THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE S~VEN Mrs. T. B. Penfound, on Sunday. SO ILA DMrs. J. J. Sot tn7 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Sask., is visiting ber sseMs 1 1 C. W. Blow. and ber mother, Mrs. Mr. Gordon Stewart visited fri- endls in Manchester. Mrs. Earl Tinkess, Montreal, is visiting Mrs. Lorne Stevens. Mr.(ev.) Sidney D)avison vis- itd'freds #1Windsor. Don't miss Trinlty Young Peo- ple's play "The Grouch" on No- vbrMiss ;ene Petley, Toronto>, spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiiston. Mr. Xe*.Meyland, Toronto, re- cently vi.' bis brother, Mr. J. F Heylnt Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mason, Ori- lik, isited bis tat.her, Mr. F. H. hMs. H. F. Hutcheson, Toronto, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. The T. Norton family of Broug-, ham visited Bowmanville rela- tives. Congratulations to Mrs. A. E. Wrenn who celebrated ber 73rd birthday on Frsday, October 22. Miss May Noon, Toronto, was Sunday guest of Miss Chrissie Freemian. Mrs. John Wffllarns, Oshawa, was guest of ber niece, Mrs. FYed CrYderman on Wednesday. Mrs. Mahaffey, Toronto, is vis- itîing Miss Millie Watson, Horsey Street. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Malton and son Art.hur, Toronto, were Sunday guests of ber aunt, Mrs. Bertha Balley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and Mr. Garfield Brimacombe, Toronto, visited the fermer's sis- ters, the Misses Brimacombe and This 1s your IGreatest chance to get Living Room Suite for a fraction of Value! Buy NOW - take advantage Easy Ternis! a new former of aur Two and Three Piece SUITES $39m5Q Covered in Mohairs, Repps, Velvets, Friezes, Moquette, Etc! Sturdy frames in newest designs, including mod- ern effeots of unusual interest! Neyer before has it been possible to save so much money! 'A few of the exceptional bargains in this clearance are listed, hundreds more await you at Morris Co. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $5.95 'ODD CHESTERFIELDS $37.50 STUDIO COUCHES $32.50 3 PC. BED OUTFIT $15.75 6 PC. BREAKFAST SUITE $24.50 AX1WINSTER RUGS 6'9 x 9 - $16.75 SPRING FILLED MATTRESS $13.95 DROP FRONT DESK $16.95 BEDROOM SUITE 8 Pcs. - $7 9.00 WAL. CHINA CABINET $24.75 COTTON FELT MATTRESS $5.95 VEL-FELT RUGS 6 x9 - $3.95 YORK STUDIO LOUJNGE $18,75 FLOOR LAMPS Complete - $5.95 Don't Miss This Opportunity To Save F. F. Morris Co. Directors of Funeral Service Furniture Dealers Phone 480 h. W. H. Osborne, Oshawa. Dr. and Mes. Albert E. Allin, Toronto, have been visiting ber father, Mr. Wm. Kirkton, andi ather relatives in this district pre- vious to moving to, Fort William. The Durham County Club o! Toronto will hoiti its annual gen- eral meeting Thursday evening, October 28th. at "Penarwyn," 123 South Drive, Toronto, the home o! President and Mrs. W. H. Ciemes. Me. anti Mrs. Fred T. Hobbs have moved to Bowmanviile from Oshawa and are now occupying the bouse vacateti by Me. Chas. Bounsall on Church St. Mr. Hobbs has been agent for Singer sewing machines for many years. Mr. and Mes. F. Coatsworth, Lindsay, announce the engage- ment o! their only daughter, Ail- een Rose, to Me. Rowlandi Bell, youngest son o! Me. and Mrs. H. M. Bell o! Bowmanville. The maeriage wili take place quiet]y in November. Me. H. S. Cobbledick. Orono, is suppiying as teacher at Stirling for Me. W. K. Etherington who is in the hospitai for an operation fQr appenticitis. Miss N ellie !Montgomery. Cobourg, f ormerlyl o! Bowrnanviile, is also supplying in the same schooi for a teacher Whitbrs Gazette and Chronicle says: hI was 83 years on Tuesday since R. G. Oke. Whitby's grand olti man, came to Whitby. Me. Oke wiii be 92 yeaes o! age on December 14, next. He is in fair- ly gooti health." Mr. Oke is an uncle of Mes. J. E. Aluin, Bow- manville. Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowman- ville, anti Miss Iris Ivey, Oshawa, who as a Duo-Piano Teamn com- peted in the Senior-Duo-Piano Competition at the Canradian. Na- tional Exhibition in August iast. wee telighteti the other day when they received from the Exhibition Management hantisome Corona- tion Year Bronze Medals prizes whicb were suitably engeaved. Mayor W. R. Strike. A. R. Vir- gin, Geo. W. James and John M. iJames represented Bowrnanvilic 1R.otary Club at an inter-city Ro- tary meeting at Port Hope Thurs- day evening when the guest speakere was Wm. A. Nixon, a ýmember o! Manchestee Rootary Club anti a past director of the Rotary Clubs of Great Britain and Irelanti. Rernember the Hot Roast Goose Sueper under the auspices o! the Newcastle Unitedi Church in the cornmunity hall on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd. feom 5 pan. until aUl are served; to be followeti by an ex- cellent progeam consisting o! Ma- pIe Grove play, reaodings by Mes. L. G. Gale anti Miss Ruth Hutch- inson. Bowmanville, and selections by Male Quýrtette. Admission: Aduits 50c; chiltiren under 12. 25c. Misses Dorothy Cahoon anti Anne Buttery entertained at a crystal shower in honour o! Miss Mae Lamb, Reg.N., bride of this ýweek. The dining roomn table was becomingly arrayed with a cen- trepiece representing a bride's cake, and pink anti white stream- ers completeti the beidal teuch. Af tee an addàles wa.s ireati by Miss Ruth Hancock, a former classmate, the bride was present- sti with many useful and lovely gifts. A dainty lunch was then served. Miss Grace Weeey assist- ing the hostesses. Appointment o! Dr. Beverley Hannab as directer o! Toronto hospital services at $3.500 a year has been approveti by boardi o! conteol. The boardi also appoint- ed Fred Gale as business admin- istrater o! ýhospital services at« $2,500 a yeae. Dr. Hannah bas been medical superintendent of the Isolation hospital, wh.ile Mr. Gale bas been secretary te Dr. Gordion Jackson, M.O.H. Me. Gaie ii~ the eldest son o! Mes. James Gale, anti the laite James Gale a! 3owmanville. A most entertaŽnng and enjoy- able eveming was spent when about f orty members o! the Wo- nen's Association o! Teinity Un- ted Church gathereti at the home of Mrs. V. Ott on October 13th. The evening's entertaininent took the !orm o! a musicale anti was >resented under the auspices of Group No. 4. The theme o! the entire anti altogether delightful prograrn, very effectively arrang- ti by Mrs. Albert Cole, was Aut- umn. Assisting artists were Mes. V.Ott, Mes. R. R. Richardison, .nd Miss Marion Dudley. Pianoa IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST HERE'S WHY When you sacrifice quality for priceyou always loein the end. You lose in freshness, in taste, in nourish- ment, andvery often in purity when you buy Inferior foods. You are certain of getting only the highest quality at Harry Alin's. i _ __ __ _ r v 1' NATIONAL CHEESE WEEK Olti Canadian Cheese - - - lb. 28cý Mediium Chees4- Kraft Cheese- French Roquefort Phones 367-368 New Sauta Clara Prunes - -; Jello - - - Stoaed Dates - - - Hailowe'en Kisses -- Peanuts , Hallowe'en Mixture - 2 lDS. 25cý 3 for 23e 2 lb. 25e 21b. 25C -lb. 10C -lb. 25e FISH Haddies -Fillets Ciscoes -Salmon Digby Herring Oysters - Codfish Magie Baking Powder ½IAb. Baking Soda 30e Carton of 6 Pints Canada Dry --95e Apricots M l. 25e Bowmanville 2 iLs. 280 SUNBONNET GIRL (Contin 'd from page 1) sornetimes spoils thie evening for others in the audience. It might bie. well to have someone in future on tiuty in the gallery te preserve order anti quiet during the play. One other thing was noticeable, anti that was the inadequacy o! the Town Hall stage for large productions. This bas always been a tiifficulty anti one we hope wili sometime lie overcome. The caste o! characters which matie so creditable a chowing foilows. It would be unfair to pick and choose between t.hem as estch took the parts assigned to them with considerable ability. The Caste Sun Bonnet Sue- - Dorothy Scott Bob Coeman -.- - Leroy Brown Mes. Scroggs - - Mrs. E. J. Hammn Mr. Scroggs - - - Colin Taylor Mes. Coleman - Mes. H. Lowery Barbara Colemnan, Kathleen Stark Jerry Jackson - - - Jin Powees Mes. Meadows Mes. M. J. Tamblyn Mr. Meadows-- M. H. Staples The Constable-- Neil F. Porter Constable's Son - Matt Marrison Miranda - - - Beatrice Hammn Evelina Scroggs - Mae Ransbury Sadie Simpklns - Mes. V. Phasey Others in the caste includeti Clarence AllUn, Myrtle Tainblyn, Atiele Morton anti Tom Lewis, be- sities members o! the chorus, An eleven piece orchestra, dur- cteti by W. H. Rowe, provitiet music before the curtain anti le- tween the aets. solos, vocal solos, duets, and a piano quartet of varied sentiment were played and sung w-itb such clear interpretation and such wealth of expression a.nd feeling that the audience was carried in spirit from transports of aoy and gladness to depths of despair and 1sadness. When the music had faded away. dainty refresbments were served by the ladies o! Mrs. J. E. Elliott's group, and a hum of happy voices filled the room as ail enjoyed a social hour together. The Sparling Mission Band of Trinity United Church held its regular meeting on Monday a! ter- noon with President Donald Wol- fraim, presiding. After singing a hymn. minutes of the former meeting were read. Introduction to the worship period and the worship story were given by the leader. Mrs. D. F. Purdy. foilow- ed by quiet music played by Mrs. D. Alldread. Following the cail to worship by the leader andi the re- sponse by the boys. the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Short passages from the Bible were read and roll caîl answered by repeating o! memory verses After the offering was taken the worship period was brought to a close by a prayer by the leader. During the study period letters from the misýsionary box were col- lected and delivereti by small members and read to the group by older members. These proved very interesting. Stories about the medical work done in our mission hospital» in Canada were then efiectively told by Misses Ada Clarke and Evelyn Pickard. Meeting closed the Mizpah benediction. W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. W. C. Washington's on Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. W. A. Bunner in the chair. After the devotional period. and reading of the min- utes. examiners were appointed f or the Temperance Course in the Sunday sehools. Mrs. John Darch and Miss E. A. Peters gave re- Ports o! -the W.C.T.U. convention in Oshawa early this month. Miss Peters stressed the devotional per- iods which were very fine indeed, the first based on the progress during the sixty years o! work. The second topic was "Service with Gladness." then "Service with a Perfect Heart"', and the final one "Service and Its Re-t ward.' In reporting Dr. G. A. Lit tde's address Mrs. Darch told us o! the insidious ways o! adver- tising liquor which were being employed. and said that Dr. Little had samples o! aprons. tea cloths and table napkins with cocktail recipes printed on them, which were supplied f ree to depa.rtment stores; and also of "Beer jackets." small coats for children. which hnd. buttons exactly like beer bar- rels. Dr. Little closed bis address by urging aill to be consistently exemplary in conduct, for "Ex- ample is Service." Mizpah bene- diction brought a very belpful meeting te a close. JOHN B. MITCHELLt (Continued from page 1) vice to the town as a member co! the Town Council and as Mayor, serving six terms in this high of- fice. He showed an interest in many of the important organiza- tions and institutions of the com- munity, and was active in thej original coniittee which hadj charge o! the opening of Bow- rnanville's General Hospital . The funeral services were held on Tue.sday afternoon from the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt & Srnith. and were private. As a special mark of respect, however. the Town Council. headed by His Worship Mayor Ross Strike, ai- tended in a body. The service was conducted by Rev. W. Franklin Banister, ivho delivered a very comforting message to the bereav- ed relatives. and paid tribute te the servicQ decea-sed ~had given his generation. Many beautiful floral tributes were grouped around the casket, among them being one from the rown.of Bowmianville, and others from local organizations and in- dividuals. Pail bearers were C. A. Cawker, F. W. Nelles, T. H. Enigbt, T. A. Dustan, A. J. Lyle, a.nd W. J. Ftuz. Among those attending the funeral f rom out of town were Mrs. Ha.rry Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs. Jarman, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Mr. Lnd Mrs. Orvis Mitchell, Mr. Gor- don Mitchell, Mrs. Jarman sr.. Toronto; Mr. R. M. Mitchell and MIurray, Belleville; and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mitchell, St. Cath- arines. Interment was maoe :n Bow- nanville Cemnetery. - WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT - . COD LIVER çgiKU This fmu s.. year'round tonic tnsup the en- - tire system- , cp ou regain energy - and is particularly effective in conibating %vin- ter ills, such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe and Broncliitis. Wampole's Extract contaiis thie samne number of vitanin D units as standard cod liver oll. Price $1 .00 Per Boulie For Pemale Disorders A reliable tonic, im use for over 40 years. Price $1.25 UNITED CDGAR STORE AGENCY PUBLIC ENEMY No. I SURRENDERS Rightly termed Public Enemy No. 1 because it is re- sponsible for a greater loss of efficiency and of time fromý work than any other factor. The Comnimon Cold is a constant threat ta all of us. But it surrenders when you use proper methods to frustrate its sudden attacks and ta root it out from the position it has gained. Let us advise you as ta what you need from the ammunition listed below, You can't avoid You can protect exposure to yourselt againt, colds! 'colde! 1 Build Up With Tonies and Vitamins I.D.A. Bronchial Cough Syrup Prompt relief for coughs, colds a.nd bronchitis. 60e value 49e Masons' 49- - 40c-75c Buckley 's Mix. 40c-75c Rem Cough Remedy - 49c Pertussin --59c-$1.39 Pinex - - - 320c Rum, Honey & C.L.O. 49c (Groves' L.B.O. Tabs. 24-44 Bayer Aspiri.n - 22c-39c Frossts' 217 's - 35c-75c Vick 's Va-tro-nol - 43o Nose & Throat Drops 25o I.DA. Cod Liver Oul - - - 45c-79c Alphamettes $1-$1.85-$3.50 Scott 's Emulsion 53-98 A.BO. Capsules - $1.40-$2,50 Haliver OU - 55c.1.80 Bynol Malt& C.L.O. - 60c-$1.00 Thermogene -47c-98c Antephiogestine 35-65 Mestol Rub - - 33c Vick's Vapo Rub - 43 c Idaloids- - - 25c Cough Aids - - 10c Nepets - - - 5c-lOc Idasal Tablets 5 gr. for colds, headaches and pain. 25-49 Banish ur grey hair ta ils oriinal ao&.rItg.t use ai a dyre ara tnand bngIsnatural beaithy lustre miely backbyusing FGREY IR RESTORER Acte thro h the proces of pigmentation fram th h rcelse outward. Goaleedla 10restregey/où âh L goU il,at I or(iyuar wol over 60 years o) age) in jrom .30 go 60 days, or you.r moaey 8I1 reJunded. le SPECIAL Thurs. - Fri. - Bat. Anti-Freeze Alcohol Guaranteed Fuil Strength One Gallon 160 ozs. 99e Container Extra $100000wiliflot buy a ~1Oflflflfl n ew I b ut LodsSo mach Savers wli help make yours like new. Positlvely guar. a nteed to relleve Stomach Dis. tress. such as Indigestion, Dys- repsia, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Car, Train, Mornimiq Sickness, or your money will be refunded. Form ula prescrib- ed by doctors for over 40 years. Srecial offer three $1 .00 boxes for $200. PRESCRIPTIONS A ISPECIALT Alex McGregor PHONE 792 DRLJGS . WE DELIVER Clearance or... Livingroom Suites Out They Go Record Values -lb. 25e -lb. 28el - - lb Ocý ------------ ----------Harry A lin Grocer ......................... - - 1 mmmrmý- --Q 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN MISS E. R. GRAHAM adian Nationa Railways prescrit, the MR. AND MRS. WADE DURHAM JUNIORÎS (Continued from page 1) la ilt. In recognition of the P E EN E GIFTS<Cnnudfmpae1 cd lier in her work as Public Health 1 iistM\r, Carter, the caterer, had1 replica of the C.N.R. station>, te- On Tiuesda% eveîîîng, October l9th. lst, North Simcoe; 2nd, South Nurse. gether with a train, djoliein icing a nuimber of friends fromi Base Linie ,Simcoe, 3rd, Ontario County. Board of Health for the hcad table. ceflmnitv it ai the home of M\jj Foal Club Team (26 teams)- At mietng f lîeBord - an1lMlrs.'XVîn. Wade t0 express lst, Middlesex; 2nd, Peterboro; At metin o th Bord ifregret ai their lcavîng the commun-flhîi h, Durham - Allan Earle, MUl- Hmaet, a speciam gi o $2iwa PASTOR AND CHOIR it and to wish tîîîm lîappiness in brook, and Affan Dawson. Ba.ilie- mae oMisGrha u eogiion ter ,vboro, were the team members. of ie otsanin srvce,_ndas EX HA GEPL CE After ail had gathered tlhe com- Each province is allowed te senld a gift from the town in recognition of lier approachiog wedding. "Therefore if any mnb r pany ivas callcd to order by Air. boys fromn four clubs te the Do- St.Andews CG.JT. Chrst e s anewcratue; ldLloyd Crago, and 1Mr. and NIrs. minion Competition at the Royal On Wedniesdav evcning last the C. things are passed away; behold Wrn. Wade were escorted to seatsWitrar. heoutoep- G.I.. goupof-Si.Andew' Prs- ll hins ae bcom ne," ereof honour. Nfrs. Rov ' Metcalf1 read sent Ontario are, Beef Cal! Club, Andews Pes aI t.ins re ecme ew" Wrdthe following address: Dairy Cal! Club, Grain Club and byterian Church niet ai the home of the words used by Rev. Sidney Ptt:Cu.Ti en htfu their leader, .\Mrs. F. O. Meîclveen, Davison ta base his sernon on Dear Peggv anld Bill, of the eight boys for the Province whcre Miss Graham ivas once again Sunday morning w'hen he gave a If we have taken you bv surprise o! Ontario are front Durham. guest of honour, lu recognition of most helpfui discouese. The choir this cvening, we. your friends and During the past four years, 1937 lie iteeitluth grnp ~ under leadership o! Dr. T. A. neighbours. hope vou will forgive included, Durham Coufity lias lie ineret i th grup.ý\fssParteidge rendered the anthem our intrusion, but wc f cît ie could been representeti in this competi- Graham was presented with a band- "The Lord is My Shepherd," and iîot have yon leave our coimunlit". tion by ten of the sixteen teams kerchief shower. . the hiand(kcrcliecfs a quartet was miceîy sung by Miss witlîont some remembrance of Blase for Ontario. In the Dominion being precetd by Ruth Logan and M. Allin. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard. Line. competition the eight previous Laura W'silson iin the forni of a bon- Mrs. M. Symons and Miss Joyce Yohaeaasbenrdv itieas aesod asflo: socalt. ne the ecigesspeti utn vour sunny smiles o help when Grain Club, two firsts and a sec- gs "1i lme th gstspla Icpr- In the evenîng a friendly ex- needed. especially von. Peggv. '.'.jîl ond; Dairy Team, first and a grveservepicku-tickfs" Mrs.M- change of mînisters and choies vour music. But ive hope N'on '.ill thîrd; Bec! Team, second; Potate Ilvenseve( dine efrshens. between 'I'rnity and Simcoe St. bc happy lu your new home, and Teamn second; Swine Teamn sec- Home and Sehool Club United Church, Oshawa, was know iliat the communitv to Nvhich ond. At a largelv atteîîded mleeting of made and thoroughly enjoyed. (oi areoig ill have gained bv The Durham boys were coachi- the 1lleîîe and Sehiool Club. V Wednes- Rev. W. R. Tanton chose as hisouls. ed by E. A. Summers, Agricultur- day. Oct. 20th. the miembers were 1SUbj"ect.*'"Sorte Tests o! a Man's W1ý\e hope tlhe gifts which we wish ai Representative. very happv to have a small part iii Faith," basing his remarks on the o to accept ai this lime ivilI remaini an expression of appreciation to0 Mis i ords 'By faith Abraham when a sulent testîmionv of <lie estcem in Grahami for the vaînable service he wvas calledti t go . .. obeyed," which von arc hield bv Base Line rcndered in thi, commninitv. Nîrs. Heb. 11:8. The speaker enumer- communitv. M%. T. Hiitchisen the President, cail- ateti four tests: Is your faith built Signed on behaîf of the communityBAANSN cd ipn Mr'.\IrO. Bec to read tl;é ad- ýon real foundations; will it walk bv îte commitîee: Elva Bennett, RG I S N dress and M.\rs \7. A. Chsrke. on be- wit.h confidence the unknown; b1-W A IL P A P E haîf of the club memibers prcsented xill it lay its choicest gifts on the Atloyd Croe ieSn a he ivrtaservice. Ms altar: will it see out the larger Cap.GlnnMcclfanPKnnt Grahams while taken completcly by vision o! God's service?Itwas amwrp.rGen ftcathemnd.ith au oc surprise, thanked the club very heart- very concise and practical pre- PNe rsne hr iha c ily for tlhe lovely gift and aise for sentation o! a very important sub- casioîîal chair, an end table. and a W'e are still offering a 10% th c-peaio jc adal apecaedth orsvase of flowers. discount on ail our 1937 <le ooprtinslie hdrcic .tIn ilapeitd h od r. and Mrs. W'ade cxpressed r sln ste dnring lier four vears as Public o! the. preacher. hrsupieadtne heeol wallpaperasln aste Healîh Nurse. The choir o! fifty voices under thi n rs ndtakdtepo l st Othr lcalpreenttios, n ece-direction o! Prof. Reg Geen ren- ,for their gifts and best wishes. Ist dereti a fine program o! music, tîl ia sr- aî terean tric toaster by sonie memibers of the- inciuding "A Sang in the Night" der of the cxening '.'as speît ini Blinîd Coiîimittee. al cheese aînd crack- and "The Silent Ses," the solos gaines and dancing. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK er dish liv the M-\rs. E. Strike's and being taken by Mr. Geo. Fiem- .,>-- M\iss Sparg' Sun slimn Girls, Of ing, Mes: S. R. Alger and Miss 1 Four xly Fireside Wool Trinitv Churcli. and a silver flover Leah Gareow. Mr. Bd. Bartlett1, CHURCHES Two 1-oz. bails for 25c. aiid fruit bowl by friends living with also rendereti a splendid violin 1 innorKi insh Witn MisGrahamani at Mrs. W. B. Tap- selection. ie orKdfns Witg son's. Attecos1h omnsA-ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN sociation seeveti refr e s h mn e n t s CHURCH Pad & Envelopes - Both for 19e NEW MEMBERS w~hen ail had a -social houe to- Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Egihmd vrhr ecl NEW M MBERS gether in the school room. Sunday Services: Il a.m.-'Be- j E gul ade E5e frh19c.nd _____- Ifompae ) hold the Ma.n": 7 p.m.-"Paul and rglr2cfr1e (CQtuuedfrm pge1)Long hair. says a woman's page Peter at Antioch"; 2.30 p.m.- Farkette Fountain Feus -$1.25 tendent cf the Osha'.'. a Rail'..aV.'.,Cnote. will corne back slowiy, if at. Sunday Sehool. S. Lee. M\anager of the Oshawa ail. Bobbed young ladies who are ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN Eclipse Fountain Pens- - 78e Railwav: W. H. Hutelîjuson, C.N.R. trying to geow it already knew CHURCH LahrBl od,5et 15 agîtat Oshîawa : E. H. Brown. that. freiglit agenît aS oiîavlc aiîd It does absolutely no good ta Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector W. K. Rogers. A\ssistant Snperiiiten- try to guess a woman's age. No 23rd Sunday a.!ter Trinity: 8 Bridge Score Pads - - - 10e (lenti at Belle'.ille. Otlîer gues'ts in- man would have the courage to a.m. A. Y. P. A. Corporate Comn- clli(le(l M.\r. Soaîîes, cf Fittings Ltd. tell the truth if he were certain munion and Breakfast: il arn. PIaying Cards-- 35e to $1.50 Oslia'.'a: M.\r. Lander cf Geîîeral Of it. Morrging Frayer. Installation o! Taily Cards--- 3 for 5c Mfotors: .\I . Hardy, Snpcrinteiî- ________________ A.Y.P.A. Officers; Speaker. T. M. lent cf Goodycar. Bo'.vmaiville; F. Dustan, Triniity College; 2.30 p.m. W. Goddard, Cliarlie Hoar. J. F. Sunday Sehool; 7 p.m. Evening Gorman, Stnperinîteiideiit cf the R.'M. Frayer. Hollingslîead Co.: A. WV. Nortlîcutt, BLUE BIRD BEAUTY TRINITY UNITED CHURICH Clarence Ropcr. George W. Graham, PARLOR Rev. Sidney Davison, Paster- JUflT N ' James R. Revîîolds, Hamipton: ' ack, Sunday Service, October 31, atfl Callaghan, John Simon of Sudbury; $5.00 Permanent Waves il a.m. Communion Service. Pre- BDIU < Mfiss E. R. Graliani, Public Healtlî. paratoey service Thurstiay at 7.30, OO S OR Nurse~ .'.'hosc presentation is report- for $2.50 pastor will continue his talk anPhn 65 ed elseiviiere. lier fiance, .\Mr. Law- t' ley and(l Miss Gertrude Tiicker. '.vlo From Nov. lat to Dec. 1Bth The Piigrims Progress, subject Phone 651 o anle l' The Cross..' Tuesday evening in Poe61 omnll takes over tlie dities cf Public P n 3 the church, three addresses by ÀAgn for New Service Cleaners Health Nurse on Novemiber lst hn 3 prominent speakers will be broati- Witli so nian\- officiaIs 'f the Can- cast on missionary work.