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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TWO' - ~ DBJO .I.'NVILLr, O'NTIAIOTHURSDAY, JNAY2T,13 Mje %unabian %Wi~mn Established 1854 A Weekly Ne wspaper devoted tc the interests of the town of Bowmanv;'le and surrounding country, issued at King Street. Bowmanville, every Thuraday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newapapers Association, aiso the lass "A" Weeklies cf Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. J \NUARY 2OTH. 1938 Young Men in Civic Affairs Anlotilirphiase of thle deplorahle laek of interest lu municipal affairs has cone to liglît ini a ugs inmacle duringc the past wee lv blusiniess nmari. He noted tlîat ilnalî iV .rii in towvi wxeî'e îot peir- nîlitti -nz theîr naines to appear on nomnini- a tioiîs tfoi' munileipal office. Thle t rendit day is to place youing imenin iichargeo cicaffairs. A few days ago thie Britishi WVaî l)epa rtîinît e-org,(aîîized the Ap'nv anid plaved YoUlMyelî' Ien in ite hi',110' "f. tl~ver v %oîthwIiesî (!~maille froin ion tliatila groui) of yonng mmn. who lîav, the a hillr v. be songhlt ont ini thle fal., and that this vroup taie a course luii 'af- fairs. andi niake a special stud v of the munii- icipal set 11p) it h a view to placing, thern- selves liefore the plulie foi' electioli lin 19:39. Tfiv plan lias its nieîits. Few im-n get an%- exper'îcîce In municipal work unltil the'-v aotlnallY serve on thw o ouncil or sehlool board'c. Few inen are weIl Iiiiformned011 mun- icipal affairs. lîccaise of thiat sainîe lack of ilîterest to wich iwe lhave ueferred. 1I'111ess m-e eaiu get min of experîience. muen of abil- it.v. andi nwi with a desiî'e to serve. it will not lie long befoî'e our mumîliicipal offices will lie filied iitlî radical. nion-taxpayýiiigY andti rrespotîsîble meni who follow the ab- stract tlîeoî'ies of KarI 'Marx andi other wild dreamners. Oiîc other suggestion witlî which 1 'e dealt very fiully a few years ago - the ap- poîitment of a town manager'. Onie has onîx- to look at cities like C'incinnati. Cleve- land. ('hathaîn andi severai others -who liave had miaalers to seîîse the value of thein. lit the past four \-cars Bowiniaîîvlle lias liad stuei ant adiniistrator as MNax-or. This veai' .Mayo-oJoàies lias a couiteil. hiaîf of wýhoni liave lhad utile or i't)îmnicipal expeî'iice. Fortiatelv thîe muinicipal affairs axe ini glooci shapeý. Mavov -Jonesliotli as a ment- ber of tlhe connieil anîd as, Wardei of the Unitedl (oiinties. lias lad a iside antd val- uable experieîîce. It is to î)e lopeti thiat the nieui elected to cotincil will pernmit hlmi to -ive the leadership thiat his expei'ieiiîe de ina iids. Planning for a County Fair in Durham Uxilike se maxiy cihiciaiculttnî'al soc let- ies across Ontar'io, tue I)turliainCetreiial Society reports a liost successftil veai'. completcd xxith a balanîce li the liaîk. Iii additionî the society has a splendid 'irn- prox'emexiî fuinc xithi xxhiciu it niakes lii- prevemnenîs caei year. 111 1937 thue stciet '% added to its grounîds, ant ini 1938 ami entire ncw approach axîci a îîcxv graiicsîaid lai-t iisted axioîg thie plamuîîecl iiiiprox'emieixts. At the animual muuetiîxg li Oî'oxo last Fmi- day. semeone iientictieth le fnef tlîati diree&or of a siunaller fair liac i snggestecl that 1h xxould tl xxoî lilg efore sixaler' fairs w'otildcecase tii exist auîi xvî ilîxi- bine ix>oee ig cotuihy L a'. Oroxio is tut' logicai cenître for a couxîtY fair audthue directors of thc societv will lie xxelI advisccl to look forward to the lime, xviîexî the Duir- ham Central Soccity ii become thue Di'r- ham Society, anîd Orono wili have the couuîty fair. If this is to corie ho pass, tue I)uxrlxamîî Central Fair must lic more Ihian *tistan Orono Fair for thie giorifie*ationî aid liene- fit of those rnosh ixtercshcd. Siiice thue West Durham naîd Clar'ke Societics axiaiganiatcc there lias licen a heixdcicy on thie parîtiof a few people, hoxxard xîakiîg ftic fair' an Oronoio nstitx.îioxî 'athier thamua coiit v iii- stitutioxu. If thc fair is fiiallv h o lui'oi' a Countx' Fair inithue reai seiise ouf the xx'mntl it mnust lie broatlcixecl mit thi iîxî'I u ttlii' ivhole cointx-. Althioxighi Oi'cxiu is thle lotg- ical place ho hold the fair, axîci lias tlic lest facilihies for holdinil , thec faim' uuîust iiit be identifîcd as thie Oroxîo Fair', luit the~ Durhamî Central Fair. If thxe 'air is lui receive the fulli support of thie w-iolc c'omixxî, it must have a couiixtv-xxide outiuok. ,amdui is direetors, aud active xxoi'kcî's xîîusî bu strategically situahed thuougiîouuiii'he coîxi- ty. xIn that wxay onîhy ea thue fair cx'er lie- corne truly couutx'-xxide iii its scpe nitl influence. Polities I-amper the Solving of Railway Probiem Uîîdcr the captitui 'C'aiuada's Greaîu'st Conspiracy ' thie 1Moitreal Wîiessprît- ceeds ho aexise Sir Eclxxam' Beatty tif beiig 'detenxincid tii force' iipcui('aiiacla, if li' can, xviiah xxtildi ix effec'bt ch e iost ix- treme î'xiitai isiit -" iîmpîh ttelixi a deinoe'matv.-' Thelxc î'f'r'eixce is tif corîrse 1<> Sir dFalxx'xscl 5)î"ilit' iiix x-lit'lx ie 11112108' a uxu i fieat bi of tht' txxo grc'at ('aiaiiii z'ailix'x v stexxx5as ax iit'aiis tif fil'a bxlol- ovxhuum' tli.ipi i xxeîaeis xi'lia Cli g iail yeai' al'îî'u'yt'am' xulîîîît a ofxx ii'i'iîif. It ssunnis ho Ils t lixt.fr rfcuî Lxi' uiiuîg lxas luis atlitiuue becîx îxukei'ntoxvai'd(x-'inxilu s greatest prolni -- iliat cuL its mailixvii ' v . T1hec Wif iu'ss xppears ho le afri'xîlt lxiia iixiificatiuuii tufthe twui svsfciis xxouxîll ix' duce onue of thxe greatesh îmîoiol's tuf cmxir tiîîu. \Ve <alixuot -sec iftlîat xxxv. 'xîîlx lias ahxx 'ays lad xiDomiion Railxx 'x- Boax'd whxiehx guîxex'mxs muoh only freigixi rxutcs atii Bv IDr. J. R. llarrv 1. llaxxdle thei'harulcst jo it v'.tuacliday Easy mies xareu'pIeasxmx's. 2. Do filt'watialîl tf i'iitit'isnx cm'Vit. :t e~ ad anim'î'jîic'î'ithie otîxci' el- lcx ssiî'i'tss - St udyi, s nt'thiotis. 4. Do nxii t' eiisl(il liv iislikes. Acit x'uiiis tht' fliîisît'fahis. lîixxevei', blii il~iusandilat'iis mxay bliusî'îIotiiaivaît- agi'. 5. liB t'i'iliiastic' - it isi'ixaiîs (j.IDoîmxcii lavei'tue motioîn thlat suc'ccss iîî'aixs siixply iiiiîii'v-ilaklzinig. 7. lie fa irt, axd Io x)at least tonît, teteiît aet tev l ax'ini t'exc'am'. 8. lioîxor thec ehit'f. Ti'îîre xxîîst liie a lixacl hA Pveî'xtliimg. S lavu' eomfili'iie làxiuciist'f. anxd uiakc vtiiîself ih. MIl).iarnxoxize' viuxi' xork. [Let stiishiii' x'atiacandcipcî'm'atc. Editorial Notes Ilii Ixaxxv niiiiiipalities xv]îrc clectioxîs have beî'x held a xnotablc iack of interest is m'îpox'îî'î. Fior this tixe carix' dates are nxtt Ielci i'i' sîibsli. Ratixti, xx'iilî' iinthlei oddtl aisi'thlxî'm'auIlmiiili'xtiîm iuiîiii'îi] tîxtsein îxoffice, tx'tîmîxlvît'i'î'elt ci x- lîlaimaitis Ainiciff'irexit't'ou thxe part of iOn-i puxIliv' anmuhelîsihatin i t t 1~hexi pax'rtiofIiixsi- xx'ss iiho txuke oit fxîî'hxme'r îiishii Mui[uiiialiîits Si> sîtxixti'îare llin uîiiitx;t 111 ilieso' iavs if the ' 'itiî's anxdit oxuils - îit'îially arc tii cone t lxrîuxglx, thîir affairs iimist hav'c(close attecnt ion anîd eean thinlxk- iiig oui thxe part. of thxe hest hraixis. Tho'x ait' )iig buxsiness xxiielx if i'ft ho cirift ('an- xiii huxit eventuxalx' lamuti cniitteefiiianéixl i'utiks xx'liclx PIex'ail on all sides. Reaci xx'lat ExM rW. 'J. Stewxart of Toîrontho, tolci l3txuixixxiile Roa 'ix i. îecxtlv ciii fie imiiffernue uof ('amacians taking part hix i. <'c' ions. Anoîxlotrofexpee ienceers h nalam wasoiv1er nativeli place."es .o f' - Smit 'a:nhe tcmeeting vCKli i uii xo il suclx I mWi "in.i n'hicl l e addre.ýsd n'as oveî', tIe Anether frieud e! mine lad- xxuiwl tîcasurer paid him liis expensc.s - leen te Peterborough te addrcss $3.40 - in silver - frorn tIec ca- at noonday a local service club. lection at the door. 'I thouzlit A fricnd drove him back te To- that I wculd be given a $5 l," rento iu the afternoon, and le G O TO CH U RCH said Dr. Smith, "lut wn I saw asked tIc midday speaker if lie that I n'as lcing paid only my thougît that thc local club could railroad lare, and leing somnewh-at get as speaker for a fertlicoring THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ammsed lx' being paid eut of tIc meeting the presidexit of a vcry collection, I said, 'Ah, there is au- large institution. Here's what was other dime - rV~ street car fare,' said in repîy.'" You want only "q ~ 1> 1 - t faî'cs. hit eVemi ileut ildinug tf railw'a tliat Board coiitixues to exist. ex-cii if ('.1. R. vas a miutnopoly-. thle gcverm wxolilci still comtiol. axmid besicles t1iat th P.R. would stililihavxe thxe comipetitiomi of higmlrwxv - motou' passmigeri' autlfueigliît Vices. Ili aîiv eveiit ive doii utt elic'xe thlat unîi fica t ion of thie 'ailvxav-s voultl pî'î thle mxiiiiolily su tlreatlec i bvThe Witi Ili thxe fin'st plae tîxîlficaticîx tloes iuot i outrighit sale.,cor outrigtlit '-ix of th N.R. to thte (XP.R. We helieve unifica xîîtan's tlîat the lines w-oiil lie vorkec îxxit-v andc that al astefuil comnpehitîoxx clupicuatiomi of services voultl le clii a ted. The Vitiîcss further adds tuiat sude trcmîî etaîuitalisxiuw'ould hî'eed comlmn N;oxx- 'mosi, of lis ar'e aw'are tliat conuiiu.mii lreetls o toi sulu teilorable coiiditioiuý na 'a elauil lîlviiig coniltins as liax-et StOm011111101 iii Moitieai w'here Thîe Wiîi is publlislieti. T'he Ra ilxvay-iieii's Unionu lias a -rx'at deal to sas- aholit vages comditioxis outhie railxvavýs. ant ilhe C. wotumîliever lhave a cliamice 10 hreedv iinixiilsi wýtli eieck reinxiheltd upoîl it blv Domîîinîion Railw'a vBoa il andith le rali uiniomis. It is alitut tiiiiue pohitielamsin 1x t i"uîla r anîd the" taxpavcî's li gt'iucîaIaw to thie faltt liat ('.'-.R. tieficits ai,'t'lmi Iikel - to lic abol islhet so lonîg as oui' pm'e, xastefiul s ' shcm cîîxiîîuîies. The politiei tifliotît parties ilare s<î fri 'litfiil if thet of fliose wluiîare ctpposeci 10thie ixifiot (if the- raiIxxav-s. that thle'- liiive not e attaiuîptecl tt) clucate thee )111)1lce to thxet factýs of thue railxvax- situationii. Lt is all xx-tlI t(î uiiîlaiîlti itei'lY - ntl iie liaint lieziN- taxation,. anid oiiitthe othrli-land lfi xxitli aIl tîxir iiiiglît agraixist amxv- iiitx- îs mnade tut brinig thlise ciippl lix defi' ils ami cnd. Saturday Night's Golden Jubil, On1 Jatitarv ýlst 'auîdvNiglît' of ('aataa's most iLstincetiv-e eeklv iati. ai puiblicationis, celebrateci its Goltiem i ' ilce. Thîis is an imuportanît ev'cnt in Ci atliami jîîtînualjstic circles, liecauise Satuiri Niglit hias long licen one of the great struniexits foi'thelicîouîlixîg tif public op ion tluriiig Ithuse fiftv xeai's. Satuxrd Niglit 's ser-ie to('aniada max' lut'siimîî'îî 1in l cit' ord "L'drsîi."fo i suie imxeptiitx a liaI f ientî'v aigo iti lias gi' t liatilexvx-'m'cmiiîîg seiviue wxviîilias 1mo; it tîitav a leaderi'andc a Ici' tgiizc'd jouii ofl -omaiiex,it andti ifluî'îîct' lC(aniada. Etlmîiui E. Shceppai'd, its fîîumtlt'r ai firîst etîditi' w'as a i'cmxîx kahî v vei'sa tilt' imi lie xxas a lilîl amtit v'r 'andl ui'mie f 'a ada's cli'vem'tst a fteri' liimi or spea keris.1 xvas iîter'istt' in iiiiiiit'eipa I. l)moxini'al ai feclem'aIxxffairsIlit'w-as a stilemît of ex-t' tlimg iii whlxîli lie' cmxîiiextetl. amnd tuait tlititn iii as Iteemi fuI Iixed tuît bli he tlic u ceedixug ecittîrs whuî lîax'e added glitm'v the' rec'oi't of Saturciav Niglit. Amoîig mor'e î'emitîîditors are hxv»o xvit xluoîîi tut' pmesc'xt gexucratioxi are w'cll a, quaintecl Heuttir ('iai'ltsxorîlî. anîdthie pi seie x'ersatile editoî' B. K. Sandiveli. lHc oxc of Caixada 's kîeîîest xits, a liilliau thhimkei'. giftetl xviîeî amnI close oliserx-erc thue treixcîs tif Dc niionu lfe. Boiixniill Rotaryv Club ii au tue itiiouir t» emtertai Mr. Saidxvi' I at the banunet a yt'ar agi liotiouii' tf Wardiim lb-g Joliecs. Th exv Iieard l h lix'i'î' -etliruilî'îî xitli lus ixasterfii fim'tor.amduihIs dtligîxtfuil humoîuxr. Ileit fis ;ldxiiclt'îîî"mxxt s stiî'lst. ant i 'th per lîaps tîît'i' xoi'tî lx. I>m'ftssor Stcpic'îîLex t'îîk. lit' lias noi> 'tuial ini (aiîlx. We j oi wxtl lx îour mia Its sandîîl mislapeurnien aelrow ('a ixaIda andi xvith Suit uîx'îavxNirlît 's liîust0 cliscrimiiinat iixg m'adî'rs in tiffc'rimig 'ttmdia c'tiigratiîlat iois in th is ximportaxnt xxi llî'sîîîmî lxxSauiravNigît'sex-eîtfixl historx. Ten Commandments of Business vs. 1It toP-notcher men. No'wI ask you, lie arranged for in advance - and «ER tf die L what will ...... - nùn the proper accommodation. iineuîrigWI ow B ae president) get out of a visit tO 3. The speaker should be given -Good men have the fewest The MI By Scfr1n g W u w S Tkn your club? He will have to . a full measure of time for the de-1 fears. He Who fears to do wrong I whut ohrasoercome aa ____________________________________jaway from his place of businesslivery of his address. Business ha but ograt earcohe has a t ser- ~~~~~~busy man. He would be with you sliortened, if eesay Bo vee, u h pwro While tis may be of particular, What wc wanted to ask you, as speaker for less than hal! an 4. Don't abandon your guest- "Nothing bttepwr0 interest to Clerics, D le a c o n s.i brethren. is why some church lit- hlour. Addressing your club would! speaker at the end of the meeting. Truth can preventthferoe- tt Hlie Church Treasurers, etc.....ou lurgies provide for the takn add nothing. to his reputain thaehm hs e esfnroad rv an's oinion 1liwe might as weil read it . . . for lof the collection (cash offering> Dan'tyou think that it is rather cash preferably, at the end o! the over error."-Mary Baker Eddy. tîtess. among them we have few readers. before the sermon and others af- cheeky to ask so important and meeting. "For ye have not received the inean They have remarked to the editor terward? Whidch moment is most so busy a man to give up a whole 6. Send him a letter o! thanks sii !bnaeaanto1er îe~. tht e rea ync.likely to magnetize the most mon- day just to talk to your members af ter his return home: also a copy but wc have received the spirit o! lie C. Tis znay be as good a timne as ey? This is important, is it not? for haîf an hour or so? It lsn't of the local paper reporting his adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, ,atlil any to tel you that we almost At first thought we are inclin- what he might Say that you would visit Fte.-oa :5 ci ini came being a clergyman ourself. ed to think that if a minister las be interested in - ust the man." F 'n oe a th ough walk tr:ug5.h 1anî tlrd us in that directilon the knack of being at once ser- I heard o! another effort to' _________ valley of the shadow of delthI m was the Possibility o! talking dolwn monizer anld salesman, the Board ge eyfmu aainlc at People which a pastoral posi- of Management would 1e wise to wget a veryo famoufoCanadianrtlec- tion Posessesturer - now a professional lectur- f It is much easier to, be critical me: thy rod and thy staff they tnposse. And it was almost lift the offering last. This deduc- er, who. gets at least $100 for a ýthan to be correct. ofrme"pas234 e- irresistible. u rm te.Lanwi based o psychological lecturen addition lii.is e...s- T e bs provider isnt Ih "For God hath not given u.s the iusiii. What dc!lected u rm h ý that has worked wonders no es. He llives in Montreal. A To-mnwhprvdsaihyfotesiitffarbu0foean ilsn course was the discovery that less effectively elsewhere. It ils de- ronto society's president was a montbh who as provides laihyfr h ptof ead topod , m d iIîi theological doctrine is so diverg-serving of study. momntbutlieWhl1osoproicf thisv. anlamons lec-n.'l for old aglandlaoraif day. f imothy 1:7 i of ent that you find ministers whose 1 Singing a hym u just be ore- turer, and he Wrote him invitinz for __ ______ ____and__a__ ______ _______II___ ______ __1:7. bieu churches are on the samne street lîand helps. If the sermon has him to address the society - with- tîîcss disputing with one another. 0f been hearr.-rending then the mu- out, o! course. any payment o! a' Stijl course we couldn't go for tliat. sic should be sof t and slow. You fee. When the lecturer re!used, We had thought the plan of Sal-'can se0ý that. can't you? If the the president was hurt. He f ailcd andt vation More or less standardjzed. miessage las been militant rather te perceive that he was asking lis P.R. Wc coulntsce oui-self saying, than triumphant. then obviously old schoolfelIlow to give up two t'omîî- something szonerously, only later. the old stand-by should beé on the days o! time, and that he was ask-&%@a ieto find Our confident utterance hymn board - "Onward Christian ing for $100 worth o! the lectur- i mpunged bY somne strident con- . Soldiers.' piayed peppily. Tis er's merchandise without planning way temporary. The lu e work we fin- mnakes pulse and temperature risc. to pay for it. p~ar- jally selectcd n'as one in which wc In these days when the finan- If I may speak of myself. I re- i'.k' could make a statemient . .. and cial problem for big and little Member going from London te eif necessary prove it. So for years churches alike i.s se perplexing, Newcastle. in England, a distance' now we have occupied a Pew. there is no height or no depth (so of over 300 miles. t drs ýiSt weesi aecoet en to speak' to which the power 0f neondaY Meeting - for about 20 la mi pulpit. appeal should not risc or descend, minutes! MY time Was shortened ___ ________ bY discussions of business mat-.... ters. The absurdity of travelling; vomi 600 miles. and giving up two days, trile BY THE OLD BOX STOVE to taîk for 20 minutes! Anothier nuit Hia experience of mine was at Brant- By Hiramford. I had been invited to ad-. dress a local retailers' gatîiering.An nho 01 ~~A wlole hour was used up in dis-Annco m1r't When the Preacher Called feeling. Wc read more, ar'e better cussing whcther the society would thlit Lust weck around tire old box ediicated. and are more in touch pay a bill of $6 - rent o! sorte hall. . . . that does not quite reach bottom ils no S o stove we talked about the differ- bihteeusd crd en - Think of it. a gathering of about secuity for a ship. Insu.ranoe that is not cause f thee ofraps w have 0 retiharsusingup an lour con- qvite right - a policy that is inadequate, cntkins o clles w hae n snseenoglto ealzethat a s ider a tem o! $6! It was 10 or one risk flot insured - gives no secu2'ity thefars nd prmied o ln-minister is enly human a!ter aUl. o'clock when I began to talk to ih tis weck by telling o! the His lumani-ty did not satis!y us the company on "The o ! o to your property and business. Icee other two caliers lef t before we as we talked around the old stove, Retailing" - when no ene wantcdFosudprtcinourqre suae agreed on the final one. Tis:.for we f cît there was something to remain to listen to a rather drythtsomrense-akthsH tfd week it will be the preacher. 1 lacking. We still have souls. and subject. FrSudpoeto O eUr nuac iOi ne We discussed him for a long 'an intellectual discourse explain- i ç K agency to plan yours. li-tie. If we hâad been debating in ing away the miracles o! Jesus or htiteponofalt-i 1 lh- lhe years lng ago there is no some sudh topic won't feed them. teîîing o! speakers' experiences in 'ami- doubtgithe miinister would have We need inspiration, encourage- desngcusadohrat-1 ea ben gien first place, but duringi ment. and leadership on Sunday aessn clubsJ.nM A SO N & SON the passing years le must have and al through the week. Ail we lrings? Well, it is to gîve me an slipped back, if our opinions cani found we got was a coldness and OPortunity to say these things::J ,M SO O PMi- count fer anything. In the days .a lack in many cases o! ah Uthc l. Speakers should be met on'IS A CE A E T thav gene by a call at a farm house thiings we need the most. arrivai by someone -whose de-R N E GE T leI 13' the ntÉnister was a great event. We are onIy simple armer folk signated duty it is to meet the Poe6 o mnil is We honored. 'respCcted. and in a; and perlaps net able to think as guest-speaker.Phn 68 o m vil is sense leven !eared him. Hle was a clearly as sorme others. We may 2.Hsacmotin hul V-ei man set apart bY God and no one be narrow, tooi but that cornes ;lij' lever dreamed of his being mixcd because wc live in the narrow uP with the things ordinary folk limits cf country hle. Yet wc did. Elc knew the way we ought secmed te le ccnvinccd there was te live and did net lesitate to tell 'somnething radically wrong, and mxii( .us if ne nere faiîîng. He teck an that wreng is the lack o! proper j intercst in our chiîdren and made leadership. Strange te, say we arc sure they knew wly le camne. To net alone in this view. Some years ali0 inm and us the rnost natural ago a book was published called le thing fer him te do before he left "God and the Groccry Man." Its mol( was te pray. His visit gave camse 'whole thought was e! this same rv- for conversation fer days a! ter. Iack enly put in a f mner wax' than ~ Wc werc glad to have him cal], tins poor scribe can do. The last ia- sand truc cnough just as gladi to bock R.alph Connor wrote is along Ile- have lim go if our consciences the samne hue. Both these writers to 1 were bothering us. We couîd con- 'lad a much better chance te f ide nhim trtust hlm, and lie know men than we lave and they neyerlnfaîieus when we needed seem te agrce with us that there tii lhimmst. is a lack in Christian leadership. c- The years lave made a change. We crosse the minister o!ff the re Perhaps our new ways o! living books for first place and next i n is hav e o t. for a calil rom the week we wili give you our real [lit nister dees net bring the samne conclusion. ft of le -YOUR WORLD AND MINE ;in By JOHN C. IKIRKWOOD D n e Dage I arn hoping that this contribu- and gra'-ely the treasurer handed is tien te The Statesmian will lave me a dime." lr ne application te, Bowmanville. "Another experience o! mine," a- Iudecd, I shculd like te think that continued Dr. Smith, "was in a in it las ne application to any tewn town nerth o! Toronto. As usual. SS or city in Canada in these present nobod met me at the station. of times; Yet wlat I write may te o! and I lound My way te ene o! thc i nterest to members and officers local hotels. While waiting there. il e! local service clubs, and o! other I met a man whom I kncw, and Oofrganized groups wich invite told him why I was in lis tewn. te!-tewn speakers te address Hc teck me to sec the ecitor e! tlem.one o! the tewn's ncwspapers. What I write about refers to This man said to me, "IYou won't practices Prevalent rnany ycars 1 lave any audience. It's the week R A I A T R r n a ibylo e ago, and i the repREATgDofSASTERS arefoinCharsama.yNoloked ting whicl a f rlend . toîd nme. lave time te go to a meeting se Gup n b a y w i e nn e pe a This friend is the clairman e! a niear Christmas." Se I went back luncleon club's speakers commit- te My lotel, and determincd te tee. whicl means that his special, wait there unti 1 somebo>dy camne warnings of heavenly wrath toward a sin- job is the securiug e! speakers. to look me up. Slortly before 8fu In this connection le went te a o dlock, thc editer o! thce ther f lw rd retired ToiotoUniversity pro-, newsPapeî' - thc man witl whom f fesser - a man now past lis 80t1 I lad correspendence - callcd for year. MY frieud said that le lad me, and wc prececded te tle Pious 0flCs are lever seeking to explain a catas- -heard the professer 40 years ago 'tewn hall. There were about 20 in Stratford. "Ah." said the pro- people sitting about a Wood steve r- fesser, "I remernler that visit. in thc centre o! thc hall. for it r p ea ad ng rs n idc tn h t wo e There n'as somethiug on in Strat- was a very cold nigît. The fire thn sLO OW .w e 'ford at the time, and ail the lo- ilad been lighted cnîy a short t ig are to fo'll w Pels iof thunder e o c tels werc full up. Nebody lad met; time before, and thc hall n'as cold me on MY arrivaI, and I. didn't as a barn. Tîcre n'as a platf orm undrsto d o e ods ay f anfet-gris THE CA'ÇADIAN STATES If.% X' t P I . lý

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