THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21ST,01937 THE CAN.\DIAN STATES.MAN, BO\W'M\ANV-ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE z'TWX'FT \iE I r'vlt lU f t Whittle. was borni teOtaa13th, returning in the wee bous City Hosptal on Thanksgiving iof the 141h. higbly pleased wth Day. Monday, October 11. . their reception and visit. This Miss M. Sanderson andi the girls happy f raternizing of the two o! the Newcastle Hdgh Schoolllodges Was brought about tbrough clubbed togE)ther andi presentedMr. T. W. Jackson wbo liveti in Mrs. Scott polard, a last year Fenelon Fals in bis younger days student, with an electric Iron and and who for the past two surnmers an ovenwai'e bowl. The actuai bas been renewing olti frientishsps presentation wau matie on1F!nlday and fori nrng new ones at bis sum- a ternoon, Oct. 15, scbool bY mer rottage at the FaUs. The a commttee of the girls. Vivian first car. driven by Mr. Fred Gma- Duck. Jean Bonathail andi Reta . ani, let t arly af ter dinner, the pary :icluding Major H. W. Duti- i lev. Reeve C. R. Caî'veth antid Mes'srs. C. A. Coivan anti E. W. Fisher' going aî'ound by Canton, Millbi'ook anti Babcaygeon ta see, J.e co.nBrey Mr.hJatsoerndgrup J.hW radlety. Mn. Jackon anti Mn left arouti 2.30. or' as soon a s tlîey couiti get away fr'onît tîeiri division coîuLt dulies in the coun- cil clianîber. The Newcastle Independent Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd. for-, Cooke, at the home of Mrs. Pol- merly of Bowmnanville and Osh- lards mother. Mrs. Fred R.owe. awa, have illoved into Miss AI-, Church St. The happy bride of ineda Couch's house on Kiig St. recent date graciously thanked E., and Mr. and Mrs. John Allin the coniittee and asked thein to and son frîom the Third Une in- convey lier apprecia.tion to ail the to the Parker house on the Iih. dofloir togethecr wtb a standin, Mrs. Bruce Peaco,,k. Port Hope. invitation to visit her in her Bow- is penin a ewdaYs with Mr. mnanvilie homie. Acconpaflyifl the assndirs.aEret inUtoken of renienibrance was a 1note Mr.CclHorrockS returned on of congratulation~ and good wishes Tuesday froiniber visit in Toronto. present g:rMisstudesnadh mr. and Mrs. WV. E. Bënian have ___________il__________ been away on tihe.r annrual fli! I RNE OFCR holiday. TALRAGROFCR Mr. and M~ Howard MI. Alun, and family sÏent SunclaY;%-iI Recefltly elected officers of the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dowýn. Eb- Newcastle Trail Rangers which enezer. nieet. every Monday evening under Newcastle United Church Fowi leadership of Mr. John Rickard. Supper end Entertammn^ent - Ma- assisted by Mr. Brentori Rickard. pie Grave play, Bowrflnanville elo- are: Chief-Chas. Bonathaili Sub- cutionistS. a colored quart.ett.e - Chief-H0\Vard Rowe: T ail1 y- wili be held in the commuity hall Harold Hoar; Cash-Roger Mea- on Wednesday evening. Nov. 3rd.1 dows: Siergeant. Major-Chas. Ro- Ail the faros stock. impieenfts. gerson. farmn equipmieft and much of the! furniture and household articles FAREWELL PARTY FOR passed under the hamoser of auc- MI1SS MARJORIE LYCETT tioneer Joseph Couison at the late____ Alin Brothers f an '"The Glebe.' M1iss Marjorie Lycett. who is on Thursday afternoOn iast and soon to leave Newcastle, was the thus passed the iast of the Allun guest of honor at a farewell gath- interest in this once f amous stock: ering held for ber at the home of and pouUry f armi. Misses Ada1 Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley and ana Elizabeth Allin are stiil living Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Walton on ir- the bouse and may remain for Friday eveniflg, October 15. She a while before moving into the was presented with a suitcase and village. Mr. and Mrs. Smythe of a pen and pencil set by Miss Ger- Columbus and their two oidren trude Bonathan on behaîf of the do Jflot intend to move in until many young people present andi spring. but Mr. Smythe's brother, aiso 'a poeticai address written by a bachelor, will be staying in the. Miss H.ld.a Rowland and read by house this winter anti caring for Mr. Harold DeUine. as f ollows: somne stock. To Marjorie- Mr. Honell Rowland and soni Dear maiden. se Young. f air and William attended the f uneral of ~ty thle late Harry A. Rwlad super- Our aim it is to-night to honoun intendent. of the Isolation Hospi-, you. tai, Toronto, lasi week. The late We scarcely f eei like being very Harry Rowland was born on the' witty. Rowand farm on the Lake Shore,' Knowiflg you are leaving soon for third son of the late Mr. and Mrs., places new. James Rowand. He was educat- We are giad andi yet we, too. feel ed at the Lake Shore school and sonny the Newcastle high school. and ,To meet here to bid f air adieu; afterwards graduateti as a dnug- 'But it truly give us not a whit gist, having begun andi served bis: of worry apprenticesb.P with Robt. Fother-, As our best wisbes we do offer you. gUi. He went into business inf To- As in business You prepare to ronto and in course ofaitue be- make your debut, camne a city alderman. He after- We here shal mis's your c.beery wards served the city as secretary smile and winsome ways, to Dr. Hastings in the Toronto But to Newcastle you have brougbt Health Department and stili later only credit, received the appintment of Sup-1 And we trust you so to do tbru'- eintendent of the Isolation hos-j out your days. pital where bis duties wene very Wth high marks and various heavy tbis past suimmer. He was prizes at school one of the Lake Shore's and New- ýYou oft reminded us You were no castie's outstanding olti boys, one. f ooV; who throughout a busy 1f e dis- You can wear pretty clothes and tinguished himself by his gUs cook a good meai. and bis services te his f ellow be- 50 oyou're sure to reach your goal ings. He was indeed an bonour1 we ail do feel. to his home and the comunity We hope that You may ever have in which he was boni and to the f air saiiing. village of Newcastle wbere he re- As on the sbip of life you now ceiveti his secondaxy. education;, embark: and spent soine years in the dru.g Remember there are true f riends store. He will be remembered for wthin hailing. bis courtesy. ability and genial So you'll neyer neeti alone tW face ianner. Several years ago be; the drear and dank. purcha.sed a tiangular f ield oin We ask you to accept this minor the lake shore at Newcastle but' token neyer f ulfiiled his hopes of build- As a rememrbrance f rom your fri- ing on it. His was too busy a life., ends in Newcastle, United Church - Rev. S. Mac- It expresses feelings which cannot Lean, B.A., Pastor. Sunday. Oct. libe spoken, 24th: 11 a.m.-Martiing Service, For your happiness and days with and Sacramenit of Baptism; 2.30 i pleasune packed quite full. p.m.-Sunday Schoel; E v e n i n g Wben your next holiday you have service will he witbdrawn owing ' most decîded t.o anniversary services at Clarke. To spend at some far distant or St. Georges Church - Rev. D. romantic spot, R. Dewdney, B.A., Rector. Sun- Return instead to where Yeu once day, Oct. 24th: 8 a.m. Hoiy Con- resideti znunion: il a.m. Sunday School; And visit us who'll be thinking of 2 p.m. Sundav School; 7 pr.. You a lot. Evensong and Sermon. iý Signed on behaif of Ibis gath- Ne'wcastle United Church Young 'ering by the committee: Mrs. peopfle who attendeti the Bay of Geo. Walton, Miss Gertrude Bon- Quinte Young Peopies Confer- athan. ence at Belleville Last weekend Miss Lycett accepted the gifts were: Messrs. -Stanley Rickard,: and address in ber charactristic- Lewis Clarke, Kenneth Werry, Ai- ally charming and amiable mani- bent Pearce, Mrs. K. Werry. and ner, af ter which the company ap- Mfisses Marion Alun, Jean dCemi- plieti theniselves te whist. Re- ence -anti Annabelle Hendry. A freshmrents were later served. nuâmber of themn were SundaYý Miss Marjorie'Lycett, wbo with guests of their relatives. Mvî. andi her sister. Miss Helen, bas liveti MTs. A. H. Fisher and Miss Mar- 'in Newcastle with ber grand- ion Fisher, Belleville. father. Mr. Thos. Maffat. ever Mrs. Eti. Jameroy. Orillia, was since her pre-schoo days wben a weekend guest of Mrs. Wm. At- b er mother dieti, was planning to kinson. 19go to Simcoe lasi Saturday te take Miss Emma Si.mpson, Oshawa. a business course. On the com- sPent Sunday at Mr. Isaac and pletion of this she will become Mr. andi Mrs. Cari Selby's. secretary te her father. Mr. AIf. MT. Fred Smith andi Miss Helen Lyceti, formerly of Oshawa, who Rickard, Toronto, were Sunday is now in business in Simcoe. guests of ber parents, Mr. and oing to her grantifather taking MTs. W. J. S. Rickarti. Miss Rický- 111 however on Saturday she bas ard recently passeti ber examina- Postponed her leaving for a week tions at business college, Toronto. : or two. and was awarded a silver medai Gas Engine For Sale FOR SALE CHEAP - ONE 2- bonze Massey Harris gas enigine. Robt. Cornfort.h, Orono. 42-1 tien, on Queen St., waterworks, electric lights. Small cash down payment with easy ternis. Ap- ply Wm. Wilcox, Bowmanville. 41-4* FORTY YEARS 31ARRIED BIRTHS Friends Celebrate '.%r. and Irli Jno. Robinson's Rubi lVedding FERGUSON-At Chissamba, Ca- ________tabala Bie. Angola, Africa, on Mi'. Jno. Robinson, excavating September 6. 1937. ta Rev. and expert. and Mî's. Robinson. 0f mns. F. Meil Ferguson, a Newcastle. were forty yeas niai'- daughter 'Hellen Kathleen). ieti on Wednesday, October 13TO PO-A.otPeîyHs and spent a good fullh day cele: bratin th evet. înoceîly n- ital. on October 4. 1937. t.a Mr. braingtheevet, nnoent1y n- anti Mis.Lorne Thanipson, of awai'e that anyone but theni-selves Nestleton. a daugliten (Gladvs had a hanti in planning the pr'o- grani. Motoring out into the Jean). country in the direction of Stark- ville and Shiloh church they, had' dined at the home af Mns. Robin- 1 MARRIAGE sans brothler-în-iaw. Mn. David' McMullen. and supped ai bier bro-, ther"s, Mn. Ralph Boughen. With BAGNELL-STEVENS - At the them on the day's visits wene lier home of the bride's parents. brothen-in-law and sister. Mr. Maple Grove. on Saturday. Oc-', andi M's. Arthur Densmore, Liv- lober 2, 1937. by Rev. W. C. onia. N. Y. Smith. Danothy Lorraine. youn- On etun.ig hme n te een- gest daughten of Mr. and Mrs. in tey eî'emcbinrprheti ta- R. R. Stevens, and E d w a r d find their bouse on Manvers St. George. sonelof Mn. and Ms. filleti with friends anti relatives. GereBgel,1wavie The bride af 40 years was esconted from the car by ber bridesmaid tia the wedding. Mrs. Win. Cowan. DEATHS Orono, sisten 0f the groom, and he by the groomisman of the oc -BO REL-nDeri.Mc. casion, Mn. Ernest Bowen, Wesley- OT L -IDeriMc. ville. As they passed f nom the on Sunday, October 3, 1937. car 10 the bouse they wene show- Harry Bottrell, youngest son o! ereti with confetti as o! yone. the laie Edwarti Bottreli. Bow-< The fîrst excitement over antimdilag 4ya~ the wothy couple seateti, Mrs. MARTIN - Entereti into rest in' Robinson was presenteti with a Oshawa, October 19, 1937, jos- beautiful bridai bouquet by uitile eph Aaron Martin, beloveti bus-1 Mabel Thrower, ber niece, anti bandi of Elizabeth English, in . Mn. Robinson ixith a buttonhole bis 84tb year. bouquet by Betty Woods, also a Funeral October 21, ai 2 p.m. niece. Mv. F. B. Lovekin, brother- Interment Orono Cemetery. in-law, in the capacity of chair- man. asked the gathening's ai- tention and called on Mrs. J. C. Hancock who read the foîowinI IN MEMORIAM address: Dean Fiends: SCOTT-In loving memory of oun We, a few of youn frientis andi dear mother. Mrs. Lllian Scott.: relatives, have gathereti here ibis wbo passeti away on October 21. evenîng te congratulate you on 1936. baving reached 3'oun fortieth wed A day af remembrance, sati to, ding anniversary and ta wisb you1 recal, mrany more years of bealth anti The loss af our mother, the best prosperity. We are aIl delighted Ifnienti of aIl, ta be here. some of us because we One o! tbe besi Goti couiti senti. are gladt t be boundt 1 you tbro' A loving mother. a f aithful ties of relationship andt he resi friend. of us because we are prouti to be Two little words not bard to numbereti with those whom you write, caîl your fientis. We ahi know But I'il remember tbem ahl my what wonderful fientis a n ti hie- neighbors you can botb be. ever My Mother. ready ta share your besi with -Ever remembereti by Sons ant i those who neeti your friendsbip. anti Daughtens. anti we are glati ai this oppor- tunity to show our appreciation. Real Estate For Sale Laoking aheati, f orty years _______________ seems a long lime: but t0 you FARM FOR SALE - 15 ACRES.1' lcokng back aven the years we U4 mille north o! Enniskillen, on are sure il must seem bt have goibldnsApl passeti very quickly. No doubt M.ed. Mountjoy. Enniskil- tiuring that time thene have been len. Pbone Bowmanville 2296. same occasions that wene not al 42-2 joy anti gladness. for life for ail________________ o! us is a blending of clouti anti FOR SALE-FIVE ACRES NAR sunshine. But we know thal dur- Orono. gooti buildings. Apply ing those years you bave many Box XY, Orono News. 42-11 times founti that sonrows antid ______________ triais shareti with another seem FARM FOR SALE - 25 ACRES. to growv smaller. wbile joys andi good bouse, barn anti well; small pleasures shareti witb one dean 10 fruit; near Carrying Place. Ap-1 us increases. ply W. E. Weese, Staiesman As you corne naw toward the Block, Bowmanville, ar J. D. sunisel o! lue, blesseti withtha! Dusenbury, Carrying Place. fection af your daughters anti 142I their famîlies, anti the respect antid 411 gootiwill of a large circle o! fri- HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D endis, we pray that Gati may con- brick bouse on Centre Street in tinue te bless you anti we alI look good locality. desirable home1 forwardti t ten years f rom now with modern conveniences, wil when we hope to be able 10 con- be salti very cheap ta close up gratlate you on having reacheti an estate. Apply A. E. Beilman, youn golden wedtiing day. As a King Street West, Bowmanville. sligbî reminder of Ibis occasion Phone 526. 40-tf (will you accepi these Igifis along (Turn to Page Six, Please) HOUSE FOR SALE - FRAME Bowmanville Women's Institute are holding a Bazaar in St. John's Parish Hall on Friday, Octeber 29. when a variety of articles will be for sale anti af tennoon tea will be serveti foi' 15c. Bazaar opens at 3 p.m. Business meeting aI 2.30 P.m. Help Wanted WANTED - CAPAB3LE GIRL OR woman foi' bousework in farmn home. Apply "C.M." Drawer B, BoivmanvMle. 42-1 FOR. SALE -CARLOAD 0F fresb cows anti springers. Hol- steins anti Ayrshires, froni 0t- tawa Valley restricteti area. Propnietor G. C. Sparks. 627 Somerville Ave., Oshawa. Phone Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT - SMALL1 bouse in Bawvmanvilie. Apply "H.G.' Draweî' B. Bowmanvlle., 42-1* 1 24.Car For Sale 31t Coats For Sale FOR. SALE - A GENT'S COON GRAHAM PAIGE - LATE 1930 coat. in fairly gooti condition. Sedan, 6 cylinder moton in Al, Apply te "C.H." Drawer B. Bow- will sell cbeap or trade for ligbt manvilie. 42-1* coupe. S. Thonias, 6tb Line, 1Clarke, Kendal. 41-2* FOR SALE - ONE FUR COAT, _________________________ small size. reasonable pnice. Barrls Fr Sle Aply"E.H." Drawer B, Bow- Salenville. 42-1* ta n.e Gdon trg ainWhithe, eldes soonM'.Ed.ýar Wlîttaker, aneti thenlat M. rWhittake. Hn aito.Te mrriageWiltake place eanly in November. Mn. anti Mrs. W. Talbot Payton, Toronto. announice the engage- ment of thein daugbter, Margaret McKenàzie, to James Guernsey McClehlan, son o! Mvs. McClelian anti the late J. A. McClellEtn. Bow- manvile, the m-arriage te take place the latter part o! Novemben. IAUCTION SALES Tuestiay. October 26 - Mr. Eti. C. Flory, having solti bis fa.rm, will seil by public auction bis f arm stock, implements, noots, grain, hay, anti houseboli furniture, on Lot 16, Concession 6, Darlingten (1/ mile east of guide board, 12_ mile south). Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Ternis cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. Wednestiay. November 3 - Sale o! Acciediteti Jerseys - 14 cows, heifers, proven buIls - Blusb.îng Peer by importeti sire, Brampton Golden Camille, whose grantisire brought $25.000. McKim Fanm, west of Coîborne. 42-1 COMING EVENTSI Reserve your seats for 'The Sun Bonnet Girl,' 'a musical operetta presenteti ai the Opera House. Bowmanviile. Fniday, October 22. Tickets, Aduits 25c, Students 15c. Plan now open at Alex McGrego's Drug Store, seats resenveti 10c ex- tra. The D. O. E. will holti a Etîchre in 5.0.E. Hall Thursday evening. Octoben 28, ai 8 p.m. Starting of 'senies. WANTED: RELIABLE MAN FOR Ls Rawieigb Route 800 Consumers. __________________ 200 easily solti bouseliolti neces- LS O.DR ON 1suties. Sales xxay up tbis year. rt uhm We teach yau bow; supply sales. ea No, 79. FinrdeDrhplase pativertis4ng lîterature - ah you tago 762475.owmnvîlleCas. pneeti. Tiiousantis earn $30 t hn 45Bwavle hs $100 w'eekly. Rawleigh's. Depi. Howsam. Hampton. 42-1t ML-14OGJ, Mantreal, C*iata._ LOST - NEAR MAPLE GROVE.. 42-1 keys anti key case. Rewarti. Fintier leave ai Statesman of- Work Wanted f ice. 42-1 CAPABLE NEEDLEWOMIAN IS Sov orSle i open te accept work in Bow- FOR SALE-COOK STOVE. BOX " manville. Can operate any type stove beaten. hanti power wasb-1 of machine. Plain sewing anti ing machine. alI in firsi class dressmaking. A p p 1 y "A. Z." condition. Apply P. Russel, Drawer B, Bowmanville. 42-1V Duke St.. Bowmanviile. 42-2* Mattresses Rebuit MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS - Rep ne s e native here now. Specializing rebuilding Mat- tresses. Your Maîtresses rebuilt absolutely new again. Some spning filleti haîf the cost o! a new one. Feather betis wasbed, sînippeti matie into comforters anti feather mattresses. Eider- downs recovereti. Pbone 362. 42-4 $25 Reward $25 REWARD FOR INFORMA- tiOn that will leadt t the arresi o! a persan or pensons who stole a gobbler anti two turkeys f rom the Cream o! Baniey Park. AU information confîdential. 42-1 Tenders Wanted Tenders wiil be receiveti by Durham Central Agicultunal So- ciety for the rentaI o! skating rink ai Orono for season 1937-38, subjecitet certain reservations obtainable froni the secretary. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepteti. Tenders ta be in secretany's office by 7 p. ni. Octo- ber 30th. J. C. Gamey, Secretary. 41-2 rels. D. S. Milligan, Newcastle. Phone 11FL. 37-5 Potatoes For Sale FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F potatoes, gooti eating variety. Apply E. J. Doitige, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2255. 4 41-tf Apples For Sale APPLES «FOR SALE - SPYS. Russets, Baltiwins. Starks. Belle- flours. Now ready. Also culîs 35e per bushel. A. H. Keane. Orono. Phone 51-3. 41-2 Wood For Sale FOR SALE - 12" DRY HARD- WOOD, maple. beech. Apply Mrs. Elias Strutt, Tyrone. Ont. 42-1 Pullets For Sale FOR SALE-25 PULLETS, WELL developei, gooti laying strain. Apply Geo. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. 42-1* BARRED ROCK PULLETS FOR Sale - Our Pen, entereti in the egg-iaying contest, is to date standing in first place. The pullets we bave for sale are of identical breeding. but youngen. Four to five months olti, at sac- rifice prices. Will be laying wbile pnices are high. Donald E. Gibson. Bowmanville, ont. Phone Clarke 3811. 42-2* Trailer For Sale FOR SALE-TRAILER FOR CAR. gooti condition. price reason- able. Apply Lew Hayes, Man- Ivers Rd. Phone 2623. 42-1* ENTERTAI NER Secure RALPH GORDON, e.~ wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, eler e,« Sales Books are the best Courter. Check Books made in/ Canada.' They cost no mqre than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents anid will be pleased to quote you on any style or quarltity required. SSe. Your Home Printer Fit 1048 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA 1048 Pay the regular F Pay Uhe regular price for one article ~TK F ~ U price for one article and gielfohr one A T R i.d~and gel onother one just ik ilfroy just like il for onlj, ONECENT ONE CENT 2e BoxT' iiUET25e Tube BEOOSKLENZO FEor CugSanDENTAL Fo CogsadCREME K 2or6cSA E T T HF a DRUG STORE S-ALE 2Tue 6 1WEDNESDAY *THURSDAY m FRIDAY - SATURDAY ." Now IluFulSwin g j _Sale Continues Baance o0Tis Week Hundreds:of Items SPECIAL We We Test DNLARGEME5TSJury Loveli on Ideal Christmas ifts Phone 778 Bowman ville _________ 2" -1048 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA 1048- 'I A SALESMEN: WANT TO BETTER your position? Then write us! Stant with $25.00 assortment anti nealize a successful, inde- pendent, profitable livýing! No risk under our conditions. Out- standing profits for the wiUling w î-,rker. Chaice ternitonies avail- able! Act now for resuits! Fnee particulars. Fam-iiex Co., 570 St. Clement St., Monineai. 41-2 Notice The Shoemaker in the McMur- try Block lias removedti 1 the Knight Block, King St. E. 41-3 Hospital Board Annual Meeting The annual general meeting o! Bowrmanville Hospital Board will be belti in the Council Rooni on Thursiay. October 28, 1937. ai 8 p.m. F. F. Morris, President. C. H. Mason. Secretary. 42-2 K 't ,* I - Livestock For Sale 1 Music Teaching FOR SALE-ONE HORSE MED-1 FRANCIS SUTTON iurnly priced: also I Leicester Mus.Bac. (University of Toronto) ram laînb. anti pure bred Suf- elwothCa'dnCleg folknami lambs. W. C. Pansons., elwo h Cnda olg R.R ,Bowmanville. Phone of Organists. 2315. 42-1: A.T.C.M. diplomnas in Sing'ng, Piano. Violin. anti Organ. r FOR SALE - 20 YORKSHIRE Pupils prepared for examinations. pigs, 7 weeks old; 1 Percheron Long list of succesaful candidates colt. 5 months. Phone Bowman- f romi the earlier grades up ta the Engagements Ivil267 42-1k A.T.C.M. diploma. Graded classes 1 in piano anti violin now meeting FOR SALE - EIGHT CHOICE New class for beginners Mi'. and Mis. J. E. Rinch. New- Leicester rami lambs. Albert 0on the violin starting shortly. Casile, announce the engagement Wr:ght, Blackstock, Ont. 42-1 Modenate fee. In Bowman'Jille of their younger daughter. Maian iuesday, Wednesday and Thuns- Elizabeth. b Mir. Chas. Arthur1 FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE day of each w ek. Phone 742. G-ilkes. Canton, son of the late 1 pîgs, six weeks old. Pricedtia Mr'. andi Mns. Win. Giikes, Buck- sell. At Lot 4, Con. 10. Darling- Fo Rn ingham. Englanti. The wedding ton. M. O. Tindaîl. 42-1:i For Rent___ ta take place early in Novemyber-. TO RENT - FURNISHED BED- FOR SALE - SIX SHROPSHIRE' rooin. Apply to Mrs. J. G. Gar-i Mrs. W. Gniffin, Enniskillen,i rami lambs. registereti. Mark ih announices the engagement 0f.ber Hancock. R. R. 2.OshataeeTel. School. 421 yongs ugtr.Maln dih Rs.awa 1872. Ohwa4el0-4o. 2 Miscellaneous PAINTING-SIGNS AND) POST- ers, also auto trucks, wagons, general painting and enajnel- ling. J. H. Needham,' Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AND) MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding. towie service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prie tor, Bowmanville. Pho n e 781. 23-tf Personal MEN! GET VIQOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX TMTablets contain raw oyster Wgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps Up organs, glands. If flot delightcd, maker refunds pric% paid - $1.25. Call, write Juie, & Loveli. 18-U2 WOMEN-WORRY WILL NEVER dim your beauty or sap your vitality if you use "MENSTRUL- AID" an iniproved scientific preparation for Menstrual dis- orders and Feminine Hygiene. Free booklet at Jury & LoveUl's Drug Store. 40-tf Notice to Creditors- In the Estate of Thomas James Scott, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail per- sons having dlaims against the Estate of Thomas James Scott. late of the Township of Darlùi,$- ton, in the Çounty of Durham, Farmer. deceased. who died on or about the 25th day of January, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, or his soli- citor, on or before the'22nd day of November, 1937. f ull particulars and proof of their dlaims. Immed- iately after the last mnentioned date the assets of the Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, havin-g regard only ýto the dlaims of which the Executor shaUl at that time have notice. DATED at Bowmanville Unis 21st day of October, 1937. Herbert Newton Scott, R. R. No. 4, Bowmanville. Ontario Surviving Executor by his Solicitor Lawrence C. Mason. Bowmanville, Ontario. 1 6% wq@ý m mmummm-.W.% PL Toronto. P