TLB OR ONO N ws Women' s 1 Hqarof Mrs. ed Lori Pini itting f sent Speaker Interesting Tail A v.ery interesting me tht' Women's Institute Fniday in thet twn hall. tht' business periti Mr: expresseti ber appreciatio mnembeis for their co-o Sîlver ant i dshes are now tco serve 98 people'. A leti Ach-ievemerit Day. Octobe turneti oven to Miss 1E Treasurt's 5report showe' on hanti. It was tecitiec a traininig class in Jar Home Nursing. It was ti caten to tht' Ratepayers ton on November 12 ii Mrs. H. Allen was appoin gate to tht' Convention rondo on November 17 -1 mucb discussion it wa that furniture be purch use on tht' stage, tht'mi from tht' Coronation be to buy a chesterfielti,ec lamp, anti tht' Institute large chair, lamp, table. occasional chairs. Mis. 1Mis. I. Winter, Mis. J. Mis. H. Dean. anti Mis wert' chosen as a commit' Bowen thanketi tht' hi catering to tht' convenui Rosborougb favouret i splendid piano solo. Mr announcethtat Clarke " Public Speaking Contesti poneti until first week o. ber. Ladies wiUl awai mont'y. $5 was voteti. Mis. Fred Loiman of who is visiting here, dt'lig audience with an accour tip te Englanti andi tht ent. Mr. E. A. Sumrmeis, expectedt t speak on "Ai in Durham" was unable Mis. Lornirnan expiai ber husbant. was on tht'ý o! 4fýacers anti that tht'î in Jlîly on tht' Empress o In- London they saw tb4 ing of tht' Guards, St. P. They went te Vimy anti huge impiessive monunr heard tht' Duke o! Wind King Edwart) speak. struck temn as a landi Scotianti as picturesut' a tiful. They aise visite4 wbilt' on a thiet' weeks' t Leriman was gveni wbo)se pupils were difficu terstanti. Tbey were a1 were tee peen te ever Canada. While in Engi baw where Dickens andi p-speare wrotk.their c1ss mate litene oreaUý At Cn-s htey wnt Switztrland anti Italy. they foundtot be bappy- toi suit tht' warm counti encia's beauty was inde Tbey saw St. Maîk's( with its roof o! golti anti venIous pictures. Tbey Tràýst.e by tht' S. S. Ga fouhdtitht' boat cdean. fi altough there was ma( everytbing from soup to On the' boid was ont' Ger tht' rest weîe Jews an1 Tbey went te Palestine a that Jews are îeally ger also are tht' Scotch, ce; populai beliel. Wile in tbey saw tht' royal pa many brautiful garden there they saileti up tht'( te Naples. In Italy t thiet' volcanees in eruptii day. anti aise an arena w ceulti alrnost imagine t Genoa they fount pc visiteti Switzeilant anti Alps; anti went by way to Lon-don. They saw tht' Corona Mis. Loniman tbinks t: dians here bave a bette: what it was like. Tbey seats costing $5.62 each, te sit there f nom 4 o'clo drizzling ran. Tht'cri goot-humoreti in spite of that some hati been t] days. The' next holiday they Parts. Tht' architecture t perfect in their eyes. the being tht' samne ont' wbo Louis XIV's palace. Tli of tht' city is a boulev squares anti gardien. Th tendencies are sbown buildings. It geVte be ra ing though when one1 there a wbihe, anti cen F&& 11.FURST 0F SRE LRsL1LuLe ivieflerS 1ON ODSPAE EurpenouneGIVEN BY PSO Euro ean ourn Y At Park Street Church Sunday _______________________morning Rev. J. H. Osterhout gave the' prelirinary sermon of a ser- rima, ~n.*6 coahes tart'd ut, illies of six or eight on ,Tht' Lord'.s -rian, h peoplt' of different na- Prayer." In bis talk lie pointt Or A- tonaîtis. he felts 0 tuipsout that this was tht' Lords Pray- Gives were gripping and their perfume e nyi h es htH'ht over-powering. A î îower festival taught it. Ht' showt't the bene- was n ad ahtl~ boues erefits of prayer in tht' way of gain- bedecked with flowers. Holland ing strengtb andi courage. and is kind to tht' common peoplt'. It told of the various things that eting of is like a communistic country people' had woshippt'd froin tht' was 'htld wth ail tht' tvil.s taken out. Ev- beginning of time. Tht' concluti- SDuring eryone was taken care of andti ng thought was on tht' part 'Ciir s. Rolph everything is plain but dlean andi Father." In this connection he on to tht' nice. intimated that wt' shoulti consitier peration. Quitting school t'arlit'î tht'v Goti as a kînd father who would ýcn hanti went to Germany and Switzt'-i' grant every petition if it wvert' ter re tht' land, and a]so visiteti in Norway' gooti for us to have it. andi fot as r 16. wvas anti marvelled at tht' fiords and !a person to be f eaîeti. K_ Stark. tht' midnight suni. Tht' main cityi Tht' choir selection wasOu ýd $14611 is something like Ottawa. Th'y !Grateful Hearts," Mrs. Charles d to have retuîned to Germany and spent !Wood, Miss Kathleen Stark anti nuary in three days in Munich. Hitler anti Mr. R. Sutten taking tht' trio. andi t'citit'dto his head men wt're there but they Mis. Woodi tht' alto solo in tht' an- SAssocia- titi not set' hirn athough they thernî. ýn Orono. saw a number of tht' others. Tbey Tht' quartt'rly f inancial report ted dele- f ound tht' Germans to be open- lof tht' chuîch was given by tht' iat To- mindeti. iolly. generous. lean,1 treasurer, Mr. W. J. Ritideil. 1.Af ter intelligent, likeable. akin to tht' At tht' evening -service tht' pas-j ;decided English.1 toi in bis sermon pointeti out tbat1 àased for Returning to Englanti and af ter lin these days of modern means ofj oney lef t spenting a few days saying good- 1 transportation anti communica-j ing useti bye to their f rit'nds, sailed for tion tht' world was like one great bau and Montreal where they were met by nt'ighborhood anti we ail had a buying a Mi. J. F. Lorriman and bis dau- relationship to -tht' world as well anti two ghteî. Mis. Ralph Ellis. as to oui cornmunity. province. Rolph, Contrary to opinions expressed 'country anti nation. Home Mis- Dickson, by papers, they founti Hitler sions helpet us We do oui duty to F. HaUl against war, Italy anxious ant i oui feUlowmen, intimateti t h e tee. Mis. preparet for it. France kinti 0f speaker. who closeti bis atitress by adies for boiling up anti cooling tiown. and îeading selections f rom tht' Home ýon. Mrs. Englanti preparing but flot anx- ýMissions report prepareût in in- w i th a ious for it,wa tht' concluding teresting manner by Nellie Mc- s. Bowen idea set forth by Mrs. Lorriman.i Clung. Township Mrs. Cutteli voiceti tht' vote of At this service Mis.- Charles was Post- thanks of tht' mt'rbers to Mis. Wood anti Mi. Arthur Bell sang ýfNovem- Lorriman who was asked to corne tht' verses of "Sweeter as tht' id prize again anti outline bier trip in ont' yeaîs go by" as a duet. anti tht' country - probably Palestine. Tht' îest of the' choir joineti in the' rToronto. speaker just gave a birdseye vit'w chorus, ghted tht' 0f her trip as it were anti the' la- nt of her dies were anxious to bear more. i eContin- Tht' scrap book she matie anti COWANVILLE ,who was pictures she hati were seen ________________ griculture themn anti proveti interesting anti to corne. instructive. Mi. anti Mis. E. Farrow attend- Ineti that Apples were serveti by tht' la- edt anniversary services at Shiloh, exchange dies in charge, cencludiing a very anti Mi. anti Mis. Brooks Cowan yhati lef t telightlul afternoon, andi those anti family at Zion. )f Britain. piesent are looking foiwaîd to Mis. Robt. Reiti spent a ft'w le chn-htaring Mrs. Lorriman again. days last wt'ek with Mi. anti Mis. auls etc _____________ WiU Cowan, Newcastle, anti Sun- zaw tht nent anti [son (then Englanti of ramn; Lnd beau- td Wales toui. Mi. a schoel .ît te un- type that corne te lanti they 1 Shake- os anti it ive- te Paris, Italians go-lucky, ry. Val- ýscribable. Cathetinal 1its mai- went te ilea anti ~odgot. Icanoni in 1puddiing. rman anti it Arabs. .nti fount rtrous, as >ntiary te, SPalestine' lace anti s. From otht'r site îbhey saw ion in ont' bt're they the lions. turesqut'; Ssaw tht' ro! Paris ,tion, but he Cana- r idea of hati gooti but bat )ck in tbe owti was rf tht' fact ýhere two ywent to' there was edesigner )designeti he centre art with it' aitistlc in tht' ther ber- hat been versatiofls -aing. it in Hol- The Dim and Distant Past From The Orono News of October 24. 1912 Mis. Henteison is visiting Mis. A. A. Poers. Miss Poilait is visiting friebtis in Buiford. Mis. Oke, Bowmanvilie, is vis- iting ber mother, Mrs. Stevens. Mi. Evan Steele e! Oshawa vis- iteti frients bere over Sund.ay. Mr. O. A. Carrolof Toronto was a guest Suntiay at Mn. E. Pinters. Mr. John Stet'lt anti sister, To- ýon'o, were guests Sunday at Mr. A. J. Leigh's. Dr. Andrus anti Dr. Armstrong write tbat they will likely make a visit te Orono tbis winteî. Mn. Garnet Hall, Chicago, Ill., IS an olti Orono boy wbo bas matie gooti in îeal estate in tht' wintiy city. Some 55 feet frontage that he purchaseti net long ago bas doublet in value. Tht' annual suppen in connec- tien .witb tht' Prt'sbyterian cburcb was belti last evening. Tht' pro- gram consisteti of reatiings by Miss Eva Mitchell, songs by Mr. Loine Robbins, anti piano solos by Mis. Allen, with an excellent attress by Rev. Mi. McKt'en. Miss Ruby Thoînton, acoompanist. Messrs. Wm. anti C. G. Am- strong are shipping thiet' cars of apples te Sask. We noticet i Blly Brown of Kir- by taking home some beautifui cattit' hem George Skeltiing's pastuit' wbere they bave bren during tht' past season. Grecer Williamnson bas at ast been succt'ssful in getting a street hgbht ocatet on south chuîch! street wbich will give ligbt net only te tht' resitences of the street but te tht' skating rink anti evaporati'. Rev. C. W. Barrett of Hampton wili preacb in the' Metbetiist Chuich Sunday rnorning. George Fogg, brother of Mn. William Fogg, town Uine, dieti in Chicago last week. George was a well-known Bowmanville sprinter about thirty years ago anti took part in a number o! excting con- tests here - usualhy taklng a share o! tht' puise. day wtn iMr. and Mrs. R. Hol- lingswortb. M-s. Westoh Stringer is recover- ing veny nicely but will net use ber f oot f or a couple of weeks. Mr. anti Mis. BiUl Reid anZl Barbara were Suntay guests o! Mi. anti Mis. Jack Stapleten, Or- onio. Mr. anti Mis. J. Allen anti son John have movet inte Newcastle. Miss Viola Hollingswortb o! To- rente anti sister Ada, Clarke Un- ion, spent Suntay at home. Mis. A. Bandy o! Herman is visiting ber mother, Mis. B. Mli- son. Mi. Chas. Cowan anti taugbter Velma. Mr. anti Mis. Geo. Hen- deison, Mn. Hector Milison anti sister Atitie attentiet an alumi- nmn demonstration given at tht' borne of Mr. anti Mis. B. Cewan. Anniversary Services next Sun- day witb Rt'v. W. P. Rogers, Bow- manvilie, a former pastor. speak- ing at 2.30 anti 7.30 p.m. Goose tinner tht' follewing Wt'tnestiay. followt'd by a gooti program. ITERARY SOCIETY OFICERS Orone Continuation School pu- pils are learning poiitics !iîst hant. We tien't knew wbether its througb tht' new curriculum or wbat -the' reason is, but this year every candidate for tht' honor o! having a position in tht' Liteiary Society bas bren conducting an energetic campaign fer some time. Posters anti speeches given in tht' assembly hall bave bren a great help te -tht' aspirants te public office as well as an educa- tion. Voting teok place Wetnes- day, anti putting their civics course into practice, Finst Feum Pupils actet as clerks, tieputy re- turning officer anti scrutmneers. Tht' rollowing stutents were elec- ted: President-Tbelma M y le s; Vice Pres.-MervSn Keane; Sec. anti Press Rep.-Etht'l St a r k Treas.-Ken. Sbakleton; Pianist -Eniti Cebbiedick; Asst. Pianist- Atelle Morton; Editor of School Paper-LeRoy Myles. If tht' pie- eection promises mate by -tht' newly electeti officers are carniet out, tht' Literary Society shouit have an outstanding year. "RLeflect upon your piesent bhessings, 0f which eveîy bhas many; net on Your past mistor- tunes o! whicb ahl men bave so)me.' -Dickens. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES From BOWMAN VILLE Oct. 29 -30 -31 - To - OTTAWA $410 MONTREAL QUEBEC $4.85 $8.10 Ste. Anne de Beaupre $8.70 Good lt'avlng Bowmanville 10.19 pm. Ot't. 29 - 12.39 --m., 10.26 am 10.19 p.m. Oct. 30 - 12.39 a.m., 1026 a.m. Oct. 31. Final Limit - Leave destination Nov. 1. Not good on trains leaving Montreai - Ottawa 3 p.m. TO THE MAITIMES - OCTOBER 28 AUl Canadian Pacflc Stations ln New Brunswick Ail Dominon Atlantic Ry. Stations in Nova Botta. RETURN LUMIT Leave Nova Scotia pointa not later than Nov, 3 Leave New Brunswick pointa not later than Nov. 2 Not good on train eavlng Montreal 3 pa.. Coisit Agents - Ask for Hapidbill Canadian Pacifie POOL TRAIN SERVICE Canadian National SUGGEST COUNTIES ALTUNTAKE OVER PARTS SOCIL AII> ERSOALOF COUNTY ROADS SOCIA ANDPERSO AL A special meeting of Clake Township Counicil was held Sat- Frank McIlveen of the Bank of awa, visited relatives here over urday evening in the Town Hall Commerce staff is playing rugby the weekend. ýand a recommendation passed to wth a team from Cobourg. Orono Public School children sbge snth the Unte Enee Miss Eileen Riddell returned are to be guests of the Roargeyngtatte nitdCon Monday f rom a week's visit with a picture show in Bowmanville to- miniingte igwaytround Rev an Mr. Hrol Stintn, norow.No doubt they wiUl en- the south concession of Clarke Guelph. joy themselves immensely. f rom Hope boundary. also one' Miss Freeda Wilson is speniding M.r,. Gamey had the tender of hall mile on the sixth concession a few weeks in Toronto with lier his n'ce car dented Saturday af- connecting the west county road parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wil- ternoon when a motorist bumpeci with the Lindsay highway, also son. into it. Fortunately no other the' road at Newtonville f rom No. Mrs. S. A. Hawthorne of Mil damage was done. The car was 2 highway to the lake. brook. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fowler ofi parked on Main Street in front of: Lindsay, were recent visitors with the Post Office. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hiller and two 1 COMING EVENTS Great improvement has bee children. Jeanette and R.aymnond,________ effected in F. F. Morris' back Shop Toronto. were recent visitors wth which has been painted and ,gen- Mrs. D. Myles.! Park St. Union Hallowe'en Par- erally house-cleaned. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane en- ty in S. S. room, Monday, Oct. 25,j Park St. Union meeting was tertained sorne Orono f riends to at 8 p.m. Prizes - Comic and postponed Monday night because dinner Sunday. ýcharacter classes. Lunch. Admis- of the bad weather. At the annual meeting Friday ýsion 15c and 10c; those in cos- Mr. Clarence AllUn vlsited frn- of Orono Badminton Club, officers 1 tume free. 42-1 ends in the Newcastle and Shaw were elected as follows: President, Don't miss hearing tht' inter- districts on Sunday. J. C. Gaxney; Vice President, O. nationally famous Florida Sextet Tht' Corner Store window with W. Rolph; Secretary-Treasurer. at Park Street Church, Orono. its lighted false faces attracts Miss Marjorie Adams. Thur.sday, Oct. 28th, 8 p.rn. Ad-i rnany bystanders. It's iust a me- Orono Chamber of Com.merce mission 25c and 15c. 42-1 mo that Hallowe'en will soon be Friday evening passed a resolu -_________________ here with its custornary -high taon that Secretary Gamey cor- 1 T .nnx." As it cornes on Sunday it respond with Cecil Mercer, M.L.A.. KENDAL will lîkely be celebrated both Sat- recomrnending that the province , urday and Monday nights. if and when it takes over the Miss Evelyn Brown spent the Orono-Lindsay-Newcastle road, do 'The Young Peoples meeting on weekend at her cousin's, Miss T.o- sornething to straighten the' two IThursday evening was in charge reen Patterson. 6th Line. bad curves between Orono and of the missionary conveners. Mis- Misses Hazel Winter and Beat- Newcastle. ses Nellie Hill andi Aima Bell. A rice Hamm spent the weekend Mrs. H. J. Reid of Lindsay vissplendid topic was given by Mr. %vith f riends at Mimico. Ytr ited her sister, Mrs. R. H. Bown J J. MeUlor. Mrs. K. Werry of Mrs. A. Walker andi daughtr Newcastle, who is Christian Fel- Wilhermina andi Betty. of Bow- Mr. Bill Brown,.BBA., has ac- lowship convener fe~r the Bay of manville, visited hier mother, Mis. cetdapsiina emnt.o Quinte Conference, spoke on thei A. Bradley.i in organic chemistry at the Uni- work of the Conference. Readings Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Drummond versity of Toronto. were given by Alex Little and of Brussells were here Saturday Cecil G. Mercer, rnerber-elect Miss Rena Hoskin, and a vocal removing the rest of their f urni- for Durham, will be tendered a duet was given by Misses Wilma ture. etc. by van to their home. complimentary banquet by Hope Carson' anti Bernice Langstaff. Mi. and Mms. Charles Stapleton Township at Canton on Friday, dChurch service was cancelled were charivaried by their frientis Octobt'i 29th. Sunday morning owing to Shiloh on their return from thei.r honey- F. F. Morris Co. has donated a Anniversary. moon. beautiful f loor lamp to St. Sav- Misses Rena Hoskins and Anna- Mis. Hooey, who recently rnoved iour's Anglican Church. belle Hendry. delegates from our into the' Hallett block, hati a scax'e Mr. and Mrs. McGiUl have mov- Young People's League. attendeti the latter part of last week. Her eti fîom our village. Their for- the convention at Belleville on stove pipes were seemingly flot mer residence is being prepareti Saturtiay and Suntiay. properly put together andi came for occupancy by the new.owner, Mr. and Mis. Hugh Hoye, Osh- apaît wbile she was uptown. She Mr. C. Powers and faiy. awa, visite<1 their daughter, Mis. was unable to see if fire hati got Mr. Geo. Wadtiell, Bethany, vis- Cecil Tebble. into the room above through iteti bis sisters, Misses E. andi K. Mr. andi Mis. Vernon Peacock. which the pipes go, for this is anl Waddell. Elizabethville, visîteti on Monday unuseti or store room anti can be Mis. A. A. Rolph andi Miss Idia at her mother's, Mis. A. Jackson. reacheti only by going thiough Taylor hati a sale of some house- Mr. James Quantril from the' Mi. anti Mas. George Gould's who holti furniture, etc., Saturday. West is visiting his parents, Mr. were not in the house at the time. Mrs. Bolpb expeots to leave short- andi Mrs. George Quantril, and Mis. Hooey put out the fire in the ly to spend the winter with her frientis here. stove andi spent the rest of the' brother, Mr. Walker, in Toronto. Mr. andi Mis. L. D. Bell and day and the night at her son's. Mrs. Geo. Seymour is here from fanuly visiteti her sister, Mis. Wm. It was a narrowescape of having Toronto for a short trne. Baxnsey, Welcome, who is serlous- the' whole house - in which are W. H. Rowe's orchestra will ac- ly ill. three divisions (ail occupieti) - company the caste of "Sun Bon- burn down. net Girl" to Bowrnanvile tomor- Mis. A. A. Drummonti spent the row night <Fri<lay). weekenti in Mount Forest. W. C. T. U. met at the home o! GIRLS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY Miss Laura AllUn spent the' Mr. andi Mis. Howard Walsh on weekenti in Toronto. Tuestiay. Orono Continuation S c h o o 1 The Carletons were down f rom Mi. A. Beamisb took charge of Girls' Athletic Society officers the' North for the weekend. Olld Mr. Foriester's office Wetinesday friends wei'e glati to set' them. in the latter's absence. were electeti Tuesday as f oflows: Mission Band met Monday af- Mr. IDelbert Gibson, Oshawa, is President, Olive Brown; Secretary. ternoon.1 visiting here. Marion Cooper; Treasurer, Lois The caste of the "Sun Bonnet ________ Wood; lst Forrn Rep. Jean Foi- Girl" are putting on the play at rester; 2nd Forn Rep. Owe'n Ten- Bowmanville tornorrow night. Every time a man looks in a nant; 3rd Form Rep. Audrey Mi. and Mis. Fred Lycett, Osb- mirror he imagines he sees a bero. Cooper. King Neptune Awaits Cruise Passengers K ing Neptune andi bis jolhy crewI of buccaneers will have thehr fit eppoitunhty of subjecting West Iadies Cruise passengers Vo the' traditional rites ef the "Fîshy Court" when tht' Empresa ef Aus- tralia, in the' course of one'ef tht' CanaAýlan Pacifhc's eight West Ia- dien cruises this 'wtnter, crosses tht' equater on her way te Rie de Janeiro. Fer tht' frat tirne In West Iadies cîuising tht' glamorous Brazilian ciV>, wlth tht' "mont beautiful barber Ia tht' world" and unrivahieti mountala sceaery almost withia itVa it>' limita, bas been included inl a Caribbean Itînerar>' anti tht' Empress wil cross tht' cqualsi anti be boarded by King Neptune en route there. St. George's, Grenada, ont' of tht' hovel>' Windward Islandis, anti aise a new port ef call, will be anothier attraction of the 3.2 day cruise starting f rom New York on January 15. FIve days wilhho spent at Rie, Urne eneugh for à thorough exploration ef the' glaxn- orous Latin city and Its suriound- ing beauties and one' evening willl be devotedt t a special round of the' exotic nlght-Ilfeofo!the' metre- polis. At Grenada lovely St. George's guardeti by ancient Fort St. George, bas pecullar charm among Caribbean towns. During the day spent there a speclal ex- curiohn will go te, Grant Etang, a volcanie lalce set high lu the mountaîns oveîlooking tht' town. The' Empress oet EnVala, world cruhsing flagshlp ef the' Canadian Pacifie, will lead of£ the West IndIea season wlth a 12 day Christmas and New Year trip toi Jamaica, the Panama Canal Zone and Cuba. The Emproas et Aus- tralla !olhows wlth seven voyages, leaviag New York: January 4, Maich Il andi Maich 22, for aIne days each voyage, te the' Baba- mas, Cuba andi Bermuda; Jan- uary 15, for 32 days, te Barbados, Rie de Janeiro, Grenada, Vene- zuela and Jamaica; Febnuary 19, foi 19 days, te Martinique, Bar- bados, Tnînidati, Curacao, the' Panama Canal Zone, Jamaica anti Cuba; April 12, for 12 days, to 'Jainalca, Cuba and tht' Bahamas; and fhnally, April 14, an Easter Holiday Cruise, foi ten days, Vo Jamaica and Cuba. Picture layout shows a glimpat' 'oef beautiful Grenada, tht' Em- preset Australia anti happy scenes froni tht' colorful ceremo- nies which hgblîgbt King Nep- tune's visit. President of Federation is Heard at Home-School Meet Mrs. Reece ExPlains' Ethics of the Home and School C 1 u, b Movement in Ontario, Continueti from last weeki Mis. Re-ece, Presitient of the Ontario Federation, spoke on tht' "EthJcs of tht' Mot-ernent." Alter expressing ber dt'light at being able to be present, she went on to say that diff ereni people weigh right anti wîong in ?[iff erent ways. Somne ask tbemselves if it is con- sistent with Goti. Others ask if it is in the' usual run of things. Still others ask how rnany doing or saying a thing makes happy. Christianity toctay is apait f rom religion. It can appeal te tht' emnotions - by making people hap- py: te law anti obligation; te fel- lowmen; anti to reason. Dickens' influence among childien was spoken favoiably of by the speak- er. Mis. Curtis began tht' Home anti School movement in 1916. tht' speaker went on. Tht' itea was to have no race. crreet or Party in it. anti close connection with tht' lountier sboweti that tht' four- folti development of Christ was ,ht' idea in it. The t.ext "Anti Jesus increaseti in wisdom anti stature anti in favor with Goti anti man" was tht' motto, as it were, anti the' speaker intiruateti that she sometimes wontiered if parents pait equal attention ýte al sides. If tbey bat why was there unlr'endliness anti war anti ru- mors of war. was tht' challenge thrown out. Mis. Reece went on te talk of tht' hantibook regaîding tht' new curriculum whic.h she sait t'very member shoulti have. She stateti that creet was not includeti but that youth shoulti be taught to love mercy, do justly, anti to walk humbly. Christian virtues shoulti be practiset every day at home anti in the' school. Example, es- pt'cially up te tht' time tht' chilt is six years olti, does mucb, but tht' same standard shoulti be set for home anti for school. Tht' new curriculum is tht' vtry embed.l- ment o! home anti school ettics, tht' speaker stateti, anti the' pro- mise o! what bas bren bepeti anti prayet for. She urget tht' mem- bers te malte theit'selves accuaint- et with ItL She pointeti eut that there were many conseivatives in matteis o! education anti tht' changes were therefore net welceme but were neetiet because thet' tùes de- manteti it. Tht' cht rmust be taught truth anti tht' future must be left te bis own jutigment. She pointet eut tht' differences in tht' course anti tht' fact that gond in- fluence must be maintainet. She reati selections showing tht' iteas tbat the' fountier bat anti pointeti out that each chilti sheuit be traineti, in a sympat.hetic manner both at school anti at home, te, live a goot 111e andti o eaun its own living. Aftt'n expressing tht' hope that the' clubs woult have discussions on the' New Curriculum turing tht' yeaî, she pointet eut that tht'y bat tht' co-operation o! the' trustees anti tht' heatis of educa- tien anti must ebtain tht' teach- ens by doing good work. She sug- gestet tiebates to acquaint tht' peopîle with it, ant iîntim.atet that Home and Sool clubs shoulti net consiter rnoney but tht' idea of building citizt'nsh.ip of the best type among tht' beys antigis. She appealedtot parents ýto join the' club as tbey neetiet it anti it neetiet them. A vote o! tbanks was given to the' speakers, anti te Mrs. Fred Bowen e! No. 9 Home anti Scbool Club werhb at charge e! tht' ar- i angements for tht' meeting. Mis. Reece spoke briefly giving 1Mrs. Steele a wOrd o! apprecia- tien anti urging mnembers te be on tht' lookout for suitable members te elect as officers anti aise, for talent. Tht' supxzer was cateneti te by tht' Women's Institute anti Mis. O. W. Rolpb. presitent, anti the' ladies rece.veti rany congratula- tiens on tht' excellent hospitality. Tht' stage, with chesterfielti suite. easy cbair-s, table, anti flber larnPs te make it home-like anti cornIer- table, was beautifully dt'corated w h flowers anti follage. Mis. F. W. Tamblyn was responsibît' for this anti is te be cengiatulatet on tht' artistic elfect produceti. Altogethen tht' sessions wt're profitable anti ntert'sting anti the day a huge success, about 125 tak- ing atvantage e! the' afternoon anti more tht' evenln. session. WHEN THE APPLES HAVE BEEN GATHERED AND THE 'TATERS ARE ALL IN Wben tht' apples have been gath- ereti anti tht' 'taters are all in, Anti there*s foodi for horst' anti cattle in th-e silo anti the' bin. Anti there's cabbage, beets anti mangels in tht' root blouse by tht' shed. Anti you have Your f ail "peivis- ions" (guarantet' that you'Ul be ledU; Then you think about Thanksgiv- in' anti your face takes on a grin, When tht' apples have been gath- ereti anti tht' 'taters are ail in. When tht' celian shelves are creakin' 'neath their wt'ight of "Put tiown" fruit, Anti there's ketchup anti there's pickles, every taste to, please anti suit, Anti you've firkins f ull of butter, anti you've crocks anti crocks of lard, Anti tht' vinegar is "mothereti" ere the' citier was too bard; Then some way yeu can't pievent Your fa-ce f rom shapin' in a grin. When tht' apples have bren gath- ereti anti tht' 'taters are ail in. When you've eggs packed by tht' dozens in wootl boxes f illeti with sait. Anti you've barrels of meat in pickle 'tilI you have to cail a hait,, When tht' frost stays in the' morn- ing 'tili tht' sun gets up quite bigh, Then you think about Thanks- givin' anti of gooti oit purnpkin pie; Wben tht' apples bave been gath- ereti anti tht' 'tateis are anin i. There is music' in tht' whiny of the' oit gray mare at morn, Anti tht' bawlin' of the' hungry calves -that haven't been long boin, Anti you like to, hear tht' bleatin' 1of the' lambs andi o! tht' sheep, When you know you've foot a.nd f otder for ail through their wlnter's keep; Then some way you can't. prevent the' smlles from playlng 'round youi chin, Wben tht' apples bave been gath- eret anti the 'taters are ail in. -Ralph Gordon. 628 Cîawforti St. Toronto. "Haîf tht' misery o! hurnan 111e rnight be extinguishet iIf men woulti aileviate the' general cuise they lie unter by mutual offices o! >compassion, benevolenoe, andi bu- manity."-Adtison. Quitting the SHarness Business Ail Harness and Parts t Below Cost f Lines Traces t Bridies Halters Back Pads 9 BeIly Bands Martingales ýr Hame Straps y Breast Straps Everything Must Go Get Yours Now nCORNFORTH Le ORONO n GILSWH.HV ~e- 'L.& THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 1937 PAGE ELEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO