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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 7

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g. THURSDAY, IANUARY 131H, 1938 Tl-lEC.\NA\IIAN ST.ATESM.\AN, BOWM.\NVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright mainie visited Lt.-Col. H. A. Sau- of Ridgeville were guests of their 'Hilton over the weekend. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. 'm nulcnge James.meeting of St. Andrews Prest Mr. Edward Hawkey, Prince AI- terian Chiurch is being held ri beit, Sask., is visiting his sister and aunt, Mrs. Garnet McCoy and Thursday, Jan. 20, at 8 p.m. Mrs. J. H. Mutton. Messrs. C. H. Carter, Tom C. M.- Vernon Westaway and Mr. ter,' Miss Dorothy Carter and M~ and Mrs. L.S. Dumas and Ro- Greta Tomlirison attendedt ________________________National Bakers' Convention Toronto this week. Mrs. Harry Brust. Rochest NY.and Mr. and Mrs. Clý Morrison and Raymond, Toron Radio epaier were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. SERVICE Edmondstone and Miss Dingir Alin & Leggott. radio rep men. report splendid resuits fri their first advextisement in ' Statesman two weeks ago.A a other advt. appears in this issu Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawl Bethelton. Sask., are visiting th daughter. Mrs. Garnet McC and his sister. Mrs. J. H. Mutt Wellingt.on Street. Mr. J. M. Denholm, editor ' News-Tribune. Blenheim, was Ail Work Guaranteed guest of his former pastor, Rev. muu.m ~Savison. on Monday anda ALI~ &LLLiIIfavoured the editor ofTh ti Bowmanville Oshawa Norman Taylor, who ownsa Phon 60 Phoe 81-M operates Whitby Skating Rink, vites his many Bowmanviilea Durham County fri-ends to co JANUARY Furniture Clearance JANUARY CLEARANCE 0F STUDIO COUCHES Regular values to $49.50 Sale Price............. $23.75 to $3 7.50 BED OUTFIT - Bed, Sprmng, Mattresses limited quantîty. . -- January Clearance DRESSERS - Walnut finish, swing airrors, 3 deep drawers January Clearance AXMINSTER RUGS - Popular 6'9x9 size, modern designs January Clearance MATTRESSES - Spring-filled factory samples, twin sizes only . January Clearance CRIB OUTFIT- Decorated panel style with drop sides, 3-pes. -. January Clearance $14.95 $12.95 $1575 $15.00 $12.75 DIVANETTE - Oak frame upholstered. in tapestry chesterfield style January Clearance $13.50 y ENGLISH PRAMS - 1938 Showroom Samples, regular $47.50 value . . January Clearance $35.00 BREAKFAST SUITES - Buffet, table and 4 chairs, ivory trimmed red, green or black, Regular $32.50. January Clearance $24.75 VANITIES - Modern walnut designs, Regular to $37.50 -. January Clearance $19.95 BEDROOM SUITE - Vanity, Chest, Bed with mattresses and spring, ivory shaded green enamel 5-piece Suite January Clearance $49.50 NOTE :- You.r choice of any $25.00 article in our stock . .. If we cannot duplicate and seil for less ..any furniture item advertised by Toronto stores during January Sale. F.-F. MORRIS Co. Directors of Funeral Service Furniture Dealers Phone 480 Jal Fur Now In The v Drastic reductions on ai] Hudson Pur Co. is h( who are intereste take advai This is the Sale yo Don't Delay BUDGET PLAN To Suit Your CON VENIENCE The Ei Phone 594 - up and see hlm Wednesday or. i Saturday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Lou W. Chapple, BiU.ings, Montana, have been vis- iting his sister. Mrs. F. M. Scuch.H w i o rS b c pt n? and brother. Mr. Frank Chapple. It is 17 years since Lou visited his uva, native coufty. i Ie iish to thank the many subscribers who during re- Harry Allin, popular King Street cent weeks have païd up thefr subseriptions to The Statesman. i a grocer, who broke his ankle just ,b-before Christmas. is making rapid , Incidentally, no increase in subseriPtion price is being madle at sy progress. While hie has net re- this time, but the two- dolar- a- Year rate is on the understand- ext turned to the store he is able to îng that youi subseription ils paid-in-advance. Therefore if be out cf bed and gets about the 'a-house with the aid cf crutches. your label reads prior to January lst, 1938, your subseription 4iss Ths.rebs dy.t .J il n arregars. The mailing~ lists have been corrected to meclude the Chalfls' Garage where new auto ail subscriptions received at this office Up to Januar-y 7th. in license plates fer 1938 are obtain- Look at your label now, for we, too, somgetimes make mistakes. ed. Motorists are given helpful. courteous and eficient service We hope to have the full co-opera.tion of ail subseribers ter. with a smile thrown in by the at- in this regard, as only through prompt payanent of subscrip- lark tendants who willingly.help you tions can the standards of this newspaper be maintained. This 1 fill eut the application form stat- ýnt.o.igcorceyshar gtec. is partlcularly true In view of the growing costs incurred ni A.g At itso eyast rguairmeiet .o publishing a weekly newspaper. You can do your part by ian. Tuesday night. the High School coming in now or sending In your remittance to, pay youi Pair Board cleaned up ail cutstanding subseription in advance. These accounts are smai individual- rom business preparatory for its in- The auguraI session in FeIur. This ly, but in the aggregate they are a serious matter to a news- An- Bcard*s first session is a inonth paper in these days of higher costs of publication. .alater than other boards as it has M. A. JAMES & SONS. key. tc await appointments 'I-cm the leir Town Counicil and fi-cm the Ccuri- ~Cy, ties Council. ______ ______________ ton, Childi-en and grown-ups. toc, are making good use these days TI-e and nights cf the open air skat-an olc MrriSso iedu thr sa ing rink at the Central school lair.. c\Ic lectionsad unlMroieSsnlndupti- ;S. grounds. Isnt it a downright Meetinigs. The cusboim lias been as! teanis and the girls went af ter also shamie that Bowmanville hasnt a shown ini the last election. for .a, that flying piece of rubber like tes- ccvered rink? Sort cf galling toc catniai ority of citizenls to exerciseexrece vtern.W ntw that ail oui- OH.A. hockey games tIijr f ranchise on lection dav and minutes cf the game elapsed Miss andareplaed wayfrc hoe-ad lotto liother attending counicil mneet- Sisson grabbed the loose puck at in- the juniors leacing the group. iîîes.it, filed out what problemis are eteieadse oad h and Weil, that*s something te be proud hiîg conf ronted and overcomne. The enemy goal. She split the stal- mre cf. says Mo Breslin. siepicrable part is that elected off«c-watdfnefEhlSaran Mi- nd i-s Ir F.Peace.jais have been so readilv and hcartily Olive Brown and neatly placed Mr. nd Ms. Ia F.Peare. the rubber hehind Ruth Goode in Bowmanville. Mi-. and Mrs. W. J. i -.dfran ok hylac h nt.Tis was the only score S, ickrd.Shaws. Mrs. W. H. 1 'Ilne.Jitlias been înostly (destict - tent.T adMr. Howard Pearce. Mi-. and ive criticiril which coulsieliaini' cf the game but Miss Cobbledick's team came close more than once. Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mi-. Albertj fromn people toc disintercstcd 10 VoteHceritas-0 Weatyu Pearce. Newcastle. attended al or take office thiensel\ s5. obonhdt gvtegil bîrthdlay dinner at Mr-. and Mrs. Greater s.upport tcr sp),rt ildt. urhole hearted spoti theil Geo. A. Pearces. South Darling- 1 is. svork,. Hockey, baseball and future. ton, on Janguary 4th in honor cf ti'tîe anm.. ave i-uni into debt îfl ______________ Mi-r. jas. L. Pearce on the occasion Ille p.t.t. (Ille tc poci- support. and(l WNOMýEN'S ASS'N. MEETING of his 82nd biithday. Mrs. R. C. l i as hi-en almorî sdefunlct ______ Pearce and Miss Louise assisted in f i seveirai cars. until goos] Scout W. A. meeting cf Park Street J en:,eitaining the guests. Trucp. were establis.hcd \t tIti- United Church was held on Tues-' Members cf the Lions Club, te- prs.eit ligne titirt are fe\w orgatti!- day. January llth. The meeting gether with their wîves. nuniber- ati nu iin towNvito ,ccciiitlcI(lte ori-a opndb Mis .Dv, ing well oýver forty. att.ended the give tIlleti-opei- Isader>lhil 10 teti , convenger cf the devotional part. Charter Night cf the new Port Iago, ),ls. and] girls. Record, shiOw -lxth Mrs. W. Hoar at the piano. Perry Lions Club on Monday tîtat mecmbers, cf clusel cdonî shosv Two very interesting readings night. They wei-e entertained at tll,5îîîel\cs tu lit delinqiient Stai âiweîe given by Mrs. C. Wood ai-d a banquet floor show and dance later age. !Mrs. W. M. Souch. after which which was staged in the high S.îfetv lights t Post O0f fice ail,]I various monthly reports were read school. Over 200 attended the ev- \liiîis corners. One rnemgber and general business discussed. ent te see the new club get away e,)aiidhwlebdbc I PeietMs oc se h to a fine start. H. G. Hutcheson. exiined ow liealfas] bein nerckresidge M trs. ucOsked ote Port Perry retired. banker. and a thei <i or nerfs. tmoing r ck rte t cpreiet rs.s terhonut native of Bowmanville ta secretary atthforcre. tescr.ttaehehirhnthenua cf he ew lubplainied of the spced with whichi cars reports were sead. Secietary's re- of th new lub.and trucks ent throughi town and port by Mrs. Wm. Souch; treas- ___________________ advocated the erection of stop lighits urer's and financial treasurer's which wouldi give oncomiers f roi report. given by Mrs. J. Dickscn; Clb cross streets and pedestrians a chance ýcori-espcnding secretarys report Rotary C u to cross thc street without endanger- by Mrs. J. Eaglesen; the report by ing their lives. the Quilt committee given by Miss (Continued from page 1) Other improxemlents included: L. Allin. Gieter co-operation betsveen mer- years, but action has been negigible. chants in solvin g their owîî prob-! DISTRICT L. 0. L. HERE Last surgmer plans were made for lemsn, more buvNing at home, estab-, severai improvemients, but f , Il lishmnent cf the Communi1 ity l Park Clai-ke District L. O. L. met in throughi. beguîi somie years ago bN ithe Ro- Orono Orange Hall Tuesday af- Esthiihmnt f aFamer, Mr-tai-v Club St considerable expense ternocon, January llth, for their kEtablishaienbasbo e a cornenuieuar and since ncglected. arnual meeting. with a good at- ,.ct hf lorlseera yascomtentmer- The discussioni was iîtererting aud Itendance. Plans were made for chanet fo eve l ld dretrmrdeait tîntes quite exciting. But aslus-, the West Durham County meet- ccunthfeliir owopswhet t talier alic action was taken on aur of ing which will be held in Orone are quite in favor of the inove as a th-e topies. but the seed scwn fr -tht inesM ai-ch Afer a gposofdeac mneans cf hiinging more ]businecssr Ë diiect,is and(. 1committe ce in oik fbusoing ohad e e disosed cfnth town. To date lio one lbas taken auin aud c-te .. lve. C fointllwne ficrdeeelce n i-fiite tuo(ve toward its establihi.- Past Pi-esident C. T. Ross~. Ch Ir-ilti. P .Wr r.R .W men-ft. ian ot the PrograînCcrnîuiittec , dBre. R.9R. Wad- lt.. commnercialization in t Il e ok charge cf Ille liscu un(ýi calliîtg W. D. M.-W. Bro. F. T. Couch, clisîrces ini the manlner of homîe- cît meîub. rs (cf the club11)tolIrezeut :6,Nwate maecookiîîg sales, . ,bazaars, tleur views. 26, ND cal.-.G eka,31 i~~istr aîinoter ickt Jolii" W, ueS~ andO, Newtonville. so cltlefr tict îcîrpo..c c -l,,,îîgCacsarea; Loti W. Chapple, Billings, D. R. . -A St. lohs Aîîgicaîî Ciurch icitaîta, and< forîuerlv a re.ideîît .SC .B-w,49 r i . Jh' nlcnCuc onanil.ad '.Digt.ono. i. the cnly church iîî town which cf Bwaiil.aî 1 D.Duht. D. D.T-J. H. Walsh, 409, Or- lias made a supi-eme effort ce soîve 'ilCharge of tht \\Walker Store dur - ono. this problcmi by canvassing its mecm. ing A.. K. Clittý's absence. Lect.-G. R. Moiton. 409, Orono. bers, for iîîcreased and direct giviîîg. D. Lect. - Wcr. Bro. G. H. The plan, we cnderstaîîd, has been a A L S C O L Brown, 409. Orono. comîtîtete success. fteM YC O ES H O D. Marshall-T. A. Reid, 311. \Re-e.taldlishînieiit of h Bowniaîî SKATING RINK IF Newtenville. ]île Dai Cluîb, ait active organ- N Auditors-Geo. Springham, 265, 1ztii)r9mta evNcrbakan DAMAGE IS DON Newcastle, W. E. Davey, 409, Or- !ono. one \vilîi tensltd tcward dcvelepîig (continued from page 1) The mtte faDsrc a an .1pp1reciaticu c f literature aîndasefitrofaDtic ly draina in ys'ung people ands esta!) tainty as te who ordered any was lef t over until the June lIcl in theîu confidence ;nd bli\geods. rn n h epn meeting. The District is again lisled îîs ablî~ The school rikadter spospnsoring a Degree Team which t' Sct and csx)rcs. theinselve ini sibility of the bea.rd towards any- i will cempete for the H. C. ShiP- pubt]lic. one injured thereon was question- mani Shield at the G. O. L. of On- Ai l evator in the Hosital. ed by Tr-ustee Edger. "The rink i tario East meeting which will be Siîîce the liosîital was establislicd la net supervised all the time and held in Port Hope this year- patients liave becît carrie(l cîr and is being used by the general pub-____________ slcwîî the stairs tither to the operat- lie," said Mi-. Edger. "An acci- iîîg i-cdu or te the î.pper story dent could easily happen either by OBITUARY -wai-ss. \luch inceltvenieltce. tinte, a f lying puck or by semeone strik - - -______6____ aîîd work for the nurses wotld bc ing one cf the posts which sup- Mrs. Elsie Hoskin. Oshawa avoidesl h5 an elevator. port the boards. Are we hiable in Fýorînatioti of a Dental Cliîtic to a case cf that kind?"1 Elsie Rolson. widow cf the late calri-fcr teeth of poor chilsîrcî. Titis The board suggested that a le- Frank Hcskin, died at the Oshawa wscik lias been partlv cared for by. gal opinion be obt.ained on the General Hospital on January 11, sehools aînd service clubs, but uîî- mratter and also that the town after a very lengthy illness. She deîîbtedly could ble coîîsîserablv ilui- counicil be interviewed te super- wvas bot-n in Gravenihurst, Ont., on proved by a dliie, vise the rink during heurs when Mai-ch 8. 1883, being in her 55th Greater interest in munîicipal afi- a sehool or a Lions Club super- yeai-. The late Mrs. Hoskin was viser was net present. Aso thato predeceased by her husband nine theybe rqueted e asumeie- vars ago, aind a xescdent Mcf Osh- ORONO GIRLS PLAY IHOCKEY bye 5to ieir Comlint - AS f-r l-l-s----I wa * *,jg. iont. Since taking Fynnon &ait i feel like e f. - .ome inl rig.. On Tuesday evening with great tewm-an and my oniy compaint seem to b ' away. ineet he girls' hockey team uin- grand appetiteand a body full of encrgy'. inteestFynnon Sait neutralizes the Urie Adid that der the direction of Miss G. GaI- causes rheumnatic pains, gout. lumbago. sciatica, lo\vay stepped on the ice at the etc. Fynnon Salt brjngsquck relief fronpain- Oron Rin tostart pre season limbe feel supple and free once again. A 3.j Orono Rnk to easpoonful of Fynnon Saltî in a tumblerful oi irl is S h »Ptraining. Jim Powec's and Ronald uaer every îorning equals in medicinal effect Pattersen \were tlhe two coachies thrce large glasses of the minerai spring waters instrction found at famous British spas. and under their able isrco Now in your own home. you can obtain Bow'manville the girls learned seme of the f in- imiiar benefits front a large 75c package of er points of thse game and later Fynnon Sait. Get it froin your druggisc. soday. If you have any difficulcy getting supplies,, ______________________________ played a twenty minute game. write: Laturentian Agencies, Si. Gabriel Street, Miss Enid Cobbledick and Miss Montreal. 4 February 10-Infant Murphy 10-George Wm. R. Weekes, 54 12-Harriett Corden, 72 16--Joseph Laphen. 73 22-Jessie May Blake 22-Frederick Lyle, 62 28-Elizabeth Heighton March 2-F'rederick A. Foster, 69 2-Elizabeth Burgess 3-Margaret Jane Peters 3--George W. Raby. 47 4-Winnifred M. Miller 9-Normian John Beckett 30-Frances M. Annis April 1-Martha Berry 4-Mary E. Senkler, 64 9-Johin W. James 10-Carl A. Dunn, 10 10-Alice Louise Kent, 57 13-Alice M. Morrison, 82 19-Elizabeth Ccx. 81 20-Susanna Kestle. 83 24-Mary Ann Werren, 70 30-Betsy Knight Wcnnacott, 76 May 1-Mary Ann Dustan. 80 3-Margaret McLaughlin. 81 6-Richard Henry Hamley. 70 7-Morley Wilkins 20-Emma Elizabeth Armistead, 71 20-Thomas Bruce Gilchrist 28-Williami George Rundie 28-R-oy Hooey 30-Kenneth Walter Kellett 30-Verna Marie Kellett 31-Edwarcl Lambert 30-Louise Aberta Williams, 84 June 6--Louise V. McClung 6-Elizabeth Crossey 22-Edith Mabel Harris, 36 23-William H. Turner, 38 July 12--George Henry Herrington 21-Mary Edith Welsh, 62 28-James Edwin Flett, 69 25-Dona]d E. Galbraith, 81 August 7-William Wrght 12-Mark Albert Alun 17-T'homas B. Penfound 22-Thomas Hamblyn, 81 23-Maurice Booth 27-Albert E. Corden. 7 days 25-William Henry Jordan, 79 30-Neil MeEchren 31-Isabella A. Eagle September 10-Frederick H. Bounsaîl 2-Thom.as Summersford, 40 16-Jane Burley 27-William Welsh 1 qu ý * ý wm wqý m m wi lh'r Fm 0% ý A eut potato rubbed over knives stained with fruit wifl dcean thern in no time. "«Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. in Granite and Marbie. FENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, 7for rour 7next entertaln- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto.1 Eve Prices Adults Children 30e lOc It's Colossal! It's Terrific! The Funniest, Fastest Picture Ever Made "On Again Off Again"l - With - Bert WHEELER Robert, WOOLSEY Also Prairie Thunder-News Events 81 Shoi Subjects tas. - 2.15, Coming Next Mon.-Tues.-Wed. Ees - 7&9 v.m. MIDNIGHT SHOW ONSUN E VE Jan. 16Y 12.05 Sls 30c "Spy of Napoleonm" World News Events Added I 1 N"ot So Feature ShI AskidF orUl It Dumb" Comedy PRESCRIPTI OMS Carefully and Accurately Dispensed Bring your prescriptions to your I.D.A. Store. Each one is Largest carefully and accuately filled with the purest ingredients. Or phone Stocks 792 and we will eall for the prescription, fi it and deliver it TONIC -m 0F LIME) DIRECT FROM 1?HE MONASTERY TO YOUI: WiII build you up rapidly. Used suc- cessfully for over 1 50 yers-for nerveus debility-diseoses of the brain-anaemio-diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing chdldren and te aged. GOLO MEDALS WON M, WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS 0F HYGIENE PRICE S1.00 UNITED CIGAR STOIRE AGENCY BARGAINS West's - - - 17e Toothpaste Pinex - - - - 32e Corega - 24c - 39e Pinkham's - 87e Vegetable Compound Dodd's Pis - 27e FeIlow's Syrup 89e SPECIAL 60e Italian Balan 25c Fitch's Shanipoo 85c Value Both For 59e NOVA - KELP TABLETS N atsres tonic and body bsilder, c o ru- sisting cf h e a luh- giving itatural rmin- ci-aIs a nt d vitaînins supplied by Atlanîtic deep sea kelp. For practically every kiîîd cf ailment. Uncon- ditionallv guaranteed. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 750 $2.79 Prescriptions A Specialty Alex McCre[or Phone 792 Drus We Deliver October 3-Herschell Hooper, 42 23-Mary A. G. Trul 24-John Bernard Mitchell, 79 November 1-Mary Ellen Coyle, 67 3-Harry Clifford Caverly, 61 22-Ethel Baumhard. 57 25-Mary Isabella C. Edgerton December 4-1jarry Fry, 67 3-Maria Mason 5-John Fegg 6-Infant Daniel Sheehan 6-Anthony Mitchell, 77 il-Infant Milne lO--Julia Burley, 77 li-sabella Bickell. 75 13-Maria Hobbs, 88 15-William Heard 16-Michael Henry Vickery, 65 28-Mary H. Warder 28-Norman L. Allen. T- I NERMENT Si 1Boiwmanvî1le Cemeterv 1937 Following ta the officiaI list cf interments in Bowmanville Cerne- tery during 1937. The dates are those on whNch deceased passed away. Figures following a name denotes the age, and xhere figures are net used the age does not ap- pear on the record. This ta not a record cf alI who died in Bow- manville during the year, as those interred in outside cemeteries are net included. Many of these litt- ed died e]sewhere and their re- mains brought te Bowmanville. January 1-William Henry Jacks 4-Jane Gibson 12-Rebei-t Fisher Beith, 58 12-Fred J. Manning, 75 13-William Luther Law 15-Greorge Bai-ton, 65 20-Jemima E. Stapleton 21-Mary Jane B. Clemens 26-Henrietta Eastman 28-Margaret Mary Ai-meut 28-Infant Hilderly 28-Eleanor Jane Clemenger _q 11 4 s

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