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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1937, p. 3

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LflURSDAYX, NJVEMIflR.1T '1937~J some god famlles."There is ALDER1WANIC CANDIDATETOSM ON WH haps you wfill count it. 'I'Twas flot about that piece of office equip- You çnffi ru oaie thee go! th e s o! a manONwhWHO i given to us alone." and we will ment. of whatamnhs' oeb thecae f tenonof mnAIo eT s it on." " The editor of the comrnun.ity the thing ei olgt o YOUR WORLD AND MINE hirnsel was THieae adwt-E STwpae ms hvca sbsos h out ayfarnily backgrounld. The _______ oHEtW I a sk yar e tn g ry d< tledwar-ihwatbsktocreryhstngoraj. By JOHN 0. KIRKWOOD son of this ran has become a of___akacea___y olndwtrtgt at akt fcre doctor. He holds pbi fie The follo iglte iht~~hoeti stels er any of, superior dimensions,. its contents Peoplewudnyrko o (Cprgh)IHe is ambitious and forceful. In adctress on the eneop as pu the friends will have to corne to of ten bathed with his tears, and hiad a teme fyudd' oei the next generation or two, his e~lp our assistance. We feel it is a as often super-heated by a voc-ab-'occasionaly "He cores fxoma goodfarn~ly parent had wat is clled a escendnts maybenregaeeci a - lin hefStatsman ofice ffiteoffic tragey tohhae to deend onthenuthe! limitd onlyby his nviron- Introdce commnrsenseinto is a remark you hear made f re- -good bringing Up." I suppose Icomng f rom good stock and from *. box, "To Some One Who Helped generosity of neighiboring Pro- i n n rvoseuain n lv faradi llls t quently, when conversations are that n Scotland they %were vla god farnily.- Saskatchewan, Bowmanville. On- icst ep What good neigh- t .a at aktfosta lvr abutPesos.Jut ha i mat oneced Teyha amesuetario.' As there are hundred.s o! bors t.hey are! We are ail simply tflood of entertainingly written. Loveraybbln buaw- about thersans. Juste caseatf 1 meant 'connected.omuThey hao ammeasat theIthasminsameeratureVsc geit * oo fmiy" n outreso!aoones.Thyhashghli- hoganso ao amnan O i." îtzes n hi omIunt wo razd t hergeersiY.snk-carnig itrtue O lî-ma-i simamnin t hr w !4 godfaiy" n ontisfaoonss he adhghlv-te rnquali!y10teaoeadrs. Tecrrnte nodd tered to and glamorously compos- :charmis where there is an aristocracy. ing standards. The mother was knew. This grandfather held a givteaoe drs. Te omte nla h e f ree support to an ad- 1 ________________ "gooct family" may mean coiec- *'severe" in lier manner, withi fine very lowly position, and was ai- '~truhtercnrbtoso car into the basernent of the,_______________________________ tion by b]ood witli a titled f ar- Poise. They were cultured. They ways poor. His son grew Up after vgtbe.fut cne od.cuc. hnpoe h e p ert is n aminpan whdcllas _____in________ il;bu hat does ec.t hegocrods u-thseeig.Dsrbtinbgn family- settled in a Canadian town, where a fashion, much like a weed; yet mat.goahzw as etDr hi vnn.Ditiuinbeissetinsenarti.n' aperdollarst i n CannadCaad ann inthen nt-hhee cUnden-erebor. aes alaysthre as n ganfather. hrnpeole bipedto askt- o-norow ornngat ineiTny ealze bov al tat nytin ed Statlés chiildren acquired fron their par- and son a consciousness o! good chewan last ronth, we are pass crei h fotdo h re appe.aearig i 111acoîun oting, in Gramot nd uere Sske oave.he tae tis apato 3 i olmslok In E-e coutries- adpr ents a degree of aloofness which descent. Now the grandson is.igtisms neesil n p cornmittee meets them, andgve ie wsmtrmu eprea ticuli nCnaa hre rnost kept thern from rnixing freely with head of a large industrial cOmp- preciated letter on to thern: them a statement of what they Iits snCnaa weource and entirely free frcin fam:.* have no known îiist-ory others o! equal age. The children any. and hie married a wealthy GrandOcobe Sa.193 e th baeent here l 1ae hsent-;suggestion that sorneone is 10 pro-On uraedTus beyond a hundred yearsors- grew up with fine traditions. woman. In their cornrunity they "'T u ood frends 5 at 7 te b asimnthe onttewoft rtahere is aqui pro uoC.nt-cte good arily' means a f arily Their education was not a particle are soci~allY prominent. Their T...- suppîy and d to anohe cmm t hey in o nt io there i th . He r qut *that las kept is naine cean. t atbetter than that o! other children. children believe that their parents & Duram Çoue nty:pasa ouI o!ther ear door o!d the abstranct possilt y !et Hens -Ata nv sm o ba poseîcd tatha euatdWhefl the "boys" went 10 work. are 'good farnily." f. Irall anthiriig l hrh s o a e h tee tat sae isthe susace o!tg ils children, and that has held the work which they took up was There is another man, now aa I fe u cnes t help otil ,you'- hurcg iso doune v esyteat eallY- thingshoed fortands o!stne TuofFnd and hods a mderatey goo so- o a parwith tat beng don by mutimilionair.oritryigto atea ewoui-s hO- mut chtel e o andhigery orderey s. semaidence to!g thingsfo nant sfennt" cial Position. others. One or two went mbt a lowly, but wealth bas given this o r otl o o uhw n eyodry vdneo hnsntse. Wehv n hscunr htbank: one became a lawyer; one man great prominence. He and George W. Pingle appreciate the great generosity o! I have not been asked to write Quite true. Were some people uncdionlyG ratd Wre ae in thaies. ountry a became a clerk in a retail store: his wif e delight 10 be in the Pub- Mr. Pingle, wbo running as ail ths who contributed to the this letter, and no one knows that ever privileged to see our scrap_____ these familles two-three-four gen- one became a civil servant. But lic eye, but nol cheaply. They îldmnecanidte~ in Elidale wonderful car o! fruit and vege- I arn writing il, but 1 juat had book o! 'letters we have met' are called old" familis. Possins tables a.nd canned goods which to let some one o! you know how wudtte esrrsdTe H eraion ag ha Brtis an neyer .co dond .Thesesosbecome have a super!ine home and are woewud' hyb upie.Te er amploens ao d Bitsh acetrThcommon." ei cdct They r- el hospitable in exceptional degree. Ward, Ottawa, is a member o! thbe was received in Grand Coulee to- glad we feel. I do not knOw n would scarcely believe il possible o!naplemeas an soue ultue. heywatced heiocoduet Thy Areatyete wrld egadsehasrids o!Robrtso. Pnglo&fTR-oay.Mtshsoadi on o! he a&n 10 endthi to.I hpe hatothes culdhavesuc co- CTcLn- T UST madstood orue !of thercommon .neye" ec erffians. T h ey man. his wife and his chiidren as ley, Limited, well known musical cornrittee who handies this car. soine one who helped, receives il.cpin ftepulesriete ther bîity10hae fie oueneyer had hlterary aspirations. constituting a --good fappli- and lhe said il was just wonderful IWith rnany, many thanks - ail cepton!t p ublic serive- th aey OPRTO teraiiythaeafn osThey neyer sought the limelight. ~ < instrument and electrical P" -piled right t0 the roof with such we can send you. giving.npinth cntris their participation in public life, On the contrary, they shrank f rom ance dealers. For several years hie Pfst ~.h hv ovg -1. In ro! the pulc m od e ati- EUN OWR TO and by reason o! self-assertion, ilThe hdobiti igiY. is laudable in any man or bas se&ved as director on the tabletor fuitsor cro. Veg- ______________- STn They may have had good f amily They had and cultivated good wornan when he or she endeavors board o! the Central Canada Ex- tables neyer tasted so good as ______________________________ kepditosn theninbrited lpel marinera. In their comniunity 10 found a "good farnily." One hibition Association. and isalaso they do Ibis year. He brogheST kep thrnon nhritd eves.they were o! tbe good family" f ounds a good farniiy when one an active member o! the Ottawa home our share. and arnong h A T BASKET US Also, these 'oid' familles stuck le c*lassification. This !amily and seeks and achieves cultural eleva- Kiwanis Club.-Ottawa Journal. things were two or three jars o! AN EDUTOR'S HELP the saine community through sev- ail ils members have been renema- tion. when one keeps the farnily The above clipping was sent to ovely canned O ntario fruit. This ____ fral generations.beebyalkoigîens be- namne unslained. when one ren- us by Capt. C. W. E. Meath. Mr.1 is the f irst lime anything has No gi!t ever received by the latte u n M si m _wto To belong to a -good family" ingrud ilko! hirna hrn.tadi ders notable public or comrnunity Pingle is eldest son of Mr. Thos. corne into the bouse that we did F. N. Doubleday. wben be opened ~"- one must be able bo show that tliogns. decent and mariner o! liv- sevc.adwen ie i o igeo bstw.Hsmn not pay for. and I feit guilty as I his office aI Garden City, "as jJ members o! the f amily held higb n. h lamentable thing is that bier child.ren a good education. frens in ýthe oîd home tonw'l tbought o! those friends whoha 2d moe aprcîaedtha te ga public office, or were identified 1there.are none to carry on this oitsh George ever c cess in the is -n o! their lime and work with sized %vaste basket given him by witlithe rofesion, orhad 1famiy's aine thee is o grnd- apitl ciy ofCanad. j o posibl hop no rpossible. hihope. o!s rernuneration. # Ce wealth in goodly amount. or bad chiid. WALTER HACKNEY cailctyoCnd. Ail we can do is 10 say -Thank his w e ig ewYasa!terbardethaid 1 reYou," buthyoufwillyneyergknow_ saved bim tbousands o! dollars pe I recaîl another, oarnilys-naso1 US NOB3LE GRAND how we feel. Ibecause lhe tossed mb to t sugges- ir a'5l st m9n pI"wretaeme.o rtsn.Scottish in origin. The father _a' or engaged in hand -soiling, came 10 Canada 10 farm . He 0F I.O.O.F. LODGE The man wbo is looking for~ We have resolved 10 pass on the, lions Ihal might have cost hios mt C na ~cola *nNWIIIWSUASNL I It 1 ciothes-soiiing labour, then they broughtveyltemoywth____ trouble generally !inds il, and the kindness at soreftr ie oe.SehnBle.editor o! iselinilScou~ wer no o th 'oodf ~~Y hin.He settied in a cornrunity Brother Walter Hackney was on1h xet eetgnr.i when we are in different circum- the Janesville (Wisconsin) Daily çeredy- clasa. Even if ones parents or where the circunistances o! neigh- installed as Noble Grand o! Fier- gets a whipping. 1 stances. It may not be 10 You peo- Gazette. evidently f eeis just as F. grandparents were teachers or bours were about those o! the ec ibigl ogN.6, It's easier to make a break than ple. but if we pass il on bo some N. Doubleday did about the waste ,:I!i*e . * preachers or iawyers. Ibis super- man and his wi!e o! w'hom I oO. ..on edesdghteingalil la No 6, t O rend il. unf ortunate neighborhood. per- basket, because bie bad Ibis te say i ior kind o! ernployment did not wie1BtIi S1s!aiyh. 0. 0. an ,o e nsaion. iha____________________________________________ fnessrly mk hm go pride. I do not mean bauteur.'large rowPd attending. The pro- familyK The father and motber were kind- gram featured several local art- JCKly-natured. simple in Ibeir man- tla ncluding Joan Greenfield Let me recaîl some "good farn- ners, and neigbbouriy. They lived playing piano solos. the Buccaroos ilies" known bo me. decently. They observed the nice- and the Aces with instrumental Farnily No. i had a Scottish lies o! h! e - in the f urnishings O! numbers and songs, and Paddy NYALHA B T origin. The parents carne f romn their home. in Iheir manners, in Welsh witb guitar and cowboy Scotland. The father was a min- their dress and speech. Pioneering songs. Following the program MILK 0F ister. Ih was obvious, that the toi neyer dragged tbem down ýthe Pebekahs served lunch.LIVER QIL et evels tro livin. Ther Two 50 yea.r members, A. L.MA N SAA SU E _____________________ a aways a s mo! learning. Nicholis and J. J. Mason, were in MENT OR PLAIN RTFE Honour was preejous. There was tedne a th crmoy(1OZSIE U courtesy sbown by every member whicb marks the conclusion o! PCA Save Corueen'er Ierre as no.DGM 2. isintalaior 50c. istll CHECK YOUR WANTS AND DRING THIS HANDBILL WITH You. "<OU DUY ONE FULL SIZE NYAL PRODUCT2fo $1O bichkermg. f eerl ode ON THE SALE AND WE WILL GIVE YOU ANOTHER 0F THE SAME KIND OR THE SAME PRICE ABSOLUTELY There was a love o! book and througbout the district. FREE. YOU ARE ASSURED 0F FRESH, CLEAN MERCHANDISE. INSTANT ATTENTION AND COLIRTEOUS Have your window and culture. One son became a dec- SERVICE. THESE EXCEPTIONAL PRICES ARE ONLY FOR THE DURATION 0F THIS SPECIAL ADVERTISING SALE door frames caul.ked be- tor. Another went 10 "tbe City" Visitera were present f rom Ce- forethecoldweaher ets and found clerical work. and lat- bourg. Orono and Port Hope. " O fTIERE NAI O ERM DE forethe oldweater sts er was appointed to public office. Officers for 1938 are as foilows:'62FR1"TIE IS NA DHO E EM IS in. Prevexits dranghts anid Another son became connected N. 0.-Bro. W. Ha.ckney. NYAo50 Brilliantine. Llquid.......... 2 for Soc ~-P O W DE R 5eDar aalealt. o saves fuel. with a financial company. One V .Bo .G ors 25c Tooth Paste, Mint........... 2 for 25e Fo "dSoc 25c Nyai LaracoldTablets ........ 2or,25 son remained a farmner. A dau- RecS.-tre. PR. Sudds.MO & ES 6c Hirsutone. Smal ......2 for 60C FrAcNIttnc 1.00 Comp. Syrup Hypophosphites..*2 fortI.4 gldyfrihd gbter - indeed, two daugbters - Fin. S.-Bro. W. J. E. Ormiston. IO ES 1.00 Hireutone, Large............ 2for 1.00 .SadIdig"Bono c50 Emulsion Cod Liver 011...'2 for BsoCcTI Estimates gal unse 5 unn arTnc...... o 5 1.00 Eniulslon Cod Liver O0 ....2 for 1.00 becamne a sebool teacher. One o! Treas.-Bro. W. A. Edger. TABLETS 7oceilQuine HareTont..........2lorSC4s.Tn 2ceachad urig ab. 2 for 25c on reuest.theinbecame bead f an educa- Warden-Bro. F. Moore. (0 BLT)Soc Nysis Wv Set ............... 2 for So5.0Ntrtveyohopie ...2fr10 lional institution; the ether a Cond.-Bro. S. Little. Soc Witch Hazel Cream.......... 2 for Soc 2 for 50C 25c Nyat Coid Sore Lotion........ 2 r 25c Phone 431 for estimates nurse. But neyer was there any R.S.N.G.-Bro. H. Cowle. 2 for 75c. Se Beauty BaIm, 3 Shads....2 for Soc ___________3ke NyaiyptusCough Syrup ....2for 35c ____ owering of ideals: nevier any L.S.N.G.-Bro. H .Hennflings. Sec LiIac Hair Oit ............... 2 for Sec 1.00 Rheumatie Remedy. Large..2for 1.00 slackentng o! purpose b live fine- Chap.-Bro. O. Nicholas. Soc Face Cream, ........2 for soc PYLORA 25C Nyal EaracheDrops ........... 2fr 25c îy. Truly, this ta a "good famnily." I. G.-Bi'o. M. Moore. 25c Milk of Magneua othPate.. for 25c OT PWE 25c Stomach and Liver Pilla.... 2for 25c 0I 1. . G.-Bro. L. Nichola. Soc Nyseptol Tooth Peste ...... ... 2 for 5S oc T PWER- 25c Vegetabie Laxative Tablet ..2 for 25c - ~ A C f~fVJ C K R.S.V.G.-Bro. O. Boe. 50c Par Shaving Lotion........ 2 for Soc Cens ad Whiîtens 25c Syrup White Pine and Tar..2 for 25c Jbr eh Take the case o! another f arn- LSoc.BO J ltI 0 Par Shaving Cream........ :2 for Soc the Tecth 5SSyu White Pine and Tar..2 for Soc Pantr ecraor iy.Th oignas s fr s an SSVGBro. J. çlty 25c Par Styptic Penis......for 25c 1.00 NyatUDgestive Tonic .........2 for 1.00 ada rDeoatr is ,heoignls o fari Cne r .S.-Bo. T. -noll . 5oc Cocoaflut 011 Shanipoo,... 2 for SOC Dors Not Scratch So50eNeuro-Tonic Tableta.........2 for Soc ad s coneerned, were f rie LFS. B o.T H ris n H L TITE o ad Lton ag ...... o 6 Oz. Minerai 0, (Russian) .. 2 for 85 folk. The brothers and sisters J.P.G.-Bro. I. M. Hobbs. ocQuiieand Son age......oni...2 for 50c 6 Oz. Sire 32 Os. Minerai O11, <Ruasian). 2forl Bowmanville ived in log buts. But there was E SOLTE 5c 50e CatarrhaLi Daim............1for 50e _________________a quality e! forcefulnesabout FnneCr.W.A de.JPOWDERSoCarhl lm....... 'le cbildren wich led somne of J, Mason, W. J. E. OrmisIoxi. 5e Chocoiex Tablets............2 o 5 ELOO OI _____________lem toward the professions. Two Property Coin. - F. Moore, L. (3cSIE MURIEL ASTOR THIRTY - FIVE 35c Nyal Anaigesie Daim.......... 2for 35c lAC OTE 3osto pnwpprwr.Roenigk, H. Cowle.2fo 50c.So Ephedrine Nasal JeIiy........ 2 for Soc Dne ofthern oughtpolitcal lin- Vistiný om.OC.GBrMorisanStSoce..................2..for.... e forAScNGHAV0G S E hedrineeCoCo u yh p ....... oror 5c L4tIle. M. Moore, A. Cameron, 0. Soc Camphor Ice Skin Creum...2 for Soc SECAL0SC t=d H Cogh Syrup........ 2 for Soc urs inGet50en adb-&,E enig .Wos o Cleansing Cream.....2 for So50eCAL 25c H and H Cough Syrup........ 2 for 25c "aine a member o! the Britihîeat Cmb 'J Mso .Soc Coid Cream................. 2 for Soc 35e SHAVING CREAM 8 Oz. Nyseptol Antiseptic ....2 for Soc .. House o! Cornions. One of 'is E.Conenrs oin . . M ailon. Soc Face Powder. 3 Shades.... 2 for 50c 35c SHAVING LOTION 16 Oz. Nyseptol Antiseptic ....2 for 1.00 nepbews became a farnous short- MrbrhpCm o<nSoc Rouge. 4 Shad« ............. 2 for Soc 35c MEN'S TALCUM 1.00 Stone Root Compound......2 for 1.00 story writeraohrapoica ebrhpCm.odn, 35c Lipstick, 3 Shades...........2 for 35c 25c NyaI A. B. S. & C. Tablets ...2 for 25e premier. Cousins achieved dis- J.E5neso0 .CmeoH o Vanishlng Cream ............. 2 for Soc 2 for 35c Soc Aromatic Cascara............ 2 for Soc - tî~ýnction. Always the members o!fM.Hard, C.KentSoc Wave Set..........2 for Soc ____________ thissamilybad.aHawady, Cso! KentAPINOL 25c Taieum Pwe......2for 25c Soc Co1d Capeuies,for Coida ... 2 for Soc this familWm Jeffery. EXPECTORANTBath Crystals ...............2 for 40c ALMOND 50c Nyal Dyspepsia Tablets.... 2 for Soc a go- decet: ndnon hs m. efery EPECORNT50C Eezema Lotion, for Eczemna .... 2 for Soc TOHPSE soiled the f amily record. Quite FOR__________ & CUCUMBER 2c Figsen, A Mld Laxative.... 2for 25c --ernphalicailyIeP ar a DALON AT " 2 FOR 1 ' CREAM 25 Nyaloids, for Hoarseneas...2 for 25c -goo famly. theP-'sarea AUUMNLEAVS (5c SZE) 2e Pinol Cough Syrup ........... 2 for 25c 'go axhni." fAUTUMN LEAVES 2 for 5Oc. 75c Foundation Crean .......... 2 for 75c Keeps the Face and0eyklnMotWah8oz..2frSO Ilaafnhai iy.The bead o! it in Canada be-ITurnbling so!Ily. so!Iiy turnbling, 7cFc odr..........2fr7, ad rot n otScNkln ot ah z.. o o up the action of came ric, and was for years a W afted by the autumn breeze. 75c Facial Freshener.........2o 5 ad mohadSf W ieLnm nfrPi . o O îh,.Plïer, kideys and member f parlament. e inar-Falling fallig, 75ety fellngn75cCream..............2.for....2 forfor 2 5fo e0cNàa5c YealYew Pillala............2.foror22c bowels once a week 1.00 Celery Nervine Compound ...2 for 1.00 b using Dr. Chases ried well. as the saying goes. In Frein their borne in swaying _____________ Mdney-Liver Plls. the coure o! the -ears, this man Irees. SNRE AT "2 FOR 1 f AS»EXRAT Soc Eye Drops, for Tired Eyes.2 fo.r c0 This sweîs away lost everything in the way o! Short their life. 'twas but a sum- TSYETAT ScNa inyPle....... o o 0Fh'eomb.....2 fr 25 0F OD LVER 25c Little Liver Pilla .............2 for 25e ensurca healthful ac- that prîde in the bonoîtr o! the JusI a stimmel' season. tîxen "" 20c Men's Pocket Comb......... 2 for 20c at oi 16 Oz. Nyagar, for Constipation.. .2 for 1.00 NKLN tion of the whole f aml naine. One son died in bis Tinged with ail the glow o! aut- MAGNE S IA 15c Ladies' Sobby Comb......... 2 for 15ce at oi 4 Oz. Flzz Sait. English Type..2 for SOc digestive systemn. Ask 20's; the ether son iived to be age urnn. 5 Nl Playing Carda .......... 2 for 75ceand an Excellent Tissue 8 Oz. Fizz Sait, EgiTp.......2 for 75c yordugn.65 or so: a daugbter rernains. Tuinbied down to earlh again. TABLEJ 25c Royal Windsor Tooth Brusb . ... 2 for 25c Builder 25c Nycetal Tablets, 24 Taba ....2 for 25c The chiidren neyer losI their Once ti marvelous greens îhey (200 TABLETS) Soc Nyseptol Tooth Brush........ 2 for 50c 20 or. site 36c Nycetal Tablets, 50 Tabs...2 for 35c LRE IE * - sense o!f '!amily." To keep the sbirniered 5 yes edPncl ......50er0c2fr 10 o Nycetai Tablets, 100 Tabs ...2 for Soc FO75c family namne unspotlted was ever Ahl the happy summer through. 2 for 75c. 05eyensat RzorBPenls........2 r052 for 20c 0 Soc Nyalgesic Liniment.......... 2 for Soc J C K e. Like sorne erdanI canvas back- 35c Ladies' Dresing Coib ......2 for 35c 50c Rectone, for Piles............ 2for Soc I arfwinesinthe iseo! roud. .00NI-%ha rah..... 2c .0NYAL 1.00 Nyai Sorbo Liniment ..........2 for 1.00 An, International Daily Neu.rsa>er draw thean t records for You the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor Forth te live again once more.AY FRIDAY - SATURDAYC DLIE but deals correctlvely with them. Peaturea for bu, men and &Il the -RalPh Gordon. lemiiy. including the WeekIi' Magazine Section. 628 Crawford St., Toronto A.. B. D. The Christian Science PbisigSocety OnNraySreBo, shusettsCAPSULESMWANADZ Piense enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for STANDARDIM o R e CWLN ~perlod of MiNI OR FLAP year $900 5 ontha 84.50 3 montha $225 i month 75c IcLPoo DmI.CSsOi Wedneday issue. inciucing Magazine Section:1iYsear $2.0. 8 Issues 26oa 5.UPoe »5D U GS esdnePoe5 Name-----------------------------------------(Fo merl Kodak 's D g Son) RUtOf U£Ue 'sfotC$r BL25 SsAddrCeessliqus ----$-5-------Koslkos ru Store) (lleaa fDde' uo hp Nao.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @mnll j 'i 'i. O, 'rWTYOI-nAV XTnlfWXKDVID Artl 1ÛI7

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