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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1937, p. 6

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-~ . . -Mm THE CAN.\DI.\N STATESMIAN, BOW-MAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 215T, 1937 1 ,*ifromn visit.ing hier aunt in Peter- I ENNUSKILLEN bro. __________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue spent Sunclay with her father. Mrý. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morrison Cai'. Gilford. and son Kenneth. Toronto. spent Mrs. Byron M.,oor*e spent Satu- Sunhday with Mr'. and M..s. E. A., day with lier sist.ex'. Mîs H. Ein- Werry. merson. Bowmanville. MrL. and Mrs. Jack Clarkson. Mi'. Carlyle Stevens. Toronto. Helen Jean and. Margaret la ng, visiteci at Mr. R. Burgess' anld Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill. Mrs. C. 1W. H. Taylor'.s on Sunday. Mr. Langmaid, visited at Mr. Thos. and Mrs. Stevens and son are sail- McGiUl's. ing on the 27th for Australia. Miss Margaret Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Or- Mr. Clarence Graham, Oshawa.' ýono. visited at Mr_'s. Jas. Storey's Misses Helen and Bernice Le-! on Sunclay. Dx-ew, Toronto, recently visited1 A truck ioad of vegetables and Mr-. S. Pethick., fruit front this community was Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and'taken to Bowrnanville on Thurs- Mrs. Win. Oke visited at Mr. S.' day' for thef relief car. Hockaday's, Solina. Miss Edith Saunders. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham spent the weekend with Mrs. Don- and famiiy. Oshawa, visiteci at aid Da':ey. Mr. Chas. Boycd's. Mr. R. B. McCtiilough. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomnas and, spent Sunday- at home. Bobbie. Mr. Arthur Lockhart, Ni -____________,__ agara Falls, Miss Bett.y Lockiart.i Oshawa, visit.ed at Mr. S. Peth-'1 PROVIDENCE ick's. 1 ___' __ -_ _ --------------___ Mr. and Mrs. Otis Metcalf. To- hrlsevcwi bhldo ronto, Miss Margaret Allun. Bowý- Cuc evc îlb edo manville, Mr. and Mrs. Stanîey Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. Turner, Oshawa. Mr. and M,,';W. F. Riding. Pontypool. speaker. Frank Dorland visited at Mi' Everybody welcorne. Wesley Okes. Mrs. Wmn. Griflin. who bas been J nursing in Oshawa. has returned HAMPTON 1 Through the geneî'osity of M' eex îîoso t n Mr Wilber Hutchinson, Winnipeg, a eetvsorof'.an ir. former Enniskillen boy, and un- Wuec PerrotlywooCl.,'.\r. Ralphi der t.he direction of Mr. Arthur Beî,Hlvod a. r rbr Baker. landscape garclener. Bow- 1aînd cdanghtcr, Dorothv, and Mr. Geo. manville, the Woman's Associa- Bell. Toronto. t.ion are improving the grounds Mr. anîd Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, of the church. Napanxe. Miss Annie Allin, and Mrs. J. E. Allin, Bowmanville, visited C>Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Th TYRONE I etin of the Younîg cVening wheiî Miss Jessie Hogartht Y. P. U. meeting opened with conducted the opening and business the worship period in charge of pcriod in the absence of the Presi- Miss Edna Cameron. Program n rt. The worship service wvas as fol- was in charge of Miss Doreen By- lows: caîl to îvorsbip, 'Miss Ruby amn, missionary convener, ae.d was Colwill; bible lcsson, 'Miss Ev'a as follows: Hymn; reading, Miss Johns; rcading. 'Miss Thelma Rob- Susie VanCamp; duet, Misses bins; devotional, Mrs. Art Blan- Maxion and Helen Werry; topic, £hard: reading, 'Miss Doreen Perrett: Mrs. Russel Virt.ue; reading, Mr. the sînging of "-Mv God and Father Lamre Mortson. Recreation was Mhile 1 Stray," and prayer by M\rs. in charge of Miss Susie VanCamp. M'. Rackhamt. The program vas in Executive meeting was heid at the charge of Miss Jessie Hogarth: home of the president, Miss H-elen "How Firmn a Foundation, Ye Saints Tximm, Wednesday night. Ar- of the Lord" ivas sting followed by rangements were made for a Hal- thc Lords Prayer in unison. A readi- lowe'en paxt3y. ing wvas given by','Miss Isobel Rogers. Sunday School missionary pro- Topic on "Thc Ten Commandmients" grain was taken on October 10 af- was capably presented by Mrs. H. ter two months' reCess. PrOgram Salter; 'Miss Marjorie Allini favorcd included: Reading, Thanksgiving", with a guitar selection : Gartb Per- bY Miss Eva Yorke; Piano duet, rett gave a reading "M.\ore Love to Misses Marion and Helen Werry; Thec. O Christ" was sung and the talk, Mr'. A. W. Annis; story for Nlizpalî Benediction repea'ied. the children, Mrs. Floyd Dud.ley; _________ prayer, Mrs. A. His. Miss C. McKenzie, Mx-. Win. Mc- About the hardest thing in the Kenzie, Toronto, visited at Mr. worid to climb is the stool of re- Wmn. Macdonald's. Mr. R. B. pentance. Scott's and Mr. Willis Stewaxt's. Some people feel they owe sa Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradd, who much to themselves that they spent the summer with Mr-. andi neyer pay anybody else. M.rs. James Dudley, have mnovedi It is ciuite possible for a man to te Newcastle. 'be hotheaded and stll get c'iâ Miss Doreen Byam has returned feet.1 IT ISN'T TOO LATEI For Stylish Suedes A complete line of Women 's Suedes, in Low and High Heels, Pumps, Ties and Oxfords. Sizes 3 to 8 - Priced at $1.98 to $5.50 COMPLETE LINE 0F BADMINTON SHOES For Women For Men 99C - $1.98 $1.10 - $2.35 MEN'S Rubbers Work Boots For street wear or w'or, A splix t Iather boot Sizes for the w'hole family. speeially built for long. Men's- 79c up wearb $ 1.98 - $2.25 Ladies' --69c up SHOE STORES Cowan Block Bownianville We Are Sorry If you were disappointed last week in not being able to secure Cream Goods. We have them on sale again this week and in larger quan- tities. Cream Puifs Chocolate Eclairs Cream ROUlS Charlotte Russe For Your Have you a Cold? HEALTH'S SAKE Tryv Our Bat Homemade Soya Bean or 1 Humbugs Granmeal Bread Lb.-- -- ----30c THE BEST AT NO GREATER COST Silverwood'S Ice Cream Bricks - each 20e CORBETT'S BAKERY Phono 890 Bowmanville Mxr. and Mrs. J. LaBelle. Beech Mi'. and Mrs. LaBeile are in Avenue, Bowmanville, who on Oc- pamatively good heaItIh an( tober l2th celebx'ated the 63rd an active intemest in affairs anniveeaî of tliehi maîriage. them. See stomy on page 9. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURI ELECTORAL RIDING 0F DURLHAM COUNTY Election, Wednesday, October 6th, 1937 BOWMANVILLE 1937 Elliott 113 239 187 295 267 153 1254 302 76 138 91 114 152 151 67 789 Polling place West Ward 1 West Ward 2 North Ward 1 North Ward 2 South Ward 1 South Wamd 2 Totals Majority Providence Tymone Maple Grove Hampton Enn.tskilien Caurtice Enfieid Totals Majority No. 1 Town Hall No. 2 Town Hall Totais Majority Newtonville No. 5 School No. 9 Schooi Kendai Orano Na. 5 Leskard No. 18 Sehool Na. 10 School Orono No. 9 Total.s Ma omit y Purpie Hill Blackstock Devitt's Caesarea Wilson's Hause Totals Majority Lotus Baliyduff Pontypool Manvers Bethany S. S. No. 6 Janetvilhe TataIs Majority Na. 1 Town Hall No. 2 Town Hall Totais Majoxity Carmel White's Gamdiner's Ida Mount Pleasant Tot.als Majority Budd's (Dale) Welcome Harness's Campbellcmoft Garden Hi]] Elizabethviile To tais Mai arity Ward 1 N. 217 Ward 1 S. 172 Ward 2 E. 58 Ward 2 W. 224 Wamd 3 E. 117 Ward 3 W. 165 Advance Poli 5 Totals 958 Majority Total Majorities 995 Majority for Mercer TOTAL VOTE 6569 Bowmnanviihe 1254 Darlîngton 789 Newcastle 176 Clar'ke Twp. 746 Car'twright 499 Maxvcis 799 Miilbî'ook 253 Cavan 553 Hope 542 Port Hope 958 TOTALS 6569 Mercer 135 154 131 231 203 98 952 Bragg 95 121 122 229 126 75 768 DARLINGTON 191 149 160 192 132 210 180 1214 425 NEWCASTLE 94 130 82 104 176 234 58 CLARKE 97 150 63 67 61 82 107 78 118 178 53 75 37 47 72 94 138 183 746 954 208 47 148 83 94 127 499 193 124 111 118 110 90 553 77 1934 Elliott 123 188 229 285 166 165 1156 388 53 117 88 80 132 83- 57 610 CARTWRIGHT 12 75 68 93 58 MANVERS 31 45 92 60 106 59 86 479 fflLLBROOK CAVAN 53 102 83 135 103 476 54 84 78 118 107 441, HOPE TOWNSHIP 124 302 173 112 90 129 930 388 POR.T 274 255 110 314 279 248 8 1488 530 1609 614 7183 RECAPITULATION 952 1214 234 954 306 479 150 476 930 1488 7183 132 279 175 99 74 87 846 341 53 78 182 98 166 98 143 818 504 115 107 222 79 123 106 98 98 97 522 81 55 129 36 101 121 63 505 . se- HOPE N.W. s'W. E.W. W.W. 1210 406 1579 1314 265 for Bragg 6223 5958 14 768 1172 242 875 212 314 143 441 846 1210 6223 1156 610 153 694 474 818 222 522 505 804 5958 2 433 aga. Thec Cawkcr familyaon L.iberty St. usas aîîihîer faiîîîlv w'lo were prcoixn- I ien uhîrveyuîrs of mîeai m<l aIll iin 223îhîaî iîe, also thie 'Briîîaiîî Bras.. 206 Manv rof ou lr 1(1iiners will remeal- hi4 er thue finîe banîquet giveil b%- thils 90 p rom ilîcili ack iiig fi rîîîwhîeuîix eli 27 iîîatuîratcd thie new lplaînt and store 32 lîauîse close ta Libcriv St., il, thie 17 centire 0f tie ivard. It was a greal 20 los tlîtheiowîî alnd cspeciallv ta thîe 64 u'ard uvheiîihlex' leit ta locale iin the siate of Iowa. 33 Tlîis uarcl couild hîasl af imalli Here and There and Everywhere B3' Dave Morrison, Sr. THE SOUTH WARD 0F YESTERDAY Bowviuan', îlh. as a town ix as s eral waruls, bunt in reali v on]%- i thc sonth or "The Vard." Evc large town or citv lias soîîîc desip atcd part set aside a., a particul location for somne reason îlot casv explaîn if asked whiv. If von., sîranger, askcd a native wlîat part the towli lie lives, imoves and lia, bcing, lie iil sav '"Oh doun inît ,n. corn- î%*rd," and no0 further explanati id take seeinis lecessarv. s about Thie South W'ard cif tlb town J iii thie past beîî one ai the inost doustrial sections ai ibis part of t corporation. naîîv renienîier the Sop, ,N S sa ,vhl lere the Creani of Barl iiliovstanîds, and wbiere in tl %%it n ie Tiniothy Soper, tl ou ler, svould put on bis big cuir) u la fronît skates aîîd go ouîtc tlhe ice and showv the boys hiov eut the figure eighî and other fanc etîrves? He ivas a great skater. an while so doing 'Mrs. Saper woul Uo0tton ruîî thie mill and yank tbe logs aroun 21 aswellas tlîe besl ai them. 47 aswell vas a flouir inill on ibis si 49and Gea. Pearson wsas the nmille 56 This man Ivas also miller in Var 39 soes Mill latér ail. Tliei down îîext tlhe Soper's w' the Steamn Tanneryý, ruin by the 'Mui 223 people. Mrs. Miir, bcing a Sopi The Saper people wcre very promin dît lhere iin tlhcearlv bîslary ai th towvîx, aie of the familv bciîîg in th Post Office for several years, Or 27 îîîaîd Saper. Vecrv few ai tlîis fai 18 lv arc left now, tlhe aîlv aone w 70) bave in mincI lives in thîe Kcîîdah dis 18 trict as a fariner. 25 The aId Quîarrv ivas aîîotbe 40 source ai indistry for a tiinie, aio 8 as a proof ai whiat ivas (llue iin tIi - iîîe we hiave thxe Granîd Truin] 206) Station whjch stands as ailualiamen ta that line ai businîess, also il Fraîîk farni boîîse. thie briudges cas aînd west ai thxe stationî and mn foîîidatioîîs ai stores aîid dwelling 11inlatavn, and several smaller cott 9 ages. - Perhiaps yaîî iil remeinher ti 20 lîtthe hbrick bouse oni thie whîarf roa ihuat xuas used for storing thxe blastiîi fia vle r. Before thie G.T.R. wuas biht therî w as a big trade at oîîr harbor' an( 7 of couirse you had ta pass tbrouig 2 the uard ta gel thiere. So there ',vi 3 a toîl gale ail thie w'harf road for I 12 ine. but îlot especiallv for thie salîti 31 ward's beixefit. But 'it soîî had it 28 dusaixand welît Sîe uxay' ai aller ah 8 tiîne inutlxods ai raisiîîg nlalîev out 10 0 ot certain secctionîs ai thie popxulace to 31 kcep the roads iin repaîr. - Ntaiix' vessels wvould la','p hîcre ior 134 the wiiîîer seasan anîd as iiailv of tIi saîlors hîved i thxe w'ard. llîe added considerablc' ta the population in the wintcr seasoîx. At oe tulle there were ihîrec 31 botels. aile at thie w'harf, thîe Hock- 12 cridge Iîotel, at the Station,. G. T. R 30 Totterdahe Houise, huit svlo rail the 17 aile aItlhe wharf roai cornxer. we - lhave îlot leariîed. It was a ivell 90 bîilt Ilalse anîd rail oinl v a shlort tinle. heing accupicd for sarie years bv Tlîoinas Christie' and l is faiiilv. 3uianv swill rcieibcr itlaler vcar as "Rag Caistle." \'erv' feu' i towi wihl reiniîber 14 W'halaii's Gmocery an(] Liquior Stare 13 dawn saine xvlerc iii the ixeighîbour- 16 baad whîere Dilliîîg's Store is îîowv 32 Thxis iquor store did quite a trade 36 for some years aindl ',u conld buu 31 your graceries and<l have a drinîk to - boost youi ai yonr way home. 127 If there ',was anx' trouible iîî towi youî bad ta go ta tdie sautb svard foi poliic protectionî. The police resi- dence was in the ward for many years. Also thie patnnc-keeper's place ai residence. As îîcarly every animal 16 bad the rua ai the town this officia] 16 did quite a lucrative business. - The oîîly toboggan slide we ever 32 biad in tawn wvas erecîe<î an Nead's hilI and for a feu, seasonîs ias a souirce ai mncb sport iin that ine as well as cansiderable patcb work oun the facial appearance ai ibose whîa il toc& pari. On ibis slidcway onîe 23 caîîld land away dawii ta the cabiîî 37 ai Bilhy Hackeîî, onîe ai ibis ward's 37 special clîaracters. an Irishîniaix wbom 7 il ',as just as svell ta give hiîîîtbe - 'go-hv' wlîeiî he wuas uiider thie in- 117 fliiîxce ai 'John Barlev.-Cori' for 'lie suas 100 mîxch for the. orrliîarv layman. BIG FALL VALUES Magic Baking Powder 16-oz tin 29C C&C HIawes' Wax ... ...... 's 43c - 2,s Beehive Syrup, 2 's- -. per tin Snap Powder .. .............. 2 tins Aylmer Whole Kernel Corn 2 tins Apple Jelly .............- 32-oz. jar Humbugs ...... ......... 1-2 lb. SPECIAL! Red & White MATCHES 3boxes 22C F. W. Nelles 5 Roses Flour 7-lb. bag 24-lb. bag 98-lb. bag - - - - $4.20 - - - .33e - - - -$4.20 Red & White Coffee .............. 'O 3 Chipso, - s.mail pkg. 10o - large 22 Infants Delight. ................. . 4 bars 25 Hawes' Lemon Oil ........ Ige. bottie 24 Aylmer Infant Fonds-- - 2 tins 19 Fluffo Shortening ... ........ 2 lbs. 27 SPECIAL! Sani-White TOILET PAPEPO 4 roils 250 Stuffed Olives,1 Oxo Cubes 2 cakes Kirk's Castile only 5c With 6 cakes P and G - Alil for ..............'g Gold Medal. 3 oz. 4's 10e - 10's Bownianville Phone 596 THE GREAT SALE GOES ON A SALE 0F 1MENIS FINE GLOVES English Knit Botany Wool Gloves Fine Unlined Caîf & Mocha Gloves Regular $1.25 Regular $1,00 ta $1,50 On Sale .............. Pr. 59c1 On Sale.............. Pr. 79c Men's Lined Gloves in Caîf, Mocha, Pigskin, Capeskin Regular $1.95 to $3.50 On Sale ...............Pr. $1.29 M: The Right Gooda at the Right Price : Milison Stock Adjusters j orsey Blsockc L. W. Nelson, Mgr. West R ~nd PAGE SIX Extra Special Tu.rnbull 's AII-Wool Boys' UNDER SHIRTS Double back and front - Extra fine quality - Sizes 10, 12 and 14 years. Regular $1.49 On Sale .............. 79e Meu's Caps A Big Âssortment Caps, Reg. $ 1.00 .. for 49c Boys' Bloomers, Reg. 1.50 to 1.98 ...... 8c Boys' Bloomers Reg. 1.00... On Sale 51 ~vih ttle to ther iaîns s cb s R Jo nst n. Newtonville. M is. 1 can't walk on the water. I'm no,, Capi. Keith, Cpt. Coates. Pa%-naster- Wm. Cowan. Oono, and M. Et- MitCh Hepburn. o f the 45th R cg't. T ho mn as Clr iýstie. n est B o w en . W esley vile. \v h o a t - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Corporal lobbs, Capt. .\brt Nor- tefded the wedding 40 yeas ago. ton,. Capt. Brown. Many others pro- The %vedding cake was cut by the 1 BURKETON mlinulit ini railwalv doing., ilcltllel bide and a piece served to eah Iill W od. Condîctor Norton, one present to climax a delight- An ly 'L-atghilni. 0 Siithl. pRt fui lunch. Recent. visitors of Mr. and Mr.. the\* hav'e ah passed on and Ille place The rest. of the evening wa T. Baiey were: Mr. and Mrs. R. tîat once knie% thcm 15 nolfw o111\ then spent in dancing %ith Miss M Donad and daughter Muic., nîenîrv. . Dorothy Scott and M.. David M - Bowmanville, and Mr. W. M c F v1n "Wintr Green Pon. heMuIlen giving some smart exhibi- l Donald. Toronto. cé p)'" 'etions of tap dancing. The rany friends of Mr. j. s cenle cf înanly ad tiînc Picnics andj Amang those present fram a Wesley Phiip, Arthur, who wit.j *boating is so changcd that "0o(Ile distance wei'e: MI's. S. White and Nis wife and son Robert of To- Nvotild remlemb er it. The oId. ward Doris, Toronto; Mra. Fred Lewis i'onto recentiy visie his as had its da\ and the ad bos and and sns. and Mrs. Hary Smit1. bothe, Mr. R. PE l, il esr1y girs wo wre ornandraieclin Hamilton, Mr. and Mî's. A. Dens- te learn that he was takense- it %vilI always have a place in tthir more. Livonia, N. Y. ome.ilinTrno 1 ý a nîcmarn ry for' the bright and snnny v h m ies o'th a d W H s dasofheir N-1th w'hcn carcfrec hey\ roanied the good old sonîb seard THE MIRACLE MAN ýkm viatedi on Sunday with t.heir Cnf Bowmaîtv-ille. ýsister' Mrs. M. Heard. Scrie Gsend usthefollowing Master Elgin Heard visited e as one of the best election stories etywhhigrnpetsM.4 40 YEARS MARRIED Igoing te rounds: and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. Last summer when Hon. Mit- Sunday Schooi and Church ser- (Continlued from page 12) cheli F. Hepburn....as cam vice ivill be held next Sunday at. wit al ou 13est1,ýpaigning for re-election, he stated the usuai houx' with an evening withailour eatwishs fr long ithat he could and would pex'form sriea .0ocok life and x'ery much happiness. mrce.Oews I o a'Mr. and Mrs. L. Swain and Sg:Mrs. Flln . B.LoSein,. find a hot dog stand where tlhe fm3. Baktc wex'e recent Mrs. D. McMulen asudS. Smith.GOVernnente is giving a license visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Thdengiftabwe a tuiocoohfo te ale f beex'. asthe opposi- Hsr n andendtabe fromthe friends tien intimates. I will not oniy eat and relatives. and a siver bread the license but the hot dog Stand Invitations have been issued fox' tray from Mr. and Mrs. Robin- as weli."1 the first annual NElitary Bali of son's daughter, Mrs. Fred Lewis, Sa two Canadians called How- the Midland Regiment, in the Ar- and famiiy. Hamilton, presented ard and Ernie were cavering the moris. Cobourg, on Priday, No- by Misses Mabel Thrower and lakes of north Michigan in a fish- vemr 5th. Betty Woods. jing trailer. Ernie caught a mon- Geoge Reeves. 62, Pubiisrmof Tl'> bride and groom gratefully ster with a throat like a whaie the Elmr Signet for the last exPressed their thanks. and Mr- (the fish that swailowed Jonh)eiht years, is dead. Mx-. Reeves Ernest Bowen and Mrs. M. Hol-» and a body elativeiy' as log.beoe1omngt Elmira, editej man offered a few felicitous words. Howard was standing on a IItteWeekly newspaPers at Eganiville, Master Harold Smith cant.rîbuted wharf projecting out in the lake. Cayuga, and Renfrew, and was in a recitation and Dorothy and, He had his camera in bis hand newspaper work at Sauit Ste John Scott entertained with violin 1al eady to photograph E.rnie and Marie. and mandolin duets. the catch. He backed uon the The bride and groom were es- little wharf until nc mU1ore sep Th ma f ory eg ts e cored o he in.ngroo whchand he would be off in the water. cannot do or enioy the thingsthe was beautifuily decorated with The f ish was sa big he couid not did at twenty and Most men wor- pink and White streamers with f ocus the camera to get Ernie's x'ý over this. fiowers on the bridai table ta head in the pcue So Ernie 0f ail human virtues the world mac.With themn at table were said. "Back Up farther." His pal is apt ta regard successa the seated Mrs. M. Homan and Mrs. replied, "How can I back up..? greatest. sa THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 19,3,- c End

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