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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT T HE__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A R O H U S D A , A N A R Y 1 3 H , 1I W4 F H bd ~~~he coming generations. -aYb himelfnûtseriousl y L eîh o cain n r llsGîfn Ohw.eein Ifn i lyn ae n osrato htge HiDS For Nomeoies they will think thern quaint! he does hurt himself once, it Ibis . viated Mrs. Mary Griffin.Osa , Written for The Statesman At The Pler own punishment and he wilI flot E e ih d c to iie r.Mr rfi.1eeigw pn npaigcr b o s acn t usa dw ma - do it again. Look back and see if Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W right and 13BLA CKSTO CK. Yog e ope U in e o in d 8 aksi m ria m r Jessie Allen Brown a et ee m s fth ag os ae b e as bad a tanrum If Ad M s in k isteded tM s. fth S.Jo s A gia Ch ch hir. CaYounto Wores biwsn iv e n _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ a t seefa s tof e s adge bma n- o a vt e ivens hd r n tbis own if B r sdl yW m b. e V st d M- Friday eve .ing with Vice Presi- thBrad.ley te arou. WhenYutaebuhaeben.ead Annual meeting of the A.Y.P.A. dent miss Jessie Hogarth mntb than0yasl. that0corne ontthth Sarbour.,Wbengyocbaveryouahaveobe noreward-aS mpath Heithe exciseFredoA yama ard, no alyion the was eki at the rectory on wed- b onald Thompson. Miss Jesie we bavc e m oraloseu ve, n adbhaiurBemmeri0death of a loving husband a.nd nesday. Suybo hpe nxra h il esn Wbere are the antiques and the variety of freigbî that cornes in ence, and no results. StdyboC. f ather.xredth Bbl eson H.Tuck fth uur ocon s mzng bu taken by Miss Vera Forder. Mr. r'eading was given by Ted Johns, heirlo ms of he fuure to corne s amaing. A out th seco d Opt. in Lin say. rvnc i . . . o ferened the d progeram R .W in c ha .0 from? SmaUler bouses are being week in December one of the A Roa.st of Veal Mt.iLs. Fe EProstd rensLvernc ittahlttne A.eadpaerb e.W.Rcbm bujit with very little roorn for Ducbess boats was at one end of YWePhave iust finishede a filet of inEchargeho thepir ad he scniaatthe Wehav jst inshe afiletof yeMr-. Alex Fuller is able to have at St. Catharines, aeam~ Miss Thelma Robbins- Reading stoag. Al brughth co.nryother, and both were unoading veal wich Provided some very 'Seiii the cast removed from bhis anke ifteresting report. Officers elected by Miss Edith Rackba.m; the top- to apartments witb no place tO of vary sizes, about the height of day for a company dinner. I a Disney Bî<g. Dr. C. Dorland andi Miss Aud- Vice President, Harold Crawford; presented by Mis. W. Rackham; keepunusd thngs.Did ou e(r tep.Pin r rey Dorland, LePierre, Ich., were Rec. Seci-etary, Miss Leona Devitt; Miss Norah Horn favoured with k e p n u e t in s. D d o u e v r th e o ia r y a r l ut s m f th o s o n d a d t e n fi l d u c a lled o re d u e to th e illn ess o f C o ir. S e c reta ry , M iss I a , l c u a n in s tru m e n ta l; a re a d in g b y thllc ha yo, ~ t e arg stones must have been Oshawa, Phone 1516 their mother, M rs. John Dorland vers; T e s rr h m s H d e is D re eri; Ms ee youi-5elf, own three or four tirnes as large the wide open spaces witb dress- woba nemnm.Luc asuservedTanda voe. o isKno ]e n commty Misingin things t h a t round. They were packed in lng Dressing is one of the things - a nuona uc assre n avt fKoxldi omuiysnig aor gad ood wool. We are accustomed to there neer seems to lie enough of, Nuanber 18 Mr. Robt. Sharp has returneti thanks tendered Rev. and Mi-s. C. Rev. R.ackham then took charge, granden orto nbislanhomee wat. Stpringsideack n g otasnd.h e yC. nHm drrcouride lforhithoeirt phossi eitality.C H ar oud fafterr h saiabrie!a d expla.nationpla ati n oo c hilr e ngra n dto o l n se l wo l b tf I . m-a dge aiz whacufing tn i Th e y s i o e ie d a ater visiting is brother, M . W . A. o ! St. Johns Anglican Oui- social gatering, calleti M r. ood o a e n.Tenwt nut*leeC dtoSadAa hr.Chrhwl eta n *s ifi ml ocm nieces, or even tere were bales o! wool from ntce hmit h hi plcto o tews o-Ms ae tb t he estandtce hr noteter plcto oobriedr Rev. and Mis. J. E. Whitbame Mai-low's, January 2t.t h ltomwieMs ee your cousinsW a n ae d vnahî hour before dinner. mant conditions. The eyes of the viie in Tnto 0ht hePafr.wi MsHln England. theiTh e dr n .M mbr f te Continuation them. Misses Jessie Hogarth and w i o e t e s e o e s r . e e w o e T esarcw nundm - to n d s h e lo k eti o d c fit a o r ea n d t e e s b o f. TeY o u n g P e o p le 's m e e tin g w a s a n d P b i S c ol f r 1 3- -' p o ss e s, bet ., PeelroudSt e.,at n t e yes 0f nd hedyesufbesibe cl n w th uth B oard or 19 8 D oreen rerrett presented tiemFo l w s me to tS *y f StausMonreal.arde -attr tooayJanuary 7, wthMssRuhare Carl Wright, Wallace Ma.rlew wt aaznFn abe r OeTblgofdrble emper anruinan tasted better. We bad purnp- terday. To inPress People with a Stevenson in charge. Sciipture and Earl Dorrel; Screara Tras-andMs iSnalendtble.dMrthe okerlxo amsa always the The average mother of a *is kn as I knew one of our guests sponsibility. Baubles are easily son, the theme b M rs. H Feru-irer, Joe Forder. ___epniechl satt b eidrdbyhdawans for pumpkin pie. purchaseti and easily broken.W oei en u-Ol Young people, anti ail sang "Foi- FOrawtrvatino m ost ex ensive ~ - chil i is a t te be be wi.dred H opad anwaknessM . A lan W ea n R ecen t V isitors: T h ey A re Jolly G ood F ello w s ." lo ngra , t e e i e e article that is temper tantruins, unless sbe l'as The next day we hati cold reast have a moral responsibility f ar pîayed an instrumental on his Mi. Ralph VanCamp, Bowman- Rev. Rackharn delivered a few dulimmn.Adlvn ot mocet treasured Jessie Allen studieti cbild psycbology a n d veal with scallopeti potatoes and above the value o! aIl baubles, the guitar. A debate, Resolveti that ville, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. W. pleasing remarks. Miss Doris Ci-y- aevr oeae in after years. Brown knows that tbey are a normal de- wbole beets (canneti) for oui- <Un- care of the eyes. Princes and Parliarnents bave Va.nCarnp. derman conducted sorne contests, arts ou w oue ae If you haven't mucb roem, keep veloprnent in a child Up to tbe ner. I hati atdeti the left-over Aftei- this case is Pi-oPeily ex- done more to mould tbe course ef Miss Pearl Bell with bei- aunt, followeti by lunch. aCh drcto i heCnda a box or trunk anti pack away time he is four years olti. If they gravy and the scrapings from the erciseti we may be free to consitier History than the Church, was Mrs. Patterson, Toronto. 1_________aopl ,Vacue adVc some of the tbings which have continue after that, there bas pan to the bones and cooked themn the others. Vision is the stron,3Es', given. The affirmative was taken Mi. and Mrs. Nor-man Mount- R gone out of fashion or of wb.ich been wrong handling. Why do for a short time foi- soup. l'le bulwark in the world's founidatien, by Rev. J. E. Wbitharne and Miss - wtthi agheMs OGVIY0 ESAES or bt ietos You bave tired and keptbem for tbey have vhem? Perhaps to ginnext day I cut up the remaining let us endeavour to, uildcon- Clara Page. tbe negative by s toria to SanOFrancisco in or kepattention. If mother gets a!madsadnth rw icssa]yCaaPgheeaivb Ms-Loi-ne Waiinan-, Klrby. womwre Pto htad othe from the bottom and the gristle setting what time would etherwise Grieve. As this was a mock de-faiyt Mr. and M is. Wm.Archbernd P.aHidy, NrontorAST RUDF vattraction. Perhaps they have anti added these to the soup pot. rernove. bate tere wer nor.uanes. A e- Fee found by experience that i is a The rest I cubed, saving eut <ob etiud ibal hur wase t n g.A co- Rbr .Hli ,NwYr sure method of getting their ewn enoug ora'chicken' salad for t ecniudcilhl orwspn nacn-F.nwPPravriigrpeet- L IE way. The f i-st thing to do in lunclh thfe nexkt day. The bulk of ____________ test andi community singing. Mrs. Herman Sarnels andtiss tive, bas every confidence in the *TUITPR delig it atepe tntumisth ae matpi wthGwen Wilson witb Mis. John future of the newspaper. "In this OCAHPR '~~ d e alinge itat t me r tan t r u m is th e 1 %s mle t m a d e a m e a pie ori b H o o e y.C o u n try to d a y th e re a re 280 ) n e w s-O n A I oe o o mi A u f Z:.,,4,Z&arA ~ to see th t tbey dont ork. P y the astry-eftnfd MrsudaA. or.TY R N ECamtp Patr, A.m.orapes mor1t0an 00 yeas old O7f/"~"7~7 no attention. A tantrum is ne fun the mneat pie, I madle a medium LONG SAULT M.adMs .W aCm n 0 !teeaediis"h ~a *9 without an audience. If you and thick cream sauce and seasoned W. M. S. et in thevest.ry o BaA. y. aysnde f you tae f dài280drug CANADA~I93a~ the chilti are alone in the roorn, it with scraped enion, celery 5alt, ThW.MS.y matnotheJanuary 6 isBahontr iaaa M.atiMs onLa-e ibStaYrs. groey Ysutoes, 20deprtmu-. IMP RIwalkCOI t e uomt on irn antiIfet im a e ati a a l!e. Te apso or stei-- hit r sdet M s. S.Hoar in the Falls, i, visiting her sister, M s. E. Mr. and M rs. Harold Laimer.st rs o hotels that are more IN P RI G POE AC * h r o o b ms l. I t e e a e sbrPa ce h c ap"! p st y c ar The ya s reports were Co ke M s N a lo niM r than 100 years l; anti I doubt PROGAM p other people there, anti there fi-e- lft mae atfew cheese straws to given and showeti splendid pi-o- Mis vaCoiacttant M. orlyTeontinitsMi. . . __of___ail____ the__ que tly ar, a th g eatr t e erv wih he oup I f o got to gress. Allocations Sowed an in- Coidon Yeo, Bowm anville, spent B iadburn. Jaudience the more the excitement. eiyo otI ae ut enougb c.iease of about $30 over last year.Sudy itMrani isCa- Mss ayCreyTonoit Fridy 10p.m.E.S.T. pick the cbild Up and put him in ote ceaed veal befere it went Mis. S. Hoar anti Mrs. R. H-odg- ec otly j aroon b hmsef. eumaysay ito he iete erv o tost orson were appointeti delegates to Mi. Byron Fan-ell is visiting bis Mrs. A. W. VanCamp. Station CBL 'I can't do that, he bangs his beati the ebeof the famnily who presbyte al at Claeot Mi.agtr, i.PtrBtga, ChdenLv ItParentsLiktI on the floor anti ray hurt bim- likes a ert befs.Pea5M rai brgepwr i omnie self.' Don't woi-ry. He won't hurt ieti the megeapie aithere wasa0 h e Ya-prev let is omite l M. HnyMfe'. 4- .u ro en~ ~ s D I theveetbl tht ccmpn-charge of the prograin. The spir-it Mi. Eddie Walberton, Osh-awa,j HAMPTONBe s'iy . . 0f the salat-iant hpeo eres as reNe eat yMs ai-ch; capter dwtdatrd, Hemnville vstc m niMs e.Brthv few of tbem left to scatter on top tbroughout the meeting. A poem M.FeSitaniisHazel Ev r o eB n f lef t from the day before were in thbe study book was aken by Mi. anti Mrs. George Sinith. returned from visiting relatives choppeti anti provideti celer. We Mrs. L. Goodman; vocal duet by Ms alc ilrset~ anti frientsis n Torenoat ak D o n t is s T h s ehti sev e m e r o m t hie i na t ,Ms.T h e<) D ow n an ti M rs . lOyd day w ith er sister , M rs . Joe M c- a i. thut it ein srva tic.iiDudley. Roberts. Miss Ethel Evans, Newtonvile, T ( th sane ay.Y. P. U. openeti with the wer- Miss Violet Rice bas retumneti visiteti Mi. anti Mrs. Wes. Watch- Orange Peach JeUly ship perioti in charge o! Mis. Clin- to ber home at London. Orf. S P E C 1 A LArnesie an pahston Bigelow. Pi-ogram wa.S in ____________ isMr idr svstn Arn g ie b t i cfannher eacecharge 0f Mrs. Russel Vutue; aM fienss MinyToiene efr i-esturn- BATURDAY, ANUARY 15H Covein th om fa hebelat glass. i-eading by miss Lomna Hooper; ii iedinTrtobfertu- SATRDA, JNUAY 1TH ove wib oang jely nti chill music by Mi. L.Mrto;ai HAYDONi ing to duties at Gravenhurst San- MissHele Trim gve te toi.i tarium after a pleasant visit at D antil sLay r e , t. e rvewith wbacipp t is ee nm a e th o i.hom e. Date Spice Layer chem perryi. rcho M. Thomas Bai- was re-electeti Ms. E. Mountjoy anti ay visit- Misses Beatrce anti Joan Craig Each............................. 0e < c school trustee, with Mi. A. W. An- eti at Mi. A. Sharpe's, Enniskilen. visiteti their aunt, Mis. Firie, in ScalloPed Slo ihCr nis anti Mr. Harold Skinner. Mi. Mrs. H. Werrv is visiting at Mi. Toronto. iUSAJNAY1T lb. can salmon R. McCullougb was re-engageti as M. Wery's, Oshawa. Mi. Cee. Farncomb anti daugh- ' % TUSA, AUR11T can n caretaker. Mrs. A. McNeil visiteti hem is ter spent the weekend in To- Marhm llo C oclat Rli1 egg cm Owing to baving a new furnace ter, Mis. A. Grant, Toronto. ronto. NirlmalwChclteR l cup milk installeti, scboel tii net Open till Mi. anti Mrs. Wm. Giffler. Mr. Reg Rackham wau in Linti- Each......................... 2 3 o ra h amnUpwt hrdy Mamîla. Mi. anti Mis. Wmn. J. say on Friday night Playing bas- fork after remeving any skin anti Msda.Soe e iw Chahls anti Phyllis, Bowmanville. ketball witb Bewmianville high bons.Arane heSalmnon antid ar raig mlbn nMm. S. Mountjoy, Hampton, irisit- scbool students. THUR8DAY, JA2NUARY 2OTHE coi-n in altemnate layers in a bak- ber wrist anti sul'rering mn ed at Mi-. T. Meuntjoy's. Young people are enjoying the ' Steak &ad Kidneac lermay Mr. anti Mrs. L. Ashton anti new open ai- skating rink in the '- Stak&Kine ig dsh tanti season ea haer buises anti a lied saking UP. family visiteti at Mi. R. Ormis-. park wbich is now completeti anti egg sfghtl and mix w inilk. Mr-s. E. Wight s Pending the ton's, Enniskillen. ready f or use. Patties ................ 3 m for hi Pour ti over the Salmon anti wnter witb hem tiaugbtei-, Mis. Sympatby is extendedti f0Mis. Mis. Wilbert Craig entei-tained corn mixture andi bake in a rnod- Russell Wright. H. Ashton in the deatb of ber sis- a few young ladies on Menday 7 erate oven o! 350 tiegrees for a Mifs. Arthur- Moore visiteti at ter, Lillian Montgomery, o! San evening ai a kitchen sbower in These Specials available from our drivers and at the bal! heur. Mi-. Byron Mooi-e's. Mi-. Moore is Francisco. honor e! Mis. H. L. Osborne, nee ...... store - Order Early - Avoid Disappointmnent _________ imprOVeti. but Mis. Moore is still Church service next Sunday af- Lena Gay, wbu is a recent bride, confinedti te er bcd with Mis. ternoon at 3 p.n. and to whom we extenti hearty "Goo thughs thughGodac-Heard, Enniskillen, in attendance. Mr. anti Mrs. R. McNeil visiteti Congatulations. ________"t thoughyts toughQmed ar- Mis. Harolti Skinner, Lloyd anti at Mr. C. Soper's, Harmeny. Mrs. G. Finie. Toi-onto, is visit- cittem ett r tward indeai e-e Deiothy, visiteti ber mother, Mrs. ______________ ng ber sister, Mis. Wilbert Craig. Cept they lie put in action."-Ba- Wi. Lake, Newcastle. if Sympathy is extendedti teMi. Sou.nds a littie far fetched, but tsasltl co.Gladt t know Mis. R. Woedley COWANVILLE ila ihasi h iabe i true! Glen Rae milk h so delicustaevr HE CARTER FAMILY '~~Practice ntProfession, untier- is able to lie up again, anti Mr i ________.__ brother, Mi. T. Williams, Cae-on ket...adisvitmn, iers Phone 855 Bakers for Two Genetrations ant i rght hanti o! omnipotence Mi. John Noble is in a serions Women's Association met at the The funeral o! the late Mi. F. nutritive Values promoCte vital, goighat anti they assuretily Cali down in- condition, with Mis. SeymourhmofMsE.Prown e-AasOHYd tHmpninclrnad grown-ups suges finite blescsings."- Mary Baker Toronto, in attendance.' nesday'. with sixteen ladies pi-es- Cernetery on Friday a.!ternoon that you try the mnilk habit, sefryusl -Eddy. Mi. anti Mis. Howardi Fintiley ent. A committee e! two was ap- was largely attendeti. Sympathy ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ anti fam ily, Unionville, spent Sun- pointedt te look into the m atter Ls extendeti to M . W . A dms o! w hat it w ill do for both you ai d y u a iiy day witb Mi-. anti Mis. T. H.o! puîtting on a play. Hampton wbe is a brother. Richards. Sevemal Young People attentied Sympatby is aL*go extentied f0 A Cali WiII Bring OurRot Ma M.adMs aeHoeorthe Orange Letige dance in New- Mis. Fred Jones anti family in- one, visited t iMs. jas. Storey's. tonville Fritiay. the tieatb o! Mr. Jones. Miss FIera McRobemfs, Oshawa, Miss Lizzie Reidi, Toronto, foirn- Mis. Wilfrid Greenaway enter- visited Mirs. Wesley Taylor. erly o! Cowanville, la in Newcastle andhrpssuayShl nuring Mis. Rebt. Reid. class e! twelve girls on Wetines- G e a NE T NVLEr ea¶gr. was well attentiet day, Januay 5.a Everyone thor- Telephone Bowmanvile2 5 NEW ONVLLE topic entitleti "Hyxnns o! t.he supper, after whlcb a dellgbtful H-ynary." Eacb member then Recet Vsitrs:untiemtook to give a "minute Recen Visiers:speech" on vaious subjects, such lu Messrs. Art anti Mike Moore, as, MY Favourite Nursery Rbyme mon uo"- 80 M.Castleton, witb Mi. anti Mis. jas. anti Wby - My Favourite Charac- 0 Stark. fer in Hlstory - Favourite song- Mi. Melville Jones un Toronto. Author - etc. An invitation to at-. TREMENDOUS Mis. Win. Chester, Oshawa, with tend Newcastle League on Fritiay Mi. anti Mis. Arthur Retiknapp. was accepteti. Mis. S. R. Jones with Mirs. Mr. anti Mis. Willis Farrow, Jaynes, Port Hope. Lakeshore, were Suntiay guests o!f Mis. John Stapleton, Newcastle, Mn. anti Mis. Westol Stringer. with Mis. Thos. Staplet-on. Mi. anti Mas. R. Haskill, Port Lindsay, witb Mrs. C. W. Jones Porteous. adMelvile. Mi. Les. Reid, Toronto, visited 0etiA # - - -T.Adais attendeti the fun- Mr. anti Mrs. W. A. Reidi. BàAJIHI 87jruni-s groupP iano slo, Miunma-%oePa @un- Substantial Redutosn d'a hLni ichere sil/l/Iaccozîiwsare tuclunlie" Etigar Wright; readings by Mrs. O T7N5e_______________________8____ E. C. Aý1hton anti Mrs. R y m - O FWNWA R IN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0111; Vocal solo, Mrs. Jean Buri-; Backache may b. the fai aign of Kidney rea.ding by Mrs. L. Wearn. A trouble. When yourbak ch I lok to F. O. Mcllveen, Manager dainty lunch was3 serveti. A vote Y-W kidneys. Do't fil_ o heed iA,. warn- Werrv for opning er home by Io correct ackache, or ita cause. At the frst1 o cJo n t &ry Mrs. Roy McGill, seconded by Mm- sigf of Backaclie turn conidently to Dodd'a MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . .. the Oucorne o/z.io Yearj' S1cceý,f9,' ,-, Eva Souch. Kidney Pila-for over hlai a century the Mrs'. E. C. Ashtonl visiteti at Mn. favorite remedy for Kidney alimenta. 107 Phone 836 LUMTED Bwxnil Wmi. Tewin's, Haydon. Dod sKdn y.. Mn. anti Mms. Cordon Wbitt, er, DKin y i1. ______________________________________________

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