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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1937, p. 9

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE NINE TUE eRONO NEWS MarkSt.Unin 11K RNTIG TH ATIC OOMHANDS A MARVEL DR. W. F. McELROY i DCo UTIGttae ArituROOM ariclaIF CONSECRATED DIES UN PETERBORO oemntPt Cottagefuritur ispariculr- UflFLft 3U1IALSAYS U.C. PASTOR GaýH 1o e n1ly adaptable to an attic room aýnd, O I L A D P R O A The conuit wa getl the home-owner who modernizes _______sgrat13 Fa 'might bear this in niind if she At Pk Stet Chrh Sundaysokdtolano tesde plaS cc s ians te convert a part of t.he at- 1 irc UC U death in Nicholis Hospital, Peter- tic into a useful room. Mr. La'ton, a worker at the staff, commencing Nov , 1 .Smrin e ~~Otrhur boro. on Sptember 30, oDf W B Pausa onn.te 1tI-e ite.frel fOoo a S c esSîanting ceilings and th~e dor- Forestry, had a painful accident ia> aaten room schaol f w]hich Mr his sermon on Hands, showed; F. McElroy.CareO t Miss Kaleen Stark and Mr. mer windows f requently found i un dymrnn.te ltwhnAaCndtr.fîery0 Ooo handsmarves onecfrte tlens Dr. McElroy was born in Hope Fanklin Tamblyn won the prizes the top floor of a house can eas- unîoading stones. One of them I principal.c maiy naigdifferent !Township. sonl 0f the late Mr. and Plans!o nagn n mrv character costumes, and Miss iy be made a cozy setting for 'feul on a finger of his right hand Miss E. Waddell tas accept.ed people in various fields of labourMs aulJh clo.Atr n oa argonswr n sWood and Mr. Neil Wood for s'mple furniture. In the absence cutting it ta the bone and neces- a position in Newcastle. as Paul. Lincoln. etc. He men- ! graduating with honors from On- animousyacpeta eon comi cotumesatumeParSt.t tfhdomerwrndwsStsmlofpnedsitaingimmeiat attntin. M. wîteîaShrwi hasr.tra-ltonr th ma wit th witere taro VternaryCalege n T- metin 0fourhm Cetra Ag nih.Miss Stark wore a gypsy ordinary type ta carry out the 1School1 get a holiday todas' and with friends in Rosencath district thtteewretomn ithe,' iei rn hr ewsalowl nld c nrne costume. Mr. Tamblyn a Chinese, gencial trend. This is ane of the Friday. ît being Teces o- and Cobourg. and attended Rose- cd hands amang church peop'e. officiai Governmcnt veterinarian. grandstad eirîgtcrc and Miss Wood and Mr. Wood * many improvements that can be vention. Miss Mariorie Adams. neath fair xhile in that vicinitY He concluded wit.h an appeita In 1925 he moved ta Peteibora, track. an ilbemdwth on wore costumes tao intricate ta made undeî' the Home Imprave- off the local staff. is presîdent. Mir. Alec Buchannon and dau- ail ta use their talents and harids wherc he had an extensivec prac- ey abtaîc yTe rn gi name with the rnat unusual facesient Plan.Mir. Charles Awdc is dclivcring, ghter Elva of Mount Forest spent, for thc bcttem'ment of theW1Q ie clua mî\eetCu rw -cspccially thc nases - w'c hav e One attic. which was made intoe ever-welcome (?) tax bills a fev days the past wcck Wth l At te evenin.- service thc pao-1 Left ta mourn the ioss cf a kind 'It xpcedtt cage il cveî' scen. Other good costumes aro o t o ftefml these days. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummand. to' pkeo ifal[Oulnn husband and f ather are his wife, wotinwr eînîgsoty were boy scouts, bride and groom,1 who was a high school student. Miss Betty Clough tas acceptcd Armistice day is approaching. thc dangers besetting modern formerly Leta Noble cf Orono, a several clowns. twa ald-timecocs- had a dada cf pine panclling. The a position in ,the Rcd and White Is it goîng ta be kept in Orono yaung people including beer par- son Keith, a student in Toronto. tums, ierotbrian, wdow~als ~recovrcdwit a cenc Stre.Ncwaste.as it shouid be, or is it goin.g tO lors, dclay in acccpting Christ, and a daughter Margaret at NEL W D R and negro. walpprAcmoiincvr .C .aehligterHl bc mercly a bank and maybe etc.. te told an interesting story home: also two sisters, Mrs. S. R. GVE H W Ttc metingopencwittpray An, hih ompoiertionglowe'enC. S.aryhoaintheiHl- post office holiday? Let. us alof a young man's conversion. Caldwell, of Port Hope, and Mrs. The eetig opnedwshowrayour, patriotismlik rbyt obscrvingn prtyP. tSmith.l o-Ssow Franciioisco;y tworinbro-SithSan ranisco twobro er by Rev. J. H. Osterhout. Mer- was used on the f loor. morrow night (Friday. *ttc day fittingly. thers, Walter and Herbert in Sas-__1_ vyn Keane read the scnîpt.urc, and A nondescript wîndow wtîch Mn. and Mns. Henry Cornish Mn. John Ttornton of Manor, DIM AND DISTANT katchewan. A largi ubr0 ned o Mn. and Mrs. Rowland Smitt f av- rattled in the winter winds and and family have rented Mr. Percy Sask., is here at his sister's, Mis ~ C . eIE S Fiaigasriea t oeNwovle rnLskard or d with a delightful vocal duet Orme Gamsby was stubborn about being raiscd Lunns house. A. Thonnton. PA TN W IE S Fllwn srieattehmeNwo wit4Ms yteSiha t 73 ycar old Orono sportsmaniwas rcplaoed with a lcaded win- Messrs. Roy Winten and G. Mrs. A. A. Drummond visited e o O oetecteg ev. roc e neUinadEiabtvU pilwto with Lorne Trull of Toronto dow. A bookcase was built in one Henderson have secured positions relatives in London recently. ed te Orono NesCemc.Baro tn. u' re Dr.taentrdM.andMs hri Miss Enid CobbiedIcK gave an tas been on a duck hunting trip. wall, surrounded by a scallOPcd in the Goodyear rubboen works at Miss Rosaline Gamsby, Mr. and October 31. 1912 terian Church, of which Dr. Mc- Thursdayngt n alBlig intcrcsting account of thc Oak 'He caled at our Bawmanvillc of- moulding. Electric lighttplugs Bovrmanville. Mrs. G. M. Linten and Betty and Elroy was a member, officia.ted. acted ascara1ortcocs Lake Summer Sc'tool. Ste relat- fice on Wcdnesday with 43 ducks were placed where thcy would be Trinity Cturch Union. BO'%' Jim spent the weekend at Kit- Miss Edith Pollard is visiting Paîl bearens were Dr. D. W. Clark, ion. WhnaVtdascbc r ed that Rev. W. J. H. Smythe was in ttc back of tte car, and he convenient te thc main picces of manville. have been invited to chener. in Brantford. Dr. A. M. Jotnston, Dr. G. R. Sydney Rtefr eda d presented witt a hot watcr battle swcars they were not bougtt. furniture. Beside thc bcd and, vinit Park St. Union, Orono. No- A number attcnded the Clarke Mr. James A. Henry of Amben- Pentaîl, al cf Peterboro, A. E. d.rcss,afewhcttgiswit joke and with a beautiful travel- .w rttc dcsn placoach glaterns ebr2.fw uprWdedyng ly, an old Clarke boy, spent a f cw Wilson cf Poit Hope, Dr. E. G.wecildothtae were p and acurefor easiknes as f wce usd inplac cf egultion Mr. Clifford Joncs has secured A sign "Ice crcam cones 2 for days with tis brother George at Kenslakc, Toronto, and Dr. G. C. cnedbytcriins.Wnal ling case as a memento before lie OBUTUARY fixtures. a position with Stewart-Warnen 5c" disposcd of the final supply thc aid homestead, and otter ne-i Lawrence, Lindsay. Assisting at the giftshdbe ipae hs left on tis trip ta Ireland. Sun- ______________, A trestie table placcd n th& at Belleville. of ice cream thîs scason at W. J. latives tte past week.OonwrcasD.J.Hnckpsntag"FrteAeJfl set and campfire services werc anmlSatr îcp window alcove scrved as a desk1 Mrs. George Steptens was a Riddells in a hurry. Every ctild Rcv. Mn. Barrett of Hampton af oîo re ando Dr. Allen oet Go Flow. Tcrest 0 tt realistically described. as Iverec aiie laeGepi and ttc person sitting at it couid vsitor in town Saturday. 1 onsee ohveacatrpcce cr cetbyi t on f orntondthe ltenRfourtal-veiGows pntejoali otter 'activities. Ttc s p c a k e nr Sairmîmel Sîster of PtisiincIi TOwI- get ttc best possible ligtt on his1 Mr. and Mrs. Chanles Stapîcton school Tuesday. Methadist Church Sunday monn- taving practised witt Dr. McEl- dancing n iyn crs n scnding lier and thus givin.- her Gtuelliî. aoi Octolmer 2lst. after fîi. mnapie but a chair and a table!btvl rdy ih.Tke up.rca in, n ravede .Eraw n nsacountcf anisany .Jostuentcfn Pon oeanclDrs- guest eatdintcwesa iremonies ta cherish. wveks' illncss. He wvas bonmi ii Orommo vere paintcd a duil blue. Mr. Vernon Saunders, Toronto. Mi'. Sinclair of Ringwood, On- srie tLsad ae or fc itn t ap Mr.Coin ayor cnene aDiirliam Coiilitv. ;mîîd caille to Gî("iil 1< spent te wcekend with his par- se.i ustttn o i' oi r rvcsa.nk ope r's eamawt e.mn tc mny batiuhouplrtsetttns0 ie splenid vcal slo wth Mn. R.a~ a hil'. \\ilî li. jaher.lic larmients, Mn. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Brown of thc Bank of Commerce a load cf grain took fright at an foa nbtsncic a H. Brown at thc piano. Ttc chair- ed thei> tiildiig trade. aiîd ws a.. TimoTHY SUPPLY Mr'. Fred Sisson was tome from, staff. who is holidaying at hisat*nMi tetFia n ancn floral t oiuts rcshcpe-Ms ditRvkaeed t i man and convenci'. Mn. Donald ..ociated %witli bîm i i imle cartractili Bwanigeduin tcwekndtoeinMatombu tonilbrk Mtaionun o tcwaontsrteeyttctrsme f tcbc esa fro oaatsnrd:a Ham. alld n tc reidethîiiic~...l.ierli tirîed10 anli Thc amount cf timothy sccd wtcre te tas been working, and bel back on duty ncxt week. It looked for a few minutes as if '-district. Ition. Advta tl n"u Mr. Robt. Keane ta take change. iiig. Ile was a chiarter incomnber of clown in Canada annually is es- cxpectcd ta go back stortly when1 Miss Neva Raincy is waiting on te wauîd have a seniaus mix-up. 1Nef Ttc parade of those in costume Si. Jaiiies' Aiiglicaîu Cburclb. Sur- timatcd at fromn 8,000.000 ta 12.- matenial is securcd for thc con- Mrs. E.R.P .ainey. Mn. H.W. Renw'îck was tome,, cdfnPae"wsgvnb came next. and ttc judgcs. Miss vivinig are Iis widosv. one dlatighiter, ()(0,000 paund.s. Naturaily, in structian job.. J. J. Gilfillan, Harry Mercen, fo !tnksivig.miss BtyKnxIfs rc Elizabeth Galloway and Mnr. Ross * Mrs. E. 1. Qîmail. Guelph, aSimd tWO ycars of higt pices. thcde an Miss Viola Noden. Toronto. W. E. Armstrong. Madison Hall, is laHopr a one ta H MP O am, her cnt e hl t Widdts of ttc Continuation sctool s ais. Williiiri and Robent at bhome. i lcss than when ttceseed is rea- spent ttc wveekcnd with her mo- and Abe Lrxton left Wedncsday Toronto ta take a position at r. cnggainedtcfrtthe staff. must have found their task sonably ctcap. ther. Mns. J. Noden. for tteir annual pheasant hunt trade. dressmaking. coge difficult. Mn. Widdis announced Present indications arc that 1Mn. Charles Bucklcy. Sutton. at Pelce Island. They will be ac- Miss Gladys Richards aA~d fri- Mrs. C. Dundas, Misses Gene- venses i iec n ondi thc winner- and Miss Galloway THE LIVING-ROOM domestic supplies will go fan in visitcd lhere. campanicd by Frank Ardron, To- end. Miss Kate Snowden cf To- 1 vieve and Evelyn Dundas, Mns. 1 singing tccoigvre t pjesentcd ttem with thein prises meeting demand in Canada in Mrs. E. R. Raincy was brougtt ronta. nanto spent ttc holiday' at tome. Hutchins and Miss Norma Hutch- program arncag fMs oW each. A houscwîfe had a problcm on 1938. Ttc canmy-ovcr in Canada tome Sunday fromn Peterbora tas-1 Fniday evenin., Orono Badmin- Miss Beatnice Fosten cf Toronto; ms, Toronto. visited Mn. and Mrs. Eva Johs Aradnwsgie following a fcw wards by ttc hEn tands wth a living room that -wus about 31i million pounds pital wtere ste undcnwent an OP- iton Club held ttc finst social ev- !and Miss Margaret, cf Bowman- W. T. Perrett. by MissJaJon.MsBet President, and undcî' tte direction not only liad grown shabby, but f îom 1936 and production this'cration.: ening of ttc scason whcn several ville, werc tome for Thanksgi-v,- Ttc annual thank-offering ser- Staînton aordx't in u of Misses Enid Cobblcdîck and that was tard to teat as wcll. ycan should be about 4,250,000 Mn. and mrs. Robt. Cornfortt ,ncw members addcd to ttc gnow- ig vice of ttc, Woman's Missionary1 sic. Mr.SutJaeB - Thelma Myles. games and con- Stairs to ttc uppen f 10cr wcnt up'pounds. In ttc United States have movcd to Lindsay where they ing membrstip and complctcd1 Miss Margaret Burgess and si- Society cf Hampton was held on manvillgaenitrsiga- tests were enîaycd. i n c 1 u dl i n g fmom ttis roomn making it difficult thene is a lange supply of timotty wîll make thein future tome. Tteyi an cvcning full of intcncsting 1! ter, Toronto, werc tome at their Tuesday evcning, Octoben l9tt. dnesson LadripTiig. -Hunting Your Fortune". '40 to test. Ste dccided ta have î'e- secd whict is sclling reasonably will be misscd by the many fni- 'games and a fine lunch. fathen's, Mn. John Burgess, th Owing to ttc illncss of Mirs. 'Rcadingswriie yRg Steps," "lcats ccntcst.' "I saw a pairs made that wauld correct ttc chcap and is cstimatcd ta be suf- ends hene. We wish thcmn success Lii Forbes, Dominion President, who Rackham n isRuyClil gtost." "singing- neighbouns" and faults. ficient for t.tree ycars' requine- in their ncw sptenc cf activity. Mn. and Mrs. Peacock and dau- was unable to be present, hen tus- RIEv. W.R ktmpounetc "1pinning ttc tail on thc donkey." Ttc fineplacL was rebutlt to ments. Present prices on tmack at Ttc cold wcattcnrcminds us FALL FERTILIZER ghten, and Mn. and Mrs. Pcrcy band, Rev. G. Ernes.t Fortes cf tenledicto.Asrtim wa 'Miss K. Stark found ttc ring., give test wittout smoking. Then1 Chicago arc fromn $2.25 ta $2.75 tlat Christmas is scarccly two 1 Baker, Toronto, wcne guests at Weston, substitutcd most acccpt- spent ii nwnn acnct Mrs. V. Phascy ttc money. andi composition wall and ceiling per cwt. for countny-run sced. montts off, witt its accompanying I ___holinghe________of__t Aubncy Jordan thc thimble, in thc board wcne put over ttc old walls wtict is about haîf ttc price in tunny and wonry about wtat ,ci The value oif ttc application of IMn. Josept Robinson's, Sixth Line., Iab Yodng.ttcintcni esc bct Mis first game. "Forty stcps" showcd and cciling. This was attractive, that market a year ago. Incident- 'buy for this and that relative. fentilizers in the fall to pastures to the Tento wevn Mesrs. tiens of scenes and anecdotes cf ronto, vstdhnprns n muot ingenuity on the part of looking like panielling, and in ally, timothy sced prices in Can- Wty not te sure to give ttem and alfalfa, and panticularly to tos.VinsTontos. afett nnkpaesvste ee otineet-adMn.T W omevle everyone in inventing diffenent pleasing contnast te ttc outside ada are influcnced by Chica.go something that will be aprei '-permanent pastures, is becoming tnoCuMilrBetDbig.H tldfalte eevd ~ ay'slof walking across ttc noom. and stain walls, which wcnc pape.r- prices, but imponted seed is, cf cd aIl ttc year round? GÎive ne more generaîîy necognizei. The Sson, Ch Saps. Mle, etD b ing.Fe ldc a shot trnied ______________ ~The "est contest" and "I saw a cd ' course, subjct te ttc added ccst a subscription to Ttc Orono News.1 fertilizers used for ttis purpose, soMr e StaPoes o b>w'hMrs. FotesW.aM.Shortimesg gost' taxMie mental power te Dnafty winidows were connected of duty cf about one cent p cr Mn. Wmn. Ptllpott, Aurons, fa-!i being compesed of phosphates Mn.ntnnie ostencf Osawata .o Tbae N- nhe mibous did ttc "singing1 and a ncw door was hung, lcaving pounid and incneased fneight and then of Mrs. Chas. T. Miller, died and potase, do not leech from ad c,~ ~,c îwiten said evenything was made ttc hmit "lhwtich one tad to no crack undcrneath for wintry othen incidentai changes wtich Monda>' evening. Mn. C. Miller i winten snows and rans and thc ton, were home for ttc holiday. use of. Ttc stiff cardboard in gucss thc one wto was singing winds. Ttc woodwonk was given amount te around anotten four will attend ttc funenal. Mrs. Mil- plant food ttc>' supplyi>' ready Mn. Hanold Cooper and lady which supplies wene sent was cutM flar l with disguised voice. Pinning»ttc s. frest coat of paint and ttc cents per pound. 1cr tas been in Aunons the past to give ttc desincd results wtt f iend spent Saturda>' lut with eut fer insoles for boots, wnap- Ke iadshnyi _____________________floors wene efinlsted. Ttc bulk of ttc production cf week. tt frst oth alaicttisn ing U gadath s.W. Coop- ping papen was pasted on ttc the hou.Yo er Ttc old rag nugs and colonial timothy sced in Canada this year Mn. Stanley' Bruton and brother Fnhn t alapiain i walls, and cveir the twinc witt know wh1 yu'Ine mu rniturc teok on a new lease of is in Ontario, Quebec and British werc tome for ttc wcckend. saving cf time in ttc spring whcn' Mr. Ben Thornton cf Woodstock which parcels werc tied was used it! NEW EA mu ewit ths njuvnatd bck-Colu~i Cograulaion taMn.andsi) many other fanm openations visited his fathen, Mn. Thos. f on lamp) and candle wicks. To CAP hEreial gound. Funds for repains arc Mrs. Chas. Shaw on the birth cf a dmn tenin t ppia.trteadot eaie. ttc boys and girls te dcscnibed his seais insreghf- otainable under the Dominion son in Bowmanville Hospital oni tion may be made cither before on exPeniences in going b>' acnoplane liniment.Peet MUenmn' Home Improvement Lonne Truli, Toronto, and Orme Octoben 25tt. laftcn the freeze up. to distant places in China and of spilling ilr- A I LU I Plan. Gamsby arnived in tcwn Wednes- Gladl to sec Mn. A. J. Staples! Ttc speciail>' balanced fentiliz- A pedestnian should alwa>'s have tis expeniences in Japan. Mns. imovedorse day sftcr two days duck stooting out again. c rs for this purpose m-commend- timself unden contnel. Geo. Annis and Mrs. H. Muir cf Rub in inrd %tail on the donke>' pnovided lots at Rice Lake. Askcd if ttc>' tad A shcd at ttc near cf O. W. c d b>' ttc Provincial Fcntiizcn Most advice seldomn gets any Courtice rcndered a vocal duet freelY fora ms cf amusement but wc <id net ne- muct luck, Mr. Trull opcned ttc Rolpt's store la being torn down. Boards are 0-12-6, 0-12-10, 0-12- farther in than ttc cardrum. most acceptabl>'. Ttc newly or- cular piso cognize wtat ttc pictune repre- truck cf his car and displayed 47 Dn. Manning attcndcd a meet- 15, 0-16-6, 0-16-10, and 0-16-12, Ttc wonld is youn oysten. Don't ganized Mission Band, under ttc stiffnlesss' et "cnted until we wcre told. plump specimens. Orme says te ing at Bowmanville Lions Club to te applied at ttc rate of at hurt yoursclf opcning it. direction of Mns. Jim Reynolds rheumnicahs This was fcllowed b>' tce scrv- bagged six of thcm and Mn. Truil Monda>'. least 300 pounids per acre. It Burning youn bridges tetind sang two choruses. Mrs. Niddeny etc. ~ng of lunch b>' ttc comni.ttcc ttc balance, A duck dinner for Dr. 1. B. Thompson. Waltcns would te wssteful te apply a cern- and Miss Reynolds on behaîf cf a Ordnay cnsipaio betsouwith thc able assistance of Mes- tis friends would te most wel- Falls, spent thc weekcnd with Mn. plete fentilizen in th-e faîl, ttat il, yuin. 0bd fyucnsi.ttc W.M.S. and Band expncssed Blavid Odnrcosiainbasyudames Giddus Joncs, Maria Smith corne, but Orme says hc's saving A. A. Dnummond. oecnann irgni di Lots cf lips .iust mode te kiss thi preito t n ore down, but KelIogg's ALL-BRAN and J. H. Ostertout. ttcmn for Christmas presents. Mn. Hutert Cobbledick, B.S.A., tion te ttce phosphonle acid and are mode oven again just after. for his most interesting talk, and eaten reguflarly makes you ft.I Bailiff Milton Jamieson, Bow- who tas been supplylng at Stir- petash, as most of ttc nitrogen It is pleasant te thlnk of the ta Mrs. Annis and Mns. Muir for up end at 'enp. Try it1 BOYS' ATHLETIC SOCIETY manville. was in town Wcdncsday ling Hlgh School snce Ttanks- swould be bast b>' leec.hing on amn- Garden of Eden, without taxes, their beautiful message in song. accompsnid b>' an old frmcnd, Da- gving, lias now sccuncd a position moniatien tefore plant growth reforniers, wonking heurs on ne- Young Peopfle's Union met Fr1- Boys' Athietic Society' of Onono vid Cattcant frn Manitoba. on ttc Learnington high school had stanted in ttc spnîng. latives. day evening witt President Miss * Continuation Setool elected these ___________________ Knox___________in_______charge______________of_______thelnenxincanecftc -p officens: President, Jim Powcrs; enlng and business penlod and so Sec'y.-Treasurer, LeRo>'M y i e s; SM a sidevoted t Attc hons ti sere .// *Form Rp-1, Bob Case; 2, Bruce CdTI flhT1'C (to'the( '(IM LRu I'E RIservice.L~1 God;3.Cccii Bruten. ~U~U~L~ ~U~LtAIiITtc Caîl te Wostlp was given b>' q IL1 COING V__S 1 TIRNS OF D SCON ENT IN ON ERi Miss Marion Hone', after which CO U GE E T iGoeDne > .A a By a Political Correspondent fard D.M. Hogarth and some ott- Catholics AbIenated mode instcad te Mn. Ruae. Ttc>ey St United Cturch, Orono, Wed- e___ rs wto had become close frîends Ttc finst Consenvative f ight were. incsda>'. November lth. Concert In Ttc Financial Post, Tenante 'working in ttc Canadian Armny'came in a by-clcction in a strong- Biocked by Bennett- an letue b' ev.W.J. . 1ret îîmlaliy (Ie,'c os, îIpd Supply Department in London 1>' orange constituency. Ttc Ho- iMn. Rowc went at once te con-- land Admn isiorec nd 25pc. Ie- pai.iei<iari.v Coi.îratizcvs zcli 'during ttc war, and who laten garth-Rowe policy was regarded 43-nd. Admissionuiî50ciand 25c. d ilie'wene also associated in profitable as miainl>' anti-Roman Cattolic- suIt Mn. Bennett. Mn. Bennett OSHAWA folluiiigiqart ice' ppririlig il, 'mining promotions in Ontario. ismn as reprcsentcd b>' thc party's strnl' psda> line Yi' iîmaîîýIlicial I'ost. Il proz-ides IMn. Ferguson. no doubt miuch stand on Separate Schools. Ttc On tis rctu.nn, s conference was a politicai bîckiroiîd iiiit Ill' disappointcd and secing that ttc Canisem'vativcs won in a billiant' held at ttc Albany' Club. witt - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ plibi'ic .ç'idoiî iîmz' iic opportif il- Winnipeg convention was 50 xveil fight. But that P 3licy 105t ttc, Gen. Hogarth, Mn. Henryance-T U S -FR . A . it%- of iiid il iqiivc.ç i organized, rcfnaincd from making, Conscirvative at'tcCtoi ai te l-ic nervatives. jîiseiî iîtti,siioois of thc figtt wtict his followcîs vote in thc later general election But Mr. Ferguson and Mn. Me- O tbr2t 9h-3 t ~,.....,. ~~ - ;,î,., ,i.t i wat.p anc .ston< lcvilv v M. -avototitertohcldlaîgelvbs' .h--- 29t- ici ai i,aîdtii oit-r f Bntand Hstsorters no dubt t.-ate onsenvti e ud ler c aibyLeawee,_noc__cas __on 4 I I Nerves on Edge From loss of sleep Siepl4a is the most per- Food a chance to help y ou? It bas sistent symptom cf exhausted heiped many thousands cf others nerves. You may have headaches and shouid do as much for you. It or nervous indigestion. You nia> is not a narcotic te, merciy induce be restless and irritable and con- sleec but a restorative which wiii à stantly worried over things that do enable you to regain the vigor cf net resu>' matter. Ail these symnp- the nervous systeos and free your- toms wear down the nerve force self of the condition wtich is making San d if you cannot sieep, there is no life a burden for you. You will not chance to regain nenvous energy and beusing it long bef oreyou will under- vigor. stand why there is so much enthus- Wh not give Dr. Chase's Nerve iasm about this food treatment. lâ.CHASE'S NERVE FOOD icalhartesaM le Mniie in Benntt. is uppoter no oub, th Conervsiderable te fcommentrblecommn ngmo mcm-m Iiicii oromîps iiiaiiomicr for Pî.îi- anticipated ttat Mr. Bennett mninded Fcî'gusan. It is now hax'- bers who kncw what was going cii. tion apmidcnpitrol. would cal im te ttc Cabinet as ing ver>' scnious repercussions in Premier Hepbunn's appeal for ttc Thc present figtt for' ttc con- second -in- comynand wtcn t t e .othe provinces among Roman gtigtgte ftcgo e trol cf ttc Conservative Par'ty i j Conservatives wcnc returncd, as Cattolics as well as gnowing ,gtigtgte ftego e ttc> wec i 193, ad tus hve rous ofProestnts ho re e-of bot parties was definitel>' and pcrhsps ttc mast important in itsthm wrcadynto9succad tm in asýe caming of Piestantc seare st arpl>' turned down. tistor>'. It 15 of ver>' great in- i ed oscedhrincs1 oigfinl oteSprtsTesueqn vrwlmg portance to ail seriaus Canadians of accident. Schools..Tt susqet vcwlmn wto love and have a stake in their General McRae tad been pro- Then came Premier Hepburn's defeat st ttc clection and cur- country and Whto feel ttc necd at rnised ttc High Commlssionerstip f îght ta block ttc C.IO. - Cam- rent doubts as te ttc wisdom oif thîs tîme. am neyer before, of a in London; tsd been lookîng for- munist effort ta contraI Ontaria iDominion policles have creatcd s sound, saf e, countny-tefore-panty war4 te it and talked free>' about labor.. demand fjor new organisations opostonytn it in part>' circles. Colonel Dî'cw, ttc Conservative nd new eaders who will wonk On one hn is thc Bennett- Mn. Bennett sunprised and gnie- onganizel', agrccd with Mn. Hep-anfittntcntoalate Hogarth mining gnoup wtc side- vousl>' disappointed bott. It was bunn but failcd to carry ttc Ho- than in pctty part>' interests. tracked Howard Fcrgiison .iust as said that ttc finst intimation Fer- garth-Rowe-Bennctt combination Ttc old crowd arc tnying te ne- te was about ta nelinquisiu thc guson tsd ttat te would te sent and ncsigncd. Soon after, ac- tain control. But even ttc Tony Ontriopreierhipto o i.ta London and not taken in ttce cording te ttc usuail>' authentic ultna-ioyalists cf ttc Albany' Club. Chals preminrstip tHo an.Cabinet was given eut b>' Mn. gossip one leanns at thc Albany including ttc type wto toast of ChalesMcnea i onenta s-Bennett i a press dispatct fnom Club, Toronto, Drew was ap- neyer havlng cast a Libenal vote, sumne the Dominion leadership ttc steamship on wlch te was proached to join a proposed "na- anc new cxpressing manked dis- whîci ttc part>' genenal>' plan- nturning te Canada. tional" - net a union - gevenn- content with thc present part>' ned for and expectcd. Mr. Fenguson, fongivlng and ment, whlch would net oni>' dean control. Panticulanl> ttc>' feel that Country Before Par'ty fongctting, went te London. But up theC0.I.0. situation but a num- ttc gncatest mistake in thc party's On the other aide are thc fol- at Ottawa the>' a> Genenai Mc- ber cf ver>' senlous taxation pro- tlstony was mode when ttc pres- lowers of -this Ferguson-McCrea Rae dld net forgive and fonget blemns, due te ovelapplng and cnt leaders turned down Mn. Hep- gnoup and thc great nmssof and was net s pepular figure dur- wastcful and unsatisfacter>' con- burn's proposais for ttc clearing younger Censervatives and Inde- ing -ttc Bennett regime. His place ditions lmposed on the province up cf many provincial and na- pendents who faven s man cf ttc as Conservative part>':manipula- b>' ttc previous Censervative Gev- tional problerna, se many cf them Colonel Drew type es leader, ton and dictator was then taken ennmnent and whict the Hepburn unnecessar>'. one of which la ever- should Mn. Ferguson te unavail- b>' Qeneral Hogarth, who, wit.h Govexnment was more or less increaslng taxation ýthat hampens able and who put country before plent>' of mone>', made a good job compeiled te follow. Col. Drew deveiopment and that particulani>' part>'. of onganlzlng and f llling the On- was assured that te would te gi- discourages miass emplo>'me nt. In 1927 a wealthy gnoup aban- tario Conservative Con v e n t i o n yen ttc Attonney-Generalshlp and Ttc>' argue that two or ttree doned Mn. Ferguson and organ- wlth friendi>' votes for tis nom- later, on thç retiremnent cf Hep- years tence ttecculd have gene lzed to make Mr. Bennett instcad incc as leader, Hon. Earl Rowe, burn, tte pnemirstlp. Col. Drew to the country as a well-organlzed cf Mn. Ferguson ttc national Coïn- one ef Bennett's ex-mnnlters. But replied te these representattons part>' witt a greatly enh'anced servative leader in succession to Colonel Drew, coming in at the that Mn. Rowe, net te, waa the reputation, wlth geod chances of Mn. Meigten. Ttc>' were headed last moment, nearl>' upset ttc leader of the Censervative part>' wlnnlng in the Dominion as well b>' Major-Generals A. D. McRae plans. and that the proposals stould be as In Ontario. 'SECRET VALLEY' with Richard ArIen and Virginia Grey - Also - 'NA VY BLUES' with Dick Purcell and Mary Brian MON.O - TUIES. - WEDe November Ist - 2nd - 3rd 'BEHJND THE MIKE-' with William Gargan and Judith Barrftt - "0 o- 'FORGE T ME NOT' wlth Bonl. Gîgli and Joan Gardiner THUIRS. a FIR1.- AT. November 4th - 5th- 6th Ail Over Town Windiam mer Oison and Johnson with George O'Brion IJ,. 4 4' 1' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE 1 1-

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