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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1937, p. 5

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THUTRcrSDAY- rTORFRîTi'?ýT- 19.37 BLACKSTOCKI MI iss Normna Hooev spent the w. ýekend( witl I \1 r. and 1\1r S. S. Hlooev%, Toronto. Miss Dorothy Wriglit visite(j Miss Auidrcv N\ilutj oy. % mrs. H. Nclc-atiglilit and bahy i.auiranlce, Nestieton. ýjsitc1l lier par- cîî's NIMr. and Nrs,. Il. Hooe. Mîr, a d Mrs. C. Graliaml and fam- ily, (I4a",a, visited on Sundffay Nwtlh Mr. il d Mrs. O. Grahain. Misý Louise Davidson bias rcturo- 0Cd to ~ General Hospital wliere Slhe is reini-training, after visit- ing I 'MensNr. andi'Mirs. 1). Davidsoin. M Ir. R. P'. Allen andl is s;on Joli spent the xekn at tlheir homliie in lenhciiim. Mlessrs Ni. Parton of St. Jos;elph Island anld L-. art, o o(f SntSte. NMarie, art- \s itijnt ilicir alît. Mlrs. M. mnith. NIrs. S. T h nii ps,) and NI i inie Thompson, N.I rs. R. A\rcher and Mi-s i PORT HOPE Thursday, Friday & Saturday Mat., Sat. THE C.\NADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO Hellen Van Camp visitcd NMr. and .\Ir^. C. Smnithî. Niss \Vera Clark and 'Mr. C. Fair. Seagrave. visited xitlî Nîr. and NIlrs. XW. Vanx Camp. .Nir. anti Nrs. H. V'an Canw ianîd Gicîî visiteil witii'.\Ir. and M Nr.. NIillur. NI iiibrook. .NIr. atîinI rs. F. Baiiev i\ . tiieir uauglter. Nîrs. A~. Snîîiîlî. J -1itt'- e-t iile. Mîr. anti Nrs. \V. Werry anti Neil vî.itedi Mr. and l Nrs. 'Nille1r, NIili- brook. Nir. andti Nrs. Fý. Baiiey visiteti titeir tlaughter, Nîrs. A-. Siitii. Jani- etvilie. .Nir. and N.Irs. W. Xerry andt Neil vîsiteti 'Mr. aîîd Nrs. Douvison, 'Mill- Prîok., Sixtecii menîhers of the W-V.Xotf St. JîdîI's .\tiglicaii Churcli acconi- panied hy tlie rector, Rex'. C. C. Ilar- court. the lxvo sariieis and lNI r. R. lilaîil ton a it tended tt je"it o n a l)eaîîcrv Conference xvhicliî xas ielîl at Caicron. on \eineda.tt.t i 3ti .\At 1t.ani. iliere \vasîacele- Prati ii of luis- Coiun i-1iîi xith ait adilress liv Rev. Canoni Robertson of i 'ttenu n o. I), riiîg tli a fte riî<iî n ses.,ioiîaddresses xere giveul lis NIrs. Cttt le of Toiron to. anti NIr.. Sox treigii. vife tof the Bislîoiî ()f Saskatchewxani. Victoriait Xomeis Iistitulte met on Tliursrlay afternoon. Oct. l4tlî. at the home of Nrs. Herniaîî Hooey viîlî 57 ladlies present. 'Meeting Op- el svitlî the Iîîstitute Odie f..illî ived h.v Lort's Prayer. Tlîe addîress cf suelcoîîîe usas given liv NIrs. Tomns, Presideît ocf the Shirley Ilistitulte. 'MNinîutes xere read I1wscctr Nîrs. A. 'Moore. Nîrs. Toms reatl 1Thanksgiving." Nîrs. C. Ferguistn îîresidled for the fcilowing programn txvo piano duets liv NîIrs. G. Stroîîg. anti Nîrs. I. \Wright; readings, Nfrs. P. Van Camp. Nîrs. S.Va Camp anti Nîrs. 'F. Smith; pianlo solo,'.MNiss Graci Ioîîtoy Nrs C. C. Har- court gave a splendid talk on Tem- perance. At the sugggestion cf Nîrs. C. Ferguson a fexv minutes of silence sycre observed in the recent passing fthe late Nîrs. R. B. Collaton. former provincial president of the Xomen's Institute. A contest xvas conducted by Nîrs. A. L. Bailev xvlo axvarded the xinners with a box of bomne-made candy. A dainty lunch uvas served including sandxvichies. cake anîd ice crean. Asvonderftil collection of antiques xsas aiso oin di spi ay. 1MAPLE RE Mîr. George Ross. Burketon, and Mir. Donald Ross, 'Niaple Grove, spent Sunday witb their aunt i Mrs. R. H. Armstrong. N\Iens Brotlîerbood of Courtice cir- Offers ,m tege M ipfly Binnie Barnes- NEXT MON. & TUES. Y>J.1112FSEA.OGI NEXT WED. & THURS. MIRIAM JOE L z HOPKINS MCCREA THE ARCADE 0 Fur Trimmings Include * Pointed Dog * Imitation Seal (Dyed Coney) * Fur Fabric * Processed Lamib * Vicuna Fur Xany worth much more. They are well lined. some with chamois back, ail have 2-Season linings. Bizes 14 to 44 COLO WEATHER -is just around the corner Order yoir winter's fuel îosv, aîîd do îîoî bc sai- isfieîl uuitli just ceai. Get Knights Anthracite- it dtes îîot cosi aiîy more aîîd assures yen cf receivilig full lîeat per dollar, per ton, and for the firing effort cxpended. Tlîe came andI mcthods , cîipltîyedtl t prepare this coal for your tise insure vou receiving fuel thiat is censistently cleaîî and hî thess treaîed. Our delix er service is unex celledI QUALITY WITH SERVIE Knight's Fuels Trucking Phone 448 ANOTHER EKPLOYEE COMPLETES 25 YEARS WITH GOODYEAR P:ctured above is Spencer Wood receîving at the hands of! E. W. Ciraxforcl bis gold pin te mark the completion of 25 years c! service with Goodyear. In frcnt of Mi.! Wood may be seen thue box con- ta.ning- $250 in silver dollar pieces! presented by A. M. Hardy as a: years; E. Large, 27 years; W. f urtber memento o! the occas-on. Wîddecombe. 27 years: E. W. In the group are Goodyearites Crawford. 10 years; T. Wright. 25 who in ail have 329 years of ser- years; R. Bate. 26 years; F. Oke. vice with the company. as fol- 27 years; F. Fletcher. 27 years; lows: A. M. Hardy, 27 years; S. H. Pye. 27 years: H. Richards. 27 Wood, 25 years; W. W. Short. 27 yea.rs; Miss E. Jollow, 27 years. cuit villiimcet at Naple Grove hall' on Fridav evening. Oct. 29tlh. at îýEy sihtEuUUdLio a 1).11. Rev. Sidney Lamnbert, Clistie Ael Street Hospital, Torontoxill c Adhe gi st seaker. I cn h is meeting of the season their xiii alsoffce y Pc election of officers. Ef cec 'Ir. and iti rs. Ross Stevens spentF the past week with bier sister and brother- in - aw. Nr. and i Nîrs. \Wre-CH.T c ford Soucli Halifax, Nova Scotia. Opt .lisses M.\arlon Snowden. EllenlEeih Gimhblett, Gc(ota Snowdoin, Tlîeln,.a E3ecist I Freenian, . Nessrs Clifford Swaiiow Se:fs and Saml Castie attended the Younlg Disney Bldg. Peopie's Convention at Beleville iast *p. P. 0.) weekend. Oshawa, Phone 1516 NIrs. \Vh ite. N ewtonville. x isited lier son,.\NIr. Lauirence WvNhite. Number 7 'Ir. and NI\rs. Lloyd Crago and famnil\, spent the weekeiîd %with re- certain cases of amnesia have2 lative, in St. Nlarv's. been found to be suffering f romt .\ umbr o th laiesof hisvery pronounced ocular disturb- A iurnerof he ades f tisances. is it flot reasonable to conîmlunity spent a very pleasant af- conclude t.hat the proper correc- ternoon oni Thursdav xeek, at a <uil- tion of the eyes would assist the tin g at the home of Mrs. L. C. WVhite patients to wthstand other ner- N\irs. Wm. Jeffery.'%Ir. Herbie vous troubles or break down. Jef fery. N\Ir. and Nîrs. Steve Jeffery Many cases of Migraine are trace- recentiv visited their cousins, Nrs. C. able directlY ta eyestrain and find Langmnaid, '%Ir. and MIrs. Roi. Nie- relief immediately upon weaiifg GT- Enniskiiien. the proper correction. '\Ir. and N.Irs. Otis (Dick)'t Nletcalf. When Hazen stated about 45 Nîr. Ross Treuouith .\Nlis' B. Prit- years ago that 50 per cent of the chard, . Nrs. Taylor. Toronto. \Ir. in.mates of insane asylums Were Frank Trenoulth, Oshawa. recently there because of uncorrectedi eye- visited their brother and sister, '.Ir. strain, he was laughed at, yet to- and Nî\rs. J. R. Nieteaif. Base Line. day in the light of better know- N\Ir. and Mý\rs. I.. [.lunidav vis- ledge this assertion appears more ited their sont. Elgin and xvfc at plausible. Belleville. on Suinday. This strain today is very rea.dily Rev. Fred Riding. Pontypool, 'oc- understood when we consider the cupied the puipit on Sunday. growth and developrnent of vis- Sion and the changing conditions 1 LONG SAULT Consider the develop- LONGSAU* ment and environment of our forefathers and their cal] uPon Hom-e and Sclîooi Club lield its the mechanisnx of vision in their first meeting of the season on Tutes- every day life. Their's was more day. Oct. l2tlî. The President, Ms a life of the great outdoors and Ruth Farrell, presided. Programn only momenta.ry close work and consisted of the foliowing: guitar then for short periods. and imouithorgan selection. \I r: (to be continued) i ' - nu-u iis i iC ii g 2 <i 1ijii5Z, . NIrs. Russell Virtuie : pianîo solo, . iss Jessie Knox ; a talk hs' -Miss Susie V'an Camp ounxays to improve our home andt sclîool cluîb; vocal solo by Nir. L. N.Iortson xitlî guitar accom- paniment. Newly . lected officers are : Hcnorary President-.\Ir. Clan- ence Xoodley : President- Miss Ruth Farrell; Ilà Vice-Presiden- NMiss Lorna Hooper; Recording Sec- retary-Mr. Richard Gibbs. Misses Velma Woodward and Eva Collacutt, Bowmanville. speni Sun- day with Mr. and Mms. Clarenîce Woodlev. MiA aunders. Oshawa. and Mr. B. McCullough, Toronto, x'siied ai Mr. Donald Davey's. Neki cburch service will be Oct. 3Ist and on the following Monday pnessed appreciatioui of the svork tlîi-s crgaîîizatioii uas doiiig; a pianîo solo suas niceiy rnîdered by Nîrs. S. Buit- tery and a îîunîber of shiort rcadiîîgs were giveli. A-t the close thene ivaS a discussionin i coîînectioui with uin- ing the cliunch, wuhen it wsas decidetî to have ".\r. F. NV erry cof Enniskiiieîî. <ho the svork aýs sooîî as possible. A- bountiful lunch xuas served aîîd x'otes cf tlîaîks svere exteîîded tc those assistiiig wltii the program and te the bostess for lier hospitality. Rev. Marcb closed with tlie beîîedic- tion. I NESTLETON I iiiiisic. Roll cali svas aisxvered baTlîaîksgiving tliought. For Nýov- ember it xvili i nsxveredtl vilîsonie- thliîg ahoîiî Peace or .Armistice. Program uvas as folloxvs: reading%, P>earl Bell "Home', R uth Prouti ,TliaiikIsgiviiig". Nîrs. Oliver 1*1,,5t the Little Thiîîgs of life**. Helen FossIer "Tlic First Thaiiksgiviig", Nîrs. Thompsoîî"The Little Things"'. A conîest Tlîings our Grandmother 'Nîissed hîy Nrs. Tlîompsoîî. 'Vote of îluaîks suas moved to the lîostcss and lîcr assistanits. N _iss loreuice Vls seî u sveckelîd sviîl fricîîts at Port Hope. Nîrs. G. Hicks reîurîîed to Toronto afler speîîding a xueek xvitlî lier par- duts. Mr. aîîd Nîrs. XNV. Armistrong. ,Nîessrs Ralîîh Emerson, Toronîto, aîîd Edgar Emersoni. Valeiitia. speîît the sveekend wuith ihîcir parenîts, N.\r. anti Nrs. NI. Emiersoni. On Notlyeveîîing. October Diti, Miss Effie Heniry xas eîîtertaiîîed iii hîcîour cf lier )irtlîday. Rev. H.J Bell spoke îîiceiy anti NîIrs. Franîk Wilsoni preseîtcd lber xuith a lovely birthday cake xvlth the candies humn- iîîg. A\t 8 p.mii. seveil graîîdchildren of '.\r. aîîd Nirs. Henîry were lial- tized. The family then liad a lîlea. &aut surpirise for '.\r. and Nirs. Henîrv. it beiîîg tic occasionî cf tiieli 38th wueddiîig anîîiversary. The bouse xvas decorated suith piîîk aîîd wliitc streamers anîd a large wvhite bell aîîd iail ilcwers. jack WVilson read the foliowing address andî Gordon Heîîry îîreseîîted theni xuitii a lovely liesu radio. Effie Henry prcseiittd the i ulrec story sueddiiig cake. The ad- tlress suas as foilos Dear mother and father, XVe. your sons, daugliterj-, sons-in lasu, dauighters-iî-laxv and granîd- chiidreîî are gatîleredl lere tlîis ev- eîîiîg to lîoîour aîîd celebrate suith sou vour thirty-eighth wveddinig an- îiiversary. XVe ask yotî to accept tis radio as a gifi, liot for its value aloie. but as a tokeîî of estecîn il, vhiich are lield hy the îiieinbcrs cf vouir famiiv. \XVe 'suiî%you tie samie gocîl lîealtb anîd bappiiess il, the future xcii have eîîjcyed ilthe pasi 38 stars. anîd we siiicerely hope to bie gathered togetiier agaili to celebrate youîr 50th anniversary. Sigîîed on behaîf cf tlîe fanîiiy\. 1Nîr. andI Nrs. Henîry exPressed tlîeir appreciation for the kind remem- brance. A daiîîty luiih uas served 1wlth ice cream. Those present were: Nîr. and Nîrs. Gordon Henry and 1family, Oshawa; ',\r. H. Fergusoîî, Eîîfield; Mr. avd Mrs. Wilbert Rey- nolds and Dorothy. Biackstock: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Allen. Mr. and Nîrs. Lamne McKee and »family, Mr. and M.%rs. Frank Wilson and f amily. Mr. Lloyd Henry and NîMr. V. Williams, Nestleton. night a masquerade and social ex'en- Mrs. W. Batty, Oshawa, Mr. and 'T ing wiil be spent. Mrs. Earl Batty and family, Brook- 1 ZION lin, were Sndygu t at M. __________________ fLorenzo Mountjoy's and Mrs. J. 7sor SALEM Mountjoy's. sios S A hearty welcome is extenlded to Misses Emma and Annie Killen. Rev D.M. mih Bltiore ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Taylor of Lind- Oshawa, wlth thecir parents, Mr. and ducted the service here Sunday in say, who have taken ni, residence il, Mrs. Robt iin the absence of Rev. W. F. Banister our community. .NMiss Mîarion Balson, O*hawa. witlî who xvas taking anniversary services Ms ayMalcolm lias returned ber parents, Mran Mr.J V for Rexv. Smith. "Seek ye first the from visitîng ini Toronto. Balson. kingdom of God. and ailt tlese other Mr. andi Nrs. Cecil Fergulsoi anîd 'Mr. alîd Nirs. Arthur NMoore, En- things shalh be added unto N'ou,'1,xas -Svdney and '.Ir. and Nîrs. Grant iiskillen, Niss Eva Jolîns, Hampton, the text choseii by Rev . Smithî for Tîîompson enjcyed the beauties of at N.\r. Frank Pas;coe'. bis excellent sermon.. Lake Sinicoe on Sunia, v i.itiiig fri- Mr. and Nîrs. Ralphi Glaspel, '. P.U. ileetilîg on Wý'edniesday exv- elds el, route. Bethesda, at M.\r. F. B. Glaspei's. ening, Oct. l3tb. %-asoliced hxth' Nîrs. llarry Nî\cLauigliln iai bab\ î.JmsNcîse n îs l'resi(lent svith a hvmin andi follîîsvecilson isited lier parents, Nir. anîd Mrs. Mr.eait nîelster, .atîrondMissthi hy liras er 1 Nir. Taylor. NMinutes H. Hooey. sJe la ist arn îs*NIa tr. aîTNrnt. J. XV. Ne- 55ert rcail andt roll caîl coiidticted hy Nrs. A. S1iks holisbeeîî Niitpanste Nr. adMs . .'\e secretary, NIiss L. \Velsi. NIrs. S. iîg frieîîds iii and arouind Nî\arkliîiiîîMstr R. James of 1Boxviaiil,gv lias returned homne. N1.adNr.NI ruBxna- xery inspiriîîg taik on theIreser NI r. ai jNi rs. 1'. J. Cliver lias,- ville xvth the latters parents, 'Mr. svork ini generai. I rs. l_ Sîjîtair, bLueiiasvay on a business trîi. an r.JShclt. Nissiîînarv Vice, took charge of the Nrs. Bruce Freeiovc and bal)\ soun iMisses Pearl and Jean L.each, Niss foliîîsing' progranm hible rcadiîîg are xvIsting bier fathier, N.\r. \rtliir Grace Yeiilowiees. Soiina. Miss Vera anti conients, . Nrs. Leu Richîardîs: Htîiert. 1'-erslake, Hampton, at Mr. Normain iissioniar% topic, Miss B. Cator Lde' Ado tePe,îîra Leach's. musical numbers. piano solo. Nî%iss NI. Chiurcli met at the home cf Ni rsG. fMr. and Nirs. Ivan Cochrane, Hnney mouthorgan seiection. Nias- Thmsn nOt t, xîîW i Courtice. at Mr. Wesley Cameron's. ter B. Darch; vocal duel, Nrs. J. tendance of 17. Miss Rutli Prîîîitt Mîr. and Nîrs. Geo. Scott, Ray and Irxvin anîd 'Nîrs. E. Darch; reading, read the scripture tessont.iiîii- Grace, NIaxxseil's. Miss Jean Yeiiosv- Nîrs. L. Squair. Missionary coiiec- mittcee xas appointed to preparetîtIle ees, Columbus, at NMr. F. B. Glas- ticîl was gathered hy Nî%r. G. Barrie. prograîn for the visit to Janctvilie pci's. Soule riddies were given by the Ladies' Aid oni Nov. 2nd. It xvas NMr. aiid Mrs. Geo. His and Ruth leadier for the social perioti. Attenîd- decided te boRt a Thank-Offering on1 of Oshawa. at Mr. Wesley Giaspel's. ance 40 Y. P. U. xuilhînit its Hai- Nov. 14th, with a special speaker and Rev. N.Ir. Wiiey, Columbus, NMr. iuîw'een meeting on Xednesday ex- anîd Nîrs. Ed. Davis, Mr. and Nîrs. ening, Oct. 27th. svhien the SociaI Ross Lee anîd Dianne, Kedroii. Mr. Vice, 'Miss NI. Collactitt, wili be in and Mrs. J. G. Langmiaid, Oshawva, chîarge anda very enjoyabie iîîîe is 14EURÂLriUA Mr. Lloyd Meicaîf, Maie Grove, exîîected. e your Haiios'eeni cos- ai Mr. A. T. Siainton's. tMe and corne aicng. A *ppticiotot "in Miss Giadys Stainton. Wininipeg. XVcmeî's Assciatioirecpteel foot . You'i visited lber tincie, Nr. A. T. Siaiîî- the fai and winter months on Tliîîrs- kd po ton. lay s' veîîîig, Oct. l4îh, being enter- gJetWonderfiI Iff I The 'Onward' Cliss of young lad- tainled ait te home cf Nir. and Nîrs. les lield a tea at the homne of tiîeir Harvey Barrie svtli 29 ladies iii at- teacher, Nîrs. A. T. Siainton. Mrs. tenudance. -\fter opening exercises F. B. Giaspel and Mrs. Aif Ayre conductid Ivy President NIrs. W. G. pcured tea. Mrs. Gordon Leask, won \VWerr, a splendid readiîîg was given l lst prize and Nîrs. Xesiey Cameronl I Lv NIrs. C. G. Curtis. Bosvmanviile. 6 KING r iNxvntu oisolatioîî prize. The youîîg Nîrs. Tlieron Mountjoy brouglit sonlie ladies of the cass served the luinch. Iheipfi suggestions on the ""Ork cf The Harvesi Home services on Ithe association as xueil as soinin îter- Stinday suere very xvell atiended esting information from the society Rex'. 1Nr. Xiiev, Columbus, xvas ini Haydon. Rev. A. W. Mardli ex- guesi speaker. Choir xvas assisied. tiy 'ilr a soloi NI r.i I oaii,Y calledi MIr.1 ai jfai Congç Chas.1 iage. theli i Neilson, Oshawa, who sang visited tl MNr. J. Slîackietotns. Zion. NMr. and NIrs. 1. Grahîam, . Nr. and ilrs. Ni ut îîîGralani. Oshîasva.'Mr. ail NIr. Keniietti G ralianii. Totronto, MIr. Percy Cliasue Nîrs. NI. Archîer, \nias.s iteîlat Nir. .1). Gralianî's. .NI ij Fixa Orcliarul, Eiî:îikilleîî, vi'itt d at Nir. Il. \iîus Rex. E. L Petndu. Neset us ile. NiMr. ild NIr.. \. ariier anud fanîiilv lhirk-t li. NIr. aiul NI r-. \. Becch andt faiilv. i .s \liee .Ashtoni. En- i.l.illeuî. Ni" abel Flecli T ýrOuilto. \-isitcd aINMr. .A.l..eeh"ý. .%Ir,. H. Mtv~i.Nr.\V. NMoocre, Eniiiiklillcn. at Nîr. XW. Tresvin'. .Nîr. Roland Tlornpsoniî i visitiniz it hîomîe. Nir. Alan Staintoii. Nîr. J. Brad- le '\ Eiîiiskillen, vs ited tlî MNIr. E. Bradies 's. NMr. anti Nirs. R. Gilbert antiVd nia, Eîiiiskilleil. 'Miss 'Jean NîacLean. uxbritlgc, visitetl at MN1r. Nf. Sie- NMr. A. Ncei rcîke his xvrist xvlile îlireslîiig at Mr. S. Treuvin's Tbank,-Offering services xvere wttl atteîided 0o, Suîîdav. Rex. E. L Beech. Nexvtoiîville. preached twt vers- inspiring sermons. Special music bv Enniskilieîî choir xvas inuch ap- preciated. rai- SOLINA Nîrs. Geo. H. Hogarth, BA., bas returned to Toronto, after spendiîîg the sommier xvtb bis sisters. NMiss Mîary Hogarth aîîd Nrs. R. Pascoe. MIr. an itiNrs. Water Parrinder aîîd Esveiyn xisited ai NMr. Elgini Bromnmels, Boxs îniaîîville. Mr. and Nîrs. -jack Baker speîîî the xvcekeuîîl sitlî friends in Toronto. Mîr. aîîd Nrs. S. E. Werry and Xesley and Nîrs. Sam Tlompsoîî visited NIrs. Ellen Hancock, Eben- ezer. Mîr. and N.Irs. Geo. Xalters. To- ronto, NMr. aîîd Nîrs. Normanî Boss. Oshawva, visited ai '.\r. H. E. Tink's. Mecssrs Harold Reynîolds aîîd Fred Fls aîîd NMisses Tiielima Chappelie aîîd Wilî-na 'Murray, Toronto, visit- ed xiîh '.\r. jack Yeilowlecs. NMiss Lauîra Casvker, Toronîto, Nîrs. Harry Caw'ker and son Harry, Osh- awa, Mir. and 'Nîrs. L. C. Pasce, anîd 'Miss Bessie. Enfield, visited at 'Miss Mlary Hogarth's. Oshawva Presbyiery sylîl meet ai Eîdad. Tuesday, Oct. 26th, ai 10 a.m. A vers daring robbery xvas per- petuîated ai Mr. Sid Hockaday's dur- ing their absence ai town Saiurday ex'ening svben goods te the value of àboui $200 were takeîî. Mîr. S. E. Werry lost a valuable icow lasi week. Our roasi fouvl supper lasi XVed- îîesday night xvas x'ery stîccessful, despile the cold ueather. The tables xvwere ladeîî xith good tlîiîgs to eat and everyone did justice to it. 11, M at lioth services. and, Nîrs. John Northcott and NIr. and Nirs. Elliott. Oshawa, at 'NIr. R-ussell Stainito"S. Rav C anleron vî,.ited hi. %vjfc nlihx at Osaca. iratillations to Mr. andI NI rs. Prock0on tlîeir recent marr- SomIle f the boys serenaded on I on<Iay night. HAYDON h. j The EVLYN Shop Mns. W. G. Corden CHECK OVE THIS LIST _ _ _C -Vi PIES Apple Peach Pineapple Mince Raisin Cherry Pumokin DUNS Chelsea Buns Plain. Vanilla Buns Sugar Coffee Buns Raisin Bath Buns Butter Buns LAYERS M arshmallow Snow Pineapple Maple Chocolate Cherry Orange Caramel DanshPasry Chocolate Pufi:i 15 Varieties Made with Fresh Cream Marguerites Creamery Butter Cream Pies Cookies FinestFruit Anole Cream Tarts Finet Fuit Cherry Cream Tarts To Choose From Tasty Icing Strawberry Cr. Tarts c!L11Two Sizes PattyShelIMade to Order Fountain Special Banana Spits 2 for 25c FRUIT BREAD Ricli and Nourishing Regular 15c 1 WRAPPED Contains Cherries. Dates, Raisins LOAF DIAL 855 COUPON A Full Potumd of KISSES For Only 1 le 1THE CARTER FAMILI Ij AWeek-end Special! Winter COATS at $09 MW a Mrs. Y. Oke 1 PAGE FIVE thie evening MNIaple Grove Drainatic Toronto, visited with Mr. and Cl1ub rpresenit d thi r h nio r,,uspia v. M. C. Brown recently. ".unt Abhie \.swer .\n Ad. Mr. Wolfe. Toronto, spent the wvhjcli was iuch cnjoyed. 'Nr. Sain weekend at his cottage. Castle accompailied In Nis. Fdn11 Mr. and Mr,. R. J. Bruce and ýýwallow <eliglitued all witlh Pis vocal Miss M. King attended the wed- .415 etweci acts. Procce. S300. ding of their niece. Miss Cois !~King. to Mr. Clarence Stanton of ___iSault Ste Marie, Michigan, at the CADMUS United Church, Little Britain, on OCtDer 6, nd te rcepionat the home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown. To-ý Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and f ar- ronto. visited on Sunday with Mr. ýily. Baltimore. and Mr. and NMs. and Mis. R. C. Brown. G. Strong visited Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. R. J. Bruce on Friday. Hyland have returned to their' home in Toronto after spendin- the summner at their cottage. Sometimes a fellow doesn't Miss Grace Ooody. Toronto, marry because he is lacking in visited recenty with Mrs. Wm. wifl, and sometimes because the Fallis. girl bas a superabundance of Messrs. Keith and Ross Brown. won't. DRESS SALE BIG SELLUNG 0F WOOL AND CREPE DRESSES 2-Piece Wool Knit Dresses in ail wool botany, a fancy stiteiL In cosy warm fail colors. Sizes 14-20. Begular price to $10.95. SPECIAL -------------- - TuU Evenlng Dresses in formai and informiai styles, in beautiful colors and materials. Sold regularly ta $15.00 SPECIAL------------------------------------------ 6 9 AfternoonDresses in satins, crepes and sheers, wo- men's and misses, long and short sleeve styles, fal h 11 colors. Regular to $15.00. SPECIAL . -------------- .951 Misses' Crepe and Satin Dresses, in long andsht l p sleeves. Black, navy, brown, green and wine. =e- 9 ular price te $6.95. SPECIAL ------------------------- deV Clearing of an Fali Hats, in wool, and fur frlis. fl A T O N E P R IC E --- - --- -- - - -- --------------------------------- 1 3 Pullover Sweaters in long sleeves. Geod varlety of 4~ colors ani stees Regular price $3.95 and $2.95.II. SPECIAL.. . . .. . ..------- ------------------------------------- 1 4 t BE SURE AND) GET YOUR COUPONS. Lat weeks winner-Mrs. Robt. Alleu, Orono. Flrst week's winner-Mias Layerne- Orchard, Towa. Phone 594

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