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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1937, p. 11

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THURDAY NOVMBE 4TH 197 TH CAADIA STTESMN, OWMAVILE, OTARO PAE EEVE THE ®RQONO NEWS Sfooks, Hobgoblins And Ghosts Provide Eerie Fun For Scholars MA' Miss Adeie Morton Wins First1 WEsTr CONDITIONS P~e~rFancy Costume, NOT EXAGGERATED Miss aret Ray is Second STATES VISITOR in Comrc Outfit ____ John Thornion, Visitor From the %isAdele Moiton won the West, Paais Grlin Picture of 1.es' fancy costume piize, and Miseries and Hardshixs iss Margaret Roy the cemic. at Suffered by Settlers the O.C.S. Halloween party Fri- day night, whilc thc prizes for We had the pleasure Friday o: maie fancy and comiic costumes f a f ew minutes' talk with Mr. John went te Eileen Morgan and Thornion who was bei-n in Oi-eno Franklin Tamblyn (Eileen being P nd le! t 16 yeais ago to live in the in boy's costume) respectively. west. He is at preseni visiting his A large crowd was present te sister, MIiss A. Thornion. enicy a "spooky" evening, being Duiing the conversation we ask. greeted by gbosts at the deor and cd hum if conditions there wene in the bail. A nerve-wracking exaggerated in the papers, and he ghest steu-y was toid by Mr. R. ssid "no", very einphaiicaly. Widdis wiih ah hlights out excepi Fi-on bis conversation we learned the, candies in the punpkins. A that he was attracted to the west grand mai-ch folhowed by means as he had gone out on several o! wich the prize winners were harvesi excursions, but that now pioked. A great variety of cos- that he had lived there be would tumWs wieie seen - sone cf the net advise otheis 10 go. best (other ihan prize wiruuers) He psinted a guaphic pictune cof belng *, baby in a caru-lage wib a a province o! wbich one-tenth wa.s boutle, clowns, old-fashioned cos- dry and li wbich some yeai-i tumnes, wich, and tr-amps. About stock had te be content te esat 20 or more "freshinen" were in- mosthy Russian thistie, wbich. itiatcd into school if e, pi-oviding grows like s bush. Besides the fun for the others. drought the people ai.so bave Foliowing ibis Uic crowd was giassboppei-s and diifting soil tc divided into thice groups, led by contend with. Mai-sh hay was Adele Moiton and Lois Wood, cut in the Indian reserve 12 miles Gordon Leamen and Cecil Bruien, nortb. we wei-e iold. The wbites and Mervyn Keane and Enid Cob- brought in the machinei-y, the bledick respectively. Gaines were Indians helped ai the woi-k - or indulged in under their direction. were suppcsed te heip - and the Csnd an appes n grat oney (it sold about $5 a load) qu ,d aanliswecdiposedn e!.ae was divided 50-50. This year, we quatites eredisose of aferwere infoi-med, the Indians got wbicb tbe ighi fantastic was 66 2-3%. tiPPed witb the aid of a r-adio Asked about people niovin-g and pianisis. The rooms werefro Uia-ahesdsoe!ih be~,tifllyandsristiahly decor- people were meving te the Coast ated by Helen Scott, Maijonce and seme te Ontaio. Others had Sisson, Margaret Roy, Cecil Bru- gene faither nortb but conditions ton and Jin Powers, with the aid1 aprvdnbet hr.Tos c! punpldns, crepe paper, hd nvd ebetribr. hs and witch cut-otad 1vn~ whe ai-e remaining ihere ai-e sklte uspend e n ta building their hopes on the crop sycai-y kltnsseddith nexi year. The gov't supplies the hall, made more gbastly iooking seed in the majority of cases, the by thie gieenish glow fi-en a crepe cosi o! which is paid back wben papen shade which dlmmed the a f air crop cones. Hoises are ligèt. Needless te say the skele-sipdt h ati aswe wto r eenoone us ked i ictheir owners f ind thenselves short w ofk ravntonye ut wasin te o!feed and tbey just keep enough study o ntmbtwsnete work with. Cathe are also sold made cf paper. and just cnough kepi to supply Ail enjeyed theinselves greatly. the !amnily with meai, etc. and -the Literai-y Executive, the Westernei-s saw very few wild lunch conniiitee, decoration coin- ducks or brds o! thst nature be- mldttec, initiation conumitiee and cause o! the di-ought. but rim as gaines commnibiee are te, be con- been falling and if conditions keep giatuiated on the pleasant even- on Uings may be favourable for lng arranged for those in attend- a good ci-op nexi year. we were ance. lnformed. After ibis conversation we caine Mi. and Mis. Harold Allib cf ici the conclusion -that the west Newaste atened he lordawas a good place to stay away Newcte atenert thesday afion and we ne longer agree witb Mi. Orme Gamsby coniinued bis iemno oa h rt ,trip f khnin hsowe those limes "«Go West, Young man, )o T)fDr "here be was the go West." g fs !Mr n r.Lin We sincerely hope tbat things 'frliClr nd Av . n Lorle will improve for oui- Western fri- there attended the annual meeî- ends wbo are opening up the West ing o! the Durhami Club wbich for the beiterment e! Canada. was held ai the pahatial i-esidence o! the presideni, Mi-. Clemes, Mi-. and Mrs. M. Dunkiey and Rosedale. This was the 37th an-f Marguerite and Miss May Robin- nuai meeting cf ibis club o! which son, Petei-boi-o, were Sunday guests Mi:NClemes and the late Dr. Jas. with Mi-. a.nd Mis. N. F. Porter. L. Hughes were prime noyers in Mrs. Porter retui-ned fion Peter- ts organization. bei-o with then. Buy Your Used Car AT COXIS B argains ÇGalore Passenger Cars 1935 Ford Deluxe Fordor Sedan (Radio and Trucuk) 1935 Ford 5-wihdow ACoupe (Heater) 1932 Ford V-8 Tudor 1931 Nash Convertible 4 Pass. Coupe 1930 Marquette Coupe (Rumble) 1932 Ford Sport Roadster (Rumble) 1930 Willys Business Coupe 1929 &Ld Business Coupe 1929 ýmon Special Ne dan 1928 Whippet Sedan 1926]Packard 6 Sedan 1928 Essex Coach Deliveries & trrucks 1937 Ford Panel Delivery ( Demionstrator-3-4 Ton) 1935 Chev. Sedan Deivery (Thoroughly Reconiditionced) 1933 Ford 2-Ton Stake Truck (Duiai Wheels and Springs) 1930 G.M.C. Chassis and Cab (Dual Wlueels, long W.B.) 1932 Wilys Panel Delivery (Half Ton) 1929 Ford Dump Truck (Hand Hoist. 9-Speed Trans.) '1929 Ford Panel Delivery (Motor Reconditioned) C ox Motor -Sales 139 King st., W. Oshawa SHEEP DAMAGES FLORIDA SINGERS RUN INTO MONEY.......... ENTHUSE CROWDSýA gyVlaesSn IN CLARKE TWP AT PARK Dsngy illges en ____ TREET When Pranksters - erOld Dispute Is Settled, Grant î Given to Junior Farmers, ande Popular Spirituals and Attractive: Deputation Received From Costumies Comlplete Entertaining oseabeAoitfDm- NN LsadEveflflg of Solos, Duets and oidrbeA utofDm AN I Lekr Quartettes 1 age Done by Pranks on AT1 t A day o! routine business with Saturday and Monday - only a few interesting features in The Famous Florida Sextette Charges May be Laid A very e the w ay o! delegations, requested faveured a large audience at Park ing was1 grants, and sheep and steer dam- Street Church Thursclay nighi Repercussions are stili being Mr. Neil ages featured Clarke Townshiip with a pleasing variety of nain- fe nOoovlaefrmte Seriptt Councls regular meeting Tues- bers, al much enjoyed by those antics of Hallowe'en playboys who Keane.Je day in the Town Hall. prsnt. insisied on turing the place in- t1e Jen Clerk A. J. Siaples was inst.ruct- Folin the intoducthenofside oui with litile regard to per- adei ned to prepare a letter of occupa- th atIytemngr r sons, places or property. For two was deci tion for Milton Brown and Glover Cooper, and the snigOf "0 evenings they held the villagers innoce 0Brothers for a road ailowance be- * Canada," the members rendered thueir power and scared sonne ai- edrh etween lots 12 and 13. B. F., Clarke,. * "My Belief."1 In this seleciion Mr. most to death while some are stili is to be1 s lvrBo.t s h ot n Cooper. tenor, was the Methodisi, shaking in their boots either witiu 15-19.7 o! the said road and Mr. Brown M LissMrrison, contralto, a Pres- fear or anger. a lirgec t he south end until such tune as by terian, Miss Johnson, soprano, Tuesday reports began to seePp larg eil is needed by the municipality. P a Baptist. and Mr. Stubbs, bari- oui telîing of upset f lower pots, especte. eCouncil hoped this wouid con- tone. belonged te no church. FOl- outhouses, of signs hung high on sesios.V F- clude an argument which has lowing ibis humorous number the village flag pole; of excite- Mrs.Co dbeen in abeyance for over a year. made more enjoyable by acting, ment in the north ward near Gid- ouEid Co Herb Murray was granted -the the 'Lord's Prayer" was sung to a dus Jones' place, and in the south Iprivilege cf selling poppies in ibis . Those who have read Pearl Buck's "Qood Earth" should not delightful score. waMnaiho.smriles ftrsîni district without restrictions otx. Miss the picturization cf ibis magnificent siory. Here's an out- "Chicken Pie" led by the ban- ofynamiting adsognsot Ci A deputation, over a dozen standing picture that everyone should see, playing ai the Royal tone, 'Belis Over Jordan" led by ing, and fish markets on top ofcf <ld thim sirong. asked the reeve and dep- Theatre on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday o! nexi the tenor. "Every Time I Feel the a garage, o! a fence remnoved, and anais. futy-reeve. who represent counicil week. Spirit" led by the contralto, a telephone pole heaved across a be a scho sat the counities counicil, to urge "Noah's Ai-k" led by the tenor, verandah. Citizens could stili see ha put supon the parent body their i-e- and "*Rise, Shine. Qive God the the effects o! the miscreants' work she taug] tquesi to take over the road f rom <gji UT V ~ lI JGiory" wer the nexi few items. Wednesday as ne one had claimed she had Leskard te the 6th line. Council- SOCIAL ANDlJ f ftIJiO kL This was f ollowed by the maie a large badly damaged wooden two years lor Fred Lovekin. a memnber of quartette singing "Old McDonald structure which resied calxniy be- where sl ethe RZoad Commission for the______________________________ Had a Farm" very swiftly. which side the immaculate Bank of schoolsa Dcounities, stated that members of created much amusement. espec- Commnerce. getiing i sihe commission had aiready been Mr. Farrow and Party visiied Oscar "Bud" Rolph, we under- iaiiy when there were so many Saiurday provincial police were o.S sover the said road and the two bis sister, Mrs. I. Winter, F'riday. stand, put the accomplished far- animnais 10 imitate one after an- called to the scene o! activities te in gettirj srepreseniatives agreed to do whai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycet. Osh- mers te shame lust Wednesday by other. As an encore they sang aitempi control measures, but rmght se ge emeni.twadcmpei h awa, spent the weekend here. plowing the first furrow which the saine thing wth the basse im- when ibey arrived the birds hSad f ree hosp, Johremnt.cadadJ Hle r n rs omnWne will eveniually be the new race itating one animal ai a time while f lown and it was net until Mon- in need ol B Jon Rckad an J.Holes M. ad Ms. Nrma Witertrack. Bud says ibere was no- the i-est of the caste sang the day ihat somne of them. were ap- attention. asked that a grant be given to spent the weekend here. ihing te it and several farmers piece wiîb ahI the animais in suc- prehended. One o! the deeds re- giving th, the Junior Farmers Association. Mr. R. H. Arm.strong was ini CO- have off ered to employ hlmn reg- cession as before. ported was that cil had been adians to tCouncil complied by granting $10 bourg Saturday morning. ulariy during shack semsons ai the The mixed quartette rendered poui-ed into a cistern, thereby these peo for the extension o! their work. A number of Ferestiy men wexe store. Modestly. Plowman RolphM Lindy Lou," and tbe final spoiling the drinking waier. God and1 Sheep damages and a new feat- laid off SaturdaY. gives mosi of the credit te Os. 'Mbe ftefrs ato h ure ster damags ýweregranted Mrs. H.J. Armsrong h lprrgramn'wafne'tJabiofeeoms.ubilee, wOh JpassedJubutewOhlpsnetbbt forgottene Migotte tbt Halstead Coaiham, 1 sheep sisier visiting her. uoshv metushaaMyLrb hectti nm in Orono for several weeks as MivssaL 1$1000; Victor Farrow, 1 steer $35; Mrs. J. Eagleson visited Misses lRumorsihvenoe WteJus that a My ord," byn od ihe ase tirsel-there sîe akofbiggtearvoca i sIrwin Farrow, 1 sheep $10; La- Alun. Newcastle, recenîîy. lcl iien n W .Ridl. e biganodun eiVls l-ais sotako!r ng ing tara was splayful lads te courtfandemaking Rainey r cverne Harness, 1 steer $40; Nor- Born - In Orono, Tuesday, No-wseseen lming ever i-ce!5. ectionthern pay for the damage they those o cman Andrews, 2 sheep $19; Clar- vember 2, to Mi-. and Mis. Thoshes oigaiwnos n Folhowing a f ive minute inter- did. Old timers laugh ai the idea e )ence AllUn, valuer's fee, $12.50. Lewis, a daughter. generaîîy acting queeriy Monday mission. during whtch the troupe and dlaim that in their younger willing a& c Accounts passed included: Miss Evelyn Brown spent the evening near the heur o! nid- hnefrinavecsuetdy hyrie medvlet Twgi 2W. E. Davey, taxi, Toi-ente $ 6.00 weekend ai her home on the Lake nigh.Invsiaig.w idthtcagd o aive osunetedayte rised moe devh et Og. 1Police Trusite Board, Shore. Wllam was also dressed inl.is orina r everg drss, ad i ntnheeen ha heu-t-fius O iu. sieak. 2.0 Mission Band met Monday af- Sunday besi. Lt seems that Mm swhic hMrserbout toldo the s date ýfeilows could think of in a relay. TI sDr. al C. --E. Wilson,---services- 10.600 eno iha neet r-Riddell came eut cf the store andcantoy o! tte oudingo terTs-month. a bonnet 1*r .E isn evcs-1.0tronwt nitrsigpo the door blew shut bebind bercay Istteb BoerT_________ L Mrs. E. J. Randali, gram. adîce ueaiaî o Washington, Mr. Crittenden f av- put on ar 1 R. vs F. -._-------- --- 40.00 Miss Eva Bouck, Toronto, seeanl mnue ered tm tioa makeFo oured with a piano solo. A PEEK INTO in the lii A.co J.oSares expenses---1.6 visiting Mi-. and Mis. R. A. For- anetralmnues seij he s tor e Mr. Cooper sang "I Hear YOU TUlne. Fou i .J tpesundries---- 11.52 rester. or the house, but was unsuccess- Calling Me" and "Dreans." Miss Orono Times, printing --- 17.25 Mr. and Mrs. W. Incb, Westen, fui. She eventualiy persuaded her Morrison sang "Danny Bey" and of fun. iR. Hl. Wood, caretaker.----22.05 spent Sunday with ber mother, husband te leave Lodge meeting "Mighiy Like a Rose." The ver- Froin The Orono News of sanie lime, Orono Coal & Lumber, Mis. S. M. Billhngs. and render aid, but At took some satile M.r. Stubbs gave an imita- Novembet 7, 1912 blackboan *ceai for hall -- -------- 37.50 Miss Evelyn Brown leaves Sun- iegmatcsm a-a-tien of a lady ordei-ing insurance in ti 50% Maintenance o!: day for Toronto where she wihilikecibn n ra eio over the phone, and as an encore Mr.Lws.elm wowsgving îi r Mis. May Ella Lines, make ber future home. . energy before William was able te imitations o! the Canadian cbild taken ili whi.le on a visit te ber c lT c Toronto Qen. Hosp ---- 8.75 Mrs. L. Young o! Port Hope 15 pi-y epen a window and gain an yefling fer candy and the southern father a week or two ago is mucb uh ni Henry Casement, visiting Mrs. E. Searle and Mis.etac.Js n !toetig picaniy yeiing for watermelon. improved. oastcnt *Fi. Wm. San ---------- 22.50 M. Cooper. that niakes maried life 50 inter- These comnic selections were mucb Miss Anianda Abbott o! Woohei-r i t Mary Brcugh, Tor. Gen 26.25 Mr. and Mis. Dunford and f an- estIng. enjoyedi by old as well as Young, is visiting ai Mis. H-. Moulton's. Trisenis ï Etta Boyd, Tor-. Gen. --- 26.25 ily, Manor, Sa.sk., expecite ocome ad te .eiproains M.Grl cen saa joyable ej 1 Wmn. Reid, road superintendent, East te make ibeir home on Lot Port Perry piayed Orono Sen- and e vecelidnersontio s me- erSMKn, Ohaw presented voucher totaliing $1297.- 1. Cen. 4. iors 0. C. S. in an exciting foot- wr eyceel oc a oeoe udy 98 for road maintenance Mr. Harry Davy and friend, To bail gaine Tuesday cf hast week, Miss Johnson rendered "The Dr. Tihhey, Public School in- -&ronto, spent Sunday with bis sis- the score being 1-1. Orono'scor- Rosai-y" and' "Daddy's Sweet- spector, made an officiai visit te o ters, Miss Mabel Davy and Mrs. ed through Patterson. This was beart." a! ter whicb the male the school on Tuesday last, and i K ND L enaFrhik.F. . bye, the gaine postponed frein the Sat- quartette rendeied the "Calliope" was well pleased with the effic- Park St t >- Mr. and Mrs.F.B hte Mrs.1 urday before on accounit o! rain. and were vigoi-ously enconed. As iency of the teaching staff. and theli Kenal ome'sInsîtue asIGeo Semoi- nd is Wm se-! Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. E. Searle, an encore they i-epeated it. Mrs. John Mason, we regret te Li-en anc mour spent Sundhy with Miss Mrs. John Henry, and Mi. Alec The mixed quartette rendered leai-n, was -taken with a paraiytic wel-atten conducted by President Mrs. Roy Tuki ero rn;M.adMs Spring Time la Love Timne" froin stroke on Friday hast. She was Satuiday, Meicer. The members were di- Bokr nLckoMndy Haes oOoer.Mr. and Ms. E Myie"ada ia ubrtaken to ber daughte"s, Mis. sciiooi no viadedshietof roupsounde eNovember 1, to Mr. end Mrs. Wii- Quanui-ii, Mrs. Geo. Quantrill, the caste rendered a portion cf wGeorgse Jai eoin, N e cst ofinefHl e ieaersip ! Ms. ehnPatton« fred W. Sherwin cf Orono. a son, Mis. A. Jackson and Mrs. W. the opera "Il Tiovatere." weesei eevn h etc n Hl an r.Nv ite r.J'oadAiton. Jackson, o! Kendal; Mi-. J. Quan- Afier a !ew woi-ds of apprecia- care and attention. served ih Swarbrick was chosen pianist. Mi-. W. J. Waison's tender for t-ilU cf Manitoba:; and Mis V. tion by Rev. Osterbout, and sug- Mar. ila newo o h aas e Mrs. Wm. Patterson gave an. in- etn the local i-ink has been Peacock o! Elizabethvilie, 'vere nification of their appreciation by Hri Abattoir Ce., Toi-onto, was ter and It ieresting report on the talk given acceptd by Durhamn Central Ag- anong those whe attended the the audience, the evenl.ng came in the village Tuesday. During in Orono on "The Becoming Cos ricuitural Society. golden wedding annive-sai-y of Mr te a close with the National An- Mr. J. S. Sharpe o! Roncesvales present turne." Mrs. Little gave a read- Dr. Jack Hamilton bas ieturn- and Mis. Samuel Conlin o! Har- ibem. Ave., Toronto, visited bis brother, items Of ing 'Love Lightens Labor." Mrs. ed te Orono for a few days look- meny on Tuesday evening, Oct. We can assure the peopie.oHeMrcamde wn in bis cr, nays. Mofftt ini *ROY Mercer invited the Institute1i htateti oigHcan o nhscrad-Mfata to meet ai bier home Nov. 11, ai jing quite prosperous and drivingi26. The News extends'besi wish- London ta -s s~mn tance o! 62 miùles in tbree hours. trio, Mil shrp Illais ! h cn-anew Ford., es to ibese former residents cf ibeir way. Miss Johnson has a Mi- Charles Hawke visited over Moffata 2.30 shr. llde fteci- Mi-. W. J. Campbell, Mr. and iOrono. clear bigh, yet full, soprano voice: unywekabihoetninhrg mungyaie oldi aivie. Mis. Singleton and f amiyof To- I Mrs. Russell Ransberry and fMi. Cooper a deîightfuî tenor; o! Claeot si h fenntesu Youn Peple' Legue met on ronto, spent Sunday ai Mi-. A. j. if amlly, who have been visiting ai and Miss Mori-ison a deep rich aeoi eiebsfred ntes Thursday eveming with Vice Pi-es- Tamblyn',. lber parents', Mi-. and Mrs. F. contralto, wbich yet can reach 1.isCamn the Odd Fellews' ident J. Swarbrick presiding, andî tmgtb iei oeneDnartre1oedrigscesul.M.Sub goat was ai tbe depot te extend bad ever the program was in charge of ithe I oui emvthe cnt c i o eeiheucaweekend i. .h.oearne tbeparone, as a buor ubswelcome and the 'gi-ip" feiiow- Died:E jsocial cnees Miss Jennie Iol eoetercnl lae h eknMs . .Kaetebrtnhsahmru hp optl Wrigt an Gerge arso. 1 wooden sentinel box from its posi- and Mis. F. Duncan accompany- nanner of bis own as wel a ship E. eec gae hs uualtenin- io beside the Bank o! Coin- ing ibein and spending a few daysIralvieanM-.Ck'sbse i.Hogte!beBw nileNebe E ecgaehsuultn merce. in Montreai fis in well althougb we did flot Vap, with a cOnipany o! friends, aged 74y ute tlk. opicwas ivenby M Mr._____arke,_soofeorg have nuch opportunity o! hear- autoed ie i he village one day Died:T utci ll. Aopi was ivn bsys5 i rdPikr o fGog ing hlm as àa sohoist; and hast but ibis week and inspected the evsp- piai on i Miss Bernice Langstaff. TerkeraneHo use in ono. wase PARK ST. SERVICES not leasi the pianisi bas a lighit oI i- Pronouncing it the most Jennie A. Large crewds attended Oui- an- in tow~n Friday. touch and a marvelous interpre- p-odtanbsiqupdthy!Sau niversary thank-off ering services 1 Th caste o! th-e Fanous Florida At Park St. Church Sunday tatien e! classics as weUl as sacred Sunay.ThenoringsericewasSexietie wei-e entertained at Mr-., morning Rev. Osterbout gave the admdinmsc conducted by Dr. Milison of W el- IF Duncan's and Rev. J. H. Oster- second cf a series o! serinons on We ai-e booking forward te hear- come. Kendal choir !urnished the býut's ~h Lord's Prayer" taking the ing this troupe again in the fut- music. In the evening Rev. F. The public school had a piivate part "Which ai-t in Heaven.'" Af-ure. as they brougbt a touch of ýRdigofPntpolw h '-moteloy ntohamoury rth a nneWEEK-END Ridin e! Pntypol wast heHallowe'en party. candy,letc., ev- ter summai-izing the previeus ser-setrnhmu, ami ad speaker, and music by Shioh eryone enjoying- themselves gieat- mon and eutlining the vairiou- eoyit outyta snn Chor. adMs Wniaksnhv y. postures in prayer and d'ffeî'n o ar ipeent. Mi- an Mr. Wn. ackon av Winier is here in earnest. A:- types of prayer in th-e old and returned fi-onu visiting lier pari- tough there have been skters new Testaments, hie intimated W.M.S. MEETIN~G IC ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Ross, near Iof snow - net. enougb t men- thai Heaven wa.s near adta NoithBay Ition - the firsi real snowstorm was wby Qed could be oui- Father1 Misses Katie Stewart and An- came Wednesday. and still be in Heaven. At tlîisi The annual tbank- o f!f e r i n g nabehle Hcendry attended the Mrs. J. D. Fowlei-, Mi-. and Mrs. service the choir sang "The Eter-- meeting of the Womian's Mission- RA tear-bers' convention in Bownan- WiIl D. Fowler of Peterboi-o, Mis. nal God." ai-y Society was held in the sch-ol R YON T B E C O H ville. 1L. Hughes, Mi-. and Mrs. Eai-l D. At the evening service Rv room o!f Park St. Church Tues- SBize 52x52 iMi-. and Mrs. Chas. Ta.nblyn, Fowler o! Oshawa, were Sunday Osterbeut spoke on "The Bible." day, November 2, witli President Woodbridge. visited friends here. guests cf Mr-. and Mrs. J. Eagle- After stating that this book as Miss Davy in the chair. Duing XX SPECIAL Mrs. C. Hoskins and . famîly ison, Centre st-cet. a whehe library cf boeks and tell- the devotionai period Mrs. R. have meved te Newtonville. 1M-, OmeGasb- ad i--ingb-w-it-was-frmed, he stated Rineyve vpthih ile i-eading, ibe Sunday.% Mr-. and Mi-s. Geo. Moiton, sixth line, visited ber nother. Mis. John McKay. Mis. F. Bennett, Toronto, bas reiurned fi-on vlsiting ber nicth- er, Mrs. Jack Haleoweil. Litle Miss Joan Bennett is rcnal.nlng wlýth ber grandparents. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clough, Wesleyvllle, vlsited ber mother, Mis. John McKay. Oui 'Young People's League Ls re-organlzed and profitable and interesiing meetings will be held each Wedncsday evenlng.. Older folk are coi-dially invlted. Miss Owen Gilmer is oui new president. BACKACtIE GFTEN WARNING te correct Dcahe rlacue tl.fi sign et Backacbe b=-,oaId"ayt d' Kidnoy Fi&lo4«erhalla entryt= favorite remody for Kadny aâheta. 107 Dodd'sKidney Pis Clough quieuly velebrauou Lilir eighbeentb wedding anniversai-y Saturday, October 30. ai their home in Orone. They 'were inan- ried by thc laie Rev. Wm. Hlncks in Toronto. One daugbter Dorotby was un- able te be pi-sent, but the sons and their daugbter Betty of New- castle were home for thc occasion, the weddlng cake, which was de- licieus and beautlfulli cd. belng made by the latter. Incidentally, Mi. Clough's blrtuh- day was on Uic 28tb c! October. Wc offer congratuiations te Mr-. Clough on bis birthday and many years of mail bllss te Mi. and Mrs. Clough. Ai an interesting meeting o! L. O. L. No. 49, beld Monday ev- ening, the election o! officers i-e- sulted as follows: W14., W. J. Riddelh;13dM., Oco. R. Moi-ton; Chaplain, J. D. Brown; Secretary, C. A. Brovwn; Fln. Sec., Chuis Baichard: Treasurer, J. H. Gib- son. Jr.; Assistant Sec., W. E. Da- vey: lai Lecturer, W. Robinson; 2nd Lecturer, J. Stapleton; Mar- shail, Chas. Gîbson; I.G., H. Mur- ray; Tyler, C. W. Aluin; Commit- tee, N. F. Porter, L. Wood, Lysl Lowry, E. J. Hamai, Oco. Cowan. Kendal Lodge members wei-e pi-esent as guestsata the meeting. F or Police Too Plentiful IE YEO SPEAKS UNION MEETING ry interesting Union meet- held Monday in charge of iRainey. ture wa.% read by John Recitations were given by Dan and Gerald Rainey. tg the business period. it ded to get up a play. Ant- lent was made of the àip Training Class which held at Bowmanville Nov. This is for the Presbytery consists of 20 unions and number of Oronoites are d to, attend one or more Victor Phasey wlth Miss Ybledick at the piano fav- ith a splendid vocal solo. Annie Yeo gave a very in- gtalk on "Alice Adams." he tinie she was a wee s girl loved children and .Her nature led lier to 001l teacher and afier she therseif through Normai ght the sohool -to which Lgone. She taught there rs and then went to Japan she taught two Sunday and wus instrumental in many ch.ildren to know ;e was also instrumental ng free day schoo]s, free rhool. free nursery and ;ital for the poor people of education or of medical n.Miss Yeo concluded by he challenge to the Can- ýsend aid and money to, Dople to help them know to make the work of the ries easier. Lois Wood favoured with solo, with Miss Kathleen ýthe piano. Mr. Neil read a poem. and thanked athe prograin for their sistance. ames were enjoyed -at the Dn of the meeting. The t.he gantes was a bonnet rhe first put on and tied bwhich was taken off and and tied by the next one ne and so on ail down the ir lines were in progress This gaine provided lots In the second gaine the etwo on each side of the Sd were kept, each per- ing his surnarne and go- he back of the line after ie person beblnd them the rhe wrltlng could be made he maJorlty of cases but taily not o! the best. so provlded fun «o>r ail and brought a very en- evenlng to a close. SSION BAND TEA St. Mission Band members ir leaders, Mrs. C. S. Mc- nd Mrs. R. Sutton, held a Dnded and successfui tea Yafternoon in thie Sunday om, which was beauti- zoraied, for the occasion lowe'en style. Menibers Le tea, the menu belng lily, cake, bread and but- tea. gthe a! ternoon those enjoyed the foUlowing ofprogram: Piano solo, inton, vocal duet, Jeane and Lorna Clarke; vocal [idred Richards, Dawn and Pearl Cowan. Those :are to be congratuiated uccess of the undertaklng. seen. Biette - At the Westernl ,.Toronto, on Srdy Dr 3, 1912, Joseph Biette, years. Turner - In Oshawa Hos- Thursday, October 3lst, 1. Clemence, beloved wife el Turner, aged 38 yea.rs. 59c BOYS' OVERCOATS$ Regular $9.95 ~a XXX SPECIAL ............... Stock MILLSONAdlusters 0orey Block L. W. Nelson, Mgr. Bowmanville THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN

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