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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1937, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THIJRSDAY, NOVEMbfl-K 'titi, i~J/ Worthy of Special Mention lthtle course ut encli îieek there coules to the editor's desk, as ive have repeatcdly poilite(l out, a i-ast volumîe otfuiaterjili, gniwuhi of îw eiio ever gets iiito priîit il is cxcii eoinnientedl 111011 lit tistial lvlpiles 111) iu a litie ivaste paper basket. It is refresh- ingg ýieu to fiuîd ini the past few days soîne reâ]]Il v wo rtliwlile I iteî'arv and( pietorial ef- forts coune fo the editor's saniium. lu £act there have beeti so mni latelv that we lia rdl1'v kniv where fo start iii to write about theuni. First lioîever wc 'Il drop ont f0 tue far Western "Suîiset Province~' ti fell voit about a miagiîificeuit 82-page editioii of Tlîe Vernon News, publislied at Vernion, B.C'., b « W. S. Harris. lui tlis -Okaulaan Marciiuz Onlward" special editiozi Mr. Harris lias pro- duced îvbat ive believe to be tlic finest ail(d înost com1plete issue of any weekly news- paper we biave seen. Mi.. Harris is ait olît- standing weeklyv newspaperliîan. Last -vear lie lnd tise distinctioni of hein-g selected ais a iv'uniber of the AIl Anîerieauî Newspaper Eleven. selecîed bv Pruof. J1. H. C ase v ut Oklahomsa University-. Thiis is about thie hig-lîest lionour tlîat (!au couic to a (anadiaii weekl «v iewspaper iniauiiternational con- test. Even a gîlnuce througbl these 82 pages gives the reader aul alI nost iliipelliiug desire to sce Vernion and its siirrouuifliig coiuutr-. and even we inithfli ridst of Ontarjo 's apple gro witig section. cainot lîelp but thiîîk of thec glorious orcliard l)roducts of tlic Okati- agali Valley. Howcver. congratulations f0 Edîtor, Harris ou i ls lafest produîctionî of ail exIra special cditioîî of a îveeklv ncîxs- paper. Tlhe Americaxu illustrafed vîýeekly "Lite' also came to oui' desk witlî a group of pie- turcs of special iîîteresà tof Caiîadiauîs. Lite considered Lord Tweedsunuir's visit fu the, Arcfic of sutticient iuterest f0 send Mar- garet Bourke White, Lite pbotogî'ap1lier, to cover flicttip anîd Miss White brought back soune spleuidid pictures of the.tnip. 0f extra special interesf is a page of pictures devot- cd ftlîte visit to his Aretie I)iocese of Rt. Rev. A. L. Flenming, D.D., Bisbop ot the Aretie. Bishop Flemiuîg is considered Olîe of our î'er3- ow n in Bow-manîille, where lie lias spett is summers for the past 30 -,ears. t is vers- seldom we ever suggcesf that you buyanybin fhoulî our editorial coltrni 1. but w-e do sugcst 3-ou -et a copy of fllic October 25.th issue of Life, and sec flic pic- turcs of "A 10,000 Mile Tour of Canada's Northiwest witb Lo'rd Tednur'and "The Stratîge Adventure of Archibaîd of the Arti." In recognîitioni of flic 75th aiiîersarv uf the Hiunitiingdoui Gleaner, the Ottawva nuit St. Law-rence Press Association met at Huîît- ing.doii. Qucbcec, rececitl3. This was a tri- b)ute %-cIl deserved 1w- Adam Sellai-, the' eîî- terprising publisher of The Gîcaner xvhose paper several vears ago wsas choseis on the AIl Amjeriean Eleven. We joîn witilich press association ininers i cxteîîdiîîg the most cordial ut good wislîes to The Gle'aîieî anîd f0 Editor Sethar for coîîfiîîued servi-no ot a fie îiewspaper witlî editorial exeehl- etîce iu a pr'osperois coniîiit.v. .Now wie arc'e gttinîgcLjoxvî tit the Ma ri- tinies Where at Siîssex. N.. is 1îîlkllisud( flice itg s 01111vRecord. Tlîe Rcr iî just celebrateti ils .Ot h anîîi vcrsarv. It is o1 t*vpicalI Mariti uits îîexspapet-r tI, cifiI expert]l'-vprii ttd, anditIdecitledivly tl ilta- tive ofthflfle traditionîs (of*tle eradle ut Catiada *,;civil izafioîi. Ed ittil' Iari-v l)a vis la ft bu doibly- coigratffîatctl. fîî-sftîlin t 1< pi'odliittioiio<f a iii'ispapeu- lîat e('ills t lii' bcst, and lstood on the attainiluijit 'f 50 yea-s tif selvîce to its titilîl. Tii corne bat-k to ii titai'txv-ivît ment itonibrietlv about ail i<iît-al lat iil- rîved cldurinig the week. If is The Masoii(- 81un., ifficial fî-ateruial mlagazinei.' lut- Iaat lai M asouis, w-h -hi n I toitgli 40)va-stt lias takei î>ona uî iv lease tif I i fî* uith ie dufties tif publication haî-iug tatlcuî f0 flic lot of Brîîee M. Pearce, lîrillIianut ciititi tf flic Sinee îRforîîicr. Bruice i.s certainliý- omie of Oîîtar'io 's foî-eîîî.oSt y(ti îg jo îîî'îal ista'. li i gvit- euc lea udership iuî hiis îxî Comunu<ui11itv, atitIlihas lîeti awai'ded thte MasoiTohv 1dlleifl-tie;.,ad s ii Mhe Mabîrn iýttt#~ma Established 1854 A Weekty Newspaper devo ted to the irterests the town of aBowmanvie and surrounding count tssued at Kin g Street. Bowmanv i e, every Thursd by M. A. James & Sanis, owners and publîshers. Canadian Statesnîan s a memnber of the Canad Weekly Ne ws papers Association. aiso the Class Weektîes of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United Stat $250 a year, payable in advance. Single copies. THURSDAY, NOVEINIBER 4TH, 1937 m Iay, rhe ian 'A" les, 5c. lîooklet, itif is effective illustrationî is or( fie bit ut excelletît adî-erfisirîg for Kirk lanîd Lake. liasth v xi xatfto r'tfer f0 a liffle tradt lîoîklet lnullislied I%- thliC har'ter-s lubI ishi ilig - ui ofîvutBu-amuîpton. tC. V.(Chiar'ters uiaiiagui g du'eutrtif thelic itui is also tuit iegdîiefutif oflice Cauiadiaui Weekl' Nt'ispapî'rs Assoceiafioni. The comipanri3 e' eeiifl.y ptureliased a facforinx i Branipt<u anid tipcuid a rîew printfîug plant cuifirel, sul)attd fu'oîui ifs iiexspap)er plat i vlîiol pr-oduices six uicixspapers ei-ei'3-wcck. TIic liffle liooklet f0t -lil we retet' is cuitll -Geared f0 Ser've-' and if fells flicstorî ci t li( e uixi-plnti. tfli uîricafe andmi odernu N-iuiliiui'rv the flic iwti xiicontroIlichedes- tiliies ut the i-urious departuncifns. If is a cuu iiuuiei piecu tuf sales literafu'c. and one eatiuit readi i iithouf feeling.,fliat flicset'- viee 'pi-oiiisî'd xxillibe nserv-ice îcteeed1)3 thie C'harter's Companyx. Itîcideiitalx-'Mr. S. (har11teu's. tlic founder ufthfle firîn aîîd setnioru dtînîetîtr. ias toi' nani- vears C'onseri-atii-c uiit'iulicr of flic Fouse ut ComSnnis for lPeel (iomiit3.andîcl ix last week, sîirrouiîded b3* fricuidsanad retatives celcbrafed wifh Mrs. (liarteî's ftic SOfb anîîivrsary ut their mari'ra.e. Subscribers Can HeIp ('laugîîg eouiditiois unake eliatiges iti price's. aund Thie Globe and 'Mail, auuîouiices tlîat diue tu fuîetîrs l)eyoud ifs couîtrîl flic anuial siilscitiiui rafe fo thlaf uiexspaper wxil titiNtuî-cuiber lst lie iiii'r'ased tf0$6.0) p)eri' vear. Tht' prolicris faced by Tlîe Globe and Mail are taeed by3- ver3-tublislier. We dîîîîlt if ai of >uîr t'uadî'rs are aivare ut thiat filet thiaf ini 1936 iivwspt'iuif xas de'- livered f0 'flicStafesrinii foîr-$42.51) ter foit. Lasf wcek wîe paid $59.50 pert'oui for exact- 13- flic saine gu-ade. anid flîre is a possibilit3- flînt ini 19:38 if ivill reach $80.00 purfoi. Tlhis rapud adi-atce iiithe prîce ut papet- lias beeii duc very targel3- ho iîîeieased de- mnd iii tle British ii rkef. Thîcre 's nîo- flîiuîg xe cati do about if but paý-. The satine tlîiîg applic.s f0 iuk, tv-pe, liiiot3-pe muitaI. statiiuerv supplies aud ixages. Tlîex 'i-e ail g-oue up. As Yet we have macle nîo itîcrease iii the suiiseriptit)ti rate ut Tlîe Sfafesniaui. louî t lutt flaf stafemet fgiic -ou ftbeiunpr'essionî lthaive are rîakiiîg a preliriinar3- anntine- unelif abuifaui îurease iii the pnie. Ve Ilope fhiat cati bu avoided. As a niatter ut tact if cati bu aîoided but orîly fbi'ougih tht, eo-ol)erafiun ut ouf subseribers. Ve liai-e at flic prescuit time a liffle uî'er 2,900 circîî- lafioii. If aIl these subscrLbers pay flueir sîîbscî'iptiouîs îvleîîiex- becoffrie due we ivill ntitthav'ef0 iuîcu'ease the suliscriptioti rate, buit if subseribers are noivxilling f0 pa3- In adi-atce aiid prompfî3- on flic expirationî ut flicir sul>scripfiou. then flîcre wihl bu îno otlîer alternativ-e. Wituiin tlic îext flîrue unui ls îîstf u ouir subscripfiouis contîe dite. If ivill depeuîd îery largel3- on the respouise duîiiug these tlîî'ee unutha îî-tetler wîe cati refainth ue saine subsuriptioui rate. îx-ifîot fang i~econinJc itistabilîi-y Over Governed and I-igh Taxes Impede Canada's Progress li s adtlruss hîefou' t ficRatani (lubi>oui Frida3-, R. C. Birkerisliai, Gcîer'al Manuager ofthfli Goodyeuar' Tiri'& Ruihber' 'Coimpati-« hi'îuîglît fo liglît ait auiaziîîg fuiet. t hînt foi' evuu3 $100 eost out g<ods sold iliC(*allada. tlîe (tod ear lnsf yeîtr l)uiiiouf sI igflttl3- ixeu' $22 iii taxes. Twivlt3-tivti lîreett s ailîex- fî'euîelî- liigli rate'. and if cadýi î-itizeîî <'iuili uitl-c lcî îîu liek'thelîî' tild t'îtid fliat nto tliiîidltst r'buit 'eut izeis iti gPti- cira] a re iavitlgotifaui xfr'tinely -ihîrautioî ii taxe's. Mu'. H k'îsix-ver ' v uatuiu-a 113ý- iviîd'rs wlint is giîlg o Iappil iif taxi-s Uciiltui' tu inîirr'usî'iuî tlîî' sane atî i înîîueî-liii w-luth tlii'v hîavi- itite iii tut' hast ftu 'xvxal-s. Iii' bel iî-î-us.and l vi' Iîtai'tiî v au'w'ilhili Iii. tIat a liaiht silîîîI itlîcti <11nd1eî-îîuîîuîî re-pla'e tlîî' ive -cut iastt' anid (if- <tpubî- îîî. ( ucuin is ii gui aitu gofitt iî-ufhîtsi îîî'es11 ti-ivliu-aboutir nt.iulil ve leilih)tî lli in ulatiaîîiiig iv ilîîautnu.iti iet IIi- Sulisi' iidt<iI , - lui Bixx~uîati illi'we li xt- A...itîî- c c f Onxe scoi-cbing day the midr uf July, we hiked up to fliccc Wo make some calis. One wasc Colonel Ross un flie 5tl f loor.M get off the elevaf or and walkt f0 a counter. f rom bellind wic a squadron ot stenugrapliers su: vcys us. A bit funthen back thti is a fier ut under secretaries . and bcyond that again flhc seci f ary to Colonel Ross himsclf. Wlicn wc appear at the counte ja stcnog trips uveu' and asks o1 namne -...flicnature ut unr bu. s- ~- ness. etc. We fell bier we are M. Gee tfromt Bowmanville. Newcasfl Newf-onvillc, and ahl points Eas This girl is only working as a r( 7liret during flic summer holida3 50 she speaks f-o another girl wl cornes ox-er f-eu fie counter a: addi-esses us as Mi-. Spi-e Gi Number 2 asks us a couple mci questions and flien marches bac flnu fthe ranksts o another gi wlio is seat cd next f0 Mn. Ross -~ ~ - - ccretary.Aftethcieflcquuestionn.ait bas been transiaf cd ... girl Nur bi3cons ouf f0 sce us and saý '-You arc Mn. Fee?" Afferw have answcrcd ftle questions fc flic third time she tells us tha Won y Te BarieExamnerColonel Rcss is tin Hamilton t- W o n y T e B a rie E x a m n erth e d ay an d w on t be back . .\hx-eis llcire f te iau r ht îîlisersof ueExaiîîr gve So we go over f0 une ut the Ai A b o e i a i c t r e f h e a n d ; t e p b li h e s o T h E x m i n r g v e C o u d i fio n e d D e p a n f m e n t s ft o n e someneuî%, trophy which -Nl r. W. E. a banquet in hutior of iheir Coîuutrv weeoree ih natb MNasonî. ubulishier of The Surîburv orsodnsa teQensHts ful ut men's combinatious. Thet Sta aîd ort Bs Nîggtî pr- ieu.W. ames, Presideîîî ut tie C. 1ook dean. cool and cheap. "Hav, Starand ort BaNugett W.Nr p.. on hehîsf otfN. Masoui aîd yuu these in aIl sizes?" And fth seuîied ibis year îo the Caîîadian the Associationi, made the rresent- cîerk says "Yes . . . wa size?' Weekly Newsîuaîers Assoîciationî for ation. We say "40." Then quick as animual competitiouî tu be awarded 10 This trophy replaces a former flash lie sticks a tape line up ur. thie "Best Canadian Weekly News- tro'ph i 'en hyMn. Nasoni sudxwon dci- oui' vest, across oui- back an( paper." This tropdîv, considered ii thre etinses b y thie Examiner and down between oui- legs. Wher f iîest of ils kinil on the Amnericaîiiowhietd permanently by the Barrie flic ends ut the tape measurt continent, is an exquisiîc example utftuaer. Olir wiliners ut thîls îroplîv meef. flie figure that appearsi. the silversmiths art. stands tweîiiy- include Siîncoe Reformer, Vernon 40. Then lie says "You're righf,' two aud a half inches high. mouutct News. Cowichan Duncaun Leader, Atter a pause we ask "Su wliaf? oti a base ut polishied Canadiaîî Kirklaud Lake News sud Kamnloops And the cterk answers "W bird's ex-e maple. Flauked on earli -Seutiusel. haven'f got no size 40." side are Grecian coltîmus supubortiug Natis ut our readens wiII bc in- We ai-e very fond ot Rye Bread an archi lopped by the figure ut teresteci] in the tact thal J. A. Mfac- su if struck us f-o go f-oflic Bak- Triumph. Iu the centre is auncri- Lareri editor of The Barrie Examin- ci-y Counter and get a small loa graved splîcre ot the îîorthîern hem- er is asosutofut he laie RevAlex\f-o take ouf under a fi-ce and eat isphere lu which resîs the Lainp cf NMacI-aren, Preshyterian minuster ai foi- lunch. We walk up anxd ask Learnîing, whilc resting on the base Enuiskillerî. lithie ale 80's. Ahex "Got auxy Ryc Br-ead?" The gil s a replica ut a book with the en- wliu atîended BowmatîîilIe Highi says "Want caraway seeds in if?" graî-ing, "Kîiowledge is Power." School, wheu MI. à. Fenxîick xvas ":No." "Large boat or small oat." At the Halifax Convenîtion ut the Principual, recahled manv pleasant 'Small please ."..... The girl then CA.~. SA, lu August. this beautitul miemories ut bis residence lu Dur- says witli a glint in lier eye "W and muchi prized lrophy was awarded ham Couuîty andc at B.H.S. lu the haven't gut nu srnall oats." tu The Barrie Examinîer. The ut- editor uftThie Statesmar w-ho withî If is easy f-o undisf-and why ficial preseutation ut the îrophy look M.\rs. James was a wcekend gxîes t f Peuple poke ecdioflier in flic nus place lait Salurday ai Barrie. ivhen N. and Mrs. MfacLaren. now and then . . . isn't if? lui our close conta-cf wifl civic affairs for ni-er tivcitx- 3-cars ive would g furfber huw-ever and add that we do Aiot believe ini (yuiviiiîgspecial priî'ileg-es ini flic iatter ut taxation,. that would increase the burden oui others. If special exeumptions and fixed assessuneuts ar'e given f0 une taxpayer. thei the ither faxpavers inust nake up the dit- ferece'.and fai-oritisit is tiot desirable inî nnkiuignip fax rolîs. Thie burcuî uof taxat- jou iiiust bu eî-eul iî-dstributed. The aver- agre i>ierlideuieiltaxpa3-er is etîtitîld fîî staluility- of taxatuio as is tlîe inicustu'ial fax- paver. O)ur slgsl)ias n uneanis ut uw'eriîiiu taxes geierally iwîuld l)e fewer goî'ernîuug boulie: anîd to put miore hoicsf-to-g-oodciies. buhsinîess adminîistration îiîsfo tlhe tratîsacon tu oîf gnî-eruiuieîît affairs, and less clufteriîg iih) thie gtii-eu'imeutii îîaliîe îîith itiefficicuit ivard liliicianis aîndl lart3v patr'onage - ini otter ivirils a eii-il seriicireiiîitied tî'îtuî th leîîatiifoffiepleuî ienilier's of pai'- îîauieîît atid legistature. Rural Folk Exemplify Spirit of the Gooci Neighbour Wvihlai-e hîcari a great (Ica] i ueceîit Uttitsi'i-lt paiti a xisit ft Canadaîa ndîîs ue i-iltlîis pnîlic -iv. ?lMo're 'u'uîl' Iloi). I itdiIl 111111, i'r'tu' tf State ftîtu-thec Unitedi Statis' îit-iOntar'ioî and aa «-ii g-mit1 liiiîîihtur'îîi's ias strt'sii. ;ý.It isuilalt (Itis cxist lit-eif lit' t uo-tgri-at Noth Xîîîî'rit-atî nationis. But it is menîmlore îîîî- pot'ant tliat il ixiats uiglîtl iuiivi Caniada. Noi fiiîcî' tîintstî'atittu tf thîis 1toî1 nvieigbiuir spir'it lias lîut't exeniflifieth laî ini thi- îhiputiet'totf tltse hi 400) cars otifta'ui tirtuee fî'uinu a Purovidlenc e - blt'ssed Oui- falo tf a drilgi st ri-keii pra irie pro vince. T[hei'valtu offili ciouitenits tif tlit'cau-s slîippî- t'i tii thi' West lias lieti set at muole tlîaî bal f a nililionîîtdollars. Tliere is liffle rîced tii ask if 'if is appr'î-intt-d. If there sholîod bu aui>- limbft adl flitc letter frouîî a Granid ('iulee, Sask., lady- wlîse tetter is pullislî- cd inî this issue. Quite utiofficinl] y%, anid frtini a full hear't she wxrifes f0 peoplle slîe lias tiexer met, or ex-ciihitard ut, f0 sax- ivliat th lccar' slipîiitd fti îtIiis terrît ory ieatîs tIt th lî' )tolleuoflieu' tdistrict. Tliclefteu', bc-- i-auseii is su sinîc'ue anîd 3yet su simple, ivil I c'auise a llup ft rise ini ytiur throat, anid if 301iiian ' vthiiuig at aIl tii help with the' sendîli îug uf thlat car ut pt'tducc 3'ull nale gîî- itîg- ti gef a feelinig ut quiet aîîd persountl etiitetititt't fliat yo(ii eau experience in îno Tliat spirit f thflicgîîud uiiglil>uur is bî't- fer cxpressed 113-ru'al lpeople flianbhi'aulx' otf l a'ss. If is dteuuto flicrur'al piotîcer clau'actî'r uof sltsîîesauîd eousiderafioui andi is flic direct restulf ut certainî thiuîgs li lite îvliehi rurual people cnjtîy auit cil3- peo- ple liai-e uot. Onie ut the' importantuftactor's intheli pr'uîuetion ofut tis good uieiglîîouî- eharac'feristie la flic local weekly uicwspapcr. TI'iîoîighiout (Canada uîer 700 oftfhuese home tow-n newspapers enter the homes of rural p)eople. They are welcomed into the hionne in an entirely different way to a metropol- itanl daily« . The daily may be likened to an acquaintance making a calI, whereas the week ly newspaper coines as a înlember of the faînilY. Thiat is whîn the wveeklY siîb- seribex' is a more loyai and devoted sub- seriber thai those of other periodicals. Niue tille (n)slt of ten hie kîîows tlie editor per- sonall -v. He knows the staff, and the cor- responident who writes the weeklv budg-et of ncwis for ]lis community. The niews thev rend is about the community, the municipal- it -%-and the people theY know personiall. Thev are ail a part of their life anîd heiîg. Anci so it is w-heu thev are asked thrîîîîgh their iiei'sl)alPer to show that sainie gol n eigl)oiIr spirit f0 people lu un for-tunat e virrcunistanîces hitdreds of miles awav t beY readil ' vresI)<fl(. Thev îîever expect any l'e- tutu-i. Thev dIo it because tliev have tbat spirit of sbiariiîg with tiiose less fortunate. and *just so long as the 'v contiiie to exeni- pIifv- îllw godndieighilbourlinless (If the rurlal tiiik, wili these saineerural folk tolitiji île tu be the sol ii sulista utial lackg-roîîîîd o f thle Domni onî. Observations and Opinions "le l)îîî'laîi ( uîîîîîv (Iîi ofT lorniito, is to bv voil-gîatillateîl ou thee cuioe otrlDr. L. B. Wîl a ,,is as UPresîtleît to su eit'eilie roet îlîîîg lres~ileiit. Mr. W. Il.(le. a oftje tPort Ilnît. 'l'lie eleettioli pov- an ll lpp)licbil] ii *iw of lDr. Wliîî prelit, sOyieio is iiati Vu enuilini Itheii ortieiig t is suries of Di)îîrlani ( Colît.v mlotioni pietînles, w1liielî las tiîiie progresses willl becuie a valuiable hiislorial reo t, tlie lurîui(oîntv <of oîîr tunes. We fuel sure thiat IDr. W il lialusis es r oîg(f t lie hoioîî r of fol lowiîîg iu the footsteps uftwI'o disingisledpresidents, the late D)r. -Jamues L. hughyles, and Mr. (lemies, hoth of whioni have broîîght hioiîur and glory to tht-jr iia',ive Dl)nmCoîîîîtv. The attenition of parents is partieutlai v dr-awn to thue report of an address hv Prin- cipal Stauilev Watsonî of Keele St. 1sehlool, Toronîto, delivered at the Teachers ' (on yen- t ion hiere-.oui Friday. Mr. Watson is -o- alitlîor of the( nelv svsteml of studies in lib- lie Sehlools, anîd ut ias lupouî tlis sîuhjeet th)at lie spoke. Parenits ivili readîl y reaI ize thiak they eau give littie co-operatiot and C 4upport f0 the new scheme if they do rioflui- V derstand its fundamiental principles. Miss C Norma Hoocy, teacher of Burketon Seliool, P wlio %vas special representative of The Statesmaii af the Convention, gives a lucid w and understandable review of the new E course as related by Mr. Watson. Everyst parent should read tItis report ini an effort to assist their own chidren in flic new ai course of studi, which are so vitally dif- ni ferent from courses of study previous gen- erations hiave undergone. us 1 THE NEW MIABON NEWSPAPER TROPHY THE RED RAG By Scribe G Whiie we have frecauently be next to a buU, we have ne) happened f0 have a red rag us eX fthe time . . . consectuen we do flot know whether a b cares for red or he doesn'f. - have always understood that red rag enrages a bull. If wai a red rag makes a bull mad stupid questions do the sal Along Canada's Mini ng Highway R garls of ar., nid i ,ck m <r- th, l i dcai g a n i portant kes giiii a d nil ifuetupreli Receiit lig'lîligts ilu )Iielîcc are the inîd icatinîs Of big Muiile p rolîab i. itieS nut Siadetu Malartic alid Lî4ýj Nlalartic, aîîd an uîllargillg .îlîîî lIjlih er grade ore nîîîîook n Pu I In Olîtario's Larder Lake area, c 1tiiii1itlýe f ithe favourable struc- Barher Larder iltheicriiîîg ar, 1îr v ith important luilie i h licat i ons, i lhe rtatfli Tu rner Valley oil )mnega, Kerr Addisonî aîîd Martiîî fi-h'li O, - 'wîlîg raiid ansion. tîrd continue to develop favourabl\. ienu rîîutoî We n promie.hsîc e~ iiei "f < iciite 'ilip.îrtaîît future dividends *roaise.for Roo alijte, Browîî Oi, flavies pet- Kirkland Lake Gold is leetiu5rnig ~ Mnrci Fndto n with splendid silecess at depth. Othcr C,îitiiiî ýlo)"alth. On udre ilesan Kirkland Lake prodîîcers h ow u ih e aoîthi ,Of Tîîrî red lesa teady production record. Talîur, th, la i etr uîm Com- lu the Porcupine camlpMîeî fli II-.ati1 ed uCCs it a 1a(1 Paimourliav-e outstandiîigîvfanC-1 1C111Yliirîlolstile cc it -urable ore disclosures. ttrjiti I Columbnîia lias uîew goîd In the Long Lac camp, Hardrock iliieresî (on tleWest coast of Van- spreI)aring for productioni, %itlî CoulVer I Iîd. (Adv6.) lîîljiLake, 0o1 underground ork- ,jjpî.îijjg tupfavourabîy. 1i l'aî rici a.the Albany River iiiatur a long period of uncer- iaiîîv eleOPilig important ore. 4 --l il a wonai. THURSDAY, NOVENIBER 4TH, 1937 en ver on .tly No-0 GO .yA E We This the lii- dit <r of Th,- minorifY ho thle mortification Sa slizles<ian i taÀ-i; tosý;li. isut mllions of us ixith shiny skulls. ig OZ'e IIîiîCielOI, SO <r' .ttC a/,,, 'Y You may be disappointed f-o . . scei< lui ie l fi je, "riz t s e/or t know th a t he is an a k fen u ated ým e se- - i î. T h is .t î qi-a u5 uvh - iI -' M et h o d is t (U n ite d n o w U... M d is h vilHarold . 1 &îulv. ic,,- -i,- reasurer uof lîs ch rch .1 . .T h is idcuut of Silverzo - )0(1s 1hr e j3Ob le also took over f rom his f a- te Lt(.. Torounto (Scrillo (;) ii7pp cu- fher. Is f here some diM estion ,iy ý u <lc '<- tftitr stu < h ere th at th e m em b r $ î* W e * Pri <î j'u andî Il',, îî y fou nany families fOO1M wifh UP c;»taý1 heediorhas!,z,,,i theilunds? ..amark o idn up- tis wrtiîtu I n, /1;2;it As ,and lUung man, Editor Janieh frien shold l" hisvisitd the large Ameican citiek elle . . herefo gain knowledge and re- ByHarod Gllyexpexence. He is able without Editr Go, . Janeshasbeenicofu o oPoint 'out the dis- eleced resdentof he anadan incionbetween Caruso .- Lfi president -. . .Madame Schumann- un Wekly Nwspapers Associa~tion. ýsHis father. the fate and veu-i BELIEVE IT OR NOT cI. rated M. A. James, %vas the tichieftain of the ighfy-frc- ,t Yar-old journal uofihich his r-gifted son is now editor and Pub- ls liher in the foun ut Boxmanviile. ,ho Some of oui- readers down in Ind Digby or away ouf on the frozen Irr fronties of the Klondike may :re wonder were Bowmanville is. k Wcl ... If dus fot neste amorg lirlth huIs . . .boass of noblo. ie are nu different there than ouf M-Yonr way. If just sits where if lias sat for a gouOd many genera- - - - n a featureless fringe- or ý Lake Ontario. A little creek La and a derelict dock mark the spot. 'cr There unr hero edits anxd pub- or lishes The Canadian Statesman., iTTo giî'e You sorte idea of how the esJames Boys and their Dad take le adian Statesman has in its turne veabsonbed seven uther nexispapers. ~namcly: The Menchauf . . . The' Sun. . heObserver ...West! aDurham News . . . Bowmanville, a-News_- - . The Newxcast le Inde- ,dpendent. and ... The Oonoe News. mAnd besides several 0f er news- The Editor Bak i '95 'e Paeswr onadexpired Heink ... -Paderewski -... Gyp -the iswithout the James Boys laying Bod n tes hands n them . B lo wa an hle te an 5 ee Wonl fo oodess eorg W.interested in sports. He was thi-ee e had a digestive sYstem ecunal to years gualie for thec Ail Saints tihls f hiwekst pper Hisstomllrsoccer feam. They won Toronto ýd ihsweksspt-..ntne- championship as long as lie was [vous or sumefhing. Take une ut on if. Our old friend Fred Brig- f thse days when things are hap- deux was f afler ot the team. Edi- It pening: He starfs off the day 1 tor James Was also goalie for Ar- ;k with his nanal breakfast ut oat- 1gnushce em rmeal. bacon anxd eggs and homegnut oce1t.m ,f ried. At nouon a slightly heavieri He almost became a doot*r. .repast ot rare roast beet and The University ut Toronto actual- nYorkshire pudding. Then in the ý I had him inside. And Shaw's feaurnouux Ie ges o a wedding:Business College pt the business leadhas to drink a lot uftfoasts1 buffer on hlm. J. J. Gibbons had witli uxndescipt ixines ..-. all c hum for nearly f hree years, whicli ;way f rom Dandelion f0 Dingle- May be une reason why "Gibbons e berry- - - puncfnated by fanc-,knows Canada.' He was business sandwiches and layer cake. Af manager of fthe Brantford Daily seven o'clock he drives ont ho t he Courier pi-ion to the Expositor village uf Hampton where a flock amalgamation. He looked so good ut his subsoribers arc holding a that Colonel J. B. Maclean in- "Harvest Hume" in flic churcli sinuatcd there was a place for sheds. He samples ail the good him in f-bat great publish-ing en- cooks' chicken Pies and jelly roîls terprise. Had h e taken the fui-n from five concessions. And never: le would now nu doubt be a lu- a trace ut regurgitation ducs Ilie minai-y in the Mactean galaxy. aUlow f0 escape hlm. Latcr on in To make himself t~ instr- ' the evening Ilie mutons ho Toronto ment of the story suedýby f0 gef readY for an early moruxing f the iuverted tifle "City W makes meeting 0f brother pnbli.shers. By1 good in the country," he went the f ime hle hits the fick at say back to Bowmanville . . .ý which is 3.30 a.m. lis cunfreres have fui-c- wlicre wc told you in the begin- ed him to accummodate ail the, ning. gief f-bey have brught f rom Like most sncccssful men Edifor Vancouver to Halifax. By murn- James lias no side lunes. And like ing lic is bilions-.. esk. For thc peani lic came up f romfthc Ycars heelias been able fo do buttom thugli by different mear)s. uothng about f-bis gastronomic Since a boy sctting up the quacks inadeqnacy. If is one ot the ftcw in six Point type, hle has stayeId things Mn. James lias been unable close fu f-be job.Heialar to do any fhing about. H ekc -l ss d s igu as h dfo He i no lnggrd wen u c he lcbnilliant thiuxgs lie does than t0o Public interests. He was the for the fool f bings lie doesn't do. firsf secretary ut the Canadisn He us genial . . . modest . . . and Club . - . memben oft the Boar-d:trank n.fot at raid f-o cail a man Of Trade ... Secrcfany Hotels As- 'a skinfllint if he is one. He and sociation in Local Option days ..-. his good ifie have tlirec fine Oddfellows . . . Canad;an Fores- childi-en and a beautif ul home. ters . . . Masunie Or-der- . - . Pal- 'All are choice citizens. His organ- estine Chapter . . . Advertisung ization is A 1. and Sales Club ut Toronto --We torget To tell yon about his director ot Class A Weeklies utf boy-hood.iNothing mnch n ote- Canada. He is a charter ulemnberwrx .aebs ufmcywf ut the Rotary Club. and uas i t. ivriter ut these notes.Wewr president. He lbas flot u:.,d - ou n ogtu oeierle îvekline r fthengutti' ~only a couple of boardlcss fences elorn epar ttec3nr l sepaî-ated us. He ixas a gi-est fav- elex-n yei-s.orife utof ur-stien. He is no less Like bis tather betore 1u he a nriaftavorite today. bas been counic:llur ..neuve.. and mayoî-. Wilile on:x tîtî-ine Gentlemen ..Anise ... Let us ycassout se.Mn. lamnes ha-, beau1,- drink. etc. . t.ful gî-ey hiair. Thisf, umbnatuoîîl bas earned for, hzrn itile et-ýlt The ra-ol nmo-t girls want f0 "The Old Grey May-or by isî. maryhbecatuse theydntk 1--e is inuimnateîy indicatecl ar*ounli chiaf tbe, i-at j o'tk tua-n. Spaking cft iir. lbe.a Boîau:î RtayClbi that every bai- on nur heu-i.h bld:ug smetigtarsy CeubFi- u-oksitsxxy iwad.Wben , ai- day nightit n conjuniction withl tAe if)iut strikes grey mnatter ut, t'irn Toronto Rotary Club au flhc Royal grey. It it gues in tanl enouugli llji York Hotel when fi atrcu stnikes nu grcy niattel-. it gez., celebrates us2tbe atteiclauy thu an tuzy r t lîsot* No- Guiest;speake'r- u-ill lie Paul Harris thin- malign. genLlernciý abow, ut ChicagoI..tuertRta- 1 As Mnr. Hir'kctshaîv 'rmanks thiat thurt' i-i-uns f0 bu plet3 ofutfalk abotutt hoi- tii aiith flic ussar'3yicreenue-,buit Mefb-or tit Ml abiout -utfitg duwtî uxpetiditires mxas t'auil. lMr. Birkeuïshiu siil flue iviu'is "No tii- ci-ut dtau'u-t uisuggest thiat 'xpîu'îd i u t's iniglî bu redîic-d." Wu' ar'e fit'uiity coninuic-itIat theii (oîuî- -uit' (enera h Manuager is on flc riglît î'uuu n i îîs l siru anîd turge urt'loivert'Iaxathiîîî ri fi Little Known Facts About WELL KNOWN PEOPLE A seres designed to make citizeus better acquainted wth people everyone in the commilfity las known for years. 1 DVD ArW lAlý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO E

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