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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1937, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSD AN. NOVEMBER IITH, 19.37 ievening sen.v:ce -Mr. E.ýLot:. T( EBENEZE ronto. zave an acidres:. wtht ____________________pastor. Rev. W. C. Snh aiSo attendance. Suitabe mus, c w Serv:ces on SundaY were con- g.výen ih-roughout the day. Usu- ducted in the marn:ng by Rev. ses:on off S. S. wsheld mn Harold J. Bell. Blackjsock. :in ex- affternoor. On Sunday next tl' change wth our pastlor. Rev. W. Au:un shank - affer:ng serv:( C. Smith. His subject wxass"'Jesus w4ill be hne:sd ith spec'a' mus:ce. Recognition of His Task.- At the Yaouna Peop:e*s Soc'etyý hedG We Want You To visit us in our new lobation and inspect oui prices. Cowling seils for less. M44O DE SS Dodd *s Pis 27e Pinkham *s Comp. 87c 100 ABS&C tabs.- 9c Fruitatives --29e Fellow 's Syrup 89c Infant's Delight 5c 21I -2 39ý u op5 o 9 Guaranteed Full Strength Anti-Freeze Alcohol............. gai. 98e Prevent Wnter Cold. Use Wampole 's Extract - - - - $1.00 Calcium A Caps. - - $1.25 - $2.25 Ai_:,o Aiphamettes - - - $1.00-$1.85-$3.50 ~ __ Ayerst 10D C.L.O. ---67c$1.69 z, Ext. Malt and C.L.0. 49c-89c.$1.69 Haliver 0OÙ Caps.-- -- -- ---89 25C - soc P. R. COWLING DRUGGIST Formerly Kerslake 's Drug Store Phone 695 Bowmanville Bouse 559 Week-End S PE CIAÀL S 27" White Flannelette ......... yd. 12c 36" White Flannelette.......... yd. 15c Novelty Rayon Tablecloths .. 52x52 59c Boys' Overcoats .. values to 12.50 $3.95 Young Men's Suits, sizes 35, 36, 37 only Values to $25.00O............... $7.95 Men's and Boys' Underwear- Half Price MILISONStock L S N Adlust ers Horsey Block L. W. Nelson, Mggr. West End A Machine That Actually Flushes .and Cleans Motors Internally THE INTERNAL MOTOR ------ CLEANER is a new patent- OUR GUARANTEE ed machine for cleaning the Inside of motors and crank- Il'e p esu d ioar,u:tee f.l cases. It removes not onlIy Ci s C ':..l<r fl('Ior t. r, zren- ail the old, dirty où but ev- tr aifciji-o hr cl ery particie of road git, tre.a.Satrn-rthr iIe loose carbon and other 110 C/scroei,r p-tlujs servie,-. barrnful residue. The Cleaner la connected to your motor by a hose that -*--- .- fastens to the bottom of the crankecase. An electrically d r ive n pump forces gallon after galion of special cleaning oil Into, the motor. ~" By runnlng the motor in this oU bath al] the sludge, dlrt and other foreign sub- - stances are loosened up, ou . Unes are opened, gum in piston rings and valve stems is dissolved. The Internal Motor Clean- er then creates a suctionÈ which quickly draws out the leanlng oU and ail foreign . - *-> particles, leavlng the Inside of your motor dlean as new. T/tis ettire o/'eration is rep rat- ed 3 to 10 tines unitil flc nwitor is t/îoroupqhl-v cean. The oil used in this pro- ces l not ha.rmful. It has lUbrcating qualities. Every drop passes through three >I<(a") h i-li Lthe/eau wa/ t'qil feet of filterlng material and jorc'd imbothec niotor a)td sec it entera Yeur motor cdean and brin; i(tth irt pure. Peps Up Yur Motor. Saves Repair Bills c.O De. Hodig son White Rose Service Station Phone 2600 o- meet:ng on M-\ondav even:ng. ;;-i*h ýhe lM:&s Es:e Oke and group in . Icharge. Prograrn opened with the~ n.usual hymnz. and prayer by Rev.I îa: 'W. C. Sm:th woas-o had charze1 he of heceo::onal and wý%ho gave a hehedta:k on *he convent:on held at :eOak Lake durng the .su.rnmer.. CfB:b.e read.na xw&s g.xen bt oug Oke: reading on Armitie b Doris.W'2kns.: -he s:udy bDoi - wa.s g:,ven by L2oyd Dowýn; piano . I soo. Jean. Gay: report on con- i vent l on he.d at Beile-v:::'e wa.s g, Yen oy EL'ýie Oke. R,.crea:.Jon per- ;iod f oUowed. iW. NI. S. he:d :tz mee:inzoon Mlonday af-ternoon wr*h .s,. Chas. Osborne anc group :n charge. Firsi vice prezs:dent. MNrs. R. E. ObreoccupJed the chair and' openco s hvhynn and repeatinz scp ur n an.'Son. Minu*es ,were i'e~a"'- ýbuz-:ness :deal -Kt*-.: mcm a'ra om:teeare: !rs.: C'ýaerce- Penfound. NMrs. cec:', Found and i m: Lou:Že Osborne., ýDe-.-o"ora -vas r.cha-e off Mrs. :Pc- .sPea'ce andi openesi wîh a' hyn.an pra.er by Mr. .c:ar- erce Ppnfound: B'be .e :s son,. Psa -rli221.-Mrs. Pearce. chorus by aÈ e off group: a letter ffromý Lc.'uRousse. ':na.wa reaci by Mr.5. Cecil Worden: verse! ofh-;.n wasaung: atudcirbooký I a*aken by Ms G. F.' Anms,: andi Mrs. Perniound: -voc.a: solo. Fo.-abe"e Marshall: hyrnn and M:fzpah, benedctîon cbosed. Wooc sae conducted for thei P:ckell Bras. proved quite satis-j facto,_%-w th a :arge ci-owd in at - Itendance. 11% HOT ROASI GOOSE SUPPER AT HAMPTON Wed., November 17 SUNDAY SERVICES. -NOV. 14 2 ýp.m.-Roev. Franklin Banister, B.Th.. B.A-, St. Paui's United Cburch. Bowmanville. 7p.m.-Rev. J. V. MecNe el1y, M.-A., B.D.. King St. United Church. Oshawa. Special Music by the Choir. SUPPER WEDN-DAY. NOV. 17 Served from '4.30 pin. until ail are served. GRAND CONCERT AT 8 p.m. By Toronto Talent Ms\s: Mar4on DouEaq. Xylo- phone and BeLs - Mis Connie Taybor. A.T.C.M.. Accompanust - r.T. E. Dougas. EMoc- L-oni. - Mr. Sidney Closson. Saxopho.sst - 'Mr. Ha-rry Har- by. Engksh Mus:c Hal, Comesi- ian - Mr. Erne-at Foulter. Cor- netis:,.. MAL.LE QUARTETTE1 from Cook's Presbyterian Church. Toronto. Admission: Adults 50c, Children 25c. JMsrs. Gordion andi Jack Pick-_____________ PARK ST. CHURCH MEETS cIll. Detroit. spent the weekend with ielatives bere. Ice Zovzte t-ir rhr At the circuit offcial board Congratulations are extendesi tOo res. i nghoftPrkSC. Rosbruh Fwa Mr. Jack Wiîkins andi bride. ans 'iorz*i a hearty weîcomne to aur corn- NIr. and MrI saac Hardy and! appointed Recording Steward ansi rnunity. familv spent the weekend at MI. H. 'E. E. Patterson, Representative ta Many from here enjoyesi the Hard%'s, Oakwood.thPrsyey services at Trnity Unitedi Church. Nthead MP. ranbOrhar an B.wmnvll.on Sunday when Nfiss Elva. Ennjskilien visitesi at Mira. Forbes, President off Domnin- '\Ir. Thos. Bakers. PARK STREET UNION ion Board of W.M. S. was guest M.JsMrhl o niIoe speke. anetvilie .\Ir. Roy Reynolds, Nestie- An interesting Union meeting Many a! our C.G.I.T. are plan- ton. visitesi at Nir. Li'vingstone _%il-IwshliMna ih ncag nig o ttndth Rly to be 1er of a Miss Kathleen Stark, who pre- helsi in Bowmanville on Wednes- Ni.JsSmesists rensa ie.aSM.R.CRsoog, day evening. _f.js mlsvstdfinsa ieadMs .C 4bruh The wide circle of f riensis of lMr. Dunbarton on Tuesday. ; conveners o! the Devotionial group. Ham. Wodenwill be mucb pîeas- Jas. Smnales who celebratesi their 25th Merv3 n Keane read the Scripture. Harry Wordenatlat Miss E. Galloway reasi an inter- ed to learn he is improvingxcl onrtltons ta -Ni r. andsi Mrs. cesting article in which the weav- after h~is very critical msless. wedding anniversary on Saturday ing o! a cloth was compared with Mr. ansi Mrs. Haroldi Worden, when thev entertainesiterbohr h cvnd!orlvs ibGc fOrmnerly of Ottawa, have been ansi sisters and families. erbrtesuhelyîvng othe tr ied and aur- guests o! relatives here. Nir. andi Nias. Oliver andsi Ma. Bob & slves doing thbe weaving. Orono -Mr. Walter Snidea has returnesi Smales. Bright, spent the weckend çwill take the worship periosi at1 home !rom Burleigh Falls a! ter a with M1ýr. ansi NiIrs. Smales. Bowrnanville convention Novers- busY sumnner with the Johnston Young People's meeting M.\onday ber 18. Elsie Rowe reasi a poern, Construction Company. evening was in charge ao f %iss Ileen a!ter which Miss Eileen RiSSel _________________________Balson. Programt was on'hymns aof played a splendid piano solo. Mr. Ithe Hvmnarv. M'%iss Ruth M.\cKes- M. H. Staples, guest speaker, sock and Nf iss jean Leach gave a spoke on unfulfillesi desires or the j. ENNISKILLEN short storv of the lives af two hy-mn habit people have o! thinking writers and the hvmns were sung. that what someone efebst M&s. E. C. Ashton is visiting \Ir. NI rs. J ohn Baker gave a very inter- better than what he or she has. Stanlev May. Toronto. esting' topic describing the music ofi This splendid speech was !oUlowed .Nir. and 'Nir-. Earle Parrott and the hymnary and M.fiss Lena Taylo by an enjoyable vocal trio bY a vcalsoo wichwa mîchMessrs.R. Sutton. C. Taylor ansi Helen. Chalk Lake, visiîed Nr. A. gave Wrn.cMitchell. Mira. R. H. Br« n Wearnsenjoyed. W .Mthl.NnR.HBrw '\r. and -Nirs. Rabt. Stephens. Bow- ýbeîng the accompanist. A! te r mranv ile. Ir. andi Nirz. Richard Miss Stark thankesi those taking Gibbs, Tyrone. NIrs. Charlotte Step- part tbree contesta werc helsi to Prns H-arnpt'-n, visitesi MIrs. D.fD~i1 show the young people what tisey Eurgmaster. OJftIiOI kitcw. or didn't know. about. fruits.1 We welcorne '.Ir. and Mrs. 1fer-_____ trees ansi prophets. vi Hobbs ta aur village. Thev are Bowmanviile Trinity Union has living in the home rf the late Nirz. accepted Park St. Unions invita- HO0LD-UP NEAR Levi Brunt. tion ta visit here on November 29. ELIZABETHVILLE MNr. and M- C. WV. Souch. Hamp- The Masons are holding a ban- ton, visited Nias J 1. Pe. quet to-night 4Thursdays in Or- Wlnle returning fram Kendal Ir. ansi Nirs. Jim Tamblvn, iÀ ono town hall. The St. Saviour's November 4th. about 9 p.m.. Clar- (Jr,,nro. Nir .ands irs. C. Tambî%n, ladies are catering. ence Beatty af Elizabethville. \XX uotIbridge. fiss Verna Ormiston. Misses Aima andi Vida Tourjee. about th.rec miles east a! Kendal, Chav;imesi at Mfr. and M\rs. j<. Toronto. spent Sunday wîth Mas. noticeS a car pass hirn on tise 7th O)rmi.sto-n's. McPherson. lîne of Clarke. When reaclsing the Ir. ansi Nr-. Grrdon Werrv ansi1 Miss Aima Cuttell spent tise hill at John Hynes' in Hope he Bovd. Orain,, Nr. and i Nirs. Russe!i weekend in Toronto. saw the car stallesi, andi on reach- Ormiitton andsi is 'erna O)rmis-cn Mrs. Geo. Butteas vsied in. ing it he stoppeS ansi two men spent Sunsiav at Nr. Lloyd Ashton's. Oshawa. asked for a ride until they caulsi League meeting on Wednesdlay ev- Ma. A. H. Davy ansi Ma. ansiý get some gasoline. Ater passing ening in charge af the lst Vice, Nir. Mira. Kcnneth Fraalick ansi dau- i'Russell White's they bit hlm until NI. Hearsi. Piano sinet, Nasters A]-gistea Ruby, Toronto, spent Sun- he was unable to drive. A !cw lan nd Dnal Feruso. A erday with bis sisters, Miss M. Davy minutes later Vernon Peacock ansi Ineasi nald Fsgersn y. Wve ansi Mrs. Lena Fraalick. famîly saw Mir. Beatty standing nteoresîin"The was gien byLir. Miss Helen Clougiston. Lindisay. near his car with bis bead bleesi- Nioce a 'Te Croke Lies of Miss AIma Rundle. Mr. Albertring. Ma. Pcacock took him home Lii e"; piano sola by N.Irs. Whithame. Runsile. Mr% Kenneth Runsile, ansid ansi then te, Dr. Beatty's at Gar-1 W.11.S. meeting was helsi at the Mi. Charlie Runsile, Hampton, sien Hill for medical attention. hoesda. Nrs. XV. J. Stwainn, We- spent Sunday at Mra. R. H. Wood's. There were six cuts besides bruises ofes. Wor).ip ero a nchrg Mrs. MidIs. New Toronto, visit- on his heard. In thse meantime a/ N rs fD). Frguon. Piano 1esi Mas. Wm. Seymour. Mrs. Milîs1 the coninunity was arousesi but no solo. NMrs. Lamne Lamb; N s Whit- 'i., daughtea of Mir. Charles Don- trace o! the men was founsi. Thse hame presentesi the chapter 'or the caster ansi rccently lost iser bus- police founsi that the stallesi car stusi book; vocal solo. Mas. Edgar bansi. was stolen in Oshawa. It was Wright; M.\rs. C. W. Slemon, Bow- Mr. ansi Mrs. G. L. McGee, Air- itbought that the men wei'e want- mnanville. gave a verv fine papea on ways Engineer. Westboro, are vis- Iing Mir. Beatty's car te, take thern "The ChÈurch ansi W'orship." iting Mr. ansi Mira.O. W. Rolpis. !arther on their trip. Tlc twa W. A. ladies are receiving favor- Congratulations te Ma. ansi rcars were taken to Elizabethville able comments an the neat appear- Mas. William Armnstrong on tise .a!ter tise police basi seen thcm. acaithe church grounss ît !sage. Ma. Beatty. who is butcher for Congratulations tri Mr. ansi Nirs. Mr. ansi Mas. Delbert Flintoif, 'Kendal ansi Elizabethville beef Gordon Whittaker (nec _Niarion Grif- Oshawa. Mas. Ivan Cochrane, rings, is doing nicely. fin) (on their rccent marriage. _______________________________________ _Nir. and Ni\rs. Esigar Wright vi'it -__________________>_________ cd Ir. Robt. Philp's, Burketon. Rev. Haroldi Stainton, BA., B.D. - Guelph, vi-ited at ýNir. E. C. .Uh- - tu,. = MARKS THEATRE N\Ir. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, vis-I it>'d Ir. H. Stevens'. OSHAWA Nîfr. ansiNr,. .Albert Harris, Nis .n Niar- amis! Nlabel Harris. Irs. 1I 1Niartini. Kirbv, '. -itedi Nir-. Wm. Nifr. and Ias. E. C. A-hton andi * i ~U Y- l~IR -H U ~ H June. N I Nargaret Dalton ,ýansi.NIr. HUUAY F ID Y - A UUA Orville Ashton visited a! N-Ir. Ste-N vm e 'wart Ros!nian's, l'art Pcrrx-. N vm e l-1 N\Ir. and Nir,. C. FI. XVgg ansd ianlil:,, Uxbrisîge. v-i-itesi Niar. Lau- rence \Xearn's. " s a eB sg t N.%r sIor]n Beech andi u-A.lice .\,htrn visiteds at N.Ir. .Xustin Larm- with William Hall and Anne Neagle cr'>. I]ackstîock. Xlr, a1. 'urgmas'ter viý-d t 'I\r. -~I"Lonely Trail"' ______ Iwith John Wayne Nfir. aid NMr, t haý. MakH r. and! M r-, . E1iî,'a-cm-,Brim v- ited Mil-- .arY lùaarth and.MIr- Mir .\ Ian a!n jcn Urtr -ix, nst on. snt tlle wecke wih hi pa ren 1,Nir. a n (Ji.M fr.. A .Nir. anrd Nirs. Chas.IlIûwsain and famiiv visited a! NMr. Walter 1l<..x sam's, Epsomn. Mir. li-erbert \'an Nest, Philadel- phia. Nirs. Leslie Keith, Mijs bori> Grooins, Nr. jojrdani Sharp and Mir. George Werry, Torajntr,, visited a! M\r. S. E. We*(rr -v,'s Mir. an<iNd r Maurice Blaker ami Janicu. (,*,,i orsi, NMr,. Il. Couchi, Nis, \Nirjore ani là!en c- oucil, 1'ethcýsia, %vsrted a i Mr. l,hnBak- Mi,Aalac)- cci(.'r r. andi Mr . Arthur Whittaker 1'ascae and iami]y and Miss Irene - COMMENCING - SUNDAY MIDNIGHT NOVEMBER l4th And continuing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday and Saturday "100 Men and a Girl"' with Deanna Durbin and Leopold Stokowski LOW RAIL FAREIS TO Royal Winter Fair TORONTO Nov. 16 to No'. 24 In Single Coach Coaches Fare for Oniy Round Trip Sleeping or Parlor Car Single First Class Fare for Round Trip Parlor Car or Berth Fare Extra Good Going - Novemiber 15-24 Return Limit- November 26 C. B. Kent Local Agent Canadian Pacifie Where FuI.O-Pep Egg Maah is fed the egg businessaisgood evcry day. This mash contains the nutritious elements which Iaying hene require for in- creased production of big, aound shelled marketable eggs. Keeps up body weight and de- cmesses mortality in laying bene. If you want eggs and their quick cash returna feed Ful-0.Pep Egg Mash. Hfanr Phones 367-368 Bowmanvslle, visitesi Mr. R. H Wood. Mir. Stanley Seymour and f arn '!y. Toronto. visittes his mother, Mrs. Georze Seymour. Miss Evelyn Brown lef t Sunday for Toronto where she will make her future horne. ARMISTICE SERVICE THURSDAY Orono Chamber off Commerce i.t sponsoring an Armistice service in the Town Hall an November 11 at 10.30 arn. It is hopesi thai this notice vwill, help in getting a arge congregation ta participate in *his function. Members of Park St. choir will assist in the rnusi'c andi there is also a posai- b:hfty of the Band being in at- tendance. LESKARD WVINS OVER O. C.S. O. C. S. held Leskard to a 2-2 t:e unt: urne was up. but in -tn- minute overtime Leskard won the ffootba:.l game Saturd.ay to the ,une off 4-2. Il was a real goosi game and it was a **Keane*' bunch that playesi. too. R. Patterson andi Mervyn Keane scoresi for the Continuation school. andi John Keane. Robt. Keane. Hamr- Davey and Jack St.obart for LesIsard. John Keane was goalie for Les- kard. One - 5 Cubic Foot G. E. Refrigerator lfll Store Sample ...............#.U-0 Regular S209-00 - sale 3 G.E. Vacuum $20 Cleaners ....................$20 Reg. S39-50 - To Clear 0D0N CHRI1STIAN OPEN EVENINGS 38 Simcoe St., N, Oshawa Phone 84 November SPECIALS NMiracle XVPip% Salad Dressing.......... 32-oz. 53e New Seasons Mincemeat............... 2 Ibs. 25c Aylmer Soups .... 3 tins 25c-Case of 48 $3.60 .X irner Peas .... tin l0c-Case of 24 tins $2.20 Cream of Barley........... pkg. 25e Freshi N.ieatv Prunes ................... 2 lbs. 25c Âpricots.................... lb. 25c Currants ................. 2 lbs. 25c Fry's Cocoa .......... ..I b. 21c Sodas................. 2 pkgs. 25e Corn Flakes ............. 3 pkgs. 25e FISH Fresh and Smoked Fillets - B. C. Salmson SPECIALS EVERY FRIDAY yb4 Allia Bowmanville - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t i lfg " ~ ~ l~ tthe London Conference o Confderaionin the early 60~S. 1- Clifor C verl Miçs~ Wilrnot is a cousin of thse well known pioneer farnil1Y O!f (Continued from page 1) Newc.astle. Ont. W. Jewel.1. W. J. Flurze. Chas,. - 'Heal. J. E. Elliott. W. Davey. W. J BagneiL R. M. and H. D. Jarn- No doubt there are cheerful giv- ieson. F. J. Mitchell. ers - but sud you lever see one? notwtsadn the requct for' The path of ambition leass to butes ttere sent expressing deep It takes a diplomatic liar t. syrnpathy wîth thse bereavei ones. nmake people ait arounsi with open ýs Arnng the relatives and fri- mouths when he talks. n !ens spresent !rorn a distance You can please almost any nma- r. were: Mr. andi Mrs. L. S. Caverly. ther by praising ber chilsiren and LIMessrs. Haroldi and Kennetis Cav- roasting those of ber neighbour. a'erly. andi Mrs. Elwood Fenneli. It 15 rnore or less difficult for a, ,Toronto: Mr. ansi M-s. Henn- truthful persan to be popular. dHubble and daughter Christîna,________________ eCoiborne: Mr. andi Mrs. Russeli -1Lewis. andi Mr. andi mrs. Tisas. -Caverly. Masioc: Mrs. Chas. Cav- erly.. and Mrs. Fred Caverly. ýM.and IMrs. Ne;: McNaughton Th PulcD m d ýN:agara: 'Mr. Rex Cai-er"yý. Si-' Th Pu lcD m n coe: Mrs. J. Mens-in andsi Mrs. Sid- ney Mervin. Monoghan Roai. Pe- 2 Erbora: Mr. C. S. Rýo:lins. Coe Hill: ,\Ir.J. McDonald. Toronto: Mr.R di, 1 Fobeat. Mr. Allan Tisoupson ansi ,'Mfr Mer-in Oke. Oshawa: Mr. C. G. Mercer. M.P.P.. Ellz-abethvî-lle H RE T ARNUSTICE DAY H R H I1ý ade s'sohapy. i mad usSale Special on RadL ;md sis hpy.itg.eu G. E. Console Radio ani Whnon that day t.he bels sud Phonograph ........ ring. Because war was such a cruel AHl Wave Radio - 8 New Me thing Reg. S189.00, Andi leaves in our hearts a bitter sti5g.25R on ton ad s -Written by Marie Thornpson, 1 p25 reods fro......s Tyrone. age 10 years. i U wrsfo ... Mantel and Con MARITIME PIONEER Pay $2.00 Down - CALLED BY DEATH Stromberg-Carlson Rai Mfiss E. B. Wiimot Last Xember Sale Price.......... of OId Family 1 OnIy - 10-tube AUl Wave - Bn Miss Elizabeth Blanche Wilmot. last surviving membe- o! a Loyal- ist familY wbicb playesi a majo role in the Political life o! e Friday and Sa Brunswick before and a! ter Con federation, diesi Tuesday, Novern- A Beautiful Floor Lai ber 2, at the horne o! ber nephew. .-Wt R. D. W. Hubba-d. in Burton, -wt near FrYedericton. NB. She was a daughter o! the îate New 1937 Con Hon. R. D. Wilrnot. f irst Speaker' of the Senate at Ot.tawa after Confederation and Susan E. (MO- One Hotpoint Electric watt T Wilmoct. Miss Wilxnot was born in Saint John 90 Years ago. Range ............. Lernuel Allen Wilnsot, an early Used Three Weeks - Lieutenant- Governor of New Brunswick, was ber great-grand- *..W se father. Her father was a member 1 j.W se Off the New Brunswick delegation Store Sample....... 1 Regu1ar $79 Radios Repaired Any Make Also Car Radios R. F. QUINN King St. Phoie, 575 led More of These oargains EY ARE! o - 2 Days Only . d . ....$99300 retal Tubes - Brand New. 1 only .......$4.95 msole Models - 75c Per Week dio ....$149.00 rand New - Reg. $245. - Sle aturday OnIy np Absolutely Free Al- isole Radios .......$99-50 -Regular $121.50 --------- -1 L PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOW.-NIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. NOVENIBER IITH, 1937 -15- ...

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