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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEX _________________________ -- ~ ~ -'THLRSDAY. JA. A Y 1 H.18 speakers. song leader and organ- of the hall. Now they can go into ist. and the ladies of the fine new the basement by the front stai rs Preasbyterian Churchi who semved and coîne up at the back unnotic- 'con The ew c stl Ind peo ent dirner in the basement. The ed to The Ne castl Indep ndent church. buiît of limestone, was Bse eret-d tispast summer. and tnRn epted te invitation to view the P RODUCE PAPER galo Mr. Geo. Meadows attended the, castie haîboui foi farnmers and auditorium. the chancel, board Programn Bakeis' Conention in Tor onto. other ice useis. roomi. vestry and ladlies' rooms Gents bu3 Mr. Wells cf the Bank of Comn- Mrs. Jno. Douglas and Mrs. Ed. and their appointments after the With dynamîc force, Power to funded a< merce spent the weekend at his Britton, who went to Toronto to meal. The president of the W. A. spare and the indicator set at full %ve_________ akes.P home in Belleville. spend Cliristmas and New Years, anid others were most courteous in speed ahead, Garnet Rickard, new weather D ATH Mr. S. D. Rendail. M.A.. paid a returned home Sunday. showing visitors around a n di President of the Y. P. U., started MA RA SDE HSlc visit0f ispecion o ou~ hig Mrs Maik Blckbun. ~h o pointing out features of interest. the organization on its 1938 cour~se-.____________ vshoolo nspJa nr ourhi4.spen Mth rkewBlacran With A number also from Newcastle. Monday, January 3rd. The mem- SNOWDEN-O LN tteHCS-nBwavleo o- A a shoonJnay4 pnthNe ersao i Shaws and No. 9 called on Gaol- bers weren't ail there Of cours eNCO LN -AtteHCSIBomnîeonM - Ap Messrs. George and Eric Gray le rter i.HwadFly er Fred Wight and Mrs. Wight at right on the minute. Quite a.Uie hrhParSonage, dy aur 0 98 hr are busy harvesting, ice at New- Maple Grove. retu.rned home. the counties gaol. A Newcastle number were a little late, but they Courtice. Ontario, on Wednes-; lotte Hicks, widow of the late TO LET- _____________________ Inaugural meeting of the W. A. member. Mr~. Irwin Colwill, wa.s found President Rickard at tlhe day. January 12, 1938. by Rev. Robert Hicks, age 86 years. In- Tooms il of United Church will be held in appointed in conjunction with helni, the other officers on duty W. C. Smith,' Audrey May Cowl- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. Apply G __________________ ,_S. S. hall January 13. Rev. S. President Findlay a delegate fromn and the pogram proceeding force- ing. eldest daughter 0f Mr. and MacLean wîll inst.all the oficers. thi.s association to the Provincial fully on its way. In response to Mrs. J. Cowling, Salem, and HILLMAN-At Blackstock, Janu- WC Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, who Fruit Growers' Convention at the roll caîl by Wmn. Rowland. William Lloyd Snowden. eldest ary 10. 1938, Elizabeth Arnold. sAiP A ER thChri stmas season n Toron- Hamilton. secretary, theupleadersn te ix son the Mr.m uls n o\en and'beloved wife of th late John WORK W W A LLPA ER ý[gter. r. andMrs. Fank Aer- mebers wth thm, namand NMrs. F.lleA.r.'andrmentI. at UniontatCenontery.er Wellsbyb hart. -eturneci home Sunday. CHOIR O RE castle Boys. Newcastle Girls. Crago in attendance. Cadmus. Bowman Mr. Fred Granam was appoint- B3RIDE AND GROOM BonsLaeSoeSawsN.WGH-ALLEN-In Torno vHOSKIN - In 0shawa GenemlWR ed delegate to the Oshawa Pres-9 a O W bytery by the Officiai Board of Miss Reta Flintoif, Fellowship Rev. S. C. Moore, on January 1.1 Hospital, Januamy Il. 1938. Elsie periencec P 1938, Mirs. Kate M. Allen of1 R. Rolson. widow of the late Hazel F the Newcastle United Church. Present Lamp to September convener, pmoduced the following Brooklyn, New York. youngest'i Frank Hoskin, age 54 years. Bowman Annual congregational meeting Bride and Groom program: Scripture lesson by Miý&S daughter of Mr~. James Elliott. itr0,Ms e.Diln.Bw will be held Monday. Jan. 24th. Marjorie Adams: topic by Mrs. Býowmanv-ille. and Mr. Elgin R.1 manville. c I Bown's Home and School Club The United Church Choir Of A. W. Glenny; readings by Mrs. Wight of Bowmanville, Otro c finvites the public to their annual Newcastle visited Mr. and Mrs. S. MacLean. Mrs. Winnifred Wem-,Otro Clearing of Remnants and card paty in the community hall, Howard M. Allîn. north 0f the i'y and Mr. Brenton Rîckaî d JONESIn amlingt1938n. o Mon-MM Newcastle. un Wecdnesday evening, village, on Thursday evening, De- mouth oirgan solos by Chas. Clem - 3a0anay 0 13. mroeACOM Room Lots at less than Haif January 19. at 8 o'clock. Admis- cember 30th. to tender them their ence: vocal solo by Mrs. R T. CARDS OF THANKS 1Fîederîck Jones. in his 68th 30hd 'Prceto ak rom or sion 25c. A dressed chicken will congratulations on their marriage Rutherford, accompanied by Miss reInemetHaponCm- wnr, 1938 papers. Ibc iven away as a lucky prize. last September and present them Bemnice Gilbank: vocal duet by y man. R. * Horticultural Society will hold with some token of their goodwill Misses Reita Cooke and Margaet Mi. E. Martin and famîly wish Decorate Now its annual meeting and election and esteem. Pearce, accompanied by Miss Ma- to thank the friends and neigh-MaCNAHE-nBom - Decorate Now0f officers in the counicil chamber Mr. AlUin had the car out about rion Rickamd, B.A. boi~s for the kindness and sym- ville, on Sunday, January 9. i Org Fo a srpisnly small on Monday evening. Jan. l7th. 7.45 pin. and Mrs. Allin was ahl It was resolved to launch a Y.aty hon5he i tei sd 93 . Im es Mac onnachieOR age amount. 35c papers. 'im John F. Clarke. Provincial ready to go to choir practice with P. U. paper and McsEaMaraeen.7 er.Iti'etBwa-FRsar Clain tLecturer. will give an illustrated hlm, accompanied by June and Brooks. No. 9. was appointed Edi- Mis. Isaac Tabb wishes Most' board. A. Clearng ataddress on "The Beauties of the Glenn. when a number of cars be- tor. A staff of assistants was also lieartily~ to thank lier many fri- PIDDUCK-At the Wellesley Hos- ing. R. R Horticultural World." The public gan to loom up at the gate, drive narned. er.ds for their kind remembrances, pital. Toronto. January 8. 1938 15c per Roll arecordialîy invited. in the yard and discharge their Y. P. U. met Monday, January ciuring the Christmas season. Hester Mary. wvidow of the late! 193hPAER youths made rather timid passengers along with sundry box- 10 with President Garnet Rick- Relatives of the late Mrs. Ro- Edwin Bushell Pidduck. and be- Wai 198 APRSattempts to break into Geo. B. es of provisions..etc. Their plans ard in -the chair. About 60 repire- bert Hicks wish to thank the Sup- loved mot.heîr of Edwin Pidduck. NOW ON DISPLAY Fergusons service station, Herb 'to attend weekly practice at hsen the six different groupsi erintendent and staff of the Bow- Courtice. Inteî'ment Pine Hîlîs W A N T E1 New unwothyand un-Toms' barber shop and H. S. Brit- church were frustratedi but they lÎrom the villag and its environs manville Hospital. lier neighibors Cemetei'y. shares-f New Sunorty ad Sn- tons grocery, Thursday night. quickly adapted themselves to the an rdte o al Tec0 and frîends for the many acts ofxprec tested papers carricd in They were caught east of the výil- situation and became the genial kino e rtherolwas posThe o kindness shown lier through lier REYNOLDS-On Saturday. Janu- expeion stok. lai an patered lage later and taken back. They host and gracious hostess to their Miond ay anas y 31. ome tcgiln, naa h im fh r ay 8. 1938. Frederick Reynolds, Apy'. broke a padlock on Femguson's ser- fellow choir members and their of more immediate interest was deatli. son of the late Robert Reynolds mavle Attractive Colorings. vice station doors but did not escorts. tedcso ohldasaigpr on'sCtmigt. InBlctement t op ýfreteu pnbeas f h hn l a asmld.Corty on Buckley's rink. Jan. l4tll. fWor-ship was given by President from* stickir W. *ý~F* bar inside. Some slight damage Leader Mm. W. J. S. Rickard ex- The Young People of Clarke and 'Pauline Deline: scripture, Grace SLEMON-Suddenly at Winnipeg, heat the pE J. W. EI LL i was done at the other places but plained the change of venue for Newtonville will be invited to at- McKellar: Thanksgiving prayer by Man., on January 10. 1938. Mms. placing tlie intrance was not actually made. Ipractice this particular evening tend and af ter the skating e- the presicient. Off eing was taken Samuel T. Shemon. mother of Phone 556 Bowmanville Congratulations to Mm. and and announced that Mms. R. T. freshments will be semved. by Ellen Button and Christine Ahi- Squadron Leader C. Roy She- ________________ Mrs. Leslie H. Alldmead on their Rutherford hadt a leading part to MrChs lmnead isded.Rlwscleea o. ________________________marriage at Courtîce on January take on the prograin. Mrs. Ruth- BMm. ChBas.ckbrheee and is d rread RaI was caes eh mn 8th. Mrs. Alldread was t he f or- erf ord then presented to Mr. and Besie lakbun eTearoinnto mmbe mnerdig wtha vrs mer Mss Neta Alberta Allin, Mrs. Allun a lovely electric table representatives to winter school. of scripture. Treasurer's reportWAEA TontGee'lH- ouner augter0f i~ an Mr.'lmp.The viue thir incme Miss Margaret Sanderson, mis- %vas given by Ruth Bonathan. also pital. Thîursday. Januaîr, l3th, Leslie Allin, Lake Shore. Just the1 appreciation of the gifthiiws sionary convener. hadt charge of report f rom thle Temperance Sec'y. 98 eWeWaki aesn I9Fi~~~IUI ~week previous Mr. Alhdread was very acceptable and whicli they the prograin: Miss Jean Holmes and Mrs. Walton. S p e e c li 0o eoe ieofAnl .Wd hwe t T e t e gommnadMs Nt ol idbti ihyueu n eadi the scripture lesson and Miss Welcome. Francis Jose: Chorus b3y of Newtonville. and daughter of lu&ithe gofhisbrotandMiss . a!modld nd nodrnizyue oe Cwncntiue avoi sl.HaknndenadMide l Jn ron.agd el 8bllPt OSHAWA was the bridiesmaid at the mar- ' onamental in their recentîy e- Ruth Symons gave the topic; C. A.j the Band: recitations. Ronald Jron. andel en anîpelPat drea Macean m -'th piano accompaniment and; Ruth Allin. Mary Margaret Bona- ' Funemal service at residence of B.Allin. by Rev. S. MacLean of and Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Mis. Percy song by Mrs. Cowan: Miss Reita than. Ellen Button. M a r g a r e lieoropnts, 835 y nGerrat . E.. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. ecateBm n.MsE.CFiiadMr. Cooke. a eading: and Mrs. Cowv- Kimkpatrick. Evelyn Mc M anilu s, oot.Fia ilta i. Jan.13 14 15Mm. Percy Hare. C.N.R. agent. C. A. Cowan f ollowed wîth short an a vocal solo. accompned by' Chrisitine >Ahhdî'ed, Viola Cctr, a.nd at the United Clîurch. New- "DAMSEL hato rem~afiîna3tOlis postat the i ces.d r.Alnwr a-Miss Cooke W dj and Barbara Bonathan: Japane.e 1tonvi0lle, SatraeJn Newtn- when one of the C. N. R.*s crack1 ried in Septembei' butthcoi Clemnence conducted the recrea- tlîeir babies. by VoaCte.Nr ville Cemetery. dud l Ptîengines hauling the International 'liad purposely delayed visiting tional period. ýma Aldred. Marie Cotter: vocal WILLIAMS-At Caesamea. Janu-c IN IST ESS Limtedbroke down just west o themin abd until such time as isooYilînne Megit; play "Canada ary 8, 1938. Thîomas Henry Wîl- absolute Bomav.le.I ws ong i Mr. Percy Brown hadt completed Fo1s'BdySmtNi it liamŽ,. beloved husband of Eliza scribes1 thmiles an hour at the turne. At ter ' the %voik of remcdeling and dec-j VILLAGE COUNCIL Iton. Francis Jose. Stanley Powell: A. Clarke, in lus 77thi year. In- th cciet alld b ibeote toraob0f lenicM. .wi ring an nthe- Maids of Japan. Edna Kirkpat- temment at Nestieton Cemnetery. Coast ha Fred Astaire, George Burns 'aacd et aIl t rafic, both jabtoft:ng and Mm. H. S.nBritnthe INAUGURAL MEET rîck, Ilean and Yvonne Alldred. and Gracie Allen one track which meant a good j ing f ixtures. HELD ON MONDAY mrs. Chias. Hancock tohd several 'WINDA'T-At hem late residence,- deal of switching. Another en-j Regular choir practice followed _____ nteresting stories. A playlet WaS 32 St. Mary Street. Toronto, on R VV Lgine was sent for to take t he . the Presentation and speeches, and Rev. D. R. Dewdne3y Conduets gîven by 12 girls. "Welcome Litqle January 9, 1938. Clama I. Win- R VV Lheavy passenger train on its ;yayysvhile this was in progress those Devotions Travellers." Meeting closeci with datt. fommerly of Bowmanville. Noxzema FriayatI Ip.. hile a repair crew camne f romn j whîo had accompanied the choir prayer led by Mrs. MacLean. Interment Bowmanville Ceme- imic to ix te daagedgian iuemubers, but whose places are Newcastle Counicil held its in- Lunch wvas served. tery. Asri of the rails. It took until Monday regularly in the pews. played augurai meeting on Monday.Akasl repairHETHN o eIirth dmae on t te iHAMnPheTONhn it MW.JauaC.0,atT.a..,U. Baby AMTO W C's U Fitrack. Everyene within sight 3c June and Master Glenn AllUn and C. R. Carveth and touniciiuors _______ "AFTER THE THIN the dalae udon oteBngn h kthinwihfis auamet.atluam.ait eeBuckley heain 0 te aiwa cul tl]enjoyed thiemselves imme nsel1y. Chris Law, W, Howard Pearce and Hampton W. C. T. U. mta M Nthat something was wrong by the Later Mrs. Percy Brown conduct- Earle A. Walton present. also Il the home of Miss L. Reynolds on, Starring William Powell unusual commotion on the line ed somue interesting contests in Cherk H. C. Bonathan wio -ad- - Tuesday af ternoon, with President' an ynaLyand thie mucli blowing of whistîps. which two of the winners of a ministered the oaths of office. Miss M. Katerson presiding. Mrs. ad yraLyThere was a representation of package of sugar sticks were Mr. Councillor E. C. Hoar is ill in bed. A NEALTN SERVICE o W. Rackham lSi charge of the neariy 20 fruit growers froin Ne%%- 'Harry Jose and Mis. W. J. S. Ric- Rev. D. R. Dewdney. B.A., Rector TMg CANAD IAN 'EotCA. devotional, thîe theme was "A New casthe alone at the Northumber- [kard. Tlîe evening concluded with of St. George's, conducîed devo- nu»C COMP£NE5 Year." Mrs. C. J. Kerslake took M n -Tus- e. lnd & Durham Apple Growers' refreshinents. tions. The meeting then adjourn- Of CANADA the first chapter of the study book Jan. 17 - 18 - 19 Convention at Cobourg on Jan. 6 ed to 8 p.m. on '"What Is Alcohol' Mms.J. Cludtt Clbrt Cares and 7. Both W. F. Rickard MP. In the re-organization a n d ./ ColwiU ead the Provincial Presu- Cludte obet Cale and F. W. Bowen. ex-M P. were THE F S IA F srkn fcmiteanwpa LE dent's letter. Next meeting at Your Re: Boyer in ipresent and were noon banquet N E STIVNY A K F stin gr o comitesa nve panSLEPMrs. George Barron's on Feb. 8th.l speakers. Mr. Rickard discussed EI ANbMRrDidreg a cde d uvrtond __In à"TO iAIH briefly some of the proble o Pesniio of past year one councillor has beenf In taking stock 0f personal as- VARICH apple growems, ndMm. Bowen st. George's S. S. Entertainment convener of the roads and streets sets and liabilities it is unusual to' moved the vote of thianks to thie and Peetto fPie committee, and another convener idsepmnoe ntels. Yed sleep nonl e in tlsta and Gifts off culverts and bridges. ThIis year qYetee omaly rcofneprs iend ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___C h ris L aw w ill h ead th e co m m it- Q uart e t th rd fa n ses t eor and G5. eoges Cliurc'h Sunday tee tlîat wilh be responsi ble for al s vm eiieya se ra School. New,ýcastle. observed Epi- work on thue roads. streets. cul- least it shiould be. phany by hiolding it, annual chli- verts and bridges east of Mill St.lngsul neseeA drens progamn and presentation that is No. 1 ward: and W. How- nat sep a yhn p t 0f gftsandpries i th paishard Pearce will head thue commit- eighteen lîours out of twenty-four, hll on Thursday evening, Janu- tee for alh such work west0f MilIluis amount gradualhy tapering1 St.enNod2ney Onal wrk off unitil school age is ireached. 'amy th. Rev. D. R. in o. 2war. OnaIl ork o iet ieveyaso 'enied witli prayer. C hr is t mas Mill St. itself whîichî extends froin ro fieoteveyasfag W hei I N C S hîymns were sung by Mabel Grayie lake front 1 the C.P.R. sta- the child should have eleven or S Vema Rogerson. Jean Gray, June tion, Counicihlors Law and Pearce twelve boums sleep and between On CannedGray. Betty Gr'ay. Mary Purdy. , ill co-operate. Councillor E. A. tFeae fteleadtet On CennedMary Dewdney. Ida Rogerson. in Walton was again named conven- never less tlîan nine hiours and costume. ivîthi Miss Audrey Brown er 0f the pblic property commit- peferably ten, G o dsc a1tepao e.adE.C or h ieak Sîeep is one of nature's strong- 1Appeaing in recitations were: Ms I' Butler and Mrs.etale npouigadmi Ernest Spencer, Roland Spencer. Ros Dickinson were e-appointed ta ining normal health, S 1 e e p L AyImer Corn - 3 25e 'Betty Gray, Murray Wahton, Ida auditors. H. S. Britton was e- ashon b e go atre an gred ýRgerson. Balfour~ Le G r e slîe appointed a member of Board o soe0 nrsbnficetSîze ' Buirford Peas - 3 27c lJean Gray and Famncomb Le- Education for tlîree years. and gît owe makind. lbe is doubstfl Ayîmer Peas - tin lc Gresley contributed piano soos Mrs.. B. Moise a member of thelievrifteesayast clesin îoîîpartitions. eaving Suppem*-Mrs. W. H. Gib..on, Mrs. The art off sound, undisturbetifrotîi. forî'rmjr~l FISH POULTRY SUPPLIES f~~ onlY a sinaîl concealed space each Win. Jaîîieson, Miss E. L. ren- leiguîa *clivtdadi iside of the stage. To anîend this wibhî: Conivener off Kibelien Coin- s an asset beyond pirice for bu- Sizes 27, 28, SALT - FE.ED MOLASSES Jcontracton off the dessng irooms nîittee-Mrs. P. Martîn: Treasuir- mni happiness. sti~as haVe been built fron er-Miss Audrey Horrock-3; Secre- Qlîe..ilnl coniceriing hîcaltîr, adi- behind thue '.ings ta thie kichen tary-Mrs. Har~old Gib.so.n. < fo , tt l ie CarîadiaîiNfedical par toff hule bwuement blow where ___________ \.~cuiî 8 olg îct o aItkingpar~t in any perform- 14roneg Cr, wToiIlL ER S H A R RY A LL N , Grocanc Can prepare theiselves for GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND b letter. Bowmanville Phones 367 - 368 sýtage. Previously ail aking upart Golden Rule Missiotu Band met Adices -say Japan sank the PHONE 451 in a play h&.h to enter the dress- December u8thi, in thie Sunday Pnay just ho get America's e- ing moinis froin the auditorium or school 10room, with quiet music action." Couhd that be Nipponese clumb in the windows at that end PlaYed by Mrs. Bema.n. CaU to for "goat"?-Guelph Mercury. Radio For Sale MING EVENTS_ ________ RADIO FOR SALE- SPARTON Hm- 6-tube radio, highboy model. in LSocial in aid of ap good condition. Will sacrifice iwill be held in Hampton for immediate sale. Phone 663. Wednesday, anari 1. Bowmanvil.le. 2-tf S 8 p.m. Ad miso 0c _ _ __ _ _ _ _ uying baskets will be re- admission. Ladies bring Livestock For Sale Good skating every night, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ permitting. Admis si on FOR SALE - REGIS TERED Shorthorn Bull, rising 3 years. Charles Naylor. Lot 31 and 32, irtment To Let Con. 6, Darington. Phone Bow- manville 2474. 1-2 -APARTMENT 0F FIVE in the St.atesma lo , BULL FOR SA.LE-REGISTERD Geo. W. James. 2-tf Holstein bull, 9 months old, R. O.'P. dam. reasonably priced. fork Wanted Apply J. T. Brown, Kingston NANTED-IMMEDIATE- FOR S A LE - P U RE BR ED4 ioung single man. Applyf Shorthorn Bull. 9 months old. YFlint. Wellington St..' Apply S. Hockaday, Hampton. Lnille. 2 1 * Phone 2182., 1-1 VANTED-BY GIRL EX- ed in housework. Apply Real Estate For Sale Flint. Wellington Street, mivlle. 2-1 HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D brick house on Centre ctreeC' - ' :ommodation good locality, desirabe hodB with modern conveniences, wil: IODATION FOR ABOUTi be sold very cheap to close up of catte for balance of1 an estate. Apply A. E. Belman. good feed and stables. King Street West, Bowmanville. 1e rates. M. J. Pere- Phone 526. 40-tf R. 2. Oshawa. 2-1* ~an Fo SaleMiscellaneous ,- ORGAN IN PIAN WEST END GARAGE AND MA- indora cook stoe, side- chine Shop - We specialize in Apply Mrs. Mary Skeld- machinery repairs. general gar- R. 3. Bowmanville. age, repairs, welding, towing 2-1* service. J. L. Demnerling, Pro- Prietom. Bowmanville. Ph on e rited To Ren 781. 23-tf D TO RENT OR ON' Fully equipped faiM bs ced farmer, references Ii .H. Drawer B. Bo w-M 2-1 Recor Wvitb a rcr of 50 yeara as a mnost aatds- mt steaks an chops I artorv treament for piles or eworrýýids, ng to the brilr pan, You can positively depend on pan sizzling. hot before DrçCas s intmen' emeat in it.r C a i __ l w Why do we recommend Tillyer Lenses so strong- ly? There's a very real reason. Because we know that Tillyer Lenses are A the niost perfectly pro- lenses available in Canada, we know theyl'1 giVe ýsatisfaction. Our Registered Optometrist pre- Tillyer Lenses because thousands from coast to tve had complete satisfaction from them. SPECIALS FOR TH-E WEEKEND ia, 25e size - - 15e Gin Fills - - - ine Jr. - 8c tGroves L.B.Q. -2, Itter - - 29c-57c Italian Balm --2i Own Tablets - 23o Pablum - - - - s Mixture 40c-75c Radio Malt - 89c - 39C 24c-44c 29c-55c - 45e IRY & LOVEL, exall Store Phone 778 *It Is News Bn you can buy $ 1.59 grade FRILLED CURTAINS at 98C pr. ,T NO. 1 31 "X2i4 yds. ,,I .N la ni iii >et t, ils culip 1Iet tt \Valanc a rn :k.ý in W\hitu reatl g'roiid. g il iii ll 'c ( ;ot' h. h1Iuv, V . LI, Z eh 'r LOT NO. 2 Size 28'x2 l!ï yds. F d i.îtrqtiaituut. inr Green Goh. lIlle. Et. nl Check, ami Wl ite a i d Crcaini gro %%-. ~i il r' 'ni_ tril>tilig cu)lor designs REMNANTS (îeiî t 1 ' Re ve d iPrini sSîlks, ince of Front-Iaced Corsets mia! 2 la~mi top frînni, 'I'imhI Fahurit. îu~ a r~au I fla filIfiumir. 29, 30, 31 to 36 ORES, £JMITEDJL BOWMANVILLE 'w f I - -z W THF CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE. ONTARIO i- ý

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