PAGE SI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. CONTARIO jNÉ WTON VILLE 1 Me. and Mes. Fred Luppett and f amiîy, Toronuto. visited Me. and Mrs. J. Colon, Sunday. Mes. Robt. Gordon, Elizabethvillîc is with ber beether, Me. Eb. Staple- ton. Me. sud Mes. J. Morris, 'Messes Exerett Stapîcton and R. Morton visited Me. and Mes. XVm. Staple- ton. Our school wili be chosed Thurs- day and Friday owing to the Teach- ers' Convention.. Miss Almeda Couch. Buffalo, vis- ited Mes. Eb. Milîson. Messes EarI Walkev and Ross luf' 4»- 1 Corbett Is Ready FOR HALLOWEEN We 've a complete supply of needed tbings for Halloween Candies and Kisses at attractive prices Halloween Party Supplies From our bakeshop, and to help you further with that party, your choice of 10 varieties of Silverwood 's The (Ireani Bricks Priced ........ each 20e Let us help you enjoy your Halloween celebration Breads for Health We make several types of Health Bread including Soya Bean, Grati Meal, Hovis, Whole Wheat, Etc. A steady Bean, Gran Meal, Hov'îs, Whole Wheat, Etc. A steadily increasing demand for these breads proves their effect- iveness as builders of good health. - Try theni. CORBETT'S BAKERY Bownianville large jar 25c lM. 29e Fresh Roasted Peanuts ........ lb. 10c MEDIUAM OLD CHEESE, just right,,.. lb. 25e NEW PRUNES.......- 2 lbs. 25c Popping Corn ............ per pkg. 10c WAX -BEANS, Gold Medal, Choice tin 10e BELLE CITY PEAS, Special .... tin 10c Quaker Oats............ large pkg. 22c BULK COCOA 2 lbs. 25c PUFFED RICE...... 2 pkgs. 25c Molasses Snaps............. 2 lbs.' 19c YELLOW SPLIT PEAS .. lb. 7c GREEN SPLIT PEAS - ....... lb. 9c Wonderful Laundry Soap .... 5 bars 16c GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, 1-2 's-.............. tin 23c Habitant VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 25c OId Dutch Cleanser ......... 2 tins 19c YELLOW SUGAR 5 lbs. 28e OXYDOL small 10c- large pkg. 24c Junket Powder or Tablets ..... pkg. lic ZEBRA STOVE POLISH PASTE, ige. tin 15c RED SEAL SALMON, 1-2 's tin 15c Quaker Puffed Wheat ......... pkg. 10e CALAY SOAP 3 cakes 18c COMFORT BOAP .... .... 4 bars 18c Marshmallows ........... per pkg. 10c VITONE ..- . small 27e - med. 47e - large 87c GILLETT'S LYE. per tin 12e F. W. Nelles Phone 596 Bowmanville 1 xi aIryI*ýs, 1ýI.\h. VIIi ckliaa LONG SAULT .steiat \. J. Baisolis. * Nfiýý i..s H oar, Toronuto, sperut Nir. and Nies.XXillrain StililTo- the xveikeiî itji lier sister, Mes. E. ,iit(>, sjiiiit rhirirsuiav %wuti Nie. R. Taylor. nI Nies. George Smîithî arînieM. .\is. J. T. Pundile. Nirs. .Li. l'as- (Crýii Farrell. Nie1 . aiîinieMs. D1) rialD avex seul iraIv visite(Ii Ni. andîi Nis. Rsy-___________________________ iii I avuv, 1hiîirkcetci. Ni... Suisie XVanrî t ;rip 'spet1tu at k w erî i lic iie iiin ýackt ck. Cliîieelî sers je, xxiii liclielil St (30t ii.. S ir ifla svcx ciinziiwitiiPc v.10: - .NW.Niaru h inicharge. Onii fNiy 0V. 14t, a iiia.ýqticeaile iîiia Ire.- ** S i'il il bc.iilie]îcd ;t t liti lrclî. R ecenut Visitons: h r .-F 1 Miss NMarioînuTaylor withi Ni. an(uîuî.a A Nies. Williams. Mr. sud Nins. S. Cawkee seul son. Peint Peerv, withu Me. E. Armstrong~. Nie. anîd Nies. T'. Chambners, Val- O WI eutis. uvithu Mn. amuINies. S. Mialcolmu. N\Ir. an rui is. Wnu.Stee lc suiluC OL I Nir. an(ui Nis. P.C. Jackson. Phone: Store 695-House i Nins. R. XWiliams. Doris sud lys, Nie. amni Nies. F. Tould andu Ross, Clarke, with MNieandl Nis. L, jeu- 1 -- 4 Gibbs atteuuded thue Telephone Coi veuîtio iru Toronto, October 2lst. Nies. Hasseiu visited iii Cuathuani XX. tumet at thue hîcure cf Nies.i J. NMitchell, October 20th. 'Mi Kaufmau was ajnpoiuited delegate conîvenutionu in Toronto iin Noveubc Thuey decided te scuud a leader te tl Leaders' Teaining Schooh for Girl work ini Milibrook. Nies. Haigu xvý in charge cf the meetinug. Poli cý uvas answered by my personal cf (c towacd making the Institute a su: cess Report f rom Speakers' Servi( ait Orono, by NMiss Jenuuie Thoml son. Solo.,Nies. Redkuapp accon panied bu 'MNiss Niargaret Densul The fair exhuibit uvas oui dispia: Mes. Haigh gave two huinorous rea( ings auud hec gcoup seeved lunch. Sunday guests with NMr. sud 'Nr Chias. Miorris were : NMiss Kathîcu Burton. Nirs. Barber, Nies. XVcc Nuiss Kapeil and Nie. ArduieMNiru hotuse, Toronto. Our public schooh students arc ver gratcfulIte the Bowuuanville Rotai jClub for the treat which thiev en jcved at Boxvmaiiville Theatre. Fri day. Nie. NMelville Tories xxas cecteda Presjident'of the Canadian Indepcnc cuit TeiephoeuucA-ssociatton cf On tarie su their coniventionu luehld iuTc ronito, October 21st sud 22ud. On Fridav eveuîiug relatives gath erud at the homne cf Nies. WVin. XNhit taker te preserît huer gcandson, Nir GordonNVhitakee sud bis fianec 'Miss NMarion Griffiu. xvhuh a muiscei Isieous shixvec iu luoour cf thîci apprcachuing marerage. NMiss Hehen LcDcexv, Tocante, iý visiting huer coxusin, N.Iiss Lena Kim- baIl. U. C. Leagule held its f iest meet- ing with this peogcam: bible eead- ing, Giadys Peacce; vocal duet, Mac- ami Bruce andi JurueXVace; reading, \irs. Saveev; nucuthorgau sehectioni Bobby Lockhart; recitation, Doreer Buelev; Nies. Ken XVerrv, Newcastle, gave an intecesting talk ou Youngi People's Voek. Election of officers 'csuulted as folloxvs Pres.-Sidi Lau. caster: Vice-Pres.- Nirs. XXiIl i s cnecs; Secs-., Edgar N.iilhscmî : Asst. Sec'y.. Alfreed Pedknapp: Piauists, Niargaret Densuit sud Nies. XV. C. Lanue; Couivenors, Christian Feillx- hip, Hazeh Reid, NMary Lane: 'Nis- jonmsrv. Jack Kiuuubal. Ninr. XVillj, cee.s :Citizensuîip, Psy 'Hîughîes, rri7l n- Ronald Burlev; Christian Culture, L Mrs. Savecry, Audrey Burlev. E E E E in. Messrs Cecil and XVm. Robinson E M E E C. att e ndd the funcral of Mrs. Hall. frs. Sr.. in Toronito. Tuesdav. Services on Suedav were we. to W'.M.S. of the United Chiurch tended. Rev. XV. C.' Smith, ps )r. met October 13th. Mrs. George was in charge and spoke on' lic XX alkey gave the scripture reading of Reality.' Music wvas supplie Ils' and NIrs. C. Burley gave a splendid choir, and at the evcning se as paper on the chapter il] the Studv Maple Grove choir assisted witl cal Book. Mrs. E. L. Bech led in musical part and gave sone ien ort prayer. Mrs. Redknapp favored ivhich were muchi appreciated. c- with a solo. It was decided toenc- freshmcnts were served the vif ce tertain the inother and babies of the and a social time spent. S. S. se p- congregation on November .lrd in was as usual. n- the church basement. Mission Circle held its meetir ult. Mfr. Ken XVare, Fenelon Falls, was Mrs. Lloyd Courtice's with Mn vy. home for the weekend. Courtice and group in charge.. d- Mr. and M\rs. W. C. Lane attended Evelyn Wade OccuPied the c the anniversary in Colborne Oct. 17. opening with hymn; Mrs. L ýrs Miss Helen Couhi 'ourtice read the scripture le! en slowlv. Cuh siProving 'Misses Beth and Jean Gay ch redaepese ese e V readîegs; prayer, Mfrs. H. Nic] il tapletn areunleae airi .. harmonica selection, Evelyn W StaPetoj arond book taken by Hazel Ru ..Mr. Raymond Bruce was in Belle- A hy-mn and benediction closed .,. ville. Tuesday, attending the funeral meeting after whichi refreshn Sof lus niece. wvere served. r- Mrs. C. Burlev attended the fun- The C. G. 1. T. sponsoeed a eral cf her uncle, Mr. Zealand, in lowecn masqueade party on Fi asLindsav. evening whien a nice suln of m, d- Me. sud Mrs. XW. J. Trenouth, ivas eealized. The judges, Mes i-Napanve, were Sueday guests of J. Gav, Mrs. Harold M.\uir and 0-Mr. and NMes..B. Pethick. Chas. Osborne deciding the fol ____________________________ ieg as winners: best deessed la 'Miss Elsie Oke as Nîghit; best Il - tumne over 12 v.ears- Mfiss it - MONArnold as a Sailor; hest cern r. <i' Adelaide XVilsee and Mary XVil Fol upe on October 20thi was las Darkies best deessed groupi -i a splendid suiccess. The churcli was o~r more-Dorothy Shortt and E rpacked frte Xy'heAtcso Vade asM isses Canada. Or Andy' put cri hv Scuigog Young Broksand FyundVvanS*Cin ls People. Evcrybody enaoYed a good opento12aduerVvn i - mnaey laughs. Betweeei the acts of r ~îRede ayXalcs the play the Masonic Quqi:tette from as gypsies. Program given was t- Oshawa, Messes Lambert, Bedford, piano trios by Misses Louise 1- Toaze anid Bell, unaccompanied« sang borne. Ada Anlnis and Hazel Ruer r- several selections which xvere great- eeading. Fay Found; vocal solo, 9. Iv enjoyed by ai. Proceeds $303. Alan Duncan; readings, 'Miss Ml 'Nrs. J. XV. Balson is able te bc Osborne. Refreshmnents were ser rn eut again after beiîîg je many weeks bv the girls. ewitlî a bad cold. Little XVilma 'Marshall entertai ig Mr. Frank Pasce and family.lune cf her little feiends te a hi: »S Miss Irene Pascc weee in Toronto dyprvo Vdedveveriin i- on Fridav. hclp celebrate her tenth birthdav. NIr. sud M\rs. Russell Perkins aîîd ha 'd an erîjovable time. t.Margaret spent thie weekend at Oweîn iMessrs Harvev sud Glen Pick Soxrrîd. Harry XVorden sud Harold Osbo Mr.Fre .Xhtrî,Torrîo, isiedhave retuerîed home frcm a pleas at. R Prerkshonj TrotoîÇ.i visit spent witlî relatives ie Sa _Nliss Martiia Hansen, Trenton, atchewian. svisited lier sister. 'Mrs. -Jack Crieik- Nr.X.H. XVorden 'Marshall .dîanks. Nirs. WValtcr Snider were visitors Mr. and Mefs. J.,XW. Balsori Jean Pcterboro on Thutrsdav. arld lHarvev visited their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Arînis were Mrs. Leslie Hoskje arîd NIrs. Chas'Batodatudigtefrea Fecrgiiscr, Thorriton's Corners, on thîeir uncie. Me. Rouse. Many frier .suridav. Jiere exterîrisv-mpathv to 'Miss Ro Misses Emnma and Annie Killen wvlo is a issioearv., sud lias visi Oshiawa, at Robt. Killerîs. on Sun-'lîcre and. addressed dur W.M.S. day. sud Svriîpatliv- is aise exterîded te M~r. an Mes. XVm. Thompson, St fanilv cf the late 'Mrs. Casev Ti Marv's. M\rs. XW. J. Trick, Osliawa* who passed awav on Saturday. Caile(i St Russell Staintoe's, J. X Mr. Dougal Me\IDouigal. Langdï Balsn*sand ame Camrons, n orth Dakota, Mr. and Mes. V~ Baisoa ndJms aeons uThoruipsori., St. M\ary-'s. M\rs. XV 'Nir s. HerY Allie. Bowmaeville, Trick. Oshiawa, were visitors visited her daughtee Me\fs. Russell their cousin, Nirs. Blake Oke i Rohhin s. Me. Oke. Mr. Ray Cameronl visited lus %wife Mrs. Blake Courtice entertai- an(] familv. at Osaca oii Suedav. the bazaar coeîmittee on Thuesi Messes NMorey Flintoff arîd Clif_ afternoon whee plans weee made ford Jolirîs St Xeslcv Camneron's on lhold the hazaar urîder auspices Mondv. X. M. S. on Decenîber 6th. Af biusiness was dealt with a 1ev Mr. HarvevyBalson while thrcsh lunhx'sscvdh-th ots ing at James Cameron's on Saturdav lsci a time spen t ehsts %vas struick with a grairirv board and asoi ar imr sp. Eri ar dht Su aneteeY in hi., nose. hare.ban dir rîg it Laird. B Get vcur tini panisgatliered 11 Cortiie ave moved wto .fr.Bowm V0oul1 firn(i a lise for thiem S ooni. vrie hv oe oBwn 's. Miss Elsic Oke acconipanicîl Ilatîves te Tororîto. on Sîrnidav a UIMIE>UI wuvre zguests . fMr. and M\rs. Hai (à> - Ninrrc. Mîr.and Xlrs.J. Flett and Betty NMrs. XX. H. Nicliols ;vas a reCi BoWIxIVrille 'vrirted uvith Mr. aiv visiter xvîtlilier rîeplîcýv . Nie. M r's. an Stephenson. mari Rev-nolIds. Toronto. and enjc Mr. JDouglas Bothîwell . Sis,, N (l vi-.itirig Casa I.oma. BP., isvisitirîgSt 'M\r. .. MeN eil.s. Mr. Haroil .\fcro11ald. Kiri Mr. andîîl Mrs, Win. Dobinsori, To-xasaS1rndayl visitor wjîlî Mr. rent, x sited at '-Ir. J. \X*riglit's. Nichols MNIr.N. Coliactrtt. Velma arn(î YoingPeople'.. Societe uvas gin Bretar. J. Tabb, NMr. Cieorg of tl Cedarîlale Scctv onl Mnird Tabh 'Tvrocrî, . visited Sat ' Mr. D. cvering. Graham's. Ladies, Berean Class hield tli( Mr. Rex- McLaighlin. MssEtînîce riieetirig oi Moriîav a fternoon xvi lKrîapp, Union, Nir. John, Oke, En- an iitteiiiiaiie cf 27 and groiip N niskillerî, visitedithiiîNs Pearl 2 ilicarl Presiderît, Nfrs. Mia Adams.a. presidng. Nîanv husiness iter Me. and Ms F. Cowling, Fred were îliseîrsed. Faîl supper wjll andi Kerineth. Blaekstock. Nief . a,,î(î liehdii eNveîîe24t1î. Devotio Mfrs. F. Hepburn and familv. New- ai Was giver i wtilihvn. bible rea Park, visited at 'Mr. R. MNls iz hv Mrs. Ross Pearce: praIvo Mr. and MrsXW. M. Herryand NIers. Fa; Rrdh. is is familv, LindsaY, NMr,,.XV. Tordiff~ Oke favored with a vocal solo; M.\f Mr. James Grant. Poîaîvlc Cecii XVordceii conrîtilited a piai visiteil at Mrs. F. Nonito'. solo, and Nrs. :. T.' Gav gave Mr. adMes. F. NiL'î. Misfe lIiiiiigicts cri lie*r recent trip i Carol NicLeau, Toronto.Ni.and N( w Vork. Refre.linîîeîîits wv c r Mrs. C. J,.NMountjoy. Iirîgtolî, vis- scrveîh arnd a social tiniîe erioyeci. itcd St M\r. MI. Slenion's. .\ pheasait surrpris.e was given '.M NMr. and Mrs. T. N.fiutioý, visited atnid-.Ir,. Tues. Piekie onl Octclîc at Nie. \V. Cliallis', oxnin ile. it wlîci tlîev were irivitcd te vis Mr. A. MeN in iiToronto Geni- tii airchîter. MNrs. Hcrh Niche' eral Hospital recceiviniî nc<icaî at- 'atîd Nie. Nicliols, te fiîd -Ibollt2 teriticr on his arnî wlili is je a feiinds andl relatives frnrin Oslîaw: serionus condition. Bx iaîîvi ea nudu roînuing i MNr. Rov Trewirî lias. huelîi iii witb trict asscenilhf-lto elliclp echrat pnumcija isU: rc1 Xcrv1 11 - 11t40t, iit Iir- -hwedj ga i cee, Nies. H. E. Tink, Mes. R. J. I NcKessock sud Miss Ruth 1NicKes- sock St Me. L. C. Pascee's, Euufîehd. BLACKSTOCK Nies. Garsveod, Nie, suad Nies. Johun Il St- Garwood, AXudrey sud Kenuiethu To- Mie sud Nies. Fiuuley snd (aii stor, rente, St Nie. jack Reynolds'. Toroute, uisited ou Sundax uith \Ni 'Lack _Nie. Hcxward NMiilson usas un auud ies. J. Carter. ,d by Gurelphu, ast week. Nies. Cluapuuuan and Asie, Pc! evice Nie. auln ieMs. Jack Yiello,.%lees Perev r iitn r.0.Gain hthe visitedNie, sud Nies. Neil Yellcw- Mi- ,aeviiigMe.O Gau nbees lees, Bewmanville. NissIheen Mountjoy, nurse-ut Re- Nie. Dougai Ni\cDougal Langdonu. a. ug*l .no eura o sters Northu Dakota, calied on Nies N. Ptal. visited hier parents, Nie. am ssion XX'tteu sud Mes. Levi Acelot. - Nies. N. Mouutjoy. Our choir were at Columburs Sun- Nies. Henry@Graham, Toronto, vis g at dav evening previding the music for ited Me. and Mes. H. Mountjoy. s. E. thuir harvest hcme service. Nie. snd M cI. J. Streng visite4 Pres. Nie, sud Mes. XWalter Bray sud with Nie. and Mes. Robertson, Pou hfaie, NMiss Ethel Bray. Pickering, Me. sud Perey, ou Sunday. .leyd Nies. Jack Brooks aud Orley, Osh- Miiss Hazel Niountjey, Beonte son ; aws, Nies. XWesley Brocks, Bowmauu- Me. snd ies. F. Hoskin, Oshawa gave ville, Nies. Ress Pearce, Ebetuezer. spent the wcekend wîth Nie. an( bis; Nies. Fester Suewden sud An. Ked- Nies. N. Nieuntjoy. 7ade; on. Nie. George Xerev. Toronuto idle. University-, St Me. S. E. Xery's. Miss Mabel Van Camp. Toronto 1the Me. sud ies. John Kivel visited NjIe with liec parents, Nie, ail uets ier sister, NMiss Mabel Tuieker at - V. Camp eecently. Nie. Bareahsll's, Couetice. Nie, sud Mes. I. Shcok, Toronto Hal- Nie, sud Nies. Xeslev yehloxvhecs visited Nies. Niselcuv, ulorecturuec idav visited ber parents. Nie. sud Nies, home uvithu them. înev' Chias. Aliun, Bewmanvillc. Mes. G. Nesbitt, Toronuto, visite( A. Misses Betty Smalcs, N .in.ueieh sud hec sister, Nies. J. Ni\cLaughliii. Nie. iieleuu Laugunaid auud Naster Cif- Congratulations te N.Ie. sud Nie 1ow_ ford NMiiller atteuded a social eveuing XV. Forder (nec Ethel Beadbuen) ýdy- St the home of tlieir muusic teacher, on the arrivaI of a baby girl, bonr cos- NMiss Dcrethy Edgar, Boxymanville. on Xedncsday, Oct. 20thi. thice A\bout sixty frieuuds sud neiglubees Nie, sudNies, XV. Shute sud fam- ,, cf Nie, sud Nies. Xesley Yeihosvlees ily, Beadcy, visited with MNi.snd Ikiuus gathueeed at their home Feiday even- Nies. A. Rahm on Sunday. of 2 iuîg te extend congratulationus sud Nie. Ni. Byes visited in Toronto. ema best uishes te them on their recent October meeting cf the XX A. cf lid macciage. XVhen ai wére assembled the St. John's Anglican Church ivas lesc; Mer. Bill Xestlake called the gather- bceld St the home of Nies. J, Eceder, ider, uuîg te erder sud NMiss Jessie Yelew- Nestiet0. ceipture uvas eesd bv ail lees resd an addeess explaiuing the iers. Archer; study bock claptee, tuvo resson for the gatiîerinug. At the Mes. Harcourt; Nies, F. XVillaurecai Os- peoper time Nir.XVeslev Xeery pre- a letter frem eue pesyce partuer, die: sented the bride sud groom with a Rex'.Nie. Turner fromt Pou's Inlet. Me. walnut occasional chair, a satin cush- Finual arrangements uvere made for Lila non sud a walnut feenery. The bride the fowl supper, Fridav, No«vembeî -ved sud groom rePlied thaukiug their 5thu. Pcv. C. C. Harcourt gave s veex frueuds fie the gifts sud best wishes. intenestiuug accounit cf their trip te ined The remainder of tlice -ening was Quebec this summer. Luincli was etîu- spenut iin a social xvay sud a dainty seexed by the geeup iii charge. te lunch uvas seeved, NMisses XVima sud Jessie Van Ail Yoîung People's meeting crunMon- Camp sud Veena NicNsllv sycre e- day euertnmgusas uveli attenîded. NMiss tertaiuued te tes ou Feidav evenimîg li clDorothuv XVonuuacott. 4thu XVice-Pres. Nies. G. Forder. rueu uas ini charge of the prcgesm. Plans NMiss Jessie Knox, Hamupton. speuît ,n we made for our Halloween party the weekend with Miss jean XWright. son gave the uevotional : topie Oid auspices cf the Badminton Cltub and Testamuent Pophecies uvas wcll givcuu proved a great success.'NMusic wuas in bYNiefs. E. P. Tavlor; piano solo. fuunisied bv. Prince A~lbet orchestra. NMiss Jessie V luvcs:rcadinugs. The spot dance usas wvomu by-Niss in Pearl Leach snd Hare Yehioxuiees:1 Noruuua NcQuade sud Nie. Harvev of gmnrar senl uuouoegau umusic, Jack Tbompson. NMiss Lorna Ni\cColl won rnds Ha7cldcau. Thue receesation uvas un thue lsckv number. dise chîarge of Glaul\s N'elcvIees sud MOl bags cf vegetables, s large itid cauuîv sud apples vas served. ýqinantitv of canneî goods, squash, Xncmen's lIîstittrte mnet imu the S. S. ptîmpkins, etc., makiug a total cf 3 th, econi Tliirmedav% afteriieouu with aboliut large trurck loads uxere gatbered in 40I preserit. Nies. S. F. XXeenv openu- Cartxwrighut sud takeuu f0 Bouvmauu- cd tuhe meeting. Pe-li caluvas re- ville te be sbipped to the XVest for cru. sporuuid te bv au ahpilereccipe. Presi- distribution in the drougbf-stricken Vill dent Nirs. XXeerx. uvas eiected as dehe- areas. rIl gale te the central donv'citicn inu Pupils (ccii Cartw ri gh t sud cf Noveriber. It xvas anuuouuuced that Clarke schoois uvere guuests cf Boxv- anud auvouue uishiug te serud uvocileuis for mansville Rotary Club St the Royal bîsuikets to bing thcm in at once. Theatre on Fridav afternoen. Eu'eev- tied Presidenut aniounced that the umenti- eue enjoved little Shirley Temple ie las hers sent abolit 200 catis seul gemrs 'The Little Stowvsuv.' te cf tomafees, fruit sud pickles iii the cf car for the xvest. 'Niiss Pubv Parke ter took charge cf the prograuuu: the BADMINTON CLUB ,civ suuject being apples; piano solos bv______ nd Nies. Charlie Navîcr esure uuuchî sp- (Continued from page 1) lue cae er "T e aDiscn'.fed Ap vP arkNi--also receive the unembers' dis- er,"Th Diconentd Aple"; Nes. count at dances, ike XNili.Ashuton gave au iuteresting tahk ilowmaniville badminton club a-ou apples; ait apple cotitest wvas cen wasestabLished several years ago reduythuc anduup. intYhuch was sereui a group of local men and wo- uni -* suhile exercise throughout the exy1 winter montbs, a period wben SALEM muscles are usually allowed to re- uuif lax after an energetic summer or- Rcx-, X. F. Piuliug. I>cntu pol and adipose tissue or plain un- y- conîlucteul service lucre Sîuuuhs iu adult.erated fat increases waust- thue absence cf Rev. Niarchu, uhuo0xyas line and h.up measu.eements in an hv, taking auîniveesarv services oui the 8.stonishiiig and not altogether il1. Pc(nuvpool ciecnuit. Rev. Pihiîg ,de- pleasing manner. To stem this liveed a s'eey finie disconîrse. He tide and te keep business men and st ws 5eutetaincul St the Squir homue women in condition se they do fot lv on his wsav to couudunct tlue eveninug gasp for breath after tying their servce a 'Prvidece. shees or climbing stairs and te enr Y. PU. meeting Xedresday even- stimulat'e t.he brain with friendly itIi ing Octeber 20thu, was opeuueul bv rivalry in competition, badmiinten c. PrcsiîienrtNi. F. Blackbumîrnu xxi h as established it.self as a game ir- huymuseul prayer liu unison. NMinutes which may be enjoyed by the Most ns andI rcll calluvere stteuuded te bu' energetic athiete or the mnost lie the Seceetary. NMiss L. Xelsb, after i ]ethargic middle aged person. It e- xshiclu the Citizemushuip Vice teck is truly a game for Young and old. il-chage f tie olluviug rcgam providing perfect recreation. r, hage ofsudpraer, Nlis. Llod Picb: Social activities inelude many uer ards;inanductonv re Nfrks, bloyd îRich dances, afternoon teas, and tour- s.e ards; ible un ein Nis Sqnnthe naments for men and wonu.en, rs, eadr; bblereadngMrs.Squ i providing an excellnt spot to make men Topie usas veny sblv taken hy Nie. new acquaintances and friends. a G. Baker; reading, Miss W. Lau- Directors urge those interested te, t casten; violini selecticu, NMr. XV. Tay- loin now or te attend the opening e Ion; mouthorgan solos, Nie. G.i danceeF'-iday night and experi- Baker; a magazine cou'rcn test ence the friendliness of this r. filled in the social perieul. N ltugwrhbil raiain ne ciosed uvithu Leagune beniedicticn. At- _____________ ;if tendance 36. s Owing to wiriuug cf the churcb E.A. WERRY SELLS ?5 being (lotie this sveek the Halloxveen a, meueting cf the Y.P.U. will be held SIX«HUNDRED HEAD sonu Feidav evenimg inîsteaul cf XNeui- CAiLE THIS VEAR te nesîlav. _____ - Nie.- and Nies. Chas. Cerui slu,' Osiî- An aggregate number of 600 ýs axta, se1lanieMs. 1Dax1ysuini stuc bas luead of cattie frem Western frors 'Ovet'- and Puill-on Sizes 6 to 71/2 and Another of the Same Price Free 'e - Sat. - Nov. 4th, 5th, 6tf 0$S ORDOGSTORE 559 Formerly Kersiake 's Bownianville -4 I. r ni in. ld is' d 'd tou Mian's Best Food Miiîk - at its best - is the most vahuabie single article of nourishment in thie humans diet- aey list. It is more than a drink. More thian a food, ev- e. It is the essence cf bodiiv HEALTH. Xhich is whv we take such care te provide MiIk at its full best. Drink more Bowmanville Dairy Phone 703 or 446 >1:1 ~ Phone 890 HALLOWE'EN At Fred Nelles PEANUT BUTTER PEPPERMINT PATTIES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1937 tLOCAL PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED IN CAR ACCIDENTS HERE Pearl Breslin, 7, Injured ln Osh- awa Accident - Bert ColweUl, Local Sportsntan, Involved In Crash Two Bowmanville persens, Mes. M. Breslin and lier seven year old daughter Pearl, escaped serious injury in an accident Saturday mn which their car collided with one driven by Robert C. Wright, Osh- awa. Mes. Breslin suffered bruis- es and ber daughter a eut under one eye reqjuirisug two stitches. The scene of the collision was the corner of King and Victoria streets, Oshawa, at 5 o'cloek. Mrs. Breslin, returning ta Bowmanville, was driving east on King Street when reports state Mr. Wright drove out from Victoria Street in an attempt te cross over and con- tinue on Albert Street but in erossing drove directly inta t.he patli of Mrs. Breslin's car. The front of the Breslin auto struck the side of the other car. Mr. Wright was uninu&red except for a small cut over one eye. Dr. Hartley Lewis, well known te Bowmanville people as son-mn- law of Mr. and.Mrs. P. C. Van- stene, attended tbe Breslin cbild. Tramei Officer George Parsons investigated but as yet bas laid no charges. Bert Colwell, prominent local ball and hockey player, was in- volved in ýLn accident Saturday afternoon at the cerner of George and King Streets when about. to tu.un from thxe main highway te the side street. Dr. A. R. McGee. Toronto, dri- ver of the other auto, was bebind the CelweUl car as he aPproacbed the corner. He is said to bave turned out to pass just as Mr. Col- well turned and the two cars met on the lef t side of the read. No <WALKER STORES, (JMITED Note These Values Sale $1.79& $1.98 Slips $13oo AIl first quality slips in Silk Crepe. ai/i .~de-Chine. Sylvia Crepe and Fimbroid- ered Delustered Satin. White and Tearose. Ail sizes in the lot. They z ~ fit well. They launder -well. T he y Wool and Cotton Girls" Hose Sweaters 34c pr. Rai79c Relvalu e in these hee s real warmth un Warinî swxesters if our ti esc e r- foeced hase, ail dauglitee vears an 8, 10 wsanteil colors and sies or 12 year sîze. A few 1 1 1womeuî's iru the lot. NEW "GORDON" SNUGGIES 39c Warmth witlî w eight make these snugi- fitting Gordon Vests and Paiities iin the "sntIiIIggv'style x ery populat flesh slîade, iin sniall. medium and large. lmported Kid Gloves :1 $1.98 ficer Sam Ervinre and P 1rcial Constable Price Morris i4nvetigat- ed. Occupants of the car ;nclud- ed Mr. and Mrs. A. Mlegor, Miss Heen Mcregr eGeo. Brady, Ottawa.%> With the girls al working, young whippersnappers may get the notion tiat a helpmeet s one . who will help meet the expenses. Until Saturday November Gth OnIy To make room for 1938 wallpapers and Christmxas nierchandise, we offer many patterns from our 1937 wall- paper stock at cost and less. Regular 25c and 35c papers as low as 15c roll Other papers from 10c roll up Remnants and small rooni lots complete with border J. W. JeweII Phoine 556 Bownvllfle fair dealings, and aduuits that the occupants although fenders sometimes he lias taken a loss ra- were badly damaged on botli cars. ther than bid cattle in. In an ef- Chief of Police Sidney Vepton in- fort to be fair, Mr. Werry lias a1se divided the auctions up between vestigated. district auctioneers and those who have liandled bis large sales at While enroute to the Argos-ot- Enniskillen and Newtonville in tawa rugby game in Toronto, four clude Ted Jackson, William Maw, EMiner Wilbur, W. J. Challs an Ottawa fans came to grief Satur- Buis oy. day whenÎ their car skidded on Mr. WerrYs final sale of the wet pavement a mile and a half seson is shedued for Fricay at east of Bowmanville and tun< BillRobnso's frm ort ofover in to the north ditel. Pa- Bifi obvixaonsfam oth sengers were uninjured and: were Newtonllle.allowed te continue on their way MWTTncnàv nrrnnvlD lolrtl inc" Leel îeW K[id (4loves sos' i oth short euff styles. Bromyn, Navy, Black.