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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, J-XNT..RY 201H, 1938 THE CAN \DIAN STATESMAN, BOW. ANXVILLE, ONTARIOPAE IE TmE ORONOI NEWS ,whomn are under 12, and feel that JH IS NU~ M d esD o p nn a e5 1 the organization will do much to JOHN IrllNndsY a Midges Dr p Op ning Gam rengthn oceyinthe village [ j AN o K UN LCHAIRMAN FOR Society EY a vi u pu Crooked CreekeTam Too Husky many stars P LC R S ESMany Improvemen s Ar Pan e that we would rather not pick any rsStClair and Miss HedIey, layed on account of the robbery Jhamn of bsonws Ppoiteds Orono Mdgets were h a ndcie cd other always keeping track of the1 as outstandîng. They ail playedTrotee visitors wth Mr.C. left tis week. ch ara fhOronougPoleet-i (Continued from page 1) Statoey10 thlei.r f irst def eat of the 5C8.50fl"play and coaching his team matesm'their positions wel back checked J. Hughson. r oehW ali u!igi h fire hall Monday even- and elect their own officers. He Posae(xisecag SaudY hnCooe rekt e ta il pt teohrýhi easofand though flot Mr. Mac Smith has returned around again. ing. W. J. Riddell will officiate as feit that as a properly organized IAbor181 took the large end of a 5 to 1 !end and out of danger. Burley quite sure of the unidet fls pt fom ohoida. MeFaofPene hs rcovred'seretry score. diminut Putunrtmtheyocould.berofFrvnn great-hSupplieseror recreshmen scr.for the visitors also put up a on a great exhibition, with floifl- A number are attending the fromn a bad attack of asthma with It was decided that the board er value than in the past.bot- -------2.7 Tinediiuielcl eei> great display of net miînding and .îuries. Line-ups:B W. M. S. raîiy at Claremont to- which hie has been laid up for hold regular meetings on the sec- An interesting feat.ure of the Msclaeuepnitr 430 fiefrbtlacked scoring, turned many shots aside that, Crooked Creek - Goal. E. ur-'a some time. ond Monday of each mont h anldlmeetinlg was a discussion of the V Punch as well as being- outweigh-; were hieaded for sure goals. Both ley; defence. R. Gilmour, . Tc___ ed by a pîcked team from the these boys have great futures. ;Thompson; f îrst lUne forwards. C. Kr. and Mrs. Thos. Somerville We understand Mr. Geo. But- ail business transacted wiîî I weak points of the Fair. 0. W. Ttlepn.tr 2987 K. Burley. Sunday and Stone; se- are on the sick list. ters has the job of keeping the[ published. Rolph suggested that f ree seats A Ceek w atrethyneede itneGoal wer scor abdun .cond line. R. Renap, Adams and Miss Jeanne Forrester is a new tannerY bridge dean. Appointments included James 1ouid beCobpayiedfrpicomnte TAsCulbl e.3,17$301 by their courage and a fine dis- day for Crookedi Creek, and one Orono - Goal. Don *Goode; dle- IEx-ory member and acuherent is ronto Star was in the village $40(00: John Gibson as Pire R ack fa ccommolytio n a H flngthsalac nhnd$400 play of stick handling, combina- for Orono was gleaned by the fast fence. Patterson and Staples; first urged to corne to the congrega- Monday and attended the cre- 'ger at 30.00; W. J. Riddell as >ln was a weak feature f the Ast tion and skating. skating.lard checkng Patterson. lino forwards. Cornish., Cooper tional meeting f Park St. Church tory nmeeting along with John1 caret.aker of hall and f ire engine, fair. Nothing however was clone Cahbanc . $3.1 Prom the drop oi the hat both A large crowd turned out to see and Tamblyn; second line. Mid- tornorrow night (Friday). Liesu Armstrong and Fred Sisson. We at $50.00 a year. 'bu hsmte.a twsfl u o pca rz 00 teams went into the fray w:th the opener, with parents, brothers dleton. West and Case; alternates. bring lunch. shahl undoubtedly rend repercus- Sertran nsrceit btthees attas uditerafere Duefreno!rn5.0 Ierything they had, gv.ng no and sýs:ers of the players predom- Patterson. Flintoif. Mrs. W. S. Roy and Margaret sion of Mr. lMcVety*s observations tain 500 lteh adwt ae sa. e and 700000es eartor. taking their penalties inating the scene. If the interest Referee - John M. James. letterthae enleloes the o in the e Lanbulig - xxhen they came with resîgned ex- cont:nues the teani shoulcl end MrEnsîAabiwsavsi gentlemen in the near future. M i stedi at Salem. and conversation with the above for use of board. grancstsiid.Jibte pressions. and generally sidng the season wih a good surplus in A great convenience for the tor here. Teýpupc ils ui !too10k isonhewas applor ie T MbJ llian ott . JFou. Anetand ebrsis the puck around the f rozen water the troasury. The schedule in- housewife is a drawer in the kit- Mr. C. M. Lowden has been on glories o! Orono that hoe is ser- notewîrspl o ieTmlnadGo .Answr 98. 90 with great skill. In the net Don ludes no long and expensive 'chno îîespatycnan tesc iiously considoring moving here. 1 purposes. appointed a committee to inves-Duonot Groode for the locals was superb, trips unless the team can get into ing a numbor of shallow trays for Mr. C. AlIin visitod at AU.R. We shalh uait in anticipation for Motions were passed to have the itîgate the possibility o! holding nElecrcigîactupid 94 dropping t10 h:s knees several the OHA. playoffs. doilies. The front o! the drawer J. Rowes recently. ýhstowheSar ertarymwitesHyro Ectari fîo lsd corncmeiinthsya.nIprvmn con trnes at just the right moment 10 Mana.ger Orme Gamsby and may be hinged to drop clown so Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. Charles Reid, Miss Hazel iormision thf onetaion forWoaFsan cor . Pwreth F( stop the speeding puck. ddgng Coachi Frank Pearson ae quite that any ray may be drawn out %vho intended to lenve Thursday Reid and Mr. C. M. Jones. New- inomati orthe37,eatin lo! Wm F.tick tar ..wre the 'Prtycul o m .J idll . 1036 from one corner of the net to the pleased wih their lads, aIl o! w:hout disturbing the others. for the sunny south but were de- tonville. were visitors witjh Mrs. F irronoe ayste for19 andnteroi'exetngth a the socity cld nTr Soc.wit.h Geo. Chase o! Bowmanvîlle and draw big exhibitors unless it acut$200 Correction: In the account of i'regarding the Orono system. was more gonerous with prize Expesspiiodt 87 th e la s t W . A . m e e tin g 'M rs . W . T h e s c o n s w r a s d o e . I i g r a d b t e a M. Souch* should have rend Mrs. oeacut eepse:mny fabge n otrBlneo ad.. 849 WM. Stutt. Orono Time. printing b a Il o t s, fair was to be had, there must be $5.80; Orono Coal & Lumber, 'a bigger and botter prize list, Mr.*,036 Congrats. «to Percy Winter on piank. $1,12; 000. Gould. repair- 'Rickard said. celebratîng his birt.hday Tuesday. 'ing tank, etc. $1.25; W. J. Rid- The Society decided to affiliate 1 Wm. J. Mackenzie and Mat del pay for snow shovelling o! with the Central Association of miS .LRIA' 'Morton, W. B. Hoar and Frank power, $127.33; O. W. Rolph, wire. sued when the matter o! delegates____ Pearson o! the S.O.E., Orono, were socket. etc. $13,42; Smith & Por- i t the central convention was Ms rdL a in owmnvlleTusda aten- ter, insurance fire hall, $20.00; brought up. or a en ing the installation of officers. 1 Total $88.2. A motion that the President i Mr. Horman Davis is here f rom I A balance was carried forward and Mrs. J. R. Cooper be dole a yih.sek.gfroe the west for an indefinite stay.1 from 1937 o! $2,213.47. gates with expenses paid was ost. an hu ntesujo Pls Mr. Davis used 10 live where Mr. _______ An amendiment, that m.rs. J. R n." lhuhseadM Lr H. *J. Souch now lives and Inter, Cooper be official delegate wihrimansetoi he as where Mr. I. Farrow lives. Old' A I IE T R xese adwsfnlycred the fred aegadt eehm 1c .after a numbor o! other motions with ayJw n rb.Pl Miss Alma Cuttell has been laid FOR TELEP HOMECO and amendments woro dic stipoed est']spplnln up with a bad cold. The contontlous point seemed 1 1t hotavser wofon i H. J. Souch was re-elected be the cost, one faction believingmeswhunec Presidont o! Orono Cometery that expenses for two delegates ovr.Th Aab MINISTER SAYS 1 Company- at the annual mooting %would be only $1.0 wietewere g ud1 edrycetn CHOIR - CHURCH :Monday whon not over 20 citizens other faction appearod to believe I.rhhardadnuoie ýwreprset.Ote ofier aeI1that the president could pay his They et1 Bthee AMONG THE DEAD Vice President, E. J. Hamm; Sec-, own expenses. This discussionterteyfudhenjaint AM N H E Treasurer, Chas. F. Awde; Diroc- took up more lime than any other 10 be otyAasadGek At the morning service at Park tors, J. Howard Walsh, R. H. Al- item on the agenda. fllthyib oyadlnug n St. Chiurch Sunday the past.o lin, Richard Brown, R. H. Wood, The f air dates were set for cheain is. orntache continuecl the subjeot o! the week James Nixon and E. E. Pattorson., Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep-. wold s21 hwyuacr before. "Forgive us our trespass- The annual report showod that itomber 201h and 2lst, subject tota plcamwhna!troh es, etc." approaching the subjeot the company has $15.500 in bonds cag ytedrcos1 vi ol ead$ oe hl from a dîfferent viowpoint. Ho in the bank, and ended the year: conflicting with other fairlats.thoe te iie h hrho pointel uI ha wocanneer e-with cash in the bank o! $521.79. In addition to the officers a-teNaviy hewfsowhc pay God, but the more xe owe Expenditures totalled $2,480-39. roady listed these others were ap- fvfetthcanvrylw Him the more we should love Hitn. Roceipts were $2,364.25, 10 which 'prvoved: TheatulpceoChrtsbrh Ho closedi by saying that for years was added a balance o! $637,93' otosMT. oit, e s agot omsot ymn ....he hiac studied the various 1he0- from îast yoar. Annfis, T. W. Jackson, F. B. Love-osete hrhteyhdt s ries o! the atonoment and was oeo ns was movedkmn, Geo. Cain, H. J. Souch, ~> ade hc hyhdt uya dlssnAisiote ifhailao! BallO. Cowan. A. J. Tamblyn, 1$2.- hnte am otem dsaifewtaiofthom ex' and seconded by Mr. J. R. Cooper Kl qar .w opW.geradtesarte fon a cept the idea that God had to ab- i'and Mrs J. Dickson in apprecia- go sorb our sins for Christ's <bath 1 lion o! the work clone by the Dir- Armstrong Jr., Carl BiUlings, M.il- OiPonusmmbngor to be o! value. oectors at the cemetery this year tnCmlhR.. evsws.eirbaa n .es ec eo- - At he vonng ervce he er-'Th grund hae ben niagedMoffatt, Harry Jose, Donald Gib- e u !tewyvr ogl mon topic was "Marks o! a Live! cleaned and a new fence has bee son. A. E. MorIon, ail dircor the gie hetpsriswt Church." The sermon was based erocted nround the new part with laster; W.nJ.the fllwiEg p.terglsle n eesw on ix hins te arl chrchlidî impressive gates forming an en- aPpones .J idlE~ eygetyamle.Te a Bradt, C. R. Carveth, Clarencethgrtowreatesklon in which the modemn church is trance. Allin. o! thebbe]iie yo partially or whoîîy cleficient - A vote o! thainks was also pas-~ O I were expoundod on in turn by the Bowmanville, who donated the Bragg, A. A. Drummond, J~.IH. H:hm our hur h an chir onsiemale iscusio a ros ryVicentr af. C. . o ce, n thM i d 1 o c e ssiia n pastor and the conclusion drawn new tablets in the gateway. JuryntProf. C. B . iso s. Ho. rs L rri an methnei ha weme dead. To partially count er- over the dispensation o! the Mrs MPP, safe as Awa in the daasdo!00h not the bitterness o! his denuncin- A. R. Gamsby Memomial Fund Adtr-.A rmon n odSmmtn lion the pastor paid trîbute 10 the Mrs. Gamsby le! t $1.000, the înon- .ady rmt-- ron . j.usaem s uchtinanmfa few faithful, întîmatîng that lho tomest on which was to be divided' Lady Dimrs eosP.- Mrs J . m-isfe r asacorlgtlh wi e .1,~oIU~ I.Lpf0,m coulu among .the poor pol ftevl ~~ . ~~. hav~~ e hardhe sermon as thoy lage. As usual it was distibuted R. H.BonMis arnBe- ont. given to the local ministers who S. Cîgel, Mms. J CBpeirg, Mmsý. thoespnlg esmipae in tumn handed il out in baskets .CutlMsJ.RCoprMr.hejuey-neweeH wa and articles which poor people W. H. Camuthers, Mrs. M. J. El- . !iogged n hr ewsm.lv fDIM AND ISANT find worthwhlle. Some o! those itrsA.HryMs.Rsoleo!hsbdetcadhe Ill4siras.d-5-Pasonger Sedan, Seriei 48-19. H PE IG present suggestedt that il shouldObonMsC.LPwesMr.swtepae hreH aaid _______ 'm ot just be handod out to the AA. R.olph, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph. trial. Teduc !teHh minitors10 d wih asIheysaw . M. H. Staples, Mms. M. j. Sepulcr setreycine __mTeOrn es f ft Tamblyn, Mrs. Kyle Squair, Mrs. even tespihehsbe as * F o m h e r o no16 , s 19fit.W . . R ic k a rd . d 2 -0Jn0ry160193 _____the___ e 20fet ad1hrethy is tue m O St _ _ ~~Financlal Statement snw tesoewihwsrfe 10eMr. T. Smiîth was re-appointod TENDER THANKSI Receepts Jerusalmte om h hp ad v n ce township assessor at meeting of! F R GATE TABLETS F Credit balance 1936 $ 17 1.50 dirty. tet lty okyms ~f g ~ ~council Monday laut.an eiltvgrt31.0ud a v n e n i eMr. Geo. Dobson. wifean ____ Legisltvegrant 23510 Msdr., i-!d childmen o! Vancouver. B.C., visi t- Shareholdors o! Orono Tole- Cut rn 2.1 Ms onîs o.esdta ed their aunt, Mrs. Oscar Scott phono Company e-elected thelITownship grant 275.00 before e n h wshsiet and unclo. Mr. Wm. Mcquiro. lasi!eame diroctors for 1938 at the an- 'Domni o !Canada tleubw,1bu-0o she sfota in t e w rd 0 0 0weok. muaI meeting at the Town Hall grntoClClb1.0sekoste ifcuteude Mrs. Jordlan, a one-time 01< gasolimo $195.13; taxes. Dominion Ladies' work 31.50 resident homo, being a number o! and Provincial. $69,74; habom $1,- Decorative and con-GeBakNwYuh yeams housekeepor for the laite 162.48, structive art 38.75 Johin Stmachan, passod away in The depreciation account which Domoslic science 31.50 EegVtlt Toronto recently. is set up by taking 5 per cent each Baby show -- 28.00 Mnmied: Law - Harris - In year o! the total assets under Speciais 66.50 Teema int-aOfa le u i àNewcastle on Wodmossday, Jan. 8, control o! the diectors has a bal- Daimy Cal! Club -- 41.50 dtbe-caitwrht .gtu es at the home o! the bride's father, ance on hand o! $1.575.18. This Mgas, haetdavtltteedi iig Miss Emma, onhy daughter o! Mr. year the amount to be set aside $1.183.50 thOY 0sdt e ea nelh ia Sohomon Harris, to Mm. George is $749.72. The depmeciat.ion fund Fee to Ontario Assocint'n 2.00 catisodbymazlvig otedlckf Law, all o! Newcastle. is equireci by the Ontario Rail- Paid for Judges --------- 43.50 exereu 8 i ha ra..TurlTrl Marieci: Rutherford - Millson - way and Municipal Board. -__ theduStaes.fgce.odi"nry AI Toronto, on Wednesday, Aug. The meeting was mot as welh $1,229.(>o par-d tiabd aaea-tsu is0aeg ~~~~~ ~~~28, by Rev. Mr. Armstrong, pastor attended. as in f ormer years, nom Paid for races, concert, to muse, tiseasdgna. Iitant Phone 2510 ~ ~ U W £ I ~ f l ~ 5 1 M I , * Courtice o! the Metropoitan Church, Ethel was there a great deal o! discus- music, otc.. . . . . 24596 SrIg n9civMe9ndrynfelod Phn 51 orieM. MilIson e! Clarke t0 Harry L. sion. In the mear future t h e Purchase o!frudec 582.86 Tait --iasi i bu pys RYNCOSRutherford o! Clarke. board o! d.rectors will meet to Imtemest paid.............------4240 liver l1t9 idiigas ii Yul .sr Died: Walter - In Toronto, on appoint thoir officers. Secretary's salamy........---100.00 prssed he1 on o on el 5. 0. Tuesday, January 14, Elva May, gveais................---- ----- ......ail DMupss third daughter o! Mm. Charles The umexpected frost hurts mot Lighting ------------ 16.96LMoi Waltor, age 17 yea.rs, 9 months. the gathereci gardon. Prîmîîng................------254.27 RU IAI V S AUIT

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