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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1937, p. 3

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th are dem fsalngte ieaethe tragcdy of which lies ding march played by Miss Mar- een Mary Woodhouse, of Niagaramaigteroein amln I YOUR WORLD AND MINE J Mississippi from source to mouthhH fact that venereal disease in garet Buchanan. The attendants Falls. A delightful recepinfl henMuMnrei ae IB JOHN C. KIRKWOOD once o al ing Up thi'IeÈAnzon; soit' Icom pletelv crale By and always I have wantel oser\eîa brother, and her friend, M:ss E1- !ore's parents. h newlywecis aegradut oot i thesothrn niedStaes- henowledge, if given the.Tearo!tnv t an fCotton. I have neyer seen lrt1 it\ f dr appl.iat i ca the prairies of our own country, That maursncesr to check stamp out teedsae.i ilb There's a song in which occur was a prig and he deserved hu- aelnm othtevso o h p isease 'na, dise of mis pritd1 gi the words, 'W hen Your drearns miliation. them, in imagination, was always thronglont heO rg auscneiyheas fl, f E E H N A K come true." This sog s un ChIldren like to show off. They present. ing deep concerri among hospital, gans in 'ctn 1cueo ac t TELEPH N T HE W ATSON FA ILY lustily by Young Persanfr îe dream of doing quite wonderfui one of my dreams was to be a miedical and health officiais is seen II ocma t have dreanis in abundance, and 1 things - in their games, for ex- great speaker - an orator. But in the resolutions recently passed Science and education, backcd by they hope that most of their ample, in order to be applauded. that dream did flot corne truc. b% the Canadian Nfedical Association Governmtent support, have practically dreains will came true. Most children want to be captain a I have been trying to recal in their games - they want to boss I mflot very sure that I ever and the Ontario Hospital Association, eliminated these (iscases in Scandin- 9 ~wanted to be a famous writer; but to the effect that the Dominion avia'n counItries. It can be don .in so e ! y hi d h o d a n ~ t - th rs A d hi d h o 's dr a m a w a s, ev n to th is d a y , I sh o u d G ois i ier m t b e ask ed to re-instate C anada. H ospital. health de part-1 l e r e ful drearns. I arn sure that there are carried into youth. Still in like to have a publication of my its grants to the vrospoicsments and professional peol are are inany creams belonging to my 3'outh Mnost o! us want to be lead- own - a perioclicai. I rather envy ini aid of free diagnosis and treat- willing and anxious to do thecir im- h st chldo(It ndYut ta Ica-ers - ive long for limelight - we the men who own country week- nment of venereal discase. porant part. \Vil the Goveruiment flot recali. Yet there are some stili want to show off. We are ly newspapers. My only daily Shortly after the end of the war, do theirs? dreamis which have corne true, and continually seeing ourselves a newspaper experience was on the the Dominion Govertnment made an rdyngeai an n c a en oone! e ine goatratis. or reat London Daily Mail - from 1906 to original grant of $200.000 for tlîis h af n adn anofbiggetatssorget1911, then the newspaPer with the purpose, the monev 10 be divided PALESTINE ROYAL ln distae wsdiscoverers, or great singers, or largest circulation in the warld. pro rata 10 the (if ferenit provinces R on for riches. I suppose that most 'great spekro great engineers, It gives me not a little satisfac- on a populationt bas s h rvnes A CH MASONS ARE carorindulgedesiresn-sth de- thoughho!-being gretpservants a <.11dren wvant ta be rich, sa that 'ogto en great surrea.ntsn'toh tian to know that on this news- on their part agreed 10 provide sums TORONTO VISITORS ad B sratrh avel. ta hveemi-n.ence - amnta . u ram; paper I reached a position o! equai t) the Dominion grains. These ikesa n sita havel e, tavbe femne o s isheligme ht hih w e wn sonne distinction - an the adver- nnonevs svere tb he nsed for the es- Palestine Chapter af Royal cores jyi.Uf theneesit t ree fo ae'"'the applause o! listening senates tsn ie aisnetadmitnneo e Arch Masons paid a fraternal livin. es ary dwreafr ns v to caommand.'" If ever I had palit.ical ambi- treattment clinics, social service and visit ta University Chapter, Ta- laiovin hecegne. hesr One'osm early dreams, con- tians aor dreatns, they did flot eri- foilow-up cases. The Domiunion granIt ronto, Tuesday evening, when six aWhoiare t aoi toÏ iheclec tesr n fm alydemcn ue as cotîtintted in dimini s h inIn g car loads of Chapter Masons ac- keep passing a! others in ail things. tinued inta manhaad, was for a j C K amtonts. untilini 1931-32, il svas dis- cspaieeE.cam.a.l.lYut !hirs t Weain otlhr o o n- fn hofmely a hmedsca u Ipne x.Cm.J . ttq n Distance ity passesses us. We want ta be size. f inely furnished, with ample I have allowed myseif ta be- cotînued aitogether. First Principal a! Palestine Chap- a donbefore us. Yau remember neyer stayed lang in any one com- fnytatms fhedr haps la Joseph, the lad. He drearned tlhat munity. In ny mr that mst4!0eadrssons have hiad to curtaii their %.en- corned by Ex. Camp. Prof. F. Lor- da he saw bis brothers bowing clon years o! married life, I have had have dreams and have had ereal ised Long DIstasGnce Lanan wre nvt d e m , w hich th y h p il ai o t i p s o o c pL k e h e I " beoehim, and he told them quite 25 harnes, only one o! which cometraimost imposs omeible ta carry on this the chairs and confer the degree .h~ quite !rankly af his dream. His I ever awned. Now I do not waritt seau o hih aec rne e owihi ie tecei fMEM o arrogance offended bis brathers a large bouse or a fine garden, tu;adi syb htM eo rvdn1 hi iivlcn hecredi Atî 0!covoaMin.te.M. ndthey put him in a pit, and for I would be unable ta enjoy rudrssarelMtyvr .hirow eIirulith sifsariîinssrxic tenradzCanada.th Gad . o.twf rl adcitai o! my dreamis will caus yteedsae nCnd.Ol est hapter at the request o! left hlm ta his fate. Quite !rank- thiern for very long, and as age truhthdreamsfcn srieth rn pritd h rn ly 1 havea great deal o! sympathy puts its clutch an me, I want ehsiti ndpoesini ok High Pis wt Jaehsboer.joseph and less labour and anxiety. Even Ail of us ought ta be drearners. ers have these clinics cantinued to ter a! Nova Scotia, M. Ex. Comp.l C ________________ d I riches,I olnt want a Dreamns shape our lives and our operate. The hospitais atnd staffs, S. D. Burril, o! Halifax, N.S., t lag-os or a large garden. careers. Certainly aur d r e arn s who have piaced their facilities. present fifty year Jewels to M. Ex. 111Yet I do continue to desire a home ought ta be worthy anes. To eqEuipmnent, and services at the dis: Camp. Thomas V. B. Binglay and of my own, and one not pushed dream - to desire - sinful exper- posai of the public ini the functio-V. Ex. op ao .W rd avnF e p close t.o my neighbor's house. tences is to sow seeds whose iiîg of hev mcs ann bee r sh. an C o Maon.f.eradp Sa e O u l I would like a bouse in the coun- fruitage becomes ashes in the titusi hvmybcnnu oever aj rshaw tae cank fr pon try- an auiiayhme Jh h ouLd. definitel)in rvd ths eicGad Scribe Eo h rn saund a! f aîîing water to luli me I like to see children and youths w ithout 3o10roide het.hins tsericr a r oand o!theGrnd. Have yu window and at ail times, with much baird song and Young persans dreamring. In plea t0 the Dominion Government to Many Grand Chapter Officers o! door franies caul.ked be- in summer. I drearn o! a house these present tirnes, when life h rn hp fCnd fore the cold weather sets with a fine big living room, anti moves s0 swiftly, dream.ing Mayre-estabiish its granits and once aainthereGrasn Chaptte o!tCanada in.Preent daugta nd a library, and fire-places in them not be Sa prevalent a habitgaslîhi in 1h d ere Prent atess the re-d in.ave fuel. - an a roam where aur !riends could was in days when the horse-- contrai these drede iseases. setio maeb th Grn and-High Priest and to see the Baw- savesfuel.have frequent fellawship with us buggy !orm o! locomotion was Thirteen per cent. Of the insane, manville ChaPter Masans canfer iwithout regard ta the clock. universal - when there were no eight%-three per cent. of deaths of the degree. lux. Camp. J. R. Stutt Estimates gladly furnished j C K mator cars, no airplanes, nor 100- ibabies born of infected mothers, a and the offilcers o! Palestine Chap- on request. One o! my early dreams wasta mile- an-hour railroad trains, and iigh percentage of sudden deatiîs of ter were warmly complimenteti by go t th Artic Inrnyboycodno radio. Dre.aring precedes ac- nnen ini the prime of if e - these the First Priciao!Uirst Phone 431 for estimates I had read o! the Arctic, and thetin Whtedoaiacmpsh reseofteavgso eeea Chapter and by the Grand Third pictures a! the great white il in this lif!e graws out af aur _________________ rincipal a! the Grand Chapter derness. with its silences and with dreamts. of' Canada an the impressive its aurora borealis, which had The unimaginative persan - the while the average daily per cap-maneadprfcino hr f!A . ormed in my mind made me long nan-dreamer - gets less f rom hlf e ita cast was $2.86, and the aver- wark, special pra.ise being gîven J.f.A ~ '~ "7 ta see the majesty o! ice-berg talks I have often dreamed a! age number o! patients in the ta Ex. Camp. F. J. Groat wha act- ant blHoin ses..Bu te tanth dreamner. One o! the haspital daily was 15.2. In addi- ed as*W. M.' PntrD oatr desire ta go ta the far north has preparirig. for tielivery ta Young tiari there were il treatments A cordial invitatian ta return î Painer ecortor abatcd. I still wauld like ta sce people, is "Great Dreamis andi given ta Persans not admittedti t t Toronito and confer ather Alaska, andi the aurora; but I Dreamers." What a wariderful wards. Chapter degrees was exterideti by - Bowmanville shaU neyer see them. lecture coulti be prepareti with O! the !arty deaths, 31 wcre University Chapter ta the Bow- ~ ______________________ dd ant ta go ta England, this as ils themel regular patients anti 9 were still-, manville Chapter. ________________________and la. at age 37, I was able ta births as already recorded. 16 be- - go ta England ta wark - an thatA E O T0 ing medical patients, 9 surgical great newspaper, the LondonA N LRE O T F patients anti 3 abstetrical.i E DN1 CO L N 1 E T Dailny Mail. On that paper I re- LADIES HOSPITAL The repart a! bed capacity re- vOL N T A eryha6p y ere nce he a A XILIARY GIVEN veals 13 adult betis in private and Minore-Martin ry ay eperenc whle ithsemi-private wards, and 9 betis in, A wedding a! lovely appoint- C OULDNT SLEEP it. Laer ha a second soiurn A ea sId coprv public wards, tcgether with 8 nur- ments Saturday afternoan, Octo- - - COU DN' SL EP n def1c 1r a A yar f slenid o-oeraiveserv cots andi basziriet tes, rnaking ber 30, in Christ Church, Caîches o! years. a total bed capacity o! 30. ter, was that o!fIEss Mildred Lou- Now Free of Bad Liver and Kldney I wanted ta see the Rhine, and day night when a rep>ort o! the The staff includes 4 graduatei ise Martin, B.A., daughter a! Mr. Trouble and Feeling Fine its castles, and this dream came year' s work o! the Women's -Hos- nurses, 6 pupil nurses, and 7 other Robert MatnadJonMln true. pital Auxiliary was presented at ePoes m na oalo 7Mn rtn.HatinJohn Mflton Here's another Wom I wantedt t see Paris, andt iis the annual meeting o! the Hospi- employees, makind atotal.o!l. Minoreo!H itn, Con u r., who fet terrible unti dreamt carne true. tlBad Th Meso te Trempiecs. casif1 with >the rector, Rev. J. H . , ith, ah. found bow to get I wanted ta see India, andi the Auxiliary !or the ensuingc shows 452 Patients were Protes- lofficiating. Quite a large Surnith Niebt Rates begi bik pett, desp Hlyace dI aenot e, bnor everls ie: Presitient, Mrs. M . A' tants, 15 Roman Catholics, and 7 'a! relatives and friends o! bath vreeinatsead ii.uiti. MTLand H., wlc e have a sar who Ist ieal n iPresident, Mrs. C:A. ereof other religians or un- 1Young People were in attendance. >éntre4 wrn 1 had yeara of livr seeing countries which are denied D. Searle; Recarding Secretary, shaws 225 were residents of Baw- with this lovely event, -the church complaint i andte iý headaches - bowels ta me - many cauntries in Europe, M rs. V. H. Storey; Carrespontiing m n il , 1 1 rsd n s o h : en rtiy d c rt d w t r n ila s irregilar, cripp tikdney trouble t00 incîud.ng Greece; China, Japan, Secretary, Mrs. W. R. Srk;Caurity. 42 f romt ather parts o! w h i t e chrysanthemums. The --no appebite--no aleep Many laxatives Si tia .ora oraa _Mn Treasurer, Mrs. E. W. Crawford, Ontario, andi 16 non-residents o! march ta the altar was made ta gave me cranips. 1 t riefuit-a-tivesanam churia, tiRussia; Honolulu, and Executive, Miss F. Galbraith, Mrs Ontario.i the strains a! the bridai anti wcd- my iealtin greatiy improve." These famous secies o! the Levant; anti he J. O'Neill, Mrs. C. W. Slernon, fruit juice, herb, and tonie tablets cleanhe is ikeIot see more Oriental Mrs. H. M. Cale. Mrs. F. O. Mc- ani strengihen the liver, ieip stomach, id- c o untries,. Asa, he has seen much Ilveen; Representatives on the neya, inteatines. Troubles go. Health muast o the niteti States. Which Hospital Board, Mrs. Birks, Mrs. improve 25c. and 50c. Ail druggists. bOreedsethe reiflection that manS' a! Storey, Mrs. J. R. Stutt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a r tr e a n s f o r o u r s e lv e s c am e T h e r e p o r t a ! th e y e a r 's a c tiv i- t rue Iar children's experiences. ties was as falows: ffnrBAT FL I hav ongedti t see great iary has completecj arither year's mauintains, like the Alps andi the wark, during which ten meetings EUI Rkies u the highest maun- %vere held: There were 18 mcm- taiuns I hýav-etseen are thase in the bers with an average attendance British Isles - mounitains nat o! 9. L S O D I much higher than 4000 feet. Two members o! the Auxiliary ,FO A M.DeOL SeMî1diti wish ta see the Mississippi, vis t onthe aspitale achdongth anti this drearn came truc; but ta repaon okdn adt e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ a ist o! requirements. At the* * * a . -Graduation Exercises in October NEW 193 O G * the Auxiliary was respansibie fat the decaration o! Trinity ChurchCA S AV O anti for the refreshments served at the reception. Fountain pens PRO VI DE GREATE AFT were presented ta the fouîr gradu- ates. Money wau raiseti by two bridge parties, anc in Navember .di...... ret arsinm The usual Christmas treat was veothrD provitietifor the nurses anti heip. fvofte De. Nw y 93 - - - ~~~T h e B i r t h d a y P a r t y w a s h e l t idg e a a g e o nh e w a e p e r id i 5 s Friday, March 19, whcn generous ac ftecrlnat h \\ contributions o! inen, fruit, gro- aquaoflhtyc a t ~ M J I I V wceries an ti a substantial sum o ! W C O .Ei m r esse ry w i ts e e maney were danated. An inven-geae litory o! the furnishings o! theca or aderepnei seiganprin" ..- . ..ý bfl..1 u 4s..m Iw adrucimaÎu, t=a.ee - - - ~~* - -- -*- nae-d t q Oe bdettrf #on BET ER LIG T - BE T-Et S GHT-USE 1 T Ut f theommertllai Cf; edit Ceaplza.t te Commeciaanada UmIp*.ad. 'wnýeetn o n opia or-d-on Tun. in an them Maior Bawm orîinal Amateur Ho ut, clm Network, .v.ry Turdy.9 lp.,..T Up o! 237 miaies andi 348 females, £D Sandti nluded iIn these numbers T E ION/MAZDA were 49 mae babes anti 53 fe- ~T A fAf P ~ / ' ~ r If mr mae babes. WFW 93 U Uu' o MLY UIE A total a! 31 deaths were re- orded,in addtion to stillbrths.ee4 13 a0E « SV E M The collective days' stay in the L-7 hosPital for ail patients a410Poe25 L-for regular patients anti160 or Poe25 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIÇ Co., tJmited infants bornin the hospltal. The eJ H L S average days' stay was 9.5 days, DODGE AND DF1SOTO DEALERBomnil ,âL-.e_ 1 M t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO' 4

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