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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 1937 THE C.\NADI.\N ST.\TES-M.N, BOWMAN\'ILLE. ONTARIO PA\GE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Harold Martin vsited hits ry Star, had the mnisfortuine to f al aunt, Mrs. Brown, Scugog. on Tuesciay evening, and sprair Miss Greta Pollard spent Sun- his ankle. dtay with friends in Lindsay. Mrs. E. J. Miners, Kingsvill Mrs. R. W. Holmes, Port Hope, while on a visit to, old f riends her( was in town Friday afternoon. ' received word of the death oflhe: broth~er and left at once for home The fîraily . Of Mrs. George Ms.Go .MTgata Brookifl were ail home for lier niece. Mrs. Morris. Oshawa Thanks glving. visited the former's son, Mr. Bar. Capt. James Sloan, Little Cur- ton McTaggart. Montreal. rent, WFI town Tuesday calling ý Mrs. Geo. Ingham and Messrs~ on old 1is Gregory and Jack Leitli Peter. Rev. ania Mrs. V;. F. Banister i boro. were Sunday guests of Mr recently visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham. î Ms. A. S. Hall. Mllbrook. IMrMrs. W. H. Osborne, who solc !'qMr. and Mrs. Wmn. Ingram, To-! lier houisehold goods last. week ronto, visited t.heir parents over; has gone to reside wth lier bau. the weekend.. ghter, Mrs. C. P. Blow, Oshawa. Communion service in Trinity Smo t ntdCu h s United Church on Sunday morn- awa. paSt.anid chr nd rînî ing, October 31. uîawa Chc pastor and choi rnt Mr. and Mrs. Orval Boe. Carl'%vill exehange next Sunday even. and Fay. visited Mr. and MIvrs. A. ing. Martin, Seagrave. Mr~. and is. A. E. Wiley an( Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman son Donald have returned to Ni- lef t last week for St. Petersburg, agara Falls after spending a wee. Florida. to sperid the winter. with Mrs. Wiley's mother. Mrs Miss Daisy Cully spent the: George Brooking. weekend with Mrs. H. Watson. Traffic Officer Sam Ervine, O.P Hamilton. P.. ta patrolltng the highway frocr Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson east of Oshawa to, Welcome whili axe visiting -their son, Rev. C. H. Officer Harry Caldwell is on Ferguson, Bethapy. week's vacation. '"lat more cheese" is the slogan Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Jame. of National Cheese Week, October and Mr. John M. James motore( 29 to November 6. te Clevelandi over the weeken( Messrs. WiU.iami Alun and Harry and visited Dr. and Mrs. M. J. A Depew spent Sunday with f riends James and fainily. in Lindsay.i Mr. ani Mrs. A. W. Brewster Mr. Albert Cully spent Sunday Detroit. Mich., who accompaniec with Miss Eva Houghton, To- her sister. Mrs. W. J. Webster ronto. 1 home t.o Oshawa laut week. cailec Mrs Ge. Wods CivenSoud.:on old friends in Bowmanville. is visiting her daugliter, Mrs. Gc. Whitby United Church wll ob- W. James. serve is lluth anniversary or Mrs. P. E. Ireland and son Sunda y. October 17. Rev. A. D John. and Miss Margaret McIn- Cornett, M.A., Smiths Falls, wil nes, Toronto ,were guests of Mrs. be the special speaker. R. H. Westaway. Mr'. antd Mrs. H. Barton. Mr Mr. E. Haggith has returned Fred Barton, Miss Snodden, Ux- from a pleasant visit with friends bridge. Mr'. and Mrs. Leslie Harl in Campbellcrof t. and while there andi Shirley, Toronto, Miss L took in Roseneath Fair. Wigg, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. D. D Baiton and family, Ennisktller Mr. and Mrs. Artliur Legge, were guests of Mrs. L. J. Barton. Oshiawa, on Saturday, October 9, Mr. E. E. StaplesoHapn . observed their twenty-fifth wed- r .. s 0fh Hogrtuaptons fi ding nnivesary.host of friends on the receipt o Mrs. N. S. B. James is spending !an official Coronation mnedal a few days in Toronto with hier awarded in recognition of hNs lIon daugliter, Dr. Derothy M. James. and meritorious record as a schoc and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy. teacher. Miss MargaretWihmn nd A dress sale of unusal interesi M1s;e Doris Armst.rong. Toronto, is featured in The Evlyn Shoi were Sunday guests of Miss Mary advertisement this week. Thli Je*vell. special savings, together writh th( Mr. S. Farmer, Editor Port Per- ýspecial prize coupons given awa3 B THIRTY BJQKSFRE A Competition Open to Al And Costing Nothing to Enter Select Six Bookcs -from a list of 75 new books-fiction, biography, trai e, Shistory. science, etc.-from a ist which you can have frt'p. and if your selection talles with the popular selection (or near talles), you become a prize-winner. T HI1RTY BO0O0KS ta be awarded ta il persans, as fllaws: Firt Prize..................................... 6 books Second Prize ................................... 5 books Third Prize.................................. 4 books Fourth and if ti Prizes ............ .......3 books Slzth, Seventh and Eighth Prizes ....2 books Ninth, Tenth and Eieventh Prizes. i book You do flot have to huy any books to enter this conipetition. Cali or Wvrite promptly for leaf let telling ail about this compet ition and containing list of books. JOHN STON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville Agents for New Service Cleaners, Oshawa Join the KENWOOD CHRISTMAS. CLUB A small-1 deposit each week buys a KENWOOD BLAPT for Christmas Bu sIr4arm, f Iecc, clourful KENWOOD Blankets fer Christ- mnas -fer yourself; fer your friends. De it the easy way -1 by jining oui - KENWOOD CHFJSTMAS CLUB. Each week you malte a small weekly deposit. It is entered in your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, tic blankets yeu plan te buy are PAID FOR-and yeu've neyer missed the meney. Inquire at our blaniket dcparrnient for full details of this simple, pleasant, purchasing plan. <WOALKER STORES, £JMITED witli eachl purchase. makes this sale of double interest. Mrs. E. A. Rutherford. Col- borne. visited hier father. Mr. W. M. Ives, who celebrated hNs 89tli brthday on Sunday. October 17. Mr'. Ive. is exceedingly smnart for ,a man of hi., years and is able to be dewn street every day and work considerable in his garden. e, Rev. C. R. Spencer andi B. H. ýe Mortlock were in Toronto on ýr Thursday attending meetings of ethe Diocesan Mission Board and ýd the Diocesan Board of Religious ~Education of whicli they are re- -presentatives for the Deanery of Northumberla.nd and Durham. Local people wlvio wish to vote for Mrs. Florence Roberts wlio . sang so well over CFRB last Thursday andi Saturday should senti their votes to Opportunity d Lane. c o CFRB. Toronto. A post kcarci bearing the words -I wisli to - vote for Mrs. Florence Roberts" wili suffice. - Whule in town on lis official vvisit to t.he Rotary Club. District 'Governor Tomn Patton, North Bay. -called to see Mrs. M. J. Hutchin- son who las been a f riend of tle d Patton family or many years. Bill i- Hutdhinson was a luncheon guest ,k of Mr'. Patton at the Rotary Club. . Members of the Bowmianville Post ef the Canadian Legion wifl attend the huge Drumhead Ser- .vice in Whitby on Sunday, when le His Honour, tle Lieutenant-Gov- a ernor of Ontario, Dr. Herbert A. Bruce will take the salute. The service will be broadcast at 3 p.m. over CFRB. The local members are asked to, be at their miarkers dat 1.45 p.m. 1. Rev. W. Franklin Banister, minister of St. Paul's Unitedi jChurch, is the author ef an a.ti- ýcle "Have We a Theology?" ap- rpearing in the October 15th issue cd f The New Outlook, officiai organ ef the Unitedi Churcli of Canada. >- Mr. Banister asks the question, SCan a churcli builti a new order if >it lias not an adequate theology .on whicli to build? In keeping with Anglican dhur- cheles throughout the world, last :- Sunday was observed as Children's 7t Day in St. John*s Anglican Churcli. The morning and even- >ing services featured special chil- Sdren's hymns and sermon to par- ents. while in the afternoon a is special service for cellîdren was a helti in the church when the Rec- )f tor. Rev. C. R. Spencer, gave the 1, address. ýg The Alice Jackson Mission Bandi )l met in Trinity Primary roomn on Monday afternoon. Meeting open- t ed wth quiet music. and the cal ,p to worship was given by Helen te Devitt. Jesus Bitis Us Shine was ie sung. folhowed by prayer. Wor- ýy slip story was given by Miss Eve- -lyn Pickard. after whidli the off er- ing was given. Minutes were read 6by Mari orie Rundle; new business andi roll caîl by Helen Devitt; study story was given by Miss Ada Clark; Audrey Grant reati a let- ter front the missionary box. af- t.er which meeting closed with a song. Dean McLaughlin, 16 year olti son ef Mr. andi Mrs. Douglas Me- Lauglilin. Oshawa, andi grandson of Reeve A. L. Pascoe of Darling- ton Township, lias recently been declared champion horseshoe pit- cher ef Ontario by winning 32 4ames in the series. This entities Dean to a trip te Buffalo to Par- ticipate in an international match and an entrant in the world'b ser- ies horseslioe pitdhing contest at thîe Royal Winter Fair at Toronto next month. Caution liow these sons of good old Durliam f olk up- holti the traditions of leading the parade or topping the list in con- petition of every kinti. The C. G. I. T. hled their an- nual affiliation andi re-affiliation meeting in Trinity Unitedi Church schooh romn on Wednesday even- ing witli a gooti attendance. Miss Jean McMuUlen, President, pre- sided, anti the worship service was conducteti by the assistant lead- ers, the tiieme being "The Gooti Samarit.an." Miss Marion Dudley rendereti a sweet solo, afteir whicl Mrs. Geo. Bray, Oshawa, Presby- terial C.G.I.T. Secretary, atidreas- eti the Young people on affiliation and givings. tlie latter this year being donateti fbr scholarships. Members of tlie W. M. S. were guests for the evening. At tihe *close a missionary contest andi re- -fresliments were enjoyeti. Thank-offeriflg meeting of the LWoman's Missionary Society of st. Paul's Church was helti on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, President. presideti. After opening exercises a veî'Y hlepful scriPture lesson was given by- Mrs. W. F. Banister. after which Mrs. C. H. Dudley rendereti heir shw is different. new and definitely wortli seeing. They sing, dance anti play musical in- struments as well as chewningz. and come te Oshawa direct from their old Ban Lotft in Chicago. Probably You have heard them on tle î'adio or seen thema on the screen. .this is your golden eppor- t.nnity te sce tliem in person Thursday, Fritiay and Saturtiay at regular admission prices. There are also two feature screen pro- Sductions esdli evening, "Ferlorn oRiver" and "Fair Warning." i.worlti andi yet there is so liti-le of. ization. That creeti was so fine day and aIl the days that be Eaiors uu sts of en raiM otrs it. But we are not without hope,1 that we have removed it from thc aheati. may you have good sail- Edit rs uess o Ge era Moors heb added. The goal of Rotary is: accounit of this meetirng andia' :ng and sat e anchorage."l ,have a club in every commun- using it in the editorial colunin President Roms Strike expresseti At P eviw o 19 8 A tom bil S iy trouhou th word tat an hiswee.'e cub's appreciation of the AtuPrertewafd1938 Auto obiles Ifcw thIn wceec*uding a very tine ad- m isiavryltl dlv Representatives oftepeso be ne quarrelling, le said. I_________________________________ the province, 0f theprsa the hehudîti o eatîulflwes When Handley-Pîage was flying' cf The Sttemnluîn eeiior in lis. gardens anti conservatery. over Arabia le discovereti a rat pre-view of tle sleek new stream- Rov. Nichols Reports Record Year on board his plane. Realizing lineti models of 1938 General Me- Coming home that afternoon that a rat coulti net live in higli -___ tors automobiles following a lun- we callet in te see Roy Nidhols at altitudes he soaret i s plane many -MA K TH TR- clen thGenoh oeOh oriewl nw eea ethousantis of feet. until the rat « awa. wheree newspaper men Corie el nw ee2 dieti in tlie thin atmesplere. InMA K TH TR were guests of the company onI tors dealer for this district, te give like manner, Mr. Patton said, ill- O H W Tuesday. hm the 1w down on wat we1 wilî canner, live in hgh ideals, O H W Chaude B. Watt. advertising lad seen. But Roy lad been anti ideals must come befere ideas. manager et General Mot-ors. who ilere ahead of us, knew all about The speaker, enlarging on the was tle geniailest ot the lunch- ieiadws nhsatcsubiect ot wlat a goti Rotarian eon, introduceti a number ofe t heiad il ntuiie was. useti a creed that coulti be T u s , F 1, S t executive officers inclutiing Harry over tle aleer beauty anti im-1 applicable te any itiealtstic organ- T u sF igS t J. Carmichael, Vice President anti i provements efthîe modeis that le General Manager: G. W. Garner, i ad alrNeady ordereci several new!O tbr2 2-2 Chef Engineer; anti C. E. Mc- 1938 cars for immediate delivery. TO Ok.e 1 22-2 Tavisli. Generah Sales Manager. In tact heclase optimistic thàt The press men were introtiuced lie teels confident le can surpass bY T. R. Ellott thie MacLaren lis sales' record ot 235 new Gen- "F o rlo ra R iv er"t Advertising Company. wliicli g 'esal Metors cars sold in 1937 dur- Wt utr rbead ueM re enyhanciles the G. M. ativertis- folksbelieveit or not, there's not TOIV 0F BWMANXLLEC- abnd Jn -re Speaking at the luncheen Mr. ers home uIp te that number et Carmichaei said le noticeti a lack sales in a yeaî'. Just anotler ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND 4Ué3i' K ...3. et national thinking in Canada. preof that tliey do things in a FOR TAXES "Fair W a1 EEAEE5 'There is fai' to miudl sectional- big way in Durham County-tlie will take place on ism in Canada," lie said, "anti I home et the McLaughlin clan anti Thursday, the 28th day of Octobet. Wt et unss .d ad Bo br feel iliat a campaign. through îlhe other Prominent famihies in in- 19371 thB tyFres J.d a ro b g mediium ef the press, adoptîng a dustry, commerce anti education. rPursuant te instructions f rom policy for nationah thinking. wîlh h onCucî.teCroa earn the gratitude et every man, Ite the îlen Tewn 0fthe B ow anvle N H T G weman anti chilti in this country." toofheTwofB mavl, C. E. McTavish joine i ir weî- ROTARY CLUB ýuntier the provisions et Section - O H T G ceming thîe pressmen teoOshawa ___i_ 157 of île Assesament Act, liereby anti saiti le anti lis staff were (continuedi from. page 1) gives notice ot lis intention te mest appreciative of the tact that churci in wîicî lhis owin ttrpurchase sud eofthîe landis offer- the motor industryr as a wlole lad been the .ianiter. His tirst may lie deemeti atvisalhe anti in s y Rue coulti net lave attainedth te action upon entering the pulpit 'île interesis oethîe Town, if thie leights tliey lad wtlout tle as- was te take a hantikerclietf from sums offereti for said landis are sistance of the press. lis pocket anti wipe dust from île less than the arrears due, or if Leahe bll ols ithcon-Pulpit riadt eak"tna price la offerei. Rn h By partments for car hcense, stamps, is quite easy to see that my fa- A. J. Lyle. etc. were given te eacî guest as aiýthel' is ne longer janitor of ibis Treasurer.. (Oklahoma Cowboys) souvenir. The General Moters' durch." That statementh preveti Town Treasurer's OfficeIN PR N insignia was stampeti in goît on1 that however humble lad been Bowmanville, Oct. 19, 1937.I ERO île inside et the souvenirs. 1 lis origin the great preacler Preidet Des omeReimnscing irealizeti that the humble occupa- TOWTN 0F BOWMANVILLE The only and original Radio's Rube Ragtime Barln Dance P resi nto e M.e ud-tien et lis f ather was as import- Aoriuring it le G.M.CAuli ant as lis own.- ADJOURNED SALE 0F LAND Gang - Artists from Radio, Stage andl Screen. Direct R. S. McLaughlin. President et Turning te île object et Coin- FOR TAXES from their Old Barn Loft in Chicago with a General Motors of Canada, te îlee'munity Service, île District GrOv- Notice is hereby given that the Big New 1937 Show assemblage. Af ter extend.tng lis Iernoî' likeneti this obieWte îlte adieurnetisldtlni hdhWth FrTerBodatn a message et welcome. Col. Mc-,'tutr tteerl "As île were offered WaforFosale on île 5t1g Ca Laughhin expressedtihîe opinioni surface of île eartl," lie said, 'idas et obr 137alel be leti thlat when they hati seen île new omposed ot layera et dlay, santi- ofiurtay e 817 day ofc- ld- NO ADVANCE IN PRICES - modeis tley weuhti appreciate the, atone, late anti granite. whicl [toer 1937, ai 2.00 p.m. in île _____________________________ tact that the company "lad net succeeding geelegical epeclis lave1 Council Chiambers ai île Town been altogether itile since the last depesiteti, tbe uniteti sîrengl o!f Hall in the Town et Bowmanville. models were sent eut." The car whicl upholtis oui' soil anti suP- by public auction ai which time MiOn., Tues, E& W ed., et today were better ilan they ports oui' stepa. 50 is île society the saiti landis or sud o! tlem as were île year previeus a.nd they in whidli we live composeti et shalh net lave been redeemeti in in turn surpasseti those of ten stratas et laws. customs. tradi- 1 île meant.ime, will bc offereti for October 25 - 26 - 27 years ago, le sai. tiens, sentiments, discoveries, in- sale puî'auant te tle Provisions et L mn a happy reminiacent mooti ventions anti plysical structure 'Section 157 efthîe Assessment A6i Col. McLaughhtn stateti that 50 whicl successive generatiens anti The warrant auihorizing sudh Draegernman yer g ehdbe iie nraces have securely laid in usefulsaefrtxsaspoueitîl ye as go ethrlia eendvtitneffort. The beat et society ini the saleuon îlxe sil pdy ed t ioe lis plawaeter ie hor b-a nations that are gene atill 's in 11937, anti was publisheti in the C oulrage "~ cosser a vnulyb hadar e d n O ur oncivilizatien. proving conclus- Ontarie Gazette, July 3rd, 1937, ie business witl is a ter. He ively tliat seciety ativances o yýanti in The Canatitan Siateaman Wt atn McaeadJa paiti higli tribute te h 1oas eevthehe ndrig erieonce a menl ton tlree menths. quality of île product turneti eut etf tle beat."1 A liai et tle lands te be offereti- An by lis tather. île McLaugllin We muai give oui' contribution1 for sale may lie seen anti turtherAn mette being "One Grade Only- te oui' day anti generation, le'information requireti. may be eb- That the Best."atideti. anti we muai plant toi' taineti at the office et the untier-"T eB g ho ' For over thinty yeara. Col. Mc- smbd lewowl olw ind Lauglin tolti lis audience, le RotanY's pregram for interna- A. J. Lyle, ha, ben iterste in an a- tona godwil vas ostimTreasurer. With -.Guy Kibbee and Cora Witherspoon ~ socate wththedeignofcana. ant. the District Gevernor sii Town Tneasurer's Office lhs er eeaogte -I steMs eddtigi h coe 9th, 1937. 4- ______________________________ piesi in lis lite, lie declareti. "In aIl my diesigns, I neyer cep- led anyone. Our desgns were ai- ways original, ton was net oui' trade tit.îe "originaters anti de- Col. McLaughlin stated that 30 P A M C E K O T 8h T C .2r years ago lie lad atidressedth îe tinst auto dealers' convention. The firin lad madie 198 cars that year anti "it was a fine medel tee," le saiti. The cars tisl year were I AE W O MK erofthîe ones whicl lad gone before them. "We do net go in "for we want them te appear asTH S 1 A lantisome ten years trom now as they are totiay." That you may have the best results firom your medicines your doctor -and your Thn t ew 1938 odels o f pa Lowest druggist must work together. We have considered it Our çluty to specialize in prescription Buick, Oltismobile. Pontiac anti Prices work so that we can pull our part of the loaçi. Chevrolet were ti.splayeti while executives efthîe company ex- plained île improvemnenîs in each Bring your prescriptions to your I.D.A. Store 50.0 mDing lath e rena er n. < or Phone 792 and they wifl be called for immed- impressive and enlightening ex- COLD cuUV iately. Each one is carefuily studied and accuratelytu eo hibition efthîe numereus improve- fOCIS filled witlx the purest ingredients. - ments on the 1938 cars was slown IlNHII îloghte medium et talking AARý I.D.A. Cod Liver Ofi Haliver Oil - 55c-$1.80 , O Y O Pcue.This innovation broughi STM 8-oz. 45c - 16-oz. 79c Haliver OÙl Capsules O YS forth consitierable favorable comi- ment by those present. Kepler Malt and C.L.O. 55e - $1.00 - $1.80 DENTAL- Prom îlhe auditorium île jour-- 85c - $1.40 Alphamettes - $-18 nalists were taken te tIe staffEt.-$ 0 Aert L.-4c7c viiege et inspecting the tiifferent jWmoesr$$.5 43ceEA modela in greaten tietail.-- Afttentis Mn. McLaughuin was à Wests Tooth Paste 17c-2 for 33ec hesi te île presamentat lis beau- titul home, "Parkweod" where le Futtvî,lresz 1 HR AYW personally conducted the"press HR AYFuttvs ag ie----- 1 HR AY WE eutsandng anaianpaitin11W-KPnex cogh ompund - -- -32cBargains PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY UNITED OIGAR STORE AGE1NCY Steele's Pipe- 49e A ex McGregor A Shape for Every Smoker PHONE 792 DRUGS WE DELIVER Roy Nichols 1î;m --Im uenerai motors ueaier

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