, Haliburton, NMisses Rav Snewden, Toronto. operas with arias, choruses by ian- panîed by Nf ns. Alfred Chaliener, Betty Snowden and Jeait Ayiing, thé rnany friends of Mr . A. Laird childi-en, etc. Toronto, spent Sunday with Nf s. J.-ob SnMen an -r are glad to kutew that bc 's imrnpoiv Fb ny-FudrsDy e and Mn w"a Castie, Maple Grove, Nf s. Jim Gar- ing niceîy in Boîvînanville Hospital, cial evening. Historical review. A f ns. -r. and Nf s. Elmer Beyd, To- fat Mn. Absolam Abrahams, Nfr. wbere he is being treated fer blood- delegate spoke on how titis could rnîto, visited ber mother, N.f ns. E. and M\Irs. Grass, Bneoklin, at Mfr. T. poisoning in one finger on bis rigbt be cai-ied out by a candie light- ro- Sees Baker's. band ing ceremony, centests with priz- Mn. and Nf s. Russell Reynolds Eldad Hani'est Home services Sun- Rc' F. Riding. Pontypool, will oc- es, etc. rn~and childnen, Toronto. spent the day .vere well attcnded. The chuncb uyjt upi nSna.Pstn MicM om dcto n F.wcekend wiiîtNMiss L. Reynolds. was beautifully deconated W itb Smith is taking anniversary services Child Welfare. Leisure and vo- Miss Constance Farncernb visited autumn flowers, leaves and fruit. at janetviîîe. catienal education. Another dele- atfriends in Toronto.rWibn pn The choir uîuder the leadership of gate spoke on titis, suggsting dra- ise, Sundav witb relatives in Oshiawa. Miss Ilcen Balson at the piano, sang E T TO talks by business men, etc. NMiss Grace Cawken speîît Thanks- fu excellenit antîîems. Miss Eleanon ________________-_Nominations;_reports 'îgii'ing îith lier parenîts, in Port Sykes, A.T.C.M., Hampton, assisted ~' religieus education. vihPenny. the chtoir ivitî t to vocal soles îvbich Holidayv isitons: May - Election of officers; e-J s-.W.C.T.U. hcld its moîuthul i feet- wr uh apeitd e.S ir îdNr.Jb îdduhtrports o!fcommittees; annual me- lai, ing at the parsonage cii Tiesday v Len c.Nwas .ivsth e iîd Nf ns. Geo X'atd shavaports; convention. aftenoon with NMiss Katenson, Pre- speaker at both services and he de- witiu'Mn. and N-f ns. Levi NfcGijj. Jn1 ints hl eli at sident. presiding. In the absence cf igltted ahI ivithi bis excellentt dis- ls ate Ncite ot,- preparation for autumn - play- ,Nfrs. J. T. Buruts the devotional per- courses. with î Mrs. Lewis Fallis.ruds-BySotan k- iod w-as taken byteetiiJ.iglwll dred organîzations. Suggestions and f e b Nr.J.Clih; Tîte Young Peophese ti n'on-- Mn. and M.\rs. Capeh, Donald, Billfr- ecarigoto!ttswr cli- torhervice": 'Miss Nonali .Herît îav eveninîg vwas ut charge of the ie, Bobhie anîd Maianocf Owen fofr te.icluing oat fati heit nes~ divd ibeest h inogsoE;quipment Mlissionary convener M iss Niarganet Sosund, iiitli Miss 'fary Malcolmn. examination, picnic, organiza- favure î-it apiao olo asphn-Scott. Curreiit évents is-ene givenb Mr. anîd Nf s. Dick' Russel and tien of camps, scout troops, etc. ddrepent cf the Provincial Con- Mliss Jessie Yeljoîî-ecs anud Mnr. XVa- Barbara, Toronto., witjt ir. andl Mrs. McLaughlin rea-d the lists vention lîchd iii Oshawva. w-as gîveit ter Blackburn; bible readiiig, Mrn. Mrs. N. Lansing. and the members discussed themn -<>bv NMiss Rce 'vilds and Miss Kater- G7ordoit Scott : devotional. by Mis.. Mn. 1loyd Fallis. Tercîtto, ivitit in tunn. soit Next meeting at N.Ins. J. Cluap- Gladvs Yeliowiees; Nir. Bihl West- Nir. anîd Nirs. XViu. Beacock. Home Education Plan was the Sma;t's, on Novemben 9th. lake gave thte first chapter of thue Nr i( is oadPulT-nx iiin .Ca pbei -4 Dr. anîd Nrs. A-. E. Ahhiui, Toroîtto, lie%%, study book 'A NewCitihurcît roîtto, wiiu Nfrs. R. W. Pbilp. spoke, urging the need of better ted arc spendiitg a fesv. dais at Mfr. A- Faces a -New XXorld"; vocal duet NMr. Cifford Hvland, Toroîtto, co-operation between parents and te, L. Bhancb ards and visitiîîg other ne- bv Mfisses Evelvît Tiîîk anîd Ilecîu withî Mn. and \frs.Ered Hvland. teachers, and the need of getting an- Naies i lg. B aison: readiîîg,- Miss Jeant Leacht. Nfr. XVnu. Brown, Sunderland, îvitlu informed about the new curricu- Mr.L. Cîcînens, Nfrs. X, Blaît- Games were theut played. NMr. anîd Mrs. H. N\fcLauighîn. luni. mnr chard spe ut Tlîursday ivitit Oshuawva Re .L Pascoe is in Cobourg, Mr.Vicet rcher, Blacksok Mrs. Bartlett outlined the nced tcd Renuember thte X. I. meetintginî witlî Nfr. anîd Nf s. Xilhert Archer. its purposes. Parents should get 1 the Suinday Scîtool room îîext Thunrs- NfMr. anud Irs. George Marlow and educaetion along the line e! child uuî I SOLUNA day aftennoon, Octoben 21st . Pro son ivitht Nfr. jack Nfanlow. tannst ene usnew gram in charge of group 5, ail lad- Nflsscs Lucille and funriel Hylaîîd are living in a difiernit age. Group ns. Tbaikgivngies wclcome. with Nf ns. D. Edgerton. discussions are best as one can Ir. Takgvng isitons: No services bere next Sundav on talk over difficulties. Site sug- lu N n.HaryJoe ndDo-acccuîît of Zion Harvest Homese-___________ gested various pamphlets téaId. Newcastle, Nfiss Vera Kensiake -** - and speakers. fn.JsSaesadMisL N SA T Mrs. Hewson spoke on the phil- Nf.and Nf ns 'M. AJthun Nfoere'. Nr Eut- Ja.Smls n Ms L N S Uosopity o! parent education. She niskiMr.uatMnr. Arhr oPoe s Fanny were in Unionville, on Satr- o one ut that childi-en should is nir.lldi ad NMr. Haroldy ardy andday attending tbe funeral of Nfr. Mran s.GletCpBl-bhpyadta m tprns in, adMsHavyHryadSmajes* aunt, Mns. Robent Semer- M.aîdN n.Glbr Cap Bl e happ andhapymestparet farnijy, Oakwood, Miss Fern Bnum- ville. leville, visited Nfr. an Mrs. Ray- whante them iatappy eenemRe ted mel, Brooklin, at Mr. Walter Par- Mr. and Nf ns. Chas. Beahe, Mr. rnend Cîapp.ttntie atdoeine e M ndr'. adN s oî li and nd -. Roy Beale and Keitb. Nfr. Mn. and Mrs. Henr'y Miller visited sponsîbiiity Must be handed over r. Mss abel, B. ohnviîll nr.d and- -. hsLitrTootvs redinPrySu.slw.sepitdot. hea- ýedMis Mbel BoninvileMrfan n T ho Js. ListeTrtvs - f ensinoPaysouenn,. . i *ent must have self control, and Mns. Norman Leach and Miss Doris, ie M. as.nace 's.a r. Bl Mstns. hr naes Tn, nilWlia, ' havethte ai-t of gettlng'en with liTaunton, at Nfr. Sid Hockaday's. anfnsawny, cMr . and Ms.WBel 'atn ers.n.îcce Ms. Mllnothers and then impas-t their me- Mr N . and Mrs. Maurice Baker andWitTentM.adMsCl- M.adNfs.CaieJnso ligleus influence and chai-acter by I. Janice, Concord, Misses Mfuriel Bak- Wie ootM.adMs lr r n r.CaleJhsnexainple. at eran Launa DvdoPtroo ence Tînîc and famili', Mn. John Ma- and farniîy, Osbawa, spent Sunday Mrs. Camipbefl utllned the and Dahlson Petererolette, Hampton, visited at Mfr. Gee. with Mn. and Mns. Joe McRobent.ohrphsse r. ulssg Mn. Eau n, Terntol, XVo.îW. MissranWgt, s Miss Pearl Srnith visited ber cou- gested plan: Homte conomics, 'e, Aloin, rottoMr. J W.kJ. Bnagg, sin, Nfiss Velma Woodward, Bew- Parent Education, Reading, Nurs- :k, Nfiss Nfinnie Shortnidge, Mfessrs' manville.. ing and Nutrition, Recreation, nuDavid Webben and Robent Bramley- J COWANVILLE 111,s.r Richard Gibbs bas becit visit- and Religieus Educatien. Colubusat M. Chs. Sort-ing e mother, Nf ns. E. Stephens,. A few minutes o! exercise and Colubus at f n Chas. hor- ' ampon.sing-song was foliowed by a ridg's.Recnt isitrs:Hamton speeeh by Mrs. Hall, inti-oducing Mir. and Nirs. Fred Snmith and Nir. and 1fns. Bert Crossley andh h ' he subjeet "Membership and 110w LloydI, Enfield, Nfiss Bennice Lang- '%Ir. Jack Bannes witb Mn. and Nins.C U TU Ejte Build." She called on Mrs. iemaid. Nfr. and Nirs. Everett Eliott Bruce Crossîci-, Zion. _____________________ Bainbnidge te lead in discussion. and Mfary, Oshuawa, NMr. antd Nis. J.- Nf a, apon tNfsR r. and Nf s. Howard Cook Suggestions were offered by her a Ncesc'.* Hamriltont, iithi NMr. anîd Nrs. A. T. Pudduck's Hall has becu thtu scene as follews: Grade mother system; McNireAiln asoi,cn.Ctvn Perrn. cf great actiity. Oit thie 6tIt, thte kindergarten teas: putting new Nlr AlanBasoi, tieii., ii\-(r- Nf iss Veluna Ccwan lias retînnuied govcnîrneuît was usiîtg it as Pohiîîg members te womk; campa i gns lu sity. Kingstonî, antdh Miss HeheSmleit fvllt.routi vi-.ititg NMiss Shirley- Strnugcr, Beoths witht Nr. Fraîîk XWater, Nîrs. (thermometer or trce te show in- ct iahe, o îvnauvileat ri. .. Kirkland Lake. Blake Oke, 'Mr. XXater Ruindle antd crease) with prizes; watching for, s Nr. andr Nfns. Harni- Groom.. and (-Mr.NanMs. J. .. Nî n id tîviî Nfr. 'Arthur Oke actintg Deptîîy Re- talent and getting good prograu's. daîugbîers, Toronto, Nfr. anîd Nîs. turniuîg Officers and< PohI Clerks ne- Poloing questions negarding -Johnt Torounto. IXIn. antd Nfrs. Citas. Clarence Reid and soit Llovîj isiti spectis-clv. Votiuug in titis loajtxli s etc.. Mrs. Jackson of Sirncoe -..XVrry Nr.anr Nrs.J.G.Laug-Nr. and Nfns. W. A-. Reid.' becut heaviîy Liberal for inauuv xcars, spoke cn the Probieis o! Lone unaîtNfiss leaitr S~ke. Nîr.ami -Beverley anîd Orvilhe Striîî- but Iast week the Couîsenvatives pol l oiain, hc wm heom utah, sbawa NfRr.nens, o C'ryder- eselaives.cornmon to al and in particular Nis.JntRynlsHmpo injn Lkeîitreaie. ctteagstveeurcod ah one uncommon - tite inability to, Gordii ren, Tron, Mss fnM. 1. J. Simnpsont, Nfisses Nfariaîu thîougb the Liberal Candidate suc- hav'e direct touch witit federa- Gordit neît, vnoieNlis Nra and Kathujeeîî iut Oshiawa, ivitît Nrs. ceeded in obtaining a majority cf 59. te r.Hnysoebify XVery drisoc Xila a ' l3r Todjd wluo nettrîued borne witb theut1. On the 7tb tIésepning dance of the ,\1r .É -1 cail fOliowed: York 5, To- !uouttoi, edon a M. . M.rf. anîd Mrs. Nfanvin, Nfonnisbu season proved a great success. rente 31, Oshawa 37, Durhtam 12. Werrv. n omn ft ,called on Mn. aund Nfns. Gec. Hen- While the eIder folk bave been Miss Burgonne, Convener o! Pub- Osawir. a<h Nins. Les.ttan Nfuîtîî, 'ensoîî. enjoying tîîeniseîî'es, the children cfIilcations. speke on the miatenial Oanal, Nf.autd NGns. es t . o Wa . Mrs. Westoî Stringen bad a bail No. 8 scîtool have not heen fanrlie- available and the prices. înclud- If.Xta(. accident whueit she fell dowu tltîe huînd. On the 6tb a nîock election ing books. song sheets, pins and Nir. antd \Irs. Ernet Larnuer anîdcechhar .teps îvhije canrviuug a ighted was held with Mrn. C. C. Nfercer the scais. Mrs. Steele urged use o! faînihy, Backstock, at Nhr. E. R. haîtut. Tîte launp hncuke sending a successful candidate. The 'Mission themn, and tite meeting adjourned Tayhor's. show-en cf ceaI cil over ber face and Band beld its finst mneetinug since for supper. Nfi.s. Noutu Bog aî<hFioeîc cothing. Fortîunately shec was able scbool opened, with its leader, Nfrs, At 7.15 comnuunity singing be- Cros a(j fr.Bil C(,s, Trmiot, ptusht hescîf away from the flaun- Clarence Peuîfouîtd, pncsidiîîg. Tîhe gan. Mrs. Steele spoke on busi- Cros îNf Nr. BihC Crlowlc..,Trot es and her clotbiîug did not catcit prograni epeuîcd with quiet muusic by ness matters - the way»in which Nfr. aiu<l Nfrs. Chas. XX'errv, Oshu- fine. Site has a veny bail cuit on lier tîte leadjer, followed by thue caîl te they wanted elections and nom- awa, at Nir. J. T. RiZIt<hIle'r.. eg ivîichu iijj kcep lier laid up for wonsluiP by the Présidenit, Adelalle imations, Pubiicity. and the désir- Ni. uil ir. X Wijait., ir.a ilu<>ithi or se. Wilsonu. Respousse was given enthus- cdadnw peued training Cook, h)orotiuy and Jack Cook, Pont Re,.XV. F Rackbarni,Hanuo iastically bv ahj. "Blirds AreSign" scitools for Executive members. Pery M. li Nrs Hrvv arygave anit nteesting sermonît Sînd-av was stuug; Ruth i Suuuddeuî gave the Following more com m un it y Pe(janny, Nrs. atr. hady afternooui on the text "Being Riclu bible neading wîuicb was. folloed, Mr. PR. H. Reoberts, In- auuh fîuily Oaîvodat îr Chs.Tewar<lG l"Our pastor spoke i by the Le nc's Prayen in uuisout; Nrs. spector o! Schoois, introduced by HaodMIi lowsae'.s ;.inptn._u_- Mrs. Steele, spoke on "Tite New Phone 695 P. R. Cowling, Phm. B. Bowmanviile HARVESI -SALmE MD A real harvest of values awalte you at yoga. led & White Store - make up your shopping nua frein these suggestions, then viuit the store for more real values. COFFEE, Gold M edal, 1 's ............................... 39c WAX, Gold Medal, 1 s .......................................tin 25c GoId Medal .Speclal! Pumpkin.............. 2 Ugo. tins 19e 2-IN-1 POLISHIES, ail colours ................. . tin 12e SOAP, Manyflowers ....-.. . . .. 3 cakes 13c Llbby's Pork & Beans 1's............ 4 tins 25e JEWEL SHORTENING- 2 lbs. 27e Falcon Fancy Pink SALMON, i 's ....... 2 tins 25e Sliced ]Extra Special! Pineapple .................. 2 tins 19e RINSO, ....... sinal 10c - large 25e PLY TOX .......... small 33e - large '49e Surprise Soap.............. 5 bars 2ic ]M INCEM EAT ... ....>........ ............... 2 iba. 25c SAGE OR SAVORY ......................... per tin 5c CATSUP, Ayliner ....... - ...... - .............. 12 oz. 150 Save 24e on Toddy .... lb. can 39 e - 1-2 L CROWN SYRUP, 2's ........ . ....... tin # Fresh SODA BISCUITS, lb. bags --- 2 bags 25o Readicut MACARONI .................>........ 2 lbs. 1ic Finest Canadian CHEESE-.........-.......... per lb. 22o Aylrner TOMATO JUICE ... large tin 10c F. W. Nelles Phone 596 Bownxanvjlle and trs. XW. Ruînlhanv i who inov- MAPLE GROVE t1 iav nSandv -4 N Mr. Nalph Toojev lias jeft for _NIr andMrs Phipstri p 1- Fn gljan(j anud othur land(is, Mr.ail r.. PipN i...M \ rle, %%wlh hlm hon vrx U and hett M\rNjj hjî r...R. iaî. Raf toii. Toront, . t ((j tlie brni- jr. I wa r(i Tav 1 r ha> a 'er..scouins. andj Mr.. S .S al Case , i -d-îiiiîgn oiihanl on in1.M r. Taý I r lia. been inider nlieijic Mrs. W. Pearson., son Dnaij. attenition for s.onie tinte anîd Iii., gei Lakeiinrst, are visiting lier parenît:. frai 1,i altii is verv poor. MNr. and(j Mrs. A\. Laird. Mr. Paul \îîtil'isa(j(iiig a kitchi Mrs. Cliarjue Whiute and dangjîîers, aai,1 -eranrjah to jis jhonme. Madejine and Gertrudec andj sont, Ed- 'lrad r.JcSniirern d%, Oshîawa, spent Tlîank-sgiviîîg w il~ recentii- front an exteîided trip lier parents, Mr. and NMrs. ...I D al ees S tev ns. rs. W iun. H unghes , T oronto. iVi Misses Bett% Pingle. Towvn. and -.lng ie noter Mr.Tî .Nary Clenience, Shaws, spent the \\-cî..i over the holidav. weekend witjî-Miss Bettv Snowýden, isFaesRvod.Ohw MNr. George Taylor, Port, Hope. spetit Tiîauksgjsiing afternloon at IiE speîît Thanksgiving with IMr. and hole Mrs. J. H. Munday. i(ie Miss Giarjvs Penlsisatni Mr. aînd IXrs. Leslie Col jacttt and Torontooids is attendiîî dalaiters. Pearl and Leîîore, sjient Mlessrs 'Von Gnnten have erecte Snndav witit lier parents, Mr. and mneol o in n'r i Mrs. W. IFI. \Westjake, Sojîîîa. mltronns foxjin.wich tneMr.\vî Miss Vera Trinible, Ottonlabee and reîîteçî an(l are mov~ing onto.' MNr. Lawrence Staples, Lifford, vis- Mi«s Gia(is Weisiî las beeîî visit ite(j the formner's parents, Mý%r. and ing. lier sist .er, Nirs. Arthunr Bnlti MNrs. R. D. Trimble, also 'Mr. and Five Points;. wiîose bione ,%,as des Id or rols, the masterng of every ýFederation. spoke on "Ethics of fact, the idea that. -teacher knewI H. & S. Clubs." In her talk shle a everything." Altogether a. fruit- pointeci out what the main icea %e less and valueless wvay of educat- of the H. & S. Club Ethis was ter ing and teahing competition. týo investigate the principes ancd This was followed'by the *test,, bases of duty as members of the type. It, too. was unsatisfactory. H. & S. Clubs. The present kind is progressive. Further details of the meeting It. teaches a child to lve in a will be outlined-next week. ai changing world. Lamps have giv- en way to electricity. Radio sing- There are times when it is as7 ers sing of the old days. but the iler to find a four-Ieaved clover en speaker intimated it was a good than the keyhole in the front thing they wre gone. The child door. Ad shoud be given a sympathetie of aid in preparing him t-o meet modern problems and t-o prepare! for the future. It should flot be ,sa case f 'Backward. Turn Back- ~*ward, 0 Tme in Your Flight.' Fiday & lM IWlU Modern education throws re- Saturday a. liance on the cliild. The teacher er now has to say "I don't know." Mat. - Sat.POTH E The pupils work things out.. WePOTH E lg learn from mistakes, and the pu- piUs are now getting the chance The Langh-Hit (j to make them. He tld how vani-c ous subjects were taughit by d u- - cosm G (os CmQo fiI'; Ve ferent methods. Arithmetic. geo- -taught by building a house of or- ange crates in one school. ulI The course makes the chfld un- derstood. Discipline troubles van- i Sish as the ch-ild is happily busy. ieSympathy, needed. badly, and ap- tsPreciation of the' problem is given in the new course. Od education waS aill ule. There is yno comPetition. Each child does his own type of work. The new NEXT MON.& TUES. course recOgnizes individual dif- ferences and gives confidence The old standardized work. Writing is now taught for legi- fhlll5 IL~I bility and flot for flourishes; Spelling for expressing thought, not for words not usually used; ' Art for use not just for art's sake. Music ils very important and is ____________ provided for in ttUs new course. ---- Geography ils taught by learning NEXT WED. ONLY of the people, flot dry facts. The - success depended on the co-oper- li ation of everyonle. he concluded. g~»Jj Following questions, whlich the ~~l~ speaker answcred, Mrs. Steele ex- Pressed the appreciation of the ,c...- audience..- fý« e Mrs. Reece, Pres. of Ontario ANNOUINCEMENT -~Change et Location Kersiake 's Drug Store, located for 33 years in the West End has removed to its. new location between Knox's Shoe Store and Dudley's Butcher Shop. We are open for business as usual. Change et Naine With the removal to Our new store the business naine is changed to --MfCowlingts Drug Store- Mr. P. R. Kersiake former owner of the b9f ness will continue to have charge of the Optical De- partinent. Cool Weather Ahead -There 's alwaya a compensa- tion, even if we don't like cold weather. It 's the time when Cream Goods corne in and we are featuring them this weekend. Cream Puifs Cream Rois Chocolate Eclairs Charlotte Ruse For that Wod - Our. Home-made Ilumbugs .......... lb. 30c For Health 's Sake- Soya Bean and Granmeal Bread For Dessert- Silverwood 's Ice Creain COIRBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville 4ii. THE CANADIAN STATES-MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1937 COWLING'S DRUG STORE Phone 695 Bowmanville Phone 596 Bowmanville