i I With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 83 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2lst, 1937NUBR4 _E$T DURHAM- xEvery Man Contributi Communi Rotary District G nor Tom Patt( North Bay, Pay ficial Visit to, Rotary Club-De] Eloquent Addrei Iu an addrcss, simplei most effective, Tom J. District Governor o! thE District o! Rot ary Iuterr lef behind hlm a group o înspired men, a! ter lis offi ta Bowmauville Rotary C Friday. Since fhe local club was ized in 1923, its membei heard many District Gic speak, but we daubt if2 such an euduring message present lolder a! this hig] Mr. Patton was infrodi Mayor Ross Strike, presii the club, in a rather uniq by fhe proposal o! a foas was follawed by the sin "For He's a JoUly Goad and three cleers. Ater expressiug lis ai t ion for the warmth o! t come accorded hlm, the Governar delivered au ot ing review o!fle objecf.s Rotary moveent. Rotary, le said, is a W( organization o! men o! g drawn fron i al the frac professions, holding ahl belonging toalal creeds, p o! an ardent desire ta ser !ellow men, gathering fogE the elements that tend mankind tagethler sud aside every element fl keep mankind spart. Of fellowship, ftle speal litfle, for the club, le poix had sbly demonstrated fi knew the meaning o! thie Vocationai service, he< ed, was service in one's1 the determinafion ta ru standards a! business1 sud ta honor ail use! ul meut. , Speak i of vocat loual and the k, aring o! sîl usq playmcnt. Mc. Patton t stocy o! Dr. Jowett, flic r vine. wha preached in th, est churches a!flice old lai ally le was asked ta pcea< (Continued on Page. RIL TWO-DAY HOLIDAY Must MakeSome l FOR P.S. TDET AS T1EACHERS MEET ion o H s H m Teachers of In*,pectorate No. 1 To Meet in Convention in Bows- Imanville Next Thursday ity Says G.overnor and Fia Public schoul childreîî of Durhami Counitv will receive two days holida% oe-AM~USING PLAY IS next week, wlieîî the' Teachiers' Ini- on of W L STAGIED BY Notunrln n Durham, holds îs 0f- GROUP AT TRINITY its' annual convention in Bowmian- Local____ xîle On Thursdav the convention LclA fine audience greeted the pre - w ilI get unider vay in thic Highi livers entation of "The 17îîrce eg put Schiool Assembly Hall, and on Fni- Pegs day. the Institute will visit the On- SSon by members of group 8 of the W. tario Institute for the Deaf, at Belle- A. of Trinitv Uuited Church, 011 ville ,%-Iiere W. J. Morrisoni. former Tuesday cvening. in the SundayprcîaoftelalHg Scol and yet School rooni. Previous to the pro- is Superinfteent. gl Shol Patton, gram an organ recital vas given b iThue Trsda sesso ii eopn e 169th Dr. T. A. Partridge. Rev. S. Davi-Tcd with dot sionxries byoe. aational, son gave the introduction to t c ihdvthe play minise of Re ofmuh h pavSidney Davison, istro Trinity >!ia much which wvas presented ini thrcc acts. United Chuirch. Mayor Ross Strike Club on Briefly the story is of a wealthy will extend an official welcome to lady whose marriage had been in- the county pedagogues on behiaîf of Sorgan- terfered withi by a very deaf meddle- thc town. ýrs have soîflO autt vho resided with lier and TePeiet dr~ ilb wvernors wlio tried to prevenit thc adoptionî of devred tMis aror i dams any le! t a young girl; notwithistanding. three of Toeroît. Aftr M iss'Mreorts Afathe eas the Nlargarets came into the home anid ofecrt aer be receivcdofatd ,h office. the various liumorotîs aîîd pathietiecmitesapitd Cl E. . acedby euisdes liic folow 3' tem n îider. B.A., Iîîspector of Schools ident of tlîe cook anîd maid ini trying to get for Durlîam. sill deliver a talk to ue way, rid of tlîe troublesoîne auîît, werc the teaciiers. t which very amusiîîg. HowvvcraIl ends .ging o!f vl ve h ruhbcm îoî At Il1 o'clock Stanley Watsoni, B. Fellow,.' that a lost dauglter was restorcd to A. rnia Ke tetPbli her motlier aîîd that tlhe aulît as Schiocl, Toronito, wîll address the Lpprecia- trviîîg to save moncy to assist her conventioni on "The Programme of he wel- hii step-soîî and "Peg' decides Stuidies." District thiere is somie good ini evcryoîîe. Lunchi will be served at the Bal- .tstand- sof the The cast of characters iîîcîuded:."'oral Hotel when Rev. W. Franklinî Emilv \\estoni-M\rs. Edwin W\oods; Banister, minister of St. i-aul's 'orldwide Auîît Eupialia-Mrs. C. W. Slemoni Cîid Churhi, ll.Dlbe ouest spaker eoodwill. Marguerite- Mrs. R. J. Dilling aîvdle, ivillebcSoi.DaeoBomn des and Nladge-.'%iss Alice Purdy; Peg vle il eslit opinions, Mrs. D. F. Purdy; Sarah (the cook) nhie afternoon session wiIl get >rjsessed -M\rs. J. 'M. Rowe; Lizzie (the uxder way at 2 o'clock with the re- ve their mnaid- Miss Ruby Hobbs; Mrs. ports of committees, aîîd at 2.15 p. ether all Coti-Miss E. R. Gralham; Mrs. Ini. Mr. WXatsonî will continue hîs to biud Barcla-M\rs .N. Knapp. addrcss on the Programme of Stud- casting At the close M.\rs. L. W. Dippell îes. Talks on the amnis of the O.E.A. f would wlio assisted ini tle coaching of tlîe anîd the Teachers' Federations will cast was îireseiited by Miss Joan complete tlîe programme for the ,ker said WVoulley with a bouquet o! îovely aftermîoon. nted ouf, cliry santliemnums on belialf of the On Friday mormiîg the conveni- sa object rop Nationial anthem was sung as tion ini a body wilI visit the Ontario zoctu aclsin nmbr.School for the Dca! at Belleville. continu__a_______________ 0f ficcrs o! the Association are: business, President-Miss Mari orie Adamis, aise the MAYOR ROSS STIKE Orono; Vice-President-W. H. Jor- practice, HEADS ýLECTR1C ASS'N. dan, Port Hope; Secretary-Trcasur- employ-_____ er-Cecil Robinson, Courtice; Exe- 1service Mayor Ross Strike was re-elec- cutive Committe-Miss Florence ýeful eru- ted President o! the Eastern On- Fallis, Stanley Rickard, Miss Susie ,d thefario Municipal Eleatrie Associa- Vani Camp, Earl Gray and Miss ,îoted di- tion at the annual convention at Theodora Black; Auditors-A .M e great- igso onWdedy GoreTl' iipsoxi and Donald Purdy. Bow- mid Fin- E. Chase, Manager o! Bowman- nanvIlle. h lu the vill' Public Utilities Commission, -________ ýwsre-elected Seretaxy-Treas-B YS OU SH A 7) urer.1 3 s o rSH A Durham Public Speaking Contest BeingSupported by Many Schools ]Program of Elimination CG- tests Qot Under Way This Week - Coumty Finals Will Be Held at Orono - District Finals at Brighton Gocds and Paper.' A Day at fthe Pair. Princess. Elizabeth. King George VI. Niagara Falls. Cauad.ian Highways. Advantages o! Travel. My Play H-Quse. SKIPPER RIGG AT JOINT MEETING! Assistant District <ommissioner and GilweU Lecturer Inaugur- ates Extensive Training Pro- gram Tuesday Night To mark Use opening o! an in- tensive period a! training, Bow- manville's f wo troops o! Boy Scouts had Use apport unity on Tuesday night o! heariug one o! the outstandlng Scout lecturers in Ontario. Both troops meftin a joint meeting at Central Public Durham County's second an- 18. A iîcic I anJoyeG. School. The lecfurer was Assist-i nual Public Speaking Contest . Dyih aig-Avn ant District Conixissioner Harry 1 tages and Disadvantages. Rigg o! Oshawa, Scoutmaster of sponsored by the Durham Count y 20. Why I ami Proud to be a Use th Oshawa Sea Scout Troop, Trustees and Ratepayers Asoca Canadian Today. and a Gilwell Training lecturer. tion, got under way on Monday when t he Darlingtou coutest was 0.t Mr. Rigg, who was accompan- heîd at Hampton. Yesterday the 1 ied by Scoufer Harold Bateman Clarke Township group competed OBITUARY o! Oshawa, deliveced a fine talk at Orono, and the other sections dto t he eighty boys and leaders o! the counfy will c<:mpete as fol-JoehArnM tiOaw gathered for the meeting, point- lows: Hope Township, Octaber oei ao atn saa iug out that there are three kinds 22nd; Cavan Township, Octaber Josph Aaron Martin died Tues- o! boats, a barge which has to be 25th; Manvers Township, Octoberi day, October 19, at his residence, drawn, a sailing vessel which has 27ith: Cartwrght Townsh.ip, Oc- 1185 Mary Street, Oshawa, a!ter ta wait for favorable winds. and tqbr 29th: Bowmanville, Navem- au lluess of some duration. Born the ship which travels under ifs br lst; and Port Hope, November i ekcCaretwsi nowu power. Iu the saine mani- 3rd. Use Orono district, ou Octaber 27, uer, lie said, there wece three 'e onyChampionship, with 185,h a lotra hhi kinds o! Scouts, those who have the wnerCnou hdiio onty83 eha lotrece sta be towed alang in ýtheir scout ptinner in eahdivision camn 84th birthday. work, thase who wack in spasms poeng. w1lbe hld.af0Oono on Mc. Martin came f rom Lindsay when tig eefvrbe n Novmbr 2,at .3 pm.The faoOshawa uine years âgo. He the thigs uwer orabe, nd district championship is scliedul- wa mlydb h le aigra couts wo arry on mak ed for Brighton on November 19- runnmng t.he elevatar iu the Alger prresaint havr In the cules o! the competif ions . uidngdn s ~corme up, relylng upan their which have been sent Ou t underj time o! his illness. His work in , pMr eri and inittw i. i fhe signatures o! E. P. R. Os- the Alger Building brought him Mer Rggtaok nth eros tin borne, presidenf, and S. E. WerrY, inta contact with many people rofe work, teac ing aenosdh secretary- a! the Association, the and he was well known through- methodso!bc spiiu d provisions made are: Speeches tO ouftfthe city. He wa a confirmd short splicing. Two boys, Pafrol have a nimum o! 5 minutes anld Anglican. Greatly intecested in Leader Don Ventan o! the 2nd a maximum o! 7 minutes; promnpt- sot i he ob a ihn.Troop, and Scout Don Caineron ing and notes not debarred, but sport s lis ife the s isi.form eaI slt troop, are ta take a penalty, if ny, left tathe jfdgmer pecial course in this work under nopupil who lias passed hlgh EiaehEgih ei uvvdSkpper Rigg. Preparatory ta be- scoaetrcemycmeea by a daughtec, Mrs. J. W. Ed- coming officialiInstructars for f irst pr ner in a omper awacds, Oshawa; and three sisters, their respective troops. chamtpionshi anot in giborer iMrs. Clara Byam, Bowmanville. coamptenEhip s oool holda I Mrs. Fred Jensen, Cheybogau, O! general interest ta Scouts at conptets ad ems schowhlner toMlch., and Mcs. Elizabeth Kelly, large is Use awarding o! the f irst the township or town contesta as MackinawCyMc.poiecybdelUeltTop The funeral willI be helcl îrom ta Donald Cameron, who was la.st listed above. Use f amlly residence Mary street, week awarded bis musician's Twenf y subiecta have been Ouf- on Thursday af 2 p.m. The ser- badge. This same scout has also lined and are as !oU0Ws: vice wilU be lu charge of Rev. R. trled and passed his laundrYmal's i. Plon"- Lue in Our County- . B pater0n rectar o! Chirist badge which la ta, be awarded 2. Our or Red Cros Society- Chucch, Oshawa, with inferment shortly. 3. MoltrCoveulences iu Our' in Ocono cemetery. Home. Fia feno omnil 4. My Most Interesting Trip Pia feno omnl 5. Sports in a Rural Conrmmn- D.D.G.M. Wm. Carden and in- Rotary Club wll give ifs annual if y. tallation officers a! Florence Outiiig fa rural school children 6. Sanie Thieves that Rob the Nghtingale Lodge, I..0 p: were when Rotarlans will brlng chil- Parmer. lu Part Hope Tuesday evenng lu- dren !ram Cartwright and Clarke 7. My Favorite Character I stalling officers o! Durham L.odge. Township ta -the Royal Theatie Canadian History. where Manager C. T. Ross willl 8. My Most Wouderful Dreani. Sheppard & Gi Lumber Ca. present a specil program. 9. An Interestlng Spot in Dur- are sporting a brand new 5-ton St. Andrew's Pre sb y ter ia n hami County. , International mtor truck. It at- Church - Rev. W. G. Blake - Oct. 10. The Story o! the Manu!ac- tracts conslders.ble attention as ift 24th: il a.m. "The Unpardonable ture o! auy one O! the !OllaW- speeds aloug ftle streets lu ifs Sin"; 7 p.m. "Orthodoxy and Het- I ng: Maple Syrup, Woollen yellow ouf fit. ecodoxy"; 2.30 pin. S. Sohool. To HAD CHARGE 0F SHIPMENTS TO THE WEST APPEAL Principal Canadian Club Speaker W. J. Norrison, Superinten- dent of the Ontario School for the Deaf, ToIla Lades' Club of Important WorC o that Institution Ko Ple *OuId, and then conduotlng a conversation by lip reading. The old method o! using the banda, while sfill used as an eAuxliary method, la not taught. The teaching o! thie oral me- thod is very difficult and if saie- ;imes takes two or th-ree years to teach a !ew words. but wlhen rthe student masters this nuethod lt la far ahesd o! the old style, If a chid can be taken in band ut -the aege of filee Usey can be '.aught very quickly te aay per- hapa 30 'worda in the first year, besides learnlng many ot he r words that as yet be la unable to articulate. In addition 'to teacbing Ushe art of! conversation in the moet mod- ern way, the school aima toa h each atudent a tradie so that they migiht become useltu and soUf- sufficient mexnbers o! soclety. The blggeat difflcuity, bhe said, was ta get Parents ta send their children to -Use achool at thse age o! fîve. If they could realize that theY would be dolng a service ta thelr chfldren, they wauld more readily let Usem, go. Girls at Usee achool, Mc. Morri- son said, are taught sewing, cook- lng and beauty culture, and ftle boys carpentcring, shoe-makiug aud barberllig. Misa Greta Wickett expccssed the Club's appreciation ta Mv. Morrison for a most intereating sud informative address. Mrs. J. C. Cochrane and Mr. ansd Mrs. S. Little, Cobourg, Mr'. and Mrs. J. W. flynds and Molly, IMc. aud Mca. Ivor G. Gerry sud sons, Allan and Arthur, Toronto, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. John Sanders, Westmoun.t. c NEWTONVILLE FOLK TRAFFIC ACCIDENT ToCrod ,Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, Sh Mr. Cecil Stapleton, Mss Betty h p e to S Hopers Are HurtBvL clF Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, By L c l F Cecil Stapleton, and Betty Staple- 'ton, ail of Newtonville, were in- jured in a head-on collision near Whitby on Sunday afternoon. Response to Appeal Brei The car in which they were rid- and Produce Stili Ri ing was d.xiven by Mr. and Mvjrs. C m îtei hr Stapleton's son-in-law, R. A. C m itei hr Jones o! Port Hope, wvho fogether Appreciation wit~h Mrs. Jones were also injured. The accident occurred about West Durham responde noon when the Jones car came in- to, head-on collision with another on behalf of thc sfricken thous car driven by Lloyd Covert o! To- two cars of produce filled to cal ronto. Mr. Coverf, his wife, Mr. the last issue of this newspaper and Mrs. John Hepburn and their in Saskatchewan. When loading daughter, passengers in 'the car, were ail injured. Mr. Jones re- F'riday. eniougli produce rei;iarn quired several stitches to close and ministers ini churches thr( head wounds. Mr. Covert suffered countv appealed on Sunday fc broken ribs, while his wife was scn a.O odytes treated for a fracfured pelvis. S5 scn a.O 0Noia h e badly damaged was the Covert we say filled we mean that we c car that crowbars had ta be used oes could have been squeezed i to open t.he doors to !et the pas-~ to CIapliin. and the second ta sengers out. Two, ambulances, a t.ruck fitfed Considerable monley remains fa with mattresses and several cars pressioni of easterii sympathy fo were needed to convey the inijured ta Oshawa General Hospital. Pro- vincial Constables R. Waude of ARCHMASONS HEAR Whitby and Arthur Runciman of E. MORLEY SMITH Oshawa investigated. The Stapleton party were on DISTRICT OFFUCER àtheir way to visit Mr.)Wiliam Stapleton who is a patient in a At a well attended Convocation Toronto hospital. ai Palestine Chapter o! Royal SUNDAY SERVICES Arch Masons hed in the Masonmc Hall, Bowmanville, on Monday, AT TRINITY CIIURCH "October 18tli 'Rt. Ex. Companuon Rev. Fred Craik, pastor of St. Morley E. Smith, Grand Superin- James United Chiurch, Peterboro, tendent of Ontario District, paid occupied the pulpit of Trinity United his officiaI visit. Tl-e Grand Sup-r Church on Sunday, Rev. S. Davison erintenodent was accompanied. by being ini Petcrboro for anniversary V. Ex. Companion Buchanan and services. Hif morîîing theme wa"s IEX. Copi Kelly o! Warlc- "Th ChistWe emeber baingworth Cha'pter. V. Ex. Compan- h eiChris oenRtehe wrs basing ion G. C. Bonnycaste, Direoitor of hist re a on te rds Jesus andCeremonies, int.roduced the visit- Chrisvesae. 13:er.aIntoday and ýors, and Ex. Companion J. R. forver' Hb. 3: . I th evn-Stutt, the First Principal of Pal- ing Ce chose as his theme "Looking estine Cb.apter, on behalf of the at the Christian if e as a Christian" Officers and Companions of Pal- illustratcd froni the words; "Bear estine Ohapter, welcomed the visi- ye one another's burdens, etc." Both tors. The degree o! M.E.M. with sermons were very sincere and con'- Ex. Companion F. J. Groaf &cting tained mnany îirâctical suggestions to as W. M. was exemplified and at ail whio desire to follow and pattern ifs conclusion fthe District Super- thiri lives aller Jesus Christ. The intendent very warmly congratu- choir unider direction of Dr. T. A. lafed Ex. Companion Groat and Partridgk rendered a good musical his officers on the perfection and r Irograin at both services. Mr. MI. S. impressiveness o!f their work. Dur- Dale rendered a fine solo inf the ing.the social hour Rt. Ex. Com- înorning and Mrs. S. R. James a panion Morley E. Smifh gave an favorite solo in the eveîîing. instructive and iuferestlng ad- ______________ dress on "The Symbolism o!f the Temple o! Solomon and the Tem- ST. PAUL'S Y.P." 1peo! euae. HEARD REPORTS Palestine Chapter will pay a fraternal visit -ta Universifty Chap- St. Paul*s 't P.Ub held their re- fer, af fthe Masonîc Temple. Yonge guliar meeting, Tuesday evening in St., Toronto. on Tuesday. Novem- the Sundav School room. Scripture ber 2, and will confer the M.E.M. lesson ivas read by Kenneth NIc- degree. The visit promises ta be Quarrie, and the bible discussion was a very successful one as many rtaken by Betty Pingle. prayer bcing Companions have signlfied their offeed y Rv. . Baistr. in-intention ta accept -the hospital- offredby ev F.Banstr. ,\fn-ity o! 'Universify Chapter. Cars ýutes of the last meeting were read by will leave the Masonic Hall, Bow- secretary Susie Thonipsoni, and it was' manville, at 7 p.m. decided to hiold a wiener roast next ____________ meeting. Tuesdav, Oct. 26th. The 'prograin consisted of two splendid M'rs. W. J. Cully, Messrs. Jirs Jreports on the Y.P.U. Con ference, Cully, Robert Kent and Russell ield last weckend at Belleville by Hayes speut the weekend with the ,our representatives. Mliss Violet Os- !ormer's daughfer. Mrs. H. W. tborne and Eric Swindells. Thiese re- McDonald, Welland. >fports were welI prepared and ren- 6dered and proved very interesting irand instructive. Contests and gameserB w an closed the mneeting. For erBow an P. M. Cotton, J.P. T. H. Lockhart Pictured above are the gentie- interest in the unfortunate con- me wh eded the committee d5tions in the prairie provinces. in charge aof the shipment of two Mr. Cotton who was chairnian, cars of produce ta the West this and Mr. Lockhart who was secre- past week. Due very largely f0 tarY, are most grateful for the their strenuous efforts two cars magnificent manner in which the instead of one were sent out as an people of the county responded to expression o! West Durham folks'I the appeals of their pastors. Wife of Former Bowmanville Man Drowned, Car Plunges in Lake' Wife of Col. S. B. Scobeil of Toronto, Drowined at Lake- field, on Sunday When Car Backs Off Pier - Others Are Rescued Mrs. Judith Scobell. wife o! Col. S. B. Scobell. the latter a native o! Bowmanville. was drowned at Lakefield ou Suuday, when the automobile in which she was a passenger with her husband and Mrs. S. H. Cutts o! Toronto, plunged off fthe wharf inta 12 !eet o! water. Col. Scobell. who, is a brother of A. H. (Dick) Scobell and Mrs. W. J. Hoar, Bowma.nville, is a well known druggist in To- ronta. Col. and Mrs. Scobeil, together with Mrs. Cutts, had motored fo Pet erboro where they had dinuer, and had chatted with Mr. F. F. Morris aud party f rom Bowmau- ville who d: ned at the sameIe hotel. r Later they followed the Morris' t I Lakefield ta see tne new xh.arf and to viev the scenery wichi particularly pretty in the falo the year. In sanie unexplained way justi as t he party was about ta leave, the car backed into the lake sud sank to the bottom. Col. ScobeIl farced open the door and Mrs. Cutfs was able ta get from the i car. Col. Scobeil is said to have;l fhought that Mrs. Scobell was also1 free, but ou comint ta the surface found no sign of hec. Later George Graham a! Lake- field dived fa the car and found Mrs. Scobell, who was quite heav- ily built. stuck against the car door. She was brought ta the surface and a pulmotor brouglit hurrjedly frani Peterboro was put inta action but without success. Mrs. Scobell had been iu the wat- er about 20 minutes accrordýng to eye-wifuesses. Col. Scobell stated that he bc- lieved one of the ladies bad acci- MERCER MAJORITY IB 614 RETURNING OFFICER REVEALS Official returns compiled by Returning Officer Fred Phllp of Nestieton, give Cecil G. Mercer, Liberal candidate, an officiai majority of 614 over MIlton J. Elliott, Conserva- tive candidate, ln the recent provincial election. Elswhere in this Issue appears the of- ficial returns for ail divisions ln the ridlng. It la interest- inirto note that ln the engin- ...returnu compiled by The Statesman, and in type tweive hours after the resuit was known. only two mistakes ce- curred. In Cavan Township Mr. Eiliott was credljed with 20 less votes and Mr. Mercer 5 less than they really polled. As the returns were collected from sources ail over the jcounty, by telephone and withln a very short time of the closing o! the pols, The Statesman's record in titis re- gard was outstanding. This Paper was the first paper in Durham County to publisit the couiplete returns of the election. by subdivisions. Rev. D. M. Smith. Baltimore, took the services in St. Paul's Church ou Sunday whiie Rev. W. F. Banister conducted anniversary services on his former charge at Baltimore. dentally touched the gear shif t when -thse engine was starfed, wh.ile one eye-wifuness said he be- lieved tthat the gear must have been put into reverse by accident. Mrs. Scobell was a native of New Brunswick and her body was taken ta the eastern province for burial on Wednesday. STILL GOOD OLD FASHIOKED SENTIMENT IN MODERN BUSINESS W. J. Morrisan. former Prînci- tt pal o! Bowmanvilie High Sclool, s rcelved a hearty welcome ou f Monday when lie ret urned ta tawn ta address the opening fal11 meeting o! Use Wameu's Canadian ti Club in St. Johns Parisl Hall. h M.r. Morrison spake on Use wock b being csrried forwacd attIse On-% tario School for the Deaf ata Belleville, o! which he is super- intendent.0 Mrs. L.T. McLaughlin preslded e as the new presideut o! -the club, e havlug stopped up from Vice- I President with the retirement o! Mrs. W. A. Shanie wha la leaving Bowmanville due ta, changes lu Canadian Broadcasting Commis-c Sion stations. Mca. McLaughlinc introduced the speaker, who lu bist openiug remarks spoke o! thet many pupils who attended hlgh school while he was principal, and who he has met recently ta !ind themn makiug wonderful progrosa. He paid a tribute to -Use gradu- af os o! the high âchool who have6 gone ouf an.d brought fame ta their sinma mater. Tucniýng ta lis work at Use ýýSchofor the Des!, Mr. Morrison Col. R. S. Mz-Laughlln, President wtl an iuscribed scroll, sud as sund token o! affection for their sid that as esc*h studeut la ad- Genecal Motors o! Canada, and a well, as showu, a basket o! 66 Chie!" by lis employees la just mltted an intelligence test la made native o! Enulakillen, was houar- roses. Mr. McLauglulin, known anofler evience that iu big cor- and if la upon thue reaults a! these ed on Tuesdsy by members o!f tle f aniliarlinltfhe company as "M2r. parations there is afill some gaod tests that Use staff bases its me- vast General Motors organizafionj Sam"i" l seen receiving the flowers old f ashioned sentiment in busi- thod o! teaching. It camne as a wlUst presentations ta mark the fr!cm Vice-President and General ness in a so-calied materlallstic surprise ta many o! bis hearers 5Dth anulversry of hts entry in Manager Harry J. Carmichael, as age a! mass production, h.lgh paw- ta kuow fIat taday Use dea! axe tIse txanspovtatiou field sn.d lis General Sales Manager C. E. Mc- ered effIciency and cold blooded taught ta commun.icate wlth eaa).- 66th birthday. He was pccseuted1 TavisI looks on. This incident business. other by speaking as normal pea- - Circulation 3000 This Issue RESPONOS OENEROUSLY of Produce, askatchewan 1k Last Week -aks ail Records-M oney 1emains to be Shipped- ,e Expresses Grateful d magnificently f0 the appeal sands of Western Canada, and Lacity have been shipped since rcame off the press, to points .on the first car was, completed ded ta haif fMI a second car, ughout the west end of the r more donations to MuI the ýond car was filled, and when doubt if another peck of potat- in. The first car ivas shipped Grand Coulee, Saskatchewan. be expcndcd in a furfher ex- or the stricken West. Naturally the committee in charge of the work is enthusias- tically grateful for the mag'nifl- cent, response of the citizens of West Durham. Their grateful ap- preciation is contained ini the fol- lowing letter f rom the officiais ini charge. Bowmanville, Oct. 19, 1937 The Editor, Canadian Sfafesnian, Dear Sir: - On behâif o!f the Joint Com- rnttee of the Churches for Wes- tern Relief, niay we, through you express our sinoere thanks for the wonderful response f0 Use appeal muade through The Canadlan Statesman for fruit and vegetables for shipment to aur people in the drought area o!f'the West. -~ebers of the congregafions of ail )he churcheso! ail denom- inatio~ throughout West Durham contributed, collected and hauled tons o! fruit and vegetables to*.he cars. The women's organizations of the churciies, the Suaday schools, and our own hlgh. and public schools responded mast generously. The high anid public schools of Bowmianville oontrlbut- ed over 100<> cans and sealers of fruit, vegetables and foods. To them ail our sincereP thanks. Our sincere rthanks also to 'the nurnerous givers, to the Service Clubs, the Municipal Council for the use of their truck, and to the ministers and laymen who worked so hard collecting the produce and loading the cars, and to -the officiais o! the C.P.R. for their services. The appe-al was made for one car, but so generous was it re- sponded to thaf sufflcient fortwo cars was donated. The first car was shipped taobaplin, Sask., and the second car was shlpped ta Grand Coulee, Saisk. Your commendation of this worthy cause and the publiclty you gave was a most belptul con- tribution and the Comrnattee ex- presses to you its sinoere thanks. Yours very truiy, T. H. Lockhart, Secretary R. M. Cotton., Chairman râle High Scbool 1 lan a a ,ýî>,[atreman More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durham Couxity Newspaper