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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, 1937 THE C.\NADI.\N ST.\TESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAfla Ctxi\~ OCTOBER What mad artist. aoosed from SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ni usýidtecuiyie bhoi ane. l aanon wide? Mr. Roland Thompson. Cadmu.s:, ton. Joyce and Anna. Toronto. Nyrtogtc rdn aig is moving ta Bowrnanville. spent Thanksgiving with his mo- WildIy hurling oer wide scope, ýjrs. Jas. Wight is visiting- rela- ther, Mrs. W. C, Washington. Paint, in prodigal profusion, tive.& and friends in Toronto. pmigtesohlsd lp. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tripp of To- Misses Dorothy and Marion Slsigteso îliesoe rono, isicdat.Mr.F.Hernons.Hardy, Toronto, spent Thanks- No sane being eer cauld equal ront, vsitc ai Mr.P. ermo's.on a canvas. large ar small, miss, i4ola Miler has returned giving wit.h Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tints and shades and blends and f romn a week's holiday in Dundas. Hardy. tempers. Mrs. J. Hyde and -son Harry, Mivb. and Mrs. P. Brownson and With a normal brush and mahi.1 Torn have been visiting her Phyllhs, and Mr. and Mrs. N. In his speed cf March-hare mad- mth¶ .Irs. J. A. McClellan. Welsîh, Oshawa, spent Thanksgiv- ness, Mr*. J. Barton visited Mr- ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. Clarke. He creates a witch-like breeze. ant Mrs. D. D. Barton, Enniskil- Mr. and Mr. W. J. ÇullY. .Jr., Weaving one wide Persian leaf- pover the holiday. rug. FiMrs. S. J. Dunseith, St. Marys, Sudbury, spent the weeltend with Kedsaic 'neath the trees. is visiting relatives in and araund ih parents, Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Ylos ietegl fOhr Bowmanville. ~ ~ ~~~ICully. .Yias ietegl fOhr Bowmnvile. issM. mldrd La-ri hasre- Pinks. like sunsets cf the sea. Miss Annie Stewart visiteti Mr. MssM.MldedLare.ia r-Browns. with ail the warmth cf and Mrs. Jack Stewart, Man- turneti to duty as the publiceis-ae chester. schools of Toronto have re-open- Calr-erfc.ypcy Mhstr. eand Mrs.-D. J.t Chambers Mr. ad Mrs D. . Chabers Miss Margaret Daniels andti Miss *Tis October, Nature*s artist, and Mr. Spencer Wood spent the R uth Ferguson, Oshawa. spent Running sane the cauntryside.f weekend in Windsor and Detroit. the weekend with Missýes Lorraine And for canvas chose the wcod-1 Capt.. andi Mrs. C. W. E. Meath. andi Evelyn Pickard. landis,1 Ottawa, visiteti friends here over Mr g F uon at Stretching it. both far and wide.1 the weekend. M.Duls F usn ad-Raîpl Gortion.9 Mr.Dog lutTornt, ist-bride. Port Hope, were Thanks- 628 Crawford St. Toronto.1 Mr Du BunToono vsi-giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. __________ ed frientis in Bowmanville and M. Cole, Centre Street. Darlington over the weekend. Mr. Haroldi Quinn and MisQs BOWMANVILLE TALENT Rev. E. Farnsworth. Belleville, Keitha Davey of Kingston. and AT HAMPTON INSTITUTE visited recently with Rev. W. A. Miss Mary Morgan cf Torontoi___ a.nd Mrs. Bunner. visiteti the home cf t.he former's Hampitonî\oe~ Institute mnet mr. John Lumb anti sister. Miss uncle, Mr. H. Lathrope. on Thursdav afternoan in the Sun-f Mary Lumb. are visiting their Rev'. and Mrs. W. A. Buniner. dav Seheool'rom. Meeting openetij brother, at Wellington. IMiss V. Buniner, Mrs. Symons, bv singing Inistitute Ode fallawed bys M.r. Gordon Kirley of Toronto, Paul and Kelvin, spent the week- the Lord*s Prayer in unison. Dur-a spent the holiday at the home of 'enti with the former's son and hi ing the business period which fol- t Mrs. R. Hobbs. family near St. Catharines. lowed it xvas decided te send a do- I- Mrs. H. W. Thorpe of Torontoi Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Mrs. J. nation of canneti fruit to Saskatche- visiteti with hier sister, Mrs. W. Adam and Miss Margaret TIrebil- wan (raughit suf ferers.c Souch, Carlisle Ave. ccck are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. A. Allun as in charge of thec Mrs. J. W. Miller attendeti the Norman Hamley and other rela- prograni by the Narth Group as-0 Scott-Murphy wedding in Dun- tives in Peterboro. sisteti bv several Bawmanville W. I. P das on October 9th. Mrs. T. Hoskin and daughters. ladies who ait this juncture sang aS Mrs. W. J. Yerex spent the hol- Misses Dorothy andi Audrey, andi chorus, "Sweet and Law"; 'Mrs. tý iclay weekend in Belleville anti Mr. H. Downey and daughter Bet- Roberts reciteti "The Doctor's Fee', Trenton. . ty of Gaît, visited wth Mrs. R. fellewed b% a quartette by Mes-' Mrs. Wm. Maynard sp e nt Hcbbs and relatives in town. dames Roberts, Pritchard, Tait and Thanksgiving weekend visiting hier Mrs. Chas. H. Mason, who was Webber; 'Mrs. A. E. Billett reviewed Ç sisters in Toront.o. calleti to Winnipeg, Man., on ac- a chapter of the study bock on Can-a Miss Joan McNiccll, Toronto count of the sutiden death of her adian Civics, ini which she spoke of visited relatives and frientis iý brother, returned home on Sun- the f ire that threatened England in Bowmanville. day. 1666, the SanFranciso f ire, Chicago Miss F. M. Jewell and Mrs. Vi- Miss Marion G. B. Warder, B.A., f ire, the M1ontreal theatre f ire ten vian Argue spent Thanksgiving Tamworth, Mrs. J. Everest andi years ago, andi cf the f ire protection with frientis in H~amilton. Mr. Ray Everest, Toronto, were in Northiern Ontario, and cf the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and practice cf having presence cf mind Miss Chrissie Freema.n spent Mrs. R. H. Warder. in case cf f ire in cne's home. S] Toereo edwintisoa.Non Mrs. C. S. Tench of Beavan A duet "In the Garden", was sueg rr Toono.Ranch, Cowley, Alberta, and M.r. by 'Mrs. G. E. Pritchardi and Mrs. W. CI Miss E. E. Haycraft spent' the H. Macleodi of Prince Rupert, B. Rioberts, the latter giving a second a weebnd with lier niece, Mrs. J. J. C., were guests of Mrs. A. E. Me- lterary number in Lancashir!e dialect Cro*tm, Toronto. Cready. "Aunit Sarahs Bonnett'. Mrs. W. Peterboro Boy ScoutSs sld 6,000 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Keat of H. Yeo aise gave a literary number. t appies on Apple Day and realizeti Watertown, N.Y., and Mr. and Roll eall was on f ire protection rd $175 profit. Mrs. F. Keat, Oneida, N. Y., visit- which somte members answered. The r Mrs. P. R. Hudson and son ed their brother, S. E. Keat.- Bawmanville ladies sang a chorus a& Nevile, Birch Huis, Sask., are Trenton Courier. and the National Aethem was suing visiting her father, Mr. G. Fat- Rev. andi Mrs. J. U. Robins. ini conclusion after which refresh-r trc.Trenton, wlie had been spentiing ments were served. e. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran Thanksgiving with their daugh- ~ were in Ottawa on Montiay at- ter in Toronto, calleti on friends Ic tending the funeral cf their aunt, liere Tuesday.LokatsSh l r Mr. eogeRokcftht it. Mrs. G. Ernest Forbes. presi- ... r Mrs. L. Williamson cf Ponty- dent Dominion Board of W.M.S.. r pool, and Mrs. Williamson andi will be the specia.l speaker at The No. 9 Home and Schiool Club dlaughter cf Lindisay recently vis- Trinity Unitedi Churcli, on Sun- hield its first meeting cf the season bi ý.jtedat Mr. W. Souch's.1 day.November 7. in the school. President Charlie W ' Miss Dotnhy Canning and Mr. M. Leenard Wilson, son of Mr. Glenney openied the meeting by aIl bi Jack Di . Belleville, spent and Mrs. Paul Wilson. who is a sixlgiig O Canada. Afitcr the busi- ci the weekW Tý with Mr. anti MSs. student at Knox College, lef t last ness xvas transacteti this delight fuI tl Orville Hooper. week te carry on missionary werk program followed: a costumed duet ai Mrs. Fred Allin. BT.S., spent on behaîf of the Fresbyterian wa., rendered bxy Vivian Duck andI the weekend in Belleville with her Çliurch at Chauvin, Alta. Anlis \Valker, encore. The discus- f sister, Miss Jessie Knight, a.nd Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fickard, sien of officers %vas taken up by I other relatives. Mr. Howard Pickarti. andi Miss M.\rs. F. \V. Bowen. Sing song %vas s Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washing- Vivian Martin, Toronto, spent the led by Russell Osborne; a vocal duet W weekend in Ottawa, returning by wvas 'given by Bessie andi Wilbcrh Perth, spending Thanks g ivi ng Blackburn. À talk aîong the same hc _______________________with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer. lines as the former one xvas given n October meeting cf the Cana- .by Russel Osborne. A short perioti H Thank-Offering dian Legion will be held in the xvas spent in reecatien with Wallace s ervices ~Council room, Town Hall, tonight Gibson and Donald Graham as leadi- at] . le ragmnsWl r w ie.1Rfehet e' AT HRAYDON be made to take part in, the huge serx ed. Oct lth Drumhead Service in Whitby on h Simday - Ot 7hOctober 24th. A-- L - à HIIAN raoIMdb-ir .0 at 2.30 and 7 p.m. conducted by Rev. Eugene . Beech Newtonviile. Munie by Ennisilen Choir. AMATEUR CONCERT Wednesday, Oct. 2th at 8 p.m. an Amateur Concert will be given. Contestants write or phone entries to Mms Elmer Blradley by Oct. 16. bU hlîdren CIks 2- VcalSacred Class 3 - Vocal Secular Class 4 - Miscelianeous. Prizes will be given. Lunch wii be servedt t alI. Admission: Aduits 25c. Chli- dren 10, Contestants free. UNUSUAL VALUES In Room Lot WALLPAPERS To make room for our 1938 Pazers which have Just arrilved, We are makling a special clear- ance of lots at greatly redUc PU Included ln this speclal sale are papers for every room in the home. BUY NOW AND SAVE 25 Per Cent. Ask to see the new patterns J. W. JeweII Phone 556 Bowmanville Rev. anti Mrs. S. T. Bartlett. Ms. anti Mrs. Fred Bartlett, David anti Rosemary, Toronto, Messrs. Brenton anti Fred Hellyar, Clin- ton, spent Thanksgiving wlth Mr. John anti Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Wana- maker anti family, Consecon. Mrs. B. Mlllson anti family, Ms. Thos. Kinsman, Cowanviile, spent Sun- day with Mr. anti Mss. Allen Me!- f att, Ontario Street.- Corne anti set "The Three Pegs"' a tliree act play te be given in Trlnlty Sunday Sdheel Roem on Tuestay, October 19, at 8 p.m Auspices Churcli St. Circle, Trn- ity W. A. Admission 25e anti 15e Mrs. E. J. Minera, Kingsville who las been visiting Mrs. A. GuUly, Oshawa, anti attentiing W. CT. U. convention, iS naw visit- ing olti frientis in Bowmanvillc enroute te Belleville anti Shan- nonville. Mrs. A. Garner. wlio fell dcwn stairs anti cracked lier ribs, has quite recovereti, anti las been, spentiing the aummer with fri-~ ens at Niagara Falls, Welland anti Peterbcro, anti las been visiting Mr.J. Spicer anti frienda in Bow- manx'ille. She lias returnedt t ler home in Toronto. Mr. James Brown, Spring Creek fa.rm, le! t on Tueatiay for Winni- peg ta buy sheep anti cattle, anti f!îem there to Maple Creek, Cal- gary, te buy more cattle, anti thence to Victoria, B. C.. to visit has son anti brother-ln-law. On lis return, if the prices are satis- factory, lie will buy more cattle te stock the whole o! bis f arm. à Ms. I. G. Hefkey, fermer man- ager o! the Royal .Banlc here, was luit week electeti presitient o! the BElleville Branch a! the Red Cross Society. W. J. Morrison, a former principal of Bowmanville Higli Scheol, was electet a mem- ber of the Executive Committéee of the scclety. Bowmanville la well representeti in the affaira o! Belleville.c Mrs. Florrie Roberts, Georgei Street, will be guest artist on the1 Oppertunity Lane pregram overr radio station CFRB this a! ter-c noon. MSs. Roberts will sing threee numbers. She is a member of Trinity Unitedi Church choir antiV las been a successful Pcontestant 1 in Durham Music Festival con-I tests. It is expectet that Baw-L manville wfll senti in many votesc te help Mrs. Roberts on this oc- casion. (Continueti tram page 1) am customers ail about thein. We're not golng te deprive Bil of the of pleasure andi satisfaction of tell- la ing you the fine points o! the tii new Dotiges anti DeSotos as he me alreaty bas seme of the 1938 mo- hE tels on display. J Another incident that gree.tly pleaseti us on this occasion was a th Voîce of the People !. Toronto, Octeber 2, 1937 Dear Scribe G:- As te yeur reference to, Dr. Trevar Davies' atidress in your issue of Sept. 23rti, it seems to me that the life of Jesus must be considereti as a cemplete larmony. The loxvîy birth, the toil in thie carpenter's shep, His choice of humble men ta be lis disciples, gave transcendent meaning te the public ministry anti sacrificial death o! cur Lord. We may reverently say that the turning point o! lis career came wlen Jesus put by lits tools anti entereti upon that public minis- try in which lie intentedt t serve the least anti last o! mankindt t the endi o! time. That tees net timiniali by one iota the tiignity a! his labor turing the unrecorti- et years. Any one o! us looking back over the years might see in just sucli a tiecisien the most vit- al step o! eur career. Of!ten warking at my bendli in Muskeka the Unes corne te me- "They whe treat the path o! laber Follow wliere His feet have trat: They who work witliout com- plaining Do the holy will o! Qeod." 1 do net know that Jesus would have been quite se great an ex- emplar anti teacler without those quiet years o! toil, but neither doc I think lie coulti have fuI! illeti His larger mission bat lie re- mainet unkncwn in the narraw confidence o! lis shop at Naza.r- eth. Prom fashiening plouglishares, window frames anti tables for the village folk, anti perhaps toys for little children, He went out at last to, reconstruct the mints anti dharacters of men. Yours very truly, S. S. Supt. wo Pi ai ci~ meeting Don Totigham. son of Mr. anti Mrs. H. H. Totigham. form- erly of Bexvmanville, now cf Walkerv;lle. Don is a fine big strapping hiantisomne young man in lis jititle twenties, possesses a pleasing persanality. anti is very approadliable with both feet on the grounti. if yau lcnew wliat we mean. He also lias that qitality of modesty that if lie ever sees this comment about himself in lis tiatis heme-tcwn paper. bis ears wiIl burn anti le will blush witli embarrassment. We don't knew Den's official capacity with lis firm anti we tiitn't like to, ask him. but we jutige from the way deal- ers were flccking ta him for in- formation while we chattet idwthi him. that he's an assistant ta the sales manager at Windsor. Since coming home F. R. Kers- lake inferms us that Dcn as a school lad in lis early teens solti Christmas cartis anti calleti on Mr. Mansfield,. General Manager cf Clirysler Corporation of Can- ada. with lis xvares. He matie sudh a favorable impression in bis sales talk that Mr, Mansfieldi of- feret i hm a job when he was ready to quit sehool. Don remem- bereti the offer anti las since proven that Mr. Mansfieldi is a gooti jutige of ability anti human nature. Town Council (Continued fromn page 1) fer sitiewalk repairs eutside lis Property on King Street was slelveti for the time being. Roatis and Streets committee reporteti ,liat there was more urgent work co be accomplislied first. Employees of the Davis-Hoult C.o. will be askedtito park tlieir cars in the yard o! the factory or mn the north aide boulevard. The Parking of cars on Temperance Street was saidti t be causing a traffic congestion. The purchase of another car for the Roati Superintendent was eft over for a special meeting when a suitable car at a reasan- able price hati been locate. RotaryClub (Continued tram pâge 1) ittle or no unemployment. The speaker tiid net believe t.hat Ger- many would seek war under any conditions, anti it .was hisbelief also, lie saiti that Mussolini wu the real trouble maker o! Europe. Germany has £0onscriptian. it is rue, but not as strict as in the laya o! the Kaisers. Each yeuth nust serve two years in a train- ing corps between the ages e! 18 andi 22. These training corps. vhile they diti teadli military nanoeuvers, were largely inter- esteti in the develcpment e! fine rianhooti by pliysical training.t Col. McLaughlin said he saw somei nagn.ificent specimens of young1 manhooti among the yeuth of thei nation. Even the single men seemeti to be well employeti building rail- ways, highways anti apartment builings. Germany bas taken are cf its lieusing problern tlira' the erectian ef huge apartments at cheap rents. In the special work provitieti for single men tley are given ldging, foodi anti a small weekly su fer peeket maney. Wages were quite low. Col. McLauglilin expresseti the hope that the worîd woulti give Dermany a chance to rebuilti its nation fromn the wreckage o! war. He felt spre that the people were àncere in their tiesire for peace, ?nd that if given encouragement woulti maintain the peace. They were a reseurceful people, .,e atideti, anti were making woel )ut o! beet pulp anti tires from ar. Wontierful progress lad been nade in meternizing the country int its vital services. One of the great misfortunes )fthe country was the lack of and for agricultural work, anti îe speaker believed that Ger- nany'a request for a return of ier colonies for this purpese was ustifieti. The speaker was intretuceti by )ave Morrison anti the vote o! hanks was moveti by Ted Flax- nan anti extended by President Zosa Strike. Guests at the Club celudeti two Oshawa Rotarians, LE. Leveli anti E. P. Everleigh. It was announced. that next ;eek tlie District Governor weuld. ýay lis offcial visit te the Club, id that on October 22nd the hiltiren o! Cartwright anti Clarke >wnships wauld be guesta of the ub at t.he Royal Theaqtre. Maple Grove Church (Continued from page 1) There are four i'wntIpws on eitler s'te anti two at the west enti. The ediice presents a very neat ap- pearance, anti the Bishap was pleasedt t remark on the same. Messrs. J. P. Rice anti J. Jeffery were the buildera. Mrs. C. Ax!orti (nee Pally Pow- er), is the alteat resitent o! Ma- ple Greve neigliborlooti, wlo was present when the churcli was deticated anti can recaîl waiting an table at the SU~Per serveti in the Maple Grove sdhoo] hause in cannection witl the deticatian services. Minutes from Records of the Maple Grove Trustee Book At the first quarterly meeting beli in Mount Vernon Churdli, June 8, 1872, Rev. J. Curtis, p.E., occupied thechcair. It was meveti that the trustees for Maple Grave dhurci be John Power, Jacob Ste- yens, R. D. Faley. Phllip Tyler anti Richard Faley. Carniet. R. Hut- chisan, Recarting Secretaîy. At a later meeting o! the Trus- tee Boardi o! Maple Greve church calleti by Rev. E. E. Howard, P.C. o! Darlington Circuit te meet at the resitience cf Jacob Stevens, an January 26, 1880. There were present Rev. E. E. Howard, P.C., Jacob Stevens anti Phillp Tyler Mark Muntay Sr. was appointeti a trustee o! sait churdli, in the place of R. Foley; anti George Power was appointet In place o!. John Power, deceaset. Signetiid I. terminatien te be a unitetina Jacob Stevens, Philip Tyler. ions ClQub tion. andti t make pragress in -Ministers of Darlington Circuit keeping with the ativances made Before the Union cf 1884 (otne rm ag1) in cther parts cof the werlti. New 187C-1872-Rev. R. B. Denike untier the Generalissimo. He re- cii health centres. seheols anti 1872-1873-Rex. J. C. Pomeroy ýcalleti that when he first went te . lispitals are bemnr lerecteti. 1873-1876-Rev. C. A. Simpson China in 1908 i totek him 58 tiays The present xvar masy be surin- 18 ô6-1878-Rev. R. Large ta travel fxomn Shanghai to Chen- meti up, the speaker said. by the 1878-1881-Rev. E. E. Howard :du. a trip new matie easily in 8 statement that for its awn geeti l881-1882-Rev. F. M. Finn tiays over treaclierous rapids anti Japan wants ta tiominate Chinese l882-1884-Rev. G. W. Steven- Ithrough deep gorges andi whirl- aff airs. China emplaatically re- son.l pools. fuses. They welcome the Japanese The Union of 1884 The man cf the heur in China, te China on the same basis as In 1884 the Wesleyan Methodit Rev. Mr. Small atideti. w-as the other nationl, eod business.i Primitive Metliadist. Episcopal Generalissima. a man absolutely bu t they insist that like ether na- Methodist anti the Bible Cliristian honest anti upright. He is a Chris- tionals they must obey the laws af; churehes ujnited. Darlington Cir- tian. His wl! e is an American the landi. cuit was cliangeti. uniting Maple educateti girl anti is extremely In conclucling Mr. Small point- Grove anti Ebenezer congrega- iclever. holding an important folioe etiout that just so long as the tiens anti nameti South Darling- in the cabinet. that of Air Min-, Unitedi States anti Great Britain ton circuit. after which the name lister. continue to supply Japan wit.h the wa.s changeti te Caurtice Circuit Wlien the Japanese dlaim that iraw materials te, run their war. it with parsonage lacateti at Cour- China neetis their guidance. they weu.ld continue, but lie again ex- tiée. The ministers after the un- 'are just admitting that tliey know pressed the belief that Japan ion were: nothing cf China or the Chinese coulti neyer conquer China's l884-1886-Rev. J. Whutlock people, andti ley haven*t kept 1886-1889-Rev. Rabert San- pace xith the pregress cf the tierson ýccuntry in the pas, few years. l889-1892-Rev. James J. Litity TI-e history of the present l892-1895-Rev. Leenard Fhelp trouble dates back about 30 years 1895-1898-Rev. Dr. W. G. when the Japs tiefeateti the Chin- 'QA K R S , Marvin ese. the speaker saiti. Japan has 1898-l9ill-Rev. J. S. I. Wilson been steadily looking for a place 1906-1908--Rev. John R. Butler itoward Manchuria. which they Gordon "Bei, l908-1911-,ev. Josephi Barries conquereti. anti then to safeguarti l911-1915-Rev. SefortiPF Dixen their position there they conqer l915-1919-Rev. R. A. Delve eti two nortliern Chinese Pro- l9l9-1923-Rex' . . . yce vinces. Manchuria was the landi l92-19'7-evC. . ash- 'cf promise of the Chinese Empire ington- being ricli in mineraIs. To-day 1927-1930-Rev. Harolti Stain- ýManchuria lias a Chinese popu- ton lation o! 34 millions anti it is tlie 193-1934-Rev. H. Wclfraim plan of Cina some day ta regain o 1934- -Rev. W. C. Smith Ithat territory which wus stelen Maple Greve Cliurch commun-j fromn them. ity has proviit twe native sons Japan has totally f aileti to re- for the Christian ministry. Rev. cognize the new spirit of China, H. W. Foley. B.A.,B.D.. o! Bo0w- Mr. SmaUl saiti. The Chinese have. manville, anti Rev. W. C. Frank, hati an awakening. Once they White Rock, B. C. liveti in the past anti worshippeti Farnifies of Maple Grove in 1873 their ancestors. Today tliey lve Pcwers, Stevens, Heals, Mit- anti work for the future. The clie1ls, Foleys, Perters, Calles, country is flot now divitiet by Gimbletts, Witlieritiges, O k es, factions anti parties, but is uniteti Metcalfs, Kirkpatrick, Jefferys, in one great people fer the growth Claytons, Mundays. H air ndle n s, anti progress of their country. Bratislaws, Pethick, Burks, GUl- Tlie kidnapping e! the General- berts, Allins, Franks, VanCamps. issimo some time ago was flot the Crumbs. Pallard, Snowdens, Craw- work o! a rival faction, but only fords. Tylers, Rundles, Watson. a groupl whc wislied tlie General The majority a! failles are still ta go immetiiately to war with Ja- more or less representeti here. paVorganMnhua h Sunday Sehool Superintendents Generalissimo however proveti to Jaco Steens wli sevetias is abtiuctors that it was better te superintendent in ts ahlt ry every diplomatie move ratlier lieuse before the churcli was than go te war. anti he also point- built, starting at the age of 18, eti eut that at that time China anti cempleting 50 years o! ser- wus net prepareti to go to war. viceas uperntedent GergeHe further showeti bis kidnappera vicer a s.ernenten; 0Ho.g e.that bef are China coulti hope ta PreerTe. nwe, G . be successful in regaining Man-.... Preeman.churia there must be a Unitedi Organists of Maple Grove Churcb China, anti towa.rd that endi he Miss Hoar, Miss L. Rantan, was bentiing lis every effort. Minnie Allen, Sarahi Allin. Gertie The speaker outlineti the pro- Foley, Reta Power, W in n ie gram o! the Generalissimo, the W o Fil'Sit Axford, Elva Snowtien, Charlie first plank of which was educa- W o Fil'S it Snowtien, Lola Sncwtien. Mr. A. tiZm far China's illiterate masses. Laird Sr., Miss Etina Swaîîew. This planic was being carrieti out$1 8 Tlireugh the sixty-five years with great success ail over the$19 that have elapseti since the church country. was built there lia been many Japan, the speaker tieclareti. Pure xveel skirt, iii 3 snîart families come anti go but a large was trying to subjugate a people styles, inavy, brown. Sizes 14 number of the original familles hlati an unconquerable spirit. t 0 are stilI. representeti here tcday. Tliere is a spirit in China today e 0.b: Signeti an behaîf of Committee: lie atiteti, that tii.net exist ten J. D. Stevens, W. J. Snowden. years ago. Today there is a de- ai Lowest Prices COUNTES HEOT WATER BO Guaranteed one yr. This is our best value. 5s OI Syringe Fittings Rigo Nipples 3 fo Bathing Caps 25, Rubber Gloves Atomizers - - 8 Thew swonovat. eufe wvith I.agdgeetuo. w» . bn, oue mom..h or dyspepai. Y,. gemrelief t oce Iy btal Maclue .STOMACH IOWDER Dem.ond "Widr&"- imiet on u bthe kem im .é Skad Il.09 8 Il United Cigar Store Agency Dodd 's Piils-- 27c A.B.S.&C. Tabs.- 9c Lifebnoy Soap -6c Co'rega - - 24c-39c Pinkbarn 's Comp. - 89C Wi l b. palti $25Rewrdthe ge $25 Rwardcf LLOVD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn or callous THEV cannot remove with this won. derftuI ngw acientlfic prepara. ton for CORNS OR CALLeUS- ES. It de-gensitlges and r.. liev et pain with first applica. tic n. ID.A. Cod Liver OUi 8 oz. 45e - 16 oz. 79e Aiphamettes - SI - $1.85 - $3.50 Ayerst C. L. O. 40c - 75o - $1.00 Ayerst 1OD C.. L. O. Hailvr on 67c - $1.69 Halver011Capsules 55e - $1.00 - $1.80 Bynol Malt and C. L. O. 60C - $1.00 Indian Women'a BaIm A splendid tonlc for we- mnen from chltihocti to aId age. It has been useti with geeti effect for f or- ty years. Price 31.25 awakeneti 450 millions of people. Rev. W. F. Banister expressed. on behaîf rof the club and guests aPPreciatien te the sp ea k er. Thanks were aIse extendeti to Mrs. F. V. Ott wlio rendereti two fine vocal soles.,xvith Geo. L. Da- vidge at the piano, anti to the Carter Famnily for the splendid Tlianksgiving dinner served. Pres- ident E. V. Hoar presidei anti ex- tendeti a welceme to the guests. iMrs. H. Baskerville, Toronto, is visiting old friends here. Dr. andi Mrs. Lawrence Thomp- son, Robert anti Ruth, Perth, Miss Jean Robertson, Toronto, weîe Thanksgiving guests of Mayor anti Mrs. W. R. Strike Miss Mary Tamblyn anti Mrs. M. Brodie, Torente, were week- enti guests wvith Mr. anti Mss. M. W. Tamblyn. Siness Girl" CHIFFON HOSE 79 Ocpair A four-thread service cliif- fan that is splash-proof as well as Snag-Resisting. Be- cause these hase are 42 gauge ringless they give better- ser- vice for the price than the us- ual hose at this price. Many new shades, including Even- ing, Avenue, Cape Clair, Townwear, Taupe, Mist, Grey- atone, Gunmetal. mported Kid Gloves .$1.98 A dIstingi isheti group cf im- ported Kid Gloves, in the correct Autumn styles and colors, black brown, navy, etc. I. WE DELIVER THE STORY 0F RUDDER Rubber is obtainable only ini that territory which is close to the equator. When the rubber tree is ready to be tapped, natives cut strips around the tree with a very shaa'v hook- pointed knife. A porcelain cup catches the milky white rubber latex that flows from the cut. This latex is coagulated in large vats and. h then taken to sheeting mils and'is pas- sed between corrugated steel roils and cornes out in long sheets which are thon smoked and driod to prevent detorioration. The sheets are then packed in wooden cases and shipped to the manufacturing plant. There the raw prodnct is prepared for the cu.r- ing procoss. For Hot Water Bottios the sheet is cnt ACE -- into pioces and each is placed in the proper moul4 under vory higli hydraulic pressure, and vulcamized HOT WATER BOTTLE with steam at high tein.peratnres. This canses the Special Value MIE rubber, in liqmid state, to flow evenly over the Cut monld and take the form of moulded rubber, with Price 45c no seams. The bottle is then waahed and trimmed 59~iC and the patented leak-proof closnre is grooved int the bottle and the whole is v'ulcanised into one Enemna Syringes ".85C - 39e PiecFrom the crude rubber stage to the finished VgnlDuh r 25e product, over twenty operations and numerous in- Syringes - - - 98c ;C.39C spections have taken place in order to ensure the In ntS igs 254 .25C user of a product that will give complote satisfac- InatSrge 254 9c-$2 tion - a prodnct that I.DA. druggists can fnlly Ear and Ulcer guarantee to you against lime and imperfections Srne 5-0 in the making. TISILy !r , O s - 25-0c EMPRESS FOUNTAINr Hot Water Bottle SYRINGES ON Gnaranteed 3 yrs. Complote wxth threema Our Best ' Q pipes & tube 'TR Bottie 1.19 Special I79c tANBARGAINS BE IIEALTHY ER I Lu.x Soap - - - 5c Take Vitamin Products » HUOhVIE bNuE lUIs toeG O TWO SIZES - 33c- 69c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECUALTY Alex McGreo PHONE 792 DRUGS- EDUE 1 la THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO P-\GF -qFVFIý:

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