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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE C.\N.\DI XX ST.\TESNIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, OXTARIO THURSD.\", JAXUARY l3TH, 1938 4 ltrw Aieuclat ,r--r...J uîwhl'byMMn. J. MAPLE GROVE tLaid ate.-Btt Nowder,î lu- Ma-iLE, er : piano so.tlo biiiRuîthîRob- _______________ erîdit B~FedMltrÀ. TA KVLLN -s. b aon nIT LT fl Till. Nrs. Robbins and lier group, \Laird. Jr.; îîîîiurr. M! C. Il IUIN I M AND DISTANT PI rMrs. I.Crnrickshaîik and NMrs Gar- Recent Visitors :Grecenhaun: Asst-M rs. L. White ; Tire New Vear ý Ieediiiîg along ilPelevetabunifBluc MislIvHns oot.wt r. Primiar-Iv-a Folev. Aýst-Mrs. brî,_ing i jlit jov a i dpleasiure a- i'e avervabieartv vote ofcl ber cousin, Mfrs._AIian Clark. Rs tvn;Itr rtav.Ir n ecvdavr ion Sîîow)ý den, A sst.-.\ rs. «C. jI; - 10119 svth sortie orrosv and i n u e h avTte o M iss Elsie Sam is, Etfield. w th icr; Sr. P in a - Th n a F et w ork. Faruers are ak n a vaîag EN TY -FIV E Y EA R S A G O 1 Da d Gr gg D s Dl i d îs. J hase on aî Abernethy. mai.arv.Thssî.-Greîa Mundv; Begir. utge S nsdof Eg land . stri 5 Ifl 'I.and i. Hre asn aîne h e r s is te r , M r s . F e rg u s o iI f tbe c aîee r ar d s eg uM r.lî îD ali Miss PMais Grto, b w, eih er-Mrs. Ivison t Munday, .\s.- nIliheir wood. Fo TeC nadanStatesman, 1'B]ackstock Thursday and înstail- ii îNr. al redyAasatt Have MissPhyhisTnimle.Mrs M. ndy. f f icers of the Mr Bob Slîarpe. of a \VesterîîJauay9,193ed the new oflicers of Grimsby dn Mrs. 'Mark Blackburn, Oronio, lias tlîree organized 'classes are: A. B. C. Provinîce, MIr. .\daîîi Sharpe and ',\r. - ' iî EtjLodge No. 106. retured rom avsi vt brCas-rsMrs. W.aJltnoren Saner,î.Eîmiskllei. visited MIr. Mayor, Dr. HUIler defeated J. B. 'Fairba.irn on bis ellection te the raîdM.Rseiern t mohe, rs ~alerFoeyat ber Sec.,. Mnr. C. Jeffery, Ast.,Mrs. T. Arthuîr NlcKay air (Id ichool lmate. Mitchell, 343 to 332; Reeve, Ar- jTrnt or e dctinb r. 'nia ond's. i-, Mllerove. Dronhe's, Mr. H.R. oley. Ficut oien Tes'F wlo:Foer M.Ri aloelnaeabsci at331. defeated M. A. about 3 te 1 over his opponent. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staiuîton at Don' foget ourice Circit oi. Mrs. L. Collacîutt. NIrs. Noble mness trip to Peterboro. James 196, and Jas. Deyman 120; A quiet wedding took Place ati r ap isphs ehsa Brotherhood meeting ai Ebenezer on Niecaf, LooksOnt Coim., Mrs. \V. Mi.sMda Hallo',ell and M, oniGig elMratteprong.Hmtn ee-M. R han Mr s. RBt en an Frida eveng. J.lmetig sSoweven s. ECccii Jeffe ýrMs ulîSvr ttîddtedance at Percy. Cornish, Morris, defeated ber llth. when Mr. Charles Edgar Peggv aI 'Mr. Mervin Knapp's, AnnalSunayScooimetin RsiSteen. EnaSwllo. rs Nextonville. candidates Rehder, Pethick, Cope- Horn son of Charles Hern, mille.,North Oshîawa. was heid Friday eveniîîg. These of- E. WV. Foley: Busv '«orkers Clas ficers were elected: HouI. Supt.- Pres . Mildred Snowdeui; Sec.,Lor Mr. and NMrs. Fred Todd attend- land, Efliott; Canning Factory by- and Miss Edna Truil were united Mr. and MIrs. F. B. GlaspeIl at Tho. Sowen;Sut.-. ree i- d tireie funerai of lier cousili, Mîr. law, for 318, against loi. in marriage by Rev. C. W. Bart- Mr. Sîaniick's, Pickering. Ths Sode;Suî-H re.is oiey. Asst., Irene \Vriglit;, Williims at Port Perry Mleratnd Mtheigldenm ackxnan et'I man; Asts-A Lir, r..Eres 1Tras- eserSimpson, As' 1IcE M. arie Hlowi Troto M.and Mus. illa edn e~~ o : M.anid Mrs. .A. T. Stainton at jarýgolen eddng CirkeTownship e1ec M r :N. Newton Edgar*s aîd NMr. .1. G. Gordon Jarvie, Sam \'anl Camp; man, Mfarg Stewvart: \Vide Awake vusted at Nfr. Wm. Hailoweii's. their three sons a.nd their famil- uty Reevýe. George Payne, Clarke; Mliss Viola Fisher is îaking ac -Tea.-lffrdSalow iais-Clas-Pres.. Cliarlie \Vriglît: Sec., MNr. ant _i M. J. J. Melior maride ies and a few friends. numbering Counicillors, P. .Staîker, J. S. Rob- business course in Toronto. Leslie Colacutt; Asst.-Louise Foi- Saun \'ail Camp; Treas., Stauîlev a businiess trip t0 Newcastle. 25 in ail. S. J. Jackman alied ertson, Orono, Thos. Patterson, MNiss 'Marguerite Martin, Oshawa, ey; Mrs. I. M.\unday for Juniors; Towneuid. Mr. Normian Brutouî, Bowmauî- the company te order andCo edl uhMr ho.Mris Auditors-Lloyd Snowdeuî, aund L. invle isbe eîwug acquaunt- gratulated his parents. NLsses p Brth: Woodyard -A 1 ae M.AfAr.LodadB'd Whis teveissionary Supt Ms * aîe.i -rcn. Eva and Hilda Jackman present- jAvenue, Toronto, December 110, to MNr. Rilssei Perkins, Mr. Jacks RsSten;Temperance'\I r. F. W. Bowen. Newcastle, ivas ed on behaîf of those present a'Mu- and Mrs. Walter L, Woodyard, Cnuickshauîks. Mn\I. Ru sseli Staiuît oîî Ross Ste vents; Cradle Roi-M.\rs. H KENDAL noticcd iiim our district receuîtiN. purse of gold te each gmandiparent. aý son. Edward Ross. atneiIu okygiea 0 Brooks, lMrs. D. Pickard: Home Mrs. I. Shutka. Hanmptonî,-Miss Five sens are livingSde . arig:Lw-Haui nrto Saetiîrday niegainît.To Dept.-Mý\rs. F. Stevens, M.\rs. Bruce Nfr. Robert Alexander lias re-Nl . ecsle ivere at home. Frank and Fred of Bowrnanville,'Newcastle. Januar3- 8, by Rev. G.Mr e.Hr.Oiaa sgiî Metclf;Libanin, ossSteens tunedtirteî ciy atervl-tul0 Nr .R.iîg o Rv. . Becr.praceorStpheG.fLayawihanCd a.d iR.hoar. M. Gorg G.Lawand10 iîofpiturshiesCfote Cron Assts.-XvVallace M.\unday N dHln udM-.BaeAexnhr ug alluîve-ar services at Ehdad ail Samuel of New Westminster, B.C. 'Miss Emimeline, daughter ef Mr. atioli aud talk on his trip to Eng- M'\etcaf; 'Musical DirecrNls ei Hlhabenngedt-A. Laird . - .Stundav serv ice at Shilrrh ias taken Mr. and Mrs. H. Gale, Coîborne, rSelomon Harris. Newcastle. land at Yoîuuig1 Peoples nmeetinîgoi Sr.; Teachers-A. B. C.-Wmn. Lv- is elu î asbeneigaedbv NIr. j. ..Nî\ellor wiîo gave a fine anflounce the engagement of ttheir Death: Dingman - In Whitby oîa îgî a.lîi cett, Asst.-C. H. Snowden; Wid 10t teach at tire sanie school in Ha. - address fciii tie wcrds lu-J hI da daugliteu-. Miss Ruby Power Gale, i December 24th, Mr.Orile in-NltMan. îd anir. 1hias. Lndrah Awk ls-.LirS. st-Vide5irtouî district wheest agi htTo stoodest ilthe otiier and ýMr. Ou-m Staples Chase. Ro- ýian. brother of Mn. W. Dingma.n, awvstdbssse, M.js E. Twist; Busy \Vorkers Cass- bc fore shte was sick. s(e"cetr .Y omnil.aa itdSssse,_\r.js Mrs. C. Rundie, Asst.-Edna Swal- Congratuulations. t o M.\rs. '«ni. Mrs. Silver antI frieîîds had Suitî- Sanolwoisipo gadal Carscaduheui iho celebrated lier 80th day diuîner îvith lîcr tauglttcr, Mrs. Oli,.er. Brdcttsîbxsit. . _________________________ birhdy n an 4h.Bert Trimm. W'lIl.Ltuîîch wu., served and al N . Ewart anîd Mrley- Rotinsoiî heartv* vote of tîtank tk, hŽ e J nor r un eT wnhpConi dial from Neîvuonville onr Thlrsdav sliipped a îîuuîber of cattlc 10 To- andi lîcpers given. ________________________ a d e a r e a h i o n uer in i t à a t r n t . T l e o m iî n t v iv s ' a r h e I S t uoo u r i O o w iii be ike aller the nexti -iew Mr-. Harold Barrowchouigh, '«es- T itenoomn 10 he sart iliat Mn CoAourgGH10COUNC4 storm. lcx il le, ilsspeidiuig a feiv days witlî urdav Nîs. ercy o egcrttushtou.Ise NIRT'cIGHTesliu R y l Theatre i; H yaig ird iîtou. NaruinCha.hcrs moh'.Ier, îrohn Nickay îv a., wasi hre.- Neiglibolirs ivere Me esiisjunuior himckey teai Cartwright Council held is in- Roya te unthe. MU. has i îrsGeo treon hslitredo r uickl vouithe scene aidr keh(]ttCuîoCnhor at uedyaugurai meeting Januany 10th, at d d lierAlm a B lleheh rthersi tlîr rueIfo r io l i %' ex tîîîutîhcu g a d h an îed ie C obou rg 10 a r.. w ith m em b ers ail p resen t ____________________________sit____ a vu-titlî fricuîds lîcar Porttir pe. boittr. lutiý t ilu1 ctifiiied te ir 'esut t tirsîe uilioeuîroatieinglcasi r eîîleeyhîdîfe lii end Re r. J.Hano t add.essed Yoiuig Perples Leagiuc lield oui bhud. ieîluvoam p pl aer upl a d tli cars icbo11îvî lîreutenulak Cuclx-thafwistutv e Thurs. - Fri. - Sa t. îTiiuir; veliing îvas iiicharge of 1u iiuewa airiv iveil at- lae up ie h Jan 13- 1 - 5 te Ctir, iup Couienor-. Ne--r- tendetl. n. Nieller gave gedal- raille biuiltingi. l)anîage xva..(1,11e 10 cicekuic li ieiobrsblîui ck-hue aknd read a portwinso ctip - Jan.t3î-u4r- TIi -na g I al- arArthres. utTiîîc reîi n lwv tiie laster by water alid tire root aili iibteemoaypîcîn.\Vr iltidcolscorilloue lui tne rsand ored Praion, f ier i ail w i ii t p rgr n t a ln . tliex ýob,'sNte lit. .\CtlitC' lý uut coul- i ut thin. ý'rk i ,. Iu ir f Jcls i leIw ih h ~stn ee oe o A\rtiîur Tlw n ps i:tel iiiitail, dicuîd bv Nir. îtir brn tlît abotut 1j cgilllilgtodav ta repair tire(dauIn-U n,i rg licth , Ihiatofsaed i ieieuiî. thanks, follow ed a 5ote ad- bicl:ino u.t \ cr -nii iiI authc ý'vî-C aushor t 1, tht secondti perivul, leti lis \\'ise- rse r m te m m es o n bricgaîii I(1yd: ii ue! iak'tslntsîecis \ mnuiher froui here atteluded t'le ml.tr 10ii pie i then adjourned tilI 1 p.m. forl mum*p re'uiniu. " ittle. . I.J.R. Greenî attendcd a-il\Anglicanî plav -Good <srac i -)nIai. ic>ixviaivic lulu peiîllnc hîh sprvde y h "tX ~ ~ ~ ýimn rver ini Orolnn r Nr. andul Nîr.. aid in iiBlackstock Tonîw Elî.Hallil . nsui takta îî lcReeve w'ho iras tendered a vote of R.1.lanok.ol *Id% eein. Tie elcio . 1li n utrs <llzv\ ad log wt n uswcre anuiouiced ami spieeches IciS bruaks, tire\ -: cliuol Jacobs Conîtenesmdobui I SALEM I. tI (11 by ilhN ie sceraI candîidates ur'xgas lcCbur oleness. Communications incîuded: r c o C uuc hicil.A f e r d c in rt e ti o li gi l a - C e r k o f t h e P e a c e n o t ic e r e V o t - sevieLINA hrranSvinpath\ ils xeithl uii ai-ee.I)îevsuru efrtgalens' i.st and selecting Jurons: tir tan-ou tie gaie fortievstrwleDp.o gha nifn de Vivien Leigh and Conrad i here last Sunudav. iI etof Tomas Wiluliamnss wlmipassceh Wi..eunaiisceredti lt iceitndrs ie dep.o ihasntf gdt Veidt ~~jantuarv 11h Nîrs. S. Buicry bailî Our clîtrcli ivas wxi lifiled Sin- aîvay Saiiurday . Tire fuineral ci on uul ir,\ Os oaPdiaronPenone:nt.Waidace Veijtcharge of the Y.P.U. program. Rex. day afîernoouî for our Tiiank-Of- Ioiidiay ai NestîetonUn uited Chturrl(Iieiil1gte sacd.Dc eBrc lites Mo.anl Popletangadepuatlacn W. .A. Narchi gave tlie openinug pnay- fering service. Several beautifuil xas largcly atteniîeih. mtrserr o levsir i lcn epn nwofSuo o yy er, Nrs. Buttery tlîe bible readiuîg. planits were îlaced at the froit f Nises Hazeh and Rheula NIeKee, e i'i eîaB r i e eeived and !iof leugo d. D a rk i o u rn e y ,an a New dvY' s tr' L. the church. Rev. W. Rackham took New York, arc sPendig tw w e cona d tiaiagcr ci ng for CoBarr. Matine Saurday2.30p.m. Congregation meeting sa held ai installed ilîrough a bequest eft bv Nins. Fred Hiand, NI-crrius veuanid shile Cbur ui c'-tkna ya eAsso e ture chose of the Y.P.U. meeting to the fate Niss Edna Rey nolds, a liii aud Harold l3eacock visited l iicd truitce. thcy camne very close on mains in force till repealed. -eheet officers for the S. S. Suiper- meunher here for severai vears. Tire dav iii Bownîanvilhe with NIr. aîd several rushes by Gallaglier, Lecîli- 1 Deputation censisting of Jno. Mon. - Tues. - Ved. it,,eut-L. Coomnbes; AssI. Suuî- choir uider the leadershiîî of 'Nîr. G. Nfrns. .Abram Beacock svho have n aîtun anid Barr. B3owuîîanvihle seeuîîcuh Smith and Mn. Bneck o! Burke- ctinent-F. Cator; Secretary-L. Werry, Toronto, favouîned with isin beeui sers xi lcouteuit ta protect their leaîi all ton aPpeau-ed before Council wit.h Jan. 17 - 18 - 19 Wesh; AssI. Secretars-G. Barrie: aîîihems. Rev. Luigene Beech, Newix \Irs. George olisadBilt are oan v nal ateuîîp 1 arrythe phl)a\suggaesioea to Bewmatihe ope rn. Treasuer- L.. Stîuair : Nissionianv touivilue. gav e a venv thougiufîul anîd Viitig liTornowhr ilie ils ayra terp ocar ie-a.Ceaeat omni pn Supîteintcieiiet- Nîrs. F. Cator; ficeful suidres vhicliîwas întîch liii uug uiý ifi.. eattedcil 10 Howeven, îhev bncîke lomns' "iiaf .tellcri Referred tO Counties Council for I __ j \i'invinenet j -.i.nuigcitc. 0, Ioito eeatîîiîM' ndîlîrearrTi more_\ar, goaist ad trediscuoaSSion.scsson '~g-HI Teiiprauce upninenduit F.L ahircuîci (Di Noîîîaxevliuîi. Nî an 'iH T - thcorrtead.W'iiiniige ctîeiitîvce ylW ws psse esimain " f o g o &S iIii ua'ir : C r a le R a il S p e r ii te tu e i - uîî) ý o n e I l i c C- i e l t e r a d j h n a a . vt u r t ta . W t e i g y a UT N*-s Ni.I. wiît : .\t. C rad e I tili 3-act coieiicu'The l .tics f Ai !i .îtsi wiî iil !iî h)cpe iv auheu tone i i ltisthe oad expenditu e for 1938 at - up .-N iss H. Tho npstn; Piaist Tie lans re iull ake an d t i ellrranit. i.eliaiii scneih for C 1b r, w r ~VK1 I -misN. I.Collacuti t; s .NI..S. tiresided an eveiig of fuin for a] Ia .5îîss frnîGallaghitr. THE P C.ordes ere $ 14.10 B li ue r . T e a c lie r s : b il e îc l<s uî- VF . l' T het t~k A L f l kn îi i u a itvn s : H . lm pt : dc b s E r . C . oi e r $nt n g1 24 . 0 ~~ g s niiuîg laiie- -Nîrs. JL. Sqtiair : AssI. Btui'naii eiitrtaiuied i 'h vocal suel- lutte(-2 fcîc. î5îitr.ouîaîîd Panker; cenître, N. H. Marlow. School - i . S Biîcv uiiirNîs E ettm'w id vee niciaîuhrec'i i LesIJlîcîs i ù.. 'iiuieniiugc ant itRcc Officer 10.00 * * t________________________________ lt-ru------,Niellais, Aune., B i rdt. Reeve. servc's B. et Health 8.00 lInfans-Nîr.. F. 'Caton: Assist.- NIr. and Nrs. N. E. W«righit, PRIDE IN ONE'S COUNTRY XieiaîanduiWtoods. S.5 Jeffrey, Sanitary M issi.. elsh. Chtircli maîters kiuhgeîilie. Nfr. andîi Nrs. C. \\ enrx. ________ t. l urg-gemal _Ni. jactibs; de- insetr80 iccre ai-e atcideul teaivhit Perc\ Oshbawa, Nfis, NoraW'ry Ked- (Huntsville Foresteri fucîc. hlastoraît aîîd Baunbridge ID. McArtbur. M.H.O. 100.00 Catini antdlLe., Coi nbes xi re aditeul runu. ai NI r. S. E. Wer'. . When Hon. Herbert A. Bruceauceîntrakaier;aiîeruîaîes. oogn. Booth exps. B. Elct'n 058.00 tate e.,csitîuîaundHarxcy Barrie tea îs \airCrdlnaii m- necently retired Lieutenant-Gor. W'iuitr Ie;annTiekner, ileuiieti. jBonotanepon nink 44' 5.00 tire Board tif Steivants. proving aften ber criticalilihîess wmitli ennor. was appeinted te that high WReferar ircker, Bnt.mboung R ceenretnd 40 _Nîrs. Nîmols, Teroniton.visited ier bremuchiai pneuuinîîia. Nîrs. Chas, office. Geonge JamesBao!rheoBou-g.1 idaughten, Nirs. il. Gatnd. Wiî she Sm.ithî andi chihdren are aiso recov- manrille Statesman, !eatured thue Idôg t.ax- 4.00 returned home ber granîîson, Ralpli ering. tact that the new Gevennor wa .\Çmso.P. aay 00 Simpson returned with her 10 speuîd Nessrs; Thoinas anîd Johni Baker born near Bewmanrille. Keeptng CH R H O K11.25ptwod $.0 Mai stue îveekend in Toronto.. and Chias. Shortridge ivere ini Co- a close eye on the developmnent of CHU CH tagseeip. w11.2900 Maiesbourg atîerîding the Fruîit Groiîers* Public appointments since that LEAGUE OPENED Counicîl adjourned to meet Feb. Mo.23 .. Wd a.Convention. time. has convinced us that most '7th, 2 p.m MOfl. 2.30p.m.ve tee 4 p.in. \rs. S. 17. \erry sisited lier sis- o! the great men o! Ontario are The îchedule for church league W. Beacock, Clerk. p 'Good en hofave thedowest ter. Mrs. 1-larry Grooms, Torouuti>. claimed for the Bowmanville sec- hockey was duair up Thurisday TH CRS0FAWNE' fas bt H geao ea t e o uaong 'NIr. ant iNrs.. W \illiamns, l'ort tion. The Iatest is Hon. Albert j eventing. as weli as the rules to TE MIPOFR N TE thoas but ogas vefean i ba a Prrv, at 1Nir. Chas. Hoiisais'. Matthews, the new Lieutenant.-'gorern playing. MR th o san wî o l as ver o m e it N Ir. a i- îr . W s e Y î o v e s1 e e n r w ho, w e learn from j I l w as decided th at S t. P a u l's, 1 icill Nîr.and M. jc ini T Statesman' was bon n ai1 St. Andrew's. St. John's. St. JosII ie the crisp e! a winten's monn. ______________________________________________ Tornto. Lindsay. wh-ich is "in ibis part of eph 's and two teams !rom 1Thnity And tbe îing O!fiLs nortlî-born Svînpailix i.. c tîi ireh fani- the country." according te t he xol enter the league, each to1 air. iiv of tue laie Thomiîas Williamns isin Bewmanvilîe* editor. One cannothvaliio s1pyrset And I like the cnuncli o! the frost- ~ , Ias-eui aisay ai t hiIonie ucar Caes but admire Ib-is form o! pride in 'in te Nelson E. Osborne, generai ae snow, are as îeek.ne co it. Som e m orn nng :m anager, by January 7th.' ea. my e t as o r k I t r . a ~~~ s ~~~~ ~ ~~ a a11 Hueaui\loiCul vil i mcde epe e saeu and tind Play îîill take place at tue Pub- And I like the fields se quiet and Tuedax t'veîîiiug. Jan. hSîii. Ir. Ni. George claiming St. Thomas as a. lic School rink witiî games begin- stin, A\. Caimbell. Sec. ofthfIe Truisices r subunb of Bewmanville. :ning at 9.30 eacb Satuxday morn- 'Neath the blanket that winter .îti Rt l iuns ssmciaI ili.To- îng, wore. We quote ridiculously 10w prices -to dean up the \i. ý,ýk li trei %vC j leSt owe ohave he p lick 0f alny raeree i ld nemn balance of Our "Stephenson Stock," and the prices mif'hum.. n laer fom iany heh flot n laretn, i h odpn quoted belOw should convince the most skeptica..We - LIpllIIa.IyUNterlist stsny tted. gnoren have many other bargains not ILsted here. Cthes and IIIMUItMEII *I' Gamesandîinavehtbree texi priesîgnre. W mst ak rom or ewstok.NESTLETONj minute peniods and tive minutes And I like the calm o! a winter*s j ______straight oeitime. Managers lvil night, Men's Suits - values to, $16.95 clearing $595 ~' be allowed te reteree any game As the moen peeps ol'eu- tIhe hill: Nceut nmi Wu iîcilîî..iîutc net '£ therta.,ntsu ontauWe h vodfr mk uo boy' vecots--vaue to$995 olarng $25 \euieuaxaferim> u x'th iun VWlapîyig. RoentKet te9hine tps Corne in and be convineed of the Big Savings offered i lr N . . hitn -l 1m. Iiie laes \nuii. \snm4tiiut 11e n n.ul1iin.)i,3NS %%m , i Ii]i1ý<lhnlii- i n i NIri-. F1\, sIl Rn nhU( nh1)1)iîî-1 mebr r Iio h i n'i aine u îl. 1fm mu- Saturdays miipuiers tm cltn . u uan>n ;v. ti I l ILýT lhr gi cmliiti . -cu .îaundmî it. r' îs ' 1ql11lu-ln n liv Xcid eans lt"nnnOHiiii 'SSpeetal Rates for Parties hi'lcuh iîs lusiciuI lv a X htt n u u ît Nr ~mmmiht~k'Dfiî cîei oluiohmlî a liii Iuuick sup-of it HosyBlock L. W'. Nelson, Mgr. Yî',ur iinutin X'N cuiYvr hIIltu liiisbandus. Prognanuivwas a.,fil loîvi NORMAN H. TAYLOR ~ o se iiru~ îug a ndih thie folhîmiîiitg "i1111 Phone 651 - Bo -Am anviUîe uhuici 13' Nrs. J. W . BaIson a ntdl jaîî hiers i tilie preigralît: reauIiiugs, NIrs. _____________________ vadiiîgs by Nfrs. R. Robbins, i Nî1rs. Proprietor K.BmItui Ns. Thoiiiîseiîand NMrs. \fcEsvei5; a paper on iiMlaking Life'____________________ Along Canada's Mining Higyhway Froîîî co.t te ca>t the âggc t,_ ug plIantit beiîîg installed prepar.. sive expansion goes on - - îillgiîîg It,,rýto ii urgYqLiind (evelopmeïnt ~f tlu e\tCiWýive orebodies indicated resu]t tlat iiiiicat e ançrthu r lt - r lic lia lu iiidrilling. Fernland i s cord of prodluction fo193)S. preparing for shaft sinking. Kerr The Province vi Quuhlcc î the Addîi~isonContintICS dlevelopmIent on a scelle of gctatvt.E. î large cale. Mlartiii-Bircl is shaping artic Gold Mines, now ue igH)wcl ihiratnw ore underground, shows definitelv a "big îleselopn1eiits in the west section. mine" ouitlook. Adju ining on iithe KirkI.îîd ILake Gold, Pamiour and east, the Rand Malartic prcperty 3îil 'ncierciemc a. reprts geddao dirlliiig re- ,îîrall commnît in the older mining 01t , O the Laconia [ro;K rs di tricts. Albany River and Uchi are Tavernier townîship excepticl e oîin pimotnl i h at snlIts are reported fromiî ir- iev rida istict. work undergroîund. The Eaýt La- COnia people are planunin(iii ixu Alburta reports nîuch good news, drilling. lI the wvest sectionîof thte indicatiîig this Province as a poten- Province, Powell and Beattie liûwil big sruirce oi Cil supply for the hecaltlîv developmlenî.r Britih Emîpire. Oun the West Coast r f Vanîcouver Island a nesv camnp JI'n the Larder Lake district ofi.,~ caîîlîîg sonic exçcîtcent. Bra- Ontario, great activity i.appae1hu i ruc and VYmir YankeeGirl rcport At the Barber Larder mrrcî in-î favourable developnîients. (Advt.) A man can be a good cleal surer 'roney thian about how he should about Iiow YQu should inve.st. your invest biis own. COWLING SELLS FOR LES and Serves You WeII Your eyes are 100 ABS&C Tablets 9c 100 A.S.A. Tablets 19C -1.00 Iron aÏd Yeast Tablets 69C 16 oz. Cod Liver Oil 49c tested here free and absolute satisfaction is guaranteed. Hot Water Botties Ace - - - - 39e Seiberling - - - 69c Nycest - - - - 89c Sphinx - - - - $1.09 Blue Ribbon - - $1.39 DeLuxe guaranteed for 4 years - - - - $1.79 Baby Bottles --69c Cornb. fittings --39c Soap Specials 10 Cakes Castile 25C 4 Carbolie - - 19e 2 Millc Magnesia 15C 3 Cakes Jergen 's 10e Soap & 25c Perfuine AIl for - - - - 25c Nova Kelp Tablets 79c $1.39 Dodd's Pis 27c Vacuum Botties 29c 1-lb. Hospital Cotton 29c 83e Noxema Now 59c W'hen in need of a truss let us fit you Phone os 695 P. R. CO WLING, Druggist59 JANUARY Clearance Fi's.t Qiîa lit -.\-("itadliiilii adeFir 'fimu d iff alies Vohv' t O'et'so in Br-ow'n or B]ack : Iligit. Low- or Cuiban Ilîmîs: Sizes 3 1-2 10'7 1-2. Ex-cii- pair iau l Ilteed Re -fflar$2,9S On$ 185 Sale The Arcade Store King Street Bowianville Week-end AL Spectal qmiAV8 Gold Medal PIum Jam - Special........... jar 21c Stuart's Strawberry Jam, 32-oz ......... jar 25C 8-oz. Jar 9c TIGER SALMON, 1 's tin 27e LAXO CEREAL a30 LIPTON 'S RED LABEL TEA 1,bg 33c ROASTED PEANUTS per lb. 12c SALT, Red & White 21/, lb. pkg. 5c PICKLS, Flcon(plain or iodized) PCLS acnSweet Mixed jar 25e ORANGES Are Very Low - See Our Prices TODDY, '/,Ib. tin Free with lb tini for 40c CROWN SYRUP, 2*s tin 18c Red & WhIte Flour 24 lb. bag 69c JEWEL SHORTENING 2 lb. 27e SANDWICH BISCUITS 2 lb. 25c RINSO small pkg. 9c- large pkg. 23c P.& G. SOAP 5 bars 21c HAWES FLOOR WAX 1 lb, tin 42c Peas - Corn - Toinatoos 1 Uin of each 3 tinsl 27c .hn F. W. NELLES Poe596 Bowmanvjlle s t. I mýý THURSDAY, jANUARY 13TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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