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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TM70 THE CA\DI.\NSTATESIAN BOMANVILE. ONT1~IO ~TXTDTI TAI'RVI3T 93 Estabished 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interestso the town Of Bowmanviile and surrounding country I55usd at King Street, Bowmanville. every Thursday by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. Tht Canadian Statesmnan ls a member of the Canadiar Weekly Newspapers Association, also the Class "A' Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States !Z: $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5c THURSDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 1938 Wake Up Bowmanville! You're Slipping At the Rotary Club on Fridav the speak- er 's time "as gi yen over to a general dis- cussion of the needs of thîs coinmunîfv. In sarv-ice clubs there are a group of commit- tees who corne under a genieral head of Conmunjity Service Committees. It vas w-ith the communitv service idea iin mind that the discussion of tlie needs of Bo-w- inanville were lield. One member gavea varied list of somne of the needs as Îlec saw thei and it w-as surprising to find that so many tlîings were requîrcd tu make Bo- inanville a live andi progressive town. We hope local citizens wvil1 read in the report of the Rotary Club meetig this 11sf of re- quirements. Everyone of these sug-gestions lias a real place iin the, community. and oie eau rcadilv imagine just what kind of a t.own thîs would be if a genuhme public spirit could be arouscd ini more of oîir cit- izeîîs to sec some of these thing-s accoin- <zplislied. The list, it is true îvould. mean maný more organizations than w-e already have, but ahl serve their purpose in the convumun- ity. To overcome the need of so rnany pub- lic bodies many could be grouped accord- ing to their classifications. For instance it would be far more economical f0 have a general Athîctie Association taking care of basebaîl, hockey and other sports than to have so many individual -clubs. Then a modern Chamber of Commerce consisting of sections, could be arranged devofed to nianufacturers, retaîl merchants. and f0 ratepayers and even a place for "Wood 's Senate." The grouping- of these in oune organization would liot only be l)eneficial from thec vicwpoint of fewer org-aniza tionis. but would brin- about a type of co-o)per- ation between these g'roups that could b)e. 4 achieved in no0 other w-av. Several of the sugg-estions coiild b)e handlcd by existing, organizationls. Foi- instance the crection of the skating riîîk and the formation of a curling clubl could both comle under the Athîctic Assoeiationi. Plans for the erection of a bridge across the harbour, for the installation of an el- evafor in the hospital, for improv-enienits at the harbour, and for the establishmnent of a farîners' market could aIl bc promiotcd 'firough the Chamber of Commerce. The arousing of greater interest ini municipal affairs, cwould nccessarily follow the or- ganization ofi a live Chaniber of Commerce. It is this apathy toward the communitv 's needs, of which we have written at some length this iveck, that kecps these needs froai becoming- actualities. The sooner our citizeîîs, individnally and collectively a- waken to thlése needs. the sooner Bowvman- ville will take its rightful place among the more progressive and prosperous mnicii- palities ini Ontario. A Valuabie Book of Reference The Canadian Almanac for 1938 is on the mnarket. To citizens who nleed f0 b)e w-ell informed at ahl times, this announcemieit is important for the Almanac is one of the fincst sources of general information cxist- ing in Canada. in a newspapcr office we receive hun- dreds of enquiries on scores of subjecfs. Someone wants to know the strcngth of the Canadian Air Force, or w-ho is the of- ficer commanding. Another wants f0 know how many Canadians have fitles. Another may ask who is the president of some Un- iversity, or what is the rate of sucecession duties, in Ontario. Ail tlîese questions and thousand8 more are aiiswcred in the (Cali- adian Alm;anac. In The State.%maui office Nvewoîlh lard- uable book of reference. A few moiffths agyo before ouir eleetion to flie Presidcuîcy of opis olnti, watiei N(weklv Npaer 939 to lie exact nul of 8 Aîîili) vyl of 2100, or' approiiiniatelyý 40 per fi I1wî vote for fui' Haud By-Law a =o f s9!i people %vei'e eileld to vote. AIlhin 1-P)I for ont of towui oiurs, that lea\-is 7,-)() property ow-uers wlîo could have votil. andl yet onily 409 céast flicir votes. The other 60 per cenît. of flic people whoi did not. vote foi' the council, and flhc ap- proxinatel- -40)per cent. w-ho did îlot Vote on the l3and By-Law - will expeet good imuni- le ipal gîiverniîîîcuîfinithlee on( e ax-l. of l'licv il I pi'ol)hilv hc rcadv f e rit ic se Y, wvlîcîî the ocuiincil ;îuîakes uniistakes anidl VÇ ýy thcy - veî-e uot iiiterestcd enooigli to cviii 'e1 n go ouf f0 castumleir ballots to emsure flic elccfiiin of tuiose w-houii thie - eousidercd besf fiftedl tii' Li\e 2ood sdervicc. Iladi 100 per- cent. f. tthe' Vote fuî'iied onttheflic i'co ighîtlit av~e liccuthflisanic as if ivas, but c. t bat is besidlc îtle qunestionu. Thec nuifortmmi- afe part of flic wholc fliing is fliaf this - large I)cred'utage whîo hid i iot Vote i h)hiY- in-g prohuabl liaf flictowi 's taxes. aildiyet faiîcd f0 use tîme franîchise fi) lut iuîfo of- fie uxmen whion tht-v believe able fui liaidît- flic foi's affairs efficieiilf-. The fimîle is couiîi,îgw-heui a nmorec sermomus s- view -iiI be fakemi of fliose îvlîo do îlot Vote. We hîad am iniusfance of w-haf dis-mi- fercst lun municipal affairs cami briuîg about. in tflicToronito electiomîs ilieii Timu Bock, flic conuîîîîiisf,. 1)1lled a treunendotîs vote iii flie su î-aîîed 4' uisf Britisli cifv liflic Brit- isli Eiîîpiu'c. *Tlîe fruifhioftfl i îatfer ivas aIî flic hepeopîle w-ho follow- the r'adical feacliiuîii,,of nmen like Buck furuied out 100 per'cenit. f0 Vote. but flic people fo ivioni ethe Bmîck tlieories are amafliena. saf hiack t i tlîcir Cii5Y clius amidi let a Vote 1pi1e iU9 foi' Buck whidli uîeaî-l.ý-elcctcd Iblun f0 cifv coîîmîcil. Tlhie folloiveus of î'adicals alwvays. s get omt f0 vote. If we eau lcar'mî iofhîiuig(, e Isc froii fheii. w-e musf learifliaf if we uîîîîsf doi better fliam have 50 per cenit. of tlhe %vamif decmit iiotîlcipal urovcruiiîif wc v people vofîing * Story of the McGill Building The New-arket Et-a coînuieutcd I ast iveek oui fli facttfhiaf Boîvmamiville w-as a lauidîord to fli Unitfed States Goveruiîiienf. anid expressed soîne surprise af this facf. For flic bemefit of Editor I-lebb, ani those of ouîr owuîi readers w-ho do mof kuow flic sfoî'y behiuîd the 'MeGilI Buildiig,, here if is vèry brie fly. JaniesMGi, a native of Bowinanvi-lle, ivas a succcssful architeet livinîg in Washi- inîgtonî. He always nainfaimied au intercst un his o)1(1homne fowvui even to flic extemît of cdi'awiuîg flieJplan-, for flic preseuif tomvi hall i ve mîidersfauid wiifout charge. Ou i ls deafli lie left tflic MeGill Buildinîg liWasb- uuîtou fo flic tow-u of Boiviiauville, affer tlie deatf uhls uife. The bîiiildliig is valu- î-d at appu-oxiniîately- $150000. ýMrs. _MCGill dicd sboutlv affer Mr. MeGill, aund Boiv- miauiville shiuîld have becouie flicoîvners oif the Iutiiîcliiig. llowever -MoGiIl relatives sfep;)edh iunand el aimiiedi a portioni of flic estafe. amidi il osfli legal ivar emsuc(l. iicl lasted moîîre fliam 20 years. Tlîe relatives Nvcu'e fiiiall 'v salisfied wvlen ami agreemeuit ivas trwu ali~î hini 41 per cent. of the estate alîd tflic ownu 59 per cent. TViei actioni ias started oui flic-rounîdsfhiat uîo alieuî cotulî hîold propertv li the District of Coîuuiiibia, andid fllitIigafioîî lasfed util 1929 wlieu licheUniltedh States Stipreine Court hamidei ldowun a uling. uvhich permittedl Bowvuiauîville to refaim itsifsutcrcst ini fle b)uildinig. Siuîefliaf finie thousands of dollars have beeni placed li the Bowman- Ville treasîu-r- - fleic ncome from the build- i g. More rlîauuonîce flîls niouiey kcpt thie fax rate do%ý*ii to ha reisonable lei-cl, amditi alsu pî'ovidedi fli niîîney w-lich the fow-i biail lu pa vfowhlrdl Javing Conlcessionu St. f0 flic13oys - Trainuing -School. Prom flic estafe also danie hflifiiids that proxided foi' flceî-uecfiouî ifflie c MGilI Memorial Ga'ý s af Boiwinauville Cemcfery. That verv hrieflY is flic story of the MeGiII Buildling. Tlîe towuii liopes f0 selI the build- inîg as sclon as possible and lise the procecds as a siuîkiuîg fqiud for thc retirement of de- l)eitlires. If flic fowmi can secure $100,000 for the building, which is about alI thaf eau be expcctcd ini these days of dcpresscd mca] esfafc prices, if ivill have coming f0 if ap- proxiniateîy $5.9,000 frounw'hich some legal fces iill have tf0blue dhucted. More Publicity Might Increase C Respect for Laws % Mor'e îiibliit i s -.mîedei fuir the euiact- uîîcuîs by flic lau uiakeu's of (Canada, says thic Veruîoui Nu-ws, andui ve agree. '1hcse i- <'id ife il)iDominijoni l>arIlaun-mîn, Provuiiu-hl Li-ishllicsandMN îiî-ipal I ( iîeiils.q Tiuu-si- boiehs li thlui r' isulomu auîmuîalîy en-u- a gu'u al o-î f ligislalîiuui :stifficie-ut s 1 a I l . i li i ifl u - x 1 , 11il w o l uI ld l -u îl1 l' 1 ilv__Wj11iafis E - i* t e olJii îî'<uîd Eiiup-iub~iluîiila-s tou-iaxvarcl- i- il a (iii'iuîtionîM-uhl WX- kuIow oîf fcwe a Juiîu-uili ore uduudecseu'viug of fhîls frihuife. 11»ct BY THE OLD BOX STOI Dy Hiram The warmth of the fire ln the we have the nii Old Box Stove these last few days chicken thieves, has been constantly reminding us steais your tools how good it i.s to be so comfort.. who takes parts farmer's machin, ably situated. Its inviting cz. should be allowec ness has brought us content and vermin. There w cheer and At seems to create a danger for niosl generous spirit, so much so that shoot straight, bu we like to have others wit~h us like sudden noms enjoying this happiness. When scae tîîem. Ifi we do gather around there always did land in thei seems to be lots to talk about. would only be gE Sometimes its crops, sometimes for nothing and mortgages, or politics, or teufîper- they st.arted out ance, or our neighbours. One nev- Ouofalti er knows just what is going to cssig o afteî cropup.important cailera The other night it happened f0 We gave the gr(> be the different classes of peopILe and others a big m who cali at our doors. It is sur- chine agent and prising how many people are try- O.Kc. at times, bul ing to make a living by acting as we could very easi agents or pediars. We di-scussecl the medicine mai them ail or neariy so. There is agent and we woi the machine agent, the fertilîzer loss. Some spoke man, the butcher, the baker, the insurance agents grocer. the junk man, medicine thought we woulc man and many others. If al re- ýpestered too much ports are triie there must be a lot For some reason of fellows working in the head collector and the offices for the publishers of maga- to corne on the scE zines for we ail have helped, by; we distinguished' subscribing, to get the f ew more saying one wuan points necessary to assure the'sc and the other a pi agents of permanent jobs. Alll wh-ole argument wi these callers are honest and in down to two clas many cases useful. A few we coula II think I had betti do without quite easily. 0f coursetii next wcek. THE SPIRIT IS WILLING--] By Scribe G Lroppîng flakes lthe dark hours, Where the f resU, fragrant flowers Oniy recenly bloome alal so bright. But the sun soon wililif t the snow-blanket, And return it again in warm rain, When the spring days are here, And the skies are ail clear, Then my flowers %till corne back 9. -RalpU Gordon. j628 Crawford St., Toronto The- four imnpurtqnt factors in hulhîîus eves or a goitrc. If. on the Nature's eternal pîrogramme are :- other hian-d, it doesn't secrete suffic- limne - .Space - Force - Malter. ieurîll%-ou gel a "slîggish miixture" Youi require Tune lu do amîvthimig - ail day- long whicli slows .oum down Space lu do il in - Force' lu do il amîd exhauîsîs y our mervous reserve. witli - Malter lu do il 10 - Are Výou feel a hmmmdred vears old. we rigbî? A mnamî namcd Rip 'Yýami Winkle Peuple will say to you, "Mvl good. uvemt lu sleep for 20 years duriuîgiess Newt. . . vom are lookimg well,' wliich his mnusket rusledi - dug died whicli iill he a fact. Yom mnai- look - wvliskers grcev and wliîtened and a lut like a Packard %vitb a fresh bis cuntîry cbanged huids. The in_ coat ut paimît. Bmmt you couldn't gel terlude is called Time. over tlue first bilI on luigli lu save If you have. ever îried lu take a p'our sul. As with a muliir car crack ai a cock-roacb imn a cupboard you probable burned tmp by racing fuil of dishes yuu kmîuw Ite mecessity yourself tou muclu while ut of gear of Space. amnI guing %tomîg lulaces whemî you When a few îîallidi Chinaneu are were in gear. lulay ing Famîlami on a Sumîday afler- The onîl% corrective as far as, we nuomi aînd the Cops decide to dasb the kiîov is tuo take a daily dosage of dours imi and push the partitions over dried Tlivroid fu'om the glanuds of the. Chinks are umuable lu resist the slucelp. In uur ouvu case %ve have a inivasioni on accoutul uf w-bat is caîl- very deficieut Thvroid svhicb ac- ed "Insufficicuit Force.*' couîuit for the absenice of fre If vUî u followv prize figlits vou ehergy. We also have a sl-ow p)uise knwhusv te factors of Timîîe. - low hlood pressumre - smmhmiormal Space amîd Force coîmbinîe lu disîurb lemperalure. Tliese ail indicale the Xlatter. If yuu have seemi a figlier's saine thimig. At various limes inth le face afler itlibas heemi properly pom- past len vears w-e have takein as nelled l h is adroîter adversary you mucu as 6 grains of Sbeeps Thyroid know wihaî Maîter looks like. dailv lu try- and approach normality It is the absenîce of onie or more bmut Ibis cjuanliîs- was 100 greal a of these four factors in human uun- sîraimi on the lîeart \e are noîv dertakings that causes failmre, di,-. able lu absorb only a fraction of couragememîl, defeat anîd death . hat quanlity. An\ud at Ibis wriinmg In our ou-n case the dtficiency____ is Force. Aund %e lereby, go on record imi defence of the demnamids that are made upomi our imadequate suppiy uy fricnd and foc alike. If omne more tban the other we believe the requiremnts of our friends ex- hausîs us more. Force is juîst amuoller word for Energy - of wliicb any amnimai (imiclîdimig ourselves) geLgerales omîly X'ou brealli in oxygeu.X'om cal THA'I amîd drink. Your body gemîcrates amîd gives off beal.» Tbis process, wlieu mnormal, is calleti basal niatabolismu anti is aîialoKous lu combhustioni iii anolor car.Q F Vomir basal malabolisn is figîmredO F Y on square huches of skimu surface. The same inetliod that is msed luo figure yours goes for a raltle-smake or rbimiocerous. If you are iltercut- cd in anilmal cmîergy read W'alter Pi!t- man's "Life Begimîs aI F-orîv-." Tis aspect of life is deait wiîlî slarîing I he headeci oni page 28. You wilI understand i better .by readimîg ibis bo-ok Iban if yur doctor tries lu exîîlain il. The Tbyroid gland wbiclî is pari d irec of your mîeck acîs verv uîîuiclthe saine as a carburclor in a car - oili f<orlumuatl you camunol momîke), ,vitîi il su easiîv. Tbere arc certain No father can giv t-isI-, vou cudgv h abrt) on yoitir oîld Mode ibT caFor tor ato t he made it îîerformîî miracles. Vour ain uth evelop»l lii ro id gl andI islt-s accoanndat~ uug. If it fuictiomi-, mii reelv vou most precious possesi inake au ve oipî<f energ\ syhlui jimekn- ~urba lca - eaî- and influences - gooi PROFITABLE YEAR 1 t ti, i ' f t til 11u cl f i lîi.t l. i CI Il1 - 1 1 i l u i( 1 1 ttial I 't ei , I It iiil rr t tuht ) % C eîi 1)lutîlîl -d il I ti(- tIl i [-(l i Cted tI)), i - t -adi n uî.30i uit - A Ifeaýcînlit- iehetuut iillxte echinery for the Colton i latit I ly inmi <pe-rat iomi anid mi cioi- ted cariy ini 1938.'l reckoned with in prep battle of life ahead. I ani eiclosing exp)ress Irder for mv smilscrilton. I w-as imdeed greiv- ed tii rt-amItf Miss 1Havcrafî's pass- ing. sle certaimdv ' -as a %umîderfmml %vomnan amîd 1 always enjoyed sceing lier omi my visils lu Bowmiav.-. i uvas also sorrv lu bear of the assng of Tom Percv, and Tony 'MicIe. Il seems as i I bave always knw- îlucm. Tbey were lruly gentlememn Rochester,. NY., janmarv 5îiî, 19.38 of thie old tleiemwlien1 1 am inr xlien I last h grieves us 10 State that our sup- El% -of free etiergy is at a deplor- It is rciresliuig lu reflect, liow- ever, tbat desp)ite tlîi dceficie!uc%, v have becmi ahle, bv sacrificiuig our leistire tlime lu restorativc needs, 10 ight visitors, the devote imore thati the average noim- the fellow Who ber -of workinig hours to daily dluties. sanadflic cootie that for su uuiajjiv ears have cruntiin- off the sleeping tially coinmiandfed us. .ery. Farm ers ________ 1 to shoot at such ouldnt be much MY WINTER GARDEN ;t of us cannot ut thieves do flot A snowst.orm han c.overed my gar- ;es and it woula den, a Uittle buckshot Il began lu the gloaming la-st r anatomy . they night, ýetting somet.hing All the maples' bare f wigs. that was what And the spruces' green sprigs, to gel anyway. Now are covered with nature's swe got to dis- flake white. r ail is the mont at the farm aoor. AUl the leaves that remain on the cer. the butcher rose-tree, welcome the ma- And those on the lilac that 1the lîke were stayed. it we ail thought And the bare, sfiff stocks, too. ilydipene it On which sweet fiowers grew, Ln and the book Are aIl fluffily frilled and ar- >uld not feel any rayed. e very highly of And the snow lies ail over the but mont 0f us îawn grass. Ed rather not be Like a diuwny mat cover a f loor, ieven with them. And the sun's glist'ning rays, or other the tax In their dances and plays, etramp seemed Create diamonds like some Koh- ýene together and i-noor. fhem apart by a necessary evil 'Tis a two-color scheme Iliat. no ositîve pent. The artist as f inally boiled' Coula equal wiîlî paint, bruslî es of callers and or mahl, ber leave ail that For his palette would f ail, In the technique detail, Ana his hand on the shadows would staîl. B UT Only nature could paint such a BUT picture, Working siiently ail through the sclol and I shal miss ltev* sa%, -j sippuse you gel al the 1 visit Bowinaniville. niews Ili The State.staii, su I n uc b beter health than couldlit (<lu itlliut i. Il is rM y uvroe ymi nd an iuwsvtklvletter frumu home. ut a chiie. Have bhec urs tuy vi Cross roonis tmns (Miss.) Viola Shortt. Allie Wi-1h Shaiiîz Mr can vr . . Bown 1-- 23 iircliview Cres., Batten and family, Oshawa, Mr. Turonluo. 0nt., and Mrs. A. Beacock ana Marion, jamu. 5li, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. N. Green ana fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown, Ross rcuîewal .subscriptliol, and Keith, Toronto, and Mr. ana tlike lu miss even uone Mrs. I. Whilfield, in honor of homne papp r. Whien iny their sons birthday, Mm. lioya Dear Sirs: 1 enclose I svould mîuî copy of theh 1~9 1 st Year of Publication The Canadiani CADMUS Almanac m 1938 Published Annually Since 1847 A Comprehensive Directory of Canadian Affairs, invaluable in every office Completely revised to December 1937 Important changes include new Legis- latures in British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Ontari~o; incorporation of air-lines into shippers' guide; Succession Duties with Ontario changes in new synopsis. With Coloured Map of the World about 12 x 19 inches Showing through railways and steamship distances Over 670 Pages From ail Booksellers . or the Publishers THE COPP CLARK CO. Ltd. 517 Wellington Street West TORONOTO 2, ONT. BOY OURS 1 in the right tion? ve too much consider- ient of character in his sion - a son. A thous- A and bad - must be paring youth for the The foundations of character are begun early. How very important then are the first impressions and the sources of the information from which they are shaped. GC The parent who earnestly hopes to see bis son on a f irm foundation will take prime interest flot only in bis physical and mental development, but in bis spiritual welfare. The finest characters develop from early re- ligious education. Most of the men whom we respect S r ce t fortheir integmîty and honor were tmained in riglit thinking and right living by the SUNDAY SOHOOL. If you want that son of yours to travel the road of imes, where young ightec'>:sness, see that he regularly attends SUNDAY d, were committed SCHOOL. Stamt them in the right direction. The best thing no church or Sun- you can do for the young people is mot merely to send them to Sabbath Sohool - but set thhe proper example. lion. LEAD thern into the House of God . The surest way of encoragng oysand girls to scek religlous tmaining is tlrough attending Divine Worship yourselfî START 1 NOW. Resolve that next Sunday you will- TO CHURCH (lTE CANADIAN- STATESMAN IS SPONSOR 0F THIS MESSAGE) - /~ -8--~~ 9O P of the country's cri people are involved by persons having day School connect oum leda wekiorte at w un s da I woek fo thelsI w- momîvlls. in hoe lc ul e p igifl3uw- mcanltli n lîs erlgsrhg dfmn healîli is gourd. AllierWelshv ms.aiz THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO T14T'PrDAV- TANUARY 13TH, 1938 Dear George: Price $6.00 Net

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