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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1937, p. 12

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1~ PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1937 The Newcastl Mr. Wilbur Blackburn bias tak- en a po.sition for the winter with the Goodye'ar Comnpany. Boxvnan- ville. Mrs. H. C. Alun and Ruthb. who had two clays' holJdays because off the teachers' cnvî1ention. visited Miss L.itra Allin. Orono. Mrý. H. J. Bcýst aid 3Mrs. M. C Hall. Orono. were gtee.ts on Mon- day c:e thenr couis:ns. M:r. and Mr. H. C. AllUn. Mis-s Bailaczh. Cobourgo. oho bias closed ber- bouse. bias been vis:t- ing ber cousini. Mr. J. E. W. Philp who lias beeni- ie poorly. Miss Baliai' wil! probably stay for the wimîer. A nnerfroni bere attended the Caniad:an1 Club meeting mn Bowinmni:le an Monday evenmng and g:eatly enjoyed the addre.ss especially that part cf it relating to tbe now extinc, passenger pig- eon and tbe Newcastle Fisheries.: establ:shecl by the late Samnuel wîlinot. Mr. Henry Le Boutillier and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Le Boutillier.,IHall- burton. visited Mr. andl Mrs. ïl. F. LeGresley. Miss Marion AU in Miss Mar- It's Not T To Enter the Rexail Boys aii Help your favorite child on Christmas Eve. Alil your votes ta your favoril for every cent of purcha IT'S NOT TOO LATE TC SIX STAR Radiator Anti-Free Gallon ..... Lux Soap .......... Laxative, Bromno-Quini Aika Seltzer......... Passmore's Bronchial Jury C The Rexail Store CWALKER STO. Gordon- Flannelett< at Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allins Miss Dorothy Rickard. Peterboro. le Idepe dent and Miss Evelyn Rickard. Part le nde end nt Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. .FP Rickard: Mirs. L. C. Snowden anc Mis MldedMaleGroeatMr. and Mî-s. W. J. Clernences; Mo. Lloyd liancock. Unionvîlle, anc garet Sanderson, B.A. and foui- Miss Ruth Synonis. Welcome. with 13rd forn bigh scbool students. J. Mr. an-d Mrs. H. E. Hancock; Mr. >P. IL)ivekin. Relta Cooke. Vivian a nd Mo.;. Henry Pearce. Leskard, Duck and Wanda McKay. miotor- with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- ed ta Toronto Saturday ta see ard: Miss Helen Wilson. Oshaw-a. ýTwýelft.lî Nigit- played at Hart v.th Mos. Jesse Baskerville: Mr. House. and Ml-s. Chas. Osborne. Ebenezer, Mr-. E. C. Hoar.'s carace and tlie wit.b Mr. and Mos. T. H. Clein- Qiieens Hotel wvere botb broken ence: Mr. J. E. Tuer. B.A.. Tor- iroaiast weck. On Tuesday nigbt onta. 'ith bis aunt. Mi-s. Jno. thieves secured entrance ta Hoars Douglas: Miss Margaiet Milison. garae b pryng clet loseOrona. with Miss M1ary Chaplîn. ?pai-a wibyow ryiamecle ooeMiss Mabel Fosteî- înoved up tak4ng $1000 worth off goads and frMtmhels oTus saut a a dollar in cash tbey tbrew- tbings MC.WN.. subway. orken w-eî-eo around and did more daînage .NR tbat Wrke wr way tban the value off the articles Putting the finishing touches to, stoln. he nxt.evenng hevthe electî-îc lîghtîng. heating and ten. the Qnet.enn g H te y plumbinz systern. Mr. and Mrs. eteredthed tQunste3. byinNeil and Miss Margai-etSae csehb. dgt bu 30i have been busy decoratinig and cas. Odil.wo a hanging draperies. Mos Odfild w-o as iMat Mos. Alfred Bonathan and fam- Mr. Maines'. bas recovered. Mis. ilY lhave moved fi-rn Beaver St.. Reid. who w-as also ilI at bier sis- into Mos. R. B. Aluns bouse on ter s. Miss Julia Fligg, lbas retui-n- Mill St. ed ta Port Hope. We are sorry ta îeport the con- Miss Margaret Sanderson. B.A., tinued illness off tw.o off aur aider and Miss Marion Alun were the citizens. Rev. J. Scott Howard and judges at the Lake Shore mas- Mr. J. R. Fisher, each frorn a dif- querade, October 28. ferent forrn off heart trouble. Miss United Church anniversary visi- Rutb Hancock is tbe nurse in at- tors: Rev. Richard Davidson, D.D. tendance on Mr. Fisb-er. Ross Dickinson and Geo. Ste- phenson are north off the French River engaging in their annual deer bunt. Irwin ColwiUl and C. * Dickinson follow on Saturday. for deer. o o LateThe community hall was the scene off ruch preparatony activ- ity on Tuesday when the ladies off 1PieContest for the United Cburcb were present in nmber, wahinggeese, cub nd Girlslîng bread. making dressing and stuffing the birds in neadiness for 1win a handsome prize roasting in Baker George Mea- you have to do is give dows' avens, peeling ten bags of te cndidte.One otePotatoes and doing much othen ite andiate.One oteneedful work in anticipation of ase. Wednesday nightssupper. Tables hadbee pu uponMonday and on botb days Mn. and Mns. John D ENTER CANDIDATES Garrod, Miss Joyce Haigb and Mm. Frank Garrod were indust- raliy engaged i nkn h w-bale place, the basernent. con-j SPECIALScent hall, stage and dressing SPECIALSnooms, spic and span for the ev- ent. e nze, full strength Last Sunday, Octoben 31. w-as Mns. T. F. Brantons birtbday and' ....98C in observance of the event sh-e and Mm. Branton bad the pleas- ......cake 5c ure off ententaining at dinner and Î tea ten off hem Toronto relatives., ne....... 24c 44c They were: Mns. Jas. Tuif. Mn., Pency Tuif. Misses Hilda and .29c 57c Mary Tuif, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Tuf and daughter, Miss Sybil. 1 Mixture .... 49C and Mr. and Mrs. George Fenning and son Kennetb. A lovely birth- day cake centred the table and he bouse was beautiful witb f iow- L ovell ersf nom the immaculately kept garden. Mrs. Branton was the1 Phone 778 recipient of several bithday gif ts. A committee nepresenting the Clergy. the Municipal Council and the Board off Education met -n the council chamber on Tues- day evening to plan for the ob- servance off Remembrance Day on RE, £JMITED Novembe 1i. held for Mrs. Scott Polard, for- mrely Miss Lois Row-e. at the home off Mrs. Pollard, the grooms mother. an Friday evening. A pleasant social evening was spent and refoeslments served. The Managemenît Cornmittee off the cornmunity hall has purchas- ~ ed an uprigbt piano for the floor W ear of the concert hall. allawing t1he st-an. piano ta remain on the Ndote the smart styles -an ht.le inithu i- ari- c.t ania c (l eigil., in rexl me ind col - our, iliail, nmd- iiiiand large. 98C Misses' j 4 Pyjamas 4The >te ýnr 4 t la l ., l4, h G ORDON FLETTE GQWNS 50C A el made g,%%i ular <elenanl, iinîplx iz,(in ed coorc-d tri¶ iix x lhui- 98C A\ superl) "Horrock,," xx ix. ii sized t> ieet a particular traIe. N douýttof %warmtlxiniiilîîisgarîli-ix. Gowns in Outsize I carried alo Wood Sages Satuiday, Novembei- 6-Pckell Brotbers "-i11 seli by public suc- tion on Lot 20. Concession 4. Dar- linigton. about 12 acres off stand- ing mixed wýood. in 14and acre lots. Convenient for trucks. Purchasers wilI bave until April 1, 1939. ta remove wood. Terrns cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer. 43-2 Mattresses Rebujît MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS -Representative here how. Specializing rebuilding Mat- tresses. Your Mat tresses rebult absolutely new again. Sorne spring fîlled haîf the cost off a new one. Feather beds washed, stripped madle into comforters and feather mattresses. Eider- clowns recovered. Phone 362. 42-4 Heifer Strayed HEIFER STRAYED - OWNER may have same by proi-ing pro- perty and paying expenses. L. Barrabal. (Courtice), R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 44-3 Sale By Tender TENDERS will be received at the office off the undensigned sol- icitors until 5 p.m.. Wednesday. the 24t-h day off November. 1937. for that Part off Lot Numben 19. in tbe Fifth Concession off the Townsbip off Cartwright, in the County af Durham, containing sixty-ffive acres more or le-as, whicb said lands were owned by the late George Fallis, deceased. IUpon the said lands are enected a frarne. eight rooni dwelling bouse witb attachrn'ents. a f rame barn on a stone foundation ap- poximately 30 x 56. a lien bouse andI a sheep pen. TERMS: Ten per cent down to accompany tender, and the bal- ance, Provided the off er is ac- cepted, within tbirty days. DATED tbis Second day off No- vember, 1937. FROST & FROST, Temple Bldg.. Lindsay, Ontario, Solicitors for the Fstate off George FALLIS, Deea«sed. 44-2 The appearance of the Naga- saki Tramp Band advertlsed at Marks Theatre next week has been canelUed. This information was recelved after we had gone to press. FORDER-At Pont Perry Hospi- tal, October 20, 1937, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Farder. Nestleton. a daughter-Joyce Idelle. MARRIAGE POOLE-RAINE - At St. Clern-i ent's Cburch, Toronto, on Wed- nesday. October 27, 1937, by Rev. W. G. Nicholson, Mr. Clan-: ence S. Poole, son off Mn. and Mos. W. J. Poole, and Gertrude Raine, daughten of Mr. andI Mrs. W. H. Raine, Toronto, and grand-daughter off the late Jas. Saunders, Bowmanville. FLINT-BONE -At the home offj the bride's Parents, M a p 1 e, Grove, on Tuesday, August 31,1 by Rev. Andrew D. Robb, Osh- awa, Irene, youngest daughter Mo.Aîhur Wotten. Enniskil- len. wisbes to thank the Supt. and Nurses off Bow-manville Hos- pital, also his many friends w-ho sent flowe-s, cards, etc.,- duringý his recent illness. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-ATT'RACTIVE FIVE roorn bungalow on Church St.. Bowmanville. Ail modern con- veniences. Apply M. G. V. Gouldý Ba.rrister, Bowrnanviile. 44-2 HOUSE FOR SALE - EULALIE Ave.. Oshawa - Brick house. comparatively new. six roomls. hardwood floors, fult ba.sement. hot air heating, every conven- ience, f ully decorated4 Cheap jfor quick sale. Termns. Apply to Owner, T. H. Lockhart, High St.. BowmanviUe. 44-1* -ii. tmc.i 2vrso. JaOiciU '. BoneFR AE RRET - 0 and Kenneth Poster, youngest FRSL RRN son off Mr. andI Mrs. Frank acres with brick house, stone Flint, Bowrnanville. foundation under barn, lo>t 12, concession 4, Darlington. Apply f L. Gaud, R. R. 1, Bowrmanville. .1 43-2 ___ __ __ __ _ I DEATHSFARM FOR SALE - 15 ACRES. 1/ mile north of Enniskillen, on CAVERLY - In Bowmanvîlle, on highway, good buildings. Apply Wednesday, November 3, 1937,1 Mrs. Fred Mountjoy, Enniskil- HarY Cliff ord Caverly, beloved len. Phone Bewmanville 2296. husband. of Ethel Maude Helps, 42-2 in bis 62nd year. Funeral from the famfly resi- HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D dence, concession Street, on brick bouse on Centre Street in Friday, November 5, at 2.30 p.m. good locality. desirable home Interment in Bowmanville Cern- wth modern conveniences, wiUl eteny. Kindly omit flowers. be sold very cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman, COYL-In Bowmanville Hospital King Street West, Bowmanville. on Monday, November 1, 1937. Phone 526. 40-tf Mary Ellen Condon, beloved wife of' Chas. Coyle, age 67 HOUSE FOR SALE - FRAME years. Interment Bowmanville house, 5 roonis, 1/ acre gar- Cerneteny.. den, on Queen St., watenworks, GILES-In Os-hawa, on Thursday, electric lights. SmalI cash down Octoben 28, 1937, William Char- payment wth easy ternis. Ap- les Giles. beloved son off Mr.. pIY Wm. Wilcox, Bowmanville. and Mns. Charles Giles, in bis! 41-4* 56-h year. MeMSTE - t Stwar ~ Livestock For Sale Pe:emboro. Octoben 29, 1937, PIGS FOR SALE - il WEANED Cors Pearl Mattbews, wlfe of p igs. Applv N. Sherba, Wamo- F oyd M.\cMa.ster, in her 49th ton. Lot 17, Con. 4, Darlington. year,. Daughter off Mn. and Mrs.! 44-1k Archie Matthews, Bownanville. 'FOR SALE-SHROPSHIRE RAM MScNAUGHTON-On Wednesday 1 abgvrmn rddXX Octoben 27. 1937. at the home off abgvrmn rddXX her nece.Mrs.Willam eýa Bonus of $6.00 paid by govern- Cobourg. Miss Mary MacNaugb-' lin. 44e T akrS- ton. in ber 98th year. _____________44-1____ PETHICK-At bis late residence, [FOR SALE-10 PIGS CHUNKS. 82 Hubbard Boulevard. Toronto, Apply Johnson Bros., Lot 16, William Joseph Pethick, beloved Con. 6. N , Darlington, Moore husband of Margaret Rose Farm. 44-1* Wiîes, in bis 54th year. ROBBINS-At rest in Darlington FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE SOW Township, on Wednesday, No- and nine fine pigs. selI on trade vembr 3 197, yra PA,ýbns, on fresh cow or heifer. Oliver vimber 3. 1937, ranRbbn, McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Dan- Funeral from the residence off lington. 44-1* bis son-in-law, Mr. F. L. Smith, -i PICS FOR SALE - 11 YORK- Lot 30, Con. 8, Darlington. on, sbire white pigs, six weeks old. Friday. Novemben 5, at 2.30 p.m. Phn2464-1 Interment Zion Cemetery. Phn246441 TONKIN-In Oshawa on Sunday, FOR SALE -SIX SHROPSHIRE, October 31, 1937, Ada Mount- ram larnbs, registered. Mark joy, beloved wif e off Frederick J. Hancock, R. R. 2, Oshawa. Tel. Tonkin, and mother off Norval Oshaw-a 1827r23. 40-4* R. Tonkin, in hem 77th year. Interred Union Cemetery. ýFOR SALE - C A R LOAD 0F ___________________ fresh cows and springers, Hol- steins and Aynshires, froni Ot- INME ORAMtawa Valley restricted ra IN____MEMORIAM_______ Proprieton G. C. Sparks, 627 E{UTHINSN - n loing em- Somerville Ave., Oshawa. Phone HUTCINSN -In ovin nirn-1 247.31-tf amy off a dear husband and fa- 287 ther, Stêpben M. Hutchinson,1 wbo passed away November 2.1 Ca r For Sale 1934.FO A -HE.CUEAP Calm andi neacefful. he is sîeeo-FO SAECE.OU .A- ing. Sweetest est that follows pain: We who loved him sadly miss And trust in God ta meetagain. -Lovingly rernembered by bis wiffe and f am.ily. ICOMING EVENTrs I A 3 act cornedy drama. "The Grouch." on November 8, in Tin- ity Sunday school room by Trinity Young People. Admission 25c. The event off the season - An- nual Goose Dinnen by W. A. Park St. United Churcb. Orono, Wed- nesday. Novemben ltb. Concert andI lecture by Rev. W. J. H-. Srnytbe on bis recent trip ta Ire- land. Admission 50c and 25c. 43-2 Afternoon Tea andI Travel Talk by Mns. L. T. McLaughlin in 1St. Andmew's Sunday Scboal, Nov>.- ber 12 at 3.30 p.m. Admission 25c. 44 -2 Kindly reserve Tbursday and Fiday, November 25 andI 26, for, the High Scbool Commencement. 44-4 AUCTION SALES Friday, November 5-Mm. E. A. Werry wiIl seIl on Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9. Dalngton, one mile north off Enniskillen, 10 good cows. milk- ers and springers., 4 heiffers in caîf. 4 fat heifers. 7 eleven bun- dred Pound steens, 50 head stock- ers, 1 Percheron colt. quantity off hay, buckwbeat, apples, potatoes and wood. One silo full off choice corn. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson and Elmer Wilbur, auctioneers. Monday, November 8-100 head of Feeder Cattle, t-he property off Frank Richardson and Jas. Mc- Kenzie. will be sold by public suc- tion at the premises off Mn. Me- Kenizie, Lot 6, Con. 7, Est Whltby T'p., 1 mile nortb off Columbus anid 1 1/2 miles east including Short- horns, Henefords and Polled Ani- gus, some short-keep feeders and two year olds. Ail T. B. Tested. Ternis cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 44-V* 44-1 Coats For Sale FPOR SALE - LADIES' SIL VER Muskmat coat. Apply "W.M." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 44-1 Position Wanted YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSI- tion for bousework, in town or country. Apply Annie Wright, Kendall, Ont. 41 Cut Box For Sale FOR SALE - CUT BOX FOR corn, srnall size. price$50 Apply C. R. Canx-eth, Newcastle. 44-1 For Rent FOR RENT-FARM 0F ABOUTI 65 acres. Conveniently located in Oshawa with city water sup- pply. Ample buildings. Immed- iate possession ta plough. Ap- ply to Conant & Annis, Barris- ters, &c., Osbawa. 44-2 TO RENT - FURNISHED BED- sitting room, beated. Apply Mrs. Jacobs, Church St., Bowma~i ROOMS TO RENT - ONE OR more unfurnished or funnisbed, suitable for housekeeping, con- veniences. Apply M.rs. Brown, corner off King and Liberty. 44-V* Agents Wanted RAWLEIGH ROUTE NOW OPEN. Real opportunity for man w-ho wants permanent, profitable work. Sales way up tbi.s yean. Start promptly. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML- 140-KK, Mon- treal, Canada. 44-1 MEN: IF YOU ARE INDUSTRI- ous then seli ou.r 200 guaran- teed home necessities and as- sure your living. S9trict cash ternis. No risk. Experlence un- necessany. Wonk in reserved territony. Profits in accordance with work you do! 750) men eann their living this way - So can you! Full details, Pree, Pamniex Co., 570 St. Clement St. Montreal. 43-2 BII<THS ! CARDS OF THANKS A WORD 0F APPRECIATION To aur many friends who have favored us with their custom during the past year, we say THANK YOU. We shail endeavour by prompt courteous service and honeat va1uýe ta warrant your continued patronage. A FEAST 0F Great Values LADIES' SILK CREPE DRESSES-up te the mnin- ute styles. Long and ýShort Sleex-es. Ail new fal shades. S $ 98and $ .9each LADIES' SATIN SLIPS-brocadedand '89C plain, fagot and lace trim SILK CREPE SLIPS-fagot and lace trim.Eacli$ 1 019 SUEDE TAFFETA SLIPS, wvhite onlv-. Eacl . ......... . ...................... BROADCLOTH SLIPS, pink or whîite small, mnediumi, large. Each VISCOSUEDE AND RUN RESIST Panties, Bloomers Cuf f Panties Tea Rose and White. Price .. ........... RAYON BLOOMERS AND PANTIES-Anniversary Sale \\'INTER WEIGHT UNDERWE.\R Cuff I>antie, Blonnmers, Vess.........- W001L SNUGGIES Anîîjversary- Sale. Pair ... ............. FL.\NNELETTL PYJAM.\S-Loîig sleeves. lPair .... .. ................................ YAM.- CLOTH PYJAMAS .ssorted sîades ........................ .............. LADIES' FLANNELETTE GOWNS Anniversarv Sale .......-......-. ...... .. FULL F.ASHIONED HOSE-Chiffon and Service W'eigîîî. Pair . ..-.....-.... LADIES' BOTANY WOOL ROSE .\nîiversary Sàle . ........-. ................. LAD)IES' SILK AND WOOL ROSE .\nniversary Sale ........................... . ..... LADIES' SILK HOSE .\nniversary Sale, Pair... ..... . .... GLO VES-Ladies' and Children's Linied ani WoDol. ..........................-........ PURSES-Black, Brown, Navy, Green and Maroon. Eachi...... ..... ............ LA\DIES' SCARVES Aiiiiii-ersari- .Sale. Each ................- T\VIN SETS-AIl Wool -XII S îade.. S t .................. . .......... LADIES' AL \\WOOI. FAILLE SKIRTS-Each.....-.-. ... ..................- HOUSE DRESSES Anniveoxar>- Sale. Eaclh............... CORSELETTES- 30 ta 38 .Ami*iversary Sale ............... .-.......... EL.AST IC GIRDLES-Smnall, mnedium, large ................ .. .-... SATIN BRASSIERES-Tea Rose and White. Each--................................. CHILDREN'S COTTON STOCKINGS .. . .................... ........ Our Entire Stock oi Many items offered at cost and lesà. Early shopping is advised as some lines of stock are limited. It will pay you ta buy your men 's requirements now, 69c 29c 47c 29c 47c 19C 95C $1.49 47c 59C 49c 29c 25c 29c 84c 49c $1.98 $1.89 79c 79c 69c 25c 15C e'FELT HATS- Ladies' 98 C and f'LADIES' WOOL SUITS-Two 9 ~Piece -............. ............... ......... .. .. à 9 PEERLESS WOOL-4-PlyW 8- -Aîîniversarx- Sale. Ball 8 c X*I NDO\\ BLINDS-Standard 49c - Size. Creaîni Green, Whitc ..........- TA\BLE OILCLOTH-Wlîite or Colorcd To Clear 45" and 54". Yard ............. 5 3'PRINTS-Tubfast, good 121/2 c assortîrent. Y ard . ........ . ............ ... 27*" FLANNELETTE-Whlîje or 1 '2 I Siripud. Yard ........ . -....-...-....... -. 1F.\CTOK'YX COTTON, 36" iO .îîie ar- Sale. Yard ................. o Tt.RKISH TOWF LILING .X;îîivrax Sale. Y r .................. 1 LIard TOXVELLING 15C and 23c COMFORTER B.\TTS-72x903 c .\îîîiversary Sale . ..-. ........~................... 3 c FR1 LIED CURTAI NS- Saniples .Annivcrsary Sale. P'air .................... 3 9 TABLECLOTHS-Colored border .\nniversary Sale .-............................. 4 9 HADTO\VELS-Strjîîed ............... 2 .\niversar', Sale. Each.........V /2 TLURKISH TOXVELS-Dark StrilîRd 2 Large Size. Each . .......... .................. 3 BATH TOWELS-Plamn Shade- -. ..... ....... ......................... 1 9 JACQUARD TOWELS ad .Annîiversary Sale ...... ........35c 45c CHILDREN'S BOTANY WOOL SUITS-Red, Blue, Green and N\a%-ý. lrice .-.... .. .... ................. e BLUE SERGE MIIDDY SKIRTS 6 tu 14. Price . ........-....... ..... . ..... 79 k KIDDES'SLEEPERS-fannxelette ad cttn crepe, 2 tx 6 .................. 5 0 C INF.ANTS' WOOLTEX VESTS 9 .-nnversarv Sale .................................. 2 9 INFANTS' FLANNELETTE GOW\N s 39 .Anniversarx- Sale ................. ...9......c.. CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS AND DR.\\VERIS-\\'<inter Weigîît. Pair 35 &ý>YOUTH'S FL.\NNELETTI:69 013 VS OOL GOLF .IS N ...............- ........ 9 -3 5 4 5 c )f Men's Wear is Being Cleared at NIEN'S SHIRTS, Doeskin, Cotton flanniel, Reg. te $1.50 ................ 98 MIEN'S WOOL SWEATERS $ A-\Wiiv-ersary Sale. Eacli ....... ....... l MENS 1WOOL-3 \VORK SON MEN'S FINE 3c-for $ WOOL SOX 35c.--3 MEN'S CA\PS A n -rsary Sale. Eaclx ................ 9 MEN'S FLEECELINED AND MNERINO SHIRTS-2fr 2 .AND DR.-WERS 69c MEN'S COMBINATIONS-Feec.e lni nue iioand cmain ribbed ~ i9 broken sizes. Garment-. ..................... -. $ 1A.2 5 HOOPERS' LADIES -WEA-ÈR RETA E9. MINIPIE "ALWAYS HONEST VALUE" EVELYN M. WOOD JOpposite Royal Theatre Bowmanville Delivery Boy Wanted Personal Notice to Creditors WANED DLIVRY OY MEN! omT VIGOR AT ONCE! Thomas James Scott. deceased. state age and experience. Write NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets TAKE NOTICE that ail per- Box L.S.D., Drawer B, Bowmian- contain raw oyster invigorators sons having dlaims against the ville. - 44-1 and other stimulants. One dosp Est.ate of Thomas James Scott, Cabne Fo Sle peps Up organs, glands. If ,lo late off the Township off Darling- Cabint ForSale delighted, maker refunds price ton, in the County off Durhamn, paid - $1.25. Cail, write Jury Fanmer. deceased, who died on or FOR SALE-KITCHEN CABINET. & Loveil. 18-52. about the 25th day off January, Phone 850. 44-1 1937, are hereby notified to send WOME-WORY WLL NVERin ta t.he undersigned, or hi 1,i Keys Found dim your beauty or sap your ctr no eoete2n f vitality if you use "MENSTRUL- No'Jember, 1937, f ull particulars KEYS FOUND-ON RING AND AID" an iinproved scientific and proof off their claims. Immied- chain. Apply Statesman office, PreParation for Menstrual dis- iately after the last mentioned orders and Ferninine Hygiene . date the a-mets off theestate will Room and Board Free bookIet at Jury & Lovell's be distributed arnong\ý,he Parties Drug Store. 40-tf ientitled thereto. having regard ROOM AND BOARD WANTED-. _____________oly to thbe caimis Àvlich the In coiforablehomeby ldy -Executor shall at tibme have Willing ta assist with lbouse- Miscellaneous n te tBwavil ll work.Phon 233644-12lst day off October, 1937. Stov Fo Sae jAINING SIGS AD PST- Herbert Newton Scott,-* Stove ForautSaleuks, wagos, R. R. No. 4, FOR SALE CHEAP - L A R. G E general pain'ting and enanieî Bowrnanville. Ontario Suprerne stove. suitable for ling. J. H. Needham, Centre Surviving Executor woo. hoe 26.MrSt. ., Bowmanviile. Phone 441. by his Solicitor Bouinsall. 44-1* Lawrence C. Mason, WESTEND ARAG ANDMA- Bowmanvifle. Ontario. Maid Wanted chine Shop - We specialize in The Nagasaki Tramp Band ad- macbinery repairs, general gar-vetsdapainatarsT- WANTD -EXPE RI EN CE D age repairs, welding, towiflg atre, Oshawa, on Sunday, Monday, naid for general bousework to service. J. L. Den-erling, Pro- Tuesday and Wednesday will fot go to Brampton. Apply "B.C.' 1pr ietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e be on the programn due to unfore.. c o Statesnian. 44-1 781. 23-tf sepn cîrcunistances. We're Celebrating Our lis? IUËJiL l ai __ria1:VM With A Great TEN DAY Selling Event - NOV. 4th to NOV. l3th this Our entire stock is being offered at rcdueed prices during thsperiod. We advise early shopping as in some lines the quantity is limited. 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1937 lZ ýi

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