%;_ _ _ _ _ and no extra fuel used. Then Hint ForHom bodis 7ups can be put on the back of the stove and simmered slowly for a long time. Al these things ac- Wrtten for The Statesman tually taste better than when by done with gas or electricity. The Jessle Allen Brown electrie aven neyer brown.s the potatoes that are tucked in with1 Successful Maternity Work the roast as crisply as the other Ther isno ueston ut hatfuels do. The best cakes I have there areno ueestirynlasses of ever made were baked in a coal-1 life ecidbrt uncsand lour womf-oi aven. and that is not. once but1 lfe' oniZabitond soud work diff erent summers on diff erefit with ar gzornt sota helpstoves. Right now I have the last prvet his lass. nedutian hep word in automatic avens with the thevn imotance o! .earîprenata' heat controlled and kept at a de- the mpotane o eary pe-ntalfinite temperature. but even at care is one way of heping. Hlow1 that. my cakes have not the saine are we going to texture as the coal-ail oven gave teach the fath- them. A wood oven does saine- ter utatntd- thing to the old-fashioned cake. thei dut andth 1-2-3-4 cake. and givea 't a privilege o see flavour that no other fuel gives. wha iv e sCompensation is a factor -n ur docta in ealix es and xve should neyver los0e early mn thse sight of it - the good to balance The figures are ~ the bad. en not at hand was in o v e r If your ferns are turning yellow 1740 c a s e s - at the ends and the leaves are which the Vic- dry and brittie, they are probablY torian Order of Jessie Allen sunburned f rom too muc.h sum- Nunss o!To- rown mer sun. Florists adxvîse cutting rorito delivered, not one mother coar texldurendar teyhtaes died. The V. O. nurses have manycaretxuean aefots things to their credit but I doub clear a green in color as the new if there is any more outstanding growth. The stem-like pieutes accomplishmeflt than this. with no leaves an theni will pro- duce new f erns if the ends are Contrasts covered wth soul. It is better to A woman witlt a sixteen year keep these cut off as they sap the old daughter said she thought it. nourîshmeflt of the growiflg plant. was time her daughter was graw- Ferns do best with soakitig and lng up. She. herseif, at sixteen, not surface watering. Soak them had been a woman, but Joan w wceawekutl h opsl a child. At sixteen a girl should feels damP and sprinkle the leaves be interested in boys and going to keep them dlean. This is a.s out and having a good time and necessary as watering the soil. she wished Joan would soon start, Toasted Spice Cake înstead of only being interested i n ý4 pbte sports and things she could doý with other girls. A few days la'- 2 cups brown sugar er. I heard anather womian say' 2 eggs (separated) that she was sa worried about 1 teasp0oon soda lier daughter. She wus onîy six- 2i1-3 cups sour ml teen but she was so sophisticated 213cusor and grawn-up. She feit she must 1 teaspoon baking powder be on the go ail the time and was 1 teaspcofl cloves more interested in boys than in 1/ teapoon sinat anYthing else. There was plenty %-esonsl o! time f or ail that later and 1 teaspoon vanilla wished Betty wouid be more in- Cream butter an,: sugar. add terested in --Ports and the things egg yolks and beat well. AiC. nÙik she couid do with other girls. alternately wth sifted dry in- Parents are seldoni satisfied with gredients. Pour into pan and their chiidren. Whatever they spread batter with meringue. Beat are, we want something different. the 2 egg whites until stifi but Ovens not dry and siowly add 1 cup brawn sugar, beating steadiiy. There are severai different fuels Spread meringue over raw calke whlch you use for cooking. Some batter. Sprinkle with % cup o! yau who are using wood or coal broken nutmeats. Bake in a mo- axe probably wshing for gas or erate aven o! 350 degrees for 50 electricity. They certainly have minutes. theijr -avntages, but there is ai- ways somnething to balance, and the wood and coal are better in some respects. If you have a f ire on ail day, it can be used for so rnany things. Baked beans for instance. It is not worth the fuel it takes to bake them when You use gas or electricity but when you have a coal f ire going, and ybu can put your beans in the oven first thing in the morning and bake them ail day, then that is a different storY. Baked rice or an indian pudding, both of which take three hours slow bak- ing, can be tucked into your oven YOU Can Lose That Bulge ... You have a figure problem- Find out about a Spencer now 1 Have a Spencer Corset designed to lft tired, sagging muscles and your b)ulges will banish. Free demonstratlon in your own home by M rs. J.. E. Richards Phone 24rl - Orono - Box 33 Spencer Corsets Indlvldualiy Deslgned. Apple Crisp L Suice sufficient cored and peeled apples Vo f ili a pudding dish, add- oing brown sugar between the iay- ers. 1 cup well packed is about right for the average dish. Cover and bake until the apples are fairly sof t in a hot aven of f rom 400 to 450 degrees. Cover with crumbs made by rubbing together 3/ cuip flaur, % cup bra;wn sugar, and 14eut) butter. Return ta oven and balte until the top has brown- 11 d. serve wlth mrain and cool the pudding but do not chill. To our way o! thinking this is the best o! the nkany good apple des- serts. SULVER WEDDUNG Enjoy Twenty-Flve Years of Marriage On Saturday night. October 30, in recognition o! their silver wed- ding anniversary, Col. and Mrs. Perey Jobb, Oshawa, formnerly o! Blacltstock. were surprised at their <home by relatives and f riends. Buffet lunchean was served. Mrs. Harold Munn, Perth, Ontario, read an address and a purse was presented by Mtiss Marjorie GaI- braith o! Blackstock. Colonel T ea for every Taste TEA Nervous Fears Tak*e the oy out cf Hife Lack of nerve force brings bass of corglau of hope and loss of con1,fidfenrce. Fear of a nervous breakdowfl fear of losing the mind, fear that Yrau wll neyer be well a4ain-these beset you by day and ouecome restbSiS and cannot siep.Appetite la fic es-ddi tien is upset. Headacbe, flbtw a and neurftis maY diaturb Yourpec and comfort. Oh, to be strong and confident again, ta feel that you are master of y aur health. Dr. Cbaae's Nerve Food will certainly help yau. It bas proven ita effectiveness un so many cases that it is nat likely ta fail you. iV makes the blood rich and red, restores vigar Vo the nervous sys- teni, brings back trength and confidence and good heath. rot 11ew Pop andl Enezgy u» DRCHASE'S NERVE F00»D Jobb replied to this gesture o! thoughtfulfless. Brief entertainimeflt wus given as follows: Duets. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Beacock. Myrtle; solo, Mrs. Ray Spencer, Perth: reading. Mrs. Helena MacDonald; speeches by several guests. Among thase present were !riends and relatives tram Toronto. Perth, Myrtle, BrookLin, Bowmanville. Dundas. Orono. Blackstock and Oshawa. Mrs. Jobb was the former Violet M. Galbraith. She becanie the bride of Perey Jobb on November 2. 1912. when they were married in Toronto by Rev. Dr. Gilray. Mr. and Mrs. Jobb have lived in Oshawa for 18 years. i OBITUARY Mrs. Frederick J. Tonkin, North Oshawa The deepest sympathy o! the entire community of North Osh- awa has gone out ta the family ofP Mrs. Frederick J. Tonkin, who passed away at her home, Ton- 3 kin's Corners. North Oshawa an 4 Sunday, October 31, in her 77th year. The funeral was heid f rom the a famuly residence an Tuesday. The Et service was conducted by Stephen FI Saywell, lay preacher at North Tl Oshawa, assisted by R.ev. Mr.w Wyiie o! Columbus. The paîl- It bearers, Tennyson and Merwin ai Perriman, Wiii Tonkin, Everett, Ili William and Harold Mauntjay, D, were nephews of the deceased. ait Interment was made in the Union TI Cemetery. re mrs. Tonkin, the former Ada iat Mountjoy, came ta North Oshawa as a bride 46 years ago last Sept- tember. She was born at Haydon. tel being a daughter of the laVe -n James Mountjoy, and resided R( there until she married Fredenick to J. Tonkin. who survives her. AI- se though 111 for a long time, death ga came unexpectedly on Sunday. bi She was a member of the Unit.ed th Church.fi She is survived by her husband:lth one son, Norval F. Tonkin. Osh-~ awa; one grandchiid, Sylvia Jean:i a sister, Mrs. Robert Beath of! Brooklin; and a brother. William, Mountjoy of Columbus. The beautiful floral tributest which fiiled haif the room whiier the remains rested at the famulY residence showed the esteem in o which the late Mrs. Tonkin wasv heid.M Eyesight Education And Eficiency By t C.Il Tuck Eye.ight SJ'ecialist Disney BUdg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa., Phione 1516 Number 10 A compiete exqmination suf- f icient.ly complete) to determinea the visual error and the liability( or limitation o! the person due to existing working condition andc environmnent. should appeal ast being equally important to bath employee and employer. The question may arise, Why is this test handled by Optometric examination and procedure? In reply I can only say that a. thor- ough knowledge of refraction is necessary in summing up the re- suits or in arrivîng at a true find- ing necessary in an examination. Many cases needing attention are missed by superficial methods of examination and may be very easily detected if a knowledge of refraction is evidenced by the ex- aniner in charge. There are many good eye spe- cialists. optometrists. or ocUists in the civilized communities. The best of these specialists do flot use their profession as a sie Une. When seeking heip do flot go to a bargain counter, the best is none too good when the eyes need help. (to be continued) BUSINESS DIRECTODRY LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royai Bank Bldg., BowmanviUle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Mon treal Money Vo Loan. Phone 79 1. Bowmanville, Ontario L C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assitant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury J u b11e e WchI here xve are agaîuî with au officiai Scout coîuiini after a lalise of several ionthii. Thîis colunin is fdir the Ctubs and Scotuts. anîd an>y Cuib or Scotut nay mnake conitribtu- tionis to it. So lets have sortie itenms, frouii soiie of thie boyvs everv xveek. Oit No%-eiibcr 5Sîb thie official ceuistus xvas seutin i to beadquarters frouîî Bowiîiauvile and here are te f igures. Tliere are 46 Wolf Ctîhîs, 75 Bov Scouts ani 12 leaders ini tli 33. The grotup cenuts shiows: lst 'ack 21 Cuîhs, 2 Leaders; 2nd Pack seveti-dav camp for Scouts. Officers of thie Scotuters' Club eîected oui Stindav were: Presideut- B. H. Mfortlock; Secretarv-Sid Cas- bouurtî. The uext nmeetinîg is Dec. 5tli at the hîomîe of Ctubnaster Cliff McN air. lettuce, everythiiig ~vas like a dessert. 'PAGE FOUR - 25 L tubs, .3 L ea diers ; Ist i ro o p - - B ra nidon . '.\ a t., a ýScouts. 4 Leaders; 2nd Troop- Nov. 1, 1937. e 0Scouts, 3 Leaders. ucEdtrSttsuan _____Bow-iiauiviîîe, Ont. t Several boys are takiuîg the if fic- Dear Sir: 0ou l magazine of theie ovement it ~ Iat ciii o oyo hec :uigîauid, kuiown as "The Scout." ,MooisenJd iyues coîaiofiTghau f Mis magazinîe is vaîruable t0 auîy bov y s a ins otiigatf ho is rcalv interested iii Scoutiîg. item xvhicîî nîay be of iuterest to thie sli tcosîs seven cents per week, and pîeople of Newcastle. I bappeui to th aiy oy wshig totakethemagainebe iuterested because Newcastle is0 iay do so by uotifying bis leader. mtv old hîomie toxvn. Yoti xill iote er oni Cameroiî of tbe ist Troop liad Ilow tie car xvas appreciated by the tm n avt. ii the cassfie c l î of residents of the droîuglit area of oi 'lie Scout asking for peu pals. and Cîîîn il~toewi aebe -eceived six letters alurost iumced- lucre can reaIile thie conditionis iii thie v, telv. drotuglit strickeiî areas. Mr..'Ntc-Car- ' gar anud I jtst conîîîeted a notor d( trip front Branidonî west 10 Shauuî- us Ve xvoider if the boys xvîo at- avon, Sask., uortlu 10 Battieford. tiien c :uided thie fîag îîreseuîtatiouî cere- cast anîd soutîî via Saskatoonî, Noose i ioiy ast wek reaizd thiat Mavor Jaw. Reginîa, Iuîdiauî Headl ad back at oss Strike vas naking a sacrifice t0 Branîdonî, Mai., coveriutg sortne w lie prescuit. Thie Mayor %vas 1.600) dd mîiles. Livinîg ii éct .iedulcd 10 attenîd a big NMasolu:c oe does uiot reahize ioxv terrile)] atlîriug ii Tuoui, tat e~uîigconiditions are tilI v-Ot pass tlro. For tut kiuidîv gave up thjs meiictng so Miles ve drove past xviîat used to -iat le miglît lbe îitbthe Scotut,, . be botuinifuî faruuî ads iwihi luiîd- ie gesture frontî the Cbairunauu «t 1 iuîgs thucon jîust like tie oles arotuud e (roup Counuittee. Boxvniauivihîe anîd Newcastl. buit iii- -d 1stead of w viuig fieds Of veihoxv AXnd peaki:ig of te Group Coiii- grain,. there were acres; of ti&ssiaiî î:rtee. did vou kuîoxvtbat we have hîjstle. the buildinigs boarded up, thie iîexv member on Iliat Counnittec. faruîîs deserted. Mayhe thie owuiers ýVhn Cap. C. W. E. Mleatbiiox cd retturnet b0Otario. ýhecxi Ve svouih o taxva is- place oui the Coin- coune to a fartîî wlîere thie owvuer stiîh n ii t , e x a s îa k e u î b v A.-X Ic x M c G r e g o r . h d f i l i , t e o t r c i n g b a . A ýa form er Ca biniet 'M\ initer ini l"t e had a t i v I e duutrh e clan i, uug h ack 0lder ' Bo vs' Pariau n t. anîd as a he bad tl ni ated tei n dfo bire d -v -.r e a l m g z b o y s f r m na ri%, v e a rs te a r l i e n d is x tit e i n f o " ie x ts Mir. NcGrezor i. a w cîcoiie addition xar, f rhî opiug 1 Pge sti r So' es-l o -le C o)m m i ttec' s n e n ib e rsh iip s r ro p . P h e s l e i e ea s io ' is-a hber members of thie Commitee eî oxvîsth ilcit elatovtvrs xvin)tu- ire \Max: r Ro-, Srike. cîuairma nu: PR cd 10 ît uîof vthe î a tv i ftv xvere mour- N'I. C. non. l T. P.. -ccrcîarv-reasuirer . t edis go thi e r hef roprity th Cief n: Poicce xdney Veutolui. oc weed rw vrterawy (DNeii. M. . \ eai. C. T. Ross anîd thiir very doors. n t r Col. L. T. McLau:ihiu. .Anud stitak- Auiyoiie front Onutario whoio ntr ugou Col. NicLaughijon did 1-0,cd tbro' tliese areas thus xear wh kîow titat bie w a- tue originator Of uîîderstauid jutsî ow uîîucb tiiose cars thie Scout Ntovem.uuît iii Bowmlauux ic. from tîiere are appreciated by thiese beiuig the oreaiiizer of the First Pack peoplhe. Mat he souîîe oneuelcsc senit of Cubs iii Boxvmanx ic. you thi s cop y of The Tines and iii îiuat eveuit vott xx'ihave txvo copuies. It s particuia rîv gratifx iuug t c the Y oursF trN c'u a gar leaders to inote that ,everal boys ire (r. .L.cagr xorkinz on Proficiencx Badges. The R.R. 2, Reginîa. Sask. First Troop recently axvarded tbree oct. 27. 1937. stcb badges. two of tbem to Don Da rieuuds of Otario : Cam eron of tbe M uskrat Patrol. T he D Iafi d t e v if cu o ex r s Second Troop. we bear bas several dilerdficttoeîes boys working oui Proficîencv Bath-in vrting the gratitude we feel for ges Axtrd o xvaningmigb bethe bel p extended t0 us iii Saskatcbl- issued bere. Badges catu oulv he exanIn u ieofne. Yu axarded wben the Scout bas . bor- car o)t oods wvas distrihîuted to fs ougbhly mastered the requirements of ycesterday and wbat a treat il was fr the Badge. It s not un the nterest u l. W aenthdi u of good Scouting 10 award badges gardeis 5titis stiulmer cxcii a Iîead of uuuîess tlîey are earned.. The îwo Scouts, Fatrol Leader Dont Vcntoui. and Scout Don Camner- oui xvio are takiuîg a special course iii Kuotting, Splicing and General Rolie Work started their coturse re- ccntly witb Skipper J. H. Rigg of Oshawa, Outario's GiIxvl eIIcctîrer in Kuoting. Thie oys got a big training xxihI culmiuîate iii the award- iîg rtf tlîe Knotter's Badge, a bdif- ficult badge t0 earni. andtîdhe bot s iii tbeir respective troops in tbi-s work. remiuîded Iluat tbeir fees must be lIanded mb M Nr. Cottoni the sanie xveeh< as thie mîeetinîg is beîd. It makes it <ifficuît for Mfr. Cottonî to keep thue books properîy tuuîess the week- itv fees are turned iii. Once each moîîtb the Troop Treasuirers book sitouli also be handel iii and NMr. C,,Itou xviî audit it. anij gix'e a writ- tel, ,tateicmt if the finiial~a stanîd- iig (>f tht, grotuîi. Oie treasuirer iaunîci ilii$8.011 lat veek %whîichî wva, thie accumuilation cf .,everalxvc' uesý. I-eru's ia littlt, shir\thtlinc (Ifi2o %ouiiiuay lhave lucarà - its xorthi repeating. Faclu xvcek little chui Mourris, six tear <<1<1 ,î n if Prov'imu- cial Constable and î irs. l'rice Morris attends thie First Pack uîectiîîg xitîi bruiller Bilv, wlio is a Sixer. A few wceks agi- Bibisuiother gave biuîî a hrandc new 1937 cent. Bobby îîîougbt for a lomng tinie oni how to shiemdit. and lfimiall it ehuelauded it over to thie Cul) leader explaiuiing îlîat bc xanted 10 bhelp the Cubs alouîg and hecîhîouglut his centl xouhd help. Now Bohîby is uot a Cub and cauuuot be a Cul) uutil lic is 8 years ohîl, but liîe xvamts to sec the Cubhs gel along, andî so ie made lis ido- nation, andt 1 a itîle chîaîî hke Bobi-î a ccint neauîs quite a lit. At a nîcctinig f thie Scouters Cltub oui Sunday 'several imiportantit at- ters xere ucaît witii. Thue Cltubu is couuposi if tule Scoiutniasters anîd Cubniasters, Assistantîs anid thie Trcuîîî Leaders. Blg. a. ow6m. anil ex ffcept s - Sid Casboturuî was lîrounoci 10 Ithe d a. o6.m al xetSn raik <if Actinîg Cuhniaster of the 2uid Phone 790. House phone 883. Pakiijac fMos Goma, X-Ray Equlpment in Office. uîow at Trinity Cullege. The reasout ic is apîîoitîted actinîg ratlier Ibaut a full Cubmaster is thiat lie lias not FUNERAL DIRECTOR yet reaclîed the full age required. Thie ____________________________Club also aliprovel the appouitment FUNERAL DIRECTORS of Arthur Culley as Assistant Cub- Service, any hour, any day. master, and Bud Livinug as Acting F. F. MORRIS CO. Assistanit Cubnaster. Modern Motor Equipment, Amn- XVile nto decisioui as 10 site or bulance and Invalid Car. Cali date was made the Cltub decided thiat Phone 480l or 734, Assistant 573.tbe 1938 Summer Camîp wiIl consist 'if' 'i r 1 1 . PAGE TWO News o h lst &2nd "I st &2nd BOY SCOUT . WOLF CUB TROOPS PACKS I/e4ezy kWal 'od gieïqq S HREDDED WHEAT is rich in the vital delicious, nutritious, easily digested, ready- Jfood essentials that promote growth, cooked, ready-to-eat.' Serve Shredded Wheat vigor and energy-because it's made of with milkorcreamand your favorite fruits or whole wheat, Nature's perfect cereal grain bernies-t makes a special treat for any meal. -nohing added, nothing taken away. It's YCRUISE FEE S~~E EX4M1k "t Win one of these 7 Bermuda Vacations! 76 other Prizes IN THIS $3,000 CONTEST 1 weeks of relaxation and fun under sunny skies, away from snowstorms and bleak gray days I Finest boats - best hotels -every luxuryl And we pay aIl expenses I Our new contest will give this gloriaus vacation ta 7 people. 76 others will win cash prizes I The contest is easy. Just write a state- ment, neot more than 35 words, telling why the rnakers of Magie Baking Powder print a lust of its ingredients on the label. CONTAINS NO ALUM Complete liatfI flflef diente on *evlttnc. MaBic Balcing Powdet la free froni aluin or any harmnful lagro- diant. MADE IN CANADA advertised baking powder in Can- ada that prints this information on ils label is Magic Baking Powder. It is absolulely free from alum or any harenful ingredient. Sa Magic is used by 3 out of 4 Cahiadian women. They know il is e, re- hiable . . . gives perfectIesults every ime. Buy a tin of Magic loday. Wrile or print your 35-word saaement on the label and mail ta Magic Baking Powder, Dominion Square Building, Montreal. It may bring you a glorious holiday FREE I 1.On the back of anY Magie Bakinq Powder label write or print a state- me no toe than 35 words, telling why the makers of Magie Baking P.w- erpit it ingredients on the label. Here'a a sample statement: "The lst of ingredients printed clearly on every tin of M agie Bakina Powder assures the housewife that it contains no alum or any ha.rmfui imgredient." Contestant& niay subruit as manY entriez as desired. Entriez will b. Judged for clearness, iflcerity and originaity. 2. Mark label with your name and addrets and mail ta Magie Balg Powder, Dominion Square Building, Montreai. 3Contest closes mldnlght, Deccmber 31, 1937. Winners will be announced shortly thereafter. You ean takre the trip whenever you wish. 4. Anyone in Canada nîay compete except employees of Magie Baklng Powder and their families. lst prize ................ $500 Bermuda cruise or $500 cash 2nd prize ............. $400 Bermuda cruise or $400 cash * Next 5 prizes............ $300 Bermuda cruise or $300 cash'a * Next 6 prizes ............ Six $25 cash.awads A Next 20 prizes.......... Twenty $10 cash awards Next 50 prizes.......... Ffty $3 cash awards I rTiuE~.&L §TAThFSMAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTAItUO sin veg apj and lica fro for tire prc w.t or a tie wh Th iii of My children i lad not seeli an appléO rice last faîl, or any other fruit or l getable. not een Potatoes. Thei. nister. Nfr. Bra.y,* took a box of ppIes out of vour car ilito the school sifM s ila l ld divicide<l' lîeîanliong the chljdren. lot would have tlîouglît lie lîad giv- LOKOT il theni au expenisve tîî ecdi 1 10E T *ar the squeals of deliglît coiniiîg AND SAW 1 Coniditionîs îcre arc as lîad as, the%* .tîld bc. Eaclî vcar we are li'opinîg or etter and have îot yet givenl up HTSW opiîîg. It lias beeîî coiiiied fail-P CO res. rlhis is tlîe iest lanîd iii thie SOAPCN rovince and yet it wilI îot prodticeY CU abtout tîe ineeded rajiis. mS E Thie governieiit gives us relief but ACTIVE St i sustainelice wicî îîke îo I jwaice for all le extras îeeded by I growiig faiîiy. \Ve have fixe G T iid rei. scio il age. aiid \(oIl eau R A L raginiewlbat a worrv it i, to clotlie ein ou wîîat the governiieîit allows vhidli is $8.00 a lîead for 12 îîîoîîtlîs. liev use tlîis iii sloes. The stock is....... ibati coniditioni too. last wecek onîe : 4 our xvork lîorses starvecl to deatiî.... . id the rest are skiiî and boue. ie 'x.j 1e iiiîkiiîg tliree cows xvbicii fresh- ~ mcd four ioiitls ago andc are ( ilttiiig îlree gas. of in ik froi iS iini as tliey have îîothiîg to eat. îly te leaves of buslies. The gov- îîuîîieîît bas îîot vet givel us sttock ied. anîd as the lanîd did îîot ev.eii tlîe saine as vou have so kiîîdl%, doue îow a trace of greeîî aIl suîîîunier, 10 us. It is so liard to express grat- iey liave beîî starviiig for iiioiîtus. ittide that is t00 deep for words aîîd Df course xve realize wvliat tlhe gov - 50 îîîce to have friends. Witli everv c rî eît ik up agaiust but it worries wisli for success. Ls as to low we shal iniaiage to ptut Yours very siicercly, tir crop iii iiext spriuig. Mrs. Tlios. Haifpeniy. This iîiust souit terribly drearv to %o but I kinow ouii isht(îkio%%, TRINITY W. 1LNZ.S. ust liow tlings are liere. X'ou i- ______ erstauîd by this bow vour kiîîd lieiîî Trinity W. M. S. met Tuesday iappreciated, aîîd sîotuld Ontario afternoon, November 2, in the cver have "tough Iuic,' whiclb I liole achoo1 ront. The call to worsbip iwill îot, %oti cati rest assured that was given by the president. Mrs. t least îlîis part of Saskatcîevvau C. W. Siemon. Following the bus- wili rushi to vour aid if xve have il, mness session, Mrs. B. M. Warnica read an article on Temperance. Devotiofl period was in charge of Mrs. A. W. Pickard's group, with Mrs. C. A. Bartlett presiding. The theme "A Worshippiflg Church" was introduced by a verse of scripture and the singing of the "Sanctus" by Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. Further presentatiofi of the theme consisted of verses of scripture. comment and hqUes- tions, to which responses were given by Mrs. D. Hodgsofl, Mrs. S. R. James and Mrs. F. M. CrY- derman. Mrs. T. G. Mason led in prayer and Mrs. Pritchard sang a rnissionary hymn. ', j i Il